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ev. Dr. Talmage Alludes to
tian Sympathy.
detspaleh from 'Washington says: t one, The thrill of sympathy that
-Rev. Dr. Talmege pt eatthed from the went through all of this country, and
following text And it came co pass through all of Europe, shows that we
that when the sun went clown, and belong to one family. All the people,
it was dark, behold a smoking fornac,e white, biock, anti Qopper-coloared, Pro -
and a burning lamp that paased be- testant and Catholic, find their hearts
tween those pieces." -Genesis, xv. 17. thrilled with the impulse of one com-
'When the ant:dents wanted to take moll brotherhood.
say nal Theie aro thcese who de not like this
eriean ehurch, and iniesion e,hapel,
and great Si. Pantie chimine the clear,
8vet, slivery song of the l‘filleimium.
The Ohurch of Gad, no naore barr!Ae1.
for fighting Cheiatians, shall become
a great temple, on whose -walls shall
be hung olive-beanehes of peace. 'the
flags of all eations, mace (tarried. in
front of hostile armies, shall hang in
graeeful feetoons above those who;
once were full of hate. The "Mar-
seilleise Hymn," and "l3onny 1)oon,"
and "I -tail Ciolumbia," and "0 ocl save
the Queen," shall mingle in one great
song; bat, tottehed into resurrection,
it shall mount into a harmony of nn -
imagined sweetziess and power, that
shall soar, and melt, and pour into
the hallelujah that, like the voiCe of
an a. Yalan.y graters, and the voice of mighty
idea l'hey say that God made the
points, and midway bet\ve.en the Pieces ' ' , . tthumiers, conies surging up to the
opposite to each other, Then the part- 1--udla
ian, and set m down thi, side
los would „gauges from opposite theI Atlantic), and the Spaniard on the feet of Jesus,
I learn from the Chicago fire what
other side, and the African, and placed
a poor place the earth is to put our
Points, and indiway between thepieces
take the oath. 00e1 wished to take an him( in the snahY jungles' and sn gni t,reasurec en, millions of dollars of
and that then from these differen
property destroyed in a day and a
oath. He ordered a heifer and some
birde slain 011(1 divided, and the pieces re -Presentative men ti,m human faini- night ! moolat toil of brain, and
lain opposite to each other ; then be- '
, 1 LI n ly descended. But Pauli knocks down
that 10 hen standing in the presence of
one of the most aristocratic audiences
hand, and foot represented in that
sweat of twenty years gone in 0110 whether some groaning; man or wo- some as a ph:it for oar Lord's deStrlle-
ma:n. shall live or perish. As in the tion; but this Le not pt•obable. On the
last day we hope to find mercy of the Sabbath clay. •filleewhere . have
Lord, let as to-nii,ght show mercy to noted the luxury and display of jewlsh
&heirs. Sabbath feasts; hog, they introduced a
0 thou self-denying one of Geth-• lavish variety of food, and indulged
sentane and the cross, drop upon us in, dancing and secular songs, IN. \-hilet
thy Spirit. nev,ertheless, they were too religions
to eat anything hot; all. their food
APPLES FOR'BRAIN must be cooked the day before. The
piety that on the Sabbath would pra-
rustle of palnis and the clang of
of colestiel t °were, I hall I"
But there is an obligation growing
mit of the service, and that is the
duty of giving prompt relief to the
houseless, homeless, exhausted, and
dying. They want something besides
"God bless ypus"-namely, tippets, and
sacques, and shoes, and hats, and
Goats, and dresses -yea, all the articles
of -a nanter's wardrobe.
You will not teen your back on
this suffering,. Your bed to -night
'mill be softer if you feel that you
have Provided eoene sufferer with a
matta'ess to lie on. Your own food
\sill be sweeter if you make provie
slon for the hunger -struck. Your
e\Vn children will seem brighter -
faced if you provide stockings for the
,ba,re feet.
Get ready for a grand contribution
of money and clothes. When the box
Games around, let it seem like the
wasted hand- of sufferiag stretched
out for help. Let the church officials
move sloevly down tiaie aieleS as they
gather the alms, remembering that
Ye.. No maned's...
S:110 -0-L.
"Jesus oiniel.c vrith Pharisee." Lune 145
kl,;()Ielekt Text, li'llittiever ExaRetIlt.
ilittisel ‘thall AJ090,hoal ; :t1111Ile 0
Plumbic, h 11Likliolf Shan kw liA,441 01.
Verse 1, In the hear oItis
unpopular year, while the priests
were perfecting their plottioge for
his death, tlesue aceepts atom one of
the chief Pharisees an invitation to
dine. We knaw of no eaSe in which
Jesus refused an invitation. Da
what sense Olio man was "one of
the rulers" in his sect is not clear,
for the Pharisees were not organized
\vitb officers or "grades of distine-
hien ;" probably he was a member of
the Sanhedrin, or lie may have'attairr-
ed Personal emine.nce, like Hillel,
Shanimei, and ot,her rabbis, -from
some combination of rank, learning,
talents, and integrify. To eat bread
tween the pieces Passed first a far- PraPerfY 1. All the anxiety and the amount they gather will -decide is a colloquial phrase for "to <line."
• of the world, he proclaims, in the name
' d • W have been The invitation has been regarded by
(ecaec e°tiorn:c; 1011°th:711-ilk that ° if
, property
a lamp, emblem of deliverance.
of God this cleniocratic doctrine, "God
tvers insured, all was well. But
even insurance emnpanies have gone
down. Set not your affections on
anything you can build, for it is per-
i.shable. Do not ,•worship your fine
want, the lamp of prosperity. The fur- This feeling -of etmsangutnity is eon_ reputation, Or your WealtilY store, or
So it is in the history of individuals, hath made of one blood all the nations
cities and nation. First, the awful of, men., They started from one
furnaee, then the cheerful lamp. The garden, and theatfell in one transgres-
furnace of conviotion, the lampf
e sion ; they are redeemed be the seine
pardon. `The furnace of trial, the almighty grace, and are to shine, for
lamp of consolation. The furnace of ever itt thie same heavenly kingdom.
'lace Of death, the lamp of glorystaatly illustrated. Amine in Eng - yetis: large house,' or Your swift ship,'
" And it caine tg,nass that When the land, falls. upon the wierkinen, and a,
n. but , build .np, inyour .soul a tririajlo
sun went d'°W11' and it was dark, he- nations feel the, suffoca.tion. Prince of Christian character. Disasters
hold, a smoking furnace aucl a burn-
ing lamp that passed between those
It is the duty of the minister La in-
terpret solenin providences. Shall a earthquake rocks down a Mexican
the nation's gate, beggared, while the city, and both hemispheres feel the
ship founder, carrying down hundreds shock. Famine stalks through. India musicians their attainments, and mands, will be f°11nd a turning -Pointe ter.
where 'little ones are troubled with .
e-- . many petty ailments, remarked a doe. re2n.e CBehold. An unexpected occur -
of paseelagers; or a gunpowder plot be and distant. nations send their 0111•eo g arehtiteets their 'buildings, and his-
dascoverecl ; or a revolution break of bread. tormns their books; arid how often e There was a certain man be-
- • a ,_ -a ••, , -T.. cannot crosslf it, nor fire consume it,
pathy of all Christendom. A plague nor iconoclast, deface its altars, nor
falls upon London, and all the cities -rime chisel down its walls. Yet poli -
of the world weep at her agonies. An ticians have woislaipped their offic,e,
and merchants their' business, and
and painters their nictures, and
Among all fruits, the apple_ ettinds vent a cook from preparing a metal,
first With the larger number of per- but would hire a dancing, girl to per-
sons as being obtainable in good condi- form in the presenee, of the feasters,
tion more days in a year than - any has had modern representation. They
other fruit. APtPles placed ready for watched him. All were curious, some
the children when they are awake in were hostile. Christians ale cone
the moxining, to eat as appetite de- stantly under notice, like their'Mas-
forth; or a pestilence put its leprous
bandage over the white lips of an em-
pire; or a great city crouch down at
long tongues of the flame lick its
mistake not to let them have it The the teas
anianal,s so with men Th t g •tcl
high up on the scaffolding, was en- , • ters, and perhaps 'to receive
sores, and the ministry be dumb?
