HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-11-22, Page 78 BIKING FOIIECASTS BY ANOREW JACKSON li);110E. Pito Cialvestion. Disaster Foretold Tett Mouths Before Its Ocellys'euee, A Prophet, 1110)14)1N41 In 3.1' Own "Cin'ulatrY. • 'Weather" prophecies have lougleen the tititt et popular jests and in 1110St CASC$ with .justiee, for such guesses haven,eual- ty been wiid#aof the naarl. Alhen, how- ever, a weather prophet, and a self, coil- iitituted One at that, feedlots within one day the date of so terrifin a cyclone as that which devastated Gatveston his in- tim opinions sliould be regarded with enisiderable laispeet. Tian months before the Galveston visitation Andrew, Jackson Devoe, weather prophet, of Hackensack, N. J., prediefed it. 'His forecast was printed on the Sees tembes page of an almaatie and read as follo4ia6: "Ou the Dth a great cyclone avill -form over the stilt of Mexico and IlloVe ap the Atlantic coast, etieshig veav heavy reins feom Florida to lAlftitie from ,the 1 Oth to the 12110, It is Positively proved that bk.ie predieti011 as sent out toward the end of last year. Scoffers may say 41111*„ 1 hat It was only a lucky guess, but they cannot impugn its atithenticity or accu- racy. Besides this, Professor,l)evoe pre- dicted v•itilin two days the floods that wrought such destruction at Atistiri, Tex., in Anvil. Reaaers may have au oppor- tunity to judge for themselves the -truth oi his predictions. For the este of 'Octo- ber he foretells great stoi'ms on the Eng- lish coast, Andrew :Iackson Devoe, meteorologist', Its he styles himeelf, bas been for years eelbtfore the public as a weather prophet. To has been scoffed at and devide'd, ana tho government has consistently vele-Ise-1 to recognize him, but withal he has gone FrcAn a ireent photo. ANDREW,JACKSON DEVOE. on prophesying. The light seems to be breaking forhini, and the remarkable ac- curacy of many of his, preclictions,seems 'Thant to be universally acknowledged, al- thgh perSous have believed in Itim or years. He is 0 resideut of Hack - 'onset. 7-, N. ,J., and a member of tiff retie° 'oard of his town, 'He is also en gage in business there, 10 10 weathe, propheeetng the financial returns are Slim. 'rofessor Devoe is about 40 years of t , married and has several children. He isnot without honor in his own coun- try, for he is well thought of by his ' retvustuen. Edo explains lits theory of the wenther thus: "After many years of care- ful investigation 1 have discovered the law which causes storms toform and draws them in their.- course as they travel over eur'earth's surface. It is a tlifticult law to explain, but I would call it eleetrical min.reetisin, and the force and power of its•ebergy are decreased or increased just in proportionas certaiu astronomical conditions approach or recede from our rarth. When the great ,Creator created our earth and the heavens above it. he 'Grdablislied a laev, and by that law every- thing on and above our earth is perpetu- , -ally balanced, l'hercfore, when one great r'a aim belt forms over the thiited States lt must have its counteinart' in Asia. I be learned by observation that the sur- face of our earth:is divided into wet and dry belts, and that these wetand dry bits are controlled by astronomical law; that they ran be located years in ad- vance; that although they -may change their, positions on our earth's surface tevery two or throe months, yet they move by law, and their „future positions can be aotermined by applying that law." SONGSTRESS AND ACTRESS. A Rare CombinntIon roluzid In Miss Kota Condon. Miss Kate Condon is one of the most eautirel of the many talented young wo- ten who have sileeeeded in winning pop- -rity for the Metropolitan Mnglish 11 Opera semPatiY, whieh, after its nt season in New York, will make taby Mines, Roston. suss ICAT CONDOi. our of the principal cities of the Unit- ed States. 