HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-11-15, Page 13 'FOURTEENTH YEAR, -670. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, v OVEJBER5, 1900. Go IT.. S 111 ERs, . EDITOR. EXCHANGE your old stove for .a NOW ONE.When you � buy new one buy the IJ 'TEMOH I.MISMINGIMIIMMINOMMIIMIP '. We ill oua good d price e for your old stove and • hie youspecial prices on any one you may select. We ave cOLARY' S #arnovs STOVEawarded Gold Medal Paris ExPosition, 1900. SOVENIR STOVES. "WITH THE AEREA.TEI) OVENS. FAMOUS STOVES BIGGEST OVEN AND FIRE BOX. �W CHAINS, all kinds and all PRICES. -CUT SAWS, see the latest. Warranted. XES, all new kinds at OLD PRICES. 25. Second land STOVES.'Froiii, a $ Up. 110NEA TO LOAN, -(dTe have 'iaplimited ,ri�.ate funds for in- yestment is pon farm or village propertyy at o sof interest. west. rate . '''-:! Drcitsox`3c CentirrG, Barristers, etc., Exeter. OR'itENT; That'clesirlekald critic hiaxrrens slop )✓ in -the Village of Centralia; also a fine brick stable. Apply to Mrs. Cottrill., Centralia. 14,STRAY ' There came. on my premises, pt. Lot 1, Sanlile Concession; Tp. Stephen, on the 16th hist, the following: -1, two year old steer, black.galloway,1 twoyear,gray l3eif- er, with ]tarns; one, one year old. Heifer, black:galloway, and one, one Year old steer, black galloway.. Tho owner can have` same by proving property and paying expenses. ROBERT Ponr,00x, Grand Bend P.O. FARMS` FUR SALE, MONEY,::TO LOAN. The `undersi� undersigned has a fewgood farm}s for sale cheap.M oney to loan:; n easy terms JoiN SrACTCitrAN,.- samwell'sBlock`Exeter. STRAY.; There came unto myremises, Lot 81, N.B. h is of Augut .one white ewe.' The about tproperty owner can have,same by pro vng„p ,p .Y and paying expenses., `. LL 'Ere -suer. �'P.T TURNBU ,. Brewster. ESTRAY CATTLE. strayed. , d. from the' premises of `the j , There t y p.... ilndesigned,Lot 20, concession 12, Stephen, on or about Sept,. let, 1000, three yearlin heifer's.'s. one :white, with red neck and liea g one light red without lxorns.hnd another. dark red. AnvP drson returning same •ur. giving information thaut..will-lead ter li to recoverywill be suitablyrewarded. i11ALCOL11771LL• R{ '. I Dashwood. ,, IT/1ORTGAGE SALE .i '. c „ ` ti i s � c.r.Lnd x'e"'are t , The election] c g - f 'i=e- 2. Exeter. o incl ` tciu lerature: T �OLLS8.1 a21d _, Ot II Xe. clown to n i _ 1, ports are tine ,sand we guess they alae •,: r -'4 .s • • ,,ic,s IZo. are Din _ �- • ase s1 s. Y `Mader .uul b •.v,rLue of tkic , � ,. �vt. � „� t � . ,, 1' r ,P. ane":. e next ick t-i`�i e� ,a•oclu.ca at �l . t iiiaizC.k _ ,cI s lively here. for th , certain mortga "e>wli � , ) I ,. „ .. l.h� 9nc �. •-ofsate;theAe,w,llheotict�,+liois.de-tpy.,lu. fewweel.SintheLva Ofbtivttln' our- < 3. b P, . tion on the ptetnse3„•,i 11r, John Gia, Auctioneer, l ry MeV tore now buying fowl "alive b . ' and willship.fve carloads of turkeys SATURb fNOY. A.11'1,190,0..shortly. We:hea1they are also 11oixt .t 2,0' p, in.; the following valuable pr p rty, to' purchase MCssrS• Tiord-x4L Po s. bust. .otininibet eventq:•tive on the' South side of ass nt�''Woodharn.—lt i ~••,re orted.' that h•r . Village n it hllhstreet,veaesaidfon-of Exeter, con,,1116e'CRaining ma, 1oc11,. for a :.change 111. otll' onexrood se ent4 ,p and foto tenni perches, mole or." . r `- . 1, 1 ,n house, Ghoul. , NA,re viii not saywhat at res- 'Phoreis n one story c�e]„, S. -.,:.. .. p in+ler foundation) and . sn..c.l frame stable on the eat.--A;r, 1I. .13row1i returned, from. Paan®rston lust week. 1:Ie reports top- ples not very plentiful, but are of good 1 quality and prices too low for those 1 y • 'l -- le snow, and who have them to sc 1. Z I cold welither is with us ti,gain, lint we would rather see'. fine weather';` for `a sunlit. =et. --Mr. Thomas White has Yet, his new house, which 1s a very handsome structureand trust it may a}ord Il'',i]y comforts to, the builder. -1‘.1r, Sidney Clink's sale to- day (Thursday.), . Sidney will know w oiat lie is worth now.