HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-12-13, Page 7RAIJEBET11IN( LUCK IT WAS, A RED'LETTER DAY FOR THE THREE PETERS. adieeveime Per the Man Who Told the Story of Bow, With a capital of only 1.0 Cent, Re Wolk $437.50 on a Series see 'Terme Races. This is the story a western man told to a paety of racing men. He proved it, too, in part at least, by referring to a tui e guide and a church almanac. "It was on Jane 29, 1895, that I got the biggest returns On a small investment of money that it was ever my luck to get before or since," he said. "I was in ()hi. cago. The town was wide open. Some of the poolrooms had 10 cent combine - tion pools. You could pick out three horses on the blackboard to win for a dime and get a little ticket with a 'lum- ber on it for your combination. The house took out a 10 per cent commission, and the remainder of the entire pool was divided among the holders of tickets on tbe winning combination. "Well, tbat 201.11 day of :June I had just a 10 cent piece in my pocket when I left the house in the morning, and I hugged it all the morning closer than a thistle waiting for, the combInation pools to , open up for businees. aly landlady, who eves •a very good Catholic, had just. re- turned from early mass as I finished my morning coffee, and she told me that on the church calendar it was St. Peter's day. In glancing over the morning pa- per I ran across an itennalso mention ing St. Peter's day, and later in the morning a crowd or people coming out from a church which I was passing by again called my attention to the festival. - "About 2 o'clock I strolled into Riley's ig poolroom, on the corner of Clark street and the alley, and began to study the horses on the combination board. Among the entries in three ofe the five eastern races which were chalked up for the day's game were three names that instantly commanded my attention. These Ilallle$ were St. Peter, Peter L and Blue Peter. These horses had no earthly license to win any ono of the three races, but strive as I 'did to put 'them out of my calculations I could not help liulsing them with the fact of its being St. Peter's day aud feeling that it was going; to be their day too. If I had been the owner of a $10 note, 1 would as soon have burned it as placed it on any one of their chalices, but with only 10 cents there seemed to be everything to gain and next to nothing to lose. So I got a ticket on the three "Then the telegraph instrument began to click, and they were off. After the first Peter had gone through all right, - as of course he did, I felt an amazing mount of confidence. When the board snaelter had footed up the total of all • the tickets and deducted the 10 per cent commission, he marked up on the blacke' board the total sum in the day's pool, which amounted exactly to $437.50. Now, 1 held the only ticket on the three Pe- ters and was of course entitled to the •entire 'tell if only the two other name - Bakes of the good saint should doas t swell as the first. . aie f'1 was quite calm when in the course -14 e ' alf an hour the operator again an- ao eed that they were off and really lee ;it as quite a matter of course that rm, t L should lead his field home, as he e'": Vinuengs-very efsellyeand never for- ° sii4. h moment giving me any anxiety 'low he would celebrate the anni- ry: After that I wouldn't have my ticket for a dollar less than the sum it called for, with Blue Peter, the rani est kiud of an outsider, yet to be beard from. ' "When the odds were posted for the race in which the last of the Peters was to do his act, there was a prohibitive fa.- ' eorite against him at something like 1-2 en, which made Blue Peter's chances look very much like 30 cents, and 1 will tonfess to just a momentary weakening, luring which I might have been open to negotiations. There were all sorts of odds offered against Blue Peter's chances in the various poolrooms, but none of them held a Candle to the odds that 1 bad on him, with my ticket. A hundred to one is pretty good odds, but those fig- ures seem small compared to the odds 1 bed against Blue Peter, with over $437 le, win against 10 cents. You may imaga • lam that when the instrument began to click and the operator started in to give a deeliription of that race I felt a much novo vivid interest in the proceedings &elf if I had bet 1.0,000 on an even , taisney favorite Who couldn't possibly lose -'unless he dropped dead. Did Blue Peter win? Yes, and when the Official 'All right!' came in over the wire a few min- utes afterward there was only one man in line in front of the combination cash- ier's desk, and he walked away with just $437.50. I was the man." . It is not to be wondered at that the group of horsemen doubted this story. Then the narrator produced a turf guide and the almanac. ,Of the winnings of . the pool and the amount of money in et ttiaje wastno proof except the horseman's s' -the most remarkable performance ,cord," said one of the party. t is one of the inexplica.ble mysteries ' f :the turf," replied tbe man who had -old the story. Nansen and Thirteen The superstitiouataat 13 is tl arbine ger of miSfortune Met with a a iique con- tradiction in the case 'of N n. teeo was tae, num e tyon etFeam. 