HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-12-27, Page 1EO URTE -{ N` II
For Ecoriorri�
YEAR. -670.
Gveni.ment COTE
-� lifa�. St�,l. Cocke S�ateo 'the
on the market. Puck -
NEW AME,taw �
y-. ..N, i
durable finished, nickel plated.
ERS strongand r v�ell
offered for the money.
Puck stop, fullynickel plated, cheaper than ever.
Best quality, fully silver plated.Also a large Stock of Strapss and Repairs
SKATE. epa r
Cheapest skate ever r
8 aaraeecx
,ever, and saw that I was
jester made of the rails. of one
11)reighboring»paddocks oovei•ed
lm thatch.: B.y the brightness
HE`'fibs t,
l.risnraoee A"eo
,..:-.:.c rm." tom''`I, ; . co 7f('T
r atcipns•, _nee
To the value of English Stock Foodj
This is to'certif ' that 1 have used
English Stock Foocl -manufactured' by
C. Lutz, Exeter. I have used it with
not searched ole• calves that were fed' nothing but skim
Lad you i, I
n xzxe=„,,�t?11 and:they did w;cl
withalo g breath. "Yet tell
ear adjacent to the city are we?'
"It is the space where the ptdeViton,
^tnr'f:1 f`,11 "The in,,,'parties
were Miss :nixie”:A:", tna„eiand Mr,
Alex Creighton. ; The ceremony was
performed in the presence of .some 00
or 70 guests, relatives of :the bride and.
bridegroom, by the Rev. Mr. Hart, of
Woodham.•Thelnideevas,prettily at-
tired in- easter:, shade cishmere,' trimm-
ed with embrotdereel nh-: .-TA-Y7ennete
vvwsnrua - `rt cattle with e '',ellent
kee ere-eedee'? to hons yid the
late Saturday: ixrglit "ii'sacl, con -
in Philadelphia- followin; ti _tis
contest' at the, PhiladelphiaKelly, who .was I3arr's'opponeut, £.nd
Frank Henderson, the referee; v; ere
Emperor's , William's decree lenix
ening medical study,- as a remedy;
t -duction of lrys-
erled , 'ii'
a,, lievely '.,end lire his in•`nci a 1 over pro
v • $N _
The Sodomites held their annual
Christnrars -tree last Friday evening.
It was a great snecess, everybody. fil-
ling their part well, Rev. Mr. 11lill-
yard acted as chairman. --Two . sons
and a`d iughter of the late 1\Ir. 'Wm,
Stanlake,. of Saudbeach,-Mich., are
visiting relatives in and around Sodom,
—11h Win. eello lists been in-
disposed for some tune, has recovered,
—Miss 11.Fer Mason and brother, of
Auburn, visited their' sister, Miss Cora
Ferguson, teacher, a few clays last
meek. They returned home Satur-
day wind were accompaniedbv , their
St. JoSepli
Several from these paints attended
the Xmas. Tree Entertainment at the
,7?r@sbytcrPresbyterianchurch � at t Grax id Bend
on; Thursday evening 'of last week.—
Mr. Levi Smith has purchased a half
interest in the brick andtileyard from
2fr. 'Wm. Miller Here, and. the firm
will henceforth be known as Miller �C
Smitb,,—M. N. M. Oontine has return
ed,from Montreal, where he has been
for the past few weeks. Mr. Contme
reports ar„very successful trip and an-
nounces that St. Joseph is soon to be-
come a reals live city. a 'Time will tell.
--Friday last %yes ai very sorrowful
day for the children of our school, it
being the: last day for their teacher,
Miss A. ":1FI.cGregw . who has bad charge
of it for: the past two years. : Afiss 1i1c-.
Gregor has been an exceptionallyy suc-
cessful teacher, and was loved by all
the children in her charge. She pre-
sented each and all of them with a
very pretty little Christmas card, and
while they call prize the cards very
highly it is needless for us to say. that
it does not require then_ to keep her in
their Minds. We think it 1. great,inis-
take on the part of the Trustees to let
a.teachee leave for the sake of 'a few
dollars, who has taken so :much inter-
est in the 'welfare of the children as
Miss McGregor has done.
or County Councillor,
On the afternoon of Thursday, Dec.
20tlt,a very successful school entertain-
ment was given inNeil's school house.
