HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-12-13, Page 5THE xieter Atworatt, Is published every Thursday bforninR,.' at the Offices MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. ADVOCATE PUBLISH I NO COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTI'Olvl. Oue Dollar per annum, if paid „in Advaneo UBl.GQ if not so paid. sad srertiais m+atora ass�laL9cga• tics= No paper discontinued until allarro rage ,re paid, Advertisements without syeeit o. directions will be published till forbid and: aihargedaccordingly. Liberal discount made for transcieut advertisements iriserted. for, long periods, Every description of 3033 PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheques, moneyord.- ore, &o. for advertising, subscriptions ,oto .to be mane payable to Chas.. SaIAders' EDITORALM PIBOP Professional Cood.a. 11. KINSMAN,,L. D. S. & DR. A. R, :' KINSMAN, L D. S., D, D. S,,klonor cxd.,.. graduate of Toronto University,. DENTISTS. ' Tenth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects, Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main'Street,Exeter, TniR.D,AL20NAND>aRSON,(D.D.S.,L.D. S,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Uroi- rsityand Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date, Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. i ietiical T1n..T.P. McLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF Y the College of Physicians audSurgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. „Legal. CItSON & CA LTNG , BA 5 TERS , D.'R BARRISTERS, ' Solicitors, Notaries, Couyeyancer,as Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsots Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 5i/ per Main cent. `Office Ft.auson s Block,S , Exeter. LA member of the firm will be at Hensall on Thursday of each week.) L R. OAR taxa , B. A.. - L.13. DlcksoN. L11 W. GLADMAN. (successor to Elliot & A.' . (3ladman) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money. to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. Auctioneers Uri BOSSENBERRY,Clrand Bend, Licensed I 1 . Auctioneer for .County Huron, Sales promptly attended to and charges moder- ate. Orders bymail will receive every at- tention. in BROWN,Winehelsoa. Licensed Ariet- ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and t Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne ' Rales promptly attended to and terms rea- S sonbale,Sales arranged at Post office, Win- shelsea., c 1 1,10.1 MIII11.1.1•101MINNIIIIMMMIIMMIN•114 I insurance. l f ELLIOT, t 0 Insurance Agent, Ir eg ! ,Eset ` n St: S es �VRi` ML'17 t u:f C d'a ,':ii.-...,--- EUREKA -&ie.•, sl •I VEi11YA Y: l tet: R Ori ,--�?II ,:. : � ��hid,i,,'i 8 q t h TRADE MARK I CAUSTIC BALSAM c "S pavin :C A reliable reined for Curbs, Splints, p f oin anycause, ad Sore Throat. sweeney, Lameness x , It n Horses, and Lump Jaw in Cattle. See' Pamphlet. v 3atisiaction guaranteed All Druggists and'general h rtcrekeepers keep it. Prepared by EUREKA, VETERINARY EURy TE INARY MEDICINE Co. 'LONDON, ONTARIO. l II jIlliQU ... Yes, we haivejustreceived another /carload of -furniture, which when added to our already fine stock we can supply the latest, most hand- L -•sonde and cheapest things on the S market. Y T We have the Stook—Y ou have the money—we want to trade, and if it is furniture you want it}will pay. you well to drop in . and see OM' dandy line before' purchasing else- where.' We have the largest and bes •assortd stock i n town.., tare 0• i Shop. s the time to get your wheel Re. •i aired, Cleaned or Enanaeled. D B ave a large stock of Brantford. d` Birds on hand, the best Bicy- n the market, which we sellar: prices.: iS stock, Bicycle Sundries, lents, oils, etc. RS, HORSE CLlPP RS vn Mowers, Horse clip, Razors, Knives, etc: 1' •1LPAIRED, SNIT We know of nothing better than coughing to tear the lin- ing of your throat and lungs. It is better than wet feet to cause; bronchitis and Pneumonia.'