Exeter Advocate, 1900-11-22, Page 1FOURTEEN'T11
YEAR. -670.
EXCHANGE your old stove
for a NOW ONE. When
You buy a new one buy
the LATEST.•10.0.11M
We wi.11 allow you,a good price for your old stove and
give you special prces on any one you may select. We
axe McCLARY'S farnovs STOVE, awarded Gold Medal
t Paris Exposition, 1900.
osnommoomeowsosootoommoo tomormossonnoroaloommo.
Aseinnemsesno MIIIMMIN.MMUM1.11.
COW CHAINS, all ltinds ancl all PRICES.
X -CUT SAWS, see the latest. Warranted.
AXES, all new kinds at OLD PRICES.
25 Second Hand STOVES From a Up.
1:313'13.7111i111 ited private funds for ha -
at Upon farm or village property, at
rates of interest.
'Barristers, etc., Exeter.
The -undersign ed. has a few good farms for
sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms
SamwelPsl3lock Exeter
, --
There ditme unto my promises, Lot 30, N.B.
about theist; of August, one white ewe. The
owner can have same by proving property
and paying expenses. . .
Wm. Tumint.fra., Brewster.
. There came on my premises, pt. Lot 1,
-.leOoncession, Tp. of Stephen, on the
---10\n, %1St, -the following: -1, two year old
steerZblack gallo way, 1 two year, gray, Heif-
er, with horns; ono, one y'ear old. Heifer,
black galloway, and one, One year old steer,
black: galloway. The owner can have same
by proving property and paying expenses.
ROBERT Pomoacx, Orand Berta P.O.
There strayed from the premises of the
unclesigned, Lot 20, concession 12, Stephen,
on or about Sept let, 1900, three yearling
heifersone white, with. red neck and head.,
one light red without horns and another
dark red. Any person returning same or
giving information that will lead to their
recovery will be suitably rewarded.
Sale Register.
SATURDAY, NOV, 24 --Rousehold furni-
re, effects, etc., the property of Mr. E.
tzel, at his residence, first house west of
CroanlorY. Sale at one o'clock.
• ,Tohn G ill, _Allot,'
a tic° Is lisreby given that the Council of
County cf Huron will tileet In the Conn-
Thamberin the town of Winghara on
I :kitty, thelth day of December next at
Ock in ;lie afternoon.
, W. I.,./11m, Clerk'
at Gel erieh this aoth. day, of 1,Tecem-
,"? ber, 1900. •
333•1 433,433,
; 1
33131,, C3S-T31, Le me ,__
'village of Centralia
/ to Ntr
Ar v
(Too late for last week)
Now that the election is OVel2 and
Sherritt is elected by 213 majority,
everyone has settled down to work
again, to try and finish the fall plow-
ing, which is considerably behind, ow-
ing to the continued dry weather. --
Misses .A. Wanner and Mrs. J. Love
are visiting friends at Springbank this
Week. -Mr. John Baird, who has been
laid up for some time with dyspepsia,
is able to resume work again. He vis-,
ited a:specialist at Stratford a few
days ago and the treatment toned him
up for the time. -In the excitement
over the election last Wednesday EMr.
X. Love has become the possessor of a
bicycle for a time. Ib is supposed some
one was going to vote for Sherritt on it
when they got in big a hurry and
jumped off and ritroleaving the bicycle
behind thenn.-A heavy fall of snow
fell this week.
Ilay Council
Council met on Saturday, Nov.
3rd,_ as a Court of Revision re. the
assessment of Zurich drain. A large
number of appeals were heard and
considered and several changes were
made in the assessement. By -Law
No. 7 was finally passed. After the
court of Revision the Council met for
general business. By -Law No, 0, Re.
the "East arid' West branches, South"
of H. S. D. was provisionally adopted,
and the clerk instructed. to have a
sufficient number of copies printed and
served or mailed bo the parties assess-
ed in accordance with Sec. 22, of the
Drainage Act. A Court of Revision
re. the East branch, North, and East
and West branches South will be held
on Monday, the 3rd day of December.
Accounts were passed to the, amount
of $771.70.. The contract for cleaning
out Zurich Drain was awarded to Wm.
Becker for the sum of $398, the work
to be finished within 10 months from
date. Council will meet again on
Monday, the 3rd day of December, at
10 o'clock a. in.
