HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-11-15, Page 7). THE 02teter Abroiratr) Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Ofli0e) MAIN -STFIEET, --- EXETER. ADVOCATE PUE3L RH NG COMPANY TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. On Dollar per milieux if paid in Advance $1.50 if not se paid, l'Zo..tcw. 03.1. .23.3egclIca,- titere No paper discontinued until all erre rage are paid. Aavertisemente without eyeaitle directions will he published till forbid and Sharged acooraingly. Liberal dlseount made for traneeient advertisements inserted for lottg Periods. Every d.eacription of TOB PRINTING' turned out in the fineet style, s,nd. at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord- - ers,&c.for advertising,Stthecriptione,etc.to be made payable to Chas. 11. Sanders, EDITOR A.ND PROP • PrOfessional Card S. IL. KINSMAN, 14.D. S. & DR. A. KINSMAN, L D Se D. D. S., Eop.or graduate of Toronto :University, DENTISTS Teeth extracted without any. pain., or any bad effeote. Office in Fanson's 13loc1, west side Main Street,Extter. 11-'111.D. A.LTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) honors Graduate °Ebbe Toron.to Uni- rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to ante. Office over Elliot &I. Elliot's law offtee-opposite Central Ho tel --Exeter. eailantl....10.1.1m=m110,0101.1.MOrn“.•1•1. • Medical r 11-1e.T. P. AICLATIGHLIN, MEMBER OF LY the College of PhyeiciansandSurgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and. Aeoolich- , our. Office, DashwoodeOnt. Legal. rt,IGICSON St.,- CARLING , BARRISTERS) -IL" Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, eto. Money to loan at 5 and 5i15 per eent. Office Farison's 131ock, Main St., Exeter. (A :member of the Arm will be at Rensall on Thursday of each week.) I. R. CARLING, B, A. L. H. DICKSON. W. GLADINIA.N. (saaccessor. to Elliot St Gla.dman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. • A110tiOdeC3S • • BOSSENBERRY,Grancl,Bende.Lieensecl . Auctioneer for County Fluron. Sales • proneptly,at Gentled. to, and. charges med.or- , ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. - n BROWN , Wineheisea . Licensed &net- ion.eer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the towriship ofUsborne Sales promptly a,ttended to and terms reie- soribale.Sa.les arranged. at Post office.Win- chelsett. insurance. 1 evi Nickerson, n-aiter, Shag an' . ) evera o os e a n ng in tin. In P tare be transacted under the ELLIOT, at ‘‘,.. , „-. ekeeteenrereeeent, . en, Mr. 'Warren W. Tn me and style of Walter Thomson & otnson, o • .-. , , anY ° y WYnn Vanernbueg cook PeLnico there is no posstbility of f . . . '1.....A.rtir. St. ----------E--..'rer, London havi'ng been lately admitted Head, 19. them being saved. They could not + - . • as a partner. Fred. N'anemburg, assistant cook, have lived long enough in that Fubnico .1 -le d . raging sea, to get to land. After Senforth: . A pretty weddine• was Walton Cunn in g haul. on ess-b oy, Cape • reaching a house we were f urnisthed You can cough yourself into byonchitis,pneu- monia, and con- sumption. Bandaging anc:1 bundling your throat will do no good. - You must give your throat and lung§ rest and allow the cough wounds to heal. -There is noth- ing so bad for a cough as cough- ing. Stop it by using Even the cough of early v consumption is cured. consumption is And, later on, when the disease is firmly fixed, you can bring rest and comfort in every case.• A 25 cent bottle will cure new coughs and colds; the 50 cent size is „ better for settled coughs 1 of bronchitis and weak lungs; the one dollar size , is more economical for ) chronic cases and con- sumption. It's the size you should keep on hand. e All families ought to be on the vetch for sudden attacks of el oup or acute lungtroubles. Every ct.un- try home in the land i3hould keep Cherry Pectoral constantly on hand to pro -vide against an emergency." JOSIAH G. Wams, M.D., Dec.14, 1858. Holland, Mich. 41.11•11PNP"IF"'llr"WFV"V"-‘' Friday morning. The weather was a. 8 .\,'‘'„)Lt:y.t:13,:iloi,),',k;;;i.,,,)1,-;,si.