HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-1-24, Page 3Peanut 0,10"Bitts. "Pew PerSeas are perhaps aware that , ftt tohitig'of beauty is' a nominen peanut plant growing ,singly in a six or eight - 'Web pot and grown indoors during -the- 'polderop'-Oit,s,ays'autjup to date 11.6-rq Ist lathe WitShington'Star. "KePi, ih warni- room Or kitelien, stove, a peanut kernel. planted , 0, „a 7 pottof looset rie1i�w loatot, kept' on Enoit, wilt. ofl gernii- : nateand-';'-groW'• up Into, la •beautilnl plant. It is in a similar way that, the, peanut planters :teat 1.h.eir „Sends:, every year, begiiniend'e,Yefi'r ea.IY • 1r -14 -flier', Win- ter, and the facility -\vitli which r the' 'keetula-syilPtgrcriv' in this way has Sag,- gested to inany ,southerti flower lovers ,the possibility of waking the useful peanut an ormainerital plant for. the parlor,. or sitting room window. • ,the pinat inclaasos in izo and -extendeltg,ls, brapclieS„d'ver' thtet sides el' t-the-potdn'a-petridetit. Manner, thelln are few plants of wore intrinsic . beatify'. The otnieitV hibit oft tthe' compound 'leaves r of 'closing' together, like the ' leavesof a book, on the approach of riyheri:S. S owe beginkfto fall -onetlieih ia-•lone'of -the tmost interesting habits of plant life. ' "Later on -toy the peanut is no ephebeeral -Wonder, eat:lot-in g for a day or two only --the, appearance of the yelleitqloWers and plit'zing.tOrtla of the pettunCles on iv-1MM the'iliftS: grow_ iintr, . part to • th is floral rarity , a striking ,anci •tnnique',"charni all ILE; \vq,r, There. is • rmtlittig. else likeit, and, norista-throngla- ' out the CoufitrF Lnight-tivell a'ad. the Peva:, tint' plant to theirllisi Of neYet.ancl dare: things:" . .T.i,e. c tarnit , let' flee' Key... ' SC:MI6' satis 11 a t't ICle had ,been lost -I fOrget ricAY, What:* Inf. US:: Say CI, ke-'-'130..., - - 1.6aging to ouo of two sisters who were . , . . -traveling togcllicrt, it: could nowhere. „•-..be femildt But one night' one Of 'thesis- , 'trS, ill -earned- that 'she. iiew the key in . tile pocket. ,012 ,,er traYtelingfbrtga' She .• lold this stream °Was:hiking to-therother. , . .. 7 . Ariel nave you lookeral iii he pocket?" , . be sister.. asked. -.`,No, I ',have "Lott', said.stre, "for the .very good reason that there IS . no ' pocIcet in My • traveling . , hag," "Well," said the other, "there is pocketinwine.1 will just have a ' look ttliere oii. th e ' oh mace." •- „And there • 'the kcywaa found: a Ihe• .infereneet is - that the dreamer had 'seen:with the eye cif sena°, thought mot. ,with the erYe of "observationattliet key put int& the poloketi 'Even tvhenthe .., . 7 , . 7 key, was so fo.und,she•liadot.O.recallec-. tion ot -seeing' It • pia6ed there; but'the brain had Unconsciously recorded the . , ... , , „ , . , . -fensrution: In - conrse Of sleep le had , .. , . , • . .. . ttan:lb-leer oa that -'record; andby ,good luck -the slee.pnr-, on a -Waking 'chanced iter-reni'emb6L'ine Menial oPeratlen that ihnd . taken place during sleep: -It IS a• • illigli lid -sand, aid] o's ttalatra ningarefinetiOnt nate our ;brains, are, stored with count- less. ',such records,,,e,f, whiph we know nothing; nor ever ,Sha.11' lenOliv unleS4 the arits:Soelatidn of Ideas ni;;S:frine pee lia,r i . • :nontal -State brings Illeneitck our noi. lee. II:---i-Longnian's. "-- -• -.„i , . iie - .- , 41.inited 711cr qu'ss i a are lidusaleOtibers.' fulir as. bruLaiasthoein thff; United States, -.Who, are accustomed, t by .fite, knife snd cltab, to tart:tire the aged and 'crip';' Pled", in efforts,' sothete Mos: vain; 'Ad ex - :.tract thei'seciet-rOf hidden sevings. ,n ijil1ht not. faeefrom Teohroleu, .1e.Wee near ::Moseowa; several robbers,' °Wing- the ro p r ator" to, be: :abs'ent„ broke into' lifS•titOuset:of which the iSOle •yeetipant Was his -mother, 70,Fears .old. 