Exeter Advocate, 1900-12-13, Page 1FOURTEENTI-I YEAR. —670.
HE Halifax Star Hockey Skate. The best value on the market.
stop, beautifully beautifully finished.
ERY strong and durable, well finished, nickel plated. Cheapest skate ever
offered for the money.
Puck stop, fully nickel plated, cheaper than ever.
Best quality, fully silver plated. Also a large Stock of Straps and Repairs.
HEN we siiy FURNITURE EMPORIUM we back up the statment in
the most ample sense of the term. -We have (moor the largest stocks
to be found in any town of the size in Wsstern Ont trio; an modern
and up to dttbe. When we say also that we can undersell our cornpetetors
we make no bluff, we mean business, and we mean to carry it out. It is easy
enough to assert broadly that we sell FURNITURE cheaper than ttny other
house, but that doesn't mean anything.' So we just set the prices of a few ar-
ticles for your inspection;
Extension Tables, from $3.90 upwards.
Bed Room Suites, from $10.00 upwards.
ide Boards from $8.50 upwards.
Ounges, from $4.00 upwards.
Parlor Suites, from $17.50 upwards.
Fancy Rockers andEasyChairs,from. $1.00 up.
In act, everything found in a first class FURNI-
TURE STORE can be purchased at lowest prices.
AVING purchased the entire FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING stock
of Messrs. C4idley & Son, we will hold a 30 day sale at which we will
give bargains in Fancy Rockers, Fancy Tables, Easels, Screens, Parlor
Suites, Bedroom Sets, Tables, etc. '
eveddy Otaton,
Od.dfellgws Block.
,We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
o WeS f. rates of iiaterest.
Barristers etc Exeter.
"ltif ONEY TO „LOAN. ,
. , •
I have a large amount of privatofinads to
loan on farm andvillage properties at low
rates of interest.
Barrister,.Main Street Exeter.
Sale ,Register.
THURSDAY ipec;. 13.—florses, Wagon'
Trneas, liarnesa etc., the property Of T. Cl•.
,Smallacorabo. Ann.Street..Exeter.. Salo to
. commence at one o'cleck, P M 1 Brown,'
eregae 411Ltewgo>d farms for
ey to loan on easy terms
S'amwell's BloolL Exeter
an to a11eon the retail thereat/Alta
'al inducemgrits to their patronS; liber.
37,111MiSSioni, AddFOSS, , The sIationa,l,.
f�oi,33,1:Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. "
That clesireable brick house 11110 premises'
siivatecl on tile corner of ,Mill and Carling
streets. The houSe contains 11 fine rooms,
an aeated bv furnace ana aro conveniently
arranged. 'There is on the premises a good
svooet shed andstable, ft number of choice
fruit trees, a geed well of water and other
onveniences, Apply to the undersigned. Or
t the anvocaera offaie.
JAS,, Steele), Exeter.
100 a OTES in WeSt lkiinister Township, 10
miles to London, 9 miles to et Theroae.
Soil darkclaV loam, NVoll watered by
creek rind two wells, 00 acres cleared, 10
Ftel'et3 maple bush. Five acres orchard;
large two-story brick cottage. Cost 108,000.
fine lawn and evergreens, Barn, cow
shed, pig pen Ariving horse. All can be
teta very- eh salt $0,009. E'er particaleas ap-
Pia to,
t ran OR ANT, n;lia P, 0, 'On0±2
In the estate of George Floyd, late of
the Towship of Stephen, in the
County of Huron. Gentleman, de-
- ceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chan-
ter 1202 R. S.O.,1897, that all persons having
claims against the estate of the said .(4eorge
Floyd, litho died on or about the 18th day of
November, A.D., 1000,are required on or be
fore the
ist day of January1901;
to send or deliver to F. W. Madman. Exeter
Ont., Solicitor for Mrs.. Wary 38138 Vawn,
the W'
Executr4T, of tR'St will and. 'Neap= ent
of said de..-Nvitul 1 particulars of their
claims araelitrattere of' the security (if any)
held,..by`the rand that after the said date
,iffit said Executrix will proceed to distribute
the said estate anoong Sae parties en/stied
thereto, having regard only to sue)]. claims
of vvhich notice shall have been given as
above required; and sbe will, not be liable
to any person or persons of whose claim or
claims notice shall not have been received
At the time of such distribution.