` Only keep it up and you will succeed in reducing' your weight, losing I your appetite, bringing on a slow fever, and making every- thing exactly right for the geniis of consumption. i Better kill your cough before it kills you.' kills coughs of every kind. A 25 cent bottle is just right for an ordi- nary cough; • for the harder coughs of bron- chitis you will need a 50 cent bottle; and for the coughs of consumption the one dollar size is most economical. i.4.... '! My cough reduced me to a mere skeleton; I tried many remedies, but they an failed. After using the Cherry, Pectoral I immediately be- gan to improve,: and three bottles restored me to health. I believe I awe my life to it ' SARAH. F. MORGAN, r Oct. 7, 1888. 13rowntown, S a. Lumley: What might have prove• d very serious accident happened to Valker, son of Mr: G. Kerslake. last veek. He, in company ; with . two curer young men, were in the swamp. vest of Hensall, camping out to :cut vood, and while fixing up' a blanket ehind the pony to make it more com- ortahle. the brute kicked him several imes in the stomach. , He:was render - d unconscious andwas taken to Hen - at once, but remained- insensible 11 night. But we believe he is about again. .11 righto a ..Lin. Clinton: Apleasant but quiet event dot; place at the home of: Mr. Geo. lottle, here, on Wednesdav'afternoon 'hen his third daughter, 1iliss Alice, ecanre the, wife of Mr. Thos. Mason. he wedding was solemized by Rev. Ir. ' Howson. Both the :' bride.'. and room are well known and highlybI 3 es- eened.resideuts of town.rthe former aving been a member of the chair of attenbury, street church;- and will intinue to reside here. Miss' Ida ottle sister of the bride. acted, as ridesnhaid, while Mr. Chas. Smith as groomsman., We wish them all appiness.' W :,tevei Disease caused by weakness of the toinach or bowels is`likel to . • Y ield t0 SCOTT'S EMULSION -of od Liver Oil._' Vire don't say sure ; and you may �not be surethatyour, or , Your little one's trouble is due to weak l� StOma or bowels. i •.l7oc�can't ozs always s trace -a. disease .to'it.r cause; and you can't. / . S COTT-., EMULSION I M ON, 'Of Cod diver c...._s the easiest food for a tired digestion. But that isn't all v ; it encourages:stomach afid bowels to tackle their. work ;, it givesand gets them, t sireng• h from the other food they are able to take. Give it time. Food is the best of medicine: food that sets the body goino. again. This is health : give it time. The genuine has thisie -� t � 4 3 ure on it, take 1 — no other. i ,Mn. �if you have flat tried it, send' for free sample, its agreeable ,• . ;.'' .7 taste will sur - prix you. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists Toronto 60c.: and' $1.003 all druggists, - THE LAKES DEATH ROLL, Hoop Sailers Were colied 1,tastSeayp Than ]^.ver Iteteordeel-lefty ,Eourin Detroit giver, Detroit, Dec: ;10, ----The list of the dead on the lakes during the season just closed is longe r, than in any pre- vious year of the` decade, In all 11.0: people were lost, against 100 in 1899, 95 in 1898, 68 in. 1897 and 06 in 1896. The single item of lost overboard accounted for 25, ships that founder-` ecl.carried $3 clown, collisions 0, ac- cidents with machinery 6, explosions 5, falling: into holds 5, killed by -lightning 8, committed suicide 3, 1:0' falling' from aloft 1. All the casual-' ties occurred between lake Huron and Lake ,Erie. In poilit of Bamber lost the stealn- er Tolrn13. Lyon: was the most fm - portant of the season, mine members of the crew going down with their boat. The loss of the Idler on Lake Erie by capsizing in a squat, was the most' pathetic, the "victims being penned up in, the cabin'' under water, The fate of,the crew of the Maumee Valley', which sunk at anchorage' at the head of Lake brie, furiishecl a shipwreck story like those in nov- els, The crewv, got in the rigging and hung tl,et•e.nearly two clays, un- til they dropped oft, one by one, into the sea. The schooner Picton anni- hilatect an entire. family ---father, mo- ther and children— when it foun- dered on bake C:uLario,:July 2. TELEGn.irat1c ERIEFS.. Osakai,' secretary: of the Japanese Legation,at Paris, committed suicide on Saturday, The "Hispano -Amer [can Coni**mess has closed'withouL an-, practical end or object being accomplished. Senor Arturo de 1lr:igard, the Co- lumbian Consul in New York says'. the rebellion is dyingura of t. A large portion of the Whitby Evaporating building's at iVhitby were clestroykl by fire Sun- day afternoon. The C'asenovia Woolen and Felt Company, tit Casenovia, 1 ., were' destroyed by fire at a late hour Sat- urday night. Loss 950,000. 