1111ss Condon is an American ti -hose admieers, and their name is legion, predict that she will some day 0 - come one of the world's notable grand ' filer stage presence is exeellent, and she ean act as well as sing,. combinatIon of attainments which lis Mat all catnaion etit the operatic stage: BLOOli FOLLOWSA WOUND IN VIE KNEE CAUSED BY,A PITCHFORK. F1 Idtz,clorn In Coal',ltitatien Gave 13.0 Slut' niece fent eittte Itecevery—itew 11',Is LIN IVits Saver:, Beech:vine Recorder. Among' the eld fbmilirs i01 the township of Augusta, in th neigh- boeing county of Grenville, there is none better known. more int:1mm- tie], than those that bear the ,name of Bissell. The Elasells avere among, the ear lieSl Settler's 111 bile tow riship arid have ever sine°, taken an attlive Part in all moves to promote, its welfare. The subject of their nara•a- tive, Mr. Silas T1ie11, is tine of the younger merribere of the fainily, who some Years 11do -10 Cantina to make his home in the state of Nebraska. Ile has passed through an eperiencte almost un ique, and considers that he is fortnnate in being alive to tell the tale. The story as t-olci in Mr, Bissell's own words, is as follows ;--"In the /autumn of 1.81ll8 1 Sustained a- serious in juin, Shroaghtliaving the tines oif pita:Lilo rla. penetrate my left. knee. The -wound appare'ntly healed, but' 1 did not' enjoy the same health 1 had pre-. „ violas to the accident, and it was hut a short' time before I was compelled ,talse to 'my b,a- 011 aeflUallt, oft ex- cr isolating( pains in my limbs and,:j stiffrie,sa in my joints. itt. doctor was I called in, and he tanned the knee three times, alai. then told me. the troulble was blood poisoning. He treated xis for some ,time, but I steadily grew wcyrse, and finally fi'Ve' physicians were called in for consul- tation. My entire systemseemed to 111 AUTHOR QF EBEN HOLDEN" -ring Haeliteller tuad 01S 4'1par:toter , nod Career. A many sidet1 1111111 is Irvins, euther of "Eben blolden," one of the anost successful boelte of tlie seas( is It is a story of the ilOrtli coutttry, 143100111 10 r011ViSbe region, and the delie'ritf el portrayal of unique eltarae- ters is due to Mr, liaelieller's keen ob- servation, simerior sense tat humor tied al aced el poetry lied remanee which even a business 011100 111 tbe nietropelis hoe net 50111011, "The ehartieteas," says Bic author, "were mostly meri and avoinen I haye lumen end who len with Inc a 10Yil be,. affected, and the doCtors said the t.rouble had reaehed tone of my lungs, 1 and that they could holdout but 110- t tle hope. of nay recovery, After 're•le maining in bad for eleven weeks, LI decided that I would return to my old home in Canada: I was so rauch ruin down, and so weak that it was a, question whether f wotild live to rea.cia there but I {was nevertheless Photo by sesta], Nev Yolk. IRVING BA_CRELLER, of my kind that even a wide -expel -lei ce with knavery and misfortune has nevei dissipated."-- ISIr. Bacheller was for*yeard the head of a syndicate 'which supplied litbrafure to newspapers, aml some of the best 1001'1e1 and special articles ever pu hailed in tho daily papers of America were ametig the wares thus dispen. sed. Sunday editions of the better C1V.SS thrived on Bacheller literature. To his friende, however—and they are legion—it was always apparent that he worshiped at the shrine of the muses rather than the altar of Mammon. "Eben Holden" is Mr. Bachel- ler's most conspicuous suceess and places him in the front rank of American au- thors, he is not a single story writer, as "A Master of Silence" and "The Unita- vite.d Guest.," two novels of note, were received with more than ordinary favor. determined to make an effort, to do so After; n long journey under these BIG JOBS FOR ONE DAY ONLY most trying eireunasta,nces, 'reached strange cases of Judge po*ers anal my old home. 1 was so used up, and I Senatoi• Aitchison. resented such an emaciated appear -1 To become a United States_ senator if ance that raY friends had no thought an asteirStion known to many men, somt tlia.`1. I would Zecover• 1 continued to fe'\''' wh°121 suec...eed ein.galailaeg; theilma drag along in this condition for sev- ver, 01 tr eh ae t:e °would1' 11think .glia°n\evt era' months, when one day' a cousin worth the candle or would want the office asked me, sally I did not try Dza.