Exeter Advocate, 1900-12-13, Page 3IN THE FORUM OF JUSTICE. -__-
, old world atmoephere, In the time that
• might have been isail is not,
ears, pate Pies! 'moil haat had thine 1.0".)r lie closed his ek t •Ilb I- t I It a
To sow in and reap. Is it thistle. or flower? ' ' ' e c'• '3° 'l" l'i t
'Ti8 the end ,j8 at vtlat thopgi jc, ,E, hand sigh, and turned to the Nvhite robed
, , a Ve,. .
staid the shower. • loveliness of his wife with a 1.11t1riOnr-
Make way Cor thy eomrade with double thy dowered apology for baving kept her wait -
nit, Ina find t'll 1 to tetht. they peeeed
halt, halt! Them was given thee grace t —, — - e ) - ft - et . , • •
To bogie with the best and their records efface, , down the avenue that Leads to the road
Ilad thy sandals been winged. , Step down horn again.
; tee., ' But he was very silent, anti hie wife
One swifter than thou art would rim in thy place.
. . felt tired and jut a little cross, She
cease, cease, eeaSet ThOtt hast had thy chance. , liked to be petted and coaxed and fiat-
IaWbt 11 Pallas attend thee to ward off mischallcet ' tered, and latterly Wilfred had heen
Pan Per1;:ins, Postnkttriter of Jeniehoo
Tt‘lts Ito‘v D hos hilost Marred the
Diseuomlott of the Vnonositiou and
1101IV the ,jet Ended.
[Copyright, 1900, by C. 1.3. Lewin.] .
Let fall thy vain weapon; a thousand advance Idea that Jericho should Prove her Pe -
it wee Enos Hopltiris wilt) got the
too serious to suit her gay fancies , ,
T o rush on and conquer with thy broken lance too absorbed
ern to the world at inege by die-
' G• Dello Litchfield in Century'. TOO b rbeu In new glees rot his bool
to pity her the attentions she toyed so Plasm the American flag for seven
i • ' e i merle° as he lag in bed, and
4:t BIT a IT vori i i lip 6 peeially fro. her hushaed..• tint at'
th tag to e ivin S0111. EVeryhedy knew
I•In 11••)lifel) in 011ie out ofway placee Wilfred, i " . l.
and there is still so much going 'ore I by hie actione that seinethin WaS tile
but they coulthet rigger out exactly
what it was. At length, when Sat-
urday night came, and there was the
usual crowd at the postortice, he shot
off his gun. Ile had his speecb all pre-
pare1. fle told bow the American flag
He paneed a morneet. "Will yoe liot
pious elites, wbo tranelated the Bible,
come on a little farther?" he asked men cheered for. liberty _as they saw
eincily, yet it little wistfully. , "Tbere It -how it had given freedom to a con -
who vvae called by the simple folk
Mlles of Coverdale, after the place of • . happiness to mil -
his birth. ' are some lovely places in the dale, and tinent and broeget
1 'you would be interested in them, 1 1. Men bad fouebt cheerin for
Very. calm and peaceful the little dale
days a week. He .got the idea eye
eteetaeoreeteectereereeoe-oretereeeeeeteteree dearly to exact from every nem and es -
e eetet us hoine to town Sun. , • he hugged it to his soul and checeled
go sudclealy. "I ant so tired of i•oaming °ver it fer a week before he said any"
A $tory of On Wh° 14arrlia For bear. You meet have got lots of ideas
Virealth and Ihnit1tY. (3 now, e am sure," she laughed glee-
fully as she spoke. The murmur of tee
• streets seemed already in flee ears, an
There Is tt valley amid the, Yoe
. a e as
the ±lash Of silts and jewels came over
'shire hills known as Coverdale, from
• tile sunlight on the eera.ss.
wlease slopes, long yeaes ago, came was first flung to the tbreeze-dnew
lies under t1n shadow of the great
• hills, whose sunamits are purple in the ' But she shook her bead until tbe clia•
mends in her little ears „twinkled like
sweet suntmertide elite their' royal •
mantle a fragrant heather, and where dewdrops "Yon Itn•oev I am net inter -
the curlew and the golden plover's' ested, she said petulantly. "1 hate
crY alone break the gentlewas wasb day in Jericho and front,
,'' - yards and back yards made a beaute
these old people who peeehed castles `
- that rests ever the little world beyond on tbe tops of 'hats and expect. you to
the haunts of restless activity and hurtecilinb, til) to see' them' De let as go fill '611°Iivia of sheets and
• rying life., . i itacka ... .