On the eve of the great Chico go fire, • e o
diet. Apples relieve t
e,vening prayer, and all over the city
and berree\s; and culture will only fer and feil-his life dashed out fir
the tobacco hab t. 'Is° Lazarus lay at the gate 01 Dives
10110 are trying to brea.k themselves of
This doctrine of 'universal brother- have they seen their works -Perish! tor whose name is known all over the fare him which had the dropsy. This
,woalldt not eat an applehefore break- dently this man was net a guest; he
ence in soil and climate will Make dib- Ure in A Painter' husY making
hood will not make all alike Diffe,t._ Whaina poor place to put one's treas- country. There are few children who 'MIS before the meal was begun. Evi-
ferences in men. As with plants and tbe fresco of a building, standing fast if allowed the privilege. It is is a. , had come, in Asiatic fashion, to watch
zone \\till yield the yams and tarnal traneed \vital ins °Wri w°rk' an a little food oi• coin from the kinder -
d nervous system, always calliiag
the " good -night" had been give -n, stcmcl 11Pc'la seasickn-ess, and are a help to those -Sinner Cana° int° anslilielan-
make better yanis and tamarinds. The excitement forgot -that he .he nausea of
when destruction. broke forth. The two citieting room where J s was;
NVillbry re,gions will yield the barley a high. scaffolaing, stepped back too
children had, folded their hands in phosphorous, is quieted by a full fruit
rinds, and the best eulture •will only •stel3Ped hack to admire it' ancl in his hearted. So the woman \\-ho was a
coursers of hurricane and conflagra-
make this difference, that they -will beneath', cm the 0-0.1 04.1. S° ment ad- lin the. Arabian tale, the hungry porter
, back, digested in eighty-five minutes. This perhaps th•ts man
chariot in whien white Want, and hen one a knew of the
pre -
good, ripe, :age, apple is completely • stood
tion, yoked together. drew on the
prod.ue,e better barley and larger ber- mire their worldly achievements, and dr. at the elbor of the Barmecide.
cursing Despair, and shrieking Terror rtes. Yeln will not expect to find the look, and step hack too far, and fail easy digestion favours longevity, the sence or Jesus end bio ed for healing
same vegetable products in Pa.r a tia.y e p osphoroustrenews the nervous
as in Lapland. Cloves a.nd cherries -
g - - d f life and lost for eternity. ,
rinne Or , . matter 'in brain. • .
The term here ueed 1 or "dropsy,' is
were mounted, Store -houses that had
Again; Learn from the reeent aw- ii In the juice of lemons and limes .tweroeuhludiehilla'v.\evhhi:elinial°ikli:l'31')uttoataPseh•Ysi°1'illane
ful calamity the •beauty of heroism may be found a cure for bilious ot;ilio,
• anel self-clenial. Scene after ana' for some forms of rheumatism: dis3eas3 was held to he. incurabkle. Th.
sistible burglary. Churches of God, -
been the pride of the continent
renclered their bolts and bars, and iron ea'imet drink the same air. Nut-
safea, at the first touch of this irre- megs an'd not grow side
b aV.h G a 0141010 one
a self -den the eaa-th, he said, "Yea: yieldi) ban- esus answei mg spa e. .5
that had gone up with o.f self-den.ying heroism.. , Hoev gr.and Hot ,le.mOtaade. will , relieve fever, but I
anas•" and to anothet "You yield ' it en
ts anent the selfishness of the, word "answering" does not always ba-
it should. not contain nauch sugar or
worthy of an angel's eulogy, dropped ' ' -,. world, •
el.tiee atria expur c that which God The Moravian fillssionanes
freely an nearly all forms of sickness. evitable. The lawyers were
thrives best ethich attenapts to pro- .,..." ' f ora.nges may be used saw, was in
ordained it to raise. So, in the ant- told that they could not •enter the 1
conseerated plate into the ashes. _And, •
I. Bananas give strength, and may be scribes, interpreters of the law. Is it
mal kingdom, you will not expect to lazaretto where the lepers were dye -
given to many convalescents in rea- lawful to h,eal on the Sabbath day. If
worse than all, the homes took fire,
last pillow 011 which to sleep, and the
find the ichneumon where you hunt y '1' . .,
nless they stayed there. "Then," '
Lib , , d sortable quantities without fear of bad they had said "Yes" they would have
and away went sacred relics, and the
last loaf of bread, and millionaire and
for the otter and walrus As with Ltilthge S' id, '`v,te they
go and stay there."
