Exeter Advocate, 1900-10-4, Page 5le,
0.Bzzetev brocatie
la published every Thursday Morning,
at the °thee,
—By the—
One Dollar per alumni if Pala in Advance
81..50 if riot eo paid,
littareirtiaiaaa- 17,atessee ore Zipeelloet-
No paper cliscontinued uatil allarre rage
ate paid., Advertisements without seecifie
directions will be pu./31ishe5 till forbid and.
oharg ed. aecordingly, Liberal. discount made
for tranacient advertisements inserted for
long 'periods. gyery deseription of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and. at raoderate rates Cheques,m onay ord.
ers, &c. for advertising, subeeriptions,ete.t o
be made payable to
Chas.IL. Sanders,
ProresSional Cards.
H. KINSMAN, D.D.S. & DR. A. R.
in2KINSMAN, L D. Se D. D. S., Honor
graduate of Toronto University,
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any
bad effects. Office in Fanson's Block, west
side Math Street, Exeter.
hollers Graduate of the Toronto Um.-
rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of °ataxia). Teeth extracted without pain.
All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office
over Elliot & Elliot's law offiee—opposite
Central Hotel --Exeter.
1--1 the Collega of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario , Physician, Surgeon and Accouch-
eur, Oce, Dashwood, Out
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Coraraiseioners, Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 51a. per
cent. Office Fanson's Block, Main Ste
Exeter. (A. member of the firm will be at
Hensall on Thursday of earth week.)
W. GLADMANa(successor to Elliot &
e 6-learner/e) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
Public aeaveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at
lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street,
BOSSENBERRY,Grand Bend, Licensed
.1.A. Auction.eer for County Enron. Sales
-promptly attended to, and charges moder-
ate, Orders by mail will receive every at-
in BROWN , Winchelsea . Licensed Ateat-
ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
fdiddleeex, also for the township ofUsborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms rea-
senbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win -
Insurance Agent,
'Main St.
A reliable remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavin,
Sweeney, Lameness from any cause, anct Sore Throat
in Horses, and Lump aaw in Cattle. See Pamphlet.
Satisfactlon guaranteed All Druggists and general
storekeepers keep it.
Prepared by
If you vvant your Repairing well done
go to R. Hrok.s—Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry a specialty.
Marriage Licenses issueclandWed-
clingRings always on hand.
ansou's Block, ,Exeter.
. The Grand. TurY at London, Ont.,
did not agree with. Mr.. Justice 'rRoSe
in his condemnation 'of... the Court
"Hoarse, and His Lordship stated that
On his next visit to the city, he: would
make it his ,business to have an- in-
dictment against the proper -author.:
ities prepared, and have a Grand Jury
, .
pass, npon it; unless the condition of
the building was improved .'. in the
Meantime. -
No other articles lased in the homes
of the Donn inion of Canada areas pop-
ular as the Diamond. Dyes. These in-
dispensable helps in economical house-
keeping make new friends every day.
Th!s popularity is gained by quality,
excellence of colors and eaSe and com-
fort in doing the mirk of dytaing.
Just think of it! One package of
any of the Diamond Dyes will color
from one to six pounds of goods, ac-
cording to the shade desired. This
is wonderful work When the small ex-
pense is considered. a
Your last year's jacket, cape, blouse
dress skirt and your husband's snits
and children's clothes may be soiled,
faded and unsightly; but with a ten
cent package of Diamond. Dyes you
can work a mighty change, and make
the old things like new for this Sea-
SOn's Wear. One effort in this work
of true economy will convince rota
that Diamond Dyes are true money
sayers to
Do not think
for a single
moment that
will ( /er strike
you a sudden
blow. It does
not come that
It creeps its
way along.
First you
think it is a
little c o I d ,
nothing but a
little hacking
cough; then a little loss
in weight; then a harder
cough; then the fever
and the night sweats.
Better stop the disease
while it is yet creeping.
