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Exeter Advocate, 1900-10-4, Page 3
ioAc.440A9.4QAoA00 40AoitoAoA0®0 o AoC4oAuAo®o4►®oAoAoJroel.0A0p. 0.0 GENT'.,, CII�FPE ,,'S 4� .°41 FAltl.l.LY. .410 00, ,dQ'Sornething About tl►e Wife 10.0 O' renalChildren of tine Gal- ieQ O� Nut American Solder. 10.0 O 40 BY MILDRED MERRIAM.- no, 041 ta.o' o'1oyo1'oVoy'ov'ooVoyoyoyoVovo While tie r ne • 1is General za Adna R. Chaffee aelping the foreign commanders chase Boxers aril rout the imperial troops in Chinn his family is quietly passing the summer in a sleepy tittle Connecticut town remote from railroads and iiigttisi- tine visitors. The gallant general's do- mestic relations are very happy, for he is as good a husband and father' as he is a soldier. ixeoeral and Mrs. Chaffee were mar- ried in 1814. A year and a half after their Marriage General Chaffee was or - tiered to Arizona. The first years of their marriedlire were spentert amid the thrill- ing inti experiences of the w"stetn army posts of those days, s, and ever since tbeu Chaffee in h madeher home the Mrs. has e test. She calls .Fort Ripley, Kan., hove because General Chaffee has prop- egly there, ntiMrs. Chaffee has vela ti eS and friends there. Mrs. Chaffee is a handsome woman, e he is "iand pleasant face. with a youngS Uro brown ut r height, ht her hair is t ( ettrtn e t wavy and brushes} batik plainly from clear, light bloc her�� I She has Ll fU hla(..�' for head. which sparkle with animation when she talks, and a charming man - ter. not suggest - Her appearance does today 25� c • ssed the : plains hatyears agoshc to west the in an army n wagon, as a Y bride with her husband; who was thea an calker in the Sixth cavalry, ordered to one of the lonely and dangerous mili- fury Posts of those days in Arizona. There are three Chaffee children, or at least there were for 000 of them has grown np and is married. This is the old- e5tdaughter, who two yearsago became the wife of hieutenant' George French Hamilton of the .regular army. Lieuten- ant Hamilton is instructor in the, West Ii ' Point academy. The second child is Adna R., Jr.,. who is•a bright andi keen boy of 14 -years and 11 t is 1 't o£the ambition to , a e soldier.1 The your c tit= girl is Helen, 12 years old, and a most lovable find interesting SLOW STARVATION,. THE CONDITION OF THOSE AI - FLITTED WITH INUIGES1'IONN. F1stitiena , Sick lleadaelte, Ilifensivi'-. Breath mad tariaeiatiitils, Kerb ability. anal Feeling of ve,lht on 9.111 Ston' act* are Among 1110 sg'mpg ems. pgs'pepsia, or t'n,dagi>stion, as it is also frequently.' called, is one of the, iwost serious ailments that afflicts When •hen then s'toln,1c11 'rosea its craving for, food, and the power to digest pt, the person so afflicted i;) both mentally and physically in a conld'itlion of wreite.hedness. L`lte symptoms of thio clisacder are matzi- •fold, and among -latent truly be noed, a feeling of weight in the region of the stomach, sick headache, offe asive breath, heartburn, a cif u.grceable taste in 'the. mouth, irritability of temper, di turbet1 •sloep, e> C. Lc )L duction is in fact ,one of slow starve - hien, body, rl nerve., a b 1x100 Y. t' of the can. anal on'th'e first symptoms treat:ntent' i • Williams'Pink k thin^ough the use ofDt r. Pills, should be sought. Mr. ' William. � blacl>_smith Birt, a' Well. knownI at a' 'o suffered E. I. is one `., is ld P,1tl > for )ears, and le lat s hiss experience; for the benefit of „similar sufferers. Mr. Birt 'says : Lor ninny nY years I was a , victim of tsrcligestion, ; accom- panied - pauied by nervousness, palpitation of the heart iindnd other distressing $ Ym ph to s. My appetite was irregular, , t like •ver h - i and what I ate Lel s a. t n. nay stomach; this was accon1p,adi:ed by a- feeling of stulplor or sleepiness, andi yet I rarely enjoyed a night's sound' sleep. W.htotr :C would rehire a creeping •sensation would come over me; tiithpains 'and fluttering theA heart, and then when I arose in the morning, • I : would feel as tired Mad fat. ted did before went to bed. Lt.,ts needless to say that I was colntilntia]lY taking aneldicine, and L'tn•iied,'; I think, aline,st everything rieecanm:_inded as a cure for the trovee bwe. Oc casaclnally 1 got temporary. relief, but the trouble always came baiek,-usu,a,lly.:in a still nacre aggra- vated foam. A.11 this, ' of coarse, cost a .great/ deal of money, and < as t!h:e •expa,ndiiatinlre Seemed useles9: I was very much diacouraged. One day one of my neiaghboirs, who had used Dir. "Williams' Pink : Pills tvit h m'u:c,h'' benefit. Advised tine to try them, and I decided to. do so, thinking never- th,ele`ss, that. it would be; but an- other "hopeless experiment. '• 'lo- mY great gratification, however, I hail attly been: using the pills a few weeks. .vheln I telt decidedly" better, and thirngs began Lo "kook "brighter. I con- tinued taking the pills for several months, with } the resultthat my health was as good and my. digestion better than ` it had ever been. One of the most flattering results of the treatment was my increase in" weight Cl ands. It a is froln 125 poeuds to 155 1 t is more than a year now since I dis- continued tire' use oil' the pills and 'in that, time I have not had the slight- est return of the trouble. ,1•Ve al - . MR. HEATH'S SUCCESSOR, .1':t. Johnson, New nest Ansistont 1'ontmanyter General. William Id. Johnson, who Iles been up - Pointed to fill the post of first assistant postmaster 'genual made vacant by the resignation signation of Perry S Heath, has been in public life for only five years, but he 11,11 been remarkably sueeess,Cul. 