11Ir. and Mrs. Ruda aid' Kipling left Southampton Saturdays evening- on: board -tlhy' steamer 'Taut-alio/1 Castle, on• their way to South Africa.` Advices say there, are about 80 cases • of -smallpox at Dawson. Prompt measures :have been taken for checking the spread of the disease. Lloyd's' \Veekly London Newspaper says it learns that the Duke ' nacl Dr.chess of York will visit the "Unit- ed State's on their return journey from Australia, via Canada. Colin Bethune, treasurer of - the town of Seaforth, died dn Saturday. ilfr. Bethune was about 64 years of age. •Hi9•'widow and four sons and three' daughters survive him. Mrs., Florence N. Gough of Ottawa will apply' at the coining, session.. of Parliament" e t for divorce' from her hus- b< nd fh rl u a sArchr o h f 0- a e e C g o t tarn a of the;PI ivy Council Depart- en t Peter , Diotte• a formes O ti:a`r a man:, ,was, killed b3 ,•,the falling of a tree. at Escanaba,: ;Mich.' Diotte 5:' was 25 years ol-d. •He was born at Three Rivers, Que.; where.' his `-parents now reside - -A Russian 'naval attache' at { Cen-` stantinople gave' a dinner Saturday night inhonor. of the oiiiccrs of: .the United States battleship' Kentucky, now • at Smyrna:: Many :distinguished' persons were present. The Ontario Provincial Winter Fair, including provincial Fat Stock and Dairy Show, and the Ontario Poultry irowv, 'will be hold in the city of: Guelph from Tuesday, , the 11,th, to Friday,` 14th, of December,: 1900. 'Tile rte a mer ];ole Prom Hamburgfor ITiladelphia, put in at Halifax, SLS., Saturday night short of coal. The steamer was 27 days out, and was obliged e to burn aP on - tion - tion of her cargo of sugar to enable lierto reach r r • h po t. It is authoritatively asserted that the Duke of Westminster is engagecl to lnarry,MVli:•s Shelagh West, daught- er of Col. Cornwallis• • West. By ` the marriage ,the Duke Will become the brotlier-in-law of Mrs. George Corn- wallis West (I;ady Randolph --Church- ill), Twenty ' persons were injured on Saturdayinan c i r a Acle it onthe Phil• - a. delphia, Washington and. Baltimore Railway at G.rey's Ferry Station, in West Philadelphia. An. empty • box car jumped the track'and damaged several of 'the paassenger, coaches; on the express train,, Six,hundred telegraph operators on the ` ' lines,. of the Atr liccon, _ .7."sant i and Santa Pe- 1:tailread •• struck on' Saturday, in sympathy with the op- erators on the Gulf, Colorado anal Santa Fe Railroad, a branch of the Atcheson system.; who . went out last Thursday. Theentire number of op erators on. the .system, is 1,200. ,• J. D. Stark's ; Trofgic Death. • New York, • Dec., 10. --Joseph •D.' Stark, 25 years old, met a tragic death- Saturday afternoon in °the 22nd Regiment Armory. Stark, with a number of, others-, was partici- pating in an amateur - :circus being conducted for the benefit'. of the. regi- ment. Stark's act was to ride a bi- cycle up an incline 200. feet long and 35 feet high at its end, and then, dropping the, bicycle into a net, jump into a: tank of water 3`5 ,feet away, ,Stark struck the further edge of it head -first and then fell into the tank lifeless. Tho Czar Gaining Flesh. St. Petersburg, Dec.10.--A satis- factory atis- futory bulletin, issued at Livaiia yesterday concerning the Czar's ren- d [Lion, says: Dl' s weight ' "TT,s u,,lesLy , is increas- ing and the organs affected by the typhoid have returned to their nor- mal ; condition." Itoutn'aniia Breaks with Standard oil. •t? r',.a,nkfort-on-the-Main, T.)ec. 10;: - Ac>ording to a. despatch to The Vos , • sic•tit,-Lcrtung Irrlfis 13ilchatcsl;, the 13or t5 avian doverninant has broken oil fegotiatie,e-,;, with the Standard Oil ;Cornpap i • foe a lease of •the per, trol'eum fiellle. HOLLAND AND PORTUGAL War Will Not Be the Result of the Trouble Between Them, Great Iirltain'e Alliance With Portugal Means 'elands Oft" -Mother Country Shows That; S1eo Is, '4h'IYeu Occasion War- rants, a Vigorous Diploneat.