- it' aet wii SMITH'S , p Passage, I saw Captain Harding, who said he was thirilcitag of platting int() Digby epair Shop Of the 37 Souls on Board 33 before reaching Petite but 1,botit halt An • ' ' ' hour before reachieg there Perished in the BreekefS. the weather looked finer with cations of the wind hauling to the northwest, and he concluded to try Thti ICU -fated Vessel Lect Alallfax Irri- and reach Yarmouth. D -the t' uie day *(erning, awl Was to nitre called we reeelled St, Mary's it was blow- YArinouth, But Never new:nen ing strong, but the ship made fairly Thei,,,e,eeeie W. 5, jrieiditt2., A‘,%,1 to 900(1 weather. all through the night. Saturday o • nave Bearded 1Ier at That Port -Small werocra'v\p': Iloate Were Xatunehed, But Were Vorchit Liga, After ending his pas._ Dashed Pieces. Mon Capt. Harding decided to run for Che harbor, but found it ha -- Halifax', Nov. 12. --During possible to got the ship ,before' the wind although be used every en- deavor to do so. The ship was now making water and we began to ieCLieon cargo. - Decided to Take to the Boats. '`,1..tor emptying, several casks of kerosene oil to smooth the waters, and as the water continued to gain, 'we deckled to take to the boats. This was about 11 D. 01001: SatUrdaY mornire..T. After getting two boats out on the Port side we pla,ced. all the women, three in number, in the first boat, and in five minutes aftor the boats had cleared the steamer, she gradually settled doNvro on the port side and d'sam,:eared I. saw steal)). escaping, but it there was an explosion of boilers was se en- groesed with my boat that .1 did not notice it. The fires in one boiler had been out for two hours, having been put out by rising water in the one of the worst stxrins of the sea- son the Yarmouth Steamship t'oin- patly's side -wheel steatner City of .1+,1nnticello foundered four ntiles off Chegoggin U'oint Saturda,y morning, and sank aniong tile breakers. 'Th.,: passengers and crew xnunberocl :37 , and all except four are dead. The saved are: Elsie Ste Donald, c.olored, s tewarcl- Capt. Norman Smith, of the steam- er Pharsalia, passEnger. IVilsbn Gook, lialifax, quarteraias-, James Flenuning, lialifa-x, third officer. ' Somo of Those Lost. Among the lost are: Itttpert Ie. Oliver, pors.n. of the steamship Pr iaro Edward, passenger, A. le.' S. Eldridge., 'Yarmouth, pas- senger, C'ap1. T. AI. Ilar ding, Yarmouth, aged 42. -- 1-1, D. Newell, first officer and pilot, Cape islanci, 44. Neliem i ah SOVOGC1 0 In eer, •Yartnetaith, 44. ' Seven ,Johnson, se:tine:a, Aread:e, 'Willi are . Dunn, s ea n) an, •k, Vey - outh, 23. stanley Ringer, seaman, Loceeport, 20. Robert Nickerson, ..sertanan, Yar- al °et 11, 43. .John L. Whitmore, seaman, LoCI.:e-, port, 20. Charles Greig, chief 'engineer, Rali- fax. 50. , Robert K. 'Poole, second eng•ineer, Yarniouth, 29. • • ltobert Doucette, oiler, Vartnoeth, 82. ' Winslow 'Ringer, oiler, lockeport, a- Satin:el Gloster (colored), fireman, Liverpool, 40. James Cole, fireman,' Yarmouth, 31. Varna; The manY friends of Miss Ce°rga 1\-ruisP, Yarmouth. Nathan C. Hopkins, ch:ef steward, Annie.Weekes, formerly of the Parr ail° last .we saw of the that you should call and inspect Line, will be glad to hear of her success YarnaOlith, 45. • Nvardess, received slight, imitrie3 in in go:Irina ting as a triinecl nurse. from 13°ecil_et;e4:ollittlY.11,0"-F--;;"',1:i7Ji.';'-' .-riang- la the lines of Grace lthspital, Detroit. , othiF boat she had apparently. „ Mitchell: The old established bus;t•-,' Austin Wickens, e3-ai ter., Care IS- -teitliater' and lye-. is GENT'S FURNISHINii , no 'less of 11,1*. W•ilt x•ion - hand 1' eope of !If, ..ObtiiPants being saved. */* 'There was no scenes of con- fusion; everything was orderly, and there WaS 210 excitement ;eh at ever . Capt. Harding and, all the officers did their duty to the last. 