HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-10-18, Page 7,­­ ­ , ,, I I 11 I I - - . r- - ___ 7- ­17_­_ _ - -, - — — - —, - ­ ­­ -- , -- — ,- - - — ­ ! , 11 - — - -1 I - — - - , -- , - , I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I " I I ,, I , . , , L , I I I I I I 0 " , I , , I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I , ; ,, I I I I I I I I I I . I , I I I . I I I I I , I! . I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I : , , I I I I I I I 1. . . I I . I I I I I I I I I . I I I I . I I I I I I . I I , . , I ,, I ! , , I I I . . I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I % I , I , 1 1 1 1 1 . I I , I I . I I I I . . I I . I . I I I I I I I I . I . I I I . I I I I I ,: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I - I I I I I I I I . . I 1 I I I i I I : . I I I . I I I I . I . I . I . I . . I I I I , I I . I I I I I I : I I . I I I I I . I I I I . k I I . . r I I . . 11 I I . . I . I . I I 1. . I I I I . , I I I I I , I I . I I I . --- I ____ I . I I . I .... __ __ __ __ I -- -- -- ­_ - - - - - - - - - - _11""A-_,"" - _­__­_. 7 — t-7,=,!"! -i , , I 11 li I .111 - 1. I I 1; , j - - I - 11-1 , ,p_ I . ;4,-------r- Ilk I I - I ­ q. ,­ , I 11 I I I .11 I , d ; ; ­. e `4'11" , - - - , , W_AWW"_W_1W*k1±1 I I , I ­­ ­­­ ­__. Id ''I'll, "I I'll i ffi _ " , , "I `,­,i4 41 , I ,, -1 I . ,. , —_ . I 1 7 in ----------- '----,-"- ­­­ .--- ­-­ I _________ . I . , 4 1 1 I I I I C . I I I . I . I d I I 0 * . .*,S.,D.04...C,kov,.<>*.(a.4 O- , 1,11,1 I 1E,RVANT IS ATREAS'URE SOME CEMPE PROVEMS, * I d I ,Z-4 0 .,44 "4g .f,..O.O'!- 6 k"eo,o,. "0-*- -,; O.J.: I I I I . .1 . I I . , I I I I . ,,, I . I 4 " Prono nced Inurablo. EIN,abetbl Stuart Phelps, ,dedicat o'4 , NVISDOu F" WOMEN, , , I I I I I I "I , , I I I I I I I - I I I . d t i . T he gods honor her who thinketh I . I I I I I . , I , her n-ew ,story, "Tbe, Successors of 11 I 11 11 I . 11 I . I I 1 . I .1 I R , I I . , I %B]TONCTIOS Pi O I _ T %a y the J irs ," Uto first ch;giotcro '0 long before preningher 'lips, I I I I I : , . . T I I . 1 , I . I I ,: 11 -a . I I I I I 1. I I , ) 1 OF HALIFA)ll -nal".111, Unege word8: "Loytt I I , I I I 11 I 'I I I T t THE STORY Or'IARSl AQNES FORAN which are in tile October Ladies' Main The minds I of women arq of quick, . - I # I I I I 10, I I . I I , GUMAN, ARMY yt J,oul Ity in, ,silver, and their hoart of wax. 4 . I 4A10 I I I . I . I ' , . . I 1 4 1 1 . q, I chango of fortune, ( 1%,valn'womal 'to I I I I I , ,_ - , I Izen . I devotion in Jllfie-ss, I is ,to be eared, I I * , 4 R. , , ',.-- , , , , I "I , I I ,L. Irovv 11key ,Are Hro Unill 0! 1 I 4 af- she will. sacrifice ,,ill for her pride,, %C." A I I I fidelity to, mojlotonoiiB duty, an - I 11 IV- t 7 44 , 74 Dlado'Flt to Oarry tile ] .411_ i(r, I I I AILV ­ - , 4-n,-e,, , - , 4 & . I 114k& I I I I , <>. . FollwwfiAg 11111:11111it;1110)" 91`11AO M4iiX" 4 S"" fection warnil tendered and returned Give iced to, thko voi' - I "*- _ -!-- .4 , , . 4 / , , I d Ro- ser's, Troppers F" 011111a. i ,, _ I I ce of An Old wom : . . , J I / . " , n her wisdom. I I I I .9 .. . . I I I ve,rc,Uoik,,'h,*-,Cj211 ItIld joerAooe. Qr S" d tj,'Bsci Lhe mlstr6w,4 of a holtsehol,c] n; sor'row has give " , I I I . , I ( a ,,( ",', I . : 4 1 . I fer Ca"c Wits lgopeie,is­ I Dr. 11ttlWims, , I the ti I I man st I umbles I r she , A /~_ I . . . I 11 , I I i I I ".($t , .'*-0-.-*.9-0-*.*.0. . I . I 11 14A 1111ft 11111i 11five ltev,lovod. Pr Ileallb. croulits jealuw ly aluong -easures A 14'aughty wo I a I . Iii" —I . 4 . . *.-*- 'O-o4.-e . 0. 41 #. '... I ,. .1 : I I , ^/4 , ' _N"W 1 14 auu!r -%` , _, . _ &. I . ,,, . -z of life. )To t" '7wnp <1 sq subtic ounnot see, what, may be in her way, , , I I ' 111:. I FTOM the Recorder, Halifax, N. 8. so S, ,d art .1 I , I I I I I These tire busy days for,the ' )1'011010 I s the flow,L r ol a hulman ho , , 11 ,, 0 , eleal. I I I 11 I I I I i me that. ,At woman without children has no le I . . I I I I . I 1. ., . `4 I . flusters." In inaking prepariLtiOAS for till Mrs. A,g,a'es'Fo'ran, who resbde3 at thiose who fiav,a ever formod one family yet the most previolto,of her jLwels, 11 11 I MPMOMM I .11 I I I I , I I I elaborate ca I inpaign in'China-the Govinau I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I e 4 . . I . . 1! llop ,;", 21 Agricola street, Halifax, _N S.,' 6an never be or bucoLe to one,another , Aj,wotnan desiroas of being 5cen by , ,, I I : , . I met f6und itself short ol I . I I I , I I I I . 