• if they knew that they could held it foi :plink 1, was, wining '. only one day. •••• • • . ,Judge 0. Wi Powers of Utah is a to. tryany rae.dicine that was likelY • unique ;Case of the office. Seeking tha to lours an -e and ,I sent for a supply' man and finding him, for he is prebabi:, of the Tpills. Afte,r 'I had been using. the only man in the United States ,veb, the pills for about three 'weeks I felt• nection it anay be noted that we one( an inallreVeraciat in My 00p.SlitiOn,FForn had a president who held the office fch that time I gradually grew, bet odit day. new blood seemed coursing. throntegit; David R. Atclaison, senator from lelis my veins, the stiffness- in my as711e11, t weaese P reStimeelnethePnr°Ptte'oneli.a0etlitthle'61e1;'' disappeared, and the agonizing pains which hail so long tortured me vani- shed. I took inal all ,ten or twelvec, boxes of Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills, and havie info iresiltattion in saying that 1 I believe they saved my life, for when Ise -turned tio Canada., had no hope of recovery. _ 13issell has sincereturned to his old home at Linatcoln, Neb., but I the state.ruents made above can be voafe,h,ed for by allay of his 1 riends in this Sealo05, and by all of the neigh- bors in the vicinity of his old home. Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills cure such apparently isonelees cases as Mr. Bissell's 1)eteartse they make ;newt rich, red blood, and thus reach the root of the. trouble. These pills are the only naselleine offered, the public that' ean show -a record of -such mar- vellous cures after doetora had failed, if you ane at all anwell, this media eine, will „restore you to health, but be Salre you get the genuine with the fall (name "Dr. W ' Pi nie Pills Por Pale People," on the wrapper LOT ;$ POWER WASTED. ' 110 is estimated that ,She organ of a' lively electric fish woaild give a discharge',of about 200 volts. • 1,1,E111A11KABLIll ACQUAINTANCE. , A charnainasa story about a robin* is bold bya 'Lira .Englistat writter. "A few - age," 'he Bays, ."despen.t the sunts' ine r at Kew, data in g• which time Thad 1.71, privilego oi an intimate aeguiinl- enle wilh a robin that lived in and about the garden. • Ste perched ',beside rem on the set which' usually 03(01- , pied, b01,11C crux/tbs. ,•froan my ha.rad and often ansuaed . me wit...ha song. 1 'Was r Ogle tont y colettaelled to leave', and, f did .r1011: see hint again for two years, lire,•turned ,to Kew for another lariat vittitt) 11 went back to nsyl old 'seat , 110 Ilialean-len. The robin came to is and' recognized. me at onee. Of that 11 Patel !have rio doubtf bean -in -se. he tools crumbs from my li'and as fearlessly as before." VICTIM' OE MATRENTO.,YY.. You should be high-minded—you should clevaite yourself, said the good man, advisedly. Can't do it 01015 theresponse. Why not 000,41, e my wifo is fv\ivoioalbing am down. 11 "It Photo by Johnson, &in Lake Cii„y. JTJDOE a W. POWERS. , • terraexpired at noon of March 4, 1849. This day chanced ' to be Sunday. ausl Zachary- Taylor, the president elect, re- fused to take the oath of office on the Sabbath. As Polies tern] had legally expired and . with it that of lus' vice president, George 111. Dallas, and as Tay - ler could uot logtilly take his seat until he had taken the oath of effiee, Atchison wes the resident of the 'United States for one day. , In the ease of Judge Powers, the gov mina of Utah, Heber M. Well, loft the elate on a pleasure' trip. While' he was gone the acting , governor appointee Judge Powers to the vacant seat in the senate without the Itnowleilge or con sen1 of the governor, who discovered the appointment on the following day; The Whole affair WaS perhaps intended as a joke, for, owing ,to recent decisions by the-senate:the quasi senalos could' under no ciaaninstanees have. taken his seat - • by virtue of such appointineut. By, the United 'States emaatitution' enc11 branch of our' eatioual legislatifre is inede the judge of Ibm 000I1L1C,11iOil& o own inembera, ,ludge Powers has made so claiin to his seat In, the senate but lf he should do so isa tile future a certain argument used against Ane seating of 1 undoubtedly be used against hie .ft was held that the appointment t1'." ens titer by the 'governor or his' 'cepa ,•etita- tiVe, in the -absence of the state legisla- ture, could be held to be valid' only when tile vactiney in the office conla 1)e regarded , as 'unexpeetel; AS the va- cancy to which Judge Powers owed tile honor tbenst upon rotdd in no sense , Of the Word have been' i'agarded as unex- Peeted, follows that JUdge 1301V0rg, 11 to assume the senatorial toga, Oliturt gain It in the tilhit hollOket=1 Senator Quay of Pe1111811 Vania vill POINTED PATIAGDAPITS, Intereeted nearty alwa a s in.