'They " asked her Where, ,the,, money vas kept,' to 'WhiCa she relied ' that' her son, 1)ndtalte7n iFwitli ,hlng • al- tliougli ' a,f ithe Mennenf Seated. • ;in. a: .'a heSt ieentainifigthe emit/Pie.• : The tarobberseat. ,and: :kicked • her, irnoe'kingt-out her teeth and' breaking,: 'ter "'MSc; -Yet she- steadily •,maintained. that there .was 00: inon'ey in the hOtisie.' , 'They had -just elp,rted, peeling -off' her _ . riklu ,With .a dnlfe. ind' pricking - her -- with an awl when the bells of a. wag- ,. , . , Ina were 'heard at which, the robbers - lied. From that wagon,. leapecl the old. lad' 'SOD,' Who ,fonnet-his.thother lying, _ , . renched in: blood and..insensible.-Exii, lbseinee Table corn anions' UPOnE'Ibseri's "writiUg' table. atYlsifor taW, a siraall tray,containing a number ;of grotesque .:fiktire'sz-arti: A-0 66(10 ebeatel ' 4-,t1-10)-dei1 to or biee otto (one 01 playing a 0(110 and some rab;,: . 'gib line of atlY of'.inPHO:ratnaS' ivi;thotit • having 'that. tray-atidelte i'eccripatitS-be-.- foyeme on mei table. ',I, Pould not .vvi:i0 withoitf themP But wby Inse them .le iiew,u'r,eceeet.,".7-Costu o ;eel ltan. T. coniii_nOiril a comthon fallacy tintt-imptere. , • Water. beeolues,steririzecl..at 'a, ten} beta- - • • 'cure' of- , One of' .tlie!It MOst curl u Si facts ..„abOA)t.i' hahterin.:. 'that, a sin gl of Sinill IeV%ill ex- nupi tli t. 11 e, itfe-, of. Ti Miu Mera.bleele o Met; • and while Ia "very :arocierateelherease In the temperature arund 04616; WI11 "bavp Ithe' sante effect thevi are .01.)soIutisly u .".ItIltieeti'beentry:degyee,Of. deld.; ,sgo-vo0OpP,l'!?t-icig0. was suggsted to pititnitlyd. trinnbY'the."Inferleeing of itreel,..brancheS..ande.prilteeitiPreleitilientS antIOSS,riVeteie .PrebahlY,..6.710114:60;iiLied:. :Toirk thouu- - tainema ..coientrieseISub as Tibet. 4u0.. "Peri); illeYaliatykraapParteittly,beeri.f,,uSed, elided • thednwei ti146.1" ,eadict„ • Conlid t Fool_ 141124 sald the elleolno. ,peddler, epreSeht§ an oriental' 'tlanee." , •dtnt."dpies 'Oriental' Wean ?'01asked e hello of the house. "Irleloriglitar in the. east," 'Yon git out! 1111cy dOn't stand fe'r dances 'like), that In the cast,l,', ,T'In fro,n) Connecticut. rind I ltnowr'eeicnili. tueepolls Preks. • LaGrippe'sViotirns ARE LEFT WEAK, SITFEE JDE,POND9T. ‘.! A Neve $cotern wAho eve§ taeif'sif Armes* • Ceila!te storm 01 IteCovevy-Dies le;xnert- DCe oi vat rie M ora .Fridra, Ithe.. 'Enter prise,.- ",Bridgewater .N- • - uYEr 10, E..Jellitilslonl is about, fB years • . a gold • miner r'hiy ocenpation, is • kmoiwn, .abOut the In1.l:411g carops 'M. -11.,a -11,d- is thoroughly pott- ed in his :business. Noib 1oh ince 'qr.' 0:Johnson fchaneed to ,`be in Poi -f ter's drug s tore, .in Fridge water, 'when afccfse ot Dr.- Williams% Pink,' Pills Was l'ernarked to the clea-k• SAW' 'the' Cone, When a clozen off...th5s.,0111,e' were of =ire yalura to ma, chant he bit gold mane in thecountry." 'A reporter of the Enterprfise-"IlAeried rfo bear %Mr. Jellins on' iithrr starAling re,Dad rk- • • --, and asBed -him .Why'lM \spoke ,S,6 high- ly of the pilia, M. jlehuson si state Meat 'e -as a fa1lavs; !'" About four I • .years r'tgo I ,tyn,°;;I:t.,i;kori with le ivork iileattlthree tiviee.leeii';,-.1 ,elliclietat have it very h,ardiepparently,-" Nit :it, bIt vvi.ea‘ki> 'all the. -same.' ,Anyhow,". after,. iostngl'i':dareee concluded to go • to work The.nilnkt 1 was worlrtng art twals, niattaing a gaod d -al of water r'and 11 gi,o(t„.-wet the 'first day. . , „ That • n cic trouhlo came brick, with 'tire., addition. of ni Severe - cold.,' I"; 'managedo, get 14 �f the , , e ,but' the whole • force of tthe • - ease settled ttt my stomach,iiidneyS.; and 'Ireinte; ,end ',boils- -broke tint on ,ray „bori'y and ',Nabs. lEy backtavas so weak .1 could • iscarctaly stanu; alone, • while food in every form. distressed Me, and I became so nervous that anyimusual noise' would overcorde me. 1 tried several sorts, of media, cies" 'bift 'nOrie Scdl. e:met do anY good: 1 next w,ent „to h doctor. '1Eti • .