There is no ralleva.37 in quiet Cover.I They had rea.ched the 'yob gate now,
that flag, and men had died blessin it.
He wanted it bested in Jericho at sun-
rise every day in the year, and he
wanted childreri to cry for it and men
and women to venerate it. Monday
Raid be, was glad els dog had bit the
ear off that bog and that lied 'like to
servo 'Joel the sante , way. • Deacon,
SpeoPer rattled on the stovepipe with
his eane mate he quieted the racket,
, -
and then he eaid:
"Feller patriots, but hay° we no IMO
lie epeerit among us?"
,e.Wit haver) yelled the crowd.
"Then let us exideit it. Bela my
eooper ebop is the highest euildip in,
toten ,eeitt the Amerlean flag has
got to flip -flap In the breeze to be seee
and venerated, I unselfietily offer to
put 'Up e bole and take charge of the
dale, • no town to which the country and a girl was entering it from the °tilt •
folk may wend their way, no shops save er side, -where their carriage -his tyife's
the wonderful village emporium, where carLing,e-with its beautiful bays, stood
everything in te very small way may be waiting. The sunlight fell an her quiet
obtained, but where few fashions come black gown and her sett hair as sloe
to startle the gayer minded of the Missed under the quaint oaken'strue-
neckties to dazzle the vision a the
new devices irk turei and then she lifted her eyes, and
a sedden ligbt flashed into them and
maidens, or strange
country, ladm. then died very gently again.
To peep into the World necessitates a The man's face grew white in the
Journey under the seelter of the lone
hillsides, along bonny lanes, ',twined chattered on in her Meth, pretty voice
and noticed nothing of his paller. And
'with pink and creamy tinted honey -
then, as they met, he advaaced quietly
suckle, and green with waving ferns;
to meet the girl as quietly RS if they
past the quaint ban, whose sign is a
had neveer parted in bitter, bitter sor-
famous but long ago race horse, called
In the canny 'Yorkshire tongue the row, the one brave and ready to sacri-
fice herself for his sake, the other, as
Lady Bab, and, finally, across the moor
he said to himself bitterly enough, a
Into horse loving eliddleham, where
coward and a cra-ven. And now they
are people and sbops, and many inns
with curiously painted signposts -the met egg ilefelen the soft sunshine of the
Black Swan and its brother, the White autumn day' with the fist few leaves
falling, golden tinted, from the trees
Swan, and many others too.
But down In Coverdale there is a around, with the blue, bright say-over-
"PIAVE IVE No reame Renner AMONG US?"
beautiful old church, set like a jewel head and the purling of a little stream
towels and tablecloths, but above
le its surrounding of stately trees and somewhere near; under the old gate -
quiet way that leads to the house of PraYer. them all would flat) and Eop the flag
blossoming hedges, with the wbieb had covered the beroes of Bun -
She spoke to bim very calmly and
greenness of God's acre lying stretched kr Hill as they, died in the cause 'ot
about it, and the singing of nature's quietlY, and he introduced her to his ,
lovely wife. and she told the stranger
eboristers In the sweet air around -a
shadow of the leafy elms, but Ws wife
WIt aeni to nhera belle 0401,1141 like cIn etoort4Qvibitibe blow
Nor cloak; clotet strike nor gongs don't 80=
And I'd have stillneas all around
Not really stillness, but just tbe %reek'
Low Whisperings or the num of bees
Or brooks' faint hahbling over stones
Ir. strangely, softly tangled tones.
Or maybe a cricket or katydid
Or the songs at birds in the hedge's hid
Or just some such sweet sounds as theae
To fill a tired heart with ease:
11 'tweren't for sight and sound and smell,
1),1 like a city pretty well,
Li'ut W4Cil it comes to getting rest
' eo do IT.' , shouts every man in the '
crorthveda. squar Joslyn made a spee,eh: , ejAo..,:lis.dntegcilieu,ictitteottulitlet wlSoehi. eet 3,111;,:f 1 ttah_.oienn inc yl (Ili ar ii, .., li blue e
Ile. told bow ft million men had died for And say, Now, how does it seem to you?
