HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-12-20, Page 1•
.OURTE 'NT YEA, .--•670.
Te best t value
HE Halifax Star Hockey Skate.
stop, beautifully finished.
on the market. Puck -
A -
, t. plated. Cheapest skate ever
stro�� .;. nd durable,well finished, nickel e p
'ffered for the mone
> .,... �•.., is
Puck stop,.fullY nickel plted,
cheaper thanever.
74AL CLUB SKATES. ,..:..
and Re airs. JE3est quality,fullysilver fated..A.1so a large Stock'of Straps p
eve y FURNIT RE EMPORIUM we back
HEN say U up the statment in
9 the most ample sense of the term. We have orie of the largest stocks
to be found in antown of the size. in Wsstern Ontario; all modern
i u When `. also' rlr corn. etetors
,rind uta -to date. � hc.0 eve say that we can - o p.
make no bluff, we mean business; fund we mean to` carry it out. It easy
web ,
enough to assert broadly that we sell FURNITURE cheaper than any other
house, but that: doesn't mean anything. ` So we'just set the prices of a few ar-
ticles for your inspection::
Tables from' $3.90 upwards.
Bed Room. Suites, from $10.00 upwards
Boards' from
Side $8.50 upwards.
8:0 u:0 Wand s.
Miss Katie Currie was visiting at
her parents on Sunday.—Jiro and his
best girl passed through town on Sun-
day. They surely must mean busi-
ness.—We have election campaigners
around again. The more the merrier.
—John Sherritt,M.P,-.passed through
town on his way to Zurich to attend
an insurance meeting.
Mrs.'Geo. E. Case, is at • present in
a serious condition suffering from ty-
phoicl fever and pleursy. She under -
Went on an'o eration Mondaybut her •
condition has, not been'.impP roved.-
Dr. ancl Mrs. Ouse, of Dungannon spent•
Monday night With.' his • mother, 'Mrs.
Thos. - Case.
Usborne Council,'
Council met Dec. 15th. All mem-
bers present. Minutes of last meeting
read and approvecl: The colectors time
for returningthe roll was extended
until Jan. 4th, 1901. : The Board of
-Health's account for services and ex-
-penses,amountirig,to'.$2S.75 was passed
and an order drawn in, payment. The
a$'f, oQlorn,
annual Christmas Tree entertainment
will be lreld here on Friday evening
Rev. J. Morrison is to deliver his
popular lecture, "That Boy;" in con-
nection with the Christmas tree enter-
tainment in the Boston Methodist
church Christmas night. ----Miss Bella
McPherson, returned 110111e from visit-
ing friends in. Decker ville, Mich.
SAD AND Paaralarro DE?,TO.--Nath
an Bullock, the four-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Bullock, died very.
suddenly' Thursday night' from croup
and dyphtheria. The little fellow was
remarkably bright for his age and vas
only sick a few days. The bereaved
parents and family have the sympathy
of their numerous friends in their sad
A very pleasant and social event
took place at the residence of Mr.Thos.
Cann: Carrnbrook Farrar, on Tuesday
evening of this week. An '`At Home"
was given in honor of Mr. W. C. Gay,
of Buffalo, who has been visiting rela-
tives and friends here for several
weeks and, who returns to his horse
this -(Thursday) morning. Those pre-
sent Were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cann,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cann, Mr,ar,d Mrs.
John Carni, Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Kerslake, Dr. A. 13.
Kinsman, Miss Kinsman and Nina
Kinsman, of Exeter, and. Miss Victoria,
Bishop, of l:7sborne.The evening was
spent in games,singing and social chat.
Mrs. Cann,.assistecl by her daughter,
Elmina, and Mrs, B. Williams served
the guests with the luxuries of the 'ta-
ble to the satisfaction of all.
J..G.s'f ANBURY,B.' ., (formerly Collins
& Stanbur,y) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
Conveyancer Money to loan --Exeter. Ont.
The famous Jubilee Singers, (colored)
will appear in the church at Centralia,
on. Xmas. Eve. They are a first-class.
company in every, respect and it will
be a treat to hear them.
Council netin i ewas held in the
Town Hall, on Saturday. Consider-
able business was transacted.—The Y.
P.A., of Zion Church • gave Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Ostreicher a surprise party
last Friday evening; Everybody spent
an enjoyable evening. -George Hirt-
zel lost a -valuable cart horse last week
valued at $150, through inflammation
of the bowels.—Miss Pearl Jones, of
Marlett, Mich., is visiting her grand-
parents, Mr. and MrsMatthew Winer.
—George . Holtzman has finished re -
clerk wa,, instructed tohave :l,nn cones flooring ti e'brrdgea cross the Sauble.
It was soft footing, andl we ran l'Li T n` ",s •v}ro rhas,bcieu
Stephen Connell
The Council of the township of Step-
hen, convened at the Town hall, Credi
ton, on Saturday, Dec. 15th, at 1 o'clock
p. ni. _A11 members present. Minutes
of previous meeting read and :approv-
ed. Willett--Hicks—that Gottlerb
Brown, the Collector of taxes for the
year 1900, is hereby instructed and
authorized to continue the levy and
collection of the unpaid taxes in the
manner ILpd with the power provided
by by-law for the genual levy and
collection of taxes. ---Carried. :.1 c:ic —
Sweitzer-that by -lay No. 0, 1900, he.