1 of the o stop at the nom- . left his ship for the, „larch lb, 18, e, them Dic onAt'u13 1896 and Dizziness and Nausea e -es. CATIED BY OVER -STUDY AND CLOSE CONFINEMENT. sesee mowo sematar Selsofil leacher Suffered - AMI New 31001,114: en a iteriemase Advice She Tried um. maliame relish Pins and leas Restored to etteatteii and Strength, "About the most thorough aiud popular teacher we have ever had here," is idea opinion, expressed by the people af Canaan, N.8:, of their pres- ent youn,ss lady sohaol teaoher, Mies, Nellie Cu,Ltea. 1Vriss Outten is posses- sed of keen intelligence and engagihg manners, and has been peculiarly sue- . cessaul in her chosen Profession, At present she looks the picture of health, wad COB ObS6rVing her good color and tbuoyant spirits, would ,neyea.: think of hesoctia.ting her wi,th slickness. It was, however, oily last autuanu that she was almost hopelees 000tituthing in her work Oil account of her ill-healtla, and. her condition was a setuice o2 alar.ual to her :friends "Yes," she said to' an eacadia.n1 re- porter Wt1110 called upon •her recently to learn the partieula.e.s/ of her ease, "I suppose it is, a duty I owe, to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, that I should make, peblic the woodees they worked for erne, but perhaps' I would not have thought uf it if you had not called." "You see, in additionto ray teach- ing, Iliad been studying very hard over my '33' work, and then, 1 was at- tacked wieti whooping cough, which did not leave me Sear a long' tame, and so 1 became pretty well run down. I was always considered the embodi- ment be 'health at home, but last autura 1 was neally alarmed over mY condition. Sometimes in the schoolroom I would be seized with dizziness, and otten 1 would faint away. I would take vomiting turns also, and had a feeling • of nausea and languor all the time. I lost any color and became thin and pale, and it seemed as if my blood had turned to wa ter "This: condition f things was so different fr,osea anything which 1 had previously experienced that I sought naedic,a1 advice at once. I was in- aormed that I was suffering from anaemia., and I at .onee put myself un - des. medical treatment. But although I tried several bottles of prescrip- tions, ray condition seemed to be get- ting worse.. all the time. When I went home for my Christmas( vaea- titan, I was alraost itn despair. It was whilse 'I was at Lome, however, 'that'dij friends advised me to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Acting up- on their advice, I took up their use. The first bees made its effect felt, but I used four or five and the the cure was ovronlete. Ever since than my health has been emcellenb and I have felt nay real ol.d time self, and am able to attend' to myduties, which are by no maan ligtht, without the fatigue and lasagunr that made the veork irkeorae. You may depend up - ton it I w11 always have a friendly tw,etred to &ay for Br. Williams' Pink It, yolur dealer does note keep these pills in stelek, they will be sant post paid at 5G canto a box dr six 'boxes foe $2.50, by addre,ssing the Dr. Wil - IMame Medicine On., Brockville, Ont. IA. CHILD'S PLEA TO KIPLING. The plea of a child for more !animal stories has induced Rudyard Kipling t:o add to his series of funny "Just se " tales aehich have appeared in The Ladies' Home Journal. After the fam- ous author had published the last of that series there was a fiaod 02 let- tes'k came to the Journal asking for more, One among these vea,s address- ed to Mr. Kipling personally, and was forwarded to him in England.slt-pross-, esi to be a letter froM- a child who pleaded with the raithor to "give us eterne more storegs about anim,als; we , enjoyed' your olhers very much. There is, Volt ireuehti written that we little fol .