, .
that. flag; how its stars and bare had --teepee Field.
- te t • 1.)1.e. how a young
mOECLe nation had worshieed it and made all elerfee•Cieeeeteliteieetreetie••••••••••eiesieete
the world respect it. He wound up after 4 , • complish it when I lamirti a ha,lf eupr
hitt hoes bath, but only hisses mid i? r softly out o ..
three or four patriots would soen be • BY M. QUAD. . I saet that ihe window was up and thee
laincitin each other's •head 'wben Lib '- , ---- . e he stood before it with his w.ife in hie
Billieg's strolled in.in that careless way • dopy:want note BY 0, B. LnlyI5, arms. She was hanging on to haw
of his. leeacon Spooner pounded and .0-0•00.110.9•••••••60aftieteeefeteitdeletee with fingers o1. steel and making a
• "I want to bear from Listi Billings lety mistress in Gainsborotigh road great struggle. I heard hint Imeatelne
rattled till he gee order and then. seid: t
.en this 114.1tter. mebbe be can suggest. hha.dflost a the note10tmhealhdousie„iltaneclivteilet hheeeteo'itlye haenrdfisull:erriehelgeeasue,dbgurtel.wdliindgnaelli
somethin. Lish, what place in Jericho ftrniem was r aeetioPuaa, arid three months know what he planned to d� till of a
woult1 you say the Aniericawflag ought sudden he staggered ta the open win-
totfloat from?" , , after I left the. heuse she was caught dow. and ftutig her out. She screamed'
"Flow many stars are there int the hi a similar offense.aud owned up .to as she went to her death and in my
was laid orf on me, and because 1 inember the man rushing across the
. .
dent protest I was fluee out of the door, of Ids striking me down, and then
He struck nae with a piece of iron and
.- , .
fraetured nay skull. He then carried
tuy body down stales and ,bore it a
it go at that." . this reason
mateloftrhnemr etxhecahvnantisoereh Bpenfornen tamk;
quarter of a mile away And filing it
' to talk i'mther. It was for this reason • • . .
about my waste, etit when e leok
bite; square in the eytts lie dropped ht
and beano more to say,.
I had been witia the Dyeone Ye
weeks when the climax eatee. • The old.
woman was holding her own, if not,
getting better, feud the husband's im-
patience had a savage edge to it. Their
bedroom was ell the north side of the
house A.I1 alone on that side was a
deep exeavation for a factory, auti the
(dilate was full of stones and water.
From the bedroom- window tee (las-
deuce to tbe cellar bottom was all of 30
feet. I slept on the west side, with two
rooms and two doors bettveen Os, but
so poorly built was the houee -that if
voicee were raised 'above a whisper
they could be heard, and there were
also many cracks, and crevices to peer
through. At 10 o'clock one night I lay
wondering if he really meant to take
her life and bow he would finally ac.
ten minets by offerin to float it from t „ te pressed scream from Ids room. I get
llF f bed and went to the far
groans fettered. There was signs teat • _ ' ? tiler door, and, looking through a creek,
Arnerica,n bag?" calmly asks Lash.
Nobody could tell.
"Well how many stripes?"
Nobody could tell.
the first tbeft. However, the crime fright I echoed tbe scream. re-
made indignant and perhaps intim- • room at me, of his dashing open the
came darkness whieh lasted for weeks.
" 'Pears to me," said Lista as he start- house at half an hour's notice end re-
ed to wander out ag'in--" 'pears to me
that as none of you can tell the differ_ fused a character. e'was idle for the
mended whee. I applied for a place
tablecloth you'd better bang up an old
that I had notie it was useless
ence between the American flag and a next term.: months. The first thing de-
, was 1. character. As soon as it was
army blanket most anywhere and let learned
office, and notbin more has ever been
at length sent for to take a place at
_ _ au intent- hat and cloak, and thus it 'appeared to
next morning that 1 had been coming
And at the end of five minits more that i -finally paid a fee to those who found my unconscious body,
there wasn't a patriot leften the post-, ' -- - -
gence office In Margate street and was
M. QUAD. general housewotk. It was home the night before and fallen into
said about buyin a public flag.