Barrister, Main st. Exeter, Executrix
Dated at Exeter, this 26th November, 1010
Large stock of Thimber--pine and hemlock
170,000 feet of heiniock lumber,for barn's,
also saingles, lath and cedar posts. Prices
reasbnable. TAS. WILLIS', Yard: East side
Main st.
' Public notice is hereby given that 'meet-
ing of the Electors of County Division No.
4, nom posed of the Municipalities of Stephen,
usborne }and Exeter, will be bold in the
Town lin 1.. Exeter, on Monday, Dec. 24th,
1900, at the hour of one o'clock, p.m, for the
purpose of nominating candidates to re-
present tlae said County Division in the
Council of the County of Huron for the
;years 1:)01 and 1.002 and in case a poll Is de-
mandedpolls will be opened on the 7t11
clay of January, isoi, in each 111111 sUb-
division, at the time and place fixed by by-
law of the ..municipalities in the said County
aatiesc IS areitany, .
NOminating Officer for Couty cannel; Div-
ision 4.
Dated at, Whalen, this iStb day of Dee. 1900.
St. Afitays: .Alle John :McKnight has
leased the farm owned by Mrs. Mt' -
2 20 the 8 th. concession Blan-
zwaranavramssenicrmqmpinismcmusamosa.. orasaszcemr..Maniaaavocargwat
To the 'value Of English Stock Food
This is to eei tify that. I heve used
English Stock Food manufactured b3r
0. Lutz, Exeter. I have used it with
ctdves th:ff were fed nothing but skim
milk and they did remarkably well. I
have fed it to fat cattle with excellent
results. I have fed it to hens and the
result in the egg production and con-
dition of the hen e has been most satis-
factory. I would highly recommend
stock raiseta to give it a trial. Price
50eper bag-.
Some dogs killed a couple of sheep
belonging to Mr. Willett that have
been pasturing in Mr. Davis' field.
No doubt it is the same dogs,that were
seen worrying sheep on the same line
some days preViously.-Mr. Wrn. Rao-
vey,an old resident of Sodom has been
renewing acquaintances in this place.
The Sodomites are snaking prepara-
tions for their animal Christmas tree.
-Mr. Allen, the blindanan, addressed
the League on Sunday °yelling. to a
fairly large attendenCe.-The people
around here are busily engaged in do-
ing their fall, or rather wiater
ing. -Billy McCarthy has once more
gone to Lucan we understand to re-
side for the winter. -In lowering the
smoke Stack at the mill last week
something gave way allowing it to
fall sin ashing, itconsiderably.
IVIeGillivray Council,
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, in Town Hall, McGillivray, De-
cember 3rd. Present, Its Hutchinson,
Reeve; M. Miller, A. H. Hodgins and
J. McGregor, Counainors. Minutes of
previous meeting, read approved of
and signed. Miller -McGregor, that
by-law No. 4, of 1900, appointing the
place of meeting for nominations and
the places at which polls will he open-
ed with their deputy -returning officers
for the election of Reeve and four Coun-
cillors, for 1901, as read a first and se-
cond time, be now read a third time
a,nd passed. --Carried. Accounts am-
ounting to $328.91 was passed and or-
ders issued in payment. -Carried. Mil-
ler --Hodgins,that the Council adjourn
to meet in the Town Hall,on December
15, at one o'clock, p.m. -Carried.
WM. FRASER, Clerk..
