HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-11-1, Page 5THE gzi to ,+ bu.VPA✓ati , IS published every Thursday Mori inp, at the Moo, MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER. the ---- —By ADVOCATE PUSLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SI113SCRIPTI'ON, Ins Dollar per annum if paid in A,dvanoe 81.50 if not so paid, id.a articirr8* Ra.tatt oaf 23-2pp11ca- Nopaper discontinued until all erre rage re paid. Advertisements without specific fractions will bo published till forbid and barged accordingly, Liberal discount made or ansolent ave rtiso me ntsinserted for Jn eriods.' EEverydescrtption of TOB II 'B.INTING turned out in the finest style, nd at moderate rates: Cheques, monoy ra,Sro.for advertising, subscriptions,etc.to e made payable to Chas.I3. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D, S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S,; D. D, S.,'Honor Li113� graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, 'oath extracted without any pain, or any lac. effects. Office in 1''ans on's ,Block, west ido Blain Street, Exeter. ANDERSON(D.D.S.,L.leSU.,) R D ALTON AN , ni- t o ' oronto f h cors ua to 0 r Graduate -1,o :sits and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office war Elliot 3r, E11iot'slaw office -opposite J entral .Hotel -Exeter. I Ied ieai R:T, P. MOLAUG'HLIN, MEMBER OF D the College of Physicians andSurgeone )ntario. Physician, Surgeon and Aocouch- fur, Office, Dashwood, O Legal. ICIXSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. Morey to loan at 5 and, 51/2. per :tent, Office Fanson's Blook, Main St., Exeter. (A. member of the firm will be at Qensall on Thursday, of each week.) C. R. CARLI G,B. A., L. H. DICaisON. FW. GI,ADMA.N. (successor to Elliot & . Gladman,7 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan. at lowest rates of interest, Office Main Street, Exeter. Auetionncers T qq��''' BOSSE NBERI Y,Grand$enii, Licensed 11.. Auctioneer for County Kieron, S ale s promptivattended to, and charges Moder- ate, Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. n , BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auot- 11. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex,, also for the township ofUsborne t Sales promptly at tendedtoandterms rea- b sonbale.Salesarranged at Post o .ce.VPin- la chelsea. n' T . Insurance. -ti u ELLI.OT, p: E g Insurance Agent, Exeter 11 ;,lain St. 1! el 11, HORSEMEN 1 .I. " t sl ice'_ EUREKA d c%�t "w; =,; ; R a � 7 V,£TCNARY. ,t VIII I;,. W .�r, TRADE MARE . a CAUSTIC BALSAM A reliable. remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavin; Sweeney, Lameness from any cause, and Sore Throat t in horses, and Lump Jaw in .Cattle. See Pamphlet. Satisfaction guaranteed All Druggists and general t storekeepers keep it. Yeparotlby DICINE Co. EUREKA VETERINARY ME 1 LONDON, ONTARIO. 7 • TI IC �s I REPAIRING If you want your Repairing well done go to R. Molts -Watches, Clocks and -.Jewelry a specialty. MARRIAGE LICENSE Marriage Licenses issuedandWecl- ' dingBings always on' band. Fanson's Block, Exeter. . IIIIJRII.S. 0111111,01111 Yes, we h ave jest received another carload of furniture, which; when added to air already fine stock we hand- somesupply the latest, most is some and cheapest things on the market.' THS STOCK e r r 'We have the' Stock -you have the money -we want to trade, and if it is furniture you want it will pay you well to drop hi and see our dandy line before purchasing else- where. We haue thelargest and bes •assort d stock in town. • • 4 WE Burglars robbed three establish- merits ni,l''IU1110rti. Spreads Like Wildfire. are "111e best" they be- come things ome;"the best selling." Abraham °13ellville O. I-7ti,re,a leading clx�ughist,of . � , writes: "Electric Bitters are _the. best Sibling bitters I have `handled in 20 ears. Yon know why? i'Iost diseases years. in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood ancl nerves. �. tones 11 the stomach, l�lt.ctric Bitters p liven kidneys u11( bowels, regulates liver, the blood,strengthens the purifies hence cores fultitiides of lY el ;nerves, he c allies. It builds up the entire system. Puts new' life tied vigorbito ally weak sickly, rundotvin-pian or woman Price rat ;it all arm). stoves, IN GVARD The warning cough is the faith- ful sentinel. It tells of the approach' of consumption, which has killed' more people than war and pestilence com- bined. It tells of ainful. sore chests, t u n g s, weak throats, bron- chitis, and pneu- monia. Do not suffer another day. It's useless, for there's a prompt and safe cure. It is 9 which cures fresh colds and coughs in' a single night and master's chronic coughs and bronchitis in a short time. Consump- tion is surely and cer- tainly prevented, and cured, too, if taken in !. time. A 25c. bottle fora fresh t cold; 50c. size; for older colds; $1 size for chronic coughsand consumption. "I always keep a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral on' band. Then every time I get cold I take a little of it and I am better at once." J'Amge 0. BUQUOR, t- e Oct. 19, 1895. El Paso, Texas. Write the Doctor. If' yon have any complaint whatever and desire the best medical advice, write the Doctor freely. Address Dr. J. C. ATTR, Lowell,AHass. Tuekersmith: G. Nott purchased he farm which was put up by auction y the executors of the estate. of the ate R. Cudnlore, of this place, on Ioudity last, the price being $2,200. his farm bas been rented for some me and is little out of repair, but oder careful handling will be cheap roperty. Clinton: There pissed away, at the gale of her son-in-law, A.. Wilkin, on [onciay, Oct. 22, an aged and :respect - 1 settler of Hallett, in the person of [rs. Eliza Wilson. ago was nn - 1 a short time ago a resident of ondesboro,'knd wits a native of York - ire, England. A f.Lmily of four anghters is left to mourn the loss of loving mother.. Drysdale: The seven -hear -old child f Louis N. Denonnle succumbed to tit. attack of croup on Monday last. The child was only sick for a few dill s nd his case was pronounced hopeless ity the physician as an operation was needed, while the child was too weak o stand it. The parents. have the heartfelt sympathy of their friends in his sad bereavement and the child being their eldest makes the affliction greater. aut The most beautiful thing in THE MARKETS, Wheat Markets on Saturday -Liverpool, Closed Lower Than on Friday -:file Latest Quotations.. Liverpool, Oct. "2i .-0n Saturday wheat futures clowad i/d per cental lower' than on Friday. Chicago, Oct. 29. --The wheat 'ex- change was closed on Saturday. r:.,Sr-Iliri'VAEO C_!'1' L19 :11.4n5(1.T. Last Buffalo, Oct, 29. ---Cat tie I'pir demand on Saturday. C'a.ves -- Steady; Steady; choice to extra, „;7.75 to $5; good to choice, +7 to $7,50. Sheol) and Lambs --Dull aYid Io`ter;: lambs, choice,- to extra, 65,25 to `i5•45; good , r. to choice, $5 to 5:�.2,�, common to fair, 4 to 4.,7.>. Shoop-t'holce to extra, 53'75 to 4; good to choice, $3.25 to $3,5 0; common to fah', $2.50 t0 1'3.50; Carracla lcintb', -5.40 to $5.50. he world is the baby, all MR. C.M, HAYS WILLGO JAN.1 Man Who Pet the Grand Trunk on Its Feat Will Run thu Southern Tractile. Montreal, Oat, 2$.-i'1'r. O1tO.1es 111, Days, General Manager of the Grand. Trunk Railway, Saturday morning confirmed the annotin.ceuleni that he ltacl aCeeptec( the Offer or the presi dency of the Southern Pacific Bail - way. Tho salary, it is understood, is fifty thousand dollars a year. He will sever his connection with the G. T. It. Jan. 1 • gr. F. 