-isritish. • Squadron at Lisbon-.ltoyal Party San- tertalued on Shipboard anal Union` Jack :Toasted. London, Dec. 1.0. — Though the trouble between Tlolland and Portu- gal can scarcely result in Wal, it is far more serious and interesting than generally regarded here. Great Brit- ain is concerned in the affairmore deeply than appears on the surface, as it is due to a British protest to Portugal that the e1equatur of Herr Pott, the Dutch consul at Lorenzo Marquez was- wiithdr•awn, and the visit of the powerful British- fleet to Portuguese waters is something more than a, coincidence. QUEEN "WIRES THE BINGE. He Majesty's Pleasure at the Cordial Understanding Existing. Lisbon, Dec. 1.0.—King Carlos has. received from Queen Victoria the fol-, lowing telegram, in response to one sent by His 11Eajesi.y ea Saturday: "I aaon greatly touched by your kind :telegram T sincerely, thank you,, my dear nephew, for it and for the good wishes you entertain to- -Ward rile and :niy people. It is again with the greatest pleasure that I re- cognize the e-cognize:the cordial ,and friendly •un- derstanding between Portugal and England.' After cordial :farewells to tlie Port- uguese officials and an exchange of salutes the squadron Britishsailed at noon yesterday. At Saturday's banquet on board the British battleship Majestic, when King -Carlos, Queen Marie Aiaelieand Prince Louis Phillippe together with the members of: the Cabinet and other. dignitaries, were entertained by Vice -Admiral Sir Harry, Holdsworth Rawson, the : Portuguese Premier, Scnhor J. Luciano de Castro, toast- ing ''Queen Victoria and Great Brit - am," saluted ``The alliance that has long existed by; treaties and has been nfiruioi.ci i n n t: co recent aG s.' ' He said the significance of the, alliance was "an assurance- that: our rights will be respected and our do- minions maintained." Sir H. G. MacDonnell, the British Minister, in responding, thanked the Government of King 'Carlos for the friendly attitude maintained with such correctness towards Great • Brit aiir during the . G overninent of, Queen Viet oria.' 'The confirmation of the alliance,' which unites us 'indissolubly," 'con- tinued the British Minister, "is there ini the presence of the Channel squad- ron,. ad - ran,. Ancient •ties are drawn closer by recent events. The , British O-ovcrn- menti desire that a firm, alliance may be ever maintained." • In .concluding he proposed "The of Portugale n prosperity and the hap- piness, of the royal. family." Senhor Villaea, Minister of .• Marine and the Colonies, who responded, said: "We welcome our allies: There ointinto the British.flag)' (pointing is the British flag. I.et us salute it with respect and :af[ection, as the Portu guese flag was saluted at Koniati poort. These two salutes are a pub-' lic affirmation of the alliance." Senh.or Villaea toasted the British squadron. Sir Harry Rawson,; replying, said:. "I welcomed with enthusiasm my, in- structions to ,come toLisbon,'where our union and alliance are now be- ing' celebrated. "I thank you for the: reception,. and I' drinle- to' our sister v which navy, has gloriously main- tained mo s_ Porteb ur,se traditions." The Icing. Played Tennis. ', Lisbon, Dec. 1:0. -Tire officers of the British fleet on. Saturday played football and lawn tennis. The King was' among the tennis players. The same evening a banquet was given at the naval arsenal, at which 200 guests, mostly British and Portit guese naval officers, were present. BOTH LEGS. «'Este: TAKEN OFF. • Miss Abbie McBrnyne diet. a Tragic Death in Detroit. Detroit, Dec. 10. -bliss Abbie Mc Brayne, 24 years of -:age, alighted •rpr* nand River . and -.77satundar evening, pass- ed around the rear of the car and stepped directly in front of one com- ing in .the opposite direction.: She was knocked down, and thewheels, passed over her legs, severing both from the body An ambulance' took her Co the 'Emergency Hospital,' where she shortly afterwards died. Miss McBrayne was a bookkepper at. the Detroit Stay Company, and was the daughter of Cornelius .McBrayne, a well -td -do resident of Botany. near Thanresville, Ont: Attorney Walter McBrayne of.ITarnilton, Ont., is her brother,': EIGHT PEXLSONS DROW *ED. Tlw Iron •'Ore Barge 8. H. Foster,; Wont to the Bottom. Cleveland, Dec. 9.