Dash w 0 0 d
Messrs. Hoffman Bros.' sale on Sat-
urday afternoon was very largely at-
tended and fair prices were paid for
the _thingee, qd,,,,,---Alarcla.•tsympathy is
e pife.Srdfl fo•
r Mr and Ma Simpson
I 'eland hi the loss of their little one,
hitch sad event occurred Tuesday
night of last week. The funeral took
place Thursday afternoon to the Gosh-
en Line cemetery. -Rev. M. L. Wing,
of Berlin, conducted the sacrament of
the Lord's Supper to the adherents of
the Evangelical church here on Sun-
day. The day was very rough and the
congregations were smaller than usit:
al on such occasions. -The DashwootP
Sunday school has decided to hold
their Xmas. festival on Christmas
night. Every effort is being,put forth
to make it a grand success.
()Loss: CALL. -What inight have
been a fatal accident happened to
Charlie, son of Mr. and Mrs Jacob
'Hoist on Tuesday of last week. It
seems Charlie has an old gun and
while shooting at a mark the breech
blew out, striking the boy in the fore-
head, breaking his skull and almost
blowing off his thumb. He at once
went home and medical aid SiltlImoned
when his injuries were dressed and he
is now doing as well as can be expect -
ELECTION OF OFFroEtta. --A t the semi
annual business meeting of the Y.P.A.
here, the following officers were elect-
ed for the terna---Pres., John Greb;
Vice -1'- es.,Sirnpson Frelood; Rec.-Sec.,
Albert Shettler; Con Sec., E. AI. Bro-
kensliire; Organist, Miss Fannie Snell;
assistant organist, Miss Flessie King;
Librttrian, John Bender; Trea8., Geta
1350020; Chorister, Miss Jennie Hall;
Snpis ,Tr. Alias Fannie Snell;
assistant stint., Miss Jennie flail. The
meeting on Thursd:ty evening promis-
es to be interesting and instructive.'
TO cure a cold in a night -use Vapo-croso-
lette. it has been used extensively (luring mole
than everay-four yearS. 011f Druggists,
US -borne
The following is the report for the,
month of November, of the standing
of the pupils of S.S. No. 7. It Is based
oil the regular monthly examinations,
the -names being in order of Merit: -
Sr. IV. -Effie Taylor, Lilo. Taylor,Pers
Btaten, Ethel '.40r11e01, Thomas Lm-.
0)151, Annie Squire. Jr. IV. -•Minnie
Ilern, Roy Coultis, Russel Pear, Delia
Pettit Ida Horn, Allen Parkinson,
Perla L1111 1, lire -Vera Ba.tten, Edna
Ta yloP, Met. Ile Denieob , Bertha, Batten
Mabel Parkinson, JefireyJacqaes,Roy
Stephens, O ile Rowcliffe. EI.--Ecl-
g,ar Gorvett, Chester GIoevett, Loftus
Hern, Allen Jacqoes, Mary Smith. Si.
Pt. IL -Ethel Parkinson, May Squire,
Wilbert Batten. jr. II. --Cora
Batten, Archie Peart, Willie Peaet.
Sr. 1.--Gertie Sacques,Mary Peart,
Arnold Taylor, Elmer Rowcliffe, Elsie
Squire, Olive Batten, Frank Lingard,
Jr. Pt L-Cliester Coultis, Wellington
R. Gi. REID, teacher.
J. G. STANBURY,B 't -i (formerly Collins
& Stanbury) Barrister'Solicitor, Notary
Conveyancer Money to lean -Exeter. Ont.
Chas. Zwielser spent Monday in
London on business -Our merchants
have got in their Christmas goods.
Santa Clans won't have to go far fOr
his, • supplies this yeaa --Adolphus
Hooper, of Exeter, was in the villt/ge
Tuesday visiting frienda-Our Indian
suunner has gone. J:tek Frost now
reigns supreLe.-Rey. G. Litt is
in Elmwood ttral Tavistock this week,
holding, meetings in the interest of
the 'Upper Canada Bible Society. -
Jack Sims It as seceirea the sitiettion
as hostler at the Gentled Hotel. -
Trick has httcl his maple trees, in frout
of his residence, teininted by Thomas
Appleton.-- The Sunday school of the
Evangelical church, intend givin,
eituttta eaititled "The Coming of Ilia
King" in the Gelation *Church on
Christmas eve, the atth inst.
