Exeter Advocate, 1901-1-10, Page 3iti 'iv /1,11' svoi' It 'Wears the Rock. COS'', OF A BlUBRICND.
All who have been to Niagara know
that -the Cataract is divided by Goat is-, Th" g"vernm"V8 otiP14t° °f 1'2"
land, the larger portion of the tali bed e'llce`Artug in th.e wale or the West
g on the Canadian side of the river.; indlao hurrieame or SePterzher 8 i.u-
$.s part is known as the Horseshoe eludes the follovviner
a 'and wae so owned because years, 'The loas of oboe is estimated at 73,000
itrits Identical with a horseshoe barrolsof four bushels each, represen-
k few years ago a V shaped ingi a value of abdult '421,9,000.
„ ,
''eet1 "'ad toward the New York Exolusive of the damage td farm
ineel,Aen other changes have buildings, maohinerY, etc, tile total
'Ire it,Sakr:igit`ubieinfc°11:isa7bb°uet loss may be eafimated at $5,000,C00. ,
The iess of farm animals is eatixnat-
Ile efreas of the wear -1
' ed at 1,300 bores 150 mules, 20,000 cat -
4'0 2ee 11‘°'a, tlie falls tie, 2,800 sheep, and 000 swine, rePre-
lid this Is l'itlo senting a total value of about .0,100-
' -Olitlitioo, aro co.
°lung- man
of the re-
hae. lived
'ottit thci
been -
s ,suffered
pains coursing up
y back. It was thought
hat nese pains w,cre clue to liver
t I It -Olney trouble bat whatever 0 e
;arise they frequently left me in ter-
cible agony. The pains were not al-
ways, confined to the, back, but would
rnift to other parts of the body. As
ir result 1 got little rest, my appetite
)e.canie inapair'ed, and I fell off great -
y weight. I tried different reme-
suggested by friends, which hav-
me effeot almost disgusted me
yitli medicines Then a personal
'riencl urged me to try Dr. ,Williame°
pink Pills. , J was /tot easily per-
ruladed bacause Iliad about concluded
that Modd.OirlO VV,Du(d. not relieve me,
)itit lie insisted and finalirr 'decided
o' try them. 1 purehased one box' at
irat, and. to my astonishment before
was finis.hled was greatly reliev-
Then I got a coalple moro boxes!
rid these restored Me to my former
pod health, I do not hesitate re-
onunending this modieine that others
ney.prolfit by my experience, and not
luffer torturo.s as I did."
Dr. Pink Pills cure by go-
enew and build up the blood, and
trengthen, the nerves, thus driving
lisease from: the . system: If your
bealer doeS not keep theM, they will
),o `sent postpaid at 50 cents: a box,
tr six boxes fc.r_42.50, by *addressing.
Ole Dr. -Williams' IVIedicine Co., Brook -
rine, Ont.
Oliver H. P. Belmont is Said to have
oink $30,000 in his weekly paper, The
irerdict, which has just suspended publi-
Adjutant General Corbin has abandon -
his proposedtip to Europe because of
nereased work and the near approach ot.
session of congress.
„(liake, Old liumy," was the congrata-
itelegram sent by Senator S
on aleetiontright. TslanoWire-
has been known as "old lirogy"
wear the ro
mystery until to.
roa:nzed. The „cdge. over wlialt Of pecans therd is an eat;imated loss
the water of both the A ' 1
'''. lean .aubk ai,f 2,500,000 peunds, valued at t$100,000.
Horseshoe falls flow is 01' h rd lime- ,rxree thir ,, lid trees, valued at 7.5,,,000.
steale. It is till of 60 feet tha lo and \--"•-"7.- '
are \,lso rePOrted as destroyed.
•naitirally very heavy. Underueat '' this
Irhe ea tincler corn ia estimated to
lodge 01' limestone there are the sha eS
have heel:1aq bout 815 000 acres Wilt an
of the Niagara locality. This soft roca , , J.
is many feet thick. ' The rock of the''...!"flabeate;:i Peti°11 dr aheat 17)500,-
ElorSeslioe fall is unprotected, and as 009 hUsbels. Th'losste this crop is as.
the water falls over the precipice and tiro to at about 4000,00 bushels, or
boils in the river below it washes away 55 pe - cent.s repreeen ng a value of
the soft shale beneath the limestone, about lalc00,000,,, t .
so that the limestone is left in sheflikoa -
form, projecting far out into the gorge.