-A special ,to Tee Plain Dealer from Erie, 1:a. says : 4 I.0 the.,midst of • .one 01 the Most bitter gales .that ever swept Lake Erie, the iron ore barge Charles foster, 1u torr,- of the Iron Duke, 'Went to the liottoni at 4 0'01007: this morning 10: miles oft bile, -rind eight per - Sens Were . drowned, as follows : Captain John Bridge o1 Cleveland: first mate, un- known; second prate, unknown; Seamen Robert Woods, William aReny or fort Austin, Mich., Cools Inas. iliny of Detroit, two uui riO',vn deck bands. The 1aster ryas one of the fleet o1 James Corr) tin of Cleeland, Iola ror two months has been ruining from Duluth to LO -le with Iran ore. lien cargo consisted 01 (500 tons of ore, It/roman Boyd 6Vnv Killed Itich)1to`ncl, va;, Dee. 9.—A head"end rot iision "-petit/eon two freight' trans or"eyttred on Lite Atlatlte Coast line, two, ntileS'below IttelipiFoblcl, last night, in whilli I itrmaan, RoheIA, 3 0y.d waS kilted and three other InCt.14 rte +,ijlFar{�a#, Our different lines of Sewing Machines,, We sell the New Williams, White, Standup and Raymond Machines. Our Pianos and Organs are the best makes at right prices. See the wonderful Berliner+, Talking Machine, It talks, singsandplays In such a way that will surpi`ise You. We carry in stock music in sheet and book form, also Violins, Mouth Organs, etc. Will be pleased to show you goods, Sr MART/N IIICKS REPAIRING If you want your Repairing well done g goarstoJewR. Hicelrys-specia:WVatellty.ies, Clocks kaL MARRIAGE LICENSE Marriage Licenses issuedancliVed- clingRings always On hand. Fanson's Block, Exeter. THR�PAPERS' � IN ONE. Eight pages of summarized grid classified news. Eight pages of practical 'ag- ricultureal and live stock C articles. g Bight aesof interestingfic- tionp 5..c tion aandmagazine features. WEEKLY EE' KLY 1111111 • 24Pages. 3 SeCtii311s. S' . Year. 11, Balance of, 1900 free with sub- 1.6 for idseri tion p z 1501. OUR We have ,loved into our new pre- mises opposite the Central Hotel and are now open for, business. Our pre- misesgive are modern and we you modern and up -to -elate goods and made in the most modern style. We Personally . Cut Every Garment That's made up at this establishment —as well as fit it --and t dad look after all the details - This is only one reason why ,our are moder- ate. Gent's F111n o: lshln r, S Corneand see.us in our new place of business and examine our stock of Gent's Furnishings. Bert. if Says He Was, Tortured I suffered snob c pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes H. Robin- son, Hillsborough, Lls., "butBuckieti's Arnica Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises .cats, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin diseases : and piles. Cure guaranteed by all drug- gists 25o. . Goderich t Moses M p cBrien, of the 5th con., who made his home with W. Sohnston,died suddenly on Friday last, at the age of 10 years. Brinsley: We regret to have to report the death of the eldest daughter of Mr. James Scott, con;` 12, McGillivray which occurred at the home' of 'her; aunt, Mrs, Oliver, of Thedford. The remains were interred in the •Marr's Hilt Cemetery on Sunday afternoon. last. Food Changed•To Poison. Putrify in food � in the intestines produces effects like those of arsenic,. but Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gent- ly, easily hut surely, miring Constipa- tion, Biliousness, Sick Headach Fevers all Liver, Kidney and Bolvel troubles. Only 25c. itt all Mitchell: After a lingerie s• lingering g iliiic.s of many years, Ann Mason, relict of the late Wm. Etty, who pre -deceased. her by seven years, passed to lier eter- nal home on Saturday last, aged 79 years. Three sons', John, David, and Robert, besides the daughter, , survive her. The funeral took i. alt ok place on Mon- day, and was largely