- ••'‘•• Irian named •Dysee who wanted me. the pit. As to his Wife, he gave the
He was willing to take me without a
. cbaracter. because he would have to
Place of eeacefulness and repose,where °nee in her pretty, petulant voice oe As 60011 as.tbe crowd had recovered
from its surprise and begun to cheer
her wish to go back to town and its earth's burdens may fall from one for e Deepen Spoorier said it was a mighty
'Et little space and hetteen's benison light gayeties, only Wilfred wouldn't, bea t.
was so cross. • ' $ 1°n- -
a n'int and One worthy of a leadin.
90ft1y On suela ofeeideete,. hildrenees sttay to
' patriot of .7ericlio. He was beartily in
ed—lithe• 1- eeettee-e•"Bifte•th •
et, an in e aWeitl snailed so gently and
'There is a quaint lycb gate at the en. spoke so soothingly that the little la.- i) favor of the idea, mad he would teen
pay less wages and because, as he
The Stony of a Lady's Frizzes and an •
es tally asserted, there was nothing
Actor's Rage. •-'1.
lying around loose in les house for one
As the porter passed through the eat
to steal. As we sat face to face I
she called him aside. There was a sized him up as mean and penurious,
Whisper and a gleam of silver.
but 1 did not see any evil in 111730. He
"Now, remember they are in the yel- had an aged mei infirna -wife, he told
low satchel." -
me, and I would be the only servant.
"Cyan't miss dem, ma'am."
It was not for me to pick and choose.
"You won't let eny one see you?" I must have A place and bold it lone
alarm and -brought the police and made
out that it was a case of -suicide.
Wialle be was fast asleep, as he claim. •
ed, she bad stolen to the window and
leaped to her death. • '
His story went, .and it was seven
months before there was any contra-
diction. I bad a fraceueed skull, brain
fever and pneumonia and for weeke
and weeks lay as one dead. When 1
mended, nay memory was confused,
and it was seven months before I tole
"No, ma'am." • • i my , story and put the police on the
enough to get a character again I • -
"The major is sitting in tbat car." track. Long before that Dyson had
went -with him miles and miles out on ,r w• .
"He woe't 800 me, mit'ame" mai ied the widow and sailed for
' the Holborne react, and.we at last ar- • •
here is tile key." America, and, though efforts were
rived at el et the cheaply built and cheap
The porter took the key and passed • made to find him nothing came of
- .„ lookIng cottage he occupied. It was a '
through to the next car. •„..,-• place devoid of almost all conveniences them. , Never did a man deserve the
"Guess dis am it,” he said, slipping and had been selected for- its cheap ha.ngman's rope more, and yet, If liv-
tee thin key in the lock. of n. yellow rent. I found the old wife deaf, almost et the iew.
Ing today, he is free and has no fear
satchel. *Ile put les hand in the satch- blind and palsied, and it was apparent 02e -tee -e-
el add pulled out a bunch of hair. Then tbat she had no care whatever. She lied
be relocIted the satchel.
"lieales yo' frizzes, ma'am!"
. l"Dotait epealt so loud."
t 41 "Anything else, ma an3 •
become ebildish and petulant, and be- • -Stood on cris Dignity.
fore I bad been in the bouse half an A few YeaM ago John Best' the emt-
nent orgetirst, a yery dignified man,
litair 41% DVs°11e whit3De-d-hget• ewettehe'Llera ev he-Life:sent at a greteleeriethee. -zee t
i I iverpool and it was understood that
strap for saying that see was hungry. ;
0 e e e trine°. her in a way to teed me a chill In the I e $ ° organ re -
trance to the holy spot, a carved halt- dy's.wrath melted away,0010 she laugh- iti1 ttliirecrieac4eenott.ributeb•il.3 ficents Hovey .
"Tnat's all, I believe. I just have a As he whipped ber 1 hino t
Ing place of oak, set tenderly by some ed like a merry child and sti•aightway p ts a pti lc ag. e a so t er saw rm oo a .
m nute o pet these nbf r d ' he would contr but a h rt
good man of the dalespeople-ce squire ; for his cuteness in tbiakin out the idea.
