HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-11-1, Page 114'OURTEENTI YEA.J -G70. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER R 1, 1900. • C. II. SANDERS, EDITOR H. �isyop � so Giving upthe Goods Sacrific Jale. of a Complete .i'toc • BE0I1\11\11NC RSDAY N A Chance to Buy Your Winter Goods at Never -heard -of Prices. This Stock will go quickly The Prices will do it. TALL GOODS are all in and our entire STOCK s brand new, well selected and. "bought at the prices. o STOCK consists of :DRYGOOD 9 HATS and GAPS RE3 A, Y 9 MADE O I 9 OO.� 0 S9 CRO CK- MANTLES, TLESg Etc0 R AR E SES -WILL O TL'LIED with even larger STOOK � 2 "_a V a ever. r a w'4.,r '� �.i,, � �`�, stoves new1.0 up. Big bargains in, cook4ing and heating 4 ill 20 1,0..4.N, halveunlitnitoc) l)1Lva1,o funds for in- vestment, upon farm ,or 'village n- vestrt ntuponi'arni...oryillatgc property, at (.1-;rreatrates of interest. DIc,tiCSON Barristers, etc., Exeter. FOP, :G&E \: T, . •u. -That desirable Iiu k Lainos, shop I tl e •i]iage of Ceutraclia; also a lino brick stable, Apply to Mrs. Cottri11, Centralia. 4Var.'.Cusalltrtt, Brews ter. .a< T'i\S;C1lA r 11E1.F.BR. There strayed from the .i'1remises cif if frrg -d, Got, Cnu1_�stol25tewita14 brrecl,lleborne.l. A -rewa d'illt hbe e ,g1\•ell b 1'Qturni11 'a1))e air g1vli1g illfstl'n)r',� tion 111 wilt that v11 ' \ lead to tier rcenyory. Wm, ELT, ro t I', Con trails. 1 a L'e1. Y. There c me unto my pin inISOS, Lilt fir„ 1T.H. about,theistol tugnst,one white ewe. The. o•wilerxc,L:n 'have s1111'1.0 1) - roving: 11.0' per y proving 1 1 y arid paying GX]1(;'11see, 7 STRAIT' `lhoro came on illy prernises, 118. Lot 1, amble 'Concession ;"lel?, of Stephen, on the '111 inst., the following:—1, two year old t:rir, black gallo way, 1 two year, gray Reif-. ,with Borns; ono, one year old Heifer, ;tel Calloway, and one, one year old steer, ack galloway. Tho owner can have sante proving property and paying expenses. . Grand: TLOTIuar lur.tdC1r. � Bend P.0. FARM'S -�ry '.LL1d1L1 PU 13Ja R .-.LE e MONEY' TO LOAN.- good farms fo" 'houndorrizgnoci has n few g r l's p teepr Money .to loan on easy terms ' asege; Sracatmaa; 9adr wri,1''0131oekExeter St. Joseph I Mr, and Mrs. ,f, ,f. } 1'gusota, of racer Parkhill, vf..rc,isitig il '• friends in these parts (01 Sunday hist.-i\Cr. T. Vine:: of Parkhill, made a flying g visit; to his friend, Mr. R. O134'ien oh Saturday last. He was: combining business with pleasure. --Mr. R, O'Brien went to ThatnesvillconSaturdav last and 1t- turned the fore part of the weak with a load of 1)100ing "effects for his nepltety,'DIr. E. Doddman,who recent, lypp urchased 1) font").font").from Mr. Tennant,, ,, of Loudon. Mi. Tennant was also in these parts last week on business. 1 TESTMONIAL OF ftraRilifilfil To the VILIIfe; of:0lii. isl Stock Food. Y . b ids is to certify Butt I have Used English d Sto. En lish 1. 15'nod b ccoil :for calves, illilch rows arnd lugs, and in ell critics have found it most stitisfactovy. The calves have grown' taste), and done. better t1,1)1 ever before. 'Clic. le itch, cows have improved in condition. I'he.floe' of• milk bars sod 20 pee cent and stud is of g0- 0aterrichness. Th e young pigs have donebetter' onEnglish Stock Food than :[ ever knew tl1 'nl d 1 .