1 11 I I So I agents were sent to he United Sttit:J' t like strangers without tho, gates., W ln,)n iiB ui,)f trii%twnrtb'y; ft;ar her I . I "I I i: I I I I I I I I P11.9 a "Voildoirful pitory of her colli- I . i I I . 1. I .1 I . o I I I 1, 4 . I '' and big Orders given. NO'Vv there' i,9 I : the. unwritten namos of the cirpablep glance. . . I . I I I I . 1 . 11 I , 11 I I . I I I . I I i - s cs ___ .. - . ­ I -_ _-__1­-__—_­_­ I . great dem,nnd fov the villd'ho , of th, plet.le restoration to hoalth, after 4 honorablo and lovealilt) women who T,ike sheep that be lead 'less , . I I , I I . vxl are ­----­­­­­ 7-77-17- .,-,,,,, ­­ ,,---- ­ . 11 I I plains, which it few montlis ago ,were al, prot'r. of have given me latuppiness in giving vne many Nvoi-iler, w1l'o have, %)M , toge,ther ^, I&A!i 4%,",;; ,,W tvv, -'Ii l%,Iit. .'WO,telkl'L'Qw%v'%,, . '%1ftV'%-,%J01ftb1A**0 %VS I I I . ' ' acted and d1sLre&sj.ng pi,,rioJ I I I most So niniterous as to be cousider-ed I -1 I inscribe this Story." for muoll, (alk. I . , f,trin 11ag extrk me Ulnesq, and site uittribul.LA se"71" 0 Paint your house with good :, , 4 1 1 rinisances. One . an orcler tc . I I sbip 5,000 horses as, soon as possible. hey present happy condiLion, randoit - __ Wurnan is the ease for that which clean fr6sh made paint and you I I I . - 'ow, tie broucho in his untamed state r Thereareca,;e6or, cowiumpLiou so far A Mat -ter 6 f Pride... I I _N- I vaills thie father,, she is balm for his ' nklymiced that Bickle, I will have reason to be Proaa Of 4 Is of no use to any one. He is a vicious Pi,ov'Uance, to the marvellous quali-I 3 A.)AI-Consinliptiv-& I .-.-.- 1 9 .1 I -e- Syl`L P,V%,ill not care, but izorie so bad tlitit. trloubles,. I I I', - I I I I 1. I I .1. . Its appearance --not only fera 4 1 ,cy' 10120, till hee,19 alid teotb,'with a i . or L . I " I I WhVil Airs. Foran wa6 calleid, upon 'by I it will *not e relicf For cou."lls, colds Ri?apect al%vays a silent woman; great .% sh while, bui for a good 16119 p ,, . 4 1 niarkable distaste for cont.vol of tiny kind. aud au affl ,il lons of (h2 th f (',, , - . I L rca,t, lUn!,S 410d . I , , Put when lie is broken to saddlo he a rep(re Sellta'U`Ve Of the Acadilen .'Re- 01, e.5t, it,is ,t ,pecif , . I I , I I " I ,, le jqljcb has iievrtir be(!1 is the wisdom of the wornan that bold- , , I I while. 1 4 , atalzes the finest kincictf it horse t' -my cor"ler, who sLated hL4 Mission, She k1l"'11 to fail- It P"Of"Otes R free and eth her tongue. 1 V FR I " ., I I ­ - t I . I or at I I , I emsy expectoradoa, thereby removing tile I t . 1,AT 11 _ I r I I . purpotws. He can exist on n mittimuni CO3M(Ldly weloomed him to heir pletis- plilcgin, and give. tb.a diseased parts a Qive li'lied to I her to whom children e- -, 'Th .. . I t"'r , " . VAN I ' I I I Of f 00d and waNr and hL etill take part I ll, C I I h pesence chari o to heal. I 1. I I 'N - , In an, all (lay cavillily dash Atliout being all of I have, come; she walks in the sacred _* . __,- , 'I , ,AMSAT S I 1, I . - I . I I , ,. N .. ` her mother and sislor, she froply told ____4 _ W itys, a n d lacks not love. t?,_ -1-0_ I . - 0 1 11 ' ' -,"*,,, - A%W-rinimpled up itt the ("lad of it. I t" I -1. f I I , _ , - S ',­I y to be done be.: the sto I . -e th , t - I ';I', I I I 4 1 o the thing nece. " ry of her sLukuess arick recov- I Trust not the woman that think ; b I Id 4 1 P11 I . ,2!, ,i., , . ­,O , " - .. , - 1. . -1 (ore Ilipping-, the, L wild horges ,to the ely. She Said- "A few years ago I "How many fish have you caught?" mo,ro of harself than another; mercy '7 J, I 11 I - t I'll PAINTS. I . . I I kai$cr is, to break the,in; heace the basl . I . I I ''! 11 0 e- -I , 11 11 , i -0111 , , , . I 11 1_ 11 I I nes,s of "broiidt6 busting," ,as tile plaills- suffered a severe atta.c.k of hiflamilia- "Not otib." I ,will not dwell in h-er li-eart. 0 i I - ,/ I will give you reasonable I I 11 L I I men put it, is a vel -y IiN,cly one just llo,:%,, tion of the lungs, and wa ittended "I. thouglit you said you lan a a fine A beau,tiful woman knows not' her ( I I I A . .1 I" I , I pride when you see them oil your , ,. , , It is always lively, ill fact, but not al- by one of the best physicians in the itnels'." ' , . I I charms, therefore is' she beautiful, -, - , house, fresh in color and styla, . I I I , ,: 1: . A e . I I I ways $0, extensively practiced. Just cj,[ty. I' rough but was loft "Olis I wais speoiking-of my line." more so Lhairi the colors R tile sea. . economical and durable -alrynien Nrould 'do pa Red Lh . , . I I I I what.the German cnN. I . l, I I I tvith a lot of uiibvoi en brouchos is so,re_ a colnp te Nrxeclk, so that I 01.11dl 2 u, uothar not sip:okon well of by her ` I - *1 -1 " . your dealer. I I 1. - , I thing Ur too v7elrd for itilag"natidn to not .do any warki suffaring all the t lugrfi Li111Mfjh', Cui,Gj c ; she , - 11 , I A I ; DID11thepil child,su is tta enemy of the stat I I I . I t I I Al a UO'l 4 .