Fra,En`I-TEss, SR., Clerk.
.J0tdk stable.
domirea, ye brick be ase an& pr,emi.ses
situated .on corner of Mill and Carling
Thi -douse contains it flue rooms
aOl ca boa 7, furnace and are con veniontl
111.6'stTP on ri:hrenlientl. es a goole
wool 1 AC. . 3 br f oho
tree • 't good well of water and other
convent° Its, Apply to tb undersigned or
at the A. roc Vri, office
,TAs. GOULD, Exeter,
,ftileGi 11 i vray Council
Met piirstlan 1 to adjourn-
, ,
ment in Town Hall, Nov: 51-,11. Present
B. Fin tehi nson, Reeve; P. P. I -larding,
11 Miller A Hodgins and MeGreg-
or. Councillors. Minutes of last meet-
ing read, approved , ot and signed.
4 -1odgi ns ler, Lb t a CCOUTAS a mount-
ing in all to $865.80, be paid. Miger-
Origins, that, the conned adjourn to
meet. in Town Hall, on the first Mon -
ay in Doeumbor, at one o'clocic
Wm. FriASER, Clerk.
children Cry for
- The white Inantle which covered the
ground las week has nov. given place
to a ditrk one and there Is now mud
enough to satisfy almost anyone. -
Now is tlap time for farmers, vvho have
not got their roots out yet, to get a
move on. ----Mr. J. O'Brien has returned
home from Manitoba, whet.e he spent
the past summer. Jack lookS as if the
prairie province agreed with him.
Mr. J. Surarus ha8 now gob moved in-
to his new house. Now for a h0use
warming, Joe. --Mr. T. Clements, of
Thamesville, is the guest of Mr. E.
Dodd:in:in.-We are sorry to have to
report that Mi. s M. leckell, who haS
been here attending Mrs. Iirmdrie, is
on the sick list and has returned. tO her
home in Exeter. We hope it will net
be very serious.-Builrling operations
are now in full progress. Now is the
trine et the year that our town puts oo
Its bnsy i)pearance.--Mr. Lo t is Jeffery
has movectto Mr. C. Kallificisch's,
where he haS Seetirad Steady job for
the winter, as has also Frank Deno-
tneny,-- We are 801ry to have to re-
port, the death of Morris, infant, son of
mi., and Mrs, P. Beaver.
id ren Cry for
Messrs. Tones & ROY :shipped from
Centralia' on :Saturday' and
:two, carloads' of fine turkeys; also a.
Carload 'from Exeter On Wednesday:--,
Mrs. Maud Heywood' has moved . to
oar- little • burgh. -Our creamery is
Skimming four days a weekow.-Mi. •
Sidney Clarke's Sale was well attended
an Thursday last; notwithstanding
the ,. cold and... disagreeable...Weather.:
Everything sold well... Something in
the neighborhood of $1000 was realized.
.e.HMr. Sat -noel Martin gave Our burgh
Call the• other day. -It is reported -that
Mr: John Delbridge is an aspirant,: for
°Minty Councillor. -Lot of rain and
nind and DOW the time has arrived for
frosty Weather, -Sunshine Xmas. tree
romises a. big time. -Messrs: Norman
hair ancl Albert Penwarden left here
for:Port Huron on Thursday: :
League on Friday nihht is to be
taken by Miss Retta Essery and Mr.
Bagshaw of Centralia. Topic --"Prais-
ing the Lord." -Mr. Belback, who has
been residing in Mr. Hicks' house for
the past yenahas mo ved to Rodgerville.
-Mr. ane Mrs. Fred, Luton visited
friends in Hibbert on Sunday. -Mr.
T. Brooks, accompanied by the Misses
Bla n eh ic and A. Rook, visited friends
in Kiekton on Sunday. --Mr. John
Essevy had a valuable colt hang itself
the other day. -Mr. George Rook, who
has finished up the season's threshing
is now busy crushing, grain for the
farmers. -It is neperted that Mr. T.
Jones has sold his sixty acre farm to;
Mrs. Wilson of the London _Road. --
Mr. Samuel Cornish and family have
moved on to Mrs. Rowteliff's farm on
the seventh con cession of Usborne.
mr. Frank Hill left last week for
Port Huron to join his brother,Ernest,
from which place they will go to the.
lumber woods, ) miles beyond B:ty
City. --Mr. Atilary Buswell, who for
the past three yeArs has been engaged
its bailor in Kansas state, and who has
been visiting friends and relatives
Around here, left last Monday for Lis-
towel to engage at his, trade. --Mr. „T.