'EIe lives in Hackensack, N.. 1., and in 1895 vl'as elected to the state senate; being the first Republican so honored by Ber- gen Bounty. He was re-eleeted and at the, beginning of his second term was chosen president of the New Jorsey Sen- ate.visit During a recent o J. 1+ 't' sc 's govornor,tp Europe no was acting Y governor for two months. Mr. 3'ohnson Is a tall, thin man, with very dark hair and whiskers. •IIe is a lawyer and is considered quite an expert P ^ a ways . keep the pills in the be -ase TWO CHILDREN': OF CIFINI:RAL cFIAFFEE. now and na family have.' Used ahem redid. She has her mother's repose and for other ailments with the same her father's spirit. TIM ' result is a girl „ 1 `as full of fun and cranks as"a gratifying results. who s L kitten. these. •lPi-lismay be 'had from. any Mrs. Chaffee comes of spirited antes dealer in medicine, or Ivan be sent tors.' Her father was George Rockwell post paid at '50 cents a boxboxor six r that drove the A1ou,aons:' out of the state boxes for $2,50, by . , addt•essalig the of-llliuois ]firs. Chaffee and her twc Dr.'Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- the have been passingt • ehilc7reu Ont. > st. villa Brock - youngest rho ryas captain of the Citizens'' league summerupin the Conueeticnt hills north of New ` London at a comfortable hotel .'' on the banks of the Niantie river. CAN FLY FAST AND LONG. Mrs.' Chaffee is proud' of herhusband Thefrigate and of her children. "I am very proud," I '• bird can fly at the rate she said. "of 0 rel Chaffee's most re- x'•0)2 100 miles an hour, and live in the cent appointment. It came as a great air a week at a time without touch- surprtse:to bin. 1;Ie. is moremodest and ing a roost. reserved even than mostpeople believe, and he had never•, expected rapid promo • -•ps••s -.,.. .�.a�-s�7c-,-arssaa.�xaii• "General Chaffee is not given tb telling even, his, own family of his work, so you can see that even we do not know much about his work. He is -very studious and has always worked veryhart in order to make up for training for the army, 'which be did not have by en edu- cation at West Point." When she heard of his appointment to command. in China. she felt that she wanted a picture of him; before he sailed :China. Knowing, she said: chat. ho 1 ,,mild say he was too busy. Aid's. Cho 1,, fee wrote to an intimate friend in Wt;h- ington: 0E1111114 this friend to get the gen- eral, 'take him to. a pbotogrephi'r's and have him photographed. The friend complied, and just before GcnernYChaffee sailed he sent his -if 11 batch of the photographs with a note in which lie said he "hoped this would be enough ,to last her for the rest of het' life.." . According to: General Lasvton the f ElCane and most • of battledY etedrt of Of the maneuvers of the troops before' Santiago: belongs to .General Chaffee. Il'e 1 lavas the most active of any ,1L the offi- cers, his fii-cers,.his wiry frame giving 11111 strength and endurance Besides, he lied the far-, ulty ;of at 1)000 ca(Chng th(? salient feat - urea 5 of the surrounding country" and his roconuoissanca,.ee �were accurate and of t.be greatest value. Captain Lee .of the British` Royal ar- tillery, Oho' accompanied' General Shaft- er's expedition as Great Britain's mill- er), attache, expresses the highest opin- ion of General Chaffee's nbility• Captain Lee relates how he accompanied .Genet al Chaffee' en a; reconnoissance which brought' theta so "close to the Spanish lines as to heat the conversation of the Spanish outposts. "I confess," said Captain Lee after- wa"that in relating the adventure, that 1 began 'hunting : for ray papers which snbwed 210 to be a neutral, hut General. )chaffer eltowecl ; no uneasiness, made a . ),Carefull survey :of the surroundings and. we retrerrted ns calmly as though the Snuniards were'Ttve• mil';tit Stanstead Junction, P. Q., 12th Aug. 1893. -- Messrs. C. C. Richards S. Co. Gentlemen, -1 fell from a brklge, leading from a platform to a loaded 'car, While assisting 015' men in un- loading a load of grain. • The bridge went down as well as t,heload on my back, and I strucl on tib.