°boor vant visitors to the falls have no
doubt noticed tills condition.
In the course of time the Shale foun-
dation of the limestone ledge is exca-
vated to such a point that the onsup.
ported ledge breaks away by its,own
weight, and the.crest line of the Horse-
shoe fall recedes so much farther.
Then the water attacks the newly ex-
posed shale, and in time the process
oulliiled is repeated. This has been go-
ing oo for centuries, and it will con-
-thane until the falls of Niagara are no
Never goto be wi)th oold lot, damp
Never lean with -the baelo upon, auy-4
thing that is cold.
Never take warm drink,,o and then
iinamed'iatedY go out tato thA, cold,
Never °Milt regular 'bathing, for, These
unless the skim is in aetive condition,epara„ e
the cold will close the Pores and favor $ tleitta corni wise a
congeation ot.ner diSoo,seft.,, meermitifor'3 tWel I tb7.4
'After exercise of any KIIIU never A and Lung trousePu/
$ also a PositiveCare $
ride in an open carriage or near the o for
window of a train for 'a moment; 'it The Vet)d*enita* $
, slon ie needed by $
Ls dangerous to bealtu. and even life. come, the Tonic by r
xo $
When hoarse, spealr as little as pal- (t4,3,7,1alt (11-4,es',
at,:xicea, te,Itese, ptrhoon„Loedice. may P
nently lost or ,diffloulties of the
Mlerely waam the biaok by the Lire,
and never continue keeping the
back exposed to heat, after bas be-
come comfortably iwarm, To do
ot h/erw Ise is debilitating.
I<eap the back espeoially between
the shoulder blades, well covered;
alao thie chest well protected. hi
eleeping in cold room! astatblish the
hab,it of breathing through tho nose.
and tielrar with the Mouth open.
Kinard's Lininieit Cures Burns, etc
As mildew prevention 00 fax bet-
ter than ovine. Dv not allow gar-
ments to renaain in a damp or wet
\.‘td condition over night. To remove rail-
d v, mix equol Pairrts of powdered
are simply ltidney disorders. Thekt
.'o.„,.,.)d t
filter the blood of all that houldnta-ctx an' ,
and half as much
more. there. The blood passes through the kid- Ns, it, moisten the whole with lemon
The Preacher Was She iiwore.
The daughter of a well known clergy-
man in Washington had a severe at-,
tack Of scarlet fever when she wits 3.
years old which resulted in deafness,
Up t� that time she had been a regular
little chatterbox, doing her infantile
best to covey out the proverbial:
Being; a woman, she'll tails forever! •
Upon her recovery her parents were
nearly beartbroken -to find that she had
not onlY lost her hearing, but the pow-
er of speech as well. Whether she had
, really forgotten how to talk or whether
it was obstinacy or lack of cotifiden-ce
they. could not. determine, but despite
all efforts of the best tutors the child
remained a mute.
One „day. when she was nearly 10
years of age sho was playing with a
'cat, and with as much cruelty as
though she were of the sterner sex she
• • d hi
pick it up, The poor animal, not appre-
ciating the economic use of the afore-
said tail, inflicted a deep scratch across
the chubby little hand.
"Damn that eat!" she said, flinging it
And her father, devout clergyman as
hewas, clasped his hands and, raising
cott tt
his eyes to heaven, exclaimed:
"Thault God, that obild baa spoken at
lasti'r- °
neys every three minutes. If the kidneys ju'ice. Spread 'the mixture on. the
do their work no impurity or cause of spot and place the garinent in the
disorder can remain in, the circulation
longer than that time. Therefore if your sun' othe grass. 'Lebow the mixt.'ars
blood is out of order your kidneys have every morning until the stain is gone,.
failed in their work. They are in need of _____4:,_ , ,
stimulation, strengthening or doctoring. . Mother Graves' 'Wotan Exterminator is ,
One medicine will do all three, the finest pleasant to take; ; sure and effectual in
and tnost imitated blood medicine there destrOying worms Man have tried it
$ the Jelly ty others $
$ still, aud all four, ,,
$ or any three, Cr
or any one, $
mai he used singly $
or n combination, #
ae,Cording to the $
exigencies of dos $
r ease. Fullhistrue. $
$ tions with each set $
e of four free reins-
r this allusiration.
r sk
• lAistto
ThEs 1 a PozsitiVe a,tr .e,E.