• - Media:trim ..nae att fr. stt, bat aftcn 'ar5hd0., tijijie htest"1tsf' effect ,,.., -;Re then cd.attigecl the tna,cdtraine, but 'With no better reStilt: About a_ 'h -Ouse ,ad- vised.erne to • try ,Dr. tliena; . , but thYdi'd a�t. iii1y benefit ha,d' „ . ainel-Wata ,Peeling desperatet- friend *.st,rongly, adWiS-od.,,rote tc4 go to 0 hos--, puti tol:. ltt•Viiitleart" an ;It . , • dm-9-0;t.:.,_dreicrtreleA tO. do-kd wften •lin , .wa:icinainit130:ce learning 1 had taken but •,.6v the pilis ,aeiglint'eali that 1. - , ahefuld," ftr,4 threeStsiroXes -More before geyiletig'tiltsene up. Ilan malter .tmoneY 0/,1 agein.". Plgot-e.filetieiti. ilea xes 'used-, linerOVe/eR • t ...at g•hit -nutintions food " . Sle, la tt ' and felrit`tnoticeeibly 4tronger...r.Bilt I. 'Was ,anra -,As the: ; I„ • Nvere2diairnga g...094,. work, eviee. ore 1 eptef i tied 'leSingfil thane'', tell . all were rmras rstared • ,hoaath.,- trouble, had 'tlisapPeare,c1; I was fully as fleshy iaS lieborI the•ifirst attack of 1agrippe, ,roy MerVes were -soLid aobver, and 'Ili;ne.W; -that work ' would 'give strength1)0 MY:musedes; SO, aft,er -aboutsix W7911.ths; ''crieddt,. to Work again `and' have aot had a sick day since: .One db"NNT izern lhoies of Dr. ink • • , , . , . 'Pills ea:veld:ally. lile arn.cl gaveeine bat - tar 'than Plead' before,' „ - , ad tibaitis why, 1 a1.d they Vbeere . - Worth. ;morel t to , me, :than. any, gold- - • "raitapt, •Porr aril, that Iv a raan „ has he a,. givetfor his -Ii."' fe, . • . "'• Dr. Wrtlialnasla Pink BUIS .cure oby - • a gogo,a; ,taa• t.,h, o an4 -V4,1,44 the 641,4 that'iaervsi :thus ditiv-". ailneat disease, ,fronir. the syStepa.I1 your ,tile'it;ltray",lpsts; irb.t tlienra they'' vii el 4stall.r.AP.ost,:,ti4t,:i.. a bOx;' .4a,oxes for S25O by ,adelr'essinag Cle EL BREAK O5iia gtea1t rati on., the .'3Groat Nertliertr railway in England: broke into. 1.7 pieces'. tertrusing a seriona apci; dent.' 'rek..;•retOMnia•ttea ri1-",t11,-13battsd" of tir, „ ade _,. rtppointed 1:11:17e.Sqga „tne' '‘O' , a . s eently ;mode JCS • deart, after. fear !yawns- tot wicei ton , he , si7hj€icito The, ,coMmittree ascertained thata-atii,e parL tkuli:iusiij1 whif b reik's ObrhS accaa a ion; "„flese'ribecicfp9ssessed:,-,. efotiain . h- no1rnial featirres the prteciisarorigin of whitalt -remains undetenmnibid; bit thd, inVestigationled to sever al discnvOil'Ot 6,0 etcletitifier,andliiracticaltirniport a nee. Among these it the, surpriaing 'effect; ,oracks tn; tiarper tsulriacestr.,:of roils'. • ' I3. was -ft -nand by experiment that -raid nitktnt1With ollisol,..tost,n. 6e, . inch brelre-!:und er, 41:W:eight • of .0.01). pgundp froria.1A410,eig1tt Of 12 feet,While the ,Salirt, r01,::,10:4,•,/.1i'ci6ei 6state4-..49 ,',-bciWi6i(ilt; from ,a height ,of 20 feet. , tratisto,Ixem of Young Weverci One thing ' a', bride seldom reniembers- her husband's duty to ,Iais friends, espo=, chilly 'his man' friends,' and. also that Lei, Owed a portion. of his" time and afre'etioh to his pinferits and fataiii,, Reettilihg the 'uninterrupted" devotion of his.eveniogs to Jim' during his 'courtship it 'seems hard to have -him i'milaway,to" give his imither an hoot", andfthOfproad desire' to she* his, home' and. wife to his :bachelor „friends" breaks .into thase'"hufg- tete-a-tetel. hdur;i itt Whi6h. the World:was lostAO bbthdolrni' and aweathcart. ' Nothing colild be More selfigh than to rob ,your husband 'ef the faithful friend- , ship of lila yearn.; c,ompanions and show regret when, they 'appear. r Let