HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-10-18, Page 5THE!.
Osttvt txuoratt,
Ia Pliblished every Thursday Kornittg,
' ot the Office,
. . . •
—By the--
MORE. . . ...
1,01(8 8110 FiR PRINgf TUN
. . . . .
non" if
, .
Vancouver Arrived a Quebec
. ..
Sunday With. Another Batch.
. ,
' ,
Chinese Emperor May Drag Him
to Pekin FPI* 'Public Execution.
, . .
C seN-::",, h
, ..
frOW. a that must interest
Auvoc4Te Fiuiiii..isi-i I NO COMPANY
. ,
. .. , .
no I)ollor per annum if paid in Advance
, sil.50 if not sce paid.
ts...a.-srsasta.'cizza- m0.to):: oat:. .23.ar,p11.co...
$o impel. iiscontinu.ed until all arra rage
ire paid. Aevertisernen.ts without specific
liZOOtiOUS Will be published till forbid and
Iliarg8daCOOrtlingly. LiberAl cliscountinade
or trauseient advertisements inserted.. for
one periods. Every description of J0)3
MINTING turned out Da the net style,
i,ncl at moclerete rates. Cheques, money ord-
ms, So. for advertising, subscriptions ,ete to
)0 naatie payable to , .
Vhas.11. Sanders,
' .
h 0 e
T !
rorty more, canamans 1,3:014 tho ilattl.e.,
fieids Of South Africts—linithusiastleally
, .
ROCtiiir011 and Eseorted to the Citadel
---n11::::'bi`'.:bv°1::::::::':ntal"%:1:::trs1:; '
Iiiive made Many SUVUOSSilll Jitaids.
it Jr,. Believed That Hwangsu 'las 'Assert..
ed Iris Authority and -Wilt Go to Pekin
. —1I, Hung Chang Hakes His Poriniii
eau 0. the Legations—'11W Pao Thlk''
AlrYui tj:irx11;37iiitil:::(1. Sit:i'llt-. 1C"P in Tnneil
Stop 1 1•
't with SCOTT'S
EMULSION' of Cod Liver
' . ' .
Clil •
little 1- ' ' ti . '
A coughing isnothing.Tweeds.
. the tickling, b' thil: '''11 . c'
' .
quegiOn you
li - ' , , s ; - ? il
ave you, y out iNew ii.t
,not, drOp in, and. see us at the
first opportunity and. let W
StiOW yott a few prices' 'or the
Fancy, . Woresteds itticl Scotc1)
Quebe.c, Oct.Oct-1-5.—Tlic :Donairlion
Line steamer Vancoave,r arrived at
London, Oct. 1.5, --There is reason
to belieVe that th. 13rit's1 if • -. •'•
• ' e 1, 1 °Lc1-11
Office received satisfactory news frorn
once,IS somedust; not
' „. -I
the least harm. You scratch
, , , „ .,
and it. This,
. .
HaVe you seen the new Staples anc
Therrine-bone patterns. Tlie3
. •.•
a totfirdt,111),, jocratailnigti thillso
). .
are heautieS.
40 Canadi att lle"es " b°41.c1, le" ,
olaaorkilyn roe inutSn'
‘0 ' le capita , le in -.•4.
cOurt t ti ' 1whileu n
a is an itch.
Bit the that hangs
There's nothingSerges
from the battlellelus of South. •
Africa. They were brought by a
t,ileabdacit:keto the(41.1,ee,1)),,s \,:h1.1,i 41,,d ,d is-,
c 1) d about •., o'clock. *IhnJ
were met by Lietit,-Col. Wilson,. eon:-
e, , c.,
Pre”,1...,01Vager 1.0111111I-19 at ,_.in.ear)
• -, .• b
b u. , if this reference is correct, it
tnec.,ns also that the EMPer°1: has
plialked up courage with til.r.: aSSISL-
, . • 1 ' •
strong men
lf ou
, , ,
on and comes back, is a sign
of an itch that hangs on and
comes back There is some -
C • '
thing that that itch.
A big range Of BlUes anC Black, II isl
atthe old. prices.
Professional Cards.
H. EINSMA.N, L. D, S. dz DR. A.R.
NS11.1AN, L D. S., D. IS. S, Honor
gKris, dilate of Toronto ..Theiversity, •
Ceeth extracted without any pain, or any
Ad effect's. Ofbee in Ponson's Block, west
Lido Main Street,Extter.
so bad fora cough c
as coughing.
Th ' .
ere s nothing
ediassnb‘tylnot.lirthae jrooir 0
ear. ess
negali,ii,ict:. oa:)0,1,ppaiii, 1,,,s:e:
militia, and some of thu inemliers of
the Citizens' Permanent Reception
Committee, IT.undrecls of spect,Aors
were ea tile. emba.uktuent and our
clieratvveed . boysr.ri°were en.thu,sitts.1.1„,..a 1 I y 1...,m,;
y Were cscot t,,d, Lau
werds to their detachment from theOvercoats
11' C. It .1. %/la It 0. A ., tecompaniehedgehog
ed by the state hand,
onc'e eolsaL:
o arrest Prince Tuan_ and drag him
: r exec.: :1(.13:7
13,0NNI:erls- ' secure .1.).rinee ,r t.-1., , , ' .
.. ,— . 1" b head'
they, will not be unduly curious as to
the ' accomplices in 'tile ma.ssacres,
for all are more or less • I " '
aPPI 0 ienso e
sb_uff the
lifer071)2."4enclu,t'u/1/11ce;Buse 1/,‘Irloielloingli•ilLitgriloiLn TA-
the e .is a
,with J11011;11 All, too, are satur.a.ted
1:warlecil.081-7. that ithe C:hirlesie
thing to tackle. '11Tel-eke att),1:1'l b le71 ict<liC
Infiamation : .a get. rn ; it's
alive . like a seed in moist warm
, . . .
ground; it will glow if you let
I even in children.
ION of Cod Liver Oil. and
will die
the germ .
If you have not tried it, send for a free
its taste will
If you want a black we have what yoi
want in. Twills, 'Nrenetiatis auc
in B.eavers, Meltons, Curls
Naps and Montanacts.
.1_, .hotiorS Grad:us:to of the Toronto Thu-
rsity and Royal College of' Dental 'SurgeonsS
of Ontario. Teeth extracted without poln.
All modes of Dentietry up to (late. tafeee,
ver Elliot St Elliot's law office—opposite
Jentral Ito tel, -;=-Exeter. ' '
so good for 'a
,. Names of the liTen.
The .11:Imes of the contine•ent are :
. ,,,
S'ergt.-1\lajor J. WidgerY, A, 8quadree.,.
troullie over the question of im1P111—
nity. '' China knows that thern will
be .big bills -which
sample, agreeable surprise you.
SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists, Toronto,
50c. and $1,00 ; all druggists.
All work done in the latest style am.
cough as Ayer s
C_herry .Pectoral,
R.C.A. lst Batt. Canadian. mounted Rides,
'a in emu:rind
w4°.w.s. . ., ,
eigt. R. B. Drown, 21.st b,ssex Pusitiers
B Co. first Catatillan contingent.
Sergt. C. F. Hayward Sed oragoons or
Teterboro, B Squadron La-011(1dg 51eunttil
Ilfies •
i , .
Lance -Corp. • A. Burns, 0,,G.F.t.l., D Co.
first contingent, wounded at tsraePs poort.
will have to Le
Pilici' all'd haS interested friends W h0
are prepared. to find the moral., de-
, ,
Sr 'te all that has occurred-
-J1 ,.-- • •
• . i
It is also said that lie& )th i ns
,- .
,.. ., ,, ,.., "
,T-r,ers, Preeleteiedilitte\.‘S',ilbletr;x0vsetelitit _Li inu stl In.e-i andri-
"1',-"•"11, -‘1' '
__ _ _
(Changed every Wedt.esdhy)
wheat per bushel • 04 to 55
Flour per cwt
Barley 185' t o 2.00
.5 to 40
Oats • 24 to 20
. fit gunranteed,
• ..,... Y'r•P'
itii• . .9..... . 1.1
14 ($ IR i 4s" V
* ,N
Opposite Post \.,fOcc
.L./ the College of PhYsidaris and Surgeons
?uteri°. Ph3rsician, iirgeon and Acloouoh-
inv. Offiee, Dashwood., Ont.
Corp. R. Is, Blyth, 3rd Field Battery, W.
A„ It.C.A.
,Pte, c, 8. Arnton 2ncl Regiment or Can-
adlan Infantry, Qiirebec co. first .00ntIng-
en t.
fining of spheres of inIeres I; , and.
-which will practically give 1, o Sapan
a free hand in dealing with Cores,.
Lord Salisbury still maintains , an
Peas 53 to 07
Buttar 16 to
Potatoes pet' bag 40
Hay per ton 7.00 to 800
Dried Apples ib
. .
The Molsons Bank
(Chartered by Parliament , 1855.)
LY Solicitors, Notaries,. Conveyancers,
Oomroissiotters, Solicitors for the Masons
Bank, etc. Money, to loan at 6 and. py., per
ent. OfficeFauson's Mock, /lain t.,
3, S
Exeter. (A memberof the •arin will be at
lensall on Thursday of each. week.)