Threat t,nr.1 Lens Troz3hles a!va
is with best results : Y
" Wrhy have youi.gi'vel,, 1+.practieing
it V,
Great quantities of dust` collect on
tha eG vesse Is at se,a, no matte&
if 'thoY are swept ttviee or thrice adtay.
Most of it, too, is foiond on sailing ves-
sels. The inference is that the sails
a.et as dust collectors. arresting the
particles which drift in the air.
on. 'the flute?
1 underst-and the Man\oil° moved
into the flat dirently aCI"O‘SS -Ora Ontrti
used to be one of the best i'brK.tetir
boxers In the ;tate
Little four-year-old. Elarry was' not
feeling well and lais fatherc suggested
that be might 'be taking the chicken
pox, then prevalent. Harry went th
bed "alighting at the idea, but.early
next IrlOIrnintr he came downstai_rs
looking , „ very serious, and said:
"You're right, papa. it is the ohicken-
pox; I found a feather in the bed.
Useful At All Times.—In winter or in
summer Painaelee's Vegetable Pills will
cope with a,m). overcome any .irregulart-
Represent a OW system of medicinal. treatment for the weak, and those,
suffering front wiqing diseases, weak lunge, eaughs,,sora throat,
meaattoarryrohon; aajetiaona:11121ntbilAt Sad other pLIIMOnalry trOtlakesr
The treatment is freCk thlrotl'htaaveniOnIty111128:vrite to obt;,in. it.
BY the system devised b DR. T. A. SLOCUM, the specialist in p' Imona,7,
and kindred diseases, the nee of the sack body can be condonsekinto his
treatment by four distinct preps.). tions.
Whatever your disease, eaa - Valera of thes‘ .. Air remedies will be of
'nefit to Accoriing to the exigencies pf yo 'r case, fully explained. in the treatiso
giverfree with the free medicinesyou ma. take one, or any two, or three,
or onDioc four, in combination. _
The -„four together form a panoply of str rtigtit against, disease in what-
ever sliaPa it may attack you.
t. ,4 el:
,t + r
,f4, . t..,
, ..,....—
To obtain these fur TOM invaluable preparations, illut4a7firi., P-1
A.' sLOCUYI CFIEMICAIIoCO., Ludlam), rte Xing street atraa
exiiress office address, al d thefres medicine (The Sleet= cure)) 1-(0
Sufferere should take iostant advanta e of this generous pro
_them always mentiiin th s Da,
I Fora
iutimates since rheumatism took MEN
enant Colonel William Henior
inspector general of the deport.
•loved°, who has just been re.
'the operation of the age
wars and in many
Tlie Hose Titat Teesilona Bette.
One the ell' losities of architecture
in England is, according to The S
Trades Journal, the' house
about 300 years ago at
- 17444411141
r. Tr. , as we final ier,
ne Don Enrique tried -pe,
doing so wasslain• Alas! poor
_man, he lacked not a spiritl
and how say you? Shall we
the remains and push on? It
4.)"1 :1'i . i& e 'we can yet render sonoe serv-
f 0 the living."
' 1,,..a.a.) ., .at,i4t 'Let us by all means do so," sald thn
... __ Ptain, with a sigh. w
As e drew neat the castle I ob-
, --
' ' r. --ti . c 0 wrzci.-..-c). e„:,..„eci a considerable stir, many fig -
a. t
• ...•". •• ,
[Copyright, 7206, by D, Appleton & Co. Ail riohts. roservta,3 fir eS •••,•ii.althe buccaneers passing andl
, t repassin'Oa..ina sorne pushing forward
"Tt i8, Intle-vd. a good start," saidMr. We ware compelled to aree waen', little gr°11/3 , or Huarmed PecCPle, who
Tyro :himself giving over something or :Taira and without further wordoae,,,i- must be caPtl 5a.r Not a few women
yr, "
his anxious bearing. ,aorred and opened the door._ , , l - oo -;siroi: T could see theorai.y fullness of their garments and the
1., trust the disguises will serve," 1
Tewland and his Pien 2111,1,-- bright colors of their scari's and other
11611110itd'ollvtithheabessigt.1,11. "In truth, theywere Prensed In, and, we givIng bael:At last we drew nigh and climbed ''Y '''lilze decorations. ' 'Ns,
But at this point we heard a Tolid _
'outing from tlic -front of the house. ,,,,,,,,,„ the plateau to the gate. I was now
Ah, out .fallovvs are in," said Mr. I r f able to O,bserve with more exactness
ym; and forthwith we hut and
the 'things vve land till now seen at a
toarred •this door and hastened to the distanee, but I confesthat my head
„it41,0 WaS SO full Of Onr especial business that
I tookno close notice of them, though
Mr. Tylu proved to be right. On
opening the wicket we saw one leaf of
at. another time I had not failed to
{the gate open and the buccaneers }
't.„1, , ,,11.e ..