^, ends of the, sleepers, -causing a serious injury to. my leg. Only for its being very fleshy, would have broken it. In, an hour could, not walk a step. 0o111-1 m,enced using MINA LINI14ILtN'C,r and the third day went to Montreal -on business and got about well by the use of a cane, In ten ,days was nearly well. i' can sincerely recom- mend it recom-m,end.it as the best Liniment that I know of in use f Yours truly, G .. HU'ORD N. - - SOOTHING PASTE FOR BURNS. ClPTI i.t ' a al make a� t st:e f For 0 burn or scaldp, oo.tnmon baking soda and 'water ; ap- ply `ai:once and cover with a linen cloth. When the skin is broken apply t o �t*' withafeather• , the white f . 'an eg� this gives tn t ot. relief, and keeps the air from theflesh. tong 1Wfere life, hirci. A canal connected the Mediterran- ean with the Red ecu as early its 600 years ,before the Christiian'era: Its length was 92 miles. This signature is on every box of the 3enu1ne Laxative BronneiQuinine Tablets switching for doing things that would the remedy that cures n'cold In one der send a man to jail." ---Washington Star. WILLIAM M. JOHNSON, a No NEED TO WORRY. She handed the eh,eq;ue to. the paying teller. She was cal0a. and collected, as if it were an everyday matter. "Madam," said .the teller, gently, "you. Kaye forgotten to endorse it>' ' Indorse;it t" with a little worried smil© .A: �.', 8,4 •; yok Must write_ your name e w o nick •1 1 }1 0' 11 b ,hl;ro to allow that you will: repay this hank in raise the issuer of this cheque should fail to answer out' call. ` r ' Oh,'It nen she said, accepting the le p 6 When the teller looked at the cheque again, this hs what he read The—bank has always paid up What it owes, and you will heed have' no . worry.' Therefore I indorse this che'q'ue. ,'i Very truly ypur's, 1Vlrs..J. B. 131anlss," The teller fell ever into the vault. Deafness Cannot be Cured by lootil ap, ion $, t s they cermet reach the disoiteed liortlun of tie ear. 'libele isonly 0110 i(1• way 'L i vin r.deutnc s,='and that it by costr r, t•'. r ttlS tl b • to 11 , 4 l 1) 1 1 e }. OI ,L• T ] 1 t 1 tt t i )f the t t. It t i 1115111 (honed condi ion of • h till VU S 4 t 1 Pet:, tit zai To. 0.AVeen this tubo i`t itI a )'r nib rca ..0 'incl r t, 4 , •d uurtit, tit 1 11 ttv V t ,S 4 Ill when ly VII• L t (. l r �h heaving, 1 w G y le e v t t., d,n1.'iia. � l7 -rho t4`itiC, luld unlus he tniaatn- s ,eyed •,tat?foo ran be .,.I ,, n,'aG end. t nL; ttbe c : .l1 be th - t itis-� t ! t, • a•r ,titin u t n t, n o i t, l u i t nt•1,ye t revel' : Mae titii: oat, of t,i•n ,n•:, u v, in- flamed r net t Wit , uotLta •t b, 111 t1 r t u 1 0 a flamed c o lotion 01 111 1111 tat -1 se 000 I er aLl 1 rur ul 1)o1us Y. t i i" nV L I 11uwt eU 1as/ 01 ,eet1 1 s (0,itikcd ti) Batt t )) tlii1101111 n bit; C:uuu byl1itlt's. Qtttarr5 (u;e, �u ,orciretthr� free. 'F' 3.l I �N I.Y C co., To11. do 0. Sold by Brugge t 711. Ha11 s Faun Ptl,� a,' the best. i iiLiatr. l:a, d➢: ti•t hie :,. 4 e. ul has lolvt�rt Although the ostrich t Allh 61 legis Land can kick like a mule, his limbs are very brittle and are easily b'roke,n. H:, has two toes in elalolh'' foot, pee being airmen With a: horny 111 corporation late. Ali, ,loianson was, 1;n 1:•341 and rs iNewton, N. 'J )out n the son of W.S. Johnson, secretary of' state' for New Jersey from 1801 to 186 . IIe was'graduated' from: Prineetou' in he Trenton was admitted to t and C 18(;r bar in'1870. In 1874 he removed to Idacl:ensack find built ui f thelate: friend practice. He was a t e e i1Ti]liunt Walter Phelps and is a trustee of the Phelps estate. For several years arr. Johnson served on the Eepnb1ienn state committee and in 1883 was a delegate to the national convention. 5Ii'. Johnson's family consists of his wife and two sons. ` 1 -le' has recently presented to Ilackensack-a public library, which is now being erected and which will cost $50,000. TIPPLING WOMEN. > a lucrative law nail, twh rah he 'u3es as his 40 11011 wka,pou of tt .ur'fave• \Vhen an unar:lu- n of these, ed main is ani tckad by one bards the Mao nc•ss aro very rnlleh a.aains;t the man unless b,ecan :attar) , tree 'or jump oven t. five-foot wall, 1 I �1• St)ll. i_ _ X11185 1 11 IISI,111ID1B . 11111151 CONSOLATORY. A. man wilt.a Was suffering horribly from, gouut in the right foot was so fortunate ars to possess a wife svh° ., ,a,.l,v:, 511'i0 " 1'.a ,•t, 011 used' every possible means to comfort liovv long will it look. fresh That's one question you should, ask t you buypaint. It will r,rhen pay to buy good; paint—paint that has been tested for. years. R�I M SAS PAINTS an t9 retain their glossy newness. rr look l"resh, and bright, longer the than any others, becausey are niade right. Theyare pure paints. They are the best. �� SON, A. RA3>IcS 6IREAL. f9fli i9 i� ► t' I862. E� d r 1?2iii,$ Ci�2ske n. INUPy Conforts p m i _, �. est safe in MeWortrd verjwh ere. pgromosiaMOOMISMIIIMME and console him. IL was a class 02 eight year olds, One day, when he - was complaining bitterly oar the pain, she said, -sooth- in,gly, " But you' are comparatively well , MrG M L off;' J-ames. Just think what the gout' • thousand- 1.1S it d and the subject t sr cameposition was "The Caw " One of the girls wrote, among- other things; "The oow is a very useful animal, for she supplies ups wibh:'becfote;ak, veal, pork, and other rnealts.''