HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-12-27, Page 5TUE 1 eter b . r t Is published every Thursday Mornings at the Office, MAIN -STREET; _-..: EXETER, --Bythe . ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Ono Dollar poi annum if paid in Advance` 81.liiiifnot so paid, B d ss 47xti ic6 Rate,p ora.a1..2ax+11ca,r , tiara. No paper discontinued until all arre rage are pard, Advertisements without speoi�c diroottbns, will be published till forbid and ahargodaccordiugly, Liberaldisoopntmade for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the ,finest styled d at moderato rates Cheques ,money ord- ers, ,Cheue mon y ers, &o. for adsertising,subscriptions ,etc.to. bo madepe,vable to Chas. 11. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Profeesioir<al Carats. II, KINSMAN, L.D. S. & DR. A. R; KINSMAN, L ';D S,,•1). D. S., honor. .:.? graduate of 'Toronto - University, DENTISTS Teeth extracted without any: pain, or any bad effects. Office in I,`anson's Block, west aide Main Street,Exeter. 'g'DILI/ ALTON AND1aRSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) 1� honors (ilraduate of the Toronto, Uni rsity and Royal Collage of Dental surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All.modes,'of Dentistry up to date. over Elliot Ai Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -:Exeter. illeiIiieal `r n,T. P. LT MCLAGHLIN, MEMBER, OP the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario , Physician, Surgeon and Aoeouoh- ear..Office, Dashwood; Ont. Legal, DIO'ICSQN & CA1RLING,.BARRISTERS, S9 Solicitors, Notaries,, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. 'Money to loan at 5 and ,5% per cent, ': Offiee Fanson's Block, Main Exeter. (A member 'of the firm will be at. Halsall on Thursday of each week.) I. R. DART ING, B. L. R.DICKSON. W. i$LADM,4.N((successor to Elliot & e' Gladman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street,. Exeter.. Astotionacrsi g-gBOSSENBERBY, Grand Bend, Licensed' 1 1.. Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder- • ate: Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. 1 ] BROWN, Winchelsea, Licensed Auct- ioneerfox the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Salospromptly attended to and terms rea- sonbale.Sales arranged at Post ofliwce. Win- ohelaea. ee The father? Gonne for the doctor.' The mother? Alone with, her suffer- ing' ohitd. uffer=ing'".-child. "Will the doc- tor never conte When there: 'is croup in ;. the house you ca$1' t ,%.? get the doe - $or wick ,enough. It's ;too: dangerous to wait. Don't make ,such a mis- take again; it may cost a life. Always' keep on hand a dollar bottle of 4 It ' cures the croup at once. Then when any one a ' the family comes es Ft down with hard cold orouh c af doses g oft the Pectoral will cut short the attack at once.;, A 25 cent bottle will cure a miserable cold; the 50e. size is better for a -cold that has been hanging on. Keep the dollar size on lisu. "About 25 years ago I. came near dying with consumption, but was cured with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, since which time I have kept Ayer's medicines in the house and recon- Lendthem to all my friends." O. D. M tTxnwsoz;, Jan. 16, 1829, - Bristol; Vt. Write the Doctor. If you have 0.07 complaint whatever and desire iho best medical advice, write the doctor freely. Address . - :, Dr. J. C. Apfrt, LowelI, Mass. )131f8ITAXN CANNOT AGit1iE,' rlanos l ent'oat•lias McKinley With Split in a Dltny;et•ous lieeponsibility. London, Dee. 24. ----The 'Times, in an editorial On President McKinley's de- cision; to submit gime 1i11' l'auncefote canal ;treaty to Great Britain, re- proaches hint with "shifting a dan- gerous