invited her new friend to pay Tbe porter reached the platform in course of three or four days 1 'made up c?,iiiial, be. stylet oorgtahne atha.iwirinlinh°110.teY opfietyll. wastbe
"We will go tomorrow, won't we, , eon., . testation and abhorre.nce and was hour -
d ±hat b re araed her with de --
of the olden days, who loved his home visit in town' . ii A gappin eopein flag beeeed to the time to meet an irate tragedian. - tin b'eh the mayor,who
wee, I think, and sought to beautify ' tee town worldwide fain and b bl . ea was in the chair, c ose to annoeee the
I and his neigbbors and his God full v pre' ezes. of --Jericho would give "Not a step!" be thundered in tones,
Wilfred?" she said laughingly, and the 'tut"- breeze of -- that almost lifted the porter's cap, 1 Ineief her death. I
tlaougbt a vote of thanks was due Enos ,
them a
y pee, ei wonder
performance and Mr. Best sat still in
• •
"What laave you done VVith ray whisk- that he laad not ush d Ioer d
p e CW11 stairs .
the observation. The mayor repeated
M • ere, boY • f dl ' is place, tektite no notice whatever o
mice:erect Valet her ' e ere a te
Ite church in which ee and his bad grave faced naan
hen Hosea Saunders speke. His or oun ot ier means to bring about an
'II Wes law result in a bootri
aer h 1 'th Dead till the great ' d
wi ; giandfatheeehad died while . rt ; "accidental" death, but the old man
withal the precincts and past the quiet - S -e d "Y ; m false- beard. The paesen-the words in a lender tone of voice,
was full of craft and'I •
- • when the girl had. answered that b
• 'never went to town now. Her tether
der 'the stars and striPes. His father
And down the fair avenue of trees es' we g he eald I ' "Your wleskers t"
worshiped so long.
s e grea musimae e 110
a Soon had evidence that be was in love .
had fallen and •killed himself white s say you openedmy sate e wi
skeleton key. Where are those whisk- with a widow in the neighborhood, or sign'
churcb lie, tbe remains of wbat was
was old and needed .ber care: and she t
once the proud abbey of Coverclale, , i climbin a flagpole. .111s mother had
quite conterit with her life In the , wrapped in
where the monks said masses and cul- was hi - in the -flag of liberty
still countryside. 1
tivated their garden and ended the when he was born, and he had long
"I have him, and he bas me," she
souls and bodies of the poo and needy thought of havin a group of stars tat -
in the dale. said, with her peaceful smile, and the ,
1 heap oe value OR his boss and cow, but
that this gentle faced girl l' had loved .
who viewed it lovingly and pointed out
the naan beside her with all her heart •
i ue loved the flag of bis country more.
all its changeful lights and shadowS I It was hard , times, and money was
and soul and had passed through the •
mad all its pretty peeps of field and I tight, but be would go witbout tobacco
deep waters alone with her sorrow be i
river to his wife. e - enee. for a month in order to contribute" a
nn ber life again bravely and i
Tbey bad only been married a little take --, I sbillin toward the purchase or a flag.
wood between his shoulders. 'He loved
It is a beautiful spot in a beautiful laughing evernan hefare her ceuld net
cotintrysidn and so thought a ma, guess and would never heed realized ( bis wife and children' and he 'set a
while, a few short weeks, and had • I Witb his own bands, if agreeable to
elected to spend their honeymoon in And then one of the he would ielst the emblem at sun -
beautiful horses I -an,
some of the quaint corners of Eugland; rise and lower it at sunset durin the
clairaed the pretty veiftes attention,
h went hurriedi on leaving the ;
hence their journeying thither to this erk- 8—e Y t rest of bis natural llfe.
sequestered nook among the hills and two togethete. for a brief moment in the 1 The deacon said that was also a
the far stretched moorlands in tlaeir sunshine ef the old gate' i beautiful speeeh, witb a mighty strong
veiling of regaepurple. The man loved the feelin's of the
"Forgive- ine, Mild!" he said broken- I Pent to it, and
it already with the artist love which er. "Ala, 1 have wronged yeti so, and I crowdema got so worked up over free -
sees the beautiful so quickly and feels I deserve yotir hatred, brit forgive me 1
i dem and liberty that tears stood in
see saw the bea,uties too but she was Ills face was lia"aldi and 1318 /ins I 8guar Joslyn, PhIletus Williams, Abra-
growing a little weary of pretty sights, whitened and trembled as he spoke the ham White and others, and 'ealere was
It So strongly, and the wontan-evell, if You caul" ! many eyes. Hosea was follered by
and shewasverY Pretty and sPoiled her- few strained words, frequent cheerin and shakin hands.