'rhe captain assisted us in getting our boat away and the last. I saw of him ' was standing by the fall attending to put- ting her into the' water. Capt. Hard- ing's conduct was seamanlike 1)riven.Upon the Land. ' "After the steamer foundered we were driven to''' the land by the ter, rifle gale, and. landed at Pembroke, about four Milos away. in a . very heavy surf, our boat hong broken to atoms in landing. Murphy, the sec- ond mato, ancl two lady 'passengers, were drowned, Wo never saw or heard them after the sea . recoiled. Those whO were saved were thrown upon the beach, 'and it , was only. by a miracle that we' escaped the fate of thc. other three. It was after a severe steuggle. that we ,gairted place of safety. The cook • and the Now is the time te got your wheel Re. paired,, Clea,ned or Enanaeled• 'We have a large stock of Brantford Rea Birds on band, the best Bicy- cle on the market, which we sell at right, prices. ' SUNDRIES We have in stook, Bicycle Sundries, tires, cements, oils, etc. LAWN MOIVERS, IIORsE CLIPPERS We sharpen Lawn Mowers, Horse clip- pers, scissors, Razors, Knives, etc. EVERNT.FIINCT' RiT,PAIRED. I, SIVIITH OCTOBER Help to make home happy by buying . your wife it first-class . . SEWING IVIACHINE. We show them in different makes and varied styles. Guaranteed to run well, sew well and last well at prices that a re VERY MODERATE. Then we have PIANOS and ORGANS that wilt not only give pleasure and educational advantages but will add grace and adornment to your home. Come in and see them. "We will be pleased to show you their beauty and tell you of the prices at which we sell them. Violins and small musical instruments constantly on hand. Will be pleased to sltow yo -it goods. S. MARTIN COMMON SENSE OMMANOS TRADE :WARR ,CAUSTIC BA.LSAM. A. reliable remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavin, ,Sweeney, Lameness from any cause, and Sore Throat *in. Horses' and Lump Jaw in Cattle. , See Pamphlet. . • ,,SatisiaetiOn guaranteed All Druggists and general eterekeepers keep it: • . ,• . Prepared by EUREKA VETERINARY MEDICINE Co., LONDON, - - ONTARIO. Celebrated in St. ..Tathes' .churgh on Tuesday; when Mr., George Carbutt, of .Thillett;and Miss Nellie Poireell,datigh ter;o1Mrs. Thos. Purcell, Of this town,. was United in the holy bonds of .mat, rimony by Rev. 'Father McCabe. .The bride'.was attended by her sister, Miss Mary, While the groom :wasassisted by Mr. Thomas' Reynolds, of Hullett. The ceremony was witnessed by a large. number of the friends of the young Couple; and at its conclusion the eon).- pany Went to the, bride's home, where siiMptuous Wedding breakfast :was' served. "During the afternoon they drove to theirnew hente in Hullett, where they were greeted by a. large nuniber of REPAIRING - if you want your Repairing well done go to R. Hicks -Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a; specialty. IfIXRRIAGE LICENSE Marriage Licenses issuedandWed- dingli,ings always on hand. Fauson's Bleck, Exeter. II 011111,0110 • . Yeswe havejustreceived another Carload of furniture, which when added to our already fine stock we can supply the latest, inost' hand- some ancl cheapest things on the market. - Fil'i'' ''''- - - T , . . II ., ''''''" 0.7••,77,':,',1"t:',-••,,,,-, „,. +,,ft Nff e have the Stock -You have the ....rmoney--We want to trade,' and if it is furniture you want it will pay you.well to drop itt and see our dandy line before purchasing else- , We have the largest and bes assortad stock in town, ROIAtE THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. For Fresh, goOd and the choisest cuts of meat, call on the undersigned. While all our cuts of meat are the finest, wo make a specialty of meat delicacies. eat delivered to all parts Of the • . toNvit . . John Manning this picture is the trade mark of SCOTT'S EMITLSION, and is on every bottle of SCOTT'S EMIJL- SION in the World, which now amount8 to many millions yearly. This great business has growa to such vast proportions, First;-Beca.use , the proprietors have always been most careful in selecting the -various ingredients used in its composition, namely; the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the purest 1-lypopliosphites. SecoPch-Because they have so skillfully combined the various ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use. Third: -Because it has made so many sickly, delicate children 8trong and healthy, given heal .1-1 and rosy cheeks to so many pale, anaeinic girls, and healed the lungs and restored to full health, so many thousands in the first stages of Consumption. If you have tot tlie(1 it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will emprise you. SCOTT & 1304VNE, Chemists, 500, and $z,ae; all ditiggNts, island, 14. ,with dry clOthing, and all.'except the E. B. 111. Hilton, purser, Yar- 'stewardess were brought to, Yar- niouth.