effect i na A • c s 'Ls s e ' 1
C011l itte I th mselve on h - id • 'f
plants and animals so with roan.The They went in to nuase e sick, an
perished. You, have read the life of . ' they had said "No" they would' have
pauper, trudged down the street, the ' ' - • ,i In eating fruit' remember that the' '' -
tropical regions will make passionate P , ', t .1. g' 'r d hi h ' ' , brought forth tri -howl of contempt
their paradise, forbidding them ever ' ure-hearted ., iz, h
flaming sword swung at the gate o eme y w c will cure the disease fron,, the ecommort peo.).le e re
lamas and pears' and that au tma to find such gene
r0015 deeds! dicate regily to spoken words. Jesus
their organs, galleri.es, vestments and !' P P . • Tjaveelyjusirtersn:g'• _himself began the discussion that he
natures, and aretic severities 11.in among, the degraded. But the full may not be best for steady diet '' I ' whose '-
agnin to enter. Hark to that explo- f , " • •
beographees of the \vorld's martyrs - ' verence was like the the breath of
temperaments etetcl and stolid
sioe of blanks, that fail to stop i he ray- °111.1 life to t'he Pharisees.
sion of blocks, that fail to stop the and saillen. In the Cegsims of the' wilt newer be written' Tile firemen 4. And theY held their peace. A -fine
l'a T V ges; to the shrieking of that 1 im- ' in alt our. cities 'who have reecued peo..
old idiom. - Equamicaity and kindliness
ily, gathered on the house -top, erg -
ging for help, until the Alri10 falls,
and the children faint, and the fath-
er staggers, and all die; and to the
cry of those men and women who go
down the street hatless, raving mad, liant; the American restless and en- iiiialinsbt,itointii,,e tr.ieidchhrt.s,t ica,,ind mien. ,who, on 14330 1] 10 iSflt 11S11I0 •
terprising; the _Italian aesthetic; the I would be glad to have 'you_ do
their hair ! This child cries, "Where SPa-aiard, quick and i-taPuibive' GesPel thlies_ftt.'illen-haa
triumplas will mit steal the Scotch- rattling canister and 1
' little sewing for me. a
I Very well, replied the kind h t
000 nucu
Christ spreading his treaty of peace Ii•"`a.od. treinii d'a' e : m n 1 f - e d to
e -ringing their hands and tearing
_ man's plaici, or break the German's 1 alb Ing 8 e ' I lady, what can I do for ;au? ear ed
are my father and mother ? I won-
der if they are burned up?" And this Chdrisit.iafn hetrhoisfm. has ever. beTen
P.iPe, or dash down the Iutlian's easel. i , I "Tie but a 'trifle, said the unrecorded
"Ietwonder if this is the day of juag- Diffetrecaces for ever, but no quarrel. 1,,lieta -
and dare the storm, if good
that I will thank
1 globeetirotter. I have a butte' 1
you to sew anshieirret
man, seizing hold or another cries, y o ace ie. ire, and s.gien the
naent ?" and another exelaims ''This traigh.t be done.. And in that day when i. on."
over ail -monaredilee and republics, I
is hell I" and an infidel, standing at who sat in places of power shall •
the poteintates, presidents, and princes 1 nieu
the street -corner cries out, "'Where go down to shame and contempt, I
ef the eaLth will ctl'inle uP atid si`n3 . - bl shall hey I
cepe . ere at e sarae great - ,
characteristics as now. although ple from blazing buti.lhdein •s • th,e sailors Madam, said the seldie,r of mis-.