-Cpio.tilre. - tillie f.ronl palpi al:lon of the heart, should not live within thp: lkingdom'a I 11 . k HUI & SON, P9191 I I I If' . Ilut in California. -Nevada ,ind other -------- Ic— I , - : . :11 I "I'll 4 . Est'd x8 IV I A . nervous prostration and a ringing - HIS IN11MR4SP SELF XESTIMATE. wall. , I ..... I MONTREAi. 42 , I western states there are nien 'who know ' I d . 11 16 1 I sound in my llead. also bad ,a dis- Sh,e, haughtil:ly-1 Nvouldn'l: marry A, woman wbio mis"'alces b,or place 1%,,ZIZIVy,4,1%,Ift,,&,,Z,,41t,,,M,q ,,V ,Aq,%,S4&A"%,,&,%,14QVWV-Ift 16,1 .Aa1%"QOO 4 1 how to instill into tile illipetnons bronebo I . . I . I I . 1, 4 ! Tarlous principles Of equine Virtue, such J ,kressiimg ' cough and toy months 'I tha hast ln ,n! Oil ea,rthl oaii never return wher she first was; -_ - - I I - 1 14 ' I I I I I its docility in a moderate degree and 11301'G nevey knew what it was to have a He, calmily-yes. I know;, but how. the ip d h bfkq N en covered up from her I I I 4 or less'patience. 11 - I I ­_ . L 1 4 I gviod nightle .rest. FOX two years ab,Dult nik3 V eyes. I :: ! P . 1 .,4 Tho Una'nuev of doing it is most iritler- I . , 1 I I 11 4 1 esting, Near Still Fr,ancitsco 1111 11-11, m5l life was -it peirfe,( t misery to me --,*-- - A( woman that respects herself is F . - 0 , I 1 4 . , , , two desii,:il)le.qii,ilific,.,L,,if)iis,ple;tli- a i ill 11, U a ll le S 11 .'' . L 4 1 1 strong corrals, into, which th Blit,lineil and 'under the docto,rlis orders I took Thesci L - More be, at f t a si - tar ; I I , I . , : , 4 ! I vesh front the big 111111ches, are 1 emulalon till, I was nauseated with ata to the taste and at the sain dine ef Inore beautiful than many stars aC I I I I I I 1 I 1 4 creattiveg, f 1. fecutial, itre to be found !it AloLher Graves' R , I . .1 2 , I 1 4 . d. nkE; (Iny the exciterneLlit I I ; 11 I I I ga t here Da y, , the 161gUt of it, but all to -no pur- Worm Extermiumor, Children like it. night, . 1 14 . Q,ontinuvs unabalvd. Desperate buchersl — p . , . i - 11 P U1Z<-1. My life was despaia-ed of by A) woman that is not lovell isakite E - . I I i , . I five Straddled by darin 4 riders; the tbri -, . trout which the st:ring has been 'taken - I .- I A ing, fj,,.1tures,()f a wild wLst llow are,in. ' all iny friends who r . . - I I I . . , , , - I I i I I . A I tonslfi, d and multipliod. Por hOUrS, 17"M ' the doctor Ullat my case was beyond ' ,Oustomer-But I can't cat that I I she drl-Vt'th With ilu,, wind an'd oomet E I I 2 I I 1. I I 11 dawn, till darl , tile StPlig-S410 Of Man the ' 'I w, L Waitre.SS I . , I 1 4 'IS V,S - I I I I I reach o,f human skill. _ _ Alb, Sir, you can't tell to a l,ong Call. I . L I A . d . against beastl goes oil and on, nmy . . The I 1­, - ,V.-iy­-_ I "', I I I f I d ited by the clergy of my church and what you can l:10 till you try ! ,--- I I 4 inaterial being repen,tv(lly fuvnMied,the. . . I 4 I I Inti-epid saddlevq :toil mu ,,tan, nitnunters.:; Sisters Of Chaii-ity, who were very ciwo& will baIn terrib)yl bad humor if ' itiWa hwo J vltpllbliiheda bo,ia itw. oil vortrait at the Qaeen, I I . 1 16 "tiloru" Size P2 X % mtdy for franiiaX. &8 P, v,,) ry Person I I 1 .4 . Wil; Ivi.olt 0110 Of theA M " , olil(l like , 4 Into a 1) ig anf6r, ' kind , 4 I , __ ,field bqcl; of the T an ind isynipathotic and looked up- I brin g it back! . e me.-awcont worl -;,of a. . ", d I , I — I eace tt ach' the snorting, , vild things -e i , . -.I&— . = you to represent us. we give you You" Choice Of I I . , , , , at I ., , , , 4 n. L cin me ,,is one whoSe-earbUy race was I , 3i VALUABLE, pRj', )I,JfTi 19 .. , , - . I ru There they rellialit a day, tuaybe I B A 1'e._ v, K7 ScilloorwIliclirLreilllz.,bl."Ll eilil;. i ef,)i,sotlttigL ., u3ore of the . I .. i i I . I , , I . I abDut run. I exPer'nipItted with -ill ";I'll,. d.)t. ('000,111 I W", Ivill sewl . . I I 4 two ot, three days, before a cliange Dar(lis billimelit Cures 0111s, Etc, L Qtieen Po' t'raits It 10 a. 1101 L # , conies. Then, the VaqU0PVS Vide in ..Ind ecTts of remedies for my cough, but 11asapply, AJSD,ltll. ti'lil-ii,ti RI, as,h3 tot prenila'I.S. Sell I I , , ----------- q.b-- th l ort,)-aits,,-e tit-iitlien,.oiit,3 nu,!W,-,1118el)tltll6l)IiZ 3'-)U I I I I , I , ,,, C r I ,eOt fre, , 11'JAU 1 t,IN7,Xf, AUAD, . .IY PUDIA61-ItNG CO. I L I . 