Better cure your cough
You can do it with
The pressure on the
chest is lifted, that feel-
ing of suffocation is re-
moved, and you are cur-
ed. You can stop that
little cold with a 25 cent
bottle; harder coughs
will need a 50 cent size;
if it's on the lungs the
one dollar size will be
most economical.
.1 confidently recommend Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral to all rely patrons.
lam using it now in my own family.
Forty years ago I feel sure it saved
my life. A. S. Emsox, M.D.,
Jan. 4, 1898. Fort Madison, Iowa.
Write the Doctor at aay time. Ad.
D. .5. C. AYER, Lowell, Masc.
Goderich tp: The residence of Mr.
John Hillier was crowded with rela-
tives and guests on Wednesday even-
ing, the occasion being the marriage
of his daughters, Sadie and Emily, the
former Mrs. Fred. Hunt, and the lat-
ter, Mr. W. J. Routledge. The cere-
mony was timed to take place at 9 p.
in., and when the clock pointed to the
hour, between sixty and seventy were
present. The marriage ceremony was
performed. by Rev. Mr. Robinson, pas-
tor of Victoria St. Methodist Church.
Hullett: Another of 'Huron's honor-
ed pioneers has passed 'away. Mrs.
Alexander Jamieson, of the Huron
road, died on Wednesday, September
26th, having reached the good age of
eighty years. She had been ill only
two weeks. She leaves a family of
four sons and one daughter; all of
whom are at home, and who will much
miss and long cherish the memory of
one who was ever so thoughtful of
and so dear to them. The :funeral
took place to the Egmondville ceme-
tery on Friday.
Clinton: It was with feelings of
deep sorrow when the many friends
learned of the death of John Pinning,
which occurred on Sunday, 23rd ult.,
after an illness which confined hirn
to the house for four months back,
although he has been somewhat in ill
health for several years. Death at
any time and under any circumstances
is sad and painful to loved ones, but
is doubly so to see a man cut down in
life's usefulness, he having just reach -
the age of 4-7 years and 10 months.
The deceased WAS of English birth,
being born Nov. 2, 1852, at Wadding -
ham, Lincolnshire. He came to Clin-
ton with his father in theft -di of 1853,
Stanley: On Tuesday, September
95th the home of Mr. and Mrs George
Kennedy, of the Goshen line, Stanley,
was the scene of a very pleasant and
happy event, being the marriage of
their third daughter, Miss Susie, to
Mr. Chris. Eicher, of Zurich. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.J.W.
Andrews, of Varna, in a niost pleas-
ant and satisfactory manner. _After
the ceremony the company sat down
to a sumptuous dinner, and,after hav-
ing done ample justice to the good
things provided, proceeded by way of
Varna and Brucefield to Hensall,
where the happy couple, amid showers
of rice, took the train for London, in-
tending to spend their honeymoon in
Hamilton, Toronto and other places.
Clinton: On Monday afternoon
Ed. Rowed, baggageman at the depot
here, met with a serious accident,
which nearly cost him his life. It hap-
pened when Conductor S. Minn, was
coming in with his freight train from
Goderich. As he carries no passen-
gers this train of freight cars are run
past the depot to the south end of the
yard without stopping so as to facilit-
ate patters and SAITO time. While
going past the freight office Ed. ran
out with the orders to make up, hand-
ing. them to the breakesman while the
tram was going at a good speed. In
some unaccountable way he was
thrown one tvay and then another and
falling down was hurled against the
boxing of the wheel. The injuries re-
-ceived were so severe that he was ren-
dered insensible and delirious for a
while. Some who witnessed the ac-
cident thought he was killed or run
over in some way. He was taken to
the Medical office of Drs. O &
Scott, when considerable injuries and
bruises were found abotit the head
and face and severe bruises and lacera-
tion of the deep vessels in the region
of the left shoulder blade.
For Infants and Children.