- . es'esting, Pfrobably the best w to get rich quick -is Oil go slow. frie,inis usually cause him more trouble than his enemies,t A pretty girl finds nothing but pleasant refleetions in her mirror, A little leuebandry ' removes weede from lawn—ahai fi'om widow's bonnet. It's a wise mart who doesn't send his °leek to the door when fortune knocks. The weather vitae is the only wi instrument that dosish't away' the neig,hbors. Many a int" who imagines he is the whole circus is ie i'ealley but a very sideeliceee, When some people have no other excuse foe., ftsiling 04 do their duty, they blame it on the weather. A bold -headed man appreciates the gift of a pocket cumb so math ilmt Ile can't be induced to part with it. is Uric Acid in the blood. Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the acid being there. If tbe kidneys acted as they should thsy would strain the Uric Acid out of the system mid rheema- tisin wouldn't occur. Rheu- matism is a Kideey Dis- ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills laave made a great -part of their reputation curing Rheumatism. So get at the cause of those fearful shootingpains and, stiff, aching., joints. There Hi bit one sure way - 0-1VIE G001) FROM IT.— Simms—I can't imagine why Stitt- tertea married iktiss Strongroind. Timms—Nor I. However, she's cur- ing him of the stammering habit. Simms—You, don't say? Timms—Yes. she doesn't give him a chance to talk at all, eereat lung healer is 100 111 111 tiX excellerffrinedicing sold as Bickle's Anti ConanmPtive Syrup. It soothes and di minishes the sensibility Of the membrane of' the throat and air passages, and is a sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds, hoarseness, pain or soreuesS jn -the obese bronchitis, etc. It has mired many when supposed t� be far advanced in consum,P- PLAYING A DEEP GAME. "Say, ma-mma," said four-year-old Tommy, "let's play I'm an raWful-look- , lug Old tramp. I'll come around to the beetle door and ask for a pieee of, pie and you get scared and give it tee ole."- 0. C, RICHARDS &C0. Dear Sirs,—A fell, days ago I was taken witha severe pain and contrac- tion of the corde of my leeet,s, and had to be taken home in a rig, I could' not sleep for the pain, and was linable to put my foot to the floor. IS_ friend told me of your .11/L.N.A.RaiD'S LINIMENT and one hour from the first applica- tion, I -wa s able to walk, and the pain entirely disappeared. • You can use my name as freely as you likei as I consiele'r it the best rem- edy I have ever used. CIIRIS'TOPHER GERRY. Ingersoll, Ont. NO CRD:DIT. You said to gal out of debt The liardeht alaing may be But I find to! get ihto debt A harder .otne for Ina. 155511 4104)0 1115 11110110115115.01NOTPIE,11. Ladies, of Canada --Sisters; Great Britain takes' nearly all the e x.po "tett p ro date o (If -Canada. English. Facet:eh and Irish boys produce the Leas of Ceylon and India. Canada consumes 11,000,000 pounds of colored and, doctored. Japan' Green teas. Green tea of pure natural green leaf, are 'being introlineed, from Ceylon ond India. They are now en sale with all live grocers, Statesmen see obstn cies to pre,ter- ai ettnia. 1. trade avithin he eldPire. ladies Sweep aside obs ,r e lo 'Brim, patriotic sentimerii on your b-reallpst table Your grocer wilt gel these pure teas if you only insist. Tbe Saladit Tea Company 'viva PinCed them in hundreds of stores, -111any other.' leading- firms ha v e shiertinear coaling. Only 'laggards await the jumping of 'the cat. Colonist. OGICAL EXPLANATION. AV,,lay is it, asked the, girl who -tries to he funny, why it is that they al- wayd say that a young man pines for a woman? Wily couldn't they just as ivell ,says oak's fear lior, for in- 6t13ailleall%et growled the old bachelor, beeausefpine id about tlie softeet wood there lel( TO tirn A coiitii IN ONE, 0Av Take t,axative 13ronio Quinine Tablets, All draggii,kk refund the money if it tails to ours. E.. W, Ciroye's alzastura on enchbox. 