C. Sheardown has returned home from
his hunting ,expedition and brought
home ,two fine ,deer to be conipany for
the Ones he has in the shop. --The Rev.
]Jr_ Waddell: of Elimville, will preach
hese next Sabbath morning. -A. week
front next Sunda,y the Rev. 'Mr. Long,
of Kippen, will preach here ancl. on the
following Monday night will give one
of ids popular and noted lectures, en-
titled,' A citizen Of no mearicoun try."
--We are sorry to learn that there tre
three ,cases of typhoid fever in our
public school teacher's father's home,
tieing the mailer, sister and brother.
We hope for their speedy recovery. ---
The 11 nfamorable Weatla er 11115 aga inst
ale iittendance at the Epworth League
temperance rally here Tuesday night,
but still there yam a la,rge number of
Leaguers pre.sent. Mr. Harvey Larne,
bresident of the League, presided very
ably, A short service of song preceed-
eet the service and our pastor gave a
temperance reading and also the Pres-
ident read a short story in close touch
with the topic, after which our pastor
(rave a selection We are plestsed to
say that our T,,eagne 1.5 progressing,
The ineetimr,s should be a ttractiVe and
the members friendly and sociable.
To the value of English Stock F'oocl,
1 ftni using English Stock ''oocl for
calves and young stoek and ain bighly
pleased with its efiects., It keeps the
digestive organs hi a healtdr,y condi-
Lion and, Lhe.growth and truprovenien
of the stock is well marked. reonsid,
it, a most excellent foocl and fell 0011-
1-ident Lb...it it pays well to use it. I
would highly recommend its use to all
stook raisers.
Jo tIN FIUNTEin Tp. Usboi.ne.
For sale by 6. Lutz. Only 500. a
As a general rule there is always a
calm after a storm, but when the p0 -
laical storm ceased we were visited by
one of the worst storms of the „season
and it is now winding up in a genliine
rain.. -Many of the farmers in this vi-
cinity were much surprised to find
mother earth covered with snow and
all their turnips out in the IV. .-The
40 hour devotion in the Ro m a ii\Dri tho-
lie Church ended 'Wednesday morning.
HUSKING BEE. -One of those events
of the season, took place at the resi-
dence cf -Mr. Jacob Sararus, of the
Blind Line, the. occasion being an old
time husking bee. • About 40 young
people of both sexs assembled at his
home and after husking about 150
bushels at corn, indulged in all kinds
of amusements till an early hour in
the morning, when all repaired to their
respective homes feeling that Mr. and
Mrs. Sararus had used them right
OBITU.1 RY.--Cliristian He who was
laid to rest last week, was born at
Roethenberg, Wurtenburg, Germany,
on October 14, 1834, and emigrated to
Canada iri 1858, settling in this town-
ship; first at Blake and then came to
Zurich ,in the year 1867, where he has
since resided, carrying on his trade as
a potter and at which.he was actively
engaged, up to a few days ago whe
he received a stroke of paralysis,
suiting in his death on Tuesday of 1
week. He was married Jan. 7th, 1
to Anna Elizabeth aalbfinisch, Si
of J. C. and H. Kalbfleisch and
survives him.. He will be much miss
in town, eapecially by his more int
mate friends and neighbors. Our sym-
pathy goes out to the bereaved rela-
Itives a.,4:11,1 particularly to the widow,
who is now left alone.
J. G. STANI3 URN, B. A., (formerly Collins
& StABIJUry) Barrtfitr'Solicitor, Notary
Conveyancer Money to loan-Exoter. Ont.