a generous sense' of the value •of true friends fill Yonr heattr and ,not, only make theM wet - comb,, Wit delight'YOur husband by being as attractiVe, rind loVely"in 'their eyes as :Possible, saYs The Ledger ,Monthly. And to- your husband's family exercise the Uttermost:limit of generosity.,, Urge m ' hianot to neglect Or diSanpoint the old mother, who:so sadly ritisr.1es ,his morning, and evening Trisssrand who has•lost,fromt , , her -home and life all,that.you find dear Whatever may be the merits of aity • di- agreernept let unselfishness keep you from criticising your hushaialls 'relatives and feel Unit everytlit.tle attention shown t� them, is iiinlirectly shown to yoUr beSt be- loved:- TheYa'aite his family. Make 'them yours also.' “Ilron,ts” Poi Girls. 'Do not he ungrateful': _If some one does you a lcindness, show that you. ap- pr'eelitte it, eO'7011iLit does" cost yon an• effort. 1)011'1 say: Of Course, I'm glad he did 'if, lint I didn't ask :him to, lrfe chcl it of his own accord. If .he hadn't done it, some, one else Never accept gifts and favors and then forget "tiler giver. Do not he so, ,rnean d low asfosay, "I do not like him, -but I. will be .friendly until after Christmas, for he- alWays, gives adorable gifts:" •'Never quarrel or harbor a grief. ,Anger, grief or selfishness will mar the exPres- sio11 of the fare, and people are not con- sid-'•ed beautiful unless their -expression is good. • , • • Do not be a perpetual giggler: Aagood hearty laugh, rather than being offensive,' is .often, enjoyed, but a girl who -giggles perpetually is ana n abomination. on. hate to say it, girls; but do 'acit get silly over the beaus. It is foolish" in a girl, 'fol. one thing interferes with her studies.and'makes her seem Idiotic When' she might reline/ besensible in other di.[ rections. Now, I don't say, "Don't have a beau.",. Htiving been a girlonce nayslf I realize -that it would do no good to say it. I sim 1 say -"Di not get silly .over them," which means do net let them take 'up too much of your time,' interfere with • other duties er take up the time that you should devote. to your studies. • - IXEiATR IN THE pnTN4'... , irtit India ,a.n offiekir , whir] parclifd • tl'itt'st ;was Yi110.1H f'serva.nt via e ait e 4:pe0roe. re 7Q11,14 ' JIM t couritOr the inareln throws a paouliar light Upon • many• The (7)fLotar saw " at the S'Ide 1 th& ibit4t pool' Of kwater iflooke d c1ear , wat stooffiffg 'dOvvn to 'drink Wile*, his servant called PO'hifut, Nay, nay, Sahib lend infe y(Yucr sword, Going 10. the pool the ,servihnt put the edge of the iff to s'tfkr it, when up ami t,he -head ol a cfilfra., the most 'gefbu.s serptinit ,in,\India., The , ser- vant then bro,nilit the, weapon down ,n1.3.oft, tha reptile tinciciat Off his head; lliid the -of flOar, drank of ,the' -pool, he woulfl 14ve be,en' a degi4 men. There /.bSh '. death. in, te How many. the S e,11)&1:0 drink, .irst>-destroying eery day, . our, g-rea,tt3ities1 Let us be serYthata , for , t.heinand shoiv them the, i.ivork 'of ,the 'Serpent, At last it 'Ioiteth like' itt scf'pent, and Ian , adder, says the „ • Hair Tenic antlN Sage is the basis of atair topic, that riot only strengthens the hair and-stimu- - • - lates the growth, but. often restores- the color. e Is Made of two outmes ericheef 'greed tea and dried'Sage eimmered ilfa covered iron p�t ith three uarts 'of :boiling water' until reduced 'ou&-third. It is then 'ireerniieid from the 'fire andIieft in ;the P'et Ifoi 24 hours, there' s'tr‘ained"eand "bottled. `The, hair is thoroughlY'Wet With , this each night,: with "a ten -Minute, mas- sage of the scalp.