--can en,397, so please, dear Mr. Kipling, wrate'esbanething about my pussy." The eatneetness and sincer- ity, of the child appealed very, strong - to Mr. Kipling, who is exceclingly : fond of little folks, and he writes to the Journal ;saying that lee is going to grant that child's request even if he has to disappoint all lam other 1115 SUNDAY SCHOOL, SEAT. efoyv surto( erevaiss Identialed at on a Visit lt0 Several Yoara ago Mr. Clemens went to Hannibal for the purpose of spending a short time amid the ecenes of leis boy- hood. In the course of els visit he was much in company of his lifelong friend, Colonel Ao Berds. one of the pillars of the eommunity. With Colonel Ito Bards he made a tour of the churebes one bright Suridity morning, taking particulae interest in the children. At the place of hi e first visit the host told the Sunday echool superintendent that the distin- guished visitor would be glad to address the little folks. Mr. Idaemens at ouce grew reminiseent. He wes glad to be home again, back among the hills of leis early youth, where, he knew every rock and gully. It was good to be in the old home Sunday school again. Here Colo- nel Ro Barde and the superinteudent ex- eitazgeinglances of doubt. "Yes," continued the speaker, "and you must know how it delights me to be in this Sunday echool, where every bench is to me an old friend. I eat right over there where the et0Y0 used to be -right in that seat where the little girl with the red dress is now. Ah, how it all comes back to me!" Then Colouel Ito Bards pulled at the famous man's coattails and indicated that it was time to hurry on. At the next Sunday school Mr. Clemens was soon on his feet. • "My dear friends," he said, "I am so happy to be here again, close to the scenes I once knew so well, .for right there, within 20 feet of where 1 stand, is the seat in which I, used to sit with Charles Curtis" (or some one equally web knewn). "I-Iow well I remember it all!" Colonel Ro Bards blushed for his guest and begged a pressure of tinie as an ex- cuse for leaving. When the two were safely out of the church, Colonel Ro Bards turned on him.' "See here, Sam," he said, "you never welit to Sunday school in that church: It , wasn't there when you lived in Hannibal, or the other one either, tor that matter." "Goodness me! Can that be so?" Mr. Clemens exclaimed. "How time deees • Then the two visited a third church, a spick and span new one, of which the congregation was very proud. Mr. Clem- , ens, as soon as his presence became known, was duly pressed for a few re- marks. I "I can only say," he said, "that I am very happy to be here this morning. The sight of this magnificent edifice re- calls to my mind other days than this. ' It brings to my thoughts another group of youngsters, hardly as well dressed as these bright faced boys and girls, but all quite as anxious to become good men and women. 1 was one of them. My seat was over there near where the boy with a red necktie is sitting. Indeed I think it must be the sameseat." Then, walking closer, as if to scrutinize the place more carefully, he said, "Yes, it's the same." "Come on," said Colonel Ito Bards; "it's time to go to dinner." OPENING OYSTERS. A !dew !England Man TeU Iow It Slhould. Be Done. "People around New York do not seem to understand opening oysters," said the New England man, "while in the most insignificant places in Rhode Island or Massachusetts there are experts. Here yoii all have a regular instrument tor it, while in New England a may can open an oyster with nothing but a knife and do It quicker than any one can eat them, without breaking the shell. Here you have a block of lignum vitm, vvith a cold chisel or something of that nature stand- ing up in the center. Oa that the man breaks the edge of the oyster shells and the pries them open with his knife. "Now, my friend Aleck gave me lessons in opening oysters, and I think 1 could do it myself better than any one I have seen try it around here. Aleck lived in a small town where he kept a very small market, in which he sold meat on meat daysandfish on Fridays and oysters all the week through. "To open oysters as Aleck did you lay the oyster with the rounded half of the shell In the hollow of your left hand with the hinge to the wrist. Do-esn about an inch or an inch and a half frora the hinge ie what Aleck called an eye, and in that he would insert his knife, give a quick upward 'notion, and the upper shell was off in a jiffy, the oyster lying as clean as possible in the hollow shell. It was out if it had to conie out with an- other quick motion of the knife. There is really only a little knack to it. "There was never an oyster that Aleck could not open and with his eyes open or shut, drunk or sober. Aleck was proud of his expertness as an oyster opener in a county of oyster openers, and it was when he was drunk that he wee most likely to give exhibitions. Aleck was one of those men who are never drunk in oteeffe.a, s Tees liquor rnade isho talk, and he is u an imiNble. desire t� show "On the occ4sions of his special sprees be was likelA to take