Messrs, J. G. Young & San are put-
ting itt one of McClary'a .furnaces in
Mr, Chas Zwicker'a clwelling.-Our
hun have retiirnecl from Parry
Sound District. They broliridit four
nice deer with thenn-Our flax -mill
was idle a few days this week, owing
to the wet Weather. Tieh borne
has resigued her position as school
teac,her of env school, owing to ill -
health.. We are sorry to lose Miss
Tichhorne as she is a good teacher. -
Mr. and :IN Li.s. Adam Brown and faintly,
of Everett, Midi., are visiting relatives
in this vicinity.,-NrQsgrs. Chas. and
George Finkbeiner and Nelson Winer,
of Dashwood, were in th.e village a
few days laat Nveek.----Ottr merchants,
who use ace'tylene, are obliged to go
back to the old oil lamps, as they
are unable to get carbide to 1.11n their
rriachines.-Metzkersups have com-
menced and soon will be the orderof
the day. --Mr. Henry Eilber is away
from home collecting Insurance as-
sessinents.-The revival Meetings in
the Evangelical church are being still
continued with good. success. --Mud!
Mud! every where. --Mr. Geo. Holtzman
has secured the contract to re -floor
the bridge across the Sauble River. -
Wenzel & Fritz BBB now in the scrap -
iron business and are prepared to
pay the higest puces for ok1 ixon.
which floate8 'over, Britain and all her
colonies is em blema tie of :the •. adage.
"In 11111 (11) there is strength." • The
patriotic ladies :of.. Canada , enernplify
that,,adage, and .itielidge 'it ••patriotic
sen tlirnen 1, by assisting their': English,'
Scotch 'and Irish cousins Who ,prodnee
the pure machine-:ndade GR]EN teas
of Ceylon'and India. 'Tea dninkerS,
tvill 'find the" Blue.' Ribbon, Monsoon
and Salado green' teas, :a, "pleasant
change from japanS.---Dolonist.
Fertile Valley.
Winter is coming, oh, ho oh, Ito!
Winter is coming with icdand snow.
Jack has at last come. ' lie had been
canvassing in some other districts and.
just came to us when the elections
were over. We welconae thee John!
Hicks, the ,great weather pro ph et, seem s
to be correct about ,winter. He says
winter was to begin Nov, S and end
Jan. 10. So far he is correct. -The new
school, No 5, McGillivray, is occupied
already. It will add greatly to the
comfort of both teacher and. children
and will also tidd a grant to the sec-
tion. The old schoolhouse was sold. to
Mr. Wm. Lewis for $30.-.'l1iss;;Mary
Lewis, who for the past few weeks Was
at Creditor], returned to her home on
the 12th C011. --Mr. Dan. Macintosh
pays Lot No. 5 frequent visits lately.
-Mr. Geo. Bedford was thresh:nag and
grinding in thiS burgh last week.-Jno.
Lightfoot, Jr., has gone to Muskoka
lumber woods. Recent letters seem
to sny he likes it very much. Jerry
Torrance went along with Silo., lint
Cupid's attractibns soon brought him
back. -Mr. and Miss Coursey, of Bid-
dulph, visited friends in this vicinity
Sunday. -Miss Wright, who has been
visiting with friends in McGillivray
for the past month, returned to her
home in Strathro-y last week. -Mr.
Wm. Scott, of the 13th con., 'under-
teok to build a violin of his own. Will
Ifis it now in tuning order and it
somads real well. No doubt it will ,be
"pyoke in" soon at a "hop." -The
.:.,Latmers around here were glad to see
'the winter come for if the fall was as
long as last fall the wheat would be
ruined with the fly. -Mr. Henry Ham-
ilton sold his driver the other day,
We thought he would stop his weekly
trips but he is training another colt to
take the same trip. -Mars Hill Leagne
met Sunday evening, but the person
who was to take the topic failed to ap-
pear, so the service was tinned into a
song services which was much appreci-
ated. -Mr. Pat Bucklee took in a bi
load of pork to London last week an
reports a good sale. -Mr. Toni Lewis
has not felt himself since the 7th of
November, but is recovening some. -
Good bye to the cyclists for this year.
This will be regretted by many.
Bayfield: What might have been ,a
very sad or perhaps fatal accident oc-
curred in ean village on Tuesday mot,ii-
iiig when Miss Olive 'Blom pson,daugh-
ter ,of Division Cou.rt, Clerk Th011lP80117
narrowly unssed being shot to death.
It seems her brother WaS examining
the gun preparatory to geingent shoot-
ing when it accidentally went off and
several shot lodged in Miss Thompson's
face. Drs. Stanbnry and Pallisterr
were hastily called and succeeded in
removing Most of the shot and dress-
ing the Wourids.