-rand Bend
A cold sno•p set in on Sundity.-Fora
of our young men left last week for
the woods in. Muskoka, but two of
them did not like the country and re-
turned home Saturday. -A; few days
ago Mr. Rush lost a valuable colt, it
in some way getting its leg brokeu and
had to be killed. He also had the mis-
fortune to lose a fine steer recently. --
Mr. Stubbs, of Thedford, spent a few
days here, the guest of Mrs. Stubbs. --
Mr. Henry Bossenberry is improving
his hotel by adding a new kitchen. -
Mr. Wm. Oliver, our mason, has im-
proved our houses here by new chim-
neys.- 51 r, Edward Gill spent itrconple
of days thiSatreek with friend S ip Exe-
ter. -Mr. Henry Smith was in Park-
hill Monday. -A couple of weddings
will take place here in the near future.
Watte has taken the contract
for 25 rod of clay road on the Parkhill
grounds. We understand about 20
(1(01( 10 to be put in which will improve
it very much. -Mr W. Scott left for
Bad Axe, Mich., Monday.
Hay Coundll,
Council- ID et on Monday, Nov. 3,
as a Court of Revision, on the assess-
ments of the Engineer, for drainage
works, under By-laws No. 8 and 9,
regarding the "East Branch, North"
and "East and West Branches South."
All the members' of the Commit were
present. The following changes were
made in the East ond West Branches
South: -W Tot 16 COIL 6, was assessed
$4.00 for outlet: lot 17, GOD. 6, assessed
$5.00 for outlet; lot 16, con. 7, assessed
for $45.00, insteadof $4.50, which the
engineer stated was an error. The
court then adjourned until Thursday
the 5th inst., at one o'clock p. m. The
council then met for general business.
The following were appointed deputy
returning officers: Polling sub -divi-
sion No. 1, Wm. Russell; No. -2, Wm.
Thompson; No. 3, Fred Hess, sr.;
No. 4, Dan. Surerus; No. 5, Ben.
Surerus; No. 6, J. Snell; No. 7, Chas.
Troyer. The following shall be the
polling places: Div. 1, shoot house S.
S., No. 2; Div. 2, school house S. S.,
No. 14; Div. 3, Town Hall,Zurich Div.
4, school house S. S., No, a; D'iv. 5,
school botiaa S. S., No; 12; 6, Snell's
office, Dashwood; Div, 7, school house
S. S., No: 3. Accounts amounting to
$612.52 was passed and orders drawn
on Treasurer for same. Coupdil ad-
journed till Thursday 6111 inst., at one
o'clock p.m.
Mrs. W. J. Wilson accompanied by
her brother, Will, arrived from Troy,
Idaho, last Satin day She spent three
'months visiting her parents and other
friends in the sunny country. -Mr. H.
Eilber, 'Manhger of the Hay Totvriship
Fire Insurance Co., was in W. J. Wil-
son's office part of the forenoon last
week collecting assessments. They
have only collected five per cent. dur-
ing the past two years, which speaks
well for this thriving county. -The
Boston Methodist S.S. will hold their
annual Christmas entertainment in
the church ,on Christmas night. A
good program is being provided. The
public is cordially invited to attend.
Doors open a07 p.m,
DEATH Or AfrtS. MitraraAN.-There
passed away to the unseen world on
Saturday lost, Dec. 8th, anothea of our
old residents of the township of McGil-
livray, in the peason of Airs. Agnes
Milligan, wife of the late Mr. M. Milli-
gan, at the age of 62 years, 7 months.