. Anoibee•, looking at the sub' 't from a wheolly different s'tan d,p:u n•t, th:o'ug11t tli.o cow yew useful because "She keeps the ga,r- don ciea.n by ea ti the weeds:" 'dothel'' Ut,ltus': "Worm latxtei'iizivator has the largest, Salle of any sunhar• ,prepar- ation rep it- arson sola 111 Canada. It always give? satisfaction by restoring health to:the little folks. Lake of Se w'o'uld be iG yo4 tv re a ousan - : • Mrs. I.ake,'Who Says : Louis, whosere- legged worm 1" • Drink habit to Very : centclr charge that : common Jul society'. ; tippliug among • : society women •hart. become shockingl common has created so mneh: ,� y cotiinlent, is the third vice president:of the Catholic Total Abstinetce Union of America. Her startling statement' was made, at the annual'convention of that organization, lately:held in' Philadelphia. Mrs. Lake, who 'read her report, took. the breath of her listeners..away, when she said bluntly, speaking of the use of. intoxicants by society woman:` "Why, would you' believe it, at ninny afternoon teas intoxicating liquor;,lias: taken the place of tea to a noticeable' extent! "There is where the young debutantes begin to acquire the taste for"stimu- lants. It is added to by the wines served at their dinners.-Soon`they`'do not care to eat: unless they have their cocktails first. The rest follows as a matter of course. -.There is but one sure cure—stop the manufacture of intoxicating liquor. "There are many women from, higher classes of 'society going to the House of • One of the most danger- ous and repulsive forms qf- Kidney Disease is for which Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- - neys are actually dammed U, and the water, which should be expelled in the form, of urine, flows back and lodges in the cells of'. the flesh and puffs out the skin. Remove the filth which plugs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is only one Kidney. Medicine MRS. M. L. LAKE, the Good Shepherd voluntarily to get p away from liquor,. The number is in- creasing all. 'the time," continued ' airs. Lake, quoting the mother superior, "and at tho woman's alcoholic ward at Belle- vue'the attending nurses and physicians state 'that - seldom a day goys by that some decent looking woman is not brought in or comes herself to be treated. The ratio has gone up' frightfully in the past few years. "Who can contemplate the future with. ont''a shudder if ibis and other vices which undermine and destroy the 'life bearing force of the world are permitted not only to exist, but every opportunity and •means for developing them receive the 'sanction of society and the protec- tion of law?" Oynical. "1 hate to hear a,: man continually 'say frig he wishes he were a boy again," said Air. Sirius Barker in his usual vindictive tone. "Don't yeti admire sentimentality?'.' "That ain't sentimentality. It's moral cowardice. When a lean wishes he were a boy again, it's because he wants to break loose and rut up. He knouts that a boy can get off with a leetnre and a t AS SEEN BY THE CHINESE. This is how a Chinese writer des- cribes New Zealanders' in a Chinese. piper •They live monthswit out eating a mouthful of rice; they eat bullocks and sheep in enormous quan- tities with knives and prongs, They never enjoy themselves by sitting quietly on their ancestors' graves, but junvp around and kick balls asif paid t for it, and they have no dignity, for they may be found walking with wo- men." 1i Plc Leant Medicine.-'Jliere lire .some, pills which have no other: purpose evi- dently •bail to beet paint tl intc: rim) ' clic turbo.res _in the patient,; ;tinting to Iii troubles and IC$l1exrttG„ rather theer lliminiahing them • One might', ars' •veli 5500111(55' 801114 coria tae 11aierial. I'a.r- tnelre's Veeetaide Pills have not this cliff- egrecable and injurious property. They are easy to; take, are net imp101151nt to e taster:and their' 00nicu is Mild anal soothing. A. trial of them 5vi11 prove this. They oiler peace to the dyspeptic. 11fi.C3.IOBE EXTERMINATES' RATS. Mr. Danysz, ofU the I?aisteur institute in Paris, ,has found a microbe 1011101 exte,ryninates rats. He 'has tried the el`feet of hlis microbe in warehous,es, is and other ylar s ' and in .50 per farm's, I , cent, of :the eases, the rats complete- ly disappeared. A Purely Vegetable Pill,--,Par'ntelee's Vltgeteb]e Pills are compodudell from ,outs, herbs and solid extracts of known virtue in the treatment of liver and lad- r,y,complaints and to giving tone Ea the ,S -stern whether enfeebled by overwork or lorangcd through execs es in living. hhey require no testimonial. Their ex crellent qualitiee are well knownto all losb who have used them and theycom- mend co mend themselves to dyspeptics and those subject to biliousness who are in quest of a beneficial medlcln,, 0@00(l' 1',,!:, fur. Clothing. Woad pulp paper as military cloth- ing ars used by the'Jalp:anese troops. It to tineJavel,o,otsly tough and has an appearance, l[hat might well be re- griilieded 'tviltfh satisfaction for summer wear. It atcide. 