Inq g .t by-law,' which considers cd it' 2 -
visa,bly that in future auditors should
be appointed in the month of Novem-
ber, or December, to audit the, acconnts
being read the third time, be 'passed. —
Carried. Willett--Yearly—that by..
law No. 7, 1900, he passed, appointing
Henry Doyle, of the township of Step-
hen, as auditor, being read a third
time, be passed.—Carried. The Reeve
appointed John: Brokenshire as a set:
and • auditor. Yearly—Flicks-That
the followingpersons shall be Deputy
Returning Queers for the polls and
places set opposite the respective
names.—No. 1, NTeivton Baker,- School
House No. 1; No. 2 Chars. Brown,
Lewis' tailor shop; No. 3, W. H. Wen-
zel, Town Hall; No. 1, henry Doyle,
Cnilningham's kitchen; No. ':Dan.
Buchannen, Hannan's hall; No. 0,
Christian Stade,'Mosser's hall; No. 7,
T. N. Hayter, ; Wilson's hall; No, 5,
ZVin. Oliver, Maccabees' hall.—Carried
After granting: orders to . the amount
of $1312,.01 which will appear in the
it easnr er s Financial report, the Coeur-
nil adjourned to tweet again in the
Town Hall for nomination, on Dec.
31st at 1, p. in. The vital statisticts of
the, Township of Stephen for 1900 are:
92' births, 11 marriages and 53 deaths.
Deee, ber`Sessions of tile. Peace,
The December Sessions of the Peace
for the County opened on Tuesday be-
fore His Honor Judge. Masson, the fol-
lowing being the Grand Jury: Geo. T.
McKay, Tuckersrnith, foreman; :J. P.
Currie, &oderich tp.; 'Henry; Govier,
Patrick Gibbons, E. Wawanosh; T. A.
Houghton, Colborne; Jas. Holland W.
Hiles, Jno. Kirckconnell, Hullett;
Samuel Way, Jam. Spence, Howiek.
When the grand; jury had been duly
sworn His Honor addressed them in
connection with the criminal case to
be placed before them, and „their took
up the civil list, and in a short time
disposed of the three cases on the
tion on a promissory note. Verdict by
consent against defendant: Wm. ,Ask,
worth for 5150, without cOie1 ,..swtf i1 rlL
in one month, and juda-ow to protect th
Against ftiefe- r-'~* •l
Your correspondent wishes the read
ers of 'the Al'V0..TE, a 'merry ':Christ-
i"n)1S.-=No likes of sleighing for Xmas.
Mr. 1Vilber 1 -licks has retarzted home,
after spending the summer at Moose
jaw, Assa. Ile is very much to ken up
Nvrth the eouutry and reports the crops.'
good in that part. He intends making
that pert of Canada his horse .after
this winter 3h and -Mrs. l\—m. ITiil,
of Alma,are visiting here, the
guest cif his bMich.;'ro ,her, Richard,l' airfield.
.--Don't fail to iitteud the concert, to be
given in the Cixzrah by the 1 )Moats
Canadian Jubilee Singers, elle only:
inusited .tronl> who haye travelled
over the; largest part of .England, Ire-
land an
relandan<t the States. A gi-ond treat is
store and a full house: is expected.—
The regular meeting and election of
officers of the Centralia L.O.L. was•
held on ,Saturday night.<a good num
being. present. The election resulted
as follows:—W.31., Frank `,Davis; D.M.
Henry Mills; Chap., Anthony 'Nevin;
l3ec. Sec., F. J. Davis; Fin. ,Sec., John
GVright;Treits., Joshua Ilurt•ihle; 1).
of C„ Thoan.cs Caves; Lecturer rarer;' li,ich.
Horn; Committee, Way. Caves, John
McFalls, Henry Gundy, Win. Davis;;
Frank 111.11. The lodge has: to :regret -
the loss of one tooLbar by death` in the
person of Win. Nair...—Mr. Thos. El-
ston has got his chopping department;
in operation, he halving evervthiu .
new and to great advantage. He has
also started up ,lir asher5 ani is doing
er: large business in that line.—The
Sunday school anniversary will be
field next Sunday, the Rev. llr Mor-
rison, of. London, will take charge of
all three:services.
S t-. Joseph
Mr. 'Vin. O'Brien and family, of
Zurich, are spending a few days with
his parents hese, -Mr. and Mrs. H.
Smith, accompanied hy..Mr. ; . Wm.0
Fillehe', all of (raid Bend, were the:
guests "of Mrs, D. h. Wilson on Sun.
dav,-Sli,.13. O':Braen iirid sons spent'
Sattardaay in thc,pirlery,south of Grancl.
Bend, on 7L hunting expedition. We
believe; the • met with r aL tolerable::•:.
amount, of success (as it resulted in
principally harnt)—Miss 111': Jennison,
who a rs high the
attending 1 g school "'class
in Exeter spent: Saturday and Sunday:
with her parents here:-3YIr. R.0'Brien:
was at Parkhill the fore part:'" of this'
week, where hepurchaseda fine brood
SOW from that .well and favorable
known breeder, Mr. T. Vine.
ENTERTAINMENT.—Avery successful
entertainment was -held inMiss C. Mc-:.
Gregor,school on Friday' evening last,
in which the school. house was crowd-
ed to its utmost capacity, temporary
seats being provided in the isles and
the rear of; the building. Several
Pm. ^-,sa,`ialle to-procureseats,-and
ohlir-ed to stand.