44a -
Is on
811E[lf Of IMPERIAL [BigT8'
The Chinese Situation Now
Much Tarigied
China Pretends to Be aterritent and Directs
That Xa Rung Chaulr's Plan Be 13'01-
loWed to Punished. PrineeS and
Ministers Responsible lloor Outrages--
Xet Feverish. War Preparations Con-
tinue—Flow the N,atione Stand.
_London, Oct, 1, 3.30 a.
yond a elleaf of linperial edilets,
win'311 throev Mute still NVOPSe iott-
fusion the complicated Chilies° situ-
ation., there is Iiit1 itt to -day's neWa
to arrest attention.
Prom Shanghai entlteS an 1.111COn-
finned report that t110 alliCS ha.Vn
rieized Stan ICai K.wan.
All the news with regard te the
°diets emanates from Shanghai'. dcording to these advices, 'in addition
to the edict ordering Grand Coun-
cillor Kun Rang to offer oblations
before the coffin of Baron Vol-) lata-
teler end the edict direr:time that 11
Hung Cliana's entire plan Lie follow-
ed tri regard to tlie pi/Mahn/en t 01
the lea/tees and high Ministers Of
State responsible for Lhe ants-int--
LII. outrages; and the deareci order --
Mg 'Gait funeral honors be paid
Pekin and Tokio to the remains of
itgiyania Alcira, the murdered Chap -
center al the Japanese legation, Em-
peror Taearatag Su has addeessed fur-
ther letter's to, the Qzar and the Mi-
kado, reacwing his request for their
reid al the peace negotiations.
Vuijous opiniona are eaeeresseil es -
to the importance of the edicts,
'Floe Shanghai correepoaclen el
Tile Morning Post says: "The 'sev-
ere puniehnient' ordered by Eniperer
kwang Su will only- mean a nionea
thee. 'ft ere are traces of
Chang's hand, UnCler American in-
fluence, in the ecliet.s."
'Ile Standard's Shanghai corres-
pondent remark's: "Tbe Empress Re-
gent now realizes the true nature of '
the crisis. After consulting the .lare-
peror, she sunnnoned Gee court dig-
niteries and, on their assembling,
Baal le she r erne, i n ed sileist, the Ta e-
peror iri a loud 'voice delivered 'a -tir-
ade last ing a couple of hoars against
the court iers. Thcn, in an angry
voice. 1.e 'dismissed them. After 1,11 is
the decrees were issued," What::
these have been promulgated, how-
ever, feverish war preparations are
still reported from Sha nghal ancl
/IOW EttniPintInOntS haVO been made
to the Clithese army and navy."
How the Nations Stand.
Waehi ng ton, Oct, 1.—The align-
ment of the powers on the German
proposition to raake the punishment
for the Chinese leaders a condition
precedent to negotiations may now
be stated as follows:
Great Britain, Russia and Prance,
stana with the United States in re-
garding the proposition as Mexpeeil-
japari ocaupies a middle attitude',
She is evilling to follow the German
lead if all the other powers are
rigre.eable, but only for the sake of
preserving harmony among the pow-
ers, and not from a belief in the
-wisdom of the German proposition.
Atistilla and Italy stand shouldar
te shoulder with Germany, makina
the Dreibrand a solid front. The firet-
minted two powers do not attempt
to argue the German proposition,
and their answer's Make it apparent
that they have accepted it withour.
niuch consideration.
Tiffin Must Go to Trial.
Washington, Oct. 1.—The Depart-
ment cif State is informed by Con-
s u1-0 eineral Goodnow of Shanghai
that Sheng, the Chinese Director 05
Railways and Telegraphs, has h an d -
ed hirn a decree of the Emperor and
Entpressdated at Taignan, Sept.
25, blaming their Ministers for en-
couraging the Boxera. The edict or-
ders the degradation of our Princes
ani deprives Prince 'lamti of his sal-
ary and official servants. ITe is to
be la °LOA for trial before the im-
perial Clan Court'.
to Ignore ilia Emperor.