- The 'pilloWease innst' be protected, because .thieiwill stain. - SPeaking of hair tpeies brings ,to Mind sprnething „-that was told .me. by aphyii- cian He 'declared' fline anytliitig -which tended:to-lower the -tone nI the body; to affect the nerves, was .noticeable in the conchtien. of the hair. That furme , other argument'in fever of cairimees, and repose. It was said of'Mrs; dreigie, ;who has Wiitteu charming. liookS under the: name of John OliVer'..Hobliesetha she had perfect composure of an -English Wo - Man.. She an American ' born 'some- , , where nenr I3ostoia. Elea composure is the result Of 'cultivation and association with English people, as iit her 'English accent. It proves my theory that wo,ean do pret- ty Much as we please with, our bodies, providedwe work intelligently. -,Betty Bradeen. iu Boston Traveler, is the deadliest and most painful malady to which - mankind is subject. Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure any' case of Pried -it's Disease. They have never failed in one single Case. They are the only remedy that ever has cured it, and they are the only remedy that c.an. Therm are imitations of , Dodd's Kidney Pills -pill box and name -but irnita- stions are dangerous. The original arid only genuine cute for Bright's Disease ,s DD S- •, Dodd's Kidney Pills are, fifty ceets a_box at all druggists. TE/ICE IN SE ANTS' Er.ALL: . . - • NIci,servant of the margins, of -Sans- „bury 61mi:darns to" hire twice,.of .a fel- ow -servant. When ia eornplamt is ,maa(?, the Marquis disiniases 'the: com- nlainant. Re keeps aboult7O ser:irants, and, if he.interfered in their:squabbles he wonld have, little- time)for affairs of stalte:. , Iir" aa GIrIni In PepstPersia.Persian. girl babies are :given pretty' •nanaes. In one family -perhaps one will 'find an Aktar,:the :star; Guishan; lilies; Sharusi, the sur,I;; Slureen, sweet; Almas, 'diamond. Yet little glide are not wanted., There is murmuring in a house when a. g`irf is bors Uod an old Persian proverb Says; "The honsehold weeps 40 days when El girl is !Join." There is an int- posinceremony when, a boy is named. d ci curef ..Aeute,Bronchitis by IINARD,'S LINIMENT: r: 0Alli1B13ELL. Bay of Islands. 1 veis cireofFacia1 Nearalgia b AIINARD'S- LINI11.1ENT: WM. DANIELS.- • Sprhughill,,'N. 5. , a .. I • was cuire.d by Chronle• Bleurna t ism by :MINA/IDS LINIMENT. • G-EORGE TINGLY. lberb • Co., ' Ti ' Chateau'Bel 0 il Phe 'aside and t., . IB . URNED.- , .. IISTORIC CASTLE . , - ' • .- : sauna:ear resid,enee ,of the 'Prince. of Ittalarnet newt'. BipnisiSels, dating: from ' 458,-'hVtsiliecii destroyedllay tire.: The ,pd'int'..ingS, -and "-mutat. 'Of the Principal , , . is,'-rorrloia'r of -11,rt W1ilio,h it -contained, were sa tie . bPt an mth Id, § and his ers '` a wee aidls ear e name she is to go by, lier father does not look at her. PresentlY, when she _can crawl to her feet, she may Ivin him by her pretty baby Yva.ys. • There are' no kindergartens in Persia: • As soon as she is years old the Persian gel's life of seelnsion begins. Slite' is taught :embroidery and perhaps to read the Karan. But there exia's in the minds of many Persians the idea that, it, is immodest for a girl -to know how to La,nas', -`11Z•r •ilioderation •Ifn All TinIzigrt,. , We have all heard of. women Who, lived only 7to be neat and ;died presuma- bly from the etfecte of' their. sleuggdes.,- and we are equally -fainiiiar with '510131C11,., W110 riocnot pey the slightest attenti6a,to, the first laws of nerttnesiSe, If esked trI elmiese between the two classes, wei would encounter a hard struggle. In fact, beth are Most uncomfortable, boih drive 'cOmfdrt- awn- the fireside ,ancl igive the 'masculine' men3bers of their family ,t,be Irest excuses \foe ser'ilting' comfort elsewhcre, says "the Pittsburg Dispatch. , lifederation hi all thine's' is"rie excellent rule of life.