:. R. CARLING,B. A. L. H. Dicits0s.
- ......--,
• . .
The .2c cent size IS just right
," . 0.
for an ordinary, everyday cold
, .
The 50 cent size 1.i:better for the
. l'te.. P. H. Dinibetn, 48th ilighiandere,
Toronto. Company, first Canadian cduting-
Pte Thomas Dowiev Mel eod N.W 'V
ond 13. attallon C.11../C"' * .. . - "
Ilte. James A. Freer, 40111 Northumber,
land Batt. one of the recruits to the first
, , ,
0,1 .
,soluto silence as to his Ghtnese
'. ,
policy. The country has resigned it-
self to expecting a somewhat inglor-
ions position there, It, is still an-
, 1, ,. , ,, •
0 s‘norl that Lord Sal:s ntry is co-
a , .
reperatir.g with Germany in seels-ing
• urLey , .s.4:0 0
Chicken ---, ..... ..... . 5e- ib.
• 40 to 45
porn 1 25 to 1 50
0_1 over 450 to 535
Wool 15 to 16
Paid. up Capital $2.500 000
„ ,
Rest Fund l 025 000
-, 7
Ileac'. office Montreal,
0 W. CrLAD111.A.N.suceeisqr.to Elliot 8z
F • Gladman,) Barrister. Solicitor., Notary
Publie Ootiveyancer,Mte. Money to loan at
lowest rates of interest. Office Main St,reet,
cough of bronchitis, Cf0110, grip,
and hoarseness. The dollar size
• •
is the best for chronic coughs,
• • •
. ' .
as III COESIJalpt1011, C OflIC f011-
.. . , .
CI11213,, ligilMtl, etC.
rte. C. A. Gibson, 6th Argyle Light la-
(entry, Belleville, D CO. arst conteigetn,
wounded at Paardeberg. , .
Pte. John J. GOadwla, Lecombe, Alberta,
a recruit to first contingent. .
1 Pte. E. F. Green, 16th Argyle Light in-
fantry, a Tecruit to the first „contingent.
° pke. 3, AL George, B eginiarea, it.u.
Dragoons C.M.R. •
1 Pte. J. ID. Gervan, Ottawa D. tileitt Bat-
tery, R.C.A.
Pte. W. Irwin, ieird Cumberland Batt..
to adies1 the Kaiser's wishes to. the
1 interests, of the allies.
I . Li veil, .4; :eke .1,egat..ens.
Pekin, Oct 12; via•Tiea Tsing Oet
13 rind Shanghai, Oct. 14,,--1.4 filling
. . , •
Chang' begma to make his formal call
ripon the legations to -day,
. This afterInotm ..lie visited the Brit-
.,,, ,, , .
tlapedlyeislett.°0. f 11,Wlic:. lireegtirreyt ptc)e. cka"sil 1;*°ouul'illege:
•est son a child about six months old
., - 1
which sad event took place last Fri-
01 t
in on: Dr. -.fowler who has had lir'
,successfol practice as veterinary sur-
geon, has sold out to Dr. 'Freeman and
goes to. Toronto where he has accepted
, .,
the l'i rr own nacd-tevsavi.et teLl otuoe or good wore Fa'erru:Sorsr.eur
at 7 per cent'. per annum.
. . .
Open every lawful day from 10 San to 3
p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
• ' ' - • ' " • -
• Auctioneers •
LT BOSsENBERRY,Cirand Bend, Licensee
1.1... Auotioaeer for ,County. Huron. Sales
promptly attended to, and charges nioder-
ate. Orders by mail will receive every at-
BROWN , Wincheisee.„ IiicensedAuct-
FI . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Stiddlesex, also for the township oftfaborne
lales promptly attended to and terms rea-
ionbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win-
ihelsea. .
Quebec Company first contingent.
rte. J. G. Harvey, Manitoba Dregoons,
and .4 mei tc„ii representatives.
Gen. •Chaffee and Gen. Wilson assist-
a position on the leetatring, Staff of . the
. CURRENT.RATES it.11onweil 1,o1,. money on
Deposit Ecnceipts. Savings Bani, a .
Tri____ . Mrs. i Redmond was called
awa„ , n Saturday morning, in her
B Squadron C.51.1t.
Pte. A. Jell, 21st Essex N'usniers, Li
Company first contingent. .• .
ed United States Minister Conger in
r c_:, _
e miring Lan Li, -y.ho expressed
'peace. '
Ontario Veterinar,y College.