� c (bc,fore. English Stock Food is the most excel- lent and valnatble article and shallld be used by -all stock raisers. It only requir- es q es to he given a trial its order to prove its merits. T have lunch pleasure in recommending it to stock raisers:i Ai,i;n11 1.x1 I)r',.41ar vca, For sale by C. ,Lutz. Only 50c.:a bag Eden Mr. A. 13e11 and Mr. D. Blair, of Kippen, spent Sunday here the guests of their cousin, Mr. Wm. Blair. -Mr. Thos. Brooks and Mr. Alfred Coates attended the political meeting at Zion onFriday evening. -Mr: and Mrs. Fred. Luxton, visited D1r. and Mrs, Wm. Kerslake itt Farquhar on Tale s- d.tiy. Inspector Tom, of Goderich, vis- ited our school on Monday. --Mr. Benoni Kerslake and Mr. D. McNichol, of ''Farquhar, paid a flying visit to friends hereon Sunday. --Miss Maggie McDougall, of Cromarty; is visiting her cousin Miss Jessie Luxton. -Mr. J. Adair, of Parkhill, spent Sunday here with his brother, Mr, Frank Adair. Sodom Mr. Will McCarthy has' left Mr. Stanlake's mill, where he hasbeen working all summer, and has gone, to Lucan.-Mr, Geo, Smith, who has been living on the 4th con, of Stephen, is making preparations t.o. prove :. into' Hay where he has secured some land.; Mrs. Henry Si th who has' bee somewhat indisposed, is fully recover- ed. -Miss Annie Bally, of near London was the guest of,Mrs. Sam. Stanlake on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. H. Isaac drove to London Friday to visit their daughter, Mos Milligan. -Mr. Wm. who h rs een b e' working Snaith, for Mr. W. Armstrong tll,surnmer, has return- ed home; where he."1s' Lvelcoined by his many friends.-Mr.:Fred. Penhale, of the Lake Road, Wire has an attack of typhoid fever, • has been removed to the London Hospital. Zur eh Nothing but politics in and around town. Both parties feel sure of victory in the House-Mr..John McMillen, 2(1. P., will address the electors in the Town Hall, Zurich, Friday, Nov. 2. Mr. John Diechert, Jr., took in the concert at Seaforth on Friday even ing. -Mr. Jas. Dick, of Seaforth, called on friends here Monday. -Mr. W.rn. Me - Coy, of Hensel', spent a few days with Messrs. Riekbiel & Duinart. -Mr. C. Greb, wife and family spent Sunday at Crediton, the guests ofHill.- Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman and,' kacnnily Sun: flayedwith Mr. • Hotfm tib' r f t - ther. Mr. Chris. Hess received act r,l:e the' others day while attending `to IAN ,busi- ness and i• has caused lianato 1 bed t se 1 c fast. and speechless. -Miss. Clara;' Sieg- ner, of Crediton,formerly cif this -town, is spending',a few dayswith her friend, Miss Laura Hartleib. Rev. Mr. Gei- ger, of Hamburg,. preached a very elo- quent sermon Sunday evening in the. Methodist church. -The elite of St. Joseph spent Sattorday in town. -The greatest sale of 11'e season was held at San). Rannie's, Esq., on Tuesday, when people from far and near gather- ed to see and be seen. In some respects the sale was a success but the crowd was too large to allow those who de- sired to purchase, a chance to see what they wanted. SuwoLREPORT.—The following are the names of the pupils of the Zurich Public School who passed the promo- tion examination, held Oct. 23 and 26. From Sr. III to Jr. IV -No. of marks 850 to pass 425. Vercy Whitiver 473; Peter Diechert 351; Charlie Bigler 431. From Sr. II to Jr. III -No. of marks 630, to pass 315, Lily Faust, 397; Freda Harberer 361: Maurice, Weber 3111; Lydia Braun, 13.30 Eva Braun 323. Fr'otn Je. II to Sr. Il -No. of narks 610 to pass 305, Ella Weseloll, 36:1; Alfonse Goster, 357: Maggie Torrance, 314; Laura Krous 336; Joseph Randell 