- •'To keetia bons& absolutely free from dust or dirt IS a tesk Which evoild require -every minute ,,o2 .the' day and leave no‘e Ilfor-S, anything :else,' lelore than tided, it would meet:Can appall- ing nuthbr o \restrictiwis with which sIensible peeple if ill have nothing to flo. Tired of Beilak in '"Mr. Smithers," said.liis -wife, "it I re- petnber,Tightly you -have ;often said that you disliked. to ,.'see ,ta weinara conatantly,. getting lierself Into' Print?"'I-do"'dot" Said 5niittlers "„f,Xon tonsid(".,wed t,unlymnatdy ,and itt- dehcate 1 beliPtie, , '"And you don., 'e h�n.cou1d allow his: v e dofrtgof- the kind?" ' "Yes, I think so how. "Well, Mr. Smithefrs, in vieW of all the ads in the case I feel 'lust:riled in aSking you for a now silk ilifekiA' "A new silk Aresere- Fart4iilatt" s have ,e*.ny rano% p ' tired iti• Wit had iiiothigilr find 0 'getting:tilt. • 'Thera ban be a difference of opinion on most sub -Mats, "Mit there is only one opin- ion itt tO th&reliability-of Mother Graves' Worm E,xte,rmina,tor: It is safe, sure and effectual, ' . • E1NALLY, ARRANGED. "Miss' Innocanee-Dtd their - friend- ehip end in, marriage? ,ffee;" 'Wiley Yes ; but they renewed , - . afte.,r their ,divorce. 1•4;',.I.I:oh,lel::EV.,,a,..41,•ypl,scii' 0,Oeue,fiii,ic-:00,:i.Fia'e.li'd:rfe,turteee;_iy a. r,1„i,tiitiiiltiluS tIER 'PETS..-, or • Corns ."'anct. .WillIt$,,, " I:00 t... and brittle)). WhOtheh would endure them 'with such • reach 5, , , ' , - ,, , , i.,•' ' t.. :,''I -^„ ,."'..".'"t : A - - , - . :, , , , 0):I4.11?,:q,,S---.1s.. ,)'61.1.1' wl.fp ,fond: oft p, ? •..L,aauni.--I rs o Ith.say she was., She 'ila 'relnit)ata'aleeaY.,s r.In' one. - ,,,' •,... '- ' --' ,' 're .. ".„ if, ,i. tt,'Ntssi Elj;1!Yt,O,nye C,osu, palmy. 6, London .:, coirreepondent of The ays „`."1-riaat the - moat promisIng mtrkpt ip.,o ff„.er EJiiLed -Kinerdeni for Aulosiberi f i. - t r.o nitita attire ,f,nd al s.6 riddS that':'`iyy;•sendirig, ;good furniture „ena 'erpritSing •,,Lna'ranfatelarrers,'•wilI find ' lhCIn wbicii wslF pay I anclqPnie .Pyrififs.11 The °auricle, ilur- niti1cit' Monufactuio1a, Linuited, 'Which ieanieirit i exiS ten,aklas L • \V Ofipj:f'al of 50 itiquipped 10 a very. 1a,r0.444i".1. -trade., -.{11: has itlied.rlied -the ,iPirfigtie r MantifIliC•:. tivring:"EXprorting",,,C4f. Berlint:r arld Liverpool anti ri-1o;t1.1'e" 4A.inde tSod 's This ivill e'give thenew', conapanF ample fat, clJltits 10 bonapate wilatthe iJiuted StetteS frieto ries' surceessfully. In 'COLI- rfutnitiota with this awe •3111,1a,t add the t „the Casio da 'F.tutnitwre .11,Ia'nufactur ere "offet a ortion of,:pre.toi'encc3 rstoc;.lt to the pualic.• Itis.clip, of the 'beSt - ye-et:Merits offer IONV TCtuECi who wouild e.a.ve his' mouth, sbouid bciuta • , .„.. no. sticks, no wi1lo Ieaes='it s alt tea - Tile sane [s true ot BLACK. T • GLEANED IN FOREIGN FIELDS. TIDAt IS POPIJMNIT; IN RI7SSIA, Tea was first imported faro Elias's. ,1638. TO -day each inhabitant con - Snares do the average nearly one pound annually.. " The ilotal consump- tion is 100.000,000 pounds and .the to- tal cost about $88,000,000. Tea and stvgnr together co:it fin'sSia • about $265,000,000 per year. "fur brandy beer and wine the country expends annually about f,..i160,000,000, sci that eomething like a quarter of the ivliole revenues, of the state are annually expended on tea, brandy,' wine and beer, with sugar. Exact statistios aro not forthconfing, but it appears that the( use of tea is increasing rapidly relative to the atcroholic beverages -a con,suMmation devoutly to be wished. - Ulm -fifteenth of the inhabitants of Spain are nobles, Enssia secured Finland from Sweden .in ' e,rery' Chinaman can read,hut cent.,of the ,wroman are :unedu- cated. r'" • , • None 'of the nal Ionia a 'Enatope' Can properly bii,called '.,'free trade natiO),as" except England. . Spain has a national debt almost ;twice