'E C. McGuigan, General Su- perintendent, is being prominently Mentioned as Mr, Days.' successor, dimples and joy. The most itiful thingis that same baby, P thin and in pain. And the mother does not know that a i little fat makes all the differ- ence. Dimples and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve --all but pity and love--isg .one. The little one gets no fat from her food. There is some- thing wrong, •itis either her food or food -lull. She has had no livingon what fat far weeks; is she had stored in that plump little body of and that is hers; gone. She is starving for fat; it is death, be quick ! Scott's Emulsion of Cod h Oilfat she can Liver 011 is the her.. take; it will save The genuine has this picture on it, take to other. you have not tried it send for free snrn le its ' agreeable p taste will surprise you. SROfTh t OWNE.. , Cem&Ssts,i• Toronto 50c.thio 1i $ t.00 ns - ENGINEER HOLDEN DIAD' Fatal Result or a hallway Accident on the G. T. 11. at Hamilton. Hamilton, Oct.29.-There Ivas a fatal accident at the smelting works crossing the Northern Division of the C.T.R. ,Saturday evening. ills north- bound passenger train, which left here at 5 o'clock, jumped the trach:, through the switch being left open., it is said. The engine and tender and baggage car, containing 25 hunt- ing' dogs, bound for Muskoka, belt that track. The locomotive separated from the tender and -toppled over on Wil- liam Bolden, the engineer, of North Wellington street, and Charles Sotith- erst, lireriran, of Florence street. Roth were pinned down for some tilna. When the auxiliary train arrived jacks raised the engine, so Holden could be recove. id. He directed the operation, but as soon as he wa.s re- leased he fainted away. . Be Was brought to the city on a Radial Rail- way car, and conveyed to the Gener- al :Hospital. He was injured intern- ally and -about the legs, and he died at 3 o'clockSunday afternoon• Two hours' work was required_ to get the poor fireman out. Be was terribly scalded about the legs. .hie was. taken to his home in the aluibu- lance, in charge of Dr. Dlackelcan, 'the railvrays company's surgeon. Nis in- juries are not fatal. About $5,000 damage was done, the locomotive being badly damaged.. An inquest will be opened on till death of .Holden this morning. 200 KILLED IP1 PA011NGfll Allied Army, on Reaching City, Learn Details of Massacres, now Americans Wore Tortured-i.;ats, 1 urgers and. Toes . Cot Olt Before They Were Beheaded by „Orders of Vioeroy, WIto Then Fled to the irIountains- Moro Chinese 11111,ns have Been Planed by Franca 1001 Elocution. Pekin, Oct. 22e via Shanghai,' Oct. ,7. -the a1_d ex editibi zeae i d l'aotingfu on Get. 20, composed of 1Vre11c11, German and Italiin troops, and a body of English under the command of U en. Gase eel A5 one 1'e- 5115 the world 18 note enabled to learn the fate of the missionaries there when the Boxer revolt began. 'Three English missionaries were 015.ue0 by the cOies. 0 [hers, with thousands of native converts, have been slain, Details of the massacre at Paoting- fu turn out to be Ilford revolting than ever reported. The Sivacox family of five were burned out of their house and a boy of 12 years of age, who ran from the house into the street was hacked to pieces by the Boxer nlob• The rest were smoked out and captured. The father died fighting. The Hisses C ouiti and Morrell were stripped and dragged into the street, where Miss Uould Was put to death with frightful brutality, and Miss Morrell, 11r. Ta:y'Ior and Mr. Pit4in were beheaded, after having their ears, fingers end toes cut olb. 11'rr• and firs bodge and three Eng- lishmen are missing. Two thous incl Chinese Christians were n10081ered. in .1'aotingfa On J due 4 and 5. It has been discovered that the 'Viceroy 'Ordered tyre massacres, but. after surrendering the city, lie es- caped to the mountains. Mere Cliinoso Victims Named. TEL E•GR:11 Hip BRIEFS. • Along Rose, proprietor of the Mansion House, Sharon, Ont., drop- ped dead in bis house 1t 11. o'clock Saturday night c1f heart disease. .aides Stewart, proprietor of Se -aw- aits restaurant of S.eaforth, dropped dead from heart failure Saturday forenoon, while sitting in it chair. A