-- Mi'. T1)01118.8 d7ool., of St. "Cllt'n.l ts,was up to sell his fifty„ terc' f•trin to "'a 1r f ' th t • t the other t1'',y,bcit the bargain was not closed, --1)1r. Ed, 1:,1 drove to Lon- TESTILVIOUTAL'. OF JOHN HUNTER To the value of English, Stock Food. I1tu using English Stock Food for using � calves and young stock a ncl, am highly pleased with its efiects. It keeps the digestive organs in • a healthy 'condi tion and the growth and improvement ofthe stockis well marked. 1; consid- er it a most excellentfood and fell con- fident that it pays well to use it.. I would highly recommend; its use to all. stock raisers. JOHN HUNTER' sale , Tp. -Osborne. For sby .C. Lutz. Only 50c. a bag. a./ s orine,,::. SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is. a correct report of S.S. No. 4, for the month of, October. Report is based upon the`Iluron Promotion examina- tion held for promotion and review. Names are in order of merit. Jr. IV. Hattie Handford, Warren Hunter, Lettie Rook, Willie Smith, Ada :°Ker- slake, ' 'Sr. III. -Tommy Quinton, Johnny Hunter, 'Roy Li,ixton, Frank Hunter. Jr. , HL—Blanche Smith, Bertie Luxton, Lydia, Handford, Ethel Walker, Vera. Essery. Sr. II. -Lela Euswill, Alice Davis, Hazel Snell, Nel- lie Rook, Ernie Hicks,' Lizzie :David- son. Sr. Pt. II. -Pearl Bissett,„ Alma ndf .Cornish May, Frani. Iia c1rd, ]trait . y , r Richie" Hicks, Noble :Bissett,, D nie Luxtan, Florence Belbeck. R. E. BUSWELL, Teacher Winchelsea 11'' o,.,.., Tname 07 5.#LP.—I ifte,en per rent: cash' at the tiu2e of silo anti 1,hebalance it. 80 days thereafter, with - :tut interest. Further pnrticalars' land terms'rind conditions of sale 1vi11 tic' made known on clay of ':ol on application to the unc'elsignea. Holo or: can he h . I +, 0101Yrrr,i, 1". W. (xr tnAre2,, 11 ter. cr... Barrister, t:, .. �e Ai,iitiona ,ita,n s i (31 Jseter' this Ith'Noven,her 1000. bated Sale Register: s AY NOV 20.-13ouseholcl theproperty �of Wesley 1. .Bissett. one, 1 . o' • .Th on anct: o'clock. I� lh i ort riiiturc sure hiss Tena. McCann has returned to Detroit, after spending a':few week dein °11 1Y' Ile e:`;per}enecd .L. with: her parents here—Allen Cour. cold d 1ve. 5nushille ;- 1 101(iu' pee- ls lic)mc' ilii: ing spent sou.,' tine n1 {lait,it.ior,s fat clieir annPOl Christmas i7sbortie wo1kii1'r0 ] si 011�ili.. b re titre ill a•ia]inent, ,` 'l rood t.inie may be ]act to see .Allen home. —Flection_ clay i 1 p of o'.r 5 ~ quietly' Here and we. expected. passed cl , leave every reason' to ;feel elated ,c vel.' the result.: 'Lorraain for; Sheri'1tt.--: The Strangers that were visiting in and nrOund ouraicinity t1e like flu., rob - bins, they y have disappeared. children Cry for A STC:IR IA Cromarty Di: HTHLRr-..—A number of cases of diphtheria have developed in school section No6, Hibbex•b;'and the board. of health have authorized the closing of our school. As yet there have been no fatalities ;Ind the disease is sup- posed up-posed to have; been checked. T Ilt> ,—Ozi Saturday morning, the sptcioes barn of Mr. Oswald Walker, of the 10th concession ,was complete- ly destroyed 'byfire. Mr. Walker's son had used alantern in the stable prev- ious to the fire breeking out, but left everything secure when he went to, Crediton. No insurance. Clandeboye Mr. Robert Hodson who has been ill, has recovered —Mrs. F. Brown en- tertained n-tertained tc'w of her intimate friends on Tuesday night of lest week. --Mr. Andrew Patton, of Bidd ulph, moved into our village this week, occupying Mr. McFaddon's residence. -Mr. Mar- shall Atkinson will take possession of the Cunningham Rotel here to -day (Thursday.) 141r. Cunningham will move into Mrs. Ilodgins' house.—A Harvest Horne dinner will take place in St. Janes' church here to -night (Thursday.) -Miss ` Edith Fenton, of McGilliyray, is the guest of Mrs. Jas Carter.—Mr. and Mrs." Ira -Bice spent Saturday in Crediton. A SERIOUS FIRE.