The deceased had been in failing health
since the time of her husband's death,
which took place about a month ago,
heart trouble being the cause of her
death. The deceased was highly ro.
spected and her many friends will
learn with regret of her death. The
futteral took place front the resi-
dence of bee daughter, Airs. James
Wallace, where She has made her
home 1314100 the death of her husband,
last Menday to the Parkhill cemetery
and 'wits eondueted by her pastontlev,
3. W2 'Baird, P. A.
Winchelsea 'Cromarty
, Afr. Geo. Faesold has been visiting
friends and acqtatintances the past
Mr. Albert Penwarden has returaed
to Usborne, not being able to get work
in Port 'Huron. There is no place like
bome.--Bad time to finish buildings. --
The fowl are having a pretty hard time
of it around here, --Mr. Josiah Creery
has purchased from George Andrews
a thoroughbred Durham boll, for
whie11 he paid a big price. --Messrs.
Joues & Roy nre shipping lots of poul-
try these clays. ---Mr. R. ltobinson has
put in a new furnace in the house he
has been fixing; up. -Mrs. Phillip T.
Hall, of Goderich, was yiSiting friends
around here last week and returned
to her home on Monday, her son Regy
accompanied her.--Surishine is look-
ing for a big Utile Christmas night. .
SOlfOOL REPORT. ---The Seh0Q1 re-
port of S. S. No. 6, Usborne, for the
month of November is as follows: V.
Toria Miners, Alice Beis hill. Sr, IV.
-Ile. Delbridge, Gertie Milier, Jenne
Veal. Jr. IV. ---Mable Sawyer, Chas.
Godbolt, Bert Fletcher. Sr.
111. --
Flossie Francis, Olive )3earyhill, Wit-
fred johns. Jr. III. -Wilson Haw-
kins, Wesley Phair, Willie Veal,
Sr. IL -Willie Elford, Veaa Smola,
Victor Sawyer, Intermediate II. -
Othello Heywood, Jackson Woods,
Edwin Coward. Jr. 1I.-Hattle Hun-
ter, Gordon Waddell, Wellington
Skinner. Sr. Pt. IL ---Nettie Caron -
hell, Nella Heywood, Laura Woods.
Sr. Pt. II. ---Alma Johus, Laura God -
bolt, Lulu Godbolt. Sr. Pt. L-Lilla,
Heywood Earl johns Jack Easson
P. Gal clinei,
E. E. Halls, ) Teachers
Miss Lily Hill, of Lodclon, visited
friends hove last Thursday and Fri-
day. --Large quantities of fowl are be-
ing taken in by Messrs. Parsons and
Davis. -Our , sports iatend holding
a shooting, match next. Thursday:. Let
everybody get their olct musket, in
ti 1171; a peuny a shot. --Our church
janitor mingled with the foolish
gins Sunday night and allowed hiS
hunps to go out. -Next Sunday night
our pastor will deal with the Tenth
Commandment, the last of his special
sermons; topic; "Thou Shalt Not Covet
Thy Neighbor's Daughters." -The Or-
ange froternity of this place will hold
their annual meeting ancl election of
officers Saturday night. All members
are requested to'laepresent.-The Sun-
day school will hold their anniversary
Sunday and Monday, the 23rd and 24011.
On Sunday the Rev. John Morrison,
of London, will preach both morning
and evening and on Monday evening
(Christmas eve) there will be a de-
lightful concert giyen by the noted
Oana.dian Jubilee Singer.saapd Imperial
Orchestra. This company camasati-gbar
ly recommended as a 111 USiCal band,
having been in Londoe, England, for
seven months and have played and
sung twice in 'the presence of the
Queen and in Alr. Gladstone's home.