as large •arS. that of the United States. „ The AtridiS are s.aiftto have no sense bf-• honor. They are the greatest rob. - bars among. the Afg,hte,ns, of Rritish India. • The general tendency in all nations is t& increase' their public debts, except in the United States, where there has bean , a gradual reduction since the civil war. -Batroalona, owing to it,s geogr,aphical POsition, has long aspired to be the first commercial city in • the Me dit er- ranean, its formidable rival having beea always the neighlbotring French 'pert of Marseilles. . The cavern of Agtele,k is one, of the most. remarkable in Europe. It con- sists of a labyrinth of ca.v.e.rns, on& of which, it. 96 feet 'high, 90 feet wide and nearly 900 feat long, in a straight Und.' • You need not cough. all night and ells:. tar]) your friends ; there'is no Occasion for you rfurni'ng the risk of contracting in- flammation of the tunas Or consumption, ,while you can get • Bickle's Auti-Con- sit-motive Syrup.; This medicine, cures coughs, cold, inflammation of the -.lungs •and all throat and chest troubles. It pro- motes.. a- free and easy expectoration, -which immediately relieves the theoat and, lungs from 'visdid ohlegni.- - 'CONDENSED' Hsi' WAFERS, • . ,Coineltiused milk ,wafers are -.going toi ba. used lin, connection ,with " the rnergnoy' ration test 'Oklahoma. It is rthonJght: that ,Condensed 'mak frod • will give better sale...Gess,than choeola.tet ;which has been found te) be - of littleservice during, the first fest - wheh, has.justbeen completed - The Milk: food is made up in the form of • ' ,.‘yrifets. When clisse'laved with vanfe'r _ib forms a kind Of soup. ' TEAS. ALC0110,LI • rThe New York- "sarn" of a re•cent date i says: . 'Tea ' waS first tialpOrtect ha.bttant cornSurnes, on the average, nearly fatie pifrund annually. The total censumption is 100.000,000 pounds and; the. .t Ctal,„cost , abn at 588,000,000. Tea andesuear together "Cost RulsSiai about t$265,006,000' per year:, -Ear brandy, bee.r, and ,wine the country • expends something 'like ate -tear t etr of the. whele 'annually; about, )1$-550,00,0,000, se that -reventre,s ,of the State are , annually beer,' -with sugar. Exact statistics 'arae( nab forthcoming; but itepears that the use of.tea i.s inerea,sing rapid- ly ..rea.i.ve to the alcoholic beverages -a c =saint= t'Len fie-youLly tre'be' wish- ed, ,1t isa remarkable'.fact 'that. this chancre- has OGG111*,rea since the intro- duction d t/he machineiebolade teas of Ceylon and India: THE ONLY TENDER PART.' Altrhourth,I wars. hate, said. the new hparde'r„ I ,fonaid tdia: landlady had saved, for. me the tenderest prart of the, chicken. ,Whalt was that? asked the, star 'boarder, jealously. .S,onaia of 1he soup. Minara Or sale ,eV(TITVi'fiel'e '11.CCORD-101V PltAITS l'Ol?Ltra.1/2.13, • Accor dionap•laited • sicii--tsare in again, and all young, girls should, re- joioe, itis So easy:176r them to achieve pretty party gowns with ttlie plit)Se wu soleil, as, theIrl'0.1:10h coili it. -J nu- arry Ladies' Hoarte Jourr,nal. , . , • „ F.oR oriaR .11SM 0 WINSLOW'S SOOTI-ITNI4 sYistP has berm twed by.i.nothel'Il IIP/I' children Ice; hicg, 11. 0)0 line ile nh1d noftens the. 511Inn,' allay3 cimreg wind (It. is thn 1ic51. rcinn,dy, fot inarrecereeticee tiettee Sold by cif didig0i8t," 01.011010A the worril,' 13,c1,10,00 C'1 100 5n511 rwi's Fn nth irdt mn. ay: TITT31.1.1_' TOR (10til11 113. id eariiii ary Jlilje, for use in ceelri rooms, is a- new idea. P, 'is hound in () c'.i.felie "d uloafl h° a- 1 , • , • 's LB1lt)l;lb1ls ti ift CTTl: SANYINGS BANK r OE Girt\ SGOW, The biunicipalthithtar-ities'cfGlastroay areorarial1i a tin Otiai d f Or ftp- establislinient ciD city ,SI.I,ViTbr"S hanks; ' Still Another Triumph -Mr. Thomas S. Bailee, Sunderland, writes: "For