somewhat naoidetrated and modified. whin have k!e1:11:13edse ves
the fortune, wli,o was touring the country f1 too, but tlie iaisrs held ib, and,
The larenehimaz will be characterise the wreck, t 1, . li disguised ae a tramp, do net want had gone, and ",peace" \va,s about to
thing in the way of , hana,e,-made •
tically polite; the Germa.u, persistent .narses who have, waited upon the
in, yellow fever and cholera hospitals, SIC adineji.000ies
for the interior art- h.earts prepared further to watch and
0 and sunk down to death from ex- . P to ,listen, !Be took him. "Taking hold
and plodc.ling; the English, ' .
of him ;" laying his hands upon him.
Iilealetli him, "The ,healing was, ef-
fected by actual eantact." Let him go.
Gently released by the Saviour, the
poor nian suddenly noise again •to the
full piais ses s ion of 11,ealthf al powers.
And Jesus turned. back to the .Phari-
5. Which of you shall, have an 11$8
or an ox fallen iato 01)41 and will not
straight way pall hire out on the Sab•
bath day? The OX and the ass \vette
the 0011101011 helpers of conmaoil coun-
try fo,lit. The hest meniiscripte sub-
stitute, "sou" for, "ass." Tile word
for. "pit" means await" Wells with
out water' are Cann -mon in 1?alestine,
and are ofteii, left quite improletat-
ecl. Ison former occasions, our Lord
sick children in your arms and flee! i't• \reSej.S war will be aneh'°;ed '11ibacnresh\uvraritten"heigsh on the'piellars theirof Visitor; I cannot °etch even •a
is 3-000 God now?" Carry out these
t the shm-yard.s. and eh ,t i to
Wrap up that corpse and get it away ngeo -11-- heaven. Better than to have been glianpse of the sea, yet your advertise -
from this funeral pyre Lift that sick
wcman• with the child jest born, open-
ing its eyes in inerment I Get out this
life-long invalid, and 410 not stop for
meaicines or blankets, for the stairs
are crumbling away -they are 'gone
now I Quick ! leap from the window!
No use in flying to the water's edge,
int° Meacillantarien, or swung int° commemorated in poetry or song will ment says, Drawing -room with fine
the navy -yard, to be kept as relies it be for them who hear the good cheer view of the sea.
of a barbarous age, to be booked uPon from Ohrist, "I was hungry, and ye Mrs. Grabbura; And isn't that a
as in our nuseums we no\v exainine fed me; 1 was sick, and ye visited me. fine. tateav hung over the 'Piano? 'Let
scalping -knives and thulasetrews. The 'Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord I" - • ' • -, "he. frame alone cost fif-
masterrly treaties on •military tactics Again; Learn from,disaster the im- teen shillings.
will be sold for evrappin,g-paper, or portance of' being prepared for the - -
kept fur curious examination, as we greatfuturel rive thousand people ,
for the army of horrors have crossed, r
now have in oulibraries an . old were known to htilve perished; I fear I,
ICoran or a Chinese, Alratinc. Ifhe there were inany rnore. They had
and pulled tip the bridges eftei• them.
'With carts and drays aff to the, stergeota iru
dtscovees made an the, treat- 'nix time 'far preperatiOn at, n • •
prairies! The night may be cold, arid m"rlt fractures will he you are. daily exposed to perils, You MVO Rise to 031oP0131a and Other Zodillf; perangOmolt`k3--ar.. Chase'
enillifiVed in alleviating the accident.s walk son scaffoldings; -yountrive, frac-
the prospect hopeless, but anything is
kitiney-Liver Piliti are Unique as the Only Treatment
of theoe Neaps, and the The hammer of the ehipwright, as it Whioh Permanently Cures Constipation.
and tile falling try on swift wheels; you. work among -
shell they get out ? To the north -fire! beam, will souna "Life!" "Ialfel'i COMea on Inc \viral to -night says, Constipation. or inactivity of the states, "in th • fa'l of 1895 I use 1 th el
cinders, to labourer, fartri,e.r, and /nee:haute. 1-;
better than the, sting of these ,,,ou,s annuals; you fly over the ooun-
*wailing of this dY-ing city. But how beats ageinet tlie spikes in the shiP's dangerous chemicals. The voice that
b bl 1.13'8 cause of more or folic boxes of Dr. Chase's, laitd-
to the, south -fire! to the east -fire I stead of, as tow rattling "Death!" "Prepre to Meet thy God." .13y the i
. ' ' • -
,, , , die tress and suffe.rng than n ny ol her ney-.L.1 v el Tills foe Constipation
. .