• mouth, 30. ' Isaac H. Wilson, assistant purser, Third ()dicer ri01111/1i ,Barrington, 30. 'James E , ,ng, 'ecut:Nof The The City of Monticello made week- Monticello''s Madef 13' trips between Halifax N d stalenient. in 11 hc says: , 'the St. John, N.13.,calling at Yarmouth last I saw of Captain Harding he and other ports. The steamer AVIA "- was gating out of -the port quarter lost about ten Miles from boat. He was perfectly cool through mouth on her way, there from St. lIle John. She left the latter port at 11 ''''''•-•••• was Pth.fectlY cool The throughout and gave . his orders o'clock on Friday morning.. storm which started that 111411t WaS so ,f He did his that Dahl tone, with which we were utmost to still blowing a hurricane on Satur- save the passengers and crew when day': .The steamer made hway er it became - 'evident that the ship across the Bay of Fundyin the fact: could live no longer. No possible of the force southeaster and was blame miles 0fr chegoggin Point, one blame can. be attached to the cap- tain. He was caught under condi- Of the capes in tile vicinity of Yar- tions which 'could not have beeti fore- mouth. It was found that water was pouring into the hold,' It did not take many minutes to show that there was no hope of the steamer reaching port. , She Was beyond con- trol and drifting on the rocks. 'rue; -Boats were Launched. Captain Harding had two boats, and it was decided to launch theta in the forlorn hope of getting through the isllrf (0 the south, One of- -the passengers isas Captain Nor - 'man Smith of the Battle Line steami- er Pharsalia, now lying at St. John, The two boats were launched, and one was placed in charge of .Claptivin Sniith. In it with him -were. six, Others. There was room for more, but the terror-stricken passengers nd crew mothentarily, hesitated, to leave the ship. That moment was fatal, for the boat put off and left those on . board, to their fate, The second boat was launched at the same time, but no one knows who got into her or what became of her. The survivors have no hope that she lived in the angry sea.. ' ' Washed Every One into the. Sea. - Capt. Smith's boat had got, only a few yards from the City ot Monticel- lo w1-...11- a hTig wave struck -the steaniar, sending her complaely ver on 'Le reeke and .washing everytme who, clung to, the rigging into the sea. Those ,below decks, 'were caught, in the' torrents of water rushed - up . . froth great holes M. the , ship's bot- tom and pour down ,her hatches and cotapanion ways. The other. boat ,was. 10± seen after the steamer went over. • . That in charge. of Captain Smith lived only a few minu Les, bli t it carried...them along on the crest of 0. great water Wa.170. th.f 11 broke on the rocky beach and all hands were thrown into the surf. Thr,ee oi them were Carried up te the shore, where they -were able' to liolO on aria were ,safe, but Elsie McDonald and Seeond Officer' 111ityphy and two 'young av oh -ten 'pdSsellg008 'Were drawn hack, -The' next thre.W. the MeDoeald ' and dry on • the shore:, butMurphy • Nees hurled against a boulder at seep. There were about seven pas-. senors aboard. I don't know who they HOU. Mr. Fielding in Luck. The Hon. W. S.. FieldingCanadian Minister of Finance, was to have taken paSs,age on the City of Monti- cello for Halifax, and there were 0 number of others awaiting her at Yarmouth, Had the disaster oceurred as the steamer was leaving Yar- mouth, as it was at first reported it 414, the loss of life would have been vary much greater. The City of Monticello was pur- chased by the Yarmouth Steamehip Company last year for $30,000, and they