14 0 , I segrep without avail. T y d ri,giat at last 1 WINDOW$ Or, MOMENt O -F PEI AWj. Toronto. Oat. d 11 . ., I '. ,, - ;fite a bull li,ot! 20 oi- 30 find hord -q Bee 3)013,,rbul nt, 163, 1 : 1 I l thetu Oyer a mile of rond to i lie corral.,,, ' I ,. 0(1 me ' . I I I I - . I 6 . ac i's to try Dr. Williams, Pink M,iruy! Cb-insse temples have win- A G" H E yo __ --­ ___ . , d , The bunch is drivcn into out, of the m- 1 , _______=! , I I I : _ 1,14 , 14 a probably . Pills. Being 'fairly discouraged, nPver I ' I L 1. I 1. L , closures. T_Tp to this moment I - 1 dows made from the white mother -o'- dlql_k I F[Tl fTIT,J.A,Ti,', 'Wit, ; ,'o PATNTOR OF TEE INDLA.-N. . , I I IT -THIGET 1. i I , I .14 no human being hils,ever touched one of theleiss Iwas persuaded to .make the I found in oy,ster sli,ells. The ma- I - . 1i d I I e or c . , pear r -1 - whose palm , npf I I 14 th se wild ll 's s. No rope, has ever Fp A! little sto y oomes from a ­aSidO (',1,;kr1e,9 E. :'Lephens, e I I a been n their neel s; they hardly looh to trLal, when to the surprise and joy I teriall iS iw rfeetly transpar, ut and . 0 village in Normandy, whiLre. a N,,'cl _ du ,Iwn,tj ,. th­, cOver of the Oa pber . i I I 1 4 It 0 of myself, family and friends, I began ! I I I . I be the fiendish brutes that, within all Ilooks like ol,ial gia ss. . - ' ' 11 ". . hour, -yvill lie rearing and tearing an(l to get ):letter, and by the Lime 1had , — I known man of letters is. st ying it) L A e -s' [Tome, Jouxnal, is 8, e,owe wrl t,s , 11 I 1 4 1, I . - ------- 0 If you have Backache you have corn, of sLu-den L of tb-b Indian and Indian ,We, I , I Ideking to avold being lialtored; : taken seven otr eight boxes I iv pany with' a Young, writer ' I as as .LEPEms IN THE PA.R EAST, Kidney Disease. If you neglect - I . trifles,a . . 4 6 I Two or three of thi'm tire lot ont.of tile well as YOU Se- ma now," and she Backache it will develop into t a somowh at primitivi,, li ,,tLl. and is rc, arded as a very high aather . I ' 1. I I I . . s I . I inclosure by a gateway tbat. opens into laughingly added, " I dlAnk you will . 13efore Cbristianily was introdu(>ad iometb B rig lit's Dis- One fine morning the former address- ity orx all that pertains to the ViOu- I I . I 'IflDgUlar pell leading to a nall- repers ,were iiah'amanly vs; -you - ,_Ould esqu,L, side of the Red Man. as was . I ' ' . I R S111011 tl tWor I mit I into India, I iabetes. There is no ed the host as folloll r I . I 0 1 row Shoot Xvith It (I ' that I don't look ve,ry much' . - ,treated. Food and medical treatment use rubbing and doctoring your charges as forinprly an inetruotor in tkp- Phii"ml. silding doors, be-, I I I y " tween which 'the aninial is instantly like a sick. woman." Her motheir, oblig4a me by making yoirr d 11 I I 1111 I who) ,ver-, denied them, and in many cases back, Cure the kidnevs. There . , I : penned wbon Lie is driven into the n1ley- had bleen heitclaing to, the tale of her I low as possible for 'my youltig . col- p,hifL Art ,1-cilool, wheri his mast apt . 1 1 . , I s . ,way. . I I they were buried alive. Is only one kidney rne icine but ;was Miss Ailice . 11 I I I , . 11 , Caught in a trap, the wild bovse, daughter's long ifluess, added: " It . 1. it cures Backache every tirne- league. He is not a richl man." Th P PUPU in illustra ticn I I , . . I f ully and makes a I just seems like a drearil to us all that - ___ r - . I Laadlord, dolighted with the presence Barber, who subsequently beewmie ft ijo ,', : , I I . I —, - I ... , . . enown, wife, and whose drawings, Signed Mica I : I I . --- - - __ I - I we once despuir d of h,er life, when . amme& id blis house 0 e man 0 r - I I I I . I I due consideration flarbor Stephens, are the admimtlioo I , - - - We naiv see her the pink of health," 11 promised to Ifave . I I I . .. . _______Z_ - ____ I I .0 0% d d 9 ED, forl the purse of his koung,er guest. Of all lovers of blac and white art. I . I I . I I - — d I — . ,- , , Mrs. Uo,rau &,aid that when on a , Dear Sips,-Th,la is to certify that I I . ------ I_Ifr, , - .1 . risit to England , about But .a few days afterward the fa- : . 1 ;_2 , 1 ___Tfl a year age, 11ave been troubled with a lame back mouA anthvr came to him, saying I A Cure for Costive ness.-CQ*44r,eness I I ?E____,_12i : comes from tile refusal of tb:e e-x oiry . I I __ - she mmtracLed a heavy cold and was'f0T fifte,en years. 1% . .1, ! I .. .. I I .11 . Ii.- --- i I I I their dut%s Dap* !'L 11 . - .I __ . -1 ­ . , , L . . . . . ­ -.1 ,urn of her t,.M I fr,)rn contributing Causes Usu4s, 4 ,, fillreatelned wdth a ref -ve usi,ed three bottles of your I "By ,the -way, donit let =y,bill bz big- O'gans to 1yv.yf0r`m r ,, - ­ k h Kidney : e 11 I I I - . 1---- := NLRD'S LINIIY.MNT and am coa- - I ger than that Of my young friend. It i els - qq. 6 I . l, I .1 _ I ,,iDj'abj, - cc,ugl, -but She ,it o,ace got some Of kpl tely cured. mWa ... rt, ,ordered digestion. Par -1 )_c I -.-Ul- __ - ___ - . would humiliate him; boys like that I Pill , prepared (Da scientific rinci c., tire I I . , the pUls and by [be time she had I It gives me great pleasure to recorn- o compounded that certain ingre ' uts I . - 9 I . . . . . . S11. . _ ? . ­7A,M) o I reached New York she was ,is we,la mend it and you are at liberty to use .e 1*11,9 are so extrem-ely touchy I" In them pa,,3s through the stoma an ­ I : -_ this -in any way to f arther the use of act upon the bowels so as to remove tli ir It . I "I - . ... I as ever agaim,. She.relats,d a ii Limber yout valuable mefficine. -- - --., ­: , -_, , ­!z .. .... __ ---------- -------- a— torpor and arouse them to propel, afaLlo.n. . Q - . _­ P, I Of imstala,ceis in wthich she had' advis- Two Riveirs, ROBE, RT ROSS. -VT 'N. Many thousands are prepared to boDar tes- I . I- it I 11 I NEW OA ,ING FOR WOME, qafi,ff fl ifl COWS timony to their power in this respect. . - — ,RjhaPk1Sbi1111J10J1t 11'r8Q 11 I - - ; -- '--- - ed persons sutfering-. from chronic 0 I I l 1, I - I I . A OUTIOUS PTOfesSiOD for a woman is ­--­- ft­ -------- &_ l I ___ ed persons sufferLag from vhx6zlic . . I I . . complaints to take Dr. Williams' that of -dinner taster. She is the prod- NO ZEST TO IT. PRETTY TALL. I I d I I I . - Pink PPds and always with the best ____._,_., ___ , net. of Parisian refimment, and Spend% . miis 5 'Summ.,it-He is too enormom, 11 I I ) ' a portio'al of each' day visiting houses Enigldshman-You. have some pwoftF, : . results. She memt,ifoned partic ORGANIST WITH A RECORD. ' ly riich.for you, dear. high buildings in Chicago, h w6a't I 11 I and tasting dishes intended for dinner I . BREAKING BRONCROS FOR THE GERIMAN, aulece cif hers living in Bor,ton who An organist, who died in Sweden I ' Afis,-s Palisade-IXThat do you mearil? I I . I ARMY. . I I She 9119L_-ests impLrovements, an,d shows you? A I 1 I -11 I frightful noise as he scrambles to get out I was etched had held the poisition of Ghobrmaste,r the cook tiew Nvays of pr-3paring dishes. Afi,ts Siamimit-' 17'hy, ivith a man like Chicagoan, in Lcavdon.-Iffekl, I i ' ' I . of the cramped position. Meantime coindition of lica4th, but was now a and cirganist in one obuxch tot, 72 The ,duties A1'4. PI'(311,9ant and t that, ,there would, be no funi im being ishould remark 1 Why, the tow of . I lie com. I 'h-ree men, working froilt above, are try i healthy Yotung woman w -ho owed the years without misstrig a service. He , pensation: ampla. . eixt,ravagwat. them are cove -rad NvUh 611OW the IrizaZ, - ilig to get 4 llitlter about the anirri.1" I fact to the use of the pills When and his aue, ­',,.,r,ti bad playeddthe or- a- I I I : I , ------- Q_ around 1 4 1 , I . bead. Finally they succeed. The halter, the reporter was takimq his leave gan in the same chatch fox 200 years, It is only necessary to read the testi. ­ $100 Reward, $100. a . I I . 1 is a heavy leathern affair, with I a strong . I I . 1 12 foot rope attached to it. I I Mrs. Yoran, Said; "I am very glad to . I inoilials to be convinced that 1-101101vay"s The readers of this papar will be pleased to AN EFFICIENT CIURIZ. : . I . . Guru Cure isiluequalled for tile " -IIIOVAI learn that, there i.