'st:i cahi,ng uncommon- ly well, awhile its war'int'..h in undoubt- ed. '1.'ry It.-lt wouldbe agross injustice to, confound. than standard: he inti agent.— Dr. Ta mime h electric Oil with the erdiu- :11.1 1111 •ribs, ionone 1lld salves. irbey are oft tint inue- ell.auntnatory and ast0iug- en t. '1'hc Oil as, on the contrary, emin- ently cooling iindeta)/ hing when a.pplied. external to relieve pain, and powerfully- entedia11 Olen ewn.liewed. VICTIMS 01, THE BOER, WAR. Latina 3tlancla ,Smith" and "Bel,- montinas Gra Modclerriva • Brown," are names which have been given to babies in Cape Colony. A Boer named lroskie',has had his son bap- tizad Immanuel. Kruger Steyn Triom h s -a combination "sacred and pro,, fans," S,tbtvr.':Iiaran Plant 1,11c. Soil was bro'ugh't up trona a depth of 320 ' feet from a' coal inane in Bel ' gium, and from' it sprouted weeds of a species. entirely unknown to hotan- isitaa 1!1111(11 s 1i1ll111l811t Cures Colds, Etc, atu 111i•: M,e^cal'lailal4. `Grandy—hheat 't,h' dile-il' is high noon, Ci11r o,ol.ili,ain? GullhoIollilaten—tit's itIt' top av th' mor,nin' 'Ye i g niorimmis. P055 me ap. a b rickl EASY GOING :MEXICAN Bier i1NESS MEN. 1101• of the business houses in Mex- ico fro areclosed- for 1 1-2 hours in the middle of the day. Why will you allow ie cough 50 lacerate your throat and lungs au<1 run the risk of tilling 11 11011511111p115'11'5 grave, whcn, by the tamely nye or •Bickle's,Anti-Consunlp- tine Syrup the labii eau be allayed' and the dander avoided. This syrup is plea1saut to the taste, and tiusut patssecl for relieving, healing and cueing all affections of tlie" throat :Ind lungs, colds,' coughs, bion elitls, etc„ Ole. A 1151 Maltese cat belonging to an Engl.isih woimaa;n has }bean successfully provided with spec1110les to counter- act farsliing eyesigih.t, A' picture of a 011011se ev,,as used by the cioulltet to test. Slaectatr.la'ti for a tact rat. the 'cat's eye.. lllllielllt Cling Di11t11Gr �illllal'(7 S 7,11 lU 1S, Char tciet•ls'IeallYTopsy-'2arvy. Laboa- tin China varlets in its effici- ency'according ' to the place, and, curiously unlike Europe, seems to vary tiinvelrs,ely with the temperatures of the climate. At Tientsin and • the northern ports It takes muchlonger to Load and unload cargo than at the ports of the'.'Yangtse and the hus- bandry of the soi'1': shows less care in the northern provinoeti than it does lower down. 5 Ihll�lli S L1111i11o11tLlll cS�Ia>'Ect Ill GOON Wise Way of limiting.'. Hawks have been seen to follow in the wake of a moving railway train, ' to swoop down on snnadl birds that were suddenly disturbed and fright- cried; by tthe naise,,,and therefore for the moment were off their guard. NORWAY A HEALTHY COUNTRY. :The only European country whim has a lower death rate than England is Norway. Iii -fitting beets and shoes cause corns. Holloway's Corn Cure is the article to use. Geta hottle at.onee ansa erre. Your conic; ter-•-- - Guests on the 'Left. The place of honor at a Chinese banquet is at the hoist's left, hand, • n.il coil NUE f1i0 —Ficamily 120111�r,ltes 11.0 per tray. 0In} r]jp 7 Montreal. :"Fnee Bun ULUL 0[!1111011(11 A.m.1.51.50up. EP. 51ean,. y10Tt SALE—OEOIOE S'ARMJIS, BRUCE County, Ont write "for particulate, James K. Stewart,i Smear line, Ont. "" { CATHOLIC PRAYER r.' fYntiRSi' nil4iSrnai. Religions Piet Statuary* and Church Orna- ments, Educational rna-ment•s,Educational Works. WWI maims receive promptattention, D.& 3, Sedli.,r S. Co. Ntontt''L FOR OVER FiFTY YRAAS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOT1ITNII SSRI -1 has been useii by mothers for their children teething. Itsoo hes the child, softensthe gums,'41]aya Pain, enrol wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 250.8. bottle.. lidlby ask fort' :1118, �55instlow�S Firioth5ughout 'g.Syhe rup." rld Benne as a• STOI'PF,D FREE. Permanent T `ly Cured. nit xr,tai s GREAT r 'n seaanItEST01010. Po3itive euro O for all Ncry ins Diseases, Fits t 1%011eps,y. Spasms and St Vitus'Dapce. Nil Fits of Ncrvousne s efter first clay's ase, m Treatise and it, 2 trial bottle Sent th oe_ah:Oan clian Age.ney 1.11513 to Fit patients they v 151114 ex rens charges only when received r.t ( b Send: t.ODr'liline:981 Archst., lyhi:adelnhia,).'u THE PUMMO and HARRISON S1"ESS an COLLEGESHORTHAND E. 0. 0. F. Building, Toronto. Gives amoat thoron h course of individual ln;unetinn in all Celanese and Civil Servio! Subjects, Shorthand, Typewriting, Etc. itx el•t experienced teachers, equipment and ndvontilg•el unsurpassed, open entire year- Circulars Frac. T. N. U. 29.„1.•••• • t PAG i(A00 ! ;Shoo iros6 ii '. 8AVE OFTy�EN H I' .1�1 d:.l HO E . S: Q •ALL C0Ld�3 0'(15 ALL -L A1104aBai For sale by ctdl 50,1 ola1) • S1Ic111 I)7.Ail,f:a: • 1., 11. €'Ackard tic CO A {, ill l�t� ,ieu li fi'!11 p .r li l'' I,: „li 1- i,.l l r. . t, lid t.