New York, Oct. 1.-11 the protest
regatta ina the appointment of Prince
Tuan, forevarcied by alb/ aster Wu
Ting I'ang, remains without
and Tuata is kept in the Privy Coun-
cil. the lInitecl States will refuse to
i«tgotiate with China unless assur-
ances are given that the action of
the 00 001-8 shall not be subject lo
revfe-iv ley the Chineae Emperor, says
a speciai to The Times from \\loath-
ingi ore.
France Stakes a Grab.
:Par is, Oct. I.—A special receiveel
here from Talau says a French aat-
ta lion from Pekin has ()coupled Len
Kon and Chan Sin Tien, thus
olitnining coal stores.
Creates a Great Sensation Among
tae Other Powers' Representa-
tivea at Tien Taira
Tien Tsin, Sept. 28, via Shanghai, Sept.
30.—Orders tram Washinaton, ..directing the
withdrawal of .the balk at the Arlie/than
troops were received tiara afternoon and
preparations to comply were begun imme-
diately. Oeneral Chaffeels here directing
the movement, whicli will ecimmenee at the
earliest possible Moment.
It 18 understood that the plan contera-
pletee leaying a regiment of Infantry, a
squadron Of cavalil and a battery of yr-
tillery In Pekin to protect American In-
tereets,and that the remainder of the troops
Will proceed to Manila.
The neWE of the American withdraWill
created a Sensation among the representa-
tives of the other pOwers here.
yrill Only LeaVe fa/Mixed Force of
2000 in Pelcin—Prletion Over
the Railway.
PeitimSept. 251 via Taku, Sent. 28, vla
Shanghai, Sept 80.-41 the conferenee of
generals fo-day, the Iles:dim commitild /r,
Oonerat Oineyiteh, annonneeti the immt.
dtai from Pekin of the litilit
0 itt 1111 sA :1 lytro&ps -;1 11(1 the legation. IJs
will leave `,1'hursday, Sept, 27, and legation
will fellow on Saturday, There will Totrial,1
h mixed force .)C n boat 2000 to repreiitlislit
(401tere 1 14neviten assorted that tile de-
spatoh froth St. Petergherg, irmisinittlhg
the ovabr 1- withdraw. contained a k.,,A..9.
went tea( ell the powers were adoptiret the
50105 PelICY. Who other generate aeldiad
that they Lad reeeived no orders of lhat
M. Pe (Hers Cables to St, Petersbusw
That lie *Was Leaving; IVelrin
. for :Tien. Tsin.
81. Petersburg, 'Sept: 30. --Tee following
aespateli, dated Pekin, aept. 30, ilea been
laaaliaed froni el. de Caere, Itussern Min-
ister to claim:
"In accordimee witit orders trem ' the
higheet quarter, tun lateeing for 'alien
`astir with, the whole legation.'
Joiel,erer Kwe-ew se Sends an Apol-
ogy to the Raiser and Sues
-for Peace,
Shanghai, Sept, 29.—(8.10 p.m.)—An
pedal letter toetue Gennall
3VDD 9ent treellit, says the Emperor of
China sends greetings to the Kaiser. It geert
on to say:
"This eudden upelsina in China has re-
sulted in the warder of your elluister. hly
eubordinates have acted disgracefully and
haVe broken our friendly relatiens, for
'Which I ern deeply sorrewful. I have to-
day ordered Grand Counailler Raingank to
offer oblations before the Minister's coffin,
1 have also ordered LI Hung Chang ana
Liu Kull -171 to afford every -facility for the
return of the coffin 10 Cermany. When 11
rear:lies that eouratry I have ordered air
Minister 111 Berilu to again make oblation
and thus show my profound regrets.
"1?urina:1y our two countriee were peace-
ful. 1 now appeal to you to regard, Our
common interests ana allow of early perate
negotiations, eo that peepetual periee may
be secured.. I make this spectel anti care -
est. appeet.''
in maltinn
g rills anouncement in the let-
ter to Itmperor William the Chinese Em-
peror eays that he lets taken this action
to allow these offenders that I ran deter.
to preeerve the Imperial inheritance
and not to aegerd princes or ministers.