Clinton: Rev. T. ,T. Mr7rclock, who
for the past two years has been pastor
ni'cll„s.Q1'... 851° AR- sOiri*eGet 0 rS.*.N..111-.111MILIa'°111:5; er.
72nd year. Mrs. Redmond. was born
in Ireland, and came to this country
when young, with her parents, who
resided long years in Hallett. Later
deceased was married to her late bus-
hand, Mr. Charles Redmond, who•was"
engaged in farming in the township -of
Hay. By carefulness and industry, as
the'years rolled by, they secured • a
.Sufficiency for..old age, and' Mr. 'Red:-
mond sold. his farm and came to our
corutiep.anTi, JaoLu.sets,c06uthttnIgtoeynati. Scot% . eiontreal
Pte. C. II, Keohler, 4 Squadron, it,' S.
IVtg0010,, C•M•11 .
' ne '1%.1arshali, 22nd Oxford Rifles, B
Co ur.st centingent. • '
Pte. P. Middleton, est. Prince eof Weles
Fusiliers, utattreal Company, first contiug-of
"11.. • •
i•te. Joseph Bfongeon, Pincber Creeic, N.
W.T., 2nd Batt. C.M.B. • '
pte. 0..C. l!dead,ePincher Creek, N.W.Ill;
2nd .Batt. C.M.R. • .. -
Pte. D. Osborne, Nova Scotia co, :are
anxiety to make
Li Hung Chang nil Pr', ' ‘ Ching
a ....n.t.
will' shortly • address a note to the
Foreign Ministers, asking that . a
meet' b held f ti . a ‘ _
nag e.or the purpos... pi
1 1. '' the negotiations' ce
ieg mong, e for. pea .
He ' evpressed • a preference for the
,. - •
Tsung- li Yamen as a meeting place.
' . - foreign
t ' is • stated that owing to
I ' , . '
objectiens, Yung Lu has withdrawn
from. the post of peace commissioner.
- ., li
of the Baptist churches -or C nton and
„ , _, . ......
the Base Line, has tendered his re.1-
nation, to take 'effect on or before Jan,.
cm ey 1st and it has been accepted. ,
Miss Lucy Core, daughter
the late Wm. and Lucy Core, ' Of
Lancashire Eng., passed .away on Sat-
d , 6' ' h '8th Th
ur ay,Oct. , in her i year. • e
deceased lady was for a long while - a
resident here and lived with ber broth-
Walter here 83
Mitchell: Mr. lienry Bingust, died
ThursdaYmorning from blood poison -
ing, after only a , 'week's illness. He
Was at his work last Friday. He was
buried in the Lutheran cemetery
on Saturda:y morning. He leaves a
vvife a nd, six of .1, family to InOUrn his
' ' ' d t 0 cl.'
loss. ' He .belonge • o the ana mu
Order of Foresters who conducted t-lic
E ELLIOT,Clinton:
• ••
' Insurance Agent, •
Wain St: Exeter
- .
lieler..../.7 EUREKA
eseee.. eme, -- etee.
" • . .i.,g1M„‘, :'•ft li,.
,..at. , 144
' .. .0 -...---''' ••• -„,%41-41•4
• Village 23 years ago, to spend their
• remaining days. The late Mr.. Red-
'mond died nearly 20 years ago. They
.. had no 'children. Mr. Redmond was
a quiet, industrious woman, and will
be much missed by the people among
whom she went in and out for so many
years. The funeral took place on
Monday, when the remains were laid.
.' '.
to rest in the Clinton cemetery.
contingent- •
Pte., W. J. Rooks, Queen's Own Rules, c
co, contingent. .
(7395) C. Holland, mey be -,l'te. W. C. S.
Rolland of the 77th Batt., oi Pte. C. Tom-
linson. of the Queen's Own Rifles, To-
(90) W. McKnight. . •
Pte. ,J. R. Robertson, 02nd St. Jon.n Fus11-
lees, 5' Co., first contingent. •
P. RamsaY, .90th • Batt., Winnipeg
, A Co., first .eoatingent.
Pte. Sowper P. W. Rochfort, Region, N.
.,,.. n . . d .
..-,i ung Chang expresses oubt as.
to tile a.uthenticity of the decree
banishing Prince Tuan. •
Tien Ts n, Oct. 10; is. Taku, '4.)ct.
12, and Shanghai, Oct. 1.3. --Tho ex-
podition against Pee Ting Fa de -
parted in the morning in two col-
• , T1 0 ' .French qua
iunItus... The • erIllaM..
taliat take•
n troops who are o part,
Gen. Dailloud,
er Core for the past
years. .