kept $25,000 insurance on her. She was Oullt 36 years ago at Wil- mington, and 20 year later was re- built at New York. She was of 1,034 tons 'burden. ' . Bodies Washed Ashore. following bodies from the ill- fated eteamer Monticello, • washed aehore at Chebouge, a point 10 iniles from Yarmouth., have been identified as Mr. Eripp, t'aveler for D. Magee & Sone, hatters and furriers, . St, John, N.B.; Chief Steward Hopkins, Second Engineer Poole, ' A. le. S. El- dridge, Rupert ,Oliver,St., John, N.13.; Bagga gemits ter Wilson, Owen John- son, Levi Nickerson, Robert Nicker- son, Wynne Van Emburg, Austin Wiceens, James. Cole, John E. Whit- ' The fact that the trunk of a jewel- ler has been ,recovered leads one to suppose that Tr,aveler Coleman, re- presenting Levy Bros." & Co., ,T-farnil- ton, Ont., was one of the unfor- tunates, ' Chief Engineer Greig (body recoVer- ed) belonged to Halifax. ANOTHER MARINE HORROR. si...5 Lives Were tOlit 1./y thO, 'Wreck of tile Schooner Myra C. Weaver. , . . Boston, Nov. 10. -The three -Masted 8C110011er MY1F1 C. Weaver was wrecked In 'Vineyard Souud early this 'morning, end scli*Ttrlitle1:1-c10:0111t1t1.'ens5re,.011coasItIti.),:i.,;osaenlsvarilioor,,p.ie,iiiisilialociaola)bnia: 'agsett'el teritti):till 3r t'lyItli r, ea ne.ter....oti,' Ne'ci- ortonns. (1111 00 'ilagtitisseti of Bei,,.zen, Norway, instantly killed. `The others vvere „ . . , i , not see) again. Tito,.=.;e iviio 'were u• e110111/i.1' ; Mn' letnersei. geged_about 23, o f eaveii aeta Md only slight 111,110108. Mii EllDe I0c, uea lo, also 04 sti- Cipi. - Srultii's St•tteikteut.' ' ' r , ' •••1,jf',, 1., ,1 . pi . Y -i • fI•la's10'1 " rf.' .I'ft rtII' 10 `T°Il" "c":11‘ n Sm rl Wade ' the fill(.ne1TO 7 (01i11, N-/'; -)c°1I Iat(llaglllls qtatelAtnt 1LSt, 1ight,. •, Olt?. 011)1 seiaenGeorge 4olisoian( '0''let 8'ejolrat 11 o'clotko,8.i01 07l0, . ,. .„ . . 1:1CIN DO INIOT RUN from a,question that inust interest you,. Have you your New Suit ? If not, drop in and see us at the first opportunity and let 1.15 show you it few prices of the Faney, Worsteds titod Scotch _ , . Tweeds. Have you seen the new Staples and Therringbone patterns. They are beauties. A big razige of Blues and, Black, Trish Serges at the old prices., If you want a black we have what you want in Twills, Venetians and Clays. • ' OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, 111.eltons, Curls, • Naps and IVIontanaets. . ' All -1.-vork done in the latest style and fit guavauteod., , J. 14. Cl'1E-ItE Opposite Post Office The Niolsons Bank,. (chartered hyParliament,1815.) Paid tip Capital.............$2,500,000.• Rest Head office Montreal. JAMES ELLIOTT, Esti, GENERAL 14141.N.AGER. Money. advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with one or mere eucluzers at 7 per cent, ner 1100001, -EXETER BRANCII---- Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to p.m Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 1.10, A general banking business transac bed. CURRENT RATES allowed I ot money on De positIteceipts. Savings Ban1c at re, Dice:sots-Sr CARLING, lee D. HURDON; Solicitors. Manager. Wheat per bushel - 04 to GI (Changed every Wednesdalys: to 2 (ye "Oour per cwt that we have placed in our store oBa.siZ,„ You will find in this new stock ... ... Quality and Price.... Butter Potatoes per bag Eggs Flay per ton 7.000,.-" to suit you. Dried Apples pert) Itt,. Turkeys. 8 tO 'ECUI:lmeieeskokestIny . 1 25. t 5.6:1 FIT WELL Corn 40 to 45 FEEL WELL -Clover lee to 5(0 LOOK 'WELL Zvirich: On Thursday last, Mr. F. , This is what we always accomplish Witmer, of the Babylon line, and Miss when we make a suit for you. Mary Weber, of near Doshwood, were united in marriage. We wish them all happiness. Prices that Please. That Throbbing Headache Bert. Knight Would quickly leave yomif you used " Dr.. King's New Life Pills, Thoesands of sufferers have proved their matelrL , less merit for Sick and Nervous Head - St, Marys: There died in the Strat- ford Hospital Sunday morning, Mr. Chas Snelling, of this place, at the age of 22 years, 1 month and 10 days. He was a son of Mr. Obits. Snelling, of