attended. St. Marys: .Tolhn Scott, jr., an ern- ployee at Richardson Co., foundaary� while operating t noon Friday, y, ar. band power crena separator,: got r1 finger of bis right, hand caught in one of the cog -wheels, which took Off the nail and point of the finger, which ail' though not a serious injury, was ati very painful one, Dr, Irving dressed t'l1Q wounds I'0 DO NOT RUN x1 a question that mustinterest yoil. Have you your New Snits not, drop in ,and see pus at fisc first' opportunity and let :lit show you a few prices o1' tl* Fancy. Worsteds andw"c.otl. Tweeds, Have you seen the new"Staples a' Therringbone patterns. The are beauties. A big range of Blues and Black, Irl Serges at the old prices. If you want a black we have what you want in Twills, Venetians anti: Clays, OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, Meltons, Naps and Montanacts.. All werk done in the latest style at fit guaranteed. . GPIEAtE Opposite Post Office Exeter----mir ROLLER I LADIES Ifou want to have good lack witla 3 your Xmas. Cakes, use our Princess Pastry Flour. Ask for it and insist n having it. WI -IE A L Is a dish for the dainty, the robust, the dyspeptic and the hung ir, for all appetities and conditions. It is the peerless item of a good breakfast and there is no substitute. STAR FLOUR \Will make, more bread and a larger loaf than any other family -flour. Once: used always wanted. J, COBBLEDICK & SO 4. ,R? T)R,atb. Near, .,. .. : 31 oftenj ,lade my heart ache,'" writes L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tenn.; "to hear my wife cnagh until it seemed. her weak and sore Iraiiga would collapse. Good doctors said she was too far gone with -:Consump- tion that a no medicine or earthly help could save • her, but a friend recom- mended Dr. King's New Discovery and persistent use of this excellent- medicine saved her life •" Its absolute- ly guarranteed for 06;g1—.is, Golds; Bronchitis, :'Asthmaand all Throat and Lung diseases. • '50e mild 81.00 at all druggists. Trial bottles free. Clinton: Mr. and Mrs. William Robb entertained a few of their friends on Tuesday .. a eveningon the occasion of theforty-eighth anniversary of their wedding day. This worthyand much esteemed' couple were maried in Port lived eand p for solar3ears in the township of Logan, afterwards mov- ing -to rack etstnith where their nlu homestead is now in'possession of their' son. It is about a decade since -they became residents of this place. A Woman's Awful Peril. "There is only one chance to see your life and that is through gar operation" were the startling words heard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge. Wis+, from n herdOCtCr after he tried had vainly a,ried to care her of afrighl;. fel case of stomach trouble and yellow. jaundice. Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then sloe began to use Electric .Bitters which wholly cured her. ' It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Tryit. Only 50cts.Guarranteed. For sale by all druggists. o . Wingham: On Sunday evening. there passed away one of 0111 town and school officials, Mr. Joseph Coad, who for twenty-two years had been -a resident of Wingham. There are also two sons and one daughter from the second marriage, all of whom are at hone. Goderich tp.: We are very sorry sn-. deed to announce thedeath of \Vi1liot Walter Baker, only son of Ricllat Baker, 15th concession,which occurred. Thursday. He was justen tering manes estate, and ;ave promise of a useful future, but a critical' operation he un-, derwent a few days ago, was more than his system could stand. Gibson, the Kentucky mile arrest(41 for murdering his little daughter, ne- I knowled es the crime, 4 g In1e, 1�S=i11Cli was com- mitted mittedl to obtain the insurance on her life. He said the child Wats burned with a hot poker make itappe,t...vll� to • ,:a t , died of sulallp o:c. G3,a1/.11r3 81n7EP:0 `1 Ft' b;dnnl?; is N1 KIND OF PAIN 013 rr t3uii ISTEIIII8l bR £ T r iEt?E11v.-, X ,,, I'tvSln i°Ai:3-St12kt.ei'tV3.tl t'JCl'' Zia» CIE• V LOOK' OUT 100 1MIT\Ti0Ntl AND 5003 er'l.UTES. THo o6Nonoa nosrLE. OGARS THE NAM.M5 PERRY DAVIS i$4, Mb✓'a btl it