himself out of town to Bos*. or Providence, and Once he get as far /away from home as Chica- go. His habit when he reached a strange place was e6 drop into an oyster place and tell the man opening oysters tbat he didn't know anything about his busi- ness. Aleck in his best clothes did not have the appearance of being in the oyster .opening business. The result would be that there would be a chal- lenge, and Aleck would always come out ahead. Ile could open oysters behind his back almost as quiclsly as he could 4.p1f arrived at Tromso on friends • - holding them in sight." day of the month. Curiously hese slices of good luck were d at the tianteenth anniversary of the GeOgraPhleal soeietY, held a13, '1897. At the same banquet stated that on Dec. 13, 1:3 pups elon board the Frarm , Jut Adapting, g stealthily down the stairs he ,masked robber at bis jewel led the great playwright, c't'd the burglar caltnly, for \ zed the great playwright. duptinge " Nei:lel-it hung. his heed g to the quick, -Life. 'wale be they ever so eg. • These offenses , neclueively to the the leltatiel. 41E4 depentle co to succeeds , IN THE QUEEN'S REALM, The total inerome of the Church of England is alseut ,0.200,000 a week. Australians hlold a svorld'S record in tea consumption, drinking nearly eight pounds a head yearly. The Financial Times ot London bast undertaken to drive the bucket ehops out of business. e There, are gbont 100,000 Indetans in the Doeninion ef Canada located. 'upon . reserves in different districts. The municipal authorities of Gies- i gow are coneidering a proposition for the eetablielentent of a city savings bank. ' Soma time ago 32 ehildren in Liver- pool, England, contracted typhoid love Vn the easne day from piirailtirig of tea meant f.rom cn Itailan vendor, How Nature earorise. • Nature may be the best physician, but her business methods as a bookkeeper would scandalize a Monts Carlo roulette gainbler. Sowing bushels to harveet pecks would be Considered poor farming, but the "mystic manager of the organic uni- verse" scatters 5,000 acorns to raise one oak and 2,500,000 • sturgeen eges to evolve\ one sturgeon. The experimental work of her pottery shop has covered the neighboring fields with billoelss of shatels. Hedy soecice of living animals, accoed- ing.tp Professor Haectsea has been de. veloped at the expense of scores, of less perfeel entities. Where It Nude& "Tlic mane who wrote 'Horne, Sweet Home.' was a bachelor, 1 believe," she said. , 'Tem" he euplied. "Whet a beautiful thing Would have been lost to the world if he hal married heCore he wrote ' Then they came ,ent: etem behind the palme.--Chiceigo Tlinee-Eferelhilsr ITEMS OF IND,US'I'AY. The wokades coffee orop 18 800,000 totoss. Britain Makee 300,000,000 ytarda olf linen a year. , British fishermen eateh 240,000 talna olf herring and 8,000,000 coed every year. In the Blade forest district of Ger-, many are 1,400 maeter clookmakers and 6,000 1.,votrkrnern. Ntofieway hes to inmort 250,000 tone of grain a year. She exports 135,000 tons ef yeaely. Eight million pounds worth of fish are landed at English ports every 12 months. This includes shell fisla, but melt aahuon. The, teutput of copper in this coun- try tekan January 1 to October 1 of the present year hae been estimated at 44$,000,000 pounds. The New Jersey man who hit upon the idea of attaching a rubber erasing tip to the end of a lead pencil made $200,000 from his invention. JUST THEtTERM. 0011 HIM., "-Why dlo you, speak ef him: as finished artist?" 'Because he told me, he was Utter- ly dieciouraged and was going to quit the profession. If that doesn't show that h,e's finished' I don't know what does. IMAGINATION. Grrace-Cholly has a wonderful m- a gitna then Nell -Row? ,Grace --He calls that fuzz on hie lip su mustache. Ladies of Canada The bond of union between the mo- ther country and her colonies is strong. In time of necte.ssity the colonies: Ilia ve always been loyal. Patriotic Cana.dian ladies, while they cannot bear arms in time of war, can assist •their brother colonists in a stelestantial way. Ceylon ancl India produce the fineet Green teas, Drink- ers of Japan teae should 'try them,. Monsoon, Salada aract Blue Ribbon packets are known to all. 1 i mars Liniment Cures Collis, to. • WILLING TO HELP. Ernest, boldly -If I thought no one was looking I wooed kies you, aenra, shyly -Abell dclose my eyes? Why go limping end whining about your cores, when a25 cent bottle of Heil, way's Corn Cure will remove them 2 Give it a trial, and you will not regret it. RIF,FLIP,X AFFLICTION. I'ye got Piano -player's °rain"). You don't play No ; the girl next door gives if me. to Thie eigneture is on ovay box 0E the ionuitio LaXariVe 