four- teen years I -was ea:dieted with Piles; and frequently I was unable to walk or sit, and four years ago I was cured by using Dr. Thomas' Eolectrie Oil. -1 have also been subject • to Quinsy for over forty years, but Eclectric Oil cured it, and it was a peralauent cure in both eases, as neither the Piles nor Quinsy have troubled me since." THE W.AY OF THE WORLD. • "The peOrple who are so willling to thrnAv Old ,slmes at a couple when they get married," remarked the Observer of Events and Things, "are the very ones Who are content to throw noth- ing' but insinuations ,at the setae eeu- ple when they get divorced." Kinard's Liniment Cares Burns, eto • 1,4i*p.04-iit OF LOYE. 'Briggs -What does love amount to , • cayman:zed ,to monpiy?„ et -'r igg s ' gobil Why, 1 iould- n't get an reed.i giri to 'Innyry nia if she, d.idn'it, loVe inea-STOwn Topics., HOW'S This?. _ We offer One Hundred Dollars liewardfor any case of Catarrh that ceenot be euree by Haire Catarrh 'CI are. _ -1 CHENEY', CO., Props.; Tole do,O. Wo, tho unnersignert ' tyve ifn,own 1. Cheney. for the last 15 years and believe hire perfectly bonorableein-iall basilicas &arise° 1.Lcns, and financhillyabl6 to carry put any obit gatton ratideby their firm. WEsT, & rgtAx, •II,V holes ate DrUggists. Toledo, 0. WALDINO, 'KINN:AN & .111.ARVIN, 'Wholesale Druggists, ?Toledo,' 0. • Hah's'Catarrh Cure is 'taken internally; ac-' Pireetly upon the rand , inueousesefr f.ice s of the 'system. Price, 75a. eereihrittle . Sold by all,drugg,sts, Testimonials' free' , Hall's Family Pills are tele best. . • PATIFONIS 0P THE BICYCLE. Clerks and tdiee clergy are the most tuTil.uneeicelhre°russ areIaltral°§Ilos 'groefaithp.aatrbilconsYtioe' ,f the wheal. They Are Not Violent in Action.s-,,Some persous, whemthey wish to -cleanse the atomach 'resort to Epsom and otheipurg- arave salts. Ileac; are speedy in their ae- tiont lint serve no permanent good. •Their use produces incipient chills,' and 11 sistedlu they, injure the stomach:: Nor do they- act upon the intestines'in a .berm - ficial way. Parmelee's VegetabletPills answer all pitrposes in this respect, and have no superior. ' 100 TALKATIVE. cine more question, pac Our Sunday,. school Leacher says na.ade of &List. Pa -I guesS adt. If you- were .you'd • dry up ctulce itt awhile. -Philadelphia , s M111101ft 1. gi,t • TY•enorn FEVER, Inquiries made in Polynesian ialenclii in New Guinea. and West Afric,a inclie cate that typhoid fever does not OCCIIT in those regions, but seems to be a by- product of civilization. A Tonic for the Debilitated.-Parnielee'a, Vegetable Pills byacting mildly but, thor- true:illy On the secretions of the body are a -ilia:tide tonic, stineniating, tbc lagging rgans to healthful nation and .restoring than to full. vigor. ` 'They cam be taken in erecl felted closes and so teSed thai the'y can Isa discoritinued at any, time ivithout re, • . , . „ turn of the ailmente_mehich they were use( •,t0 „ KNOWyLEIDOE " .,Whnt Ina abnormal th,irslt for quo w. erclge; yourson Se,:arpriS,, to tIO:Ve.,I Yes; •ervery reioeiri arild etben' ]ete go ,otl a good joie, jua,t; to see -what. will 'ha ppeet ' T 1„: AVEMUE 1c III -College Avenge:, illy 11 otel cett(1 91,5), CATIMIC Ruhp oudPieter-es', ,Stftintii'f$0,,eittirrinieili.l''brii 1)25100,' II tilt Oil Werk. Hauigete 0 1i 6 nroniIrtattenrionaio,s; aa and Craittaritiat'i is signature is on 'every box.; ef the eenuine ,t1 „e'cC,s, no utl.retec/l'IA4t'Lf 'tE%Icso c1:0: C SI/ I:PI II:7:: (Al 101 will 110,00cc 11 Laxative Broaaao.Qvialt.e 'rbiets tna remedy 'eta cures a coilit En one 4Zny llii 00'LoioatoO:r, a OSStNc SWEuI1IERs.1tfociono,n s'our I'vedvice tilt: nuarly 2,70.0 dro6s1,1A, DixtS0sl C67.41iiiikiSiOi5 GO. .131.111 ;Otridon, ' 6,s;i„, •' 10)000 iI11SO, 501 htitc611fble krefe,. , 111 A t