HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-12-27, Page 8The hell i iogers ofthe he Tel -vitt itt 1Vie- zrurit'cach were agreeablysnrpris- . ed Xmas. morning on entering' the dower to find attached to'. each well i•o e a neat little envelope' containing . o . the congre- gation. onre `3.25 with compliments k is • s say the gift L •aati0xa: Itis needle,.s to s, i ;, 5 appreciated said it certainly was much 'larks an appreciation of the efforts of 'hex.n ins e ,rs:, Tur ,l.ish SeGalla -• , Foodis an e.a egarr t dressing fbr ' the hair', restores grey i t it to itsneturalcolor, relieves dand- ruff t i and ea- ' and i.:c.heag of the sgalp 1. es' he growth of the 'x'hara. For pea - motes G sale at Lutz's Drug Store. " Only 50c. a bottle. ' � e< bef re The Jubilee Singers appeared a large audience in Gidleys' Opera Hall on Monday night, under the auspices r,. of the James Street irMethodist chi .0 ,h � and rendered a choice selection o songs, solos, duets, quartettes and The :entertainment gave e entire satisfaction. : Their every ap- pearance showed culture' and refine - anent arid"he whole program may be termed a musical treat. eelteiirenibe* the great slaughter sale of boots and shoes for 60 'days, from Dec. lst, at Geo. Manson's. 77797, W. Sanders, e n Mx', Frank Hunt, of London, is here rising Mr. Either requested Bolaier to M. C. 4't . who has been Weeks with his E repeat hie ;remarks connecting his x r College, London has and will spend a few ryes s ? 1 , . , attendee„ Huron C` „ ,Hicks. VI Dobler wird drat -a unit arents name �-rata i 1 x t e sfarl in the recent examine- p Mrs. F. o ins an. i Rollins visited friends in Elinnville ed on Mr. Hicks withdraw es a can-„ B r dictate for Reeve of the Township of 'O re are pleased to direct the attere- last week. Hicks said he was norm' pleased Stephen. Me Il ck in tion of one readers who suffer with Egan, hernia specia- list, that. J. Y. Eg ,• p . list,' of Toronto, will be in Exeter, at Conneercial Hotel, Thursday and Fri- day -(all day and evening,) -two days only January 1Q--,11, if you are a rer bear in: mind that J. Y. Egan sufferer, , is the most successful. specialist in the treatment of rupture without opera- tion. You`noev know where to look n and should for relief with certainty not fail to consult this gentlemanwheu the opportaanity presents itself. See advertisement, DOINGS.zinweimeewE LOCAL {Cc,�Sn b l eP4auz 'alit' Murxicipal nominations on Monday evening next. Lebanon Forest Lodge will meet to- night ni ht' (`Thursday, tieing St. john's night; Use Dix `Little Liver Pills 'and, Dix Drug Kidney ,• , atz's D , Phis. For sale at L 1 • �, Store.' er .tuts , in Mitchell De^a�th has licca � y 5 dadain the year, one undertaker alone g > consigned to earth over sixty leaving �d � bodies. T Cough for T alsarn nese 'a� radar s Gc�uoh ,Balsam and B 'onchetic Troub- les. Colds i �' ._ i 'u x• children. 25c. les: Spd.c,r.a.ly useful to a bottle at Lutz's Drug store. been suer. s a de petatton of the Liberal club wait - tions; I P W.Collins, d Mise Ella l riupture Specialist Cotuina, Mr. E. R. Follicle, of St. Marys, is spending Xmas. holidays under the spe o y parentalroof, Miss Thy rsa Wooster, B.A. of St. Margaret's Cellege, Toronto, is visit - Mrs. H. Bishop. E. Godorich 11'{r, A. P. I3odgert, isin , this weekin theinterest of the Battles Thorold Cement:. Miss ;.AmyJohns left Saturday for a few weeks' visit with friends in, Tor- onto and Aurora,. Ed. Eacrett returned Friday from Goderich where he was attending the Collegiate institute. A special meeting of the quarterly board of James Street church was held last Eciday;evening' with a large at- tendance. A -•cordial and urgent rnvi- tatioe wee extended to the present pastor, Reny. C. W. Bre wn,_B.A.,B.D., who is now spending his second year in Exeter, to remain for a