13rOnitO.Qtlifillifte Tablets the remeily that. cures n 001411 A4 Mae deter 4114 etitiee, eIS tirite, Ea& dile #447-a 02-71i4 , Poultry, l31,atter, gg s and other Produce, If you have any ce!rrespond with us. We want 160 OARL043iDS to supply our trade. t The Dawson Commission 'Co,, Limited, Toronto SALTED PEANUTS ARE ALL RIGHT Salted peanuts are frequently used in place of the almonds, and are even less expensive. SJaeil, put in the oven and, bake until the slein cracks; brash off theroug,lily and then proceed as with the almonds, • Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effec tual expeller of Seel:MS. TWO QUESTIONS. Houeeholder, to suspicious character --What do you want? Suspicious Character, thoughtfully, -1 dunno; what yes' got? niard S uures Distemper .SPECULATION. Seeculation sometimeempties a man's p,ockets anti fills his hat with Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain- IVIereury. as mercury will surely deitroy the sense of smea and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surface8. Such articles Phould never be used sxcept on prescription i from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is tea fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Ha Is Catarrh Care, manufactured by 1.3. Cheney & Co., To- ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the syetem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you_ get, the genu- ine. Itis tksnintcrnalty,andmadeinToledo, Ohio, by F. 3. Cheney es Co. Testimonials Sold by Druggists, price 720 per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ELOQUENT ANSWER. A colored citizen gave a justice of the peace a big, fat 'possuan as a wed- ding fee. Meeting- th,e justice a year after his marriage, tthe !former salca g Well, Jim, anew] do youl like married lafe? Well, sullas was th,e reply, all I kin say' is -I vvisle I'd eat dat 'pos- sum! A Cure for Rheunem ism. -The intrusion of uric acid into the blood vessels is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This irregularity is owing to a deranged ;teed unhealthy condition of the liver. Any one subject to this painful affection will find a remedy in . Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Their action upon the kidneys is pronounced and most beneficial, and by restoringheal ithy action, they correct im- purities n the bloorl. PLANNING A SURPRISE Young Lady -I should like to give my intended p. littl,e Ina -prise before aux marriage. What w-oulal you rec- ommend? • Lady Friend -Don't wear your false teeth just for once. THOSE LOVING GIRLS. 'Maude -Hew do you like my latest prim iio? f0lara.-0320, it's aust too awfully lovely- for anything. itVlaudeg-Do you think it does nine justice? t011ara--Justice is no name for it, de,ae; it es pnaitively merciful to you. There are So many cough medicines in the market, that it is sometimes difficult to tell which to buy; but if we had a cough, a cold or any isfliction of the throat or lungs, We would try Bickle's Anti- Consuntptive Syrup. Those who have used it think it is far ahead of all other - preparations recommended for such coin plaints. • The little folks lilee it as it is as pleasant as syrup. • IFfAJD TESTED -HER. Briggs-enhat medium doesn't know a thing when ehe Ss in a trance. GriggS-Oh; yee ehte cloese. Briggs -What enak.es eeou think so? Griggte--tBecaulse the ether day I tried to 'steal away in, the middle of ono-meithout ,paying. sa „ POR OVER PIPTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOPIT11,7'0 SYRUP has been used by mothers for their children teething soothes the child, softens the gums, allays Pain, cruxes wind colic, and is the best remedy for dinrrhcoa. 2cra bottle. Sold by all druggists throngbout the world. Be sure and ask for '` Mrs. Viinalow's Soothing Syrup." AN ENCEPSISION TO TI-IE.1.1:U.LE, :13enleanel-W.1ien t:Wo snen quarrel, there is always a woman at the bot - enrol oi the trouble. , vim. Benham -el have never, heard anyla,dy'S name Men tio.n.ed 18 coot -sec- tion with that Cain and 'Abel affait. WiTCIX WFIEELS. I3y the aid be modern inatiiinery onereeve ttaxt out 10,000 watch wheels a days 1300K CLUBS FOB, SHALL TOWNS. A writer in the Ladies' Hoene Jou.r- nal, telling hoer to organize book clubs in small eommunities, says that one suceessfud. club was started in a. small country towia of from 1,000 to 1500 inhabitants, in which there was no public library of any kind. Its charter members numbered 17. Eaeh meenber, except one, who was choeen secretary and gave oervice instead of naoney, paid into the general treasury five dollars a year. With the sum's* raised the elub was able to subscribe for 17 periodicale, weeklie.s and monthlies, and to 'buy from 17 to 34 