<at lenst, one dreadcd digeaso It is 'worth mentioning, parhaM I I . More horses are, forced into And out of have the OPPOTtUMLfy ,to testify what fcorns,warts,etc. Itis,t con plerQ ex. that science has beea able to oure in all its I 11 I , - the shoot until the corral bas it dozen I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, have done I Ah tiliguisher. shtwze,i and Iliat is Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh that the ho(rGe that was bath,eed it . , nnimals in it. In the L middle of the pon , f oT me aud yo -a can say that I' shall ----*— Cure is the only poiiitive cur3 row known to . I i L 00, the medical fraternity. CaLarrh beinga com- ga4o,lLne 'by its sagacious owilietv for I I Is a big solid post,. and all the uprights (alBVeX 60 940i'm 0 io, rquir6s, a const,itatioual 'f I i4 1 1 of the surrounding fence are equally big maise to &o,und thehr praises, , ITPIASS OP PEKING. titutional di8eas k,aiintor- the PLuTpoise of keeping, -lies awcy It I d I 1 A I of tho !"enuine trwitnient. liall'sCatarrhOuretsta I I d . I ., I and solid. First one, of the horses is and I bless the good Lord that they This signstare 1,3 on every ber, Mucous E rectly upon tile blood awl . I tied sb tral post, cailed I w re placed m my wa.y at a time Laxative Bramo-Qtdaim Tablets Thie. bells of Peking, seven in num- 'ally, acting di7 not troubled by flive any moire. . . l I I I 3urfaces of the ,,ystcni, thereby des- , ort tip to the cen . 0 1 - — , , 4 . i I tkat estree, a sold In ciae dav her, weigh- 120,000 pouvds. . troying bho foutidation of the disease, and ___ — - . ,, the "snubbing post,". and, then another i tho r6nedy . . giving tf,e patient strongth by building u -MeGill-Colloge, Ai,, wia- I 4 1 when I , liad n(yt the hope that I I P t1'0 AVENUE HOUSE Fainfly Hotel rattf rbo I lakes &Aurn. ' Each pulls back, plunges, _a, PERFUMED REDS LLRE POPULAR. ociistitiVion and as;itli,lng naturi,, in doill itS I 1. I I . c ould lilve," I k. Tho proprieto, s have so T . — — Der ay. :nges and throws itself violently upon NO WONDER, The recent fad for parfwned beds w0r ,,uch fa% in --,-- _____­-._--­ L --- ­.­ - ' 4 : . I I I its ctirat;ivu powers. that tboy'o 'or eme Hit*- X.-troal. F'I?;, B.c 4 1. I Ile straw covered ground. After all . .0— Fector-I never in my life touched ,has, gained great go,pri-larity. The per- dred Dal In rs for any caso that it falls tocuro, Hotel Balmopal Ani. P. 01-50 ill). , . $t em 1 1 1 1 1 1 Send for I st of teWmonial - ­­- ___­.__ I have had a turn at these spasms -one aft- I , a congregation as I did this iiiorning, Acld es,,, F. J. 01AUNRY&CO., Toledo, 0. , er another is tied to the fenceposts. scostra 1l_U Calves. ... funning is:manageA by spreading acot_ ItjJ6 MALN-0 Wag FAIRTU, ERTTes eoa n . 1 4 . . I ' Calf scours are usually due to one or too pad, tborouZh,,Iy sacheted, beneath Sold tw lru,,,gisl ;, 750. 2 a 1 4 1 Oak Write 60T pa"foulan, Umea X, & ,Wxr L 4 1 There they remain foil a day oi- for two Every ,aye was oril me. Hnlll.- Fam dy Pillsare the best) It l days. bay and water being brought to ,more of three;causes, says the Jersey .. the lower shaet. By t1l;-% Ono's bed can I I I IL"hUS6, ORL ., 4 ., I them. . I . Bulletin. First and' most. frequent, Wife -No wondex. When you took - I I I . 4 1 your blat off youT gl9ves remained on . be made to seem stuffed. with ruses or Uo.1cs, rtosl vips,ck.,Uct- . 4 Vien comes the supreme trial. The damp, Ill ventilated and filthy quarters I FALLTNG OFF:IN ATTRANTION "I' " " 4 . . I . .1 RiWitals ore herded in the saddling .cor- or badly cleaned feeding vessels. Filth tlie,top of youir bead. I violets. I ' . CATHOLIGIRAYER fixes, Se ll . 4 , . I I -------.*- -_ "Harry, you must t Iteligious Pictures, Stittuary and 011171711&o4. 4 I I ral, where the' vaqueros go in among or decaying milk generates ptomalnes , I . I ry to NY; --- ni'nts, Educational Wca1s. 111all ordexa,r omlva I 1 4 1 th in and begin operations. The worst ­ Green Ceylon and India Tati. which WL,ng on Dr. Ilifter's bill." prompt atten tiox. lD,&J.S""6r,&0#1410fr'k I I . I son germs that set tip the disease. 'IffV_ I _1'j. I I., I e , or POI I , LANGUAGE IN Aif= 11 alid amythimig about ­ ----' --------- 4 -1. I , I I i h1csts have to be thrown before the sad- The vessel from ,which ally animal is I I Is now being introdue.ed into Canada, Why, ha -s he, !T, 14 , dle-can be put on them. The less excita- fed , I milk should be, rinsed with co d 111aivaii has closed its last, seboof for in the well known rmokageis of the lt, 11 I I I L Volt GVOPt IRIPTY YVARS L 4 1 L ble are stiddled simply by blindfolding - 'No; but -mbe,n. I go thsm now h* MRS WMSI OW194 000TRING S71'17 -P hAl e I A I i I I I , water Immediately after using lad teackhig,'the native language. ,, Bere- " Salada " TeR. Company, hais got one I 3t, .L Ar oohe 11 I I I I , tined iy wot,kars for t1heir ctIldren teetbi , -in I , ,_, bern with a strip Of arcking.' After - a great advantage over Japan Tea ; and I the c3mild, soNno tka wkw 141AYa palli, criiiii, 7, 1 4 - , 4MINtr ; _ fter, young ffawaiiaus will betaught. . . doeS - ti J , After s I ing I n't xym2pathize with sue at all." . ,- Imaily eftution attempts the Biddies ore then sealedevery day. . that ia, white it, is o f tile martle flavor I i6nd is tke bad ran*ay ior alarrhom. 