-{ t t,. I .; . i l :... c ., u4 .t t , 'I I • 1� t �I I t ih'i !l'iiulj ii i , 111104-- I l l i II I. iI ll,: II lI 1 I li• 11 l l�e'c � 1l ,.I I I•,'''i.. Iii,,., I I ( I .il , ll 1 ' 1, Ii l+,li 1 rd ,.i il' ' ¢ I l •, � l II i L bt•. I ' f :� p ,,19,E Il til i 't, c .l i,: � 7 i t I. .I 1 ,q .I , erKrr'9 , e "' L. I , i,. V h,, --- '" '" - „E !k.. t . r. _ �' �",n.•irrF`''. \ err• , 1�� ` A v C• '°`' `�\ , ,, tt•,,tti... 1 ,1 L ti. I. � k 11ell , t. 'a ou Iwl : .1111„-� 1 „I. itr { Iii , • ,fit” \i I I',illi i,t /t .y .,. I ,fid . '. 'n a r ,�, �5 ��1 , , Tl,t>> I g I a ry qq 'ro ,awl„11 - �i'ul tF R�• I�x s dS'lpt� t•oll . s --? , k, i •lel I' o yy i �� 1 c' t i.e• !, A0: 11 ^4 - j : � � ). � it _, y li ,�f• l i yy . h .l 4 7 11.:.4 r. 1 �. 1 p P Ip f �rd efir ,. ,� pe I � I I j� t p N r, r.. i �' S 4 , .-. r. 4 yylIldd, WILLIAM M. JOHNSON, a No NEED TO WORRY. She handed the eh,eq;ue to. the paying teller. She was cal0a. and collected, as if it were an everyday matter. "Madam," said .the teller, gently, "you. Kaye forgotten to endorse it>' ' Indorse;it t" with a little worried smil© .A: �.', 8,4 •; yok Must write_ your name e w o nick •1 1 }1 0' 11 b ,hl;ro to allow that you will: repay this hank in raise the issuer of this cheque should fail to answer out' call. ` r ' Oh,'It nen she said, accepting the le p 6 When the teller looked at the cheque again, this hs what he read The—bank has always paid up What it owes, and you will heed have' no . worry.' Therefore I indorse this che'q'ue. ,'i Very truly ypur's, 1Vlrs..J. B. 131anlss," The teller fell ever into the vault. Deafness Cannot be Cured by lootil ap, ion $, t s they cermet reach the disoiteed liortlun of tie ear. 'libele isonly 0110 i(1• way 'L i vin r.deutnc s,='and that it by costr r, t•'. r ttlS tl b • to 11 , 4 l 1) 1 1 e }. OI ,L• T ] 1 t 1 tt t i )f the t t. It t i 1115111 (honed condi ion of • h till VU S 4 t 1 Pet:, tit zai To. 0.AVeen this tubo i`t itI a )'r nib rca ..0 'incl r t, 4 , •d uurtit, tit 1 11 ttv V t ,S 4 Ill when ly VII• L t (. l r �h heaving, 1 w G y le e v t t., d,n1.'iia. � l7 -rho t4`itiC, luld unlus he tniaatn- s ,eyed •,tat?foo ran be .,.I ,, n,'aG end. t nL; ttbe c : .l1 be th - t itis-� t ! t, • a•r ,titin u t n t, n o i t, l u i t nt•1,ye t revel' : Mae titii: oat, of t,i•n ,n•:, u v, in- flamed r net t Wit , uotLta •t b, 111 t1 r t u 1 0 a flamed c o lotion 01 111 1111 tat -1 se 000 I er aLl 1 rur ul 1)o1us Y. t i i" nV L I 11uwt eU 1as/ 01 ,eet1 1 s (0,itikcd ti) Batt t )) tlii1101111 n bit; C:uuu byl1itlt's. Qtttarr5 (u;e, �u ,orciretthr� free. 'F' 3.l I �N I.Y C co., To11. do 0. Sold by Brugge t 711. Ha11 s Faun Ptl,� a,' the best. i iiLiatr. l:a, d➢: ti•t hie :,. 4 e. ul has lolvt�rt Although the ostrich t Allh 61 legis Land can kick like a mule, his limbs are very brittle and are easily b'roke,n. H:, has two toes in elalolh'' foot, pee being airmen With a: horny 111 corporation late. Ali, ,loianson was, 1;n 1:•341 and rs iNewton, N. 'J )out n the son of W.S. Johnson, secretary of' state' for New Jersey from 1801 to 186 . IIe was'graduated' from: Prineetou' in he Trenton was admitted to t and C 18(;r bar in'1870. In 1874 he removed to Idacl:ensack find built ui f thelate: friend practice. He was a t e e i1Ti]liunt Walter Phelps and is a trustee of the Phelps estate. For several years arr. Johnson served on the Eepnb1ienn state committee and in 1883 was a delegate to the national convention. 5Ii'. Johnson's family consists of his wife and two sons. ` 1 -le' has recently presented to Ilackensack-a public library, which is now being erected and which will cost $50,000. TIPPLING WOMEN. > a lucrative law nail, twh rah he 'u3es as his 40 11011 wka,pou of tt .ur'fave• \Vhen an unar:lu- n of these, ed main is ani tckad by one bards the Mao nc•ss aro very rnlleh a.aains;t the man unless b,ecan :attar) , tree 'or jump oven t. five-foot wall, 1 I �1• St)ll. i_ _ X11185 1 11 IISI,111ID1B . 11111151 CONSOLATORY. A. man wilt.a Was suffering horribly from, gouut in the right foot was so fortunate ars to possess a wife svh° ., ,a,.l,v:, 511'i0 " 1'.a ,•t, 011 used' every possible means to comfort liovv long will it look. fresh That's one question you should, ask t you buypaint. It will r,rhen pay to buy good; paint—paint that has been tested for. years. R�I M SAS PAINTS an t9 retain their glossy newness. rr look l"resh, and bright, longer the than any others, becausey are niade right. Theyare pure paints. They are the best. �� SON, A. RA3>IcS 6IREAL. f9fli i9 i� ► t' I862. E� d r 1?2iii,$ Ci�2ske n. INUPy Conforts p m i _, �. est safe in MeWortrd verjwh ere. pgromosiaMOOMISMIIIMME and console him. IL was a class 02 eight year olds, One day, when he - was complaining bitterly oar the pain, she said, -sooth- in,gly, " But you' are comparatively well , MrG M L off;' J-ames. Just think what the gout' • thousand- 1.1S it d and the subject t sr cameposition was "The Caw " One of the girls wrote, among- other things; "The oow is a very useful animal, for she supplies ups wibh:'becfote;ak, veal, pork, and other rnealts.''