books cliece:ern i:n genera.1 fronii among the new publieationis. TILE UNION JAVIE. which floats over Britain' and all her colenies is emblematic of the adage, "Int union there is strength." The pattiotic ladies of Canada can ex- emaiyfy that adage, and indulge a pa t riot Jo ssenkiinent, by assisting their English, Scotch and Irish cous- ins who prodtuce the mire machine - made Green teas of Ceylon and India. Tea drinkera will find the 131 -use Rib- bon, Monsoon and Salada green teas a plea.saeaf eaange from: Japans. - Colonist. lee SWEET POTATO CR,OQUETTES. Bake sweet potatoes until they are tender; tfh,en stoop out the centres and p-ust them thrioragth a vegetable press. " To each two cups of mashed potatoes allonv a tabtlespoonfeel of butter, a level teaspoonful of salt, a table- spoonful of auga.r and a htalf salt - spoonful of -white pepper; mix thor- oughly. Form' 'alto cylinders, dip in egg, then in bread-cruarens and fry 18 smfoking-hot fat. sesegerinot Be Beat. -Mr. D. Steinbach, Zurich, -writes:-"I have used Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil in my family for a number of years, and! ca,n safely say that it can- not be beat for the cure of croup, fresh cuts and sprains. My little boy has had attacks of croup several times, and one dose of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Cal was sufficient for a perfect cure. I take great pleasure in recommending 11 as a family medicine, and 1 would not be without a gottle in my house." e HOW TO BROIL Ai FISH. Fi4h should never be turned while broiling. Put the inside next to the coals and allow It to cook until kthor- ougbly done. Then tuna and just brown the skin Iside, taking 'care that it does not oesoreh. ilinard's Liniment for garget in cows PREPARED FOR IRDLATIVES. Husband, at dbaner-My! My! This Ilhis is a regular bancitivet-worthy of a Delraonico. Finest epread I've iseen in, an 'age. leNehatee up? Do you ex- pect company? • Wife -No, but 1 presume the cook does. They Cleanse the System Thorough ly-- Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear the stoin- e.ch and bowels of bilious matter, caus- the excretory vessels to throw off impuri- ties from the blood into the bowels aud expeathe deleterious mass from the body. They do this without pain or inconven- ience to the patient, who speedily realizes their good offices as soon as they begin to take effect. They have strong recom- mendations from all kinds of people. Taos. SABIN, of Eglington, says : have removed ten corns from my feet with Holloway's Corn Cure." Reader, go thou and do likewise. THE POLITICIAN'S VIEW. Well, be kateglet to get the solid vote of the dairyman, anyway. He "introduced that ordinance to reduce the water rates, you know. ISIENV,ARD. OF 'MERITs Nellief-Gracious 1 How. ,do you ea:a:nage to knit E0 133;11011' in U. short a time? Ninette-Every time I cao ten rows -giro inityself a chocelate crorun. T. N. 11. 301 _ AVE NUE HOPSE--Fain'ily Tfotelgt?Avanneu atu $1•3 Hotel. IlaIllioral F"n'''' P.$1.50:up, Is'. 31 0.% • , cATuni 10 . opAyrn 1.1.0.,„ ii;r?,ttrinS, Cu rel. 1 11111 1.51 SompttlArS, Rol it:;',ong Picture -4, Strtluar,y- and Cluirch Orink Educations I Vt--,)rits, Mali orders rseeivo prnuint attention .0,03 SoAlllor & tio.ltnotre'l piLE GuTRE brir0P051001 Con's' Positiy6 Coro for Piles 'will he orratr froote any iuldress or receipt et two cost stomp. rY.rtrlfaife, ne, essesy seise. /seeress,' TEM ITUTOnl 1111E .,•',<.3.41 co, Tere,nte. Out, • ..,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,........,..,,,....11.......upstn. ... an s , ,, e kri-ss A woman's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with her kidneys. The sl ightest disorder in the ' • kidneys brings about a • corresponding disease in the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re- storing; the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- • orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Life, your best friend is odd's Kidney Pills ADVIC,E WORTH A QUARTER. An advertiser proposed to reveal for 25 ceaats an easy way for any young lady to keep her ha,nds, nice arid soft. A budding damsel sent the caeh and received this advice; "Soak your laands in dishwater three times a day, while mother rests. CHANGEABLE EYES. Mrs. Brown -What color are your little ,boyes eyes? - Dins. Robinson-, Black generally; He's a terrible fighter. aseesee........... RHEUMATISM CURED. Jas. McKee, Linwood, Ont. Laehlea McNeil, lalabou, 13. C. John A. McDonald, Arnprior, Ont. C. B. Billing, Ma.rkham, Ont. Jahn Mader, Mahone Bay, N. S. Lewile ButleraMBurin, Nfld. These well known gentlemen all as- sert that they- were cured by MIN - &RD'S LINIMENT. JUST THEtTERM. 