third con- ference year. Mr:Brown has had of- fer of a call frons two other churches but expects'to remain in Exeter. Perfumes, Toilet Water, Toilet Sets, Hair Brushes, Purses, etc.. suitable for C Tar stapi s presents at C. Lutz's Drug s eore.n Xmas. is at band and R.1 -Ticks has a very choice, new stock of watches, Glo, eks ewelery:s silverware, etc,. to j choose from. Cheaper than all prev- ious years, during the holidays. Call and see for yourselves. Christ to ids Visitors. The with Christmas he followingspent their respective friends and relatives in town, vizi-A. E. Rennie, Toronto; Fred Treble, e, St' Marys; Mr. anil Mrs;. d Ireb Tion' I'rauk r Chas. Bl'ilnaealllbe, London; x , Oke Toronto; Melville Fowey, Elora � and Mrs, Alf. Satter, and Mei John Mr. Tay- lor, Wiu. Salter, London;.Frank Tay- lor, London; Victor Sanders Clai:ncle- Henry; heist Sanders, Mich.; Norman Creech, Brantford, Rich, Bissett, London; A. Hoskin and wife Ball tfoil , Jas. Bissett and wife , London; Rich. Eacrettand 'wife, Brant- ford; Edgar Westcott, Lohdon; Wm. Menem, Guelph; Cdleman Moncur: Montana;; Miss Jean Carling, Clinton, Ross Holland, Zurich; -Vin. Rollins, Toronto; Miss Eurith Myers, London;. Luther. Jioward, Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Barnes, London. ]Death of George T. Sanders, The journalistic function carries with it a variation of duties incident to "no other calling. To -day we indite the happy occasion of some . joyous wedding event and to -morrow the de- tail and environment of Borne death- bed scene, but it .seldom: occurs that we are called upon to perforin a sadder task than recording the demise of George Thomas Sanders, son of the late George Sanders. We have said the good-bye words and perhaps no death has occurred in this community that has so profoundly affected every- one with sorrow than the subject of this sketch. Those who loved him. well, have carried him to his resting place and he sleeps the eternal sleep. That so young, oneoanig, so healthy to all appearances should be 'so suddenly called, away b the Angel of Death seems 'almost incredible. The de ceased had been sick and confined to his bed scarcely two weeks. He was first attacked with typhoid fever which developed into nervous prostra- tion day to "it and from gravity y day rwas evi- dent that the . of his situation was unmistakable, and suffering agon- ies of: pain, the vital cord was snapped ran Monday morning last about 5 o'clock, a. m., at the youthful age' of 10 years, 10 months and -s days. He had many friends and companions and was universally liked and admired. He was: a valued member of the Exe- We are in reeeiptof a copy of rhe Canadian Almanac for 10;33. It con- tains the usual large aanonnt of vale-.. able information, inclaeding thecus- toms tariff, post offices in the Domin- ion: resaelts of the elections both in r �. n• 1 end Britain, in fact it is a com- plete palls , piete �iliector,y and should be in the 1 hands o£eevery r person who wishes- to have in their possession one of the bendiest reference books published, Only 25e at st a tion ees. 100 air: of Men's:ploegb shoes at SOc. per pars at deo. Manson s. • _ A te4ne of horses owned by i4Tr.. Miss Miss Della Crocker returned to her home in St. Meeys, Saturday, after a s pleasant visit with friends here. Miss Ethel Farmer, of Sacred heart k s : Academy, London, is heme to 'spend the holida holidays parents here. <y �o F- lZessrs. Geo, Daur i.s and Phil. Z ` , _' i in De- troit, after a two weeks' visit turned home on Friday. tr'Olt returned , Rev. Wm. McDonagh, of Stratford, a'former pastor of Main .Street Meths dist church, is xenevingac uaintances • it town. to stand as a member torConn ty Cohn - cit as Billie)! and Sherritt had promised their support. Mr. Eilber seed there was no truth in;l3obier's remarks rind if he ever