. Anoibee•, looking at the sub' 't from a wheolly different s'tan d,p:u n•t, th:o'ug11t tli.o cow yew useful because "She keeps the ga,r- don ciea.n by ea ti the weeds:" 'dothel'' Ut,ltus': "Worm latxtei'iizivator has the largest, Salle of any sunhar• ,prepar- ation rep it- arson sola 111 Canada. It always give? satisfaction by restoring health to:the little folks. Lake of Se w'o'uld be iG yo4 tv re a ousan - : • Mrs. I.ake,'Who Says : Louis, whosere- legged worm 1" • Drink habit to Very : centclr charge that : common Jul society'. ; tippliug among • : society women •hart. become shockingl common has created so mneh: ,� y cotiinlent, is the third vice president:of the Catholic Total Abstinetce Union of America. Her startling statement' was made, at the annual'convention of that organization, lately:held in' Philadelphia. Mrs. Lake, who 'read her report, took. the breath of her listeners..away, when she said bluntly, speaking of the use of. intoxicants by society woman:` "Why, would you' believe it, at ninny afternoon teas intoxicating liquor;,lias: taken the place of tea to a noticeable' extent! "There is where the young debutantes begin to acquire the taste for"stimu- lants. It is added to by the wines served at their dinners.-Soon`they`'do not care to eat: unless they have their cocktails first. The rest follows as a matter of course. -.There is but one sure cure—stop the manufacture of intoxicating liquor. "There are many women from, higher classes of 'society going to the House of • One of the most danger- ous and repulsive forms qf- Kidney Disease is for which Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- - neys are actually dammed U, and the water, which should be expelled in the form, of urine, flows back and lodges in the cells of'. the flesh and puffs out the skin. Remove the filth which plugs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is only one Kidney. Medicine MRS. M. L. LAKE, the Good Shepherd voluntarily to get p away from liquor,. The number is in- creasing all. 'the time," continued ' airs. Lake, quoting the mother superior, "and at tho woman's alcoholic ward at Belle- vue'the attending nurses and physicians state 'that - seldom a day goys by that some decent looking woman is not brought in or comes herself to be treated. The ratio has gone up' frightfully in the past few years. "Who can contemplate the future with. ont''a shudder if ibis and other vices which undermine and destroy the 'life bearing force of the world are permitted not only to exist, but every opportunity and •means for developing them receive the 'sanction of society and the protec- tion of law?" Oynical. "1 hate to hear a,: man continually 'say frig he wishes he were a boy again," said Air. Sirius Barker in his usual vindictive tone. "Don't yeti admire sentimentality?'.' "That ain't sentimentality. It's moral cowardice. When a lean wishes he were a boy again, it's because he wants to break loose and rut up. He knouts that a boy can get off with a leetnre and a t AS SEEN BY THE CHINESE. This is how a Chinese writer des- cribes New Zealanders' in a Chinese. piper •They live monthswit out eating a mouthful of rice; they eat bullocks and sheep in enormous quan- tities with knives and prongs, They never enjoy themselves by sitting quietly on their ancestors' graves, but junvp around and kick balls asif paid t for it, and they have no dignity, for they may be found walking with wo- men." 1i Plc Leant Medicine.-'Jliere lire .some, pills which have no other: purpose evi- dently •bail to beet paint tl intc: rim) ' clic turbo.res _in the patient,; ;tinting to Iii troubles and IC$l1exrttG„ rather theer lliminiahing them • One might', ars' •veli 5500111(55' 801114 coria tae 11aierial. I'a.r- tnelre's Veeetaide Pills have not this cliff- egrecable and injurious property. They are easy to; take, are net imp101151nt to e taster:and their' 00nicu is Mild anal soothing. A. trial of them 5vi11 prove this. They oiler peace to the dyspeptic. 11fi.C3.IOBE EXTERMINATES' RATS. Mr. Danysz, ofU the I?aisteur institute in Paris, ,has found a microbe 1011101 exte,ryninates rats. He 'has tried the el`feet of hlis microbe in warehous,es, is and other ylar s ' and in .50 per farm's, I , cent, of :the eases, the rats complete- ly disappeared. A Purely Vegetable Pill,--,Par'ntelee's Vltgeteb]e Pills are compodudell from ,outs, herbs and solid extracts of known virtue in the treatment of liver and lad- r,y,complaints and to giving tone Ea the ,S -stern whether enfeebled by overwork or lorangcd through execs es in living. hhey require no testimonial. Their ex crellent qualitiee are well knownto all losb who have used them and theycom- mend co mend themselves to dyspeptics and those subject to biliousness who are in quest of a beneficial medlcln,, 0@00(l' 1',,!:, fur. Clothing. Woad pulp paper as military cloth- ing ars used by the'Jalp:anese troops. It to tineJavel,o,otsly tough and has an appearance, l[hat might well be re- griilieded 'tviltfh satisfaction for summer wear. It atcide. 