0011 HIM., "-Why dlo you, speak ef him: as finished artist?" 'Because he told me, he was Utter- ly dieciouraged and was going to quit the profession. If that doesn't show that h,e's finished' I don't know what does. IMAGINATION. Grrace-Cholly has a wonderful m- a gitna then Nell -Row? ,Grace --He calls that fuzz on hie lip su mustache. Ladies of Canada The bond of union between the mo- ther country and her colonies is strong. In time of necte.ssity the colonies: Ilia ve always been loyal. Patriotic Cana.dian ladies, while they cannot bear arms in time of war, can assist •their brother colonists in a stelestantial way. Ceylon ancl India produce the fineet Green teas, Drink- ers of Japan teae should 'try them,. Monsoon, Salada aract Blue Ribbon packets are known to all. 1 i mars Liniment Cures Collis, to. • WILLING TO HELP. Ernest, boldly -If I thought no one was looking I wooed kies you, aenra, shyly -Abell dclose my eyes? Why go limping end whining about your cores, when a25 cent bottle of Heil, way's Corn Cure will remove them 2 Give it a trial, and you will not regret it. RIF,FLIP,X AFFLICTION. I'ye got Piano -player's °rain"). You don't play No ; the girl next door gives if me. to Thie eigneture is on ovay box 0E the ionuitio LaXariVe 13rOnitO.Qtlifillifte Tablets the remeily that. cures n 001411 A4 Mae deter 4114 etitiee, eIS tirite, Ea& dile #447-a 02-71i4 , Poultry, l31,atter, gg s and other Produce, If you have any ce!rrespond with us. We want 160 OARL043iDS to supply our trade. t The Dawson Commission 'Co,, Limited, Toronto SALTED PEANUTS ARE ALL RIGHT Salted peanuts are frequently used in place of the almonds, and are even less expensive. SJaeil, put in the oven and, bake until the slein cracks; brash off theroug,lily and then proceed as with the almonds, • Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effec tual expeller of Seel:MS. TWO QUESTIONS. Houeeholder, to suspicious character --What do you want? Suspicious Character, thoughtfully, -1 dunno; what yes' got? niard S uures Distemper .SPECULATION. Seeculation sometimeempties a man's p,ockets anti fills his hat with Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain- IVIereury. as mercury will surely deitroy the sense of smea and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surface8. Such articles Phould never be used sxcept on prescription i from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is tea fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Ha Is Catarrh Care, manufactured by 1.3. Cheney & Co., To- ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the syetem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you_ get, the genu- ine. Itis tksnintcrnalty,andmadeinToledo, Ohio, by F. 3. Cheney es Co. Testimonials Sold by Druggists, price 720 per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ELOQUENT ANSWER. A colored citizen gave a justice of the peace a big, fat 'possuan as a wed- ding fee. Meeting- th,e justice a year after his marriage, tthe !former salca g Well, Jim, anew] do youl like married lafe? Well, sullas was th,e reply, all I kin say' is -I vvisle I'd eat dat 'pos- sum! A Cure for Rheunem ism. -The intrusion of uric acid into the blood vessels is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This irregularity is owing to a deranged ;teed unhealthy condition of the liver. Any one subject to this painful affection will find a remedy in . Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Their action upon the kidneys is pronounced and most beneficial, and by restoringheal ithy action, they correct im- purities n the bloorl. PLANNING A SURPRISE Young Lady -I should like to give my intended p. littl,e Ina -prise before aux marriage. What w-oulal you rec- ommend? • Lady Friend -Don't wear your false teeth just for once. THOSE LOVING GIRLS. 'Maude -Hew do you like my latest prim iio? f0lara.-0320, it's aust too awfully lovely- for anything. itVlaudeg-Do you think it does nine justice? t011ara--Justice is no name for it, de,ae; it es pnaitively merciful to you. There are So many cough medicines in the market, that it is sometimes difficult to tell which to buy; but if we had a cough, a cold or any isfliction of the throat or lungs, We would try Bickle's Anti- Consuntptive Syrup. Those who have used it think it is far ahead of all other - preparations recommended for such coin plaints. • The little folks lilee it as it is as pleasant as syrup. • IFfAJD TESTED -HER. Briggs-enhat medium doesn't know a thing when ehe Ss in a trance. GriggS-Oh; yee ehte cloese. Briggs -What enak.es eeou think so? Griggte--tBecaulse the ether day I tried to 'steal away in, the middle of ono-meithout ,paying. sa „ POR OVER PIPTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOPIT11,7'0 SYRUP has been used by mothers for their children teething soothes the child, softens the gums, allays Pain, cruxes wind colic, and is the best remedy for dinrrhcoa. 