do SO. Ary Ininfl WaS now MOre and
pr OITClin.g in. ..,;? rn
)1`,\ or -v
e on edge to discoer the fate of
) The captain looked inquIrinaly at , 'he poor Lady Carmen. At last it was.
Jr turn and we hastily passed the
, '. Tyron
, ad fetched a good cour- 2 . le- 0t.urn,
' ageous breath, and Mac Ivraeli and 1 ...' 4re ' guar and entered the court, I must
aaw to our weapons. Of course we had 'A
paue he to say flint the inferior
no wish to fight, but we could not tell
.' in
. . I
,„part's of t'il",,oeastle were some ways
o what our re cicless and. angry cotnracles ( a a. -iota 7, , r
peculiar, sineethe chief hall was upon
plight ' attempt, . n were resolved to ' the nether fro° . Rria was reached at
, , rough a strong-
-, be prepared. ' , , oace after passing
°.''We must parley with there," said 4- arched gateway and a little passage.
Mr. Tytri. All will gain time." , , , .
"Do you be spoicestaan," said the "withthIti""1 How th"° you n°15 tLUra z,T,ohnod °Eli lieie: haz,,1111(11 1 tesiris cdr, 71.1°,-,'N18 nvvo nel*geo ounes-
acrAin 8 t un P "
, •,.. s.,4.,..,.,
4Japfaill. °Here they come, and well (though this I learned afterwarcW,,,vere
ww°11en w•it'll ellele"r1 haven° eYesi" ,quieltly filled all the fore part of the directly beveath it The quarters
Ile stopped aaid,e, giving way to the. hall. Towland loolted at Os with a the aoidiers Were meant to be ja a
!supercargo, and as he 41111 so 1 Ileard
lowering brow, but saidnothing1 and rearward wing, hot tho presena gas-
b,eavy slap of the approaohing feet. the men after a brief staring al.)out rison, haying no strict direiphne, were
"The loader is that ferocious Tow- made forward and locaota to scatter nu/lc-lug a billet of whatsoever places
land," Mrs Tym turned kis head to say. over tile house, Towland seemed
to they saw fit. These things had best be
As he did so the gang appeared to hall, hang in the tad ,...m. b t, and a, fit at oritioned here, s i hey rain mabe
t a
wl 4 ' 1
0,1111„ the To'IC6 of the ficrve caPt'ain1 tholtOlg 1i lteaut to saY sonlethliug olearer the parts of tans narrative to
to us, but if so lie changed his mind, follow,
"With -in, there! How dare you deld -for, in the end," lle wheeled al)°'ut 'and 'When we luld gotten inte tile court
thus against tie? Open, or it will go followed some of his crew, up the we foord much stir, many Inishing
very ill with -you!" stairs. , about intent on disposiog of their
"And whY say You so?" Mr. ttycmIra- We exclitinged significant glances, booty, and others malting for 100
mcdiately put his face to the wicket but for a little did not hedge, wishing laitolien, whence we caught the ainell
and coolly answered. "Bayo we not as to avoid ny dangerous seeming of of eooker3,,,,We lindscarce landeri
\ good a right to the loot °I this Place linate, At last as\ none of the men. re- within the gate when I espied Paid
as roil„„ tlencati—the moat of -teem ;were now
"Why, 'tie the !Attie graybeardin
,aidedmis Irian; and at that theY made
it stir of their arms, letting the butto
el their guns fall, and there we a bit
of silence.
"We were not aWttre that 01,11° ()WTI
,people Were in posscsalon,” I heti
TOW1Und then, ill a surly otil ve
tone, reply, "Nevertheless," he
on "we 'have tios rigbt, 00 coon
open,,the door."