collision occurred on the Trans - Caspian Railroad orf, Sunday, be- tween Batou'nt. and Tiffs. One train was wrecked, and eight persons were killed and 20 injured. James Speers, a teamster e n pt.l r by the Toronto Casket Company, lost his life on Saturday bybefno- ed underneath a wagon load of tim- ber, which .fell on him. A mean named William Blunt was found dead on the roadside near Mil- verton on Saturday night. He ivas about 50 years of .age, unmarried, had no home, and worked as a gar- den tree, pruner and general. laborer. Sunday the initial gathering of the eighteenth anniversary of the ad- vent of the Salvation Army in Can- ada., was held in Massey Hall, To - ranto. Attend ing this anniversa r•y are hundreds of officers of the avtny from nearly every spot in Canada, William Donning, a wellknown 1 Eler'Wood 1'? 0., .in cattle roan fron the Township oftdela.i.cle, Middlesex County', was found dead in hccl at the Jersey 110111, Toronto, earjv on Saturday morning. In another hod in the same room lay Thomas At- kins, also' from JCerwood, and he was in an unconscious condition. They had been overcome with escap- ing gas, but Atkins was reslasitated. 50 CAVALRYWEN iMDUSHEDI Serious Incident 3etween Spring- fontein and Phillppolis, Seven of the Cava ry Escaped -Maxim Guns Put Out of Business and Aban- doned -Tho Returning 80hiler5 on the Dominion -Non- ()OBIS.' and Dien Inva- lidod Home Froii, South Africa -MW. Chamberlain's Cheery Dfessuge. London, Oct. 29:-A despatch re- ceived 111 I,or1 .v�1 � ti�'CarU u O Cel 4t at the Roberts, dated Pretoria, 1i'rithey, n. Oct. �C>, referring� to the irt,}1t,ing• of Geri. Barton's celuann with Gen. De- wets 'forces, Oct. 25, stays: "The British 1055e9 were heavier than at first reported. An addi- tional oil':ce". and 1.2 Hien 'dere killed and throe officers acid 25 filen were tivotmded. The Boers lost 24 dead and 19wou.ntied on the field, and 26 'Boers were made prisoners. Three Boers, who held tap their hands i11 token of surrender, and then fired on the Dritish, were court-natertialled, convicted and sentenced to death. 1 have • confirmed the senten.ce." The despatch also refers to minor " irs •i which the t voo >s of `Gen, affairs, i 1 � e z b fi itchener and (len, Methuen were en- gaged, and to serious incident be- tween e- ten Springfontein and Philip polis; , Orange River °Melly, where 50 cav- alrymen were ambushed t and capttir- ed by the Boers, only seven of the party escaping: IBoers Again .;aiding :fatal, Durban, Oct. 27. --The Boers are raiding in the northern part of Na-tal. They have d rile l the railway station at blaschbnnk and blown up the culvert. Barton Attt;cics Dea-et. London, Oct. 29. -Another de- spatch from I-ord Roberts says: "Barton attackedthe ubiquitous Dowet near Frederickstad. The Doers were scattered in all direc- tions:' London, Oct. 20 -Dr. Morrison, wiring to The Times, under date of Oct. 26, says: • "The Foreign Ministers, in confer- ence to -day, decided to acid the 211111105 of Prince of Y.i. and. Ying Nien. to those of, the seven officials whose execution 1'r�ance has demanded, "It is said that the commander of the allied.. troops at I aotinfu has ar- rested the Provincial 'Treasurer, who was ehieflly responsible for the ill- treatment of the resealed nmissi.on- arjes." The St. Petersburg correspondent of The Daily Express claims to l ave authority for the statement that, when peace is restored, Russia will hand back to its owners the railway from Tongku to liuchwang. Chinese Rebels Slaughtered. • Shanghai, Oct.. 2S. -The Chinese Imperial troops are pursuing the reb- els in the south. There was a great. battle between the rebels and, Chinese troops on Oct. 23. The .rebels were routed, and 600 of them were slaughtered. France and Russia in Line. Vienna, Oct. 20. -The semi-official Politische correspondent asserts that Prance and Russia, after discussion on; have decided to accept the An- glo-Gerluau