2cra bottle. Sold by all druggists throngbout the world. Be sure and ask for '` Mrs. Viinalow's Soothing Syrup." AN ENCEPSISION TO TI-IE.1.1:U.LE, :13enleanel-W.1ien t:Wo snen quarrel, there is always a woman at the bot - enrol oi the trouble. , vim. Benham -el have never, heard anyla,dy'S name Men tio.n.ed 18 coot -sec- tion with that Cain and 'Abel affait. WiTCIX WFIEELS. I3y the aid be modern inatiiinery onereeve ttaxt out 10,000 watch wheels a days 1300K CLUBS FOB, SHALL TOWNS. A writer in the Ladies' Hoene Jou.r- nal, telling hoer to organize book clubs in small eommunities, says that one suceessfud. club was started in a. small country towia of from 1,000 to 1500 inhabitants, in which there was no public library of any kind. Its charter members numbered 17. Eaeh meenber, except one, who was choeen secretary and gave oervice instead of naoney, paid into the general treasury five dollars a year. With the sum's* raised the elub was able to subscribe for 17 periodicale, weeklie.s and monthlies, and to 'buy from 17 to 34 books cliece:ern i:n genera.1 fronii among the new publieationis. TILE UNION JAVIE. which floats over Britain' and all her colenies is emblematic of the adage, "Int union there is strength." The pattiotic ladies of Canada can ex- emaiyfy that adage, and indulge a pa t riot Jo ssenkiinent, by assisting their English, Scotch and Irish cous- ins who prodtuce the mire machine - made Green teas of Ceylon and India. Tea drinkera will find the 131 -use Rib- bon, Monsoon and Salada green teas a plea.saeaf eaange from: Japans. - Colonist. lee SWEET POTATO CR,OQUETTES. Bake sweet potatoes until they are tender; tfh,en stoop out the centres and p-ust them thrioragth a vegetable press. " To each two cups of mashed potatoes allonv a tabtlespoonfeel of butter, a level teaspoonful of salt, a table- spoonful of auga.r and a htalf salt - spoonful of -white pepper; mix thor- oughly. Form' 'alto cylinders, dip in egg, then in bread-cruarens and fry 18 smfoking-hot fat. sesegerinot Be Beat. -Mr. D. Steinbach, Zurich, -writes:-"I have used Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil in my family for a number of years, and! ca,n safely say that it can- not be beat for the cure of croup, fresh cuts and sprains. My little boy has had attacks of croup several times, and one dose of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Cal was sufficient for a perfect cure. I take great pleasure in recommending 11 as a family medicine, and 1 would not be without a gottle in my house." e HOW TO BROIL Ai FISH. Fi4h should never be turned while broiling. Put the inside next to the coals and allow It to cook until kthor- ougbly done. Then tuna and just brown the skin Iside, taking 'care that it does not oesoreh. ilinard's Liniment for garget in cows PREPARED FOR IRDLATIVES. Husband, at dbaner-My! My! This Ilhis is a regular bancitivet-worthy of a Delraonico. Finest epread I've iseen in, an 'age. leNehatee up? Do you ex- pect company? • Wife -No, but 1 presume the cook does. They Cleanse the System Thorough ly-- Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear the stoin- e.ch and bowels of bilious matter, caus- the excretory vessels to throw off impuri- ties from the blood into the bowels aud expeathe deleterious mass from the body. They do this without pain or inconven- ience to the patient, who speedily realizes their good offices as soon as they begin to take effect. They have strong recom- mendations from all kinds of people. Taos. SABIN, of Eglington, says : have removed ten corns from my feet with Holloway's Corn Cure." Reader, go thou and do likewise. THE POLITICIAN'S VIEW. Well, be kateglet to get the solid vote of the dairyman, anyway. He "introduced that ordinance to reduce the water rates, you know. ISIENV,ARD. OF 'MERITs Nellief-Gracious 1 How. ,do you ea:a:nage to knit E0 133;11011' in U. short a time? Ninette-Every time I cao ten rows -giro inityself a chocelate crorun. T. N. 11. 301 _ AVE NUE HOPSE--Fain'ily Tfotelgt?Avanneu atu $1•3 Hotel. IlaIllioral F"n'''' P.$1.50:up, Is'. 31 0.% • , cATuni 10 . opAyrn 1.1.0.,„ ii;r?,ttrinS, Cu rel. 1 11111 1.51 SompttlArS, Rol it:;',ong Picture -4, Strtluar,y- and Cluirch Orink Educations I Vt--,)rits, Mali orders rseeivo prnuint attention .0,03 SoAlllor & tio.ltnotre'l piLE GuTRE brir0P051001 Con's' Positiy6 Coro for Piles 'will he orratr froote any iuldress or receipt et two cost stomp. rY.rtrlfaife, ne, essesy seise. /seeress,' TEM ITUTOnl 1111E .,•',<.3.41 co, Tere,nte. Out, •