HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-12-13, Page 8evevni,,,-imewovm-wega, moo Botweoil 130w audJeatt., 1t1901,20,000 I DRJEDAPPLol4SM3rd'wlcita we wU PaY Sets, Per fia• We will *so pay t1to highest xuarliet prices for all classes of produce. OCAL DOINGS agNe. -0,4iela&Vevi*-*69,&e&VO Skate of the season, for quality, 'ituaislx, and price, is the American 'nek.ey Skate, atBishop's. Mrs. Sims disposed of bor household ets by auction on Saturday, realiz- cefair prices. Miss Ada- Mitchell entertained a aamber of her yoimg friends on Tues - ay evening - Farmers' ..Atteutiou,--Ilutter 18c. Fresh Eggs tsc., Dried ApOes 5e, t Stewart's. Reeking- chairs mid small tables,ijust tkbe thing for Xmas, presents at Bever- 'Iay & Huston's. Ii the weather continues favorable there will, be skating in the link here an Saturday next. •Use Dix. Little Liver Pills and Dix Blibley Pills, For sale at Lutz's Drug Store. teV. C. W. Brown, preach ssext Sunday evening in James street ntech an card playing. entichea of all kinds very cheap at Beverley & Huston's. The December Sessions of the Peace HI open in the Court House next .'ilesday, before His'Honor Judge Mas - ma. Use Winan's Cough Balsam for eaughs, Colds and Bronchetic Troub- les. Specially useful fox. children. 25e. a....hottle at, Lutz's Drug store, The hest protection against fever. enrnonia, diphtheria'. etc., is in sibflng up the system with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Parlor Suites $17.50 and upwards at BoverIey &Huston's. Ma. Robert Sanders has recovered Me Setter dog advertised in last week's AttuvocaTE. He had wandered or was ta-lken to London. Perfumes, Toilet Water, Toilet Sets, Wir Brushes, Purses, etc., suitable for tbristmas presents, at C. Lutz's Drug Jaatats Street ctatrau Amtivorsary. b ` The a nnivo say of the James street Methodist churele held, on Stualay and Monday last, will go on record as. one of the most suecesstul in the his- ctoro%',colfs t,itihercollnlgueedh 4 theth:91'aSeIll'endda eydltile'geet notwithstanding the cold and stormy weather that prevailed, The Rev. C. T. Scott, B.A., of Aylmer,occupied the pulpit and delivered two most able and appreciative sermons,presenting many of the great truths of 1-Ioly-wx.it in a most clear and comprehensive manner. On Monday evenieg the visual supper was served in the basement of the church and was attended with the us - nal suceess being very largely patroe- ized and 0 most excellent andbonntifel spread of the good things provided for the occasion. .After tea all repaired to the main part of the church to lis- ten to the intellectual treat in Store and they were not in the least disap- pointed. The Revds. Seott and How, Son each delivered interesting and in- structive addresses which vere listen- ed to with rapt attention. Miss Hoo- per, soloist, of Dundas steeet choir, London, oa both occasions, though laboring- under difficulties from the ef- fects ef 0 cold, sang ,several selections very beautifully, Nvhile the choir Kis- taiued tbeir 050151 repuCation. The chair, on Monday evening, was filled by the pastor, Rev. Beown, in his ae- cnstomed happy manner. The Sun• day collectious and proceeds of the tea amounted to aboet $190. Z.J, Spackman. The London News has issued a very handsomee0hristinas holiday number. It consists of fifty pages of spicylitera- ture, beantifully illustrated and is a credit to the enterprising publishers. The Barry Concert Om gave an en- tertainment in Gidley's Opera House on Monday night, The crowd was aud propably just as well, as the thieg fell sadly short of what was ex- pected, Apples For Side. A quantity of green apples for sale at W. 11. Levett's. Halters Lost A. pair of halters between Hensall and Zurich swamp. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at ADVOCATE office. Loon Out For Fakirs. The "gold spectacle" fraud is again being worked in Mitchell. The scheme is that you are accosted by a young man who elainis to have found a pair of gold spectacles which he represents to be worth $5.00 or $10, but he offers them to you for $1.00 or $2, they be- ing no ese to him. The glasses and frames are originally purchased across the hoe for l8c. a pair, and reached Mitchell through the post office. We have heard of several who have been imposed upon during the past few days, and we would warn others to be on their guard. The thing is a steal right through, and any person hereafter found practicing, the fraud should be immediately placed under arrest. Christmas Handkerchiefs in lawn, linen and silk, plain, embroidered and initialed. Hundreds to choose from, at 3c. to $1 each, at Stewart's. .........—.......... sold Ont. Rob Messrs. Giclley & Son, one of th idert Kirk, the oldest resent of, oldest business firms in town, dispose Ikirkttin, being 90 years of age, was,,,1,1of their large furniture stock to Me removed to the House of Refuge ;it ,! Beverly & Huston last week an Minton last week. f srs. ..• having leased the opera bloc;k to th eVe-C-C.-C-4-CC;s1.1eFe<eg1C-CO,fgeeC-C,C,C.‹-t-e% same firm "Will go out of business WANTED between now and the gP,i, Messrs. Beverely & Huston took stoc a, ' the ist Jany., 1901, 20,000 lbs. of aft, thioin. sweek and are already in posse good, dry, bright, Drs Dred Apples n ... .... for mbich we pay 5e. per pound. 46 C:Ence's '''""eci' Vire also pay the highest market, At the last regular meeting of L. 0 prices for 011 kinds of produce. I L., No. 924, Exeter, held FridaY nigh F3, lst, the following- officers were elect a E. 3. SPACKMAN. t ed for the ensuing term, viz. 0 Nvilliarns Iv. m.; J. Oke, D. Me . ..1=1•'>2..212.0-)**D4''.••;-.--.)fk-•'*(1''-11.1' ;white, Cliap., D. Dew; Rec. Sec'y Beautifid bed.t.born suites $15.00 andecTas Brintuell. Fin. Secy; H. Lam - rat Beverley &I-Iuston's. eitihrtook, Treas.; W. Neil, I). of C.; A. The, new genuine Star Rocky Skate, Sutton, Lecturer: A. Williams, T. Hig- iantifactured by Star .Manufacturing gins. 0. Dew, Sam'l- Stanlake John a a • ' e is a ' beauty. See them at Bishops. lord, ' Committeemen. -- If you want to have a good baking The largest stock of goods in the 01. Christmas use Lutz's absolutelY country.suitable for Christmas mes- e and-freshBaking Powder. °tits is at Stewart's Cash Store, Exe- Mrs ,Ta. Beer had the good luck ter. „Grey Lamb Caps for the Boys to. capture -1i woodcock on Friday last. and Girls. Caperines for the Ladies ;Eels a very unseal thing to see such from $2.50 to $40 each. Fur Ruffs 'ind'allite period of,the eason. from 75c. to $9.50. Mens' and Lad- ...eriati:„.,,,,tstglsine.shoes li9.,9g frw,..,...$1..., 5a,,,t ies' Fur Gr'atmtlets, Children's Gaunt- at,e0„ manson,s. ',-. lets,_$,tewt-krt2s-1,-; 'UR; 4 PlitO, ete buy Mr. Fred Kerr, df Crediton, and Mr. your Ohristm; s goods. 'Wes. Snell, of town, will shoot a pig- stony c'ertainly. etiett Thatch here next Monday for a Here is a marriage notice with corn - wager of $15 aside. Each will shoot Tient that appeared in a North Dakota at, ten. birds. . paper: Married, at Flinbstone, by Rev. _ Tryon want to see a stock up to -date M. Windstone, Nehemiah Whitestone irk every particular, call on Beverley & and Wilhelmina Sandstone, both of linston. - ' Liniestone. This is getting mighty Famous Cariadian Jubilee Singers "rocky," and there's bound to be a and Imperial Orchestra, Tuesday Dec. "blasting" of the "stony" hearts be - 250, in Gidleys' Hall. Dont fail to fore marly- "pebbles" appear on the Ikearthern. Reserve your seats at connubial beach. The grindstone of Martin's music store.' . domestic infelicity will sharpen the axe of jealousy and cliscordeal3C1 sooner or Men's fine shoes $2,50 