"Why, look you," answered
Aariaacilormild ooe Ire the 1,vrtol
Cratide by tile piece of rtityi meat in
above, where We cotticl hear thorn his hand hound for his dinner,
Itnoolcing ttliout and calling te, one " der goes Cradde," 1 said to my
othcr-aw d a Whispered- we us, "Cali we find mere Kett -
and all ct give us the news?"
t' g for their answer,
hint to.
.Gooft-sran'ners Borne.-
' raf,„actical jokes' are xarelyindulged in ,.
' 'per1'671"i bf gie „perceptionS, and -teas-
ing passes the bounds of good taste when
if ceases to be a matter of pure fun on .
all sides. Inquisitiveness is always had
'form. "Whom' is your letter from?" .
"What makes your eyes so red?" ale in-
terferences with one's 'rightful privacy. •
A, closed door should be respected and . ICEHOUSE' SUILDINQ..
, give 'assurance of seclusion. •
who is so disloyal as to repeat tr Short n
tAe?Eta9;odf awet
00 and. , ,111,x -
any outsider, 'however intimate, anything i
.to the discredit of the family deserves to From some experience and eonsidera,-
ferfeit all family rights and prrdlegeS., . ble short range observation 1 know
There are ,no terms strong -enough .to that's, very Satisfactory icehonge can
fejinedweinalidatthlgehytearlitYrh0afi,,,,P,sa,replirtosspweehtos wand be made by using Poles for the sides
-advantar,,es to be advertised in the public and says a Country Gentleman
prints.. , • - writer. When timber is as cheap cbm-
Society requires that whatever their pared with lumber as it is in many
Private relations, husband and wile lace alece-s, this is the cheapest icehouse
the world 118 11 unit Irionio;us and with i'hat made. in
inniai,atively‘ de: not ne„cledAll that Athat s needed
msides are
0,lle thing good form , is soe-
mandS—that by no mischances no loss of thing to held -a foot of sawdust about
sell control, shall family discords' be te- the ice. ' The Poles or logs used need
"reeled to strangers,children or servants. not fit tight together. They must be
Au uncontrolled yoice ia always tin- so elose together that the rain ,will not
115aAll' lidrearld7inneisids-ttomgdity,gelliufiped,in 'little' things' is abneadtasinidt: f'aronmy .tehxitsellitt wboettt*icieehne nteheeems:
,the most fadtful anneal possible Ler a re- sary to notch the poles to make a 80pd
turn ofocourtesY at Other times when the strue:ture. .
siatt,er may be of importante to us. will keep in a house' made in this
Persouaiities that are made to do duty eeP ,
as.family jokes are never funny to strati- Nay better thanin one with tight
gers.—Ladies' Home dOurnal. - board sides. -Why this is so I do not
' . ,
know Perhaps the limited circulation
"tVometx with Mirinionil• of air over the sawdust at' the sides
Thousands of women whose Mission It permitted by the spaces between the
is to set the world straight are going the poles and, wbien / have heard it said
/Moe that kills as surely as if theirs was cools, .the sawdust by 'kto
t a
evaporating the
the way of tthe he sinner instead or .the way moisture froth it may be, patir
of e reforiher, saysin Hlo
a writer a„east, respeusible for th,15.,,
r?s Bazar. In blind deyotion their '
higher aims ' concern for others this must be credited the fact that the
good, ,
by :Iniste and waste of themselves, they poles,do'not rot very rapidly, although
accompliSli just one thing certain, their. they are rtiways damp to some extent.
own end. Death 18 unhn
appily not always Ad as the ,poles are so much thiekei
the end, uor.does .the light of 'reason al- than (girds the ',base lasts longer. Of
ways fall,' leaviner them in ranniblh'g "4- cotitse 0110 sheijid otilY use, Poles of a
livion ef the 'wreck the701daii.ea.dyTdielesie,ili,)(1
comes rather,_ wood that resist8'dttropuess well. In
as a Wise
the places where I have seen most 'of
edoortutioning Voting girl who was giv- these paieleelicuses
white oak, which
ing-her clays and nights to tile improve,.
mem of humanity: "Don't do it, my dear, 1'6$1Stii ITIOISillre well (and' whil not
e good you must, be greet if you can, abundant, is not Scarce), isily
in all things and above all things he used for this purpose. 1 ,suppose that
num sa7 eandis at both ninth, and fer laic, would, not last long f
mod ,',ate.