They must [dame themselves for this :revere
punishment. My people must be pleased by
thii; puulshruent.'
'he Intperial edict pronnatie that re Iinng
Chang's entire plan In regard to the pun-
ishment of offencleae shall lee folloeted.
ThIS efliet will hare a quieting aua helpful
effect ou the Chinese.
The Elniperor and EmpreswilloAvager
Suffered Hardships and Saved
No 'Valuables.
Shanghai, Sept. 29. ---The Rurtelans
inveeted Mitialen; ,capital ef the Province
of Liao Tung.
Sir Ernest Maeon Satow, reeently ap-
pointed British Minister to China 111 stle-
ReSEIOn to Sir Ciaticie alaeDonald, has ar-
rived here on his way to Pekin.
Wang Wen Share president ofthe Board
of Revenue, who eecorepanied the Emperor
and Empress Dowager in their flight from
Pekin, says, in a letter received here, that
tahelr 'Majesties suffered great 'hardships,
having scarcely any feed for three days,
They had to ride on camels, and were al-
most deserted by their followers. ' As the
country thru which they traveled was de-
vastated by Tung Hu Slang's troops, they
were unable to obtaineven meeessaries,
and they saved no valuables.
izaii Been Do -finitely Offered to the Miners
—Hopes That This 'Will End the
Philadalphia. 80treitk.e.1.—An offer of
an Mere -rise of 10 per cent. in miners'
:wages, was yesterday inauguratedeby
.tiv, Philadelphia. & Reading Coal tie
Iron Company.
Itis expected by the operators
that • this increase will be satisfae-
tory to the men, and they believe
many at the strikers will take ad-
-vantagts of the offer and return to
work. Mining operations will in
this event be given an impetus, and
the operators expect there will then
bit a, gradual resumption until the
collieries will again have their full
comp.leinent of employes.
Whether the miners will accept the
offer af the company and return in
sufficient numbers to operate the
mines. coulcl not be foretold last
Soldiers Under Fire,
Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. 29.—As Major Ila
berstadt of Pottsville, the brigade surgeon,
and Thomas Glenn of Philadelphia, of Gen.
Goblu's staff, were on their way on eorse-
back to the Twelfth Regiment, which is
encamped on the hill batik of Turkey
from Shenandoah, they were fired upou
from ambush. The bullets vvlazzed by their
ears; both escaped injury. Later in the
day Lieut. -Col, Hutchinson and Lieut. 13erg-
stresser of fhe Eighth, while riding over
the mountain, were greeted by a -volley of
stones from ambusle. At midnight last
night a crowd gathered on the mountain
side back of the camp of the Eighth Regi-
ment and stormed the sentinele with stones.
About 100 men of the regiment scoured the
, mountain side, but found no one.
Hamilton's assessmerit list for
1001 was completed on Satarday.
The population is theme/sect by 1,-
104 during the present year.
J. Pie' -pont aIorg,an of Neev York
hae just imported Southport Per-
fection, a Scotch collie, from Eng-
land, for which he paid $S,500.
Two more deaths from bubonic
pltigue have been reported at Glas-
gow. One victim was a child born
of a wonian suffering from the dis-
rl'he motion for a new trial for
Joe Iffoward, charged as a principal
In the Goebel murder, was over -rul-
ed Saturday afternoon at Frankfort,
lay_ and Froward was sentenced to
be banged on Bee, 7.
-The population of Toronto as re-
turned by the assessor's on Satur-
day is 199,043, or an increase of
0,130 in the year. There is an in-
crease of 83,218,135 in the total as-
sesement of the city for 1901.
The women medical students of
Syleteuse University have organized
na Lionel fraternity known as the
Zeta. Phi. One, of the chartermein--
bete is Dr. Eliaabeth BlackeVell, the
first woman graduate of any mad ica,1
callega in the country.