self and perhaps a little Jealous of ad- ' But she laid her hand in lele,:zetyegent t About ten years ago Abljah Dayason'e
elevation wasted- weicla miglat have thY. as if to saY g°, °di'137- ta'-a dear' deal 1 -trogetore tienee eaede-ori tatilee•owld' ed by
-15den diverted homeward. i friend forever. "I have forgiven you, i Joel' IlartIrlaan, and the men bave been
So she stood by the quaint relics of dear, shetsaid. ael may call you that i enemies ever since, but under tbe ex -
the abbots and mailed knights at Cleo- f'er this ° e last time?, l have forgiven (theme/It ancl the Patriotism engender -
create, where two quaint forms guard You ev rething, and aoti IteeP you, ed by them speeches they fell into each
a doorwaY as Perchance their originals,elee"-Yeu safelY and lead you aright'," i othee's arms and became blethers
guarded some stronghold in theeitere She PauseP, and the -great tears 0
°50 in ag'in• It was tinallY settled that a Pub'
Pale lie contribution sbould be taken up to
,e'setlior3esevlalnitde tier ,cen-lill °'e"-cii&e!dfilonedetii*°Illieimd ds0ownwetlir still; buy a eled tlag, and thee canoe the ques-
figlating days long gone,.
gown fell over the go( gleatned against th
nastm•theas in
at least be desired to be free so that he A waiter came aud wbispered to Mr.
went in de wrong satchel!" cupation and seldom left tbe house. sir? The organ will now play." Mr.
Just then a lady passed toward tbe Deriug ety first two weeks in the place Best tuevelY 1°°1 -ted uP With a surPrised
dining car. be never allowecl we toetliee- the- wife and luinred air' "Cenf°111ad the or"
iejah's yo' wbiskers, sae," grinned except in les presence and found fault ga-.111" be said' "Let it PlaYi"
the porter, "on top ob dat lady's beide' if I cooked anything extra for her or The Inessag'e was duly conveyed to
expressed my sympathy, ate had a the mayor, and then tbe mayor rose
Dust of ocean. . dwoazyenotfimlsiseiv)ee;in:het.oardhihmismelfsard a taog.saviinls-man, i. ,Beet,
, "Our distinguished fellow
familiar with sailing ships know that her and be happy." - not before Mr. Best arose and mato
be said, 11
I'll'get rid o/ now very kindly oblige us with a selec-
A 'elusty" ocean-highwaY soends al- "I've waited for five years, but I
most incredible. Yet those who are won't wait much longer. tion of MUSIC 011 tile organ." Then and
no matter how carefully the decks may 1 illy natural inapuise on finding out tained the company.
be wasbed down, in the morning and . how he felt towaed Ids wife was to fly
how little work of eey kind !nay be i the house, but I,have explained how I
done during the day nevertheless if the ", was situated. And, too, I soon got the
decks are not swept at nightfall a -n • feeling that I ought to stay to protect
enormous q.uaptity of dust will quickly the poor old -woman. I figured it out
collect. Of course on tlae modern that, wbile ee might thirst for her
"liner" the burning of hundreds of tons death, lie a.ould not proceed to ex -
of coal every 24 hours and the myriads treniities while I was in the house. It
of footfalls daily would account for a seemed as if he would have lived on
considerable accritnelation of dust, bet j• elone, as be had done for the last two
ton-tteiewineteammerei manned with a months, if he meditated anythieg of
dozen heads or less, o such dust pro- i that sort. I didn't knew the depth of
clueing, agencies are at work. And yet, his craft, however. He had brought
the records of sailing shies show that . me, there to work her death through
they colleet more sea dust than does a ; me. The first thing 1 EnaspIcioned this
steamer, which is probably accotmted way was ono moi•ning when he itsked
for by the fact that -while tbe dust , me to help her clown StairS. The Stairs
laden smoke blows clear of the steamer ; were steep and shaky, and he had pried
the large area of canvas spread by the , one of the steps loose, that it might
sailer acts as a dust collector. 1 Slicle from tinder our feet, As a mat-
, ter of fact, it did give way, but I
I caught myself and saved ibe woman.