—At 1.30 o'clock. Friday morning last the residence of Mr. Geo. Carter, about a 'halfnine south of here, was discovered on fire. and before anything could be done the destroying.elelnents were beyond control. The family on being aroused made desperate efforts to save the con- tents and in doing so narrowly escap- ed with their lives, every member of the family being more or less burned. Some of thein are now minus the grea- ter part .of their hair as a result, and Mrs. Carter: is confined to her bed, her face, feet and right hand being' badly burned, while lar. Levi Carter only escaped with his life by jumping from an upst tie window. In addition to the contenLL Miss Ella Carter and Mr. Levi Carter, each lost a gold watch and considerable currency was also consumed. The origin of the fire is a mystery, having, : started in' an ad- joining shed at the rear of the house. There was an insurance of $400 on the house and $100 on the contents in the London Mutual. Hay HOME WEDDING. --A .pretty home weddingOCCUIred e1Tuesday e enlul at the home of Mrs. Roht.Iydd,B::,by- ion Line, .when her daughter, Miss Jennie, was united in marriage. to Mr. J. E. Jackson, of London. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. J. S. Henderson,of the Presbyterian church Hensall. Y There were no attendants. The bride was handsomely attired' in a grey costume,:,;trirnmed with pearl and lace, and wore a bouqet of carna- tions and roses. ` After the congratu- lations repaired' P the guests aired`to th.din-` ing room, where a 'sumptuous ;,repast awaited them. The bride received a number `of very handsomeresents, g showih the esteem in which° she is. . held. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson: will reside in London. -- Eden The elections are over andy our cor- respondent will a or-respondentwilla ain be more atten tive to his duties z Ze ga�lx e on Friday nightis, to be taken by, Rev. S. Salton and David Elston. Topic, " What Intemperance costs onr Nation." -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ford, of Exeter, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rook, on Sunday. Mr. `.ChomasBroas visit- ed friends in Crediton on Sunday. Miss Sarah Butler, of Hibbert, who has been visiting Miss Minnie Luxton for the past week, has returned' home.- --Mr. Auhry Buswell; of .Frankfort, Kansas, is P visiting under the parental roof.—Mr. and: Mrs. John ~Peart, of Zion, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sarowel Skinner, Y , on. Sunday Jessie Luxton- is visitin 6 r " friends in C arty.—Mr.: John Williams, of Exeteras theguest of Miss Bl• an e Rook on Sunday.—Mr. Ernest Bus well has accepted a position as clerk with The R, Pickard Co., Exeter. Farquhar z., The sparrow'' nil tela whichtookplace here was brought to al, successful incl pleasant .ternlinatiorl-an Friday night.: last, when agrand oyster supper frond. c'nne"..was b rive celebrate n to celelrata the.. event. The "boys" utast have clone some great. detective wax k in the search for the little.: pest for at the close of'tho hunt over 1,000 heads haid been p roctored .by tin two sides. Mr. ,4IcNichol,s side, he w e }'er Dame :but. victorious by rn:uly.heads, keit Mr. Gardiner's side had also a gond ,show- ing. ,After to bonnt-eolis supply of the. bivalves hadbeen served all,, turned' their attention to theconcert which was highly appreciated., The hall was . crowded to the doors, and while the crowd'1Eredisappointed by the con- spicuous absence of a number announc- ed to take part,. Mr. M. Vincent and Mr. f3. M'„1,)tnigall furnished the whole program � ""tiog many e shighly;7ppreci- aitecl selections, coznp>sed of i'eaciinge, 2'>, 03000 «3>1)1 iuei g. Mr., Carr, of Rirl.ton," tilled the chair very accept- ably. At the conclusion of the con cel . e seas were 1l11 placed in one enol of the hall when a lag number (1f those' present, engn ed tllenisel)'OS 1 b g inthe n]errYlast neof tma�ywhirl. `i > the whole the evening was most pleasantly spent and the young people tire wishing for to repetition in the Dear future. The 'liroceecls an101tnted to between $50 and $60. Crediton Mr. Dechert and Miss Thomson, of Zurich, spent last Sunday, here, the guest of Miss Beulah Bea -ver. --Mr. and: Mrs. lea Bice, of Clandeboye, were in the village last: Saturday,' visiting acquaintances.—Messrs. J. G. Young & Son are patting in two of McClary's furnaces in Mr. Beaver's new block.— D .tiecuxl ed the pulpit in the Methodist church last' Sunday mor''n- i n g.-\ars. Piquart, of Blyth, is visiting Mrs. (Rev.) James Huseer.—Mr. Chas. Wolf is sick with• ` erysipelas. We trust he will he able to be around soon. Returning -officer Cotter, opened the ballot boxes of North Middlesex in the Town hall, here, last Setlxrday, and declared Mr. John Sherritt elected> to represent ns in the House of Com- mons. His majority is 213.—Post'. office Inspector Fisher, of 'London, was in the village Tuesday, inspecting the post office. -The Revival meetings, which are being held ill the Evangeli- cal church, are resulting' in a large number of converts. So far over 30 have been •,converted.—Old mother earth has put on her mantle of the "beautiful" and no doubt the- sleigh bells will be heard soon.--s-,Miss-Living- ston, of Blyth,` visited her sister, Miss Ma,nne Livingston, here a:few days lastweek.-Messrs. George Silber, of St. Marys and Thomas Lawson,'Thomas Redden and"Ernie Hill, of Port Hur- on;;were in the village last l\rednes- daY-Mr. Christain::Zwicker,of Lon- don, s pent a' -few dlys.here "`host week, P Charles. -Rev. the guest of his son,Ch. Ball of Kirkton, preached ac ]nission- •cry sermon in the' Methodist church lastSundayevening.-We are pleased to state that Mrs. (Rey.) Jaynes Hussey, who went through an operation last week, is rapidly recovering. P gasDashwood lieu Election day passed oft quietly in the village and in the evening the peo- ho gathered in the hall to hear porwerelite sociable ugh ifleretsnt poitqlc:i;1 stripe.-l\1essrstho. Willert and : Jas. Hannan, of lea, were hi the village Tuesday.- i's. Hess, and daughter, .Miss Anna, of Zilrich,was in the village Sunday.— Mr: Kalbfieisch 113101 famiiv. of Shake-. spea>'e, moved to the village Monday ekMr.Kalbfleish of lastwe ,, , having been engaged.by Messrs. Hoffman Bros. as carriage maker. -Misses Emma and Salome Tiernan are ,spending a few days with friends inthis conimunitw. --Mr.R.Dav]s is ill' with typhoid fever. 1 may soon recover,—The Weiio e l e p, , , Y debate in the Y.P.A. lust Thursday • enin roved to be quite evening proved q . interesting and this week the question drawer will be equally so, judging by the ques- tions. --Mr. Simon Moxloek and sister, of Crediton, spent Sunday with friends in the nei 1,*lborhooci.—Tt is rumored that Mr. John Voefker has purchased property the'of the late Mrs. Fried. DEATH or, MRS. TOMED.—There died in our burgh, on Wednesday of hist week, Mrs. Fried, who has been sick for months past. Deceased' was. one of the first settlers in this village and " haslved here cont$lu7c irsly c 'ever si1ICe. Her �lcas ant.Snile mid cherry voice will be much missed here as she V110 so well known. The funeral on Sun- day was the largest we have witnessed for some time arid initself- testifies of the esteem in which; the deceased was friends held. � The hereat fads have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole com- munity in this their severe trial -and loss. Infants too young to take medicine may be Cured of croup, whooping cough and colds by using Vapo-Cresolene—they breathe it Saytiel l Mr. G. W. Holman has moved into Dr. Stanbury's house on the square, near the school. While regretting to leave a very pleasant part of the vi1- 1 loge the family will find the new home much 11101'0 convenient to the school.;— The River hotel has been closed to the public for the winter as Dilly •t six inonths' License w,is granted last yt':ir. This once popular hostelry is sadly out of rep;tlx and unless the prop rietorputs it into different shape it is a question whether it can retain the popularity as a sizmmeI'hot,el.