for $1,90 at G. xanscites„ „ later one or other of thetpair will rest beneath a tombstone. Then look out Saturday night last marked the for brimstone." advent of 'a. real old-time winter and while very little snow fell the storm Buy your Christmas groceries, Or- wasvery severe and cold and has kept anges, Lemons, Candies,Dates, Figs, -up the snap ever since. all new and fresh for Christinas, at Remember the great slaughter sale Stewart's Cash Store. car hoots and shoes for 00 days, from Dec. ist, at Geo: Manson's. Death of GeorgeXifarness. ilms. is at hand and R. Hicks has a There died at the residence of his .. ii very choice, new stock of 'watches, mother, Main street, on Friday night clocks, jewelery, silverware, etc.. to last Mr. George Harness, at the age of ehoose from. Cheaper than all prev- 27 years, 9 months and 3 days. The ious, years, during the holidays. Call deceased had been sick only about a and see for yourselves. month from a tuberculor throat clis- 1,00,,pah, of mews plough shoes at See, fase and while his case was serious, per pairs at Geo. Mansor-tra and sure to prove fatal, his sudden WANTED Between now and Jany., lst, 1901, 20,000 lbs. of good, dry, bright, DRIED APPLES for which we pay 5c. per. lb. We will also pay the highest market PRICES for all classes of PRODIJOE. E. ‘7. SPACIDIAN Council Proceedings, Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, at Town Hall,Dec.7th. All pres- ent. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Armstrong—Levett, that the following accounts be passed and orders drawn on 'Treasurer for same:—F. Hoist, tile, 652.40; F. R. e Knight, supplies North End fire hall, cb 45c.; James Taylor, labor $1; C. Lutz, s- „supplies Fire Co., 50c.; S. Sweet, foun- d 'dation power house,$20.25; John Snell, e .„streetwatering,$23; James Russell, ac - cunt, $1.45. H. Spackman, account. k -$0.75; Telephone Co., 40c.; Geo. Kemp, s- salary -ringing bell, $40; Rescue Fire Co- salaries, $60; Defiance Fire Co.. salaries, $130; James Weekes,salary Os Fire ()hief, $40; Tremaine &Snell, elec- tric light account, as amended to Dec. 1st, $75.10; S. Sanders, telegram to • Brussels, 25c.; James Creech, charity -T. to Mrs. Sutton, $5; J. N. Howard, site e for power house, $20.—Careied. Arm- strong—Evans, that the following per- sons be appointed depety •returning officers, the different,polling sub-diyis- ions:—J. T. Westcott for Polling Sub, - Div. No. 1, at Handfind's house; Wm. Weekes, for No. 2, at Weekes' shop; Alex. Tait, for No. 3, Tait's shop: G.B. Bissett, for No. 4, Town Hall.—Carried. Muir—Armstrong, that Tremaine & Snell, be allowed six days to replace g,lobes on are lights and in default they will not be paid. for any light without globe. --Carried. Evans—Muir, that Mr. Cirech be instructed to colleet 1113.3 Sem of $2 from all parties connecting withWilliarn street, drawing also all moneys dne for use of water system.— Carried. Armstrong—Levett, that Council adjourn to Dec. 13th, at 7.30 o'clock, p.m.—Carried. G. H. IiisSETT, Clerk. taking-offecame with a shock to the The clothing Bun- of GlAg and Mac- immediate household and friends. The dunald, Seaforth, have for many years funeral took place on Sunday to the faanishetl the stage Costumes of the Exeter cemetery. Being a nember Guy Bros. niiiistrel troop. Now they of the militia a large number of the Java received orders for street uni- local members were in attendance. coeiln.nelsarfloyr$toohco.entire company at a cost Capt. Rance, of Blyth, sent a beauti- ful and appropriate wreath to be plac- Misses' and children's shoes froin ed on the casket. Ile leaves to mourn see, up to 31.3e at G. mansofes. his demise a wife and one child,togeth- rewith his mother, three brothers and The shooting match held in, connec- twosisters, who have the sympathy ikiort with the