did say so what sin had he committed? ,Was it any harm to sup port a nein of Hicks' ability For the. last twenty years he (Either) had en- deavored to stamp politics out of mun- icipal elections and itill become Bohn- er to try and get votes by insinuating that Ilicks was a Conservative. Mr. Either, in melee to fill in time until the arrived of the Warden, spoke neral of County in general 1 matters. He had been connected with Council mat - tees the past twenty years. When he ,, first entered the County Council it had a debt of $2S5,0OO and waspleesed to know that the debt hacl now been reduced to '50 000. He did not believe the eelecting the. the 'esen, system ,of elect ;, P members al'til Council. He believed t he le �' if one man was elected from each municipality it could be regulated ley nr v i giving i in the r representative's ss ntatnesfrom these se neuiei � iti two notes toone of the County After referring to County matters ineneral he said. he could g Mr. Hicks' not help to say's word in favor. He had been connected with him thepast ten years at the Council Board of the, Township of Stephen and during that time had always found him to be an honest, just and upright man, a person who wanted to know he was right before he would expend the public money and if any person voted for him with the inpectation in re- turn, they would receive personal fa- vors, not in the interest of the district; he would he sadly disappointed. He said it ;could not be expected he would interest himself in this election and did not intend to do•so, outside of this hall. Dr. W. i Brownin. of Caledonia, 1linn., arrived home 'S'aturday morn- ing and, left the sante evening for Pon- tiac, tiac Mich. 11,1iss Edith Sanders, milliner, was summoned home from Strathroy Mon- day last, owing to the death of her brother,;' George. Mrs. Jos. Smith and Mrs. George Stokes, of Detroit, attended the funer- al of their nephew, .George Sanders, here, on Wednesday. Mr. ;Melville Martin, of Harrison, is home . spending the Christmas holi- days; also Mr. Alex. Martin and sister, Miss Nettie, of Toronto. Mrs.. Thos. McFarlane, of Bridge Hampton, Mich., and Mrs. -R, B. Glee- son, of St. Marys, are the guests of their sister, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. Mr. R. N. Creech, who has been at- tending the Normal`School, at Lon don,'ha:s_completed the term and re- turned to his home here Saturday. Miss Cade.y McKellar, niece of Mrs.' A. E. Hodert, who has been engaged with Miss Tait, as dressmaker has gone to her home in Hibbert to •stay. Mr. Josiah Kestle,"of the Sth conces- sion of Stephen, who has been suffer- ing from a uffer-ingfroni-a seyere attack of typhoid fever and not expected to live, is now on a fair way to reeovery. A. J. Rollins, the proposer of Mr. Hicks, was called, when Bobier left- the eftthe hall, Rollins said he was sorry that Bobier saw fit to leave as he want- ed to ask him some questions, lst. Who the man was that had more influence with his close relation, Dr. Rollins, to convert him to become a Grit? For the past ten years he had talked sermons to the Dr. and even had prayed for him to change the er- rors of his ways and he had failed. 2nd.He would like to know where this man IIicks had left the ranks of the faithful and joined the wicked en- OPPOSITE n- County Council Nominations. A l.ar� • ge . number of Electors from Di- vision *ision No. 4, met at the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday last. Francis ,,alor ley, the Retuning ;Officer, :occur red the chair. , The following gentleuren were:_nominated:-Hugh Spackman, Exeter, A. Q..Bohier,E+ xeter; John Del - bridge, Usborne, Richard Hicks, Step, hen, Dr J. A. Rollins, Exeter, • Donalda. McInnes, Usborne,"T. B. Carling, Exe 3rd. He would be pleased to know, if there was any other persons, mem- bers of ' . � the Liberal club that ranted Hicks to withdraw from County Coun- cil oun-cit.than Bobier and Wm. Lewis. 