Brucefield: John Kaiser los. t ‘a u.0 °d
•covieby being choked' with an apple en.
— e.• . - •
Monday.—Mr. Murray•u-lbson is con-,
'fined•tn. his room with illness. ---Robt.
Ross who has been ill ot typhoid fey-
,ele is still very ill; he took a relapse.
is many a speedy
H" friends' wish for d
covet y. y re-
: —ay--
- • ••
Stepped into,Live Coals.
' "When a child I burned my foot
f .•eletfully " writes W II. Eads ni
Ile, , . •• W. • .-e.
...)•-•011,5vilie, va.,, which caused horrible
,.1 4ore Rix. thirty years, but Buc:klen's
A 'ca. -Salve 'Wholly cured me after
eyr:rly.thing els' e.ealledet int:ante for
burns, Seek's. Cuts, Sores,BruiseS and
Piles. OnlY-2,5c..at all drug stores.
- •
. TRADE 55125 ....
A reliable remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavin,,
Sweeney, Lameness from any es.use, and Sore Throat
in Horses, and Lump Jaw in Cattle. See Pamphlet.
Satisfaction guaranteed All Druggists' and general
atcrekeepersireep it.
' Preparedby
. ,
Tot. Causes Night Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby was
., >, • ',3- i
taken with Croup, writes Mrs. J. G.
Snider, of Crittenden, Ry., "it seemed
it would strangle before we could get
a. doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New
Discovery which aave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We always
W.T. 2nd Batt. Lei.R. .
Tte: 3. G. Rae, 6th Hussars, 13 Squad-
ron, C.M.R.
Pte. P. s. Tui.pla Cobourg C.C.A , D Co.
first contingent. Pte Turpin, was With cdi:
Sam Hu hes durin - the most • I the let,
g g , , o '
ter's 'expeditions' in Cape colony.
Pto. x ne i
a .e. e . .. eown.ey, G.ie'.13.G.. troro.nto,
A Squadron, C.M.11.. .
Pte. A. H.Tcruster. 57th eeeterbero Batt..
ApSti.italtivrion, C.2dAt.
main licAlultin, 8th Hussar, G
under. command of
1 d f the •f C, •11
lea o eFrench military or Gs i
China; evill follow the direct out to
11' while 2 000
Pao Ting u, , British,
p T-
soldiers, under Lord
make a detour to thedasiloiru.)'‘t'ehn'c'A 14PnialO
Ting River, through a number of.
large Villages supposed to be Boxer,
communities. •
Both columns will keep in teuch
A Fiendish Attack,
An attack was lately made on C. F.
Collier, l'owa"thtilroaitignhealrilis
proved, carnefatal.of:CiierokIete,
kidneys • His back got so lame he could
' . .
not stoop without great pain, nor sit
- . t °
in a chair except propped by cushions.
No•reneedy helped him until he tried
h ff d qi
Seaforth: On day day -1(Cst week. as
Mr. Ed. Latimer was working, with a
pair in .M.sr. :.,‘Itsliet,t's.tin
Shop, he had the misrortane.,,to have
thetoofp ccillitPl)cl:a'srt off olio of hi8thIgers.
... . . hand for ,
tit gave nim a very sore a
• . 1 ' t '" • '' d
few days, but ie is ge Ling around
keep it hi the house to pr•otect our
Children from Croup and Whooping-
It cured me of a cbrOnic
bronchial trouble that to other remedy,
wonld relieve,"' Infallible for Conghs,'
Colds,. Throat and Lungtroubles. 50c.
1,-nc1 $1.00. Trial. bottles free at all:
Co., first contingent. •
Pte. It. D. Price, 2nd B.C. .,
first contingent. . . ..
_Pte. A. Pay, ,R.C.A., one of the 'drat 'eon-
ungent recruits.
Pte. Charles H.. Marchand, Edmonton,
ist rintt. C.M.R.
Pte. R. It, Thompson. 43r0 OtIllW11 :Ina
Rifles, D CO.,
. .
with the, boat and train, le hieh ac-
co/DJ:muted. them. A jilil:..‹, armed.
eereh a naval 12-pounelf.5r and .two
Maxims, is with the. Pekin. column.
, .
The exporlition will make a de-
monstration through. a w'ide I t.5rri-
h- t
El ectric Bitters w lc a ec e suc a
wonderful change that he writes he
. a. „ .
feels like a new man. This marvellous
medicine cures backache and, kidney
trouble, purifies the blood and builds
up your health. Only 50c., at all drug-
' ' •
That Has
d Ki,,,
00 The Alau
Given New Life
R_ HICKSCough.