agreement glo-G erman agreenien:t. COLLIERIES STILL TIED UP. Some of iho Lehigh and Wilkosbarre Mines Have Not Yet Posted the Notices. Hazleton, Pa., Oct. 20. -The Le- high & Wilkesbarre Coal Company, operating the Altdenried, Hooky - brook and Green Mountain collieries, in this district, has not yet com- plied with the demands of 'the an- thracite said the. ihrac,ite miners. It is s com- pany will grant the concession by Nov. 1, when work will be resumed.' There will be no resumption of work at the Milnesvflde colliery, which is operated by the A. S. Van. "ricklc estate. Owing to an agree _ mlent with the Pennsylvania Rail- road Company, the officials say they cannot afford to grant anincrease of 10 per cent. The Van Wiekle•com- pany has granted the increase at. its other collieries at Colerain. and Beav- er Meadow. Four Brothers Drowned. PO4 Clinton, Ohio, Oct. 29,-A quadruple drowning occurred on.San- dusky Bay, eight miles east of here, ,yesterday afternoon. The drowned are: Douglas Stark, aged 3; George Stark, aged 5; Alfred Stark', aged 8; Henry Stark, aged 13 ;years. They 'Were the children of William. Stark, Mr, Stark and the children went for a boat ride. On returning: to shore the boat became fouled in a fish- pond net. The children became frightened, and, leaning over the side of the sutal•l craft, it capsized, resulting in the four deaths. A Woman Fatally Burned. Hamilton,' Oct 129, -7 -Miss ..dna ti Hardie inmate Grace of i-1 a.1 Britton,ain a a, , ton's house of ill -repute, }vas fatally burned in that place Saturday even- ing. She 1vas hanging up a skirt when she knocked clown at 1a.rirp, \Chiai was in al, bracket on the mall. Her gown caught lire 1,110)1 the 1tOp fell, and she was burned irons head to foot. '-80, we's 101.h to the; lien- erai,l Hospital, 14051 ital, «here she died in a few hours, Car Ilene Ilehe:ul d. p), len ie, 7.,oiulon, Oct. ..O.--T7aafi�wl Allen, was in- stantly n- ear rt ta,i{•t1r aged .about (>:?, as j n • • ntl r lolled itt :London fleet '31'rd sta Wilde on lid way il) dinner oat Slit= )11411.3', the. head being coinsletcle severed fro. Ilia 1T..i1', DEMAND MILITIA WITHDRAWN. e• 1 'Union Operatives at � all , tlo d SayThey Won't Work Till They Are. Valleyfield, Que., ,Oct. 29. -The union of the mill operatives Have de- cided that they will not return to works until the troops have been withdrawn: An official note to this effect, .it is understood, will shortly issue. Lieut. -Col. Roy; D. O. C., has de- cided 'to keep a certain portion of the militia, consisting of two com- panies of the Royal Scots, as well as two from the 65th and the Hussars, in all about 220 men, here until Wednesday next. - DEATH OV I'ROF. MAY -HULLER. Celebrated Educationlat of Oxford Univer- sity Crosses the Bar. London, Oct. 29. -The Right Hon. Friedrich Max -Muller, corpus' pro- fessor of comparative philology at Oxford University, is dead. He died at 12:35 p. m. His dis- ease `vas an affectionof the liver. Until 10 days e as ab o h5 a w to le da• continue evritingnhis ai,utobiagarphy, dictating to his son. Ile was per - est fee'tl,y- conscious until S e rda i morn- ing. n ing. frequently during his illness despatches of enquiry were receive from Emperor William. HON. COLIN II. CADIP13ELL WINS. ,e -F' l Has 272 . Consorvattvo AttoiF r y .o neran '►Tajority in Morris, .: )Ian. 'Winnipeg, Oct. 29. --iron. Colin Campbell is elected by 272 majority over the ,L.ibcral'caudidate, Ilr•. _Taw ra(' iti 1e saiite ridinga His majorityt 1 the Provincial election itt .fecetnbe of last year vvas' only 188. The. nor trial vole in the riding is about 1, 4150, 1; r DO NOT Rud from a question that must interest you.. Have you your New Suit s' Ti not, drop; in and see US :at the first opportunity and let a5 show you a' few prices of the Fancy, 'Worsteds and Scotch. Tweeds. Have you seen the new Staples and Tberringbone patterns. They are beauties. A. big range of Blues and Black, Irish Serges at the old prices. If you want a• black we have what you witnt in Twills, Yenetidis'and Clays. ADSSASTnOU9 S1(I1IM1Sii. Boers llepulsed, Dot- British Had Seven. 