Everybody come as a first class treat
tra,in store for Jennie Ander-
sen, Miss Julia Anderson, Miss Sennett
Anderson, Miss Morrison, Mr. Oliver
Anderson and Mr. James Tailor, of
Belgrave, were the sruests of Mr. aud
Mrs. Brooks on Sunday and Monday
general and deep regret is expressed
at the death of Mr. Wm. A. Hicks, of
the 2nd concession of Stepheu, who
passed to his reward on Monday night
last. The deceased has been afflicted
for a year passed from Bright's disease
and during that time has suffered con-
siderably. Born at Exeter, England,
in the year 1842, he came to this coun-
try with his parents ia 1851 and in
1875 married, taking as a partner Miss
Mahelah Jones, of Clandeboye: His
nature was singularly reserved and
unobtrusive but was a man of keen
perception and intelligence. He was a
thorough.farmer 10 every respect and
a man .of much experience in his sphere
of life. Highlyrespected as a friepd
and neighbor he numbered:his friends
as many and his death will be keeuly
felt throughout the neighborhood. He
was a consistent member of the Meth-
odist church and a Conservative in
polities. He leaves a toying wife and
five children -two sons and three
daughters to mourn the loss of a dear
husband and parent. We extend to
them the, genuine sympathy of the
public in their sad bereavement. The
funeral takes place to -day (Thursday)
at 2.30 o'clock to the F'airfield. ceme-
St. Joseph
The roof is now completed on the
large block. This is a surprise to al-
most etteryone as it was the universal
opinion that it would never be roofed.
-Mr. George Campbell has got work-
men engaged putting up. a new stable.
George is bound to be up with the
times. -Mr. N. Contine, the founder
of St. Joseph, is now in Montreal, in
theanterest of our enterprising town.
A big boom is looked for when he re-
turns. We hope we may MA be dis-
appointed. -Wm. Biseette and Mrs.
Contine took a trip to London last
week. -Several new cases of fever are
reported in and aronnd town. Among
the number who are down with it are
Mr. and Mrs. Premo.-Mr. Guyette,
late of St. Catharines, has removed
here with his family. We welcome Mr.
G. to our midst. He purposes erect-
ing a repair shop and hammer factory
here. -It is again our solemn duty to
record the death of Lonis.the six year
old son of Mr. ;tad Mrs. P. Bechard,
who died early Thursday. Morning
from croup. His remains 'were titter-
ed in the R. C. cemetery here on the
afternoon of the same day. --The Rev.
Mr. Corriere, of Grand Bend visited
Miss C. McGreg,or's school one day
last week.
Messrs. Ingr> m. have sold
their livery stables to Mr. Dan Linton,
who takes possession on Monday next,
Children ry for
week in this vidinity itild Farquhar.
Geoage is; talways a welcome visitor :AS
he is always genial and agreeable- He
has been employed during the past
year with Mr. Jailles Petterson, on the
Loudon Roaclatorth of Kippen.---Alla
.John Stacey, who had his arm ampu-
tated over two weeks ago, owing to it
beMg dvawit into e straw cutter, is re-
cOvering SO rapidly that lasts no:v able
td be around.
m I ey,
SERIOUS ACCIDENT. --A, very' na f ul
accident' befel Geo. ,EatI, son of Mr. ,
'Wm. Earl, who resides near hese, on,
'Wednesday of, last week. It; appears
he went to the Intsh for a load of
stone and while in the act of cutting
branches front a tree the. ax.e 11Q was
using slipped and coming in contact
with his right foot inflicted a terrible
gash. 1.)r. Hynclman, of Exeter, was
inatnediately summoned and he deem-
ed it necessary to amputate a portion -
of the foot together with the ,great and
second toes. 'The patient isdoi a nice-
Mr. Edwin Latta, of London, fee.