'st:i cahi,ng uncommon- ly well, awhile its war'int'..h in undoubt- ed. '1.'ry It.-lt wouldbe agross injustice to, confound. than standard: he inti agent.— Dr. Ta mime h electric Oil with the erdiu- :11.1 1111 •ribs, ionone 1lld salves. irbey are oft tint inue- ell.auntnatory and ast0iug- en t. '1'hc Oil as, on the contrary, emin- ently cooling iindeta)/ hing when a.pplied. external to relieve pain, and powerfully- entedia11 Olen ewn.liewed. VICTIMS 01, THE BOER, WAR. Latina 3tlancla ,Smith" and "Bel,- montinas Gra Modclerriva • Brown," are names which have been given to babies in Cape Colony. A Boer named lroskie',has had his son bap- tizad Immanuel. Kruger Steyn Triom h s -a combination "sacred and pro,, fans," S,tbtvr.':Iiaran Plant 1,11c. Soil was bro'ugh't up trona a depth of 320 ' feet from a' coal inane in Bel ' gium, and from' it sprouted weeds of a species. entirely unknown to hotan- isitaa 1!1111(11 s 1i1ll111l811t Cures Colds, Etc, atu 111i•: M,e^cal'lailal4. `Grandy—hheat 't,h' dile-il' is high noon, Ci11r o,ol.ili,ain? GullhoIollilaten—tit's itIt' top av th' mor,nin' 'Ye i g niorimmis. P055 me ap. a b rickl EASY GOING :MEXICAN Bier i1NESS MEN. 1101• of the business houses in Mex- ico fro areclosed- for 1 1-2 hours in the middle of the day. Why will you allow ie cough 50 lacerate your throat and lungs au<1 run the risk of tilling 11 11011511111p115'11'5 grave, whcn, by the tamely nye or •Bickle's,Anti-Consunlp- tine Syrup the labii eau be allayed' and the dander avoided. This syrup is plea1saut to the taste, and tiusut patssecl for relieving, healing and cueing all affections of tlie" throat :Ind lungs, colds,' coughs, bion elitls, etc„ Ole. A 1151 Maltese cat belonging to an Engl.isih woimaa;n has }bean successfully provided with spec1110les to counter- act farsliing eyesigih.t, A' picture of a 011011se ev,,as used by the cioulltet to test. Slaectatr.la'ti for a tact rat. the 'cat's eye.. lllllielllt Cling Di11t11Gr �illllal'(7 S 7,11 lU 1S, Char tciet•ls'IeallYTopsy-'2arvy. Laboa- tin China varlets in its effici- ency'according ' to the place, and, curiously unlike Europe, seems to vary tiinvelrs,ely with the temperatures of the climate. At Tientsin and • the northern ports It takes muchlonger to Load and unload cargo than at the ports of the'.'Yangtse and the hus- bandry of the soi'1': shows less care in the northern provinoeti than it does lower down. 5 Ihll�lli S L1111i11o11tLlll cS�Ia>'Ect Ill GOON Wise Way of limiting.'. Hawks have been seen to follow in the wake of a moving railway train, ' to swoop down on snnadl birds that were suddenly disturbed and fright- cried; by tthe naise,,,and therefore for the moment were off their guard. NORWAY A HEALTHY COUNTRY. :The only European country whim has a lower death rate than England is Norway. Iii -fitting beets and shoes cause corns. Holloway's Corn Cure is the article to use. Geta hottle at.onee ansa erre. Your conic; ter-•-- - Guests on the 'Left. The place of honor at a Chinese banquet is at the hoist's left, hand, • n.il coil NUE f1i0 —Ficamily 120111�r,ltes 11.0 per tray. 0In} r]jp 7 Montreal. :"Fnee Bun ULUL 0[!1111011(11 A.m.1.51.50up. EP. 51ean,. y10Tt SALE—OEOIOE S'ARMJIS, BRUCE County, Ont write "for particulate, James K. Stewart,i Smear line, Ont. "" { CATHOLIC PRAYER r.' fYntiRSi' nil4iSrnai. Religions Piet Statuary* and Church Orna- ments, Educational rna-ment•s,Educational Works. WWI maims receive promptattention, D.& 3, Sedli.,r S. Co. Ntontt''L FOR OVER FiFTY YRAAS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOT1ITNII SSRI -1 has been useii by mothers for their children teething. Itsoo hes the child, softensthe gums,'41]aya Pain, enrol wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 250.8. bottle.. lidlby ask fort' :1118, �55instlow�S Firioth5ughout 'g.Syhe rup." rld Benne as a• STOI'PF,D FREE. Permanent T `ly Cured. nit xr,tai s GREAT r 'n seaanItEST01010. Po3itive euro O for all Ncry ins Diseases, Fits t 1%011eps,y. Spasms and St Vitus'Dapce. Nil Fits of Ncrvousne s efter first clay's ase, m Treatise and it, 2 trial bottle Sent th oe_ah:Oan clian Age.ney 1.11513 to Fit patients they v 151114 ex rens charges only when received r.t ( b Send: t.ODr'liline:981 Archst., lyhi:adelnhia,).'u THE PUMMO and HARRISON S1"ESS an COLLEGESHORTHAND E. 0. 0. F. Building, Toronto. Gives amoat thoron h course of individual ln;unetinn in all Celanese and Civil Servio! Subjects, Shorthand, Typewriting, Etc. itx el•t experienced teachers, equipment and ndvontilg•el unsurpassed, open entire year- Circulars Frac. T. N. U. 29.„1.•••• • t PAG i(A00 ! ;Shoo iros6 ii '. 8AVE OFTy�EN H I' .1�1 d:.l HO E . S: Q •ALL C0Ld�3 0'(15 ALL -L A1104aBai For sale by ctdl 50,1 ola1) • S1Ic111 I)7.Ail,f:a: • 1., 11. €'Ackard tic CO A