The Star dheiether. I, Nelien old Dyson saw the failure of ills
The "star cheniber" was SO Called plot, he looked chagrined arid savage
Best. "Didn't you hear his \corselet,
"Laws," muttered the porter, "Oh eould naarry her. The man had no oc- , • '
Mellifluous "fflah000 English.
The late G. W. Steevens gives an ext
ttinple of "Bahoo" English in bis book,
"In 'India." It is all effort to express
arliniration for the speech of Pundit
111adan Moban elcila.vayya at a native
"His speech is as mellifluous as his
name. He has a sweet voice and is
one of the most en-tbusiastically welt
corned of men OD the eellgl'eSS plat
form. Neither tall nor short nor stout,
but thin: not dark, dressed in pure
white, with a white robe wbich goes
round bis shoulders and ends clown be-
low the Ittiees, Mr. eladan Mobail
stands like Eiffel's tower when he ad.
dresses bis fellow congressmen.
"Ile stands slanting forward. adnaira•
and the ineetlitg and the Perting d'ere bon of wbere it slimed be raised. Enos bly preserving his Center of gravity.
and orange
en tv latch sauntde v e4i Yh attitileth°
one last look, sh). up in a modest way anti said be would
• Hopkins,- who had started it all, got
Ills speeches are fell of pellucid and
spa'rklingnstatements, and his rolling
dered If her busltand had near- Passed 011 into tile loneliness of the go to the eepeose of plauttn a pole in
d walls and arches,
and interminable sentences travel out
ea his sketch and whether they still graveyard and the qu-let dead.- frdni, or hls house. It VgIR On' Illg/.1 frain 1.'he _Illaeci in winch the c°n, rt,Wasl i end Presently found excuse- for cuffing of his mouth in quielt succession pro.
cluein'e a thrilling impression on tbe au-
nt tey at elidCliebain fora day or Elethatlee.
gfel•O°nuatitd.Verinen, ("heti:ale-lee inde.igeelecelatiol.° he- seen fil2oaliductellit0111%0Ve081inithietisrli2e°r1'nsli.°it)°tnh'tel'Illemeegi'l7- 1 thlent)°th°Te 'NeVC)if:1:"S'Peaorf.a conPle of t'eeeke Client:0i'. There Is tnee'le it hi i -
In s vo ca
0 ore go on ,farther to Weneleydale. • ... ---"-------- cleelerea thitt the cellar a -as felt of , • ' • ' • '
"Imp, rathetetired of admiring places," • r , t , , . , .. , , . , 8 ill t 'Jilt Enos to all that there is mama lo ins eye, and be is 011E
, Abysainians Expert at Thatching'. "We ho -de, ings were stars, the canetra stel- I, he
e le said to heisele a little impatleetly, In deSel thing N'113.' 88111.1k-1 and 11'8, trouble," said Deacon s000ner as be a a, or •e. Lana .0.l ,of, stairs, It was i rats and gave ' me r money anel
rose up. elee,s dou<i. his sheer in think.. eery aneieet origin and had excessive i mended me to etly arsenic. He recone , ,, ' e ' •-
0.0311' of the sweet charmers of the cone -rest
"and then I never ean remember who compane.
eons of its musbroorn, growt,b, as fol. in at the plan; en see teet the nag is Powers, but could . not tironounce. the l; eeended me to go to a Store miles away
(heath penalty, It, was abolislaid eY aet and to say that I wanted' it for, my
Strange capita -11 a welter in Bearecnes
ed' in the ettetles and abbeys. 11.gete Respected tits Memory.
And then -foe she was only e very ,loails 02 sticks some ,12 feet high. These creeper, shop tvben it iierivesel '' • of Parliament in 1041 during the 'reign i coinitlexion and to give my own, name, She entered tbe office or the tomb.