' . • • 11 done
Cf. you want your Repairing we
go to R. HICKS -Watches, Chicks
andJeWelry a specialty.,
, ..
. Marriage Licenses issued andWed-
dingRibgs always on band.
Fausows Bloel, Exeter,
drug stores. .
Carleton firsti. COntlilgelIC.
Pte. Thompson is one or the 'A)141* comma's
tory, not heretofore covered by the
To Others'.
• ..42
Clinton: The morning train.on the
»to won tile Queen's scarf for bravery on
the South African • battlefields,
allies. While no., opposition is ex-
MitchellRev. R. Whiting had one
L.,E. & B. ran into a nninbet of cattle-
which had gathered On the track on
'Wednesday them.
Pte. 3. A. , Barrett, ilth Vield Battery,v
C A R.C.A. .
• ..
pectecl at Pao Ting .1:110
menders believe that hostilities El.re
possible in the intervenilig country.
of those interesting Ceremonies to per-.
d ' d - h I. ' -
form l''''• e nes ay • w ere ly a -3, oung
cdttple comMences a 'life partnership.
i •
I ,
and ran over one of
The remains of the animal becamefaSt
in the truck of the rear car and requir-
The .Pao Ting ru Expedition.
Tien Tsin, oct. 1a.—The :Bri Lish
' -, .
Mr. Robt. Henry (dhatfe was 'alarmed.
to Miss Ella, daughter of Mr. William•
, • z=,
. , '
al n 6 S C 8 8 rj
ed some hauling to extricate it.. The
' ,- , •
engine had 601y look on reachirg
the Clinton station. . ,
Clinton: The social and musical life
of Clinton will sutfe,r a serious . lops in
the removal of Mrs. Wall from Mir
, --
Lord Roberts Wires That They A.3•0 NO11
, • interfering With Railway and Vi'ire
- c
London, Oct. 15.—The War Off. t.,
has received the following despatch
contingent started for Pao Ting l'u
tilts morning, There are ' pars is ten t
r tan° rs that consideral3le o pp 0 8 i1'..'i On
• . .
, „ .
will be made. if this occur., it le
) obable that overwhelming forces
will arrive from the other provinees.
Kemp. The intimate friends of both'
were present. . ' •
Alitchell: The firneral of Miss Ful-
ler, daughter of Mr. Edward Fuller,,
, lives near town took place to the
woo ,
MethocliSt cemetery on Wednesday
She was ill only a slacii..t
, ,
The Only •Banisher of DiS83.30,
11 011111.0)111 . . .
, .
'Yes, we have itist received another
carload of furniture, which when
added. to our already fine stock we
cm supply the latest. most hand-
SOthe and cheapest things on the
,, -
midst. Mrs. Wall left on Tuesday for,
Eulf, tio, where at 3 o'Clock the same
day be was mitrriecl to Mr. Swillie., aDoers
yvhc.)lesitle merchant of the cityf
'Montreal. After a trip through the
Distern and Soutliern states Mr. and
Mrs. Smillie will settle down in their
home in Montreal.
11.0111 Lord ltoberts, dated .l.'retorio.,
Friday: • •
have been making many
successful raids, and, are interferring
with railway and telegraphic coin-
• . , • . • la
/nucleations. Tho damage is epic,-
, .•
ly repaned, and severe punishment
inflicted, but the Boers are remark-
rVeichoe Was Recaptured,
Lo do Oct 15.—msThe Chinese I.rial•
trOopS, aCeording..to a clespateh to 4 `rhe
Daily "Chronicle from Hong Kong ditted
yesterday, have re -captured Weietios.., on
East River, where Sun Tat Sen, the. re-
, ,, '.
former, had iaised his tia,„ and have seat-
tered the rebels.'
rour Distinct Agitations in Chinn.
thne with diphtheria. She was 10
years old and was a bright child and
will be much missed in the household,.
Goclerich: 0.11 Tuesday, October 2nd
St. Peter's chinch was the scene' of a
very 'pleasant event, the wedding of
Ed Lynn of town, flied Miss Bella
Carney,'of •Sheno-trdton The cere-
Other Celery Preparations aarc"Tho
Worthless Iraita HODS.
' --
' . We have the Stock—you have the
money—we want to trade, and if
it is furniture you want it will paysouth,"
you well to drop in and see - our
dandy line before purchasing else-
3, persistent.
ably •
"There have been several slight en-
gagements with small bands of the
enemy. The total British casualties
w,,,0 fi,„•e, killed and six wounded."