Listowel, and the remains were sent to that place for burial this morning. Hensall: Thomas Berry took home from Bright, recently, the stallion, "Pride of the North," which he. pur- chased in court during the case of Brown vs. McGregor; he paid $500 for the horse and he congratulates himself on o•ettincr m good horse at so cheap a n price. McKillop: Mr. joseph Stanzel, has sold his farm, lot 3, on the 121h concession, to Mr. Iloegy of the Sth concession. It contains 50 acres, is rather a choice lot, and was sold for $2,700. Mr. Stanzel retains possession until next spring. Mr. Hoegy has purchased this farm for his son. Kip en: Quite an excitement was caused in this neighborhood on Sltur- day on account of it being court day in the village. Robt. Stanzel had John McGregor and E. Gormley up before W. M. Doig, J.P., charging them with assault. Several witnesses were ex- amamined, and the charge was clearly proved and a fine imposed. THE USEFULNESS OF Diamond Dyes, In Country Homes is I3eyoncl Circulation. Diamond Dyes are great blessings to every farmer's wife. No other article brolight into country homes can give such a return of profit, pleasure and diappiness as the 'Diamond Dyes. A ten 'cent package of the world - famed Diamond Dyes will give new life to any faded and dingy dress,skirt, picket Or cape, From ten to twenty cents expended on Diamond Dyes will enalble any one to re -color a faded stilt of clothes for any youth or man, and make them took like new clothes from tlic Ta7 :or s hands. To get the best results from your work of home dyeing, do not allow any dealer to sell you some make of dyes that he calls JUST AS GOOD. No other package dyes in the world equal the Diamond Dyes it purity, e(renetil I I 'lli• ney I ache. They onake pure blood and builds up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold at all,drug stores. • ' Zurich: Mr. John Decker, of the Babylon line, has disposed of 11 fine team of agricultural horses to R. Ross, of Rodgerville, for shipment to the Soo. This team took seeond prize ztt Exeter fair and first at Z (rich. The price was a big one. Mr. Decker late- ly refused $300 for another teat n. It pays 'to raise good horses., and Mr. Decker is the man that can do it. Great Luck of' an Editor. "For two years all efforts to euro Eczenia in the palms of thy bands failed," writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse, Ran., "then I was v,I;olly cured by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its the World's best for Eruptions. Sores and all skin diseases. Only 25c. per bobat All drupists Dublin: The new Catholic, church: here is rapidly nearing completion ' and will be dedicated with huposing ceremonies on November 25th. Sev- eral dignitaries of the Church will be present, among them Archbishop O'Connor, of Toronto, Bishop Dowling, of Hamilton, and Bishop McEvoy, of London. The mnsic will he in keeping with the occasion and will be rendered, by a joint -choir, 'including several members cif the choir of St. Joseph's church, Clinton. Astounding Discovery. From Coopersville,Mich,,,eomes W01(3, Of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by an y one tronbledwith a bad cough always ensures a, good night's. rest. "It will soon cure the cough too,''' writes Mrs. S. Himelburger, "for three generations of our family have used, Dr.King's New Discovery for constimps tion, and never found its equal for Coughs, and Colds. 1,t'8 an unrivaled life saver when used for desperate lung diseases, Guaranteed hot les 30c., :uid $1.00 at drugstore. Trial bottle,s free. Clinton: A happy social event tools place At the Classic city On NVednesday at tile home of Mr. and 5Jts 11, Kl1011- cher when their daughter, ALtry, was united ill marriage to li),Ir,AndreW -117Ink, mid., of this place. 3tc ceremony was perforlinid in the presence of the reln. tives of t,lie contracting parties by Bev. 5i. linist,of Berlin, coesin of the hi-ide, 51188 1 ohanna Noddle'', sister of the bride, aeted as 1)ridesumid, while lilzrit Hoist hf Cassel, performed • the lib less ;tuportant dut ies of tOptuoa nian ' •