2Go Pourcrry, Lhitteir,Zggs ,and other Produce„. tr you have any corrasponcl with us. 4Ve want 100 0raf:U.:04. Ett to supply our trade. Tile Dawson Commission Co,, Li4aited, Toronto. AS AL[J-cg l5 nuTcrr DOLLS. A 091111 ottiN Flan, Such little inneeents Dulteh chil- dren look bat in reality they ,are the most inisehievOus little: rascals in the wan. ld. They would wait in, swarins oudside my, hotel in Holland., arid fol - icier ine to' my -,•aorleahop eta mei:Leg for coppers,,which they generally ananag- eeli to get. Some of Llient would get I tipped twice over --they are so 'Mich a,like' in their general "get up that it is d'iffidult to distinguish them I once had a little model posing for me all day, and Cho next she did not turn up, so me; friend wont around ter the reason; and he was surprised to hear fromthe indignant mother that I had' only given ,her daughter about twopence. I discovered after- ward that this was the easo—but haid give,u five shillings to another lit- tle girl who had been standing in my light, all day. They Are Caret, tally Prepared --Pills which cliseipete clieniseiVeS ill the stomach cannotebe expected to have inuch effect pon the leteetti ties, and to overcome cos- Liveness.the medicine adnainistered must influence the tietiou of these canals. 1air- 1001005 Ve.getable•Pills are so made, -un- der the supeevision of experts, that the substance in them intended to operate on she intestines are retarded in action until hey pass throve -di the stomach to the bowels THE CZAR'S REGULAR SUITE,. The, suite of the °sae of Russia -con- sists of 175 persons, of whom 15 are m.enabers of the imperial family, 17 are princes who are not of imperial birth, 17 -art C4lllats nIOS are barons and. the ,i•emaining, 15 are noblemen of loweir rank. Only 128 are ,Rus - sinus, the rest being Germans, Finns, Poles, Circassians, Greeks "and Rou- manians. The Most Popular 1?ill.—The pill is the most popular of 111 :Corms of medicine, and of pills the in ost popu tar are Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills.because they do what it is asseetecl they can do, and are not.put forward on -any fictitious claims to excel- lence. They in•e coinpact and plortable, they are easily taken, they do not nauseate nor gripe, and they give relief in the most stubborn cases. HE HAD NONE, What is your opinion of his repu- tation for truth and, veraoity? I Up.Cte- none. No opinion Nosae. An olpinion presupposes the exit:acute of such a reputation and he has none. Millard's Lilimdllt Cures Dist eiliper LITTLE DI VFERENCE Great .Author—Waiter, this steak- is as tough as leather. Waiter—I've always heard you was an original characters sir; hat I'm hang,e1 If you don't jisil say the csa,me as all oti 'ern do 1 Baware of Ointments .for Catarrh that contain Mercury. as mereilry„ will urely deetroy the souse of nrneil and 5iinple1ely drange tbe whole system when entering through the run( mis surfacee. Seen articles should never be usc:.11. except on pro8crip ion from repitebthhsicians, as the damage nnoy will ao Isten f-sid to the good you con possibly derive from them. Ha 15 Catarrh e, manufactured by Vet. Geienee & (0.50- 1do 0., 001100110 no mercury, snd 58 taken in. rern Cily, acting• directly upon iho blood cud. mucous F.-nit-No.8 eif the F.y,i,e555. In buying JIloOS Catarth (Jure be sure you go) ihc genu- ine. It, is nitc,ina 11111)0 10 ra, do, Ohio, by F. .1. Cheney & cc. Testimonials tree. sold. by Draggistg, price 710 per bottle, Family Pill," arc the bosh. Smart Young Man—Good saornin Mr. Bullion. gBoondilieranornir.aseibilzeemolilcil.kgathniet—Udoute You have with you. "Ya -as; Siberian bloodhound; ter- . , riblie savage; lakes this ox chain to hold him., If any one should, even look cross at me, this dog -would tear hint to piaces—yes, indeed 1 Pm going to have him killed. Too dangerous, you lencriv." "I should say so.", -"Ya-as; must do it in the interest of kurnanity, you know. ,,By the way Mr. Bullion, your daughter has accepted me and I have called to ask jy.our eon - sent." Be got ite IIERtE, 11 EN.DED. 