Forty rive Were' DreCtilea.
lartteasaki . ,Tapan Oat.
Norwegian steamer Calabda (86:5
tons) Aral the 'Japanese' steamer Ise -
Mare are reported , to haee been in
collieitei off Iwo Shima. The Cal-
ando, was sunk and 45 of her pee-
eeneers and crew were drowned. The
Ise-Maru put in at Iveo Shima.
London's NoNe Lord.inayor.
tOndotl, 00t, Frank Green
-was frame Ily elected Lord Mayor' Of
London tor the ensuing' year at 'the
Cuilailhalt on ,%arerciay. Mr, Greou
, is a tat iye- 01 111 al dstOnc,
fa 'a iiijCi Merch ent.
is, by no means, the dreadful
disease it is thought to be—
in the beginning
It can always be stopped—
in the beginning. The trouble
is : you don't know you've got
it; you don't believe it; you
won't believe it— till you are
forced to. Then it is danger-
Don't be afraid; but attend
to it quick— you can do it your-
self and at home.
Take Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil, and live care-
fully every way.
This is sound doctrine,
whatever you rnay think: or
be told; and, if heeded, will
save life.
If you have not tried it. send for
free sample. Its agreeable taste will
surprise you.
'SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists.
50c. and $1.00; all druggists.
(Changed every Wednesday)
Wheat per bushel 64 to 65
Flour per cwt..... ...... . . .... 1.85 to 2.0t)
Barley 35 to 40
Oats 2.1 to 26
Peas 33 to 57
Buttor 13 to 16
Eggs .. .. .. .... 11
Potatoes per bag 40
Ray per ton 7,0e to 800
Dried Apples per lb
Turkeys 8109
Chicken ----- , 5a lb.
Corn 40 to 45
eimothy... . .. ... . ...... .. . . .... .............
Wool.. ..... ...... .. . ..
1 25 to 1 50
-450 to 525
....la to 10
Will Work At .Night.
(Doubtless thousands have found a
blessing to the- body in 'Dr, King's
New Life Pills, which positively cere
Constipation,' Sick headache, Dizziness
Jaundice, Malaria, Fever and ague end
all Liver and Stomach trbubleS. Pure-
ly Vegetable; never ee-ripe me weaken.
Only 25 cents atl.all 'drug stores..
It is officially announced that Lord.
Roberts has been appointed Comman-
der -in -Chief of the British airily.
A most deplorable occurrence is re-
ported from the township of Blandford
Friday. Joseph Vance has been living
for sonae tine on lot 6, concession 11,
with his father. Some years ago he
went insane and was taken to the asy-
lum at London. Somewhat over a
year ago he returned to his father's
home in the hope that residence among
friends and relatives would help him.
A careful watch has been kept upon
him, but Thursday evening about 7
o'clock he stole out of the house to the
pigpen, got hold of part of the harness
and strung himself up. So determined
was he that when found on the alarm
being given about 10 minutes later his
legs was dangling on the ground. Ile
was quickly taken down and a doctor
summoned, but life was quite extinct.
He was 32 veaes of ite-e and leaves a
fillif 11E011 TED
Honest Use o
PaiRe's Gelorq Compollpfl
Will Permanently Banish
Your Troubles.
It it is pitiable to see the half-heart-
ed and ahnost useless attempts made
by many people to get rid of poor
health. More determined efforts and
greater energy would be put forth to
achieve victory in any other under-
Too Many are believers in 'ffatalism";
others make use of almost anything
that is recommended by neihbors
while many are quite satisfied if tem-
porary relief is afforded.
If Paine's Celery Compoued be used
to cleanse the blood, to regulate and
and tone the nerves, :to banish rheu-
matism, neuralgia, headaches, kidney
disease and dyspepeia, then be assured
the good work is fully and permanent-
ly accomplished.