03tli,tt west --fire 1 Deatli!" t,he re3,olntions of tile lays and nights ergtieilederangenent Onc e in xi 1 Wels and Stom ch 'ixIes ind TeVP•
Yet. delive,rtinc;e is coming. Tele- ' •i n vez ' I hr° e od, you are hurried on to your last heir are consapatea tile kidneys iteowne oiled anything to compere wital
Prom Vienna, from New York, from ft -Y. SIii.oPing and •vI-aling, Yeur hearl' ' )renlittely inierferecl \citli ' -natty kinds of niedictine, but, it rem
itnounte,i.ns, and singing through 1i.he
Dee 1 hear its footste s in ta . , i • - , , , • , . . .
Brooklyn-frotri tomo continents, an- v - - ' ' . 'Pi ---€, beats the elouble quick step of an , Thte heetel aehes, tliere le tlizziness, planted. I:er Ilr, Clims9's andney-aiver,
bouncing help. Traine come with immortal epi rit. See you not, through wea k /3.4ess and dimness of viEtion, peins ptits to 0 1,1 re me. 44 111 'nosy \veal arid
tread. of the naultitucles of the devout
the epeee 00 .1 eopi,ess, hearing food this day, oft their way to church. I tile fogs c,i..gi mists of , earth, in the in 1,h,e bacic, eicIte.i and litril)s, the oc- strong, but continue to 1,114e one or
grams from London, from Edglhurgh, begin! • It comes .skipping upon the of earth an,,1 yottr f
hibb, of
61,01,1‘L 10,g_ged, the, liver torpid and 'the site- them, lia,c1 suffered front theee come•
• itch arid e-Ilole dagetstive system plaints' for ,natiny years a,nel taken
cirnulrOtion tgr. \vind and, gos on the 004) pills a eveek to coliriteract 103Ilanl- ts` end he, .\\thie , when heal' itts 00100 in the bill°‘S'illg 11-P Of anee, ooming lip 0 G
1111 iSthtaTn(Lell, P,IMS and f'alness In 1110 trE%- 11 MO eeid 013(11 (al 411 hr' 1); (10d aritl
things looked darle 1 n the Sherotraloah thaL great song 01 Prilise f'el'al this ve,nly shore, over which svhii,o- gion of the slaittna eh and tleeress1011 ke,cp the betweie perfetttly regular."
Valley, got, into lightning stirrupe, hos night rises from all Lhe of• robed inhabitants walk, for ever free and de`,,,ofmderloY of sPirits. .
dhurehes Mr .Tn 1110) (41arclina 1311411, 011t
t` 1 1 tho 041 000 G°d• warshIP• See' from toil and pain, n (I, sin and tears? • GrInstiPtti"n can n''t (43305)d bY f0rtlii.4
f Lt d it "5flVOI 1004.14 '
8s}1,,eac3 tents for the shelterless, to its banner lifted 'upo11 the fallen ram- Hark to the c,ry that cornee over the coo (it:thane tom aura it ;via. ,Dr,
setitter rations for the, hungry. Piirts of gre'Lt'' inlqtlitieS' the f°11 °f we fere from the eestles of the blessed, , Chase'e Kidney -laver Pills noa1',n1
wag an awful farnact I But it has light' streaming the ST:a.r8 Of from thkt lips of prieeca, totted and gar- cause the nattlyn1 or t ho w.