335; Edward Bossenberry 326; Leonard Wurw 315. Fro n Sr. PtII to Jr. 11 - No. of marks 400 to pass 200, Hlunor W011 285; Alma Fisher 207.' Cornell Holtzulait 258; . Eva, Williams, 231; Charlie Bossenberry, 223; Clara Bloch, 211. From Jr. Pt. II to Sr. Pt. II -- No. of harks 1.00, to pass 200, Pearl Johnston, 231; Victor Deichcrt 224; Alma, Brenner, `219; Mary .thiel, 207. From Sr, 1st to Pt II -Henry Fuss, Lorne Weber, E1.linora Hetrlieb; Edgar Torrance; Camera 1 Got tschalk, llarold Appel, Alex Foster, 1Iea1ry Price, 3Ielioda, Rendell, Willie13cnd00. From Jr,Pt. I. to Sr. Pt 1, -Leonard. Hoist, Gertie Nagel, George Hess, Akin Worm, Peter Randell, John Zeit alF rout No. T.I to Jr 1't. 1.,--- Theadore.Ilabe.rer, David Flus, r Gnr- field Brenta Lily ToaSt 1 Luela BaunAnnie 7ettel TCroart Bender. .10 1110 TOnR.A;\(E, Teacher ,Tr. IIT to Sr 11)1, Mnrks required 425, Laura r Fuss 403; Lemma 'E3ossenbr r- gerEnl1i a Il i110011tn, 03; Ida '['rung, 13.2: 111111 Nailer, •I'r, "della Fisher, 120: Rose 310Nei 1 1.1261; Hoxie Either, -1.31); Li2zic `,l'li'rrinor. 475; .1Ieln1:r. Sipple, 13.5; \:\ il1•i'0(1 51"eats, 1211; Theo- dore Sellraedol, 425; Edward lIer:'ber:'er 4::17, qtr, li to •Ti'. I ET-:4jlirks, requite- ell 1 lllirecL 315, liable ;pilikbe irl(1 t;180, Clertsucls) 1 [titi'tl(iib, :319; Olie', at \\'es:'loh, 1318: Feed. Hess, 411, Jr. •ZI to ;3r, It- Marks II-•2of.iu'ks ret nileal 305, 5111111(11, Fuss, 30)7; 3 '0• l vt Ireze. lilt Ilh,irtla, P , 0 c r, 1370 Percy :13osseLibcrger, 30.5: Ease, 7 Koehler, 13001, 1:1oi 1.' i B LttticyT, 3151, Sr. Pt. It to jr. 1T -Marks required 200, kilts.'hoehlc'r;308;sal Yodel, Wesel oh. 1345: John Gatlhhaiun, 23:5: E'olmerson Siilith, 2l5; .v1.1.1(11,ew- Thiel, 224: _):riI1ol(1 Warn), 290,Ii'. l 11.:if to Sr, T'1. IL-- Marks T--4rks Teel( 0 e(1«t0, Freda ',Chic], 1.'. 202; v Lamm Sipple, 209; Mitten Webers 200; , Arno 111''nr,c r, 232Einer Weide, 211; Melville Smith 21.0; Noeti %olu:icll,- 212; Kate Hnw)iid, 2!)). Sr., 1.st to Jr. 1?t.. IT,--Celiai, 1''oAlfred Bender, M innie Price,1uni([udeilmandt, 7r.1st to Si. 1st. L910 1ol'e �Vcsel 1 Gideon %cerler Wilbur Rummell; Clarence IN 1511101101tler'Clt1•"'brnl 13c' :oe)1 1100(101 No. 2 to Jr. 1st. --Lillie' Weber, Lee 1-loIl`ina.n,. Roy Minst, Irwin Greb, Itarry Fisher, Elton Schnell, . Ida Diemen No. 1 to NO. 2,- I:Mob Deiehert, John Thiel, )(Tilton Deitz, Esther Zettle, 1'Lnrat '1Iilderbrand,, Lucy Uttley, Flossie Weber. Mass ANDliEWS,;.. • Teacher. E i rktozi. A. Switzer, 3rd line, :has rented a farm near Staffa. Mr, W. Hanna has rented Mr. D. W. Dulmage's farm.- The creamery is, being operated only four times a week now.-Zlte trustees have put a furnace in the basement of the seool.-Mr. N. Douloe has rented v`'o u.i h the home now c ed > Mrs. L. 4 It Y Kirk. -\V. Kirk, late butcher ini Kirk - ton, and family moved; away Friday. -We hear that Mr. Doupe has been engaged to teach the \Voodharnschool next year. -We are pleased to learn that Mr. N. Switzer, ev110 is in thehos- pittl, London, with typhoid fever is iii a fair way to recovery. --Ales. L. Kirk has bought the house and lot now oc- cupied by Mrs. ' Gourley and ills. Gourley resumes possession of her. farm which has been rented for some. time. -W. Switzer has bought the house and lot at present, occupied by S. Brown, and Mr. Brown is getting the material on the ground to erect a stable on the lot recently vacated by Mr. Hoskin. Credito3n