London,, Oct. 3.5.—The Shanghai correspon-
t of The !sto ning Post wiring ,
den . - sat„,,lay,
' t
describes four distinct agitations—in he,-
Kwangtuag, Kwangsi, Szechuan and the
y,agisii regions—till of which. are Mal-
dynastic, rather than anti-forefgn. . •
,'. f - '' ' la "R Father'
mons, was per orm ed. y Rev.
k T1 b 1
- . .- . . ,
West at 6 o'clock a m The ric esnrud
was Miss Hogan, while the gremn was
assisted by James Webb. '
"If Sun Tat deu Is suecessful in tliJ
says the correspondent, "and 111,1
What's Your Face Worth?
surd.RriED A Boz'n LAAGER.
rebellion spreads over the Yangtse region,
he will probably be. aided by Prince Twilit
the Mohammedan
Sometimes a fortune, but .never if
Th e scientilic preparation of dye-
1(ent's Kniod. 7, Wound
Tung Fe I-Isiang ned
in the northwest."
you have a sallow complexion; a jalm-
stuffs cind putting then) up in proper,
Col. cire,•0•8 West
diced look, moth patches and blotches
shape for felony dyeing has peen
brought to perfection by Wells & Rich-
ardson Co., wile are proprietors of the
celebra.ted Diamond Dyes.
The.,0 popular 'dies ,have banished
from ",the homes of Canada, inn &ler,
ed 9 aud CaYtured TS.
London, Oct, 14.—The War Office has re"
eeived the following from LOrtl IlObertS,
dated Pretoria, Saturday, Oct., 13:
• "A satisfactory little affair occurred near
F 'ankfort Thursday. Col, Gro've. with the
Boer Mager
Selecting a Coaling Station.
Ealifax, NS., Oct. 14.—Two British ma.
vill officers are now at Sydney looking ever
properties there. The object of the visit
is an important 'otie, as tin5 Horne eleven-
ment is said to have la view the establish-
there for the
he skin all signs' of Liver Trouble.
on t. , . , ,
But Dr. Ring's New Life Pdls, gives
.01ear Skin, Bosy Cheeks, .Rich, Com-
pleXion. Only 25 cents at all drug
The medicine. that has cured your
friend's and neighbors—the W°11clerfni
medical prescription that 1,i.as , the ap.-
proval of the :lilies& inecimai practi-
tioners—is surely tbe' kind that you
We have the largest and bes
' d sto '
. assort_ ck 117 town,
10 iq tteVIAt P
'-v • ' ,7"' .•-•
fustic' loouvoocl, eochineel and all other
, e
antiquated dyestuffs. The work of
home dyeing is now done qiiickly and
NV'est Kents, surprised a nt
da vii, eined 7, wouuded 9 and captured
1.&" , .
Dowel's Threat.
ment of a coaling station
British fleet. The site is in the vicinity
of Victoria; 0.11. which will probably be.
selected, '
..„.. '
6 f 'th• St Tr • ' was
ea. oi , . . . atnes church,
the scene of an interesting event on
stand in need of at the moment,.
Celery Comp -mud is to -day,
Pain's, , , , ,
blie only agency under fleaven that
if from
successfully by Diamond Dyes; the
process is one that would astonish .our
To -clay iniliiens all over the world
' ' 1 '.). dDyes'
use, the scientific ..)1, MOD In
preference to all others. .Dianiond
Dyes commend themselves to all who
them', hectitiee they are the strong-
Capt Town, Oct. 14. --The Boers are very
a.ellve in . the Krooustadt district, Gen,
Dewet has ploclaInted that burghers whi)
to tight will be made ,prisonees of
war, ' .
1 I ei monnte.d Infantry scouting from
le;s, bad Capt. WIltaiiire 'killed, thru
l'I'mlins'Ilnizi'ng a party of. 40 Boer; in khaki for
fi,ki„is,. ,
to harass the
SA Thin Schooner Lost't
London, Oct, 14. --It Is . feared that the
grata, schooner Seine& Mess, aCantatn
- 10
Mably, which 'sailed from Canise,. tig. .
N'ila i lest Thc lillyis ,
for St. John's, t ,, S . . . , ,• I
a woerien vessel oL 127 tons, was built at
Par England, and M owned by S. Truscett
0/ Falvey.
Wednesday niorning, when Mr. Robt.
Devereaux, blacksmith and carriage
linker, of this town and Miss, Jose-
' • , , . ,,..., ,
phine, daughter of Mr. .Michael Mc-
, . ,. . ‘ ,. e _
S was united. in, inamag . The
ceremony was performed at half -past
six, by ,the pastor of the church, Rev,
Father McCabe, and WAS witnessed by
can same you you are suffering
rheumatism, neuralgia., ink.' , corn -
plaint, kidney disease, 'dt.spepsie, ner-
. and. . tr . , . , . , ,.
c.otesties lie tioublcs that atzse
0.1 , 0
frouip poisoned am foal 1 lood. It cur s
the Si.Ok tIS surely 118 night follows day.