1ii11ecl-Diaixinis :Lbandoned. London, Oct. i'3). -:l despatch from Hool.stad, Orange River Colony, un- der date of Oct. 21, says: The Cale. police had it stiff light with two Boer coniniancloen eyester clay. A convoy left''eedraii in the afternoon. Short- ly alter it started. the Boers appear- ed obi, the north bank of the • eit-er and attacked the ;police, but were re- pulsed with loss. On reaching high- er ground a large body of Boers en,, circled the Cape Mounted 1%ii"les scouts. The Boers outnumbered the scouts ten to one, and as they pour ed in a murderous rifle fire the Care'' Mounted Rifles n ere coinpelled to. abandon tw 0 galloping Maxims. 'rhe guns were onlay abandoned after tilt: men heed made the bravest, effort to save them, and when they found this could not. be done they destroyed the mechanism. The police then retired sli;ivly, and is Minster• of horses stam- peded, but the officers and men pluck- ily remained and rescued their wound- ed and diselountecl comrades. Just before dark' the Police were reinforc- ed, and the Boers were completely re- pul"oede and the 'convoy reached this place ,without the loss of a single animal. The British casualties were seven killed, thirteen wounded and thirteen men taken prisoners., RETURNINGSOLDIERS. A List of the Canadian Non-Coms. and Men Invalided Home From Africa by Way of ISngiand. OVERCOATS Overcoats 111 Beavers, ctons Curls, Naps and Nlontai.act5. All work done in the latest style and fit guaranteed. tJ. Ff. GRIEVE Opposite Post Glee The Mo sons Banka (Chartered byParliament, 1855.) Paicl up Capital $2,500,000. Rest I and...... Heaa office Montreal J.AllIES ELLIOTT, Esti. GENEPSL MANAGER. Money advanced to good harmer their own notes with one or more 0)110 at? per cent. per annum, —EXETER PR_ANOTI— Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m. to I p.iu. A general banking business tames cted: CURRENT RATES allowed fee money on Deuositlteceipts: Savings Bank at 3`4,''. Dres,soN,.&. 000011G, N.D. HURrtee; Solicitors. - Manager. 011 sera Father. Point, Oct. 29•-F olloW- ing is the nominal roll: of non -colts: and men returning to Canada, per steamship Dominion. 'Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry. 7006 Pay-Sergt L. De 'C. Ingrain), Winnipeg; 7752 Sgt. Drummer A. O. Freshen), Brant. ford, 7677, Lance -Corp. 1 J. Coles; Louden, Ont.; 7050, Pte. J. Hammond, 'Winnipeg; 7111, C. C. Thompson, Vancouver, B.0,; 7315, Pte. W. Butler, Toronto 7328, Pte. B. HIennessey, Fredericton, N.B.; 7334, Pte. J. C. Davidson, Toronto; 7342, Pte. Ni F. Gray, Sault Ste. M..010; 7372, Pte N. L. Morley, Toronto; 7457, Pte. 15. D. Bartlett; Ottawa; 7462 I'te. J. E. Bradshaw, King. ston; 7478, Pte. 0. Cockburn, Cobonrg, Ont. 7696, Pte. H. B. 'Travers, St. Thomas, Ont.; 7713, Pte. G. Wardle. Sherbrooke; 7755, Pte. C. 13. Thompson, , Quebec; 7594 Pte. K. W. Cul verJ Quebe c ; 7878, Pte . C. "hrren, Q ue - bee.J-0Pte.A. W. Donohoe, St, John, N.13.;7972, Pte. N. Dorian, Charlottetown, , PAIL' 7992, Pte. w. 0: Seatredge, St. John, N.B. Mounted Riilemt n Canadian Mounted Rifles'. 15, Trooper G. 13. Ashton, Edmonton, Alberta, 178, Trooper A. N. Lundels, Ottawa; 208, Trooper 13, W. Huckell, Victoria, B.C.; 216, Trooper, G. A. Forbes, Toronto;' 320, Trooper P. 'V. WM. lace, Souris, Man.; 338, Trooper N. D. Kelly, Toronto; 127, Trooper W. Edwards, Toronto; 104, Trooper 0. Brown, Toronto; 461, Trooper, T. 0. Fisher, Quebec. Artillery. Royal Canndlen Artillery: 425, Gunner 3. II. Perrin, Lindsay. Cavalry. EXETER MARKER'S. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat perbushel .. 