of Gospel infinence dashes higher up rough! twang of woe, :Ind frorn trent- ,
gets brighter and brighter as it 3,s
11 passed, and noW see a light that Pt°113•Ise and ge°4 Cheer,' This wave 'ilanded from herne that never felt the l'61s si'ren'gt"ri inv'Ightate
them as to enitble them to regiilarly
perform their fax 16i ,0 the
a,nd towtted fail tide. This song of 'joy, p,e1,S that peal forth the victory of • agt of metneines, ',obey aleo ;let on
fed by the ttirns and Syraxpathies,
prayers of, a world. It iH the glowing now trelnulous an -Il .aint, will 130.101 manY (10nquCrOrS The One. of Goel the, liver 11131 ,-ciltine)'8, 1 nd 51•3 1 " 1.`
1,11v.), the chem./n-1 lamp the, eiorions Into Million-vc)ieed acclaim. LOW.' bend with troll-Lori:1,1 fruitage., and pize'eii'shneouvthileouerxetielit'le°1tYtile,Yst'l"esinriaol'n4s
lamp of Godts daliveranee (re, tliat have so long been tolling under 1 hem rest the toilgivorn of • • . • ,
easee or coxist,tpaistie, biliousness and
Erom all this you learn, without any the sorroWs of 1113 world hall peal eanth looking clown toward you
•ready..dynpepe,a. . prOi,
scher Lellirtg you, that we are, all another seend-Setetx.th leirk, and Amt at your coining tup Lo ehout, amid 103 ' .11r, lvionre„
years from natgeetion and ,constarat-
tion. At lnte 1 wouldego two weeke
without 1 motion in Illy howls, suf-
fered violentlit• from headaches,'
snent a small fortune 'in remedies,
but, the only remedy that gage trie (4. -
lief \vas, Dr, Chase's .1( id n ey, 'Liver Pi 1 le.
j would, net he without them for any -
Di, Chase'S Kidney -Liver Pills. ,Ont
pill 'a dose, 25, eente a box, at alt
'agalerS ot • tdmansUatei co
virtdicates his Sabbath iniracle by re-
ferent:0 to the common behavior of
righteous 111. ditiay life. See 'Luke
13. 15. 16. The pulling out of soth
a Pit' all OX, 01 1411 tots, or even a
would involve moot' labor on the
Sabbath ,day. Why she ulcl a u y ew
perform this labor? Because "inevey
is above ceremonial law.", 2ILost rab-
bis taught that it \venal be, right to
let feed clown to an ox or
tip 1400 a pit, but ,ndver
to' pull brut oui, until the Sabel
bath was over. But our Lord's ques-
time indicates that '\Yhatever rah -
bis chase to leach common people
acted with contrnon eense.
, 6. ill,hey coati" not all0',,Iter hina again
to th.ese things. 'They felt their own
folly and inconsistency. And so Atte
Sabbath question was put aside. for
th(3 time being a tia .o Lir Lord. Pres rt LI y
began' to talk on anothee subject.- ,
7. Ele put forth a parable. A pro-
verb; a wise eaying ; a teaching.
Those which -were bidden. The in-
vited •guestS. tu.rns a \vay for the
moment from the onlookers \alio lined
the walls, of whom the arop,sical. matt
had been one. •When lie marked heev.
they ehosee out the chief rooms. I -low, •
they were picking aut for themselves '
the seats of .distinction, Eastern
"eoCiety" was th,en honeycombed .
the folly that oow prevails among the
"nobility", of Enropean capitals arid
a few; "faur-lannelrecls" Aariericen
conamercial centers4 illyerybody was •
careful as to t'pre,cedenee," the dignity
of his seat. Sometimes a guest's post_
tion at table was fixed by a social au-
therity ;I sometimes, as on. the patesent
occasion, each; man asserted his O'vkla '
claims.. A similar quarrel later
sprang up betweea james anal,
John and the :rest of the tlisciples• as
to the seat on the right and left hand.
of %the Lorde
8. 'AVIien thou art bidden of any
man to a 'wedding. Wedding feasts
were so lavish in the -East 'that the
word "we,dding" cattle popularly to
be used for any greattbanquot. Sat -
not down the highest room ,Re-
cline not: in that ohiet donch. Lest a
more honorable man than thou be -
bidden. See Phil. 2, 3.