A progra to of forty -Wipe flambe -vs was
rendered, the following persolis con-
tributiug:- i<Iisses Anderson, Llepburn,
Boyle, Salton and Elston, of Centralia,
Misses Fierce, of Brinsleee Miss Ait-
kins of Clatndebove uol Miss ' 1clilhar-
gey, of this place; :1lessrs.Richaed Neil
Horton Miller, Michael Ryan and David
Elston. The children of the school
also gave several songs,readings and
recitations, while Rev. Salton, of Cen
tralia, won all.hcarts by his 'short
spicy address, interesting alike to
young land old. During the afternoon
proceedings illiss Elston, ` the teacher,
was called to the platform when .the
following address, signed in behalf of
the pupils. was read by Mona O'Reilly,
while Ede, Neil presented her teacher
with a pair of grey lambgauntlets aud.
a box of handkerchiefs.'
DEAR TTA CHEM: --The time has about
arrived at which we must separate
from one another as teacher and pupils.
The three years that acre just about to
close have been so ?leasantlyspent un-
der your care an,.'C with so much profit
to us as pupils that we feel somewhat
grieved that those circnnastances are.
so soon to be changed. We know that
you have always been very faithful in
your labors for our mental and mor-
al well-being, although we have often
done deeds that were not what you.
would wish. And now •ts' you : are
about to take your final farewell, we
would ask you to accept those gaunt-
lets and box ars a small token of our
esteem for 5 on and for your labor ars a
teacher. 'We wish your pathway to.
be strewn with many of God's choicest'
blessings and that you will always look
back with pleasure to the time spent
in section No. 1, McGillivray. We
shall ever feel it a great pleasure to
look back over our school life when
under your control and he pleased to
meet' you at any future time.
I _(_._cliton
New Year to all and a pros-
fa m rl Collins A Happy Ne Y 1
G txhury BUItYj tee b s , e Y one to the Editor is the best
1,tarnbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary pel'OLts 1
";ger' Money to lean -Exeter. Out, wish of your correspondent.—.Mr, aznd
A,rrti rtr 2 i a. nscPn in the' Zion Mrs. Sidney Andrews- and Miss Ali-
s.preeeeing; under drews,ot Elimville,spent Sunday here,
-.j a , the uest of Mr. Thos.: Mitchell.—The
`. ._ taxa g ,
T oircipn Dec. 34: --Re -*- y Salt n halve
ports' n L, uses Lily.- a. axil Grrice o
yell 'received from Cape Town that "I-fter spending ;a year
railway�had.becn'torn �<Thotrrs.—Mr
sboi ne
P1tri:T' \Vonoixe,-'The home of
Mr. Philip Madge, of the Sth conces
sion, was the scene of . very pretty
event on Wednesday of this week, , be•:
ing the marriage of his second': lough-
ter, 14liss L tutteL M,eud,,fo 11Ir, Ceo. . AN' 1Yillbuic, ileo. C. A'. iiio'vit. 11
conducted the ceremony, which wars.
witnessed by aliceit eighty guests. Miss.
Ethel'112aclge, sister of the bride, acted
as btidesxneid,: while Me. Thornton,
Ungee, of Napinee, performed sunilas
dittiesfor the groom, The ceremony
over all sat down to a liotrutiful repast
pi'ovidecl for the occasion, after which
a pleasant time was spent socially. A.
noteworthy feature' of the gathering
bride's grand-
ekrr e �
i the presence f t31 a
vas g
father, Mr. Madgc,Un the father's side,
who is nearly 90 years of age, and Mrs.
Isaac, the bride's grandmother, on the
mothers side, also a great age, the old
couple taking as deep an interest in
the ceremony* as the younger element
The array ofpresents waste megnifi-
cent one,coanprising articles of n"se and
v alae.
Some idea of the excellent woile that'
is being done by the Farmers' Insti-
totes for the improvement of agrieul••
tural conditions by promoting the
interchange of ideas einem:, its mem-
bers and placing at their disposal the
results of the latest seierxtific resea,reir.
and pratical experiments in connection:
with the leading branches of faun in-
dustry,:Tway, be gained Irani the re-
port of the Superintendent ofFatxtier's
Institutes foe 1509-1900. This volume
in addition to giving mime- details as
to the growth told progress' of the
nrganiZa do n, :00)1' einsselections feonx
3,325 addresses given at the ;Inecting5
held during the season, covering-. a,
great variety of subjects in connection
with tig;rie'.bore, live stool., dairying,.
horticulture, ponitrv, etc, These
p1 5
a Pers enibod rthe experience of the
leading practical farriers and others
engaged in kindred pursuits, and the
results of tests and experiments Tirade
by professional instructors and scient-
ists on the more advanced lines. The
list is such an extensive one that it
would be impossible to mention any,
consideraible proportion of the •contri-
butors whose acideesses lxave'been em-
bodied in the vol inle, but among 'lie
most, (valuable and interest ug tyre
papers by such: well known tut I xoritf
an general it rrcultur it 'natters