seyeral years a farmer on the Ilth
concession of Tuekersmith, was in our
village one day the beginning of this
week. He 7111S employed in the brick
laying business during the past sum-
mer in, the city. --Poultry of ell kinds
are coming into our busy burgh far
great abundance as the people know
that they always get the highest price
here. -Miss Annie Saadeas, of the Sro-
7 OCATE office, Exeter, spent Saturday
and Sunday with hex' friend, Miss Jes-
sie McGr`regote-Mr. Geo. T. McKay ist
attending the Goderich assizes this
week as a jureenon.-Mr. Sam. Taylor
and Miss A. McGregor, of St. Joseph,
spent Sunday at the latter's paeenta
here. -Mr. Geo. T. McKay, who is an
agent fax Queenston Cement Co.,
has beep laving cement floors the past
week for MI. Thomas Russell, of the -
Thames Road, who has erected a fine,
large and commodious barn in the
place of the one that was destroyed by
lig,htniag last summer. Mr. McKay
does good work, consequex tly. he has
been busy and hi's business is increas-
ing. -
Ottawa, Dec. 11. -At the Cabinet.
Council meeting yesterday, it is under-
stood that Wedneseay, Feb. 6th, has
been fixed as the date for the meeting
of Parliament.„stielly the legislators
ttnembleaorrail'Th mad, casamit this being „
e7i'i7; tali, an en t, il w
to meet a day in advance M order te
elect a Speaker for the Upper and
Lower Houses. This will be done on
the date mentioned aftee which an ad-
journment will take place to the fol-
lowing day, when His Excellency will
deliver the speech from the throne.
Galt, Dec. 0. -The body- of John
Warwick was found in the race near
Berahardt's biewery at Preston yes-
terday afternoon. The man had been
missing for sorna days from the Queen's
Hotel, where he had been working,
and it is thought that he coinmitted
suicide. It was believed at one time
that he was possessed of considerable
wealth, but communication with a
Remilton lawyer whom the deceased
claimed a$ his solicitor leads to the
impression that the story was merely
a rornance. As a matter of fact, little
is really known of the upfortunate,
his belongings throwing no light on
his history. An inquest tt ill be held.
Did you ever have that
little tielding 'spot in your
throat? Felt as if you
could ahnost touch it with
your finger, didn't it? How
hard you tried to reach it, •
but couldn't 1 It's easy with Vapo-
Cresolene, for you breathe it. There's
nothing in the world equal to it for
stopping these tickling coughs; a.nd
it's so pleasant, too. For asthma,
croup, bronchitis, •catarrh, and
whooping -cough, it's the great -
remedy. 10
vapo_cresolene'is rugg1s11 everywhere.
A Vapo-Cresolone outfit, illoindirg the Vaporizer and
Lamp, which 91141 11 last alife-urnan
e, d a bottle of
Cresolene, complete, $E.5o1 extra supplies of Creso-
, .
lane 05 cenis and 5o cents strateook
d blet contain -
ng- physicians' testimoniAs fri.se upon request. VAP0-
Cst,sor.can Co., ,r136 1'0I:, St.New York. U.S.A
/WALKER .-In I-Irry, on Nov. 30011, ths:
1, wife of Walker of twins ----
V daughters.
FrecKER-Datrat-At theRec tory,Clita
ton, on Dec. 5111, bY Rev. J.F.Parke.,
of the Base Line, to Miss Alice, eld-
est daughter of M. Dyer, of Hallett,
LIVER1WORE-01.1URCtIILL-- A.t the reS-
itienee Of the bride's father, Annetta
on Dec. 5, byRev. Mr, Murdock, Mr.
D. Livermore, of Clinton, to Miss
Lizzie, second daughter of Mr. 13.
MASON-CoTTLE-At the residence of
bride's parents, Clinton, on Dec. 5,
byRev. G. Howson, Thos.Afason,
to Miss Alice, third daughter of Geo.,
1‘10°T°Ntatlyeat. E--Yotr.NO-At the residence
of the bride's Mother, Hullett, on
Dec. 5, W. Smithson eldest son of
3'. W. McIntyre, of Clinton, to Miss
Francis At. Young, 81d daughter of
Mrs. John Young, of Hallett,
Stephen, eon, 2, on Dee:
11, William Ifieks, in his 5K1t year„