HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-9-27, Page 7docedowezmmore (,-.4KApirywaptg,- CUBA'S COMING ELECTION. Why. It lc Held, tund 'What It ?stein's to, he Cahalan, Sta le.A.FAEL J. BIENDEZ. tititstraeie eakiitatalSISe On the third Monday in September the first definite step toward establishing Cu- ban independenee will be taken. On that date will be held a general election at which delogates will be chosen to the Cu- