Exeter Advocate, 1900-11-1, Page 8• • . . .......
4/47.4e 44, 44,..
.. ..
My sweetheart is a thief, forsooth;
My heart away she stole.
miss it not, for she, in truth,
Is worth hee weight hi, coal,
'Twits in her darkest hours,
When she was in despair;
Her lover seat the flowers,
And the flowers scent the air.
Council meets to -morrow (Friday)
Mr. Jas. ..'abbott moved his family
to London last week. '
The fall plowing has been greatly de-
layed owing to the Ch'y weather.
Revds. 13rOwn and MillYard exchang-
ed pulpits on Sunday morning last.
Mr. Mack Vincent sate; a solo with
The Sntherland-Innes Co's, stave Deattt of Mrs MOrg41114 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walrond, who VINSINSININININSINit
works Were closed dowa Tuesday fol,' The many friends of the family will has been visiting relatives here and in
a few weeks. learn with deep regret of the "death Ste ben, left last week for their home •
The recent and costly repairs dope
to the town fire engine is no use what-
ever, M fact it is worse now than ever„
During the fire Sunday morning the
flues were all leaking aud the fireman
had hard work to keep up steam. It
will probably result in the town hav-
ing to buy a new boiler. A practical
man has been sent for to examine the
thing and report on it.
It has been currently reported that
Messrs, Bishep & Son have disposed of
their hardware and general drygoods
stocks. Such is not the case and while
they intend giving up the drygoods
department they will be found as usu-
al at the old stand, in the front rank of
Exeter's business houses. As will be
seen by a large "ad" in this issue the
firm are clearing out their drygoods
stock and will offer rare bargains.
o .
c ra
splendid effect at the James Street 'rhe Ruse° & Swift's Big Uncle
Methodist church on Sunday evening Togas Cabin ca., will appear in Gan
Mr. Robert, McCord is about to sell
his farm on the Thames Road and re-
. .
- move with his saintly to the North
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Daw, oi Benmil-
ler, have inoved to town and have
taken up their residence with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Westcott, Huron street.
A Chicago professor predicts that
in 1,500 years Chicago will be MendJ/It-
ed by Lake Michigan. The city is
slinking at the rate of nine inches every
100 years.
M. Louis Roedding, who has been
residing in Miss C. Vosper's residence
on Huron street, moved this week into
Mr. Rieh. Gidley's house, recently va-
cated by Mr. John Willis.
Mr. Chris. Zuefle, who has been en-
leys' Opera House, here on Mon ay
night next. The Company, composed
of 18 artists, carry their own scenery,
and will put on Uncle Tom's Cabin
such as it was never Put • on here be-
fore. They have a baud hi connection
and will give a street parade at noon the
same day, also band concert for an
hour in front of the Opera House in
the evening. This is an old play but if
in proper hands,such as this company,
there is nothing better. Popular prices,
10c., 20c. and 30c.
Otte Day Later.
In order that we may be able to give
complete returns of the elections the
ADVOCATE will not be issued until Fri-
day morning next week.
Card of Thanks.
'We wish to thank the people of
Exeter for their kindness, help aud
gaged with the Sutherland -Innis Co. sympathy to us in our late misfortune.
as engineer, has resigned the position Our friends have been too numerous
and has accepted a similar position to thank each one. Please accept
this as a personal acknowledgment.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick.
Died in London.
with the. Electric Light Co.
Don't miss the concert in Gidleys'
Opera House to -morrow (Friday)
While we go to press nomination
for Middlesex are being held in Ailsa
Mrs. Slavin has disposed of her
dwelling on the corbel. of Ann and
Carlin.- streets to Mr. A. Cottle and
has purchased the house owned by Mr.
M.Eacrett on the corner of station and
William streets.
Conservative Committee Rooms in
Mr. Hamlin's stand, recently vacated
by Mr. S. Martin, are open every even-
in,e- and all feiends of Mr. Sherritt
and the Conservative cause are cord-
ially invited to attend the meetings.
Mr. H. Lambrook, while engaged at
Messrs. Ross & Taylor's factory, the
other day, was struck on the back of
the hand by a piece of timber thrown
from a circular saw, which inflicted a
painful wound and rendered him un-
able to work.
"Will you have pie?'' asked the
waiter girl at the hotel, "Is it compul-
sory?" asked the swift travelling man.
"No it's gooseberry." The travelling
rams. threw , up his hands, turned
around three times and then left the
room in a trance.
-The most popular concert of the
season will be held in Gidleys' Opera
}louse, to -morrow (Friday) night.
Quarterly meeting services will be
held. in ;lames street Methodist church
on Sunday next. The Sacrament will
be administered after the morning
preaching service. The official Board
will meet on the Friday eveniug -fol-
lowing for the transaction of busines.s.
of Mrs. Mary Ann Caughlun, relict of
the late Thos. Morgan, aged 58 years
and 7 months, which sad event took
place at the residence of her serial:91in,
in Usborne, on Tuesday night last,
where she went to visit a few days
previous to her death. The deceased
was apparently in good health when
she left her home, Exeter North, but
on Saturday she was suddenly stricken
with gangrene, losing the use of one
leg entirely and a part of the other.
It was evident fvoni the first that her
case was a most serious one and all
that medical skill could do, was re-
sorted to but nothing could avert the
cold hand of death. She was a mem-
ber of the English church and was
highly respected as a friend and
neighbor. She leaves to mourn her
demise three sons and three daughters,
who have the sympathy of the com-
munity. The funeral takes place to-
day (Thursday) to St. Jameschurch
cemetery, Clandeboye,at 11 o'clock.
Mies' Fannie Simpson, .eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. William Simpson, of Lon-
don, fornierly proprietor of the Metro-
politan Hotel here, died in London on
Thursdays 'last' The pews will be
learned With rhuch regret by many
friends of the family. The deceased
was 81 years of age. Her remains
were brought here by traia'on .Friday
and interred in the Exeter ceinetery.
Died in Aylmer.
Mr. Ralph O'Neil, proprietor of the
.Central Hotel, Aylmer, and who con-
ducted the Mansion House, here, 'prey-,
ioas to his removal to that town,
died on Wednesday afternoon of last
week after a' brief illness. ',The deceas-
ed. WaS an excellent hotel thanehighly
respected as A friend, and was very
popular With the travelling
He was 44 years of age and feaves.
•SorroVving, wife, two sons and three
daughters. His .frineral took place at
Woodland cemetery, London, on Fri-
day last.
A Darin.; Burglary. •
On Satuaday night last some un-
known person or persons, who evi-
dently Were possessed of Wonderful
nerve, entered Mr. Wm. BalkWill's
cellar, London Road, Smiths on Satur-
day night last and carried away sever-
al genie of fruit. The entrance was
Made from an Outside door and the
daring deed was cminnitted early: in
the evening while the ininateawsete. in
the house. Mr. Balk will heard a noise
in the cellar as if .seinething had fallen
:cnd on ihvestigating, matters discover-
ed a broken jein of fruit on the .floor,
but the thief had made his exit. It is
new believed that the perpetrator of
The household effects Of of i the. late tins dassna• :deed was the party who
set fire to, Mr: Ale.Gregor's house the
.saine night, as the cellar wincloW and
trap deer were poticed to be open by
'those at the fire 'first. If this be the
ease Sense action should be takento
rendowia the:guilty party.
The Prisoner Of Zanda.
That eXeellent play, Prisoner of
Zenda, was presented -here under the
managenacept of .the ShipMan Eros., 'in
Gidleys' 0,pera House, on Tuesday
night lastbefore a large and select au-
dience. The performance was given
inetrepolitan chnapleteness, even to
scenic detail. The:Play eOnsiets of a
prologue and forneacts and Was bench.
:led by- probably- the. :most elevea lot of
artists that has aver appeared before.
an Exeter audience. The ploy has all
the .picturesqvie accessories of the hie-
tariecii reinance upon which Antlicaaw
Hope based his interesting and fantas-
tic novel and has a dash and coloathat
give it a sensuous chain!, '..She strong
scenes 'are elaborated With skill and
the suhtle ties of intense Inman: devo-
tion are depicted in the strongest dra=
math: proclivities. The most thriltinge
climax was Magnificent titia teas pet
arid 41°'y Ilan' to it °M.9 -:111'd °C/1"t:s. over .wrought. The company is well
. Being delicatelyperfulnach it leaves proportioned, every rola beetig
in 55-
T10 unpleasant calms It is no u,,, dy(.. peisos hands.
Should he in evasy hoase where a hair
renewer is needed, For Sale uttlaltx'sj5; it°1-5' ttay
Drag, Stare. 0 atiV 50C. bOttle. Ou Friday afternoon tilatlY 02 the.
Mrs. M. A. Fanson were disposed .en
•by public allOi011 on Saturday. after -
soon last: Everything , said Well.
. The real estate, consisting . of the
'. dwelling and block known as Fanson's
Block, was offered, :but not seta.; being
hid itt by those concerned.
Mr. Win. Snell, who has been con-
, ducting a livery business here for the
past year, has disposed of same to Mr.
Jos Hodgins of Lucaa who recently
disposed of his livery business in that
place. The price paid was $3.500. We
welcome Mr. Hodgins to our midst as
' a business mon and may his venture
he. crowned with success. Mr. Hodgins
took possession Friday.
The total niamber of copies of 'news-
papers printed throughout the world
in one ydaa is 12,000,009,000. To print
these veg.:hies 781,240 tens of paper, or
1,710,977.000 pounds, while it. would
take the fastest presses in London,
Eng., 333 years to paint, a single year's
editoa, wlaieli would paoduce a stack
of tamers nearly fifty miles
Turkish Scalp Food prevents the
hada final ialliug out. Restoies faded
About 5.45 Sunday morning last roar
peaceful citizens were 'again aroused
teeth their slumbers by 'the alarm of
Ate. Fire had broken out bathe little
frame dwelling owned,by Mr. Dimcan.
McGreggoe, and occupied by-Mrajohn
Baker, engineer for Messrs. Ross' :&
Taylor and before being.: discovered
Was entirely beyond control: . Thase.
on: the scene first, succeeded in. re-
moving soine of the contents but
the larger part were consumed in.
the flames. There was very little
wind blowing at the time, hence it
Was seen got 'tinder control. The
origin of the fire is a mystery. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Baker Were awaYht the.
time; the latter .being visiting ' near
Kirkton while the Rill:41er was stayiog
with Mr. Rich' Speare, intending the
saane Morning to visit his wife. Mr.
Baker Was in the house the previous
evening but left it about 8 o'clock with
everything apparently all tight.. The
'buildinh was Angered in the. Perth
Metuar to the aniceint of $400, While
the loss on contents was partly' cover-
ed by insurance in theeManchester
Fire Insurance Ce.
Seventh Anniversary.
The,Sehenth Anniyersary of tha re-.
opening Of the Presbyterian church
was observed on Sunday last. The
pulpit was filled both morning and
evening by Rev. Larkin, B.D., of. Sea=
forth, one of the Most brilliant prea-
chers the writer has ever had the plea-
snre of hearing. His smooth voice,
charming accent, his irepassionate de-
livery, coupled with beautiful diction
.cuiclah unlimited vocabulary are unmis-
takable evidences of his ability and ,,go
to Make hies a popular preacher. His
serinone showed profound knowledge
of the scriptunes; and his word. pic-
tures were enjoyed. by .large: and :a:1)7
preciativecongregations on both' 6c-
easions. On Monday ehening' the
Rev. Thos. Wilson, of -London, gave a
lecture on South Africa, illustrating
his allatbeoebing, topic by lime -light.
views thrown upou canvas. The
attendance was large, notwithstand-
ing the disagreeable night and all
were amply Paid for their attendance..
Most of the memorable events of the
'great war, nowadded to history,
though manyofwhich were terroriz-
ing, were beautifully illustrated and
explained by the Rev. gentleman in a
very lucid and interesting manner..
'The choir rendered several most beau-
tiful selections, thee adding much to
the evening's entertainment. The pro-
ceeds en both occasions amounted to
about $113.
The Sick. •
Mrs. W. H. Parsons is confined to
her bed through illness.
' patents a ncl friends of tile scliont child -
An each:lege says thei
re' s an use iron as Exeter, rosponthes te the sand
Wallsine; hho ilohr with a felon if Y°111iravitsition fvoin the teitcheas to visit
malse nse of the fallowing -sec:seat: , school. The taieeela eoutintwa
Wrap A cloth loesely :t10i10:1 the fin -their
1.1S1,1;11 IVOrk of the sehoolroom.
ger.' 1Pavirig the end (Men., Pour gull- thus showing the vieitois how the
pousir u in tie, va 1, elitike it down 110.,1
airen ;lee hi ing tatught in the F,xe-
til the felon is severed z hen 'keel) tt ter scht-)01. ieteamission the
' wet with. cennpliote in two leanrs the shatieea ander the (tires -tale 0E tee
pttii ill be relieved and :5 Perf"t-' principal, Ala Boyd, gave an fate:a:st-
et:11h' v 9 j.1J, fulle"". ire, ex (lila tion of J'i 'chi I I: .Sitap re,
The officers thain the .Attorney -Gen- cess the children assembled in two of
the rooms and listened attentively to
department that w.ere. sent out
last week hare had an easy time or it. add -posses 1•0010 the visitors. The old al -
A year. ng0 Lacy were kens irasy for een 00 thus pa et sting '`3ohnn3r Cas -
weeks handling the tramps:. The 01910- nook" and other 'Patriotic songs 201'
ere Imre reat,e...ed „apart, front an parts the enterteinment of the visitors. lo-
ofthe provi nee to the effect t bat tra inns spactor Tc1111 Cc) min imolithd the trus-
have never late; SO scarce 10 s -ears, This tees on their efforts in es ta Inish ing a nd
is all itthihuted to the action of the de= maintaining slich an- 11P -to -date school..
.pat,tiaeot iewatta sent dawn for vilg. SpOke Of. 7.tS bettutifill et:leen:lined
Taney teanips that 'were foundleit. and, painted into:dee, ofLite efficient
cring 'the Cenintr3% Staff. of teachers, ,i)f the 'Nviscloin of'es-
, tablishing the :Shah School Dela:I:y.1S-
13:ibit of allowing yoarm ret'
ooys ar, •
!nen t, thus iseeiaing children ot tender,
girls to 140011(1 their' tevenings On the years in .thcir • own hoines and away
streets is ono Which should stopped. feorn snares and temptations to which
Thero aro parents in this village wn 0 many are exposed when away from
have very- Tittle interest in their boys tho pw,entai home, me. Toni "bus sa.
or who have little idea of hOw or where ways shown great interest in he tedu-
these boys spend their evenings. Alh cation of the children of Exeter'not
Pare" thv mirill'er's of hoYs "grow IfP'' only ih the matter of the three 13, 8'
liko Topsy, theis parents evidently not but also in physicial, lnOral and aosthe-
thinking it, to be any coneern of theirs. Haas deyelopement. ay tae inspea_
as to whether wholesonie and Safe re,- toes hearty coasperation, with an able
creation and enjoyment are prOVideA 8taff of teachers and a capable Trustee
for their children or not. A little effort Beard, Exeter can boast of ;maple play
on their part now nary save a harvest greands, a solid and substantial build -
time of bitter regret and sorrow. Pak(' mg and beautiful rooms for the child-
care of the boys, they are men of to- Pell to study in. It is to be hoped that
morrow, and Parents ;ircl responsible Visitors: Day; will be an eb,tamished
•tor the kirud. of olen they give to their feetore ifl,,,,onvaina /1,101 on, riefipa
I:1 Woodstock.
Mrs. Tilos, Oke, who, for several
weeks has been visiting in St. Louis
and Kansas City, Mo., returned home
Mr. Ed. Crocker, who, owing to a
very severe attack of typhoid fever,
was delayed here from restunipg his
position as printer in Toronto, has
fully recovered, and drove to Lucan
on Tuesday where he took the train
for that city and will resume work at
Ansa Craig. On Wednesday even-
ing Anibrose Molitor while playing on
the street was run over by a wagon
and it is feared received severe in-
Mr. Geo. Vosper and his son,Joseph,
are confined to their rooms, suffering
from severe illness.'
Mrs Rich. Penhale and -little child,
of Stephen, are both confined to their
bed through serious
Mrs. D. Mills is slowly recovering
from, her recent attack of patalysis and
is now able to be out around a little.
Mr. John Sanders stilicoutinues vety
ill :aidbeing advanced in years, his
chalices of recovery are rather unfav-
. .
Clinton:, John Saiithshad .the
fortnue to have his.collat hone tirOke0,
On Saturday afternoon last. He WAS
working at De A. .ForresteesSin the
barn, When the tongeci.. of: a wagon
Which had beee leaned 'lip against
the wall, fell back on him,with the
result stated. ..
St. Marys: On Friday morning;
death made anothersudden call :on
one of Blanshard's pioneers in the per-
son of Mr. John ,Skelly; .0. highly re-
spected resident of this district. , The
deceased was in, his 84th year, and
was a widower, his wife having pre-
deceased him several : years 'ago. , He
has resided here for the past 42 years..
The iMinediate cause • Of death Was
heart failure, accompanied by .weak-
..ness. His little. grandson .Conaersed.
With him at -his bedside until within
a few minutebefore his death.
Brucefield: 'This week we record the.
deatn of Mr. Robert ;.Ross, which sad
eveat occurred on Thursday; Oct. 18.
He had an attack of typhoid fever last
August, and:he never fully recovered
from it, andlately, contracting ,43, se-
vere cold, it developed into bronchia
pneumonia, which his already enfeeb-
led constitutioh. was Unable to With-
stand. Mr. Ross' was 40 years of age.
He was unmarried, but leaves in the
home an aged Mother, an invalid sis-
ter and a brother, and .to whona;helme
ever been a loving son and affection-
ate brother. ,
Goderich tp: A Most lamentable
and sad affair occurred on Monday
afternoon, whereby a Very highly tee
spected resident Of the 6th con. lost
his'life. Mr. W. Edwards was water-
ing horses, when one of them kicke
ehim in the stomach, inflicting such
injuries that he died next day, not-
withstanding every effortto save him.
Deceased had resided iu. the township
all his life, and was a member of Un-
ion Presbyteriana church, being a
man of probity and honor. He leaves
a wife mad:fear children to Moine his
untimely ' decease.
Goderich: A very pretty Wedding
was celebrated at the home of Mrs,. M.
McLeod, When her youngest 'daugh-
ter, Rachel; was united in marriage to
Henry H. Norton, of Detroit, Mich.
The ceremony was peafoeniedby Rev.
Jas. A. Andersen, BA, in the pre-
sence of a number of relatives and
'friends of the contracting parties.
The bride was prettilyattited in a tra-
velling suit of grey frieze, and pink:
silk waist trimmed With lace and in-
sertion, and. carried a boquet,of bridal
roses. The btide was assisted by Miss
Mary Campbell, the groom was assist-
ed by A. D. McLeod, of Buffalo, N.Y.,
brother of the bride.
Clinton: In Clinton, an Saturday,
Oct 20th, there passed quietly away
to her rest, in the person, of Mrs.
Rodeaick Roes, One of the earliest set-
tlers of the township of Stanley, at
the ripe age Of 76 years. Though the
greater part of her life was spent in
the labors and cares incident to pio-
neer life, yet she lived considerably
past the allotted three score years and
ten. .She had been in feeble health
for some time, but her sickness and
troubles were borne with great pa-
tience and Christian resignation. She
.was a consistent member of the Pres-
byterian church ip Brucefield. Her
husband survives her, and of her large.
familyof nine, seven still live all mar-
ried and settled in live.
Afiss NIr'illia.nas, of Zurich, is the
guest of Miss Ella Rollins.-
,hfr. R. E. Sanmel has -returned from
;f visit to friends in. Ri.d"et0W11.
Mr. Chas. Walker, of Ailsa Craig,
15)15 15 town on busi !less Monday.
'\.\7. J. Westcott, of tile Seaforth
Snit, spent Simday at his home here.
iNtiss Polly .13atirden has retinal ed
fr01_1s visiting her brother in Ridge -
M;lud Cibnapbell, of Farquhar,
sp'ent, Stmday here, the guest o.!
Janet Drown.
Dr. and Kinsman, of Sarnia,
\ ,isitod the fovnieCs parents here on
Stindaw. • .
'AIrs. J. V, Crocker has re:tut:led :if -
tea ;I, pinasatit. OiSi t tith friends 111
Flo' nisei l e.
Air. Fro n k. Middleton left yestetela y,
(\Veda) to s'isit friends in C.11.10 t, L111
and vicinity. •
Miss hilla Aleaaorch, of St. Afain-s,
spoilt Sunday at her home 011 the
Th; 1555
Mos, (a, SST. Lyne, of Tole -into, is vis -
if -Slag hoe parceits, Mr, and A.f.te. Chas.
Dinney, in Stephen.
Mr. , Vie, Can n left hrondaY nioiIuuig
sot, piston, where he has :a:coated a
situation aS cooper. '
P I t Sancleu.s isft on r
an ay _Or
Witld.SOU WIterelle, is in seciach of that
desira,ble game, (1111111.
Miss 13.21±11)101±1u, of Thames Roach
was the guest, nf Miss Jessie Afflict, the
former part or oie, week.
'Mr. John, "Wrannsley, of London, is
visiting friends in town, tlae guest of
Ma. Samitel Eackingham.
Lotiditaaan and F. NV. Collins
spern a few days 'thcs
glIests of Rev, and MPS.W.J. Waddell.
Mrs. Billings, who has heen residing
in Rose Point and. TOr0t1t0 for the past
six months, returned home on Friday
Messrs, T, 13, Carling and L. H.
Dickson, attended the political mect.
ing in Londonaddressed liy Sir Charles
, r. '.Mcmtagtio aild. Others,
01' Exeter and serammcling cotailay.
- We have oftea wished to thank
011e,711.11.1101"OUS CLIStOlilers au(1 pa -
;trope fps, their contirmed :favors..
We think we coald find no more
fitting time that the prese.nts Af-
ter fire which cleans out every=
. We are ready to open ()at
bush'iess again. New goods com-
ing right aleng, A good. stock of
• baking, confectionary, ;itacl fruits
hi season. fit'AliberrieS, Oysters,
ete. N.Vhile asking you to,
accept our thanks .fut . past' faVOL'S•
we ask 1 contirinenee of same and
iiill assfeemeely do all we can te
t'hl ige ;tug please: .
-1ITT-11111 1i 11111)
,e 7
4p A t
The steady iiietease in 0111' trallt; is. a
good proof of the fact that our
goods aee eight, our prices lo-vver
than tlinse of otlaea, dealers.'
We aee getting in ne-,v designs of
ititeie ('eer), \\TO NVO-aid
(1110t,O 1,/1i.3541 1)116 sraa,ce, TlOt
per; n t.
, Please call and see the snap we have
El 1, SPACI(1111A111'S
N our stock of these goods we are showing the usual styles of made-
up Jackets which are the productions of the best Canadian and Ger-
1man manufacturers. We have beside these some very natty and
special styles of Jackets, made specially for the Canadiao trade.
N CHILDREN'S LONG COATS we carry a large range. The cloths
are specially good in colors and are made to wear and give the best
of service. Ladies' black and colored Skirts at prices less than the
Cloth would cost you. Special all wool Black Serge, guaranteed shrun-
ken, lined throughout for $2.50; also a heavy Black Cloth Skirt, lined
throuhhout and shrunken at $2 25
e .
Headquarters for W. E. Sandford's Clothing.
IEMEMOMI19111111111111111.1. IIIMMEMIBURRal
SMITH'S Exeter"4r
Repair Shop.
in this department our steels is
complete and we have under ibtedl y
the best fameral outfit in the county
and our prices a.re as low as tile lowe.,,st.
Now is the time to get your wheel Re-
paired, Cleaned or Enameled.
We have a large stock of Brantford
Red Birds on hand, the best Bicy-
cle on the market, which we sell at
right prices.
We have in stock, Bicycle Sundries,
tires, cements, oils, etc.
We sharpen Lawn Mowers, Horse clip-
pers, scissors, Razors, Knives, etc.
For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts
of meat, call on the undersigned.
While all our cuts of meat are the
finest, we make a specialty of meat
Meat delivered to all parts of the
. town • .
John Manning
atir...atir....Ar.Ark a& -alt. .41. 46- 41.-
We have some pianos and organs
that we will 80. VerSr Cheap and don't
forget it. Remember' the plaee--Op-
pos)te Grigg's .0Neter,
To read the big stores'
ad -
For whose good are we in
4,q the furniture business? For
.4 yours mad ours. If we are not
useful to you we cannot be use-
ful to ourselves. We have get
to carry the goods you want at
the prices you want or we can-
not make.a success of our busi-
ness. But we have been doing
. business right along for years;
1 which proves that we are the
eight kind of people with the
right prices. Come and see for
CI 1 TT‘T 11 IT
PT ell
1 D. 1.11.1ii1r. I tx.
Fuyuiture. Undertaking,
t t,
fined ng -secant tly purchased. 'Mee John
Tiable's Stock in trade we nre now
open for business. \\re invite your
r}.1.U.O11ago and .while we ao so we
guarantee to give satisfaction.
We have a large stock of
MILL FEED on hand
which will be sold at
reasonable prices.
Choice winter and goose
WHEAT wanted for
which highest market
prices will be paid,
Help to make home happy by buying
. . your wife a first-class . .
We show them in different makes and
varied styles. Guaranteed to run
well, sew well and last well at
prices thatareVERY MODERATE.
Then we have PIANOS and ORGANS ha
that will net only give pleasurea,
arisi. educational advantages
Will add grace and adornment to 'h
Your home. Come in and see there.
. We will be pleased. to show you
tbeir beahty anci tell- you of the
prices at whiela 'we sell them.
Violins and small musical instruments
constantly On hand, .
Will be pleased to show you goods.
Custom Sawing • Done.
(Late Gould's Mill)
.01111.•MON.. SEti.SE:
. •
that you shoulti call and inspect
the lines of
that, We have placed in our store.
Yen will find in this new steels
Quality and Price....
suit you,
OURBOOT 87.-, _
1Ve have sect -wed the services of -Mr. FEEL WELL
A. Coffin to to lre charge of the wane- '
Ifeal 9111± or 000 141105' department, LOOTE WELL__
and. it, is 'needless to point out his . •,:' '
cilia I i hes as a shoe natker, This is what we AIWA ys rczcois•e'plish
, .
when we make a suit for. yea.
11'-4 PACOS tiirti, Please.
:Not an i hitting, carelessly - mi. de,
; shoe in one place. Special attention
paid to new wora and. also eepairieg.
We 'have the harness stock that
will sine to please you . .
• GIVE 13'S A. CALL.
Tuckeesmith: Mr, William Mc-
C-freoch has sold his fine tarm on the
2nd concession s mile (-114t of Fe.mond-
ville, to 'Mr, :Tomes Petrie, of Clintou,
forme:Ay of Mc:hallow Tlutt price paid
was $5,700. It is one of the best farms
m the township, end has en it a good
brick hoase and out bnildings to cor-
respond. Air. Petrie will have a eom.
f orta Ole home here arid' his many
friends will he pleased to welcome
lain back to this vicinity again Mr
M6C4each intepctii g,,Jir,ig toLondon to
, •