J. G. STAN BURY, B. A., (formerly Collins & Staubury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Conyeraneer Money to loarr-Exeter, Ont• Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wind moved to Detroit Friday. (Io'. Wind has bought a bakery and confectionery business in that city. We wish Harry every, success. -Miss Mable Hill; of Clinton, was the guest of her aunt, Mr's. (Dr.) Rivers, Saturday 011c1 ;Sunday. -Mr. Gottfreid Gaiser has returned from Blenheim, wherehe visited his daugh- ter, Mr. Aaron Brown, the past week. -Our title oveather is over. "The mel- ancholy days have cove,, the saddest of the year'." -Hobbs hardware Co. have put in the plate (glass windows for Mr. Beaver's new block. -A num- ber of our citizens attended•the nomi- nation of our candidates •at Ailsa Craig on s C , on Wednesday. -'The trustees have had a number of men at work levelling the school` grounds this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greib, of Zurich, were the g ❑Angust guests of Mr. and Mrs: A 1 list Hill _, tI, g last Sunda y.-Revic al meetings have coiumeneed in the Evangelical church. This week three services a day will be held. The pastor, Rcv. Litt, will be assisted by Revs. Finkbeiner, Morlock, Wing and Becker, 'rig Zurich, Dash- wood, Berlin. and Rod,t'iey, respectively. May the harvest be ai bountiful one.' - Mr. C. Beaver has placed an acetylene as machine in his new building. Mr. ggEvangelical S. Brown. the . church, and will get Web' gas from te same.-Mr J. E. Tom, P.S.I., of Goderich inspect- ed our school on Wednesday. Winchelsea (Too late for last week,) Mr, Thos C1axI•.e's e, e on Friday 19th inst., w -s; olu of site best that has been held in these panto for some time. • Mrs. Prout's sale on Monday, 22ndinst., was largely attended, but was very wet. Bidding was slow on the implements but lively on thestock. Brown wielded the hammer in his usual style on both occasions. -Mrs. Jas. Mahon, of Chicago, is visiting friends in this neighborhood. Mrs. Mahon is a sister of Mrs. Wm. Del - bridge. -Little May, daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. Wm. Delhridge, is under the doctor's care. It is to be hoped. that she will be able to be around soon.- Mr. Pourtice and Mrs. HarryEason, of Stratford, is visiting Mrs Geo. Eason here. -Messrs. Ed. Clarke and Jos White were in London on business Friday. -Mr. Sidney Clarke has dis- posed of his farm to Mr. dames Cottle, for which he received a big figure. -We may expect to hear the merry wedding chimes ring out about Christ- mas. It is all right "Jim. -Mr. Robin- son's house which is undergoing L remodelling is being pushed along in good style. The carpenter's are en- gaged on the otlaer'side of the road, working on the new building on the rorner,while the weather is fine. FELT, TwE;\TY Rams-Whilepick- ing airp}les. on Saturday Mr. Win, Delbridge,lead the misfortune of fall- ing about all-ingabout twenty feet and snstaining very severe injuries to his arms 111:1(1 leg. Ho is not. able to be out around as a result Dashwood What promises st,s to be .- keenly con- tested enlitiiu euey hi the COM ale- e lee - tion 1, that o.t 5errrtli, Huron twhf re the two Candidete s are euppor'ter, of the CT(svexmlrent. 55 hat the re alit, v'i1I be no one knolls, but we predict victory for the old war 'horse, -•Ml, G. 13i& l In•, who has 0000(1'stnlly- tl1 lt;ht in the public school here diming the past two years, s Ci'r11 sever his ('(r1111C0- tion thevew ith at New Year's, he hav- ing Securead school at Tiverton at, .1'n' adv rated: rinc. 51'Cunderstand our trl.Ote e5 haw e ;,reined Mi', E . 311011 for 110 corning year, vrho we believe will do holim' tO the se1:s. i --The Ai inenian Concert in the hall, We(111t $d:r.y even- ing, \vas largely attenders. and 11111011 are weeiabel by all 1Ir. maid Sir's. P0110 and family \ 18ited friends at Llamas Sundry. x. .ttgu, meek ('anie 110101 ".r Llesda" evening-- Several 1. of our enthusiasts xl. i ,(5 aLtLf rrl the noinination at (.11sta: C r tag, Wed - need ,-511. Floury ()antes is ,1.,•i111 aLt his old: 11111(11 iii Hoffman Bros. fate - tor. '•-•-Mr. Suit Ireland is laid. i11. ) with Y at sore Basial. A\re ho` 1011 e he 0 soonL ,. a�iscov<:,.r:-�Sius. C. Fritz, of Gin Leh, visit- ed her lrltrtlre':r, Sunday; who is very ill and not expected to 1000\'e17. -Rev. Monod: lrrcatcl e(1. 111 'SkGilliyea San_ day afteti'noou:-'fire very latest it new life insurance egen 11will be around. ' g ,•. . e the 7. talking risl.s till ai,fttt Lirc, rah. --;4)'1'. L. '. r too ,,,tvic�e of Clraln.(l�.Uelid wv 1s in t( rl r. , Sunil€1.v vistirig his alint,lln'-in-laew, Mrs. Weber.-SVhitt;1?mutases to bo a good (1)1)) taliinLent is that which r, P. 1 r v1�.1 be i c . t (' g; the evening of the 22rld in the 10150- rnent, of the church. Confident of ia, Republican succes 1 Ca p New York cloakeas manufacturer bet $10,000 to $100 that McKinley would be reelected President, Greenway i Rev. Mr. Miller, of Parkhill, preached to a very large congregation 111 Boston Methodist church en Sabbath: evening. 1Lis discourse was listened to . with harked attention, find spoke in an earnest way :about the riches of Heav- en.- Miss eav-en.-•Miss Lizzie Hohn; who was home P1 a visit, returned ,to London lust week.- Several of our.young and mid- dle aged linen have gone to the lu11)1)01' woods. near the Soo. It is reported they get $35 per month.--Thes special meeting being held by Rev. J. W. Baird, 13.A., assisted , by 3i.'' Samuel G11�Yg are well attendedlce d arta a deep in - terestis taken In the meetings. --Rev, D. Sanderson, of `)-11 )nto,is to deliver a lecture 111 Boston 1Vlethodist church. Monday night, Nov. 5. -Mrs. W. ,T. Wilson, who is visiting her parents in Troy, Idaho, out on the Pacific Coast, writes home that her sister, Bell, and her 0usbancl, 31r. E.2(1iller, of Traverse City, ;M1lich., are so delighted with the country that they have decided to lo- ente next spring. --A deep interest is being .taken' in the present' political campaign. Each side is showing their best polish and some of the worst pol- ish. Hay Council Council met on Saturday, Oct. 20. All present, except Mr. Lamont, who ;could not attend on account of import- -ant business, and was therefore ex- -cused. The engineer's report in regard of cleaning ont the east ' and west branches of H.S.D., south of Zurich, was read, and after clue consideration, was on motion; adopted and the clerk instructed to prepare a by-law a.ccor'd- ingiy, for next meeting of council. By-law' No. S, re the east branch ex- tension was provisionally adopted and the clerk was instructed to have a snf- fieent,numher copieso . CI of .f .the sante printed end served or mailed in accord- ance with section 22 of the drainage Act. A court of revision will be held on Monday, Dec. 3rd. The following amounts were .ordered to be paid: - J. Herd, commissioner, N. B., 35; H. Magel,gravel contract, N.B. 332.50; do., working grader, $0; do., gravel. contract, C.R., $32; Arnold Fisher, hauling gravel, C.R., 315; A. Geiger, do., 310; H. Walper, do„ $15; C. Zim- snerinan, do,, $10; H. Koehler, do , $15; J. Isey, cio., 315; J. Melick, do., $5.b2; Fred Schnettler, do., 35; W. O'Brien, work in pit, $2.25; 13. Rupp, do., $6.75'; D. Bennet, do., $4.50; W. Klop 1, clo., 56c.; Chas. Brill, do., 50e.; J. \ eido, commissioner, $9.71; J. Hey, ditch and cul., Canada Co. award, 318;J. Jacobe,. rep. cal., L.R., 31.50: J. J. Taylor, cub, R.R, 31; H. Lipphardt, selectingji ors $4; A. C. Eines, do., 34; FreHess, do., 34; Perth Mutual Ills. Co., $13; E. Parker, hauling gravel, O.R., 316.50; J. Wilson, do., $16.50; Wm. Dignan, do., 316.50; James Greet; do., 31.5.50; D. Blackwell, do., $16.550; A. Anderson work in pit, 36.18; Win. Caldwell, com- missioner, 38.75; Hugh Kyle, work in pit, $0.18;.1. Mosseau, do., 31; Wm.. Mnllholland, cul. con. 3, 33; Geo. Hill, rep. bridge, C. R.. $1.50. Council will meet again on Saturday, Nov. 3, at 10 o'clock a,m. .FRED HESS, SR., Clerk. ems ALLEGED ` SLANDER SUIT. Toronto, Oct. 29. -Through his solic- itors, Reynolds & Co., of Brockville,. Senator Fulford this morning caused the.issue of a writ for 10,000 against Mr. N. Clarke Wallace for alleged slan0 der. The statement complained Of: one made by 1'Ir. \Jallacc, ,rt apolitical meeting at Toro14o Junction to the ea.', feet that Senator Fulford paid 350,000 for his senatorship. EVERY MOVEMENT HURTS When you have rheumatism: Mus- cles feel stiff and sore, and joints are painful. It does not pay to suffer long from this disease when it be carred meo promptly and perfectly by Hood's Susapar.4110 .This medicine• c;ees right to the spot, ueatralizcs elle acidity of the blood, which causes r-henntatistn, and pnts 1001 enol to the pain ;11111 titiffness. Billiuiisnass is c ur; l by hood's "'ills, 25e. • twirl':; --.-On :Monday Oct 22u11, on the • Oth con., Hay, the wile of ;Sli:'. Louis 1 s e f 111, U a eon. D. f i i4Ccr.enasa-Io Thiboree. on Oet. 37th, the writ.). of Alex. 1(IcFells of a son. T<10.11)10 In llx01ate on (l t. *1 the wife of James Taylor, o1 it daughter. 71 "rr.(r .•-411 1) n1,aliai, 011 Oat. 20th, the wife of Pat. I'Ealmieln, of a1 ::('11. At the r eei1:110 e of :(fr. 1Ie lira Parket', tite)ll, ora t.li t. 2:11)0 by Re -e. T. J. ;417.1 duc,'1" 150a1s, lI, Clates, of Thessrtll, to 311)010 2(1. fie- vis. Of Zarieb. frlc l ; -Tl � t rtnl 1'11 !'ororlt n, on ()c - to.,'',' 91t.1. 1s.r 1111 '.,'. Pr. John - stain, 11r. liol,t. Gisel1. of , l'or ori! ), to Miss Ern nevs i,lF arnnir', dal tIghtee of 31r. Thu.. 'Better, Exna vNorth, .9510,, -('.001] niLL.--.A.t, 17)1) 1 hill, on; Oc.t.:3 by ltev. 110(11. Aylward, B. A., Janice 3.'. Furnish, of 1 5 cGi lrv- ra}, to Jessie, eldest ri, a1l f(t of .r\rrhihald Cater abell,. Esc,Park- hill. of 1 1 InIATit$. Ross -In Clinton),taf ( l 0r Mar- garet <L g rfiwfeoI3.Ross, ,bef..a 76y ears -ears and. three months. 11sCi.v• Ln Clinton, on Oct. 22, :Eliz' t`((2 alliin, a,bc(1 72 years and U,atlonLhs. r�,. O'Nlr.:.-Tri Aylmer, on Oct. 21 _�.ltlr, 'r 1.'1 T,RalphO O'Neil, . .for 1 et 3 of Exeter, aged '11 yea's. Mono", NS -111 U01)01 Ile,00 Oct. 1C, Marry Ailn Caughliu, relict of the , late thus, 14or�;un; :;le;e(1 ,,S years, • 7 months. b'uncru,lto-clay (O hulas- (layr,) at 11 o'clock to St. Serines' Church Cemetery, Clandeboyc.