Mansion House on Fri- of the community. amy last was well attended, but scarce- ry average shooting. was done. Fol- "SZTene,1\7114E=„tf---. ralezieg is the score, viz:— Between now and .January ist, 1901. Geo. Vo.sper 7 John Gillespie 6 20,000 lbs. of good, dry, bright, DRIED Wes Snell 8 Fred Kerr 9 CJ. Hyridman 7 Geo. Hirtzel 7 APPLES for which we pay 5c. per lb. We also pay the highest market prices Balk -will 7 A. Sheeres 7 for all classes of prod.uce„ H. Hurclon 9 R. Samwell '7 A. Hicks 7 P. Brown 6 E. J. SPFICVIFIN 45 42 Tao Weather for December. F0110Willg is the forecast,for Deoem- Ir. John liawkshaw last week dis- her issued by ,the weather prophet, posed of his pretty little cottage °n Rev. Irl R. Hicks. It will be interest - Albert street, to F. W. Gladman, Bar- fog to see how closely the weather foe luster, for the san] of $1300. and has lows his predictions: About Dec. 3rd Eawchased Mr' A. J. Rolliu brick res." there will be storms of rain with then- faence on Main street for the sum of der and lightning, not necessarily ae... M1800, possession to he given the• 15th companied by snow. These storms '1)1 uarY. We""derstand- Mr. Rol- culminate about the Sth changing to 11 -ns intends nmving to Rochester' winter storms followed in a few days Ivhet'n his s°31, Fred,,is engaged by a change to warmer weather. From 1.7n business- Mr. R°11ins and family the 17th to the 23rd there will be • a m Lown f;orrstehv3.e_raelil'ei,:ein`% pgii:oeith)t,hecit'issvisaiinnswpienotDelre' aagainsti vnidoitohnet, nd theiriaarri.i, friends i,iner° will Pe- winter storms and blizzards. This cris- . 0 -et to hear of tnene departure. is will fall between the 18th and the Turkish Scalp Food. is ati elegant 2,0th, aecompamed by- great danger dressing for the hair, restores grey along the North Atlantic oeean and hait. to its na•tural color, relieves dand- over the lake regions. A raging bliZ- ruff aud px,,hing of the SCalPad pro- '7'ard and snow blockade is foretold for motes the growth of the hair. For the period. After the 25th there will sale at Lutz's Drug Store, Only 50c. be a return to warmer Weather, with a bottle. rain and snow. Look for influeeza and kindred symptorris growing out of De - Shoes for Xrn, pPeSen .1:S. When cernber weather conditions. ,we say the Ring Quality- that means - the best shoes that timeey can buy. when doing yotw cinast,mas shop_ "Itg 86PPers for Men and Ladie. ping be sure and see Stewart's stock eg's Oxfords. King's boots for he 11115 the largest stock in the coun- and Ladies only, to cbo had at ty. Special attractions for Xmas, ewart s Cash San e. shoppers at Stewart's Cash Store. 41:3.1.• New Christmas Ties, Bows, Miffs, Graduates Flowing Ends and, Four - in -Hand. If you want the new and stylish.things in neckwear see the selection at Stewart's Cash Store. Teacher's Meeting. Fifteen of the teachers of District No. 1, West Huron, met in the Exe- ter Public School pursuant to notice. The President, Mr. Gowans, occupied the chair. In a few well chosen words he thanked the convention for the honor, bestowed lino/a hine Mr. Bloom- field dealt admirably with the subject, "How we are governed," showing that the teaching of History should com- mence with ' -'a fair idea of gdvernment in order that a child can grasp the meaning of the different acts which are found in our Canadian Flistory. In the senior classes the idea of govern- ment is gone into mere fully, proceed- ing from the government of the home to that of 'the tribe. In regard to the tribe the Chief finds that he has too much to look after and so this leads to the apPointment of advisers who may be favorites, or persons unlikely to look after the general welfare. This leads to the idea that the advisers were not responsible to the people and this is remedied by the people choos- ing tire