9. Ile that: bade thee and, hint, and
therefore autrankeel all guests. Say
to thee, Give this ri:uan place; and
thou. begin with sharate. itto take Die
lowest roomi. , The guest on such an
occasion would.otake the lo'westateseat
simply because the others would
then be occupied. No sooner would
the more honorable man betaksen to
the chief E3eaik at the table than ail
the guests around would sel,.ze the op-
portunity to go a,little' higher, and
only the lowest seats,...woul,d be left:,
This consideratiOn would seem -at
first sigiht to be prudential rather ,
than highly Moral. But there is a
deeper truth luare than is'Ori the 'sur-
face. Even in the sup,ierficial mill
vity of fashionable, life "men are,
grasping at the Shadow and losing
the substance."'
10. Go and sit 'down in, the lowest .
room, , Recline on th'e least honor-
able couch; take the humibliest posti-
tion. •Frien,c1. A term, of, respect
not only, but of- affection. TM: gueet
Is marked out as' dear to the gay:eat
of Cho feast. Then Shalt thou, bavie
worship in the presence of them; that
sit at_meat with thee: "'Worship" here
means honor, respect, glogy. Some
must have murmured, and some must
have smiled with sittisfztction as our
Lor,c1 thus made his 00mm:trete ore the
noisy throng that -was floc:king to the
-table; very likely.the hien.self ha,c1 tak-
en the hum,blest seat, a ii,c1 had been
Shown to th,eagigheat one har the, obse-
quious Pharisaic bost.
U. See Proa45.,33; 16. 18, 119, 29. 23;
Matt. 23. 12; Luke, 1. 52; 13-3:); 1 Pet.
5, 5.
12. Then said he also to him the
bade hem. froin the ecen-
pany, our Sa,viour speaks to the, host
-wortis so profound that, they }sieve
beeri frequently misuridersLtiocl nd
misapplied. Dere again our Saviour
is turning from the suralce, oC soeiety
to I lie moral s u. bs t a nee un roe, a I. la
it. When thou nia,kest a tlinne•t•
01' a shPPer, call not 1,hy friend,
nor thy bret 114014 rent:her their
kinsmen, nor thy l'eb neigh-
bors. According, to the, idioms of '
eriental epeeele, this 11341(05 ,simply. I10
not let ±130 I/10 i ve tha it its eft:del:-
twat-it a 0 at saga al it 1: tiv i tics be eit11eg
selfish; itmbitielt, 01' sho 0', or, "tit -for-•
tat," Or personal rela,tionsItip. Lest
till.ey oleo lai41 thee again, and a rectina- •
i 1113(10 11)110.- 'tntere4 Lcd 1104.131'
40 0(4.115 lartselfigh. t•erierosity 15
nobler dean common civility. •
13, Call'ithe it(1t)r, 11.1t griainied, • the
11Til is1111 rfralloet it•NOit'elixegibetcl01
tt divine autarerit,y for indiscriritine,
Itte 11 ityriegivirig. It is ma d.e-fit
113 sbeun 101)11401 11031110.1 ity; i,ts rriaall
iitg si reply , ' 01 lapse, 1.11
11 Tliora shitit, bie•sse,c1. (10d'tbi
lienettiction, For --'they cannot • re
corapense thee. re, is no .ceriai.sn
ad vtiTitage , in this world to be found
by following our Saviour's injulicti,oni:,
Thou ;,,11alL he r•ItcompenSed at the
terreetto,n, t)f the just. Our Savioi,
' 1.etteirrecitioll of the dead. 'Ile
truth &trice:riling thz nittupe orfleiti
is 'not 110 1',' 1,0,11011 hr any theol,ogieat
11 ,a IP?ihljni:r%!i,;;terte's thhe'doillts.tge,v ;aingc111 • catiSstulentliteitl.
,:t•eaent expected a "resurrection
13 t Ire'jtigt" 111 a Sense ill Whiell
(1 nit',' riever taught' it. jeeus's \\Ord
uet it e1e0e he ve ; 1.4.41000 ea'.