'The ,man, who wrote "Home, Sweet Home," wis 11 bacheloa„'I believe, she - said. 'Yes, he replied, •avhat a , beautiful thing would, have been lost to the world if he had Married before he wrote it. 'Then ,tney Me aol from behind the palroa, Hinard's Lillilliellt for gargcL ill cows BONDAGE, BIT'11 'WHOSE? That ring, said the advanced vvo- trio al, indicating the wedding ring, iS sign of bondage, a.cbnitte.ci the younjg matron. Yet yen wen.r. it Certainly. 1lov s .rt ln't I? It isn't necessarily iny budage, Then whose is' it Well, it tale -ea 50001 -11 00005 ist tied lifeto find thti,t out. I'll tellayou lateno Teere never was, and never will be, a universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature of niany curatives -.being such that were the germs of 0O -her and differently seated disoa.ses rooted in the systent of the patient—swhat would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. 'We have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in ' a ° state, a remedy 'fer nsaalilillyduandriged'iu'ilottetrsaitliesd. By its gradual' and judicious use, 'the frailest systems are led lute convalescence and strength, 135 119 influence which Qui- nine exerts ou Nature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those •i•ith whom a chronic state of morbid des - pendency and lack of interest in life is a -disease, anti, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound mad refreshing sleep— imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through- put the veins, strengthening the healthy auimal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary 'est -lit, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand Increased substance—result, im- proved appetite. Northrop Sr Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, „ and,' caugedlay,,,the opinion, of scieatists, this wine approaches nearest perfectimeof any in the market. All druggists sell it. TAEI.,OLD CAFE IN, PARIS. IA restaurant fOT ooncentrated food is to be started. in Paris by an en - tea -Prising French. chief. The happy diner will enjoy a na.enu' of tabloids'. From the nors d'oeuvres to dessert his entire meal will be presented to him in a few Square inches. Millard's Latina Cores CoDis, ett. OF NO ACCOUNT. Mrs. Highlife—Who is she, anywayt Mrs. Womansright—Oh, she's no- body. She's just one of those foolish creatures that acts as her husband -wishes, agrees with him on: all politi- cal questions and even stays at horns with her children three nights in the w eek. The Brightest Flowers must fade, but young lives endangered by severe coughs and colds may be preserved by 1)r. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. Croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, in fact all affections of the throat and lungs, are relieved by this ; sterling preparation, which also remedies 4rheumatic pains sores bruises piles 1 kidney dill -malty, and is /nest economic. - EVIDENTLY. ' War wicalohammed's idea was that the clanach should advance by 'means of warfare. Wickwire 'al, he'd have the choir a.nl. minister queirreling all the tiina. would he ? UNLIMITED. Bliffkins seems to be a pretty self- confident sort Of a fellow. Self-confident 1, Why, ' he's got more confidence in himself than a woman leas in her' family iphysician! Liniawat Cures HER, ORDERS WERE OBEYED. And I want, it to say; "To ian.y hus- band," in an appropria•Le place, said Rio window, in conclusion, to Sbob, the gna,vestone, man. "I'essaaHlal, said Slab, shtsd the ne- eription went ; "To 1Vly T.Insbn an apro-priade p1110 9." g r ten utE AvoTi 00 ra.m119 listel rIlSas $1,60 IVIahruvrtal Aloniirt,54. Veep, Bids 1_111U1 I./U[111U! al aim. la 01.1e up. 111'. $1 ea FOR. oYerk FIFTY vrArfs Nits. Wriesi,ow'SigettptIsr,o, rvi lloo been nsedl>yinotborsfpitilel,r,"01,,11,06,tl,ttoclenv,. Itsoo 'loss lbo cidtd, 001(0111 111*-Ving,, 51.5layei pain, cere:i wital eolic,sad is the De86 kiiiterly 0131 11i&rrhce 253e.a 1)oi 9014 ty -05 aftnikiati thronglIonti the oyr111 Be bare earl ask for "001, Wind ow's Soothing Syrup," T. N. U, 2.98 . . CATIIOLIG PRNYER ":"Vc itt! istiaps, 1,5Sl4u5t3b; 10041Pjii11ll5 11(1111 ddieal \N71:5140101., teetteeeeete prempreitention, ktt,b0,4 -041111 '0 4 4