advisers, thus giving responsi- ble ,government. To teach the form r•=11•• ligNTE0 APPLES 1111111 1 LU DRIED vintrrn Betweela now and Jany. 1st, 1900, 204000 lbs, ofgood, dry, bright, Dried Apples for which we Will PaY 5e. per POUND. We will also pay highest market prices for all kinds of produce . . . . E. J. SPACKMAN RegarclIng Anhuals Estran The law provides that a person tak- ing rip estray stock should give notice that SI1Oh animals are on their premis- es by publishing three times in a news'. paper published With the section •where the estray -was found, and if the propeatv is not called for within three weeks a-fter the insertion of the notiee the firgler shall go to the ;justice of the peace and make oath to finding and advertising. If the propierty is not claimed within a year and should, not exeeed $50 valee, it then belongs to the party on Whose prernise.s it strayed. If worth over $50 it shall be advertised by the justice ancl sold and the excess of all expenses shall be paid over to the county treasnrer. Any person tak- ing up aa estray and neglecting to cause the same to 1,-7 advertised and appraised shall be liable to a flue of $20. embovssardvaizah,s• evezaineda PERSONAL. 1:7,4tfterk,,, ,1,(Ar,,,/ /I, ssuti Mr. Bullet], of Clinton, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. F.NV. Collins has returned,from Elimville. Miss Lottie Hynclintin left for Toron- to 'Wednesday. , Geo. Sanders is at present confined to his bed throug,h illness. John 0. Gould, of London, spent Fri- day in town with his parents. Mr. E. Christie and Mr. R., R. Rog- ers spent Tuesday in Parkhill. Mrs. Miller, of Leedom -was the guest of Mrs. Ed. Treble last week. Miss Ida Willis has accepted 0 posi- tion as clerk in D. Dyer's store. Mrs. Loadman has returned, after a short visithvith friends in London. Mr. Ed. Gill, of 0 -rand Bend, spent a few days in town during the week. Mrs. Miller, of, Wingham, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Page. Mrs. Miners and son, Milton, of Point Edward, visited friends in town Tuesday. Robt. Sanders returned from his 11131111a1 hunting trip in Michigan .,ond La tribton last week-. Mrs. Robt. Sinai°, of Essex, visited her brother, Mr. Wm. Dunsford, of the Lake Road, last week. Ed Stewart, who has been eegaged in Detroit for some months, returned home \Yedhesday evening. . . Miss Mary Mateer,who has been con- fined te her bed. through illness for the past few days, is able to be up again. Miss ars ns,London, IS r H• Doh o • of the guest of her brother Harry, James Street. She' will remain for several Months. Mrs. Piper was called to London last week owing to the severe illness of her brother, Mr. Wm. Dining, who is suffering from dropsy. Mrs. Walters, who has been visiting at her daughter's, Mrs. Wm. Plewes, in Tuckersmith for some months past, returned to town Monday. Mr. John Floyd, who has been here since the death of his father, left last - week for his home in Seaforth, accom- panied by his Mother who _intends making her home with him. "On Saturday and Sunday last J. D. Atkinson and Wife, of Exeter, former resident of Clinton, ' visited, the ,home of Mr. A. ,Hooper,. General Agent for the ManufacturersLife. Mr. Atkinsou enjoyed very much renewing a,cquaintauces among' his • old. friends of this -town."— top:New Era. • , A ParsIcr.LN, is not always at hand. Guard yourself against sadden coughs and colds by keeping a bottle of Pain- iller in t'he house. • Avoid substitutes, there is but one .Perry Davis'. 