Mitchell. Rev. Mit Thune wa8 the
officiating clengymanata very pretty
MatriMonial event which took place
in the North "Wald, here, on 'Wedues-
day at the residence of Mc. John
(311(111 Is. The contracting patties
were Miss FAnnia C. Greve and Mr.
ArtgUst Ott, and amid a large cirele of
frier.cls the bonds were securely tied
at 13.`.k"fti p. in.. After partaking of tlae
good hings Ivhicli. had been plentiful-
ly p1o1
ided, the young, conple left for
stra tq)ra where they will in future re-,
oodstock, Nov. 19.--A young man
need Fred Dell, about 24 years of rige
esiding in East Zon'a, was found in a
field on his farm on Saturday night
terribly cut about the body with a ra-
zor. He had inflicted the wounds with
his own hands, and was about to cut
his throat when foutud. A doctor was
summoned and the patient removed to
Woodsto(On hospital yesterday morn-
ing, It it a moSt pititible ense. Young
Dell is not believed to be in his rip., -ht
mind. The hospital rtuthorities say
this afternoon that there is a chance
for the young man's recovery.
Ladies of Canada:
While statesmen and politicians
argue the Zollverein and differential
trade within the empire (which they
will do while jaw displaces cOmMon
sense), settle this Matter for your-
iaa.treergrell°eLis tll.sos f
f 0pure°°t3.lesii,
Black and Green'. Canadian and Unit-
ed States importers supply you with
11,000,000 ponncls annually of Japan
teas, yet they know Japans are artifi-
cially colored and adulterated. Let
the knowledge of these facts and the
sentiment of patriotic sisterhood move
you to help the British planter.
British -grown Black teas hold the
Canadian market. Drinkers of Japan
tea should try the Greens now coming
on the market, and your dainty pala-
tes will approve them. Yc-s, we hear
your grocer's excuses, but insist.
Ladies can always get what they want.
Remember how you rala your husband
to ---well, do they still think it Paradise.
They certainly will if youi give them
Ceylon and India green tea. The
Salada Co, are now packing it in lead
In the Dresden Gallery in Germany
hangs the most valuable picture in the
world (worth $500,000), Raphael's "Sis-
tine Madonna, and Child." This great
. . .
picture has 113 pernussion, been speci-
ally copied and reproduced on heave:5,
paper, size 22 x 30, in all the colors
and /beauty of the original, and is
givc.,with this year's TORONTO SA,T-
"The Modern 510910000," admittedly
the most beautiful picture ever made
by photography, has 'also been repro-
duced, size 16 x 21, and is given as an-
other preminna with the most beauti-
ful book ever issued in Canada, lull of
stories poems and artis1,10 illustrations,
some of the pictures occupying full
pages. A boy's picture, "Au .1111-
prompth Speech," isallso in colors, and
'Don't Cry, Mamma," is the most
touching picture of the home of a
missing Canadian soldier yet produc-
ed. The nniole sixty pages are ori-
glnal, bright, clean and typical of
Canada, as also iS the title COVer,
Which ClenintS, in She colors, and Indian
boy plucking feathers ftlom ra king
turkey of trie. forest Which he has
slain. Order at Once, for nothing as
good has ever before been offered in
Canada, and last years SA.run.DAY
NTGUT'S GrXIII8TAXAs was sem out with_
DI three 11a3 -s• of its publication. Price
60 tents, in tubes ready for mailing.
..,1115rdal 1 geibtvisisclhernrso,0%fpia.onnyi riShcu1
TorOD to.
Por Infants and Children.
l'ho fad-
Eczema, catarrh, hip disease, whites --
swelling, and even consumption' havC`'
their Origin in Sc:rofulous conditions_
With the slightest taint of s,0rofula irr
the blood, there is no safety. '1'he re-
ined), for this cliSc,A.Se in all its forms .
is Hood's S'aisaparilla, which goeS 00,0
tlie root of the trouble and expels alf
impurities and disease germs fro° the -
The best cathartic is Hood's
While lirciperor Vi11i un was driv-
ing to the bari,:ieks at Breslau a1 in-
sane tvornan tin.ew an axe at :him -
Tile weapon narrowly missed the Ern.-
peror, aricl wts embedded in tlie side
. -
of the carviage.
Well Merited.