responsibility" on the Bri- tish Government, arid Says "'flit President must, bear the responsibili- ty for any friction that iiia'✓ en- sue. The amended treaty is a bar- gain to argain'to which we cannot agree and to which no reasonable Atneilean who takes the trouble to reflect upon our side of the question can ex- pect usto agree. "When Senator 'Lodge ;1nnoitticod that Americans expect 1i;uron' to 'Keep °out' Of Ami+rica, he -forgets -that England is a great North .Asn- erlca0' power . and means to remain Such a power, "If the Hay-1"auncefote treaty' is not adoI'ted in a form acceptabie 1;0 US WO shall stand quietly Iipor` rauT. indubitable rights under :lie. Clayton- Bulwver:'treaty rights, .Which. cannot be affected by any actt011 the •Atueri- can Senate may choose to Iatce,"" TEL LGRAPIITC 'BRitti'S. William Noyse, aged 17 years, of Watervilet, N.Y,, was, drowned Sun= day afternoon while skating, The Canadian Pacific transcontin- ental express, ran into and killed El large moose between Sarandon o.r d Winnipeg. Count: Von Blumenthal, the oldest field mnarshal in the German army, discir d I' i ay evening on his estate at Quellendorf, Duchy of N,nllalt Ilgn. Charles Fitzpatrick 1'01.1 rrlo(1 to Montreal from New 7: oriv'' 00 : 1u1- day, The Salicitor-Ciinelal says tint Sir Wilfrid Lanier has gone to At- lantic City, Danis ,w� 1 Hawthorne, w Uhorne, alias 7T. Par- dee, charged with having forged cheques and uttered 'then.. in Toron r . „to has been arrested and held for extradition at' Detroit. Henry R. ,Tac):son, : senior partner of the firm. of. H. 1R .Tacksou ,) Son, wholesale and retail liquor deal- ., Seaforth,, died there Sunday. Ire reased was 62 years of a ''e.:. The Hamilton. Board of Education has divided ' its fire risks for the coming year among: the non -tariff companies, owing to the high rates of the tariff insurance <companies:. The ship -fever monument,;; ww i,ich has occupied a prominent pos.t.cai near the Victoria bridge since 3!-3:',9, has,. been removed, to, Vit. I`acttck', Square, Montreal, where it':will find aerma p neat resting place. Frank Barr, aged 19 years, dfbd late Saturday night in a .•hospital an Philadelphia ,following a Lboxi.ng contest at the Philadelphia, A. C`, Kelly, who was Barr's opponent, and Prank Henderson, the. referee, 11 -ere arrested."• 'Emperor's William's •decree length- ening medical study.,; as a remedy, o n r rn'wb" ice his ar'cictat' it+hy' i-;ATlb2,over productlon•of physi Men's fine shoes $2.50 for $1.90 at G. Manson's. St. Marys: • Aver -pretty.w i' 3 5 wedding _,g took place Tuesday evening at'" 'six o'clock, at the lame of Mr. Creighton, base line. The contracting parties were Miss Annie K. Abney and Mr. Alex Creighton. The ceremony was performed in the presence of some 60 or 70 guests, relatives of the bride and bridegrboiil, by the Rev. Mvlr. Hart of Woodham. The bride ,was prettily at- tired in- easier shade cashmere, trimm- ed with embroidered ot„cF -animsv .tied. t, 1nve'1V THE CAPE COLONY IVA3ION Lord Kitchener 'Says ' invading. Boers Have Been Cheokeda;: So i'ar as lits Iaforuaatign 1Woos, They Did Not Deceive )' uch Assistance Tron> the Cape ,Dutch—Dewet Ts Neat' Sene- Icai—Clements and Colville Have Both Been 'righting, and i'rench Is Chasing the Enemy. T.ondon, Dec. 24, --The e War Office has received the following despatch from c t z 1 0r rl Kitchener, dated • 1?retorla; Der., 22: 1ao far as it. is 901.11ble for me to ±0101 an opinion from the reports of oilicers on the spot, T think the Boer movement into Cape Colo1ij has bete checked_ .Of' the two forces that en- tered the "Colony, the eastern is still north of :the Zoutiansb'ez•g range, while the one that entered„ west a )- ,pears to Have been turned.,' in t1u di- roction of Tri.tstiww'3t aitd 1'rieska. Ourtroops are getting around both bodies, and a special'eolt,uzln is also being organizes, Which will be des- pat'ch0d irniilcdiately when ,I know :witei'r its Services are most wvahtcii, "The l3ocz•s have riot received much assistance in Cape Colony, so far as my information goes, We have a,rin- ed soine of the colonists, vire are assisting' our forces. Railway and' telegraph communication has been Much. interrupted by the very bad weather. tet. '`Dowet is in the 'neighborhood of Senekal, General French, in c0n•junc- tlon.wztll General 'Clements, attacked a force under BeycrS, soui;h of the Magalicsberg:', The Boers broke away in a southwesterly direction towards Poct hefstrootu, and were followed by General Gordon with a'coluuul,:of French's force. "Yesterday . evening -about • 5 o'clock;.- Clenient's force was engaged soutlif .0lipIiant's,Nek, but I don't yot 'know time result;" A later despatch front Lord Kit- chener, dated Pretoria, 'Dec.' 22, says: ':The Western column of Boors - oc- cupied Britstown, and cut ,the rail- way >soutit of De 'tar Junction. The enemy is b01115 followed up,, .`General French has been in con- tact for Pn-tact:for twvp., datiya "WiIh- the cons- nlazzdo' of Boyers and Delarey, south of ;the Magaliosberg: He is pursuing. them., The enemy have Lost consid- erable, and Couunandant Iireuz and others -have•:been captured.'. . "General Colville: en 'ancd' two 6 0 sep- arate commandoes, Dec, 21 near `Vlakf'rntein,' with a light loss, the etlenrw' -retiring." R:AIL-WAN' TOIIN ITP:, Fiiht39 p With. the Boers at•ga11t's Spruit. X ancien; .Dec. `?4.—Reports have sen'recetved from Cape T, w that u" railway had been' ,torn up in Eight pages ,of sunup ttized. ,ty and: c;lassified•llewvs. Eig.htpages :of praptical ricr:iltnrea. and live stock articles.` �► .Eightpttgesof'interesting 'fic- tion and magazine :features: WEEKLY AIL oar! EFIPIBE. 3 Sections;; 24 1?ages, 1.0(C) Per Year. to Balance of 1900` free with sub- scription for 1901. Zik2stfitAtsctir.3tr.arzm9 s 4 XETEff FOUND Pulpers and Straw Cut- ters in Stock mall times All kinds of Pulper and Strawcutter knives 'of every description S p 1 S3, 'on� hand. Steam Pipe and fittings of 'all kinds. A:good Williams` Sewing Machine for sale. J. FILIPIRAY `r HE llFST1O OlIEST1011 Of TIIE &hat can J get' or Xmas.. c-'Qifts , And you need not worry ovet it any longer. What is: More suitable or more cheering than a nice boquet . of cut flowers or potted plants, every person of taste loves and apprecizttes them. Leave your order early, • su DO TRU 0ollz tt,question 'that must interest you Ii;l,veyorz your New Shat? If not, drop in and see us at the first opportunity and let t'e show yeti a few prices of the. I.+'ancy, -Worsteds and Scotch Tweeds. lave you seen the new Staples and Therringbone 'patterns. They are beauties. l be i ties:." A. big range of Blues and Black, Iris Serges at the o1d prices. If you waxrt 0 black we bare what you want in Twills, Venetians and Clays, t r'E ROCAAr'..9_'S Overcoats in Beavers, 31Qltons, Curls,' Naps and Montanacts, All work done iii -the latest style and fit -guaranteed. . . I Opposite Post Office Exeter---afgar ROLLER MILLS LADIES If you -want to'havegood luck with, your Xmas. Cakes,, use our Princess Pastry Flour. Ask for, it andmsist on having it. - WHEATLET - Is a "dish for the dainty, the robust, the dyspeptic and the hungry, for all appetities and conditions. It is the peerless item. of ar. good: 'breakfast and there is no substitute. • STAR FLOUR Will make more bread and a larger loaf than any other family foul, Once used aIwa.ys wanted. J. COBBLED1 K & SON. or elle