4 colle, ) y I .d 1, L 8.1a 2.11100 ` I ' it, to take ID1 nglishl. I I I - --ft- — R. rug 11 tbrou , Oat tile Ivor 3 1, I slipped on and the chicbes tightened. It should be set in tho sun to,dry, I ! and thei Game light oo loying liquor. it THOUGHT THE Y WERE INVITED. And alik for." Mrs. 00 aw'o althlnsg yrap.* - . 14 be - I ,,Here and there a' horse lunges,,resxa and, sweeten. Second, feeding cold I I iis very much, e tronger and absolutely - I . I . 4 __ ____,_,___ . I . ' 11- I r I find throws itself. Here and there men milk, that ebills the young calf and - . , . I free froord a ffulterati.onl which prac- "Hb* dtid you lgatjiax suck a large 4 , fti-e carefully edging tip and trying to sl* r- tically no J'apam tea is. Ceylon Gre4n 0 ' ­'eqatjon of old a R E 111,140" H UGLEAMMON , ' 0 - . '. I I 1P cheeks, d1gestlon. Fr6m 90 to:_100 de. . . - Tea is sold in,the soaled Lead Packets owr nd nliddle-a'qed 4 id - into the saddle. - I grees Is ,,the' proper ternperatini ' for . people I" I For macle n15 Obadsq, Suits in Clo'h, VeWet S11 I J . , , -ht, begins In ear- ' . and is . ftru,1111141 sit vS1iU.hl6hoU4eUa10a&K:AthJ3 , 4 ly When theydoi the 66 calf millk.'_ Third, teo long time be - 1. 111. I L of Lbe " Salada" Tea Company "I adveirtised a , sermon to the F W equa it If dono by the 4 (1114 , ­UeSt. As soom as the *otst of the, buck, , I I ­ . , 1, alwayn fresh and fragrant as well as , I I I A - , tween -feeding;, as a consequence the I I I BRITISH AMERICAN DYNINd CO., MAntreal, I : I , ingis Over ,flie 0 the r I I , I healthful. -," was the% Ia.tt,&r'g reply. . I — , , 4 ) r r , I I . big outer gate t , calf gets. so buDgry. tbat It gorges It- , . , %, I 1. I youn. . I . I I I I I . . . I 1, 11 _ cular saddling corral 16 swung back, and I I , L I I I - I 4 yi the little caTaleade of w . lid horses self vilien fed. From two to three quarts f . I, I A '. ': -----017— . Aforti5y Saved and pain , rolinved by the STOLIPED FREE, Pepnanqns 1 :,4 1 . " 1, " I . 1. . I E 6 Glt A.1? . 11 - omerly, Dn'Tboma% Nlinvir itkfuoam ro gtivo C.U90 I to I I I plunges out., A,waY they, go down 'the is as much as tb6. ordillary. 6 weeks' I - 1) I I 1. THE GENTL13MANLY DURGLAR L leading household r I FITS ly CUrod. DA. Ki, N ' . 11 it , I I road., When they return an hour and a old calf should be fed at it tinie. It , 1. I k .­ __ "' I I I Tq,'i3lectricOi1-v. Small quanttty of,which for %.11 Xtrvniv; Di.('a8w; piti I I I I I I . Xudigm-The evidence shOWS that usually sutfices to curo .1 coujh, heal a tpliepsi., SrM.51116 kild st, vio .Jbi,ii,06. A 4 1 half later', they tire very different IO'0k- should be fed not less 6au tbre* times , ' I ' - sor eryousn,eq.i%fter fint C '' , I " . wbem you enfexwl hlbitse3 you never f5ora, ebtj bruiss or sprain, relieve luxiba Fit- .My'a 11 6 , I I I I . I 1, * 9;VI'L Troatiso and 82 trial boftio 96A 4 . Ing auhnals evileaty, dirtyo mach, of. the I I . " ! lle,lr,algia, - fire gone., ,They have felt the tivat ef- a day until It boglas to take isolid food, I r entere e ujAed by ,;vo- Igo, rhortmati emdoriated thilour I 0167 ,h,0%nitdlrkZ Agetley vitts W pit pt t -_Rtl 4 1 1 I The reivedy fis 4:61ee'd araringly,for ,I I , n Ipples, or inflamed breast. , " I r Ntx=c X , 7 1 fects of ritan's conquering power.over an- ' ' 1. . , - I ; Men'. I .................... Q_ I "'D' , h rges oialy When mi ayy(l " I , . . day or twO.- Give .40ne or two ouitc6s I r . I SeTT9. Kito,.".LAreiigt,,Pliiiadeli it,it4,tla , . .. Prij! oAtll--NO, yor honor; it knocks : ENCOURAGE UU, NT. I , I 4 ir I . nuals. r --- I I . r r mt Vor five or six ,days this tbing contin- Of castor ell In R Uttle inflk and two ARE YOU WEAKO). a ­ .11 - 11 "I , ., A . j6 (!ad .of a be fr ., the hortra later 4 tablespoaktul or teitopoon- r Afi yon suScring from at I " Me Stilly bo see mmmelt with fvelr 118 lies. At t. W 0= I - I I . ., Ir 3 weakiteis I Ro-Wonld you ol'ijeiet r*i"40U'ly (a t, X. V, : Z9 , '. I . , original driy.e up the ave' herse is fnl of the folloring In & little. milk . n . ver or stibum& ,=1,1Xfi, ,k,,,,,,. bhk &ja6 VIV in. 