25c and 50c. • ,Tuckersmith: Wednesaay week Mrs. Hugh McKay passed away to her long home, after a long and severe ill- ness borne with Christian fortitude, at the age Of 07 years., Her husband died a few years ago. She leaves a family. Mitchell: There is to be a bylaw ote on ,cby the ratenayersepe r 0,900, to porchesarland, eted- tiWn cemetery. • Mitchell iatepayers o not take ,kiudly to by-Wws of this ind; so it will likely tolbe 'a dead is- sue. Itussseldale: The windows are now in the new church and the first, coat of plaster is OD. Work has been delayed for sometime owing to the non -arrival of the glass for the windoWs, but it will he now rushed ahead and we may yet have the opening by New Year's. of government, start with, the school $ section, developing the ferat-4, •ef,,nee4ad g sity for selecting repre'Ketilatives to do d the business. In dealing with the -8e- k ecii4on of trustees, the pupils should get I.e'vivid idea of nomination and voting An account of the method of conduct- ing the business by a board of trustees might be given in order to develop the idea of motion and minutes. The gov- ernment of township and county may the be taken up, giving the main duties of each. The Dominion may next be taken up, dealing with the representative of the Queen, the Gov- ernor General. The members that are elected, form the House of Commons. Deal with the fact that the House is composed of parties, each party having a leader, in this way' arrive at the term Prime Minister. As Caria dui is a large country the P.M. would have too much to look after, hence he has to choose a cabinet. To supervise the work of the Commons, a body of men, called the Senate, i8 appointed for life In the work of the Government: 0 clear idea of the passing of a, hill should be. given, showing all the stag- es it passes throngh before becoming law. Lastly, Provincial govertialOrlt May be taken up, showing clearly the enforcement, of the laws and the judic- al system. At this stage, by means of chalk, pictures or diagrams a coert cone soould be given in order to introuce and develop the different judicial ernas, e. g. judge, witness, jury, QM. he open parliament on ''Our DOW, ext hooks" seemed to be of the opinion hat, the new books are much bottoc ham the old ones, but that they ' lnivo erects which will not be, coxrectOi •-o; ong aS teachers are not on the (board f selection. The next, meeting Of the istrict teachers will be on the ,,third Saturday in February -,at 2 p m ", EXETER FOUNDRY Pulpers and Straw Out- ters in Stock at all times All kinds of Pulver aiid n Svat:na;w. ,cudteriP/ • t:erktili1071 s '09f Steam Pipe and flttingis of all kinds. A good Williams Machine for sale: RA OPPOSITE HAWKSHAW'S HOTEL EXTRA special bargains in Overcoats. Extra special bargains in SlIiPS, Extra, special bargains in Furs. Extra special bargains in crock- ery and Dinner Ware' READ THISLIST, IT WILL BE- ----PAY Y017—'— ' A Men's Beaver Overceats, worth 14 $7.00, clearing at $4.90. Men'a Beaver Overcoats, worth $7.50, clearing at $5.50. Men's Beaver and Worsted Over- coats, worth $10.00, clearing at $7. Merds 13e0ver Overcoats, worth $12.40, clearing at $8.00. 1 Mn' s all wool Freize Overcoats, worth $7.00, clearing at $4.95. Boy's Freize Overcoats, $3.00, /$3.25, $3.50 and $4.00. Men's Heavy Serge Suits, black and navy, WOrth $5.O0for $3.65. Men's Heavy Serge and .Tweed Suits, worth $5.50 for $3.90. Men's Heavy Tweed Suit's, worth $6.50 for $4,95. ' „, Men's extra Heavy Tweed Suit, worth $7.50 for $5.50. Men's extra fine Worested Suits worth $9.00 for $0.75. Men's Tweed and Wersted Suits, worth $10.00 for $7.50. Men's Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers 85e, clearing at 05c. Men's extra fine Shirts and Draw- ers $1.25, clearingat 85c. • Men's Kangaroo Fur Coats worth $16.00 for $11.75. READ THIS LIST, IT WILL RE. 00. PAY YOLT,. Boy's 3 pieee Suits, worth $4,00, $4,25 and $4.50, clearing at $3,35. Boy's 2 piece Suits at $1.00, $1.45, $2.00, $2.10, $2.50 and 62.00. Boy's Knicker Pants, 25c., 40c. 50c. and 00c. Men's Heavy Freize Coats, short square cut $2,25. Iklen's Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawer:3 50e. clearing at 40c Men's 'Wool -fleeced Shirts and Drawers 75c., clearing, at 60c. ;20Q<Ofs-QQtK*C-Q0*C-C.1.C4i1.