-`l'lie present out- break of typhoid fever in the village is, we understand, unprecedented in our hithez'to,heal3hV town It is colnplai1l- ed by many that no sanitary inspec- tion has been macre of the town for : at least two years, Be that as it may, we think it high time that the Boarcl of Health awoke to the: necessity of looking into the matter. The three cases now reported, apparently, have: originated in the wine locality tend very probably from the same cause and that cause is perhaps not very hard' to determine or at least it is worth -while to male an effort to do something; to protect the public health or; this, out- break may followed by something worse' if possible. North Middlesex Retl11: ns. 13elow is the correct vote given We - nesday, Nov. 7th, at the several pol.- fng divisions in North Middlesex, ac- cording to the Returning ofilcers >de .-- laration, viz:— rand Bend PARTICULARS OF 'DROWNING ACCI- DENT: --The following are the, particu- lars of the sad drowning accident at Southampton in which two former young men of this place lost their lives:—Peter Zettle, Peter Devine, Frank Pope, and George Samuel Var- ey went out in a seine boat to lift some gill -nets situated between two islands near the mouth of the Sauble river, 15 miles from Southampton, about nine o'clock on Thursday morning. These men were 'skilled boatmen, and, again- st the advice of their friends, they went out to do battle with. the 'ele- ments. The men had hauled in some of the nets, the waves meantime wash -,v ing into the boat, when another wave came' and upset the boat throwing, them into the water. The men clinied. unto the upturned boat, but the nets and a stone used for an author held theboat fast and would not allow it to drift toward shore, ouly a few rods distant. Devine was the first to be washed oft and drowned then a minute later 'Pope followed,and,, knowing what the end must be, he called back to the remaining pair to look after his wife toad the little ones. Varey, perfectly at home in the water tinde-r. ordinary circumstances, time and time again went down and tried to free the boat from its moorings by the ,aid :of a knife. So short was the distance from the upturned boat to "land that Vare3* could Bear his wife calling to him and make himselfs elf he. Lrd in reply, 1 y, yet no •issisttnce could. reach hila, For an hour and a half he wooled and hung -cm, until finally washed away from -the boat. He bade good-bye: to Zettle, atnd with what little strength was left in him fought for his life; but the waves ~beat: him down:, upon the breaker, and finally mastered him, Half an hour liter his body washed ashore, and his face; bruised and cut, showed what struggle' he had had, and the amiouut ofvitalityand strength the man `ossessed, It w,as not until three o'clock or later that Zettle was rescued from his daori gerohs position. g Hie legs Bear evidence of his fight for life -bruised, skinned anti. cut, through. his efforts to maintain his position 00 the boat. Half an hour later the boat came` ashore. The body of Pope also drifted ashore, but the remains of Devinenitly remain in the lake until next spring, when the water becomes warmer, .' Varey was aged 33 years, and -'leaves -a: -widow fairly well pro- vided for, : The other two victims came from Grand Bend, Children Ory for CASTO FIA AilsaCiai 7.• ;57 106 Biddulph. . 1 85 31 2 82 35 3 5:t 23 4 Exeter... Lucan.. , .,123 44- 393 220 61 26 56 -33 55 31 77 50 243 140 1 , 69 18' 2 , 63 31 MCGillivi' ay. , , .3 , 1 2 4 5 67 Parkhill, 3 • 132 40. 71 34 48$6 4. 37 6 82 S: 55 .tS.•, 69 448 3711e*, 42 4S' 46 ,37 62 t 150 :145•., . Stephen... 1 85 =4'r 2 .. ..., 6] 81_ 3 56 813- % 4 36 '5i 5 37 82: 6 31 55- 7 69 2S S . 62, 5s 467 486. Wi lliaxns East .... 1 53 9Cr' 2 38 109. 3 . 63 ,' SI. 154 3S0. Mr. "Robert Hamilton left Wednes- day ednes daythe 7th for•"a deer hunt in Musko- ka. ---Mr. Delsel, uskoka.---Mr.'Delsel, of Sarnia, was here Saturdayand, Sunday.=Mr..McIntosh and was here Saturdayand of Pt. Edward, . Sunday, attending his brother who was sick.—A. number of sports from Exeter passed through here 'Monday: Mr. C. Zaffehaes built a new stable — Mr. A. Gravelle has -a very sink cow. DEATH or JOHN McIN roSH.—A '- sad death occurred here on Sunday, when Mr. John McIntosh, of this place, pas- te) his reward. He was a resident of this place for about 20 years and most always lived alone. He was raised in Bidd,ulph district and came here when quityoung. He died at the age of 53 years. His remains Were entered in the Grand Bend cemetery, Monday. at 1 o'clock. WAS 116 YEARS OLD. Edward Henry, 'reputed to be the oldest 'Jean: in the country, died at his home the other day aged 1.16 years. He was born a slave in Culpepper, Va., iu 1784. During his longcareer he wasmarried five , tur v -times is survived: by his fifth`vvife, by whore he ha,d 13 children. ' He is safd to be the father of GO' children. INSiANTLYKILLED BY A TRAIN. Arthur Ont.. Nov.10,--This'morning while wile the 11.4.5 a. in. west bound C. ,l.tlai .was passingsln the crossing g about two guiles east of : the station here, a man „narrled John Dingman, thirty-five years ,of age,who was hauling a tank of water for threshing purposes ur poses with a team of horses, was struck by the train, throwing hint about seventY,feet and 1>illing him instantly. The horses escaped uninjur- ed, edwhile the, wars an was smashed to atoms. The body was brought to the C. P. R. station here, where an ili- uest will kle held Monday )night. c STOR IA 1<'or Infants and Children. Tho lacy 4lmlla ; lignatuta qP is on 44, dory certp llA Williams «?est.. 1 3 61'z 69' 4S 721 . " 62 : 64 171 209 REC.I.PITt)L_1,TION. Ailsa Craig 57 Biddulph Exeter Lucan ,McGillivra. Y Parkhill Stephen Williams, East Willie els West AOS• 393 220 249 14') 132 4'9. 148 373 150 145,', 467 486 154 2s() 1771 209 2221 2008 Total majority for Sherritt 213. BIRTHS. .' CoolzsoN.-Iu Exeter, on Nov. 3. the wife of Thomas Cookson, of a son. MARRIAGES. REID—BALDWIN-At the residence of the bride's 1 , on Oct. 31st, by arents the Rev. Aylward, B. A., Mr. Win,. Reid to Miss Mary Henrietta, daught- er of Henry Bald\vin Esq., all oi- McGilli via}'. BLOOMFIELD---NELSON the MalsManse_zr — Grand Bend, on Oct.` 31st, by Rev., S. A. Cirriere, Mr. 'Walter Bloom-. field, of McGillivray, < to Miss `Mated 1 Y, : 'Nelson, of Corbett, �r' AN—At the resi- dence Clu" ]ride's father,by Rev denceof,t;he t S. A. Carriere,on Oct. 30th, Mr. Wil- liam -Turnbull, to Miss AmY S eck- .. nu1, both of the Township of flay, JAciCsorsi-KYDD-At the residence. of the bride's mother, on Tuesday,Nov. 13, by the Rev. J. S. Henderson, of I-Iensall, 'V r. S. E. Jackson, of .Lon- don, to Miss Jennie, third daughter - Airs. Robert,Kydd. ds Cs1LTON-In Clinton, onMonday, Nov. . •' 5th, Susan Townsend,' relict of the- late Charles Calton, aged 75 :years and 7 months. - Exeter, iter on November HOWARD' -Ili Ctc, , • 12, Charlotte Louisa, eldest daughter i c 7• • of Mr. Joules N. FIo�vard,.sigecl Lt Y, ears 3 months and 27 days. ..rf .4, X,ET1;2i, LUMBER YARD $ of Lumber-= iiiie and Hemlock Large000f et cic :luua�erfor bion , , 1?0000 feet of hemlock ., 1 i'i les lath and cedar posts. Prices reasonable. JAS. yVIUL1S, Yard: Lost stela Main at. a lege The matrons of the L1di•� hang son Orphanage°at Lowell, g Mass.,U.S.A.,wrote they had a siege of whooping-, cough in their institution. They said that every tJ� wasp rolnptly relieved by Vapo-- Gresolcne. Itsvalue'in coteg las and, colds was Go great t eke a 1w' ays.kc t, it, ready for use. Yon know lioty it's. used, don't you.? Tis,'-lxeaated by y a. vaporizer and you inhale it. Write us for a :laool. that tells all about it. a;: j''atlo.Crsolcne Is sold by druggists everywhere. The Vapo,izer and Lamp, which should last a life-, time, and a bottle. of Cresolene complete, St.5o; extra supplies of Cresolene 25 cents and 5o cents. Illustrated' booklet containing, ph'yslaiail8' testi gxipnials free uponregilest. Vero-Cteeser.ex' Co,,, r8a Fulton ut,, New York,, IJ.S,A,