A Caso of meritorjons suceess in the-
immence circulation of that great
weekly newspaper, the Family If maid .
and Weekly Stay, of Montreal, for, inn
addition to giving the biggest ;nal best-. -
family weekly on the continent, they, -
include pictures tha 1 alone could noa. -
be purchased for double the amoura.:3
charged for paper and pictures. ThEssa
season they are giving two more 1,>0..0--
tift1b pictures, that are sure to be ap-
preciated. "CHRIST IN THE TEll'.1,--
PLE" is one of them, and certainly ita
is a*beautiful piece of work. "HOME',
FROM THE WAR" is a picture Ulac..
at once wins its way to the hearts o-2;...
Canadians. The Family Heralcl
Weekly Star for a vear, with these twor.
pictures, for one dollar, is„marvellonsan
Samuel Crook, a boiler maker, drop-
ped dead at his work in London, Ont,
To cure a cold in a night -use Vapo-Creecr-
lene. it has been used extensively during more -
than twenty-four years. All Druggists.
Yip Luck, a, was hangen
at New West minits for the murder a".
Chief Constable Main of StevestOn-
Captain. Joseph Pa ricer, father of Mr..
Gilbert Parker, M. P., the Canadian,
author died at Belleville, aged 93 years,
John Porter, a Denver negro boy -
was burned to death by a mob because -
he -was suspected of the murder of lit
tie Louise Frost.
DyspepSia, is clifEcult digestion, dun
to the absence of natural digestive'
Hood's Sarsaparilla restores,
the digestive pow ers.
The arbitration between the City of
Brantford and the owners of certaita
gravel beds on the river resulted. in the
city being condemned to pay $6,140
and costs.
Germain Tessier, convicted of steal-
ing i $800 collected as bonuses from
hatehers on Bouseeours Market- Mon-
treal, is free, the Court of Appeals
quashing his conviction 0110 technical- -
Ezra Davis, of Greenville, 43 years
old, is dead from gunshot wounds
accidentally inflictedcgaturday by his
16 -year-old son, Martin, while 1.113nt-
ing-. Davis, who was a noted hunter,
mane a 9taternent exonerating his
Tile wife, of Beverley Declditts a
Whitcchurch farmer, committed
cide early yesterday afternoorL 1..)y
drowning b er self in a small stream
juSt south of the Iloggarttoun.
rt a,rpears that the woman'
has been mentally deranged for some.
TOTTEN.-In Ailsa Craig, on Nov. 12;,
, the wife of 11Iorley Totten of '10
SimPsoN.-In Park -hill, on Nov. 10th„,
to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simpson, a..
TR1,11.11INER. -At the 9t11 con. of Hay,
on Nov. 10, the wife of Wm, Tr.uern--
nen ole daughter.
BADOITR.-On the Sauble Line, Ilay, on
Nov. 13, the wife of Simon Baciour.r.-
jr., of a daughter.
NicrlonsoX.-At the Bronson Line,
on Nov. 11, the wife of God.- .
frey Nicholson, of a.claughter.
TAYL0K--1:11ACRETT-At 3:Imes Street ,
parsonage, on Wednesday, Nov. 14,
by Rev. C. W., Brown, B.D., Mr,
Henry 'Taylor, of Exeter, to Miss:
Maria Eacrett, of Hay.
HESS. --in Zutich, on Nov. 13, Chris-
tian Hess, at the age of 66 years,
FLOYD. -In Stephen, on Nov. .71.61.1-6. "-
George Floyd, aged 77 years mid. 5
MOPHTLIP8.---On Nov. . at, Abe
family residence. Lucie, daughter of :-
Christopher Robinson, of,•Richmoncl,
Virginia, and beloved, wife of Pat.
rick McPhilips,barristein,of London, ,
aged. 37 years.
Next Door.
Pet -haps it's diphtheria, of
scarlet fever, Keep your
own home free from, the
germs Of these diSeases,
Prevent your children from
having them. You can do
it with our Vapo-Ciesolene. Put.
Sniffle Cresolene in our vaporizer„,',
light the lamp beneath, and let the
vapor .511 the sleepin, room Have
the children sleep in the room every
night, for it's perfectly safe, yet not '
a single disease g'erm can live in this
vapor. Ask yourdoctor about it.
,Vapo-Crosolene is sola by dfuggisn; evaryw1100,
A Vapo,Crosolonn outfit, including the VAlibtizneAkid,
Iv ad Lamp, winch should 'last ;1: life,timn, and a botilikof
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