The, extended eepntletion Chat Paine's,
Celery CompOund hes won AS a life
'1 9
est, aqg ies and as t, , ant \i„.„,,,,,, sa.-
est to work with.
Diamond 'Dyes, , like all other per-Co.1
fect kind i 1
poenaar preparations, ftr0
large13.,. Iti r . . .
• - • iitlted in style of package
.. . ti – . pot ' TI e.'
end the Wa3. ie„), ore hp. ae„se
'. 1. 1 • . s
imitations ai•e ivortliloss :Inc ac ulttia.t-
Poor commandoes continue
iiritisii eolumn, which is marehing,, from
Lirl,,,c,lele.si;'10(0 Kroonstaat.
ers captured n fictnOlmeilt of the
Cheshire Regiment, which IN'il.8 escortiag
an empty wagon hear Era nIclort, ThaY
releicl 1,1 e ( I ,Lr, ,.., ,; ,..,.
" '1 ll' 1' but kept the Wft'Oni
we saw the row in the, pa pets.
ICrtiorar Still at 1,orolizo 11-Tarquez,
. .
, .
shields and His arrn , - •
..ieali1111, Oct. 15.--Ceptatn Devereaux
shielde, who, With 51 men or .0 e, -„,th
It egim0 n t:', 1.1. 8. Volunile.er Tele:levy. was
esphired by, rin, lipon ,c,td,s last in >nth tu
Die Island 'of Marinduque., was reseeed Yea-
orally with all tile mellihrra ot lliz PattY.
A litre number of the friends Of. the
contracting, parties, Miss Lena Getz-
meyer, neice of the bride, acted. as
bridesmaid, while the groom. was sup-
, _ his c its,11 „vi.I)v Is.
ported 0y, o i , Di ` Louis.1.10, e.
came, After the ceremony, the guests
eecompe,nied the b-eid)d couple to the'
sever has induced Tanf.„Icrliplilous men
to foist worthless imitations on the
public. Many, peoi-')le are d)!ily cleceiv-
ocl 1).N; the. --le nemerel5le french.
„.., •yt 1.1,1„, re deoldet.i ,10 use palne,E..
it.,,. .) .,1 i
Celery (..`onirmintl, see,that the nanic
" l'Al.Nizft7:'," is on eVery SeraPper and
..,. . .
First-class Rigs and:Horses
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
MAO or at the Livery
1 • - a ' • .
Stqble Christie's old Stand
74 , 7,7, .
, i
will receive prompt at
tention. : .land
rr rrolelmoto.. '.
_a. Conneetiori
' . . ' ' " las
ed dyese tuitions to all,londs ot eo.
and dari erous to handle. , Great; Call-
tion is ec visecl W•lien buying clyeS for
. ' — . -
‘.: .f
honie Use, Ask only fOr- the , Dia
mood". • ' , '11 10, 10 on ever 7
,see thet tlic, na 1
Lorene° M.artmee, Oct. 1...---7The.
(Alcove ef the Dutch creiser Gelder-
• •.
ei eeer
l'i d 5 . Pe s dee t l '
e1t e t 0 ex- c I' ' ''•
, ,it the residence of the Portuguese
',.-' • 1 ,
, ,e,•ele.e.er te-evee
To Witten Lon.lon Ilridgc,,
Londe's, Oct.' 1.4.—Ameng the ell:orations
soon. 'to noon' in Londoo are the ,wideeing
' 'I ge iind no building' all a
London Iir d • ,
't°.lieuel foru Itotherhithe to Shadweil, at a
(mat nr ;;2,000,000. •
home of the bride's parents, where 'an
elaborate weelcline., breakfast wilts serie.'
ed albet' whieli ictu, Mrs. leever,„
• , „. e., . . , . and... .„ , ..,
1 il' ` tl N'I. '1 t ' It for 1 ron
eaux e , on le e.,..1. y l'.1 ) 0 -
to and other points east, where they
will spend aloir lmneymoon,
bottle the t yon inerehese, When yoli
hese secured tlie •,gentliele' "Is'eines'
.ven nave the ouhr inedicine ,that, eat
. .f , 1 , ,_ ,, . , 1 . . .,
el ‘l. sl . b, 11 '11 e one loet Of nneery
.. oc..11, .3., a b., . , — •-•
, and stillermu', ana give you a
vigorous and ilappy 1ifo. /