1th. :And further when Eilber rand Sherritt had become members of this club." would en - ,c Haat. Bo l pier.woi 'He expected en- tertain the Electors .with his gr'apha- t Shipka the° other phone, a.s he " did at p night.. Ile was one of the number of Reformers who waited upon Mr. Hicks to become ii, caudidate and he hoped the electors would support him as he always found him to be a first-class ter. All wit' •^ �,. n man in everv, particular. j Bishop Stock JnTke S 011 Siole t9 T A VRSHA 7SOTEL.. EXTRA special bargains in Overcoats. Extra special bargains in -Sirit"s: Extraspecial bargains in Furs. Extra special bargains in crock- ery and Diner ware. READ TFIIS LIST, IT WILL RE- --PAY YOU---- 4 Mu's Beaver Overcoats, worth '7.00 clearing at $4.00. Men's Deaver Cvercoais , worth' $7.50, clearing at 55.50. Men's Beaver t and - sted Over:- ti Vo r,, coats worth .$10.00, clearing at $7.. Men's Beaver Qvercoats, Worth $12.00,clearinget $8.00. .4 Mn's all wool {xeire UvercoLtR , READ THIS LIST, IT WILL RE- PAY YOU. • 'Boy's 3 piece Suits, worth $4;.00,;;, 84.25 piece at °3... .: 4.2o grid '$4.�0, clearing.x35 Suitsat, $1.00 '1,45, Boy's 2'piece Suits . a 9S , $ $2.00, $2.10, $2.50 and $2.60. Boy's Killdeer Pants, 25c., c., 4.0c. , 50c. and OOc. Men's eav zreize Coats, short squeee cut $2.25. Men's Fleece -lined Shirts .end situ r at $4. S5. .s g 0 worth , 7.00 ale. - $ >^iR c . 50c. stearin rr r `� €, Dz. r.., Boy's Freeze izeOcereoats .$u,:.00 Men's Wool -fleeced Shirts Drawers 75c., clearing at ti0c. iuc6'KK'�KKS^:-a�K� � A $3.25, $3.50 and $,,t.00. Men's ' HeavySerge Suits, black � and navy, `worth $5.00 for $3.65. Men's Heavy Serge ,unci Tweed Suits, ' worth $ '5;50 tax �n,: 3.90. wMen's heavy av Tweed Suits, worth 1. Y $0.50 for $4.95. • e a Tleav - Tweed Suits, Meu's,ebt Y worth $7.50 for $5.50., $ - r s ed Suits Men's extra fine �Vo e t worth $9.00 'for $6.75. Men's Tweed (and Worsted Suits, worth $10.00 for $7.50. Men's Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers 85c, clearing art 65c. 1VIen's extra fine Shirts and Draw- ers $1.25, clearing at 85c. .Men's Kangaroo Fur Coats worth 516.00 for 811.75. •: and V We have :about• 30 Ladie's e" Jackets to clear which must uN �., go this week and next. If X y you want a new and stylish V1 at halfprice 11 ep Jacket about� show you our stock. • de hQ call and we will be pleased to 9.`9 op 1 slx Men's Russian Otter Fur Coats worth $15.00 for $11.00. " • ens Coon Coats worth 5e5.00 for $27.00. Ladle's Astrachan l C L Pes worth t h $1.5.00 for $10.00.- a'ordered Clothing trade. If you have a suit or 4 WE are doing big s tion let us save you some money. "`'Black and Worsted>Stilt . trouser no 40 especially. . The Bishop Stock in the Bishop Store, 4 . , TORE OPEN p .. -.`ti'' ?rte` "ate yeeeeeeie ome 111 SLATER SIXOE as a 'sort of protection. WElook n the Brand of a ,. ne0 CMMON SHOES: un= Yonyou are getting in ,apair of G til oy never wear know what cno l`have, made. a:` bad. enyou probably discover yon , l. The them. Th has:and sale: over Canada. that deal. SLATER• any a reputationurer to our'> ...knowledge. . Their t be excelled by other manufacturer ,,.� m carnes•i n'arnd.the mites ',SLATER being goods give always the best of ntsatto sato former customers.'; Others sad,. stamped on each shoe sufficient to satfiy rsay P just as. good but don't buy .a shoe: until you try a SLATER theirs and a er of a SLATER forever. SHOEafter one rnrchase you are 0 wearer Aand Ppeople would hardly • with aa; reputation like the SLATER A company w p • • Your are always sure of a risk putting then• Urancl, on inferior goods. 'poi ) P first-class satisfaction: wear,.dud fi comfort, sod perfect fit easy, g agentsWe a.re the the Celebvated SHOE ti