411 to 55 Flour per cwt' Barley Oats Peas Butter Po atoes ,per, bag Hay per ton Dried Apples peril) Turkeys Chicken 1.8S to 200 :15 to40 2.1to40 55 to 57 16 to 17 7.00 to Sea' c}09 Geese - 'i Corn 40 to. 45. Timothy 1 25 to 1 50 Clover 450 to 525 Wool.::., 15 to 15 Moray; Mr. Geo. illawson has been. re-engaged to teach in S.S. No. 15. for the year 1901. --The funeral of Mr. Josiah Milligan took place from his late residence, 22nd con., on Monday, to the Parkhill cemetery and was largely attended. That ThrobbingHeadache would quickly leae -ou,if you used. q y,• 3 Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match - less merit for Sick and Nervous Head- ache. They make pure blood and builds up your health. Only- 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold at all drug stores. Strathcone horse: 202, Trooper A. Hardy, Maple Creek, Assa,; 22S, Trooper B. A. Niblock, Calgary. Chatnberlaio's Cheery Message. Ottawa, Oct. 20. --lir. Chamber- lain cables to Lord Minto: London, Oct. 27. -Her Majesty's Government learn with satisfaction of arrangements being made for wel- come of members of Canadian regi- ment. Their 'splendid services in South :Africa have won the adnlira tion' end gratitude of the whole Em- pire, and the .memory of their in- clomitabic courage ':and resolution. will ever lie in the annals of the 13ritish army. Chamberlain. The Soldiers at eneboc. Quebec, Oct. 20 ,-The invalided Canadians wile arrived about 3 o'clock yesterday morning on board the S4. Dominion, were met about, 5 o'clock at the landing on couln0ssio0-. ers' ;wharf by. Capt. :1,)uplessis of the garrison, who took thein in :charge, end they were im,': din,l,ely conducted to their quarters at the Citadel, "there was no sIiecial reception or de- nlOustl�aLion, aWilig to the oir rl y Hour. AVilson, T).O,,C., has been� char -ed with the Work of payingoff the net and gransing tlle.i discharC,'es. Seafortli:. James Stewart, proprie- tor lopr•ie tot of Stewart's restaurant Seicforth, Ont., dropped dead of heart failure Saturday, while sitting in :1 chair iii his place of business. He was wicdely, ,noyn and a general el11 fagcrite With the travelling public. Great Luck of an Editor. "For two years all efforts to cure Eczema in the palms ofr my hands N. failed,' Frites Editor H. . Lester, of Syracuse, tocs Kan., t "then I Was wholly cured by Buckln's A.r.•nica Sale Its the world's best for Eruptions, Sores anti all skin diseases. Only 25e. per bobat all drugists. �� T l.adofthis lligllalll: A young town appeared before Miayor Clegg and Mag- istrate McKenzie one day lost week, charged with stealing 55 from snother , boy in Beatty Bros.' livery barn; He pleaded guilty to the charge but on ac- count of being so young and this being -the first charge against hila, he was allowed to go on suspedned sentence. The lad also had to give 5200 0all to appear for sentence should he ever commit another offence, Astounding Discovery, Front Coopersville,Mich.,comes word. of a wonderful discovery of a -pleasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by any one troubled with a bad, cough always ensures a good night's. rest. "It will soon cure the cough too," writes Mrs. S.Himelburger, "for three generations of our family have used Dr. King s New Discovery for consump- tion and never found its equal for Coughs, and Colds, It's an unrivaled •. used life saver when 1 se for desperate lungdiseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c.' and $1.00 at drug store. Trial bottles free. Clinton: John Tedford has disposed; of his blacksnithilg business and remises, on latttenbul' st., te> Messrs. premises, Seeley and t1 �l.ielt5e t;l cl Albei•L-Turner, 'v&tii have taken possess ii111 of the sante un- der the fi1111 name of Seeley & Turner. Mr. Seeley 11iis been conducting s'.1" - ittely a blalcks nith anti a bicycle repair business, and its the inten tion to com- bine the two Hilder one root, thereby facilitating work iuboth brainelies. '-11', Seeley will chiefly loo_ k after I, lie blare; snlitli business, 101 Ali', 'Jrxt1'(1' 1 thO oblbef