-e",•-<ee We have ;Ibout 30 Ladle's OA 9, Jackets to clear which must go this week and next. If R for .13$721,1c7nli)Ae‘o-t.8 natt 0 about half a 1111;d-il f stylish worth $15.00 for $11.00, 000-:)tetIsi'eDz,'",1*:;',.*•!'eM.We10 Men's Russian Otter Fur Coats Price & show yoe pur stock. call and we will pleased to g Men's Coon Coats worth $35.00 Ladle's Astrachan Capes worth $15.00 for $10.00. WE are doing a big ordered Clothing trade. If you have a snit or trouser notion let us save you sortie money. Black and VVorsted Suits especially. The Bishop Stook hi the Bishop Store, STORE OPEN TILL 10 p.m.420,1, A. STEWART . . 44,1,A 4:633,44,5WIK he rand e -ns 0 le in WE look on the Brand of a SLATER SHOE as a scat ot roteetion. Yon never know what you are getting in pair of COMMON SHOES til yon wear them. Then you probably discover you have made ft bad deal. The SLATER SHOE has a reputation and sale over Canada that cannot be excelled by any,other marnifacturer totour knowledge. Their goods give always the best of satisfaction and the name SLATER being stamped on each shoe 'sufficient to satfiy former customers. Others say theirs are:just aS good but don't buy a shoe until you try- a SLATER SHOE and after one purchase yon are a -wearer of a SLATER forever. A oompany with a reputation like the SLATER pen* would hardly risk petting their brand on inferior goods. Your are always sure of a. perfect fit, easy, comfort. good wear, and first -class -satisfaction. Ware the agents for the telebrate SHOE - E. J. SPACKMANy- Headquarters for W. E. Sahdford's Ciothin dmassmasssiesus Dithelinit39,19077:DIfeSslai DRY GOODS and GROCERIES HRISTMAS will 'soon be here. But we are here bef ,re it, and are' in a position to supply your needs in t he' many lines of Christmas Goods,. Hats, Ties, G1ov0i, etc. A complete range of stylish up-to-date goods. N., A large range of Men's neckwear expected in a few days, - the latest and the most up-to-date to be had. Call and in. spect our stock. Christmas groceries a specialty. Every- thing you need in that line:—New Fruits, Currants, Raisins, choice Layer Figs and Mat Figs at the lowest prices. PEELS:—Don't buy the oheaP Peel, Crosse S.: Black - 01 s ti est. We have it, Lemon, Citron and orange. Best selected RaNns, 10c, per lb. See Our choice layer ins in 7 lb. boxes, Seeded Raisins in packages, Ne canned g,00ds all in (`2,,orn, Peas and Tomatoes. 3_ cans, 25c, • A • HIGr'FIEST' PRICES PAID Fibtil PRODUCE Remember where we are. First Storet of 'Post Office. 12Vingbam: A By-law for the loan of $17,000 will be submitted for the approval of the property holders on Friday, December 22th. The object of the loan is to, assist NIessrs Bullock and Galt in the establishment of Iroin and Press Foundry shops in Wing - ham, fey the maroffaeture of goods now in great demand, Eliot are obtaira ed chiefly in the United States. Clinton: Walter Stutenen died on. Friday last at the early age ail twen ty- two, Tie WaS victim of the "white plague,' better kimen as eosteriptioh, which has caused so many vacant chairs. IValtee was fine, young man and populne with all his aSsociates and iiioch' SOrrOW is felt for the wi kv- ed 1110111101' and sisters who have thus ;gain heen bare:, ved, The funeral, which took place on Smiday, • was argel eild ed Chlidreh try forf 11 HE TRE ()hat Gan .9 get f c--Vifts And you neecl n6b v/Orvy over longey.--NV•hat is hriere .11101e, elleering , that) of Cut flo'Avers or potted p1i4 iLehetisaNsth,;,10yrt,-01(1e•r.ld".. . • g. •.' ' . • I I1C1/ 155 13,1. cethe chotq eliMiste6 bon boxes from -11,ac.n.,- (Iallces, a.nd ; -of thoiee- baking PAID. one -MINES CQ, 0 ' Mill) / C. , ONT, SEL, 1?oreinart