It is positively criminal and foolish
for young or old to mope around in a
halt -sick coedition and shut their eyes
to the geand blessings offered by
Paine's Celery Compound. The world
knows of no other mediciee as good
for fortifiying and building up the
eystem to battle egeinst the ying
and verying weather of ;autumn.
Go to your druggist at once and
procure a bottle of Paine's Celery Cram.
ponnd and see how soon the "blnes"
will vanish; your net -Vous depiessftin,
headache, bac:k1te-1.1.e, rhounatism and
nentafgaa will go, and point -it ent
health, activity and happiness Will be
youa s,
00 NOT Rt.!
i'x'oIrI a quee'tloti that most interest ,0a,
Have you your New Suit? It
not, drop in and see us at the
first opportunity and let us
show you a few prices of the
Fancy, Woresteds and Scotch
Have you seen the netv Staples and
Therringbone patterns. They
are beautiee.
A big range of Blues and Black, Irish
Serges at the old prices.
If you want a black we have what you
want in Twills, Venetians and
0 VEItC0 /TS
Overcoats in Beavers, Meltons, Curls*
Napa and TrIontanacts.
All werk done in the latest style end
fit gunrienteed.
Opposite Pest Office
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable,Christie's old Staid
will receive prompt at-
tention. .
erms Reasonable
Yes, we have just received another
carload of furniture, which when
added. to our already fine stock we
can supply the latest. most hand-
some and cheapest things on the
We have the Stock—you have the
money—we want to trade, and if
it is furniture yoa want it will pay
you well to drop in and see our
dandy line before purchasing else-
We have the largest and bes
assortEd stook in town,
He Fooled The Surgons,
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering
18 months from Rectal Fistula, he
would die unless a costly operation
was performed; but be cured himself
with Bucklen's Salve, the best in the
world. Surest Pile cure on earn.
25 cents a box. Sold by all drarrfornsists.
Hibbert: Much regret is felt at
the death of Mrs. Busk°, nee Miss
Mary -Coyne, who died at her.' home in
Arthur township. near Mount Forest,
a few days ago. She was a native of
Ibis township and. lived here all her
life, previous to her marriage some 15
years ago. Deceased was the eldest
daughter of the late John Coyne. She
had many relatives and it, lorge elide
of friends ha Hibbert, who hold her
memory in the highest regard.
SeventeenYears of Torture,
"I had a bad cough for seventeen
years" writes Mrs. Sanfl Hamilton
of Lawnville, Tenn. "No doctor or
medicine could cure it until a year ago
began to Use Dr. Kiuge New Discov-
ery for consumption, which did me
more good than any °thee medicines I
ever used. It is truly a grand cure
for stubborn Coughs, Colds find Throati
and Lung troubles." Positively cures
Consumption, PneumOnia, Grip, Brien-
chitis, Asthma, Hay Fever and Croup.
Price 50e. and $1.00. Guaranteed.
Trial bottles free at drugstore.
Blyth: Within one month Blyth
has had three serious fires and four
this year. The fourth one occurred
about 12.30 Tuesday morning and the
'building to be destroyed was the hotel
at the station. The fire had gained
such headway before beirig discovered
that it was impossible to try and. save
the hotel. Every effort was then put;
forth by the fire brigade to save the
Adjoining buildings and which was ac-
complished by g,ailant and magnificent
He Is A Wonder.
All who eee Mr. F. 0, Celliet, or
Cherokee, Iowa, as he is now, cheer-
ful, erect, vigorous, without all ache,
could hard1V believe he his the satne
man W110, it short tune ago, had to sit
in a chide, propped up by cushions,
suffering intensely from on ilehing
itt agony if he tried to stoop—alt
caused' by chronic kidney trouble, that
no medicine helped till lie lased. nee-
tvic Bitters and was Wholly cured by
three botLlett. Positively calves
ache, ervousness; Loss of Appetite.
all Kidney troubles, Only 50c at alt
ds -ug s orez,