, ,-
comfortable they latest have been!" 1 levy's: A cr°tvd ef evert -tete ,a !Mears, with duly displeyed" from the t•oof 'of my
young bride, too --she felt sorry for 8.0) planted III the ditch to erect the. "Weties the, mailer tette easter] it Of Charles I, ,but this unfortunate Mon- '1 e-ent to a dreg store omy two teoan stone eompanyand the cleitsint meala
having been impittient, even in tier 'wells. end e feed' mere sticha are twlete over me grocery?" asked Dan Skinnei arell se" eenteiteed to hel beheaded il awaS and gave els name, and when ately becante sad of eeantenanee,
Illonglitst toward ber husband, and she ed in and out to keep them te,ecteer, as he ,wiped the kears oe einetten from free) thissame 'l "sta.r chamber." he discovered this he was Walley in- els there anethiett 1 cau do for you?
t21111)00r21111)00ed to speak to him with an even New cemes'the Peelnie'ltian of tbe reef. iiiseeYe'
. , i (115(11500112ignt for a clay, and 1 rathet expect- itslced the claie't enot'irner.
sweeter Mune than useal on her pretty '
A number ofetneu clime ilp inside mad "Or with Wistin it over 'n y coal ; Ie "net eeir. . ' ' I ed to be thrown out ' However, In the "Yes; any husband, John T. Aber.
' lips, for ber husband was a 'genitie in hind tegetlier more stleite like tPe yard'?" said Darius Waterman,. wile Candid Friend -1 thini Yclung, Irt-11 course of three or four days he devel- mathy, has died, ,and I would like te
and an author, .tind freme of an umbrella- As semi its theee ealetented to chip au to cents and no met.' the Peet felt ht1rt a a remark Yeu'a oPed another plalL After conciliate the secure some suitably engraeed head-
els way, a thinker
every one had envied. her who, the are in position they clamber °Weide more, made the otbernight. ' old wife he left me, alone with her for stene--soreething, with an appropriate
married him in spite of her ealth.
like ,monkeys and set to wok to thetche Teen everybody bobbed up and de. ' ale Collteelniee-Wlett.did I say? the first time, and she .begged me to taseriptiou, if you please."
, Ab, there was a pieleal ring in tile For tills p1191000 tiMY bring' great tnanded to be heard. Every man pres• Ct •11'.--Iteli stud there Was only 000 l'4 get her some laudanum for toothache eCertahaly, machine. 'tight thee Way.
and not mentiotetlie matter te hire. lt Now, Imre is a very' pretty tbing in the
beatitig himself to pieces in les eager tile sticks. rliele are not an artistic Oa- lio1109100 Or place of „business and no. was easy to tell' teat s8110 bad been stone line. RIglat Over this cross d'iii
story-epoor and nameless, brit clever; bundles of',11f1:3' and twine it between ent wanted that flag iie frent of bis ShaleeePeare•-Exchenge.
time and they have next to no Indus- , where else, and ,ptirty .soon %ey N.-ts The lead pencil originated With the 'coached whet to say. and t refused to wotild cat•ve, 'Here' Iles dolan.T. Aber-
;, ned eleh and beautiful the woman with tries, bet at thatching•
they are really shmau their fists and ,sayin they'd be discovery •of the graphite mines in ,lany the drug. ' A few days leter, as I nathy, and"-
' the feirtente figure and e„xquisite faO0 ()X -Pelt, anC1 tileY turn out 'work willeb damned It' they. wouldn't have At i:',1:- fl., England Ill 15(14, during tile reign ,0 'as PreParing Iter a scene 1 had to "teb, sine intert•upted the widoefe
_wile had 'given the man her geed, ivoted call for ftelteiratiou even in a or l'efuse 110 eentribete a red eeeisleaQueen Elizalteth, eavet the. 'kitchen foe a rienelie. When 'you noose think toe'eritell 1 Would not
., awl; ab, 0 01090 pitiful, note seen, alai fa:tile/x(1 countt•y, They do not tioub e .1 bete was a 1,rk. V , t in -et , , returnee, the soup -Was giving out a say iel'ere lies,' That Nvt-Ls one of his
to produce an elegaid dinisli, het tale eie, with no More weeien ever patriot. In 1843 Eligland corn -leered "ape etnt etearage oder, atid, tainig eatisfied thet taults in life, alld 1 Will llOt fOtIOW hilt ,
olev, tong; ego talked of ttas very spot, often adds ,to the ,picturesqueneett of 8 ism; As the row -grew better metal' tiexed the Orengedrree State and team the 'husband had Poisoned, et,. 1 of with the accusation now that Itif, tits
teeth Ito quaint eurroundifigs ante Ito eetteee.., leilelson turned to 3661 Ilardinan an n4ed it six ye,are 'ter. conrse throw it away, Ile ' scolded e "-Derives' Times.
tile Illail remembers- that:feint° .one tile