it Profits the world nettling te a house built of' olio pol,es,orfoor eX:raoints
iflie result is awful. Vett do not I:I:ea vs; to, tae alie;vd ancl pro,ba,
ItYtk:Ttrile_si:otiecflnui f.3:`.8.1111N4.110s° 031n(0, susa 1111111)51,t' 11'0113.: br IretP he ci aUll'eplteffectst"01:t air c'irculation
g reaso Wt. '..:,;Jaaja, obstinately where over the ria.Nvelust, is it not true that an
it dropped, unsightly ILovelybody and Icehouse shoald 00 put in an alrY Pince?
tllosv,I)nlYdul rctribll:ti°flitlitell,pinrloitielcitalton°oCfiedesapirekaedaltnigentrieset,-Inn5eittetr
Title Uiildie ItToeoloi It'ittied a hilltop, where there is apt to be .a
With a devoted lover at your slat:Tan ,good bree'Pe d att
for the tulle seems to have truly slo_tne aTtli(llogfteOrt-olocti,r,wdrnbriteallti'deattgr,1:3eArls!,,„014sfiiatoirds,„.111)-401r:
fen father and mother, brother and sistei - -^-'- "'a
isitet 1:-,On"8eliertivp'enteininyee:iiiiwtootyliodu'b' 00 bit
Ideottes out
tlAYItitt.\,116:1,wbieiosktd. .c.citt..3yonteo igseitn(eittlatfifnititigeurio8ntaon
hall to 00
niAlitetcs1 o wtjhlehereb hrYot:Iltlide liko° ()Pre 8bto: at,f1;.ls,,Iri
,b1 el
cotainued deinand eIsr
Seemed indeed , WbeV gro ay-
3'r IA01- tideit',„ In illanY Places 110l'e'
li,otiltd:nfoit‘svt, to
btridee ilwito to "have overY
her own Way, sure A,,sito itill oot of trees on
e miet, about six inches thick. th,lpe ShOttld
,o1Idly against each 1118
"tter if 0001'
• rails o
OE 1..k.p
waste upon
try Gentlema
among these with u
among hoed crops, due to tarn
With our spring walk, in itself perhaps
a small loss. But what I mean to em-
phasize is that we should learn lessons
from the small losses and slight fail -
tares of the season. We can only pro-
gress as we strive to do our work bet-
ter next season than it was -possible
Lor us to do this year. The all vvis
Creator seems not to be satisfied, wit
that which now is, but always want
something better; lEtenee we are goin
to make an everlasting resolve that our
spring work for the reception of- trains
shall' not be all done at that tirae, but
rather arranged for la the fall (oftlie:,
present fall). Our greensward to be
used for peas and the land for the oats
will be plowed, and then the prepar,a/ -
tion of' those fields in the spring, by
the use of the large 'V ,shaped cultiVa-
tors, with all new :parts, which cuts
the foul growth off clean, will be made
comparatively short, and the corn, po-
tatoes and cabbage can come in for
their proper share of attention and at
the right time.
The losa on the late potato crop of
•our county alone, caused by being a
little behind time, amounts to thort- '
sands of dollars, while fields planted
ten days or two weeks earlier under
similar conditions proved all right.
Then if , the wheat crop was so ma-
terially lessened from the effects of the
insect and the newly discovered worm
these could lie guarded againat. The
sorts we have could be improved upon
by ,introdncing some new varieties.
Great savings might thus be made. We
are sowing it new variety of red wheat
which was raised ha close proximity to
the white, and this was highly satis-
We incurred loss through many ,gat -
Ions of !Kerosene ill combating the
ranch dreaded pear psylla, 'when
npphicatlon ef whale oil soap $011921/1'61
a „the prOor time would have 'been
Mvoae, caeCtual tioa woyld have '
,caused less injury to the 'trees. But '
we expect to profit by our failures, '
Now, if the many who hate been
sorely troubled to provide food for
their live stock on account of the pro-
tracthd drought will experiment a lit -
tie with DWarf-dhlssex rape and rtlfalfa
I am certain that their efterts Will be
Well rewarded., We sowed P. 6vo acre
Plot, and it has furnished us 0 grea:t,
attloullt of feed for,:store
the long -drought aL a time u ,
thing else seemed to be' Slizding' In the,
sun. '
Straw,,Coverea hi.e1tonetet .
VVI ere. t00 slrciw sto.ak i
titre an idehotise, inexpensive, but 6
t'ectiVe,' ean LottallY, 00 cattibitted With
as aliatyli in the Ceit from tut exclian