'Drit&J.-.-$j I * I I I I I ; I I . , , . , .11 . I - 1 1!041 rage . - I . my ws6m I I I into as aloper frotl JtL I `21c ac , Pains ark taiiies is any part I g you f I" - .1 ____ --- .. -_ A in, I I broken. fte is t6en turned . bottle In Whick an e,sg lRas %.fF yoomlr g I - , I 11: cl a I 0 You ,,-, ,,.,,,,X1*,0,W,r,nt9 pill. I sh6-well you see, I musit xesi6L' 0A THR NIM114 and HARRINA '. 8 ounces; 6 e ea n' at y6l, , A L' , I H sf U Lilke 6f glieger, 4 fLe e . too r ... r I I _XItlay ,f tkr6 1 4 , I ist re it quarter Of a mil6 A*my, ,111 be ji beate , - phli' 6 k 0 ik r 'Stilw i1i iWidag tbe in , it it P, I vor I ailments ral priniAple, bitit then, I'm not OUSIKURIS al I Id I . .1 I I i ri I ready for"CaTairy duty in C Irla or 'AIRY, cture a Opi,11132,, natnr6 ,tisifstiti,j, ­ , , "I - T I vn t -hat Man, him to etoittivid vrfth have their gcm" I I L " . ounces; U12 fiiatnr6, I I ci,care n three i ,11 Where ellge. I ' 211onths ** wk vroud'Afe, 3 ioalic mielt ortf,in bi a diaorier , lfver which is a vvy ,atrongi , 11 L I I tincture of r)htibarb, 92' Ounces, and es- I tlljr srsoopt4me t6 . I I . I I - - , . I& . COLLEGE I I L I . nce of pepperaiint, 2 ounces; ralix. THRIEE: MONTHS! TRIAL.' tbe disturiat.im Aii,t o6me fro I In del catm orgam, I . .1 ------- 0— , , SMIRTHAND i I I Ateteervi6glell, I se Any, houest inaft "a *rj , , , .. u irrexti, : , I . ­ 1W te-rPhaeo Mks. Allie Tri *try bito cRsex give tyoiT two bours. - I I , , M7 etplAntlee ftree Tar kaUltA or lack of oare IYA aittispir 051 d Mimes UAW Cum Disteluor, , 1. 0. c 0. auuMS, Toire"to. I , lie Or it tuosith , *1 Y r "t, n elUped. drinking. ftlis titt6unU ftr the' 0114 -1 . -...,. I I I 11 11 U,on"'Ich. She hns been MaMod a64 6, in mild easoa tive evw four or six gnvitlka "U'10'att"al-i'd I=k Z'N' h Wls or lx y , , I NAAC( Gives oi, iNvA tk6r4msk tomirso ol inaWdti , , I I it- '' ftL ­ Jq* hfjjj&jdfi 4 ' L IWO a ]k '"' , a au I . I 0 iii4we -11a" 00fteito 660 Giv I 11 , 1romid Ave t-Ael, . . I e en . M mj,gd, 'A a ii* " M I ht , qf1hJ44* 0 d# lyoi*4114, Fie, I 11 0 , K ,#w re I 1116d of triatififint (1031, ,i , i i Mary it Issi , it SaNd , : A vinill the disebargen bem' tet, I 0 -svit disoy atteii4on of' 61offerm-k 0, CTI INA'S -r' OX'J.'IERS r It4rik", a hours . In I I . I lnktrucm# tur ,Mlf Is otnag Ant . " I noto MU P ' lor T'hl6 doast live Of fl e Cbln6*6 *v*ir '464 %oiv I li ""'ro I," , , 't4jej t, jtjIe­iU.sff renatUble toi, onn Lia &I. it tbo seoed,froir A re", I to Patistelatf l I 0- I . I I . I., r ole katleii Kbfirh - $ LICkpOrt 6VWl" Iler , q I 4 , I . iAtirlidi ill t6ir4als open on, pht Ap I )M hi lappool-alkeef ftet ,oU4 " 91agee of oll and & teasVoonf' I I & ` i I V, 0Xhowa 00 in -&-m and two haid frviit I =.. 760s I I I li - t have been very 6, , Dr. M. N Mal"O 1,11i 5 is x4fhk 4U1144% ZFI.-tt", ',,: I I wlu "_11 1*0 I I lo 7,011*11 , kort. , w a 40S Jredp 1 hq i is 'i". ­ ti,it ,bs 4*0 jaii-les, , , . I s vius I a *1zhirt will C I, I; I I . 11% 111111tch J)e Wift* Msro , 016 I 06 _04" litijolk:4100 . 1 , I I . swof*t­ ,Ikw wirib4iWAvy, ' . I 1, I I I I I I I I - I 6. 41-4 ti4 , I .940-7bow"4111 I - / 9= I R lr I I -I - I - I - lob I I 11 I I I 118rookiYU110. I . , I I I I . ; I I I I I 1 . I . I I I I . I I I I . I 1.11 r I I I I I I i I . I li I I I I I I I 11 I . . I I I I 11 11 11 I . . I I I I I 11. I ,, I L 11 I I L I I I I I I I I I I I . I I 11 11 I I I...,:.. I I . 11 I I I ­ I :11 "I 1. . I 11 I I I I 11 . I I I I , I . I I I I I I I r I , , I 11 I I., .1. I I . I . 1. 1 111 ''I I I I , . I I I I I I I I . . I I L, i. I I I I I I. I 11 ." I . ''I 11. . .11 I . I I'll I I I - : , 1'r 11 11 I I ''I ,L 11 IL., 1. , ,r , I 1: , . I I . . 11.14 ''I'll 11 1, 11, 111) . I I I 11, I ­ I ­ , "I 11 - , , I %, I I I ''I 11, r, ,, . I I'll, ''. '' ­ ,',r ",,­,,'', 1 11 4 . , , ,,, ''I I'll . . I I 1. , '' I '' I %, - 11 1, 1, , , I I I , 11 I I 'I',, I .1 11 I ,, ''I ­,_ L 11 I I'', , _ - -11:', ''.0 , , , , I I—, , :1 i, '11111111 ­,­­ . , :_ ,,' z,.",I":'"' 'r"" "'I ' I , I''r'' "" , "." ,' l ' l'"'I",r ," 11 , I'll, ., Z'' ­ _Lll,, _ 'I IL, ,,,, : t ,,,, , ,,,- L - , ­ L i , "', ': I . '' ''I ­ 11111,111- ­ 1-1- . ­ I ­: , ,:_, -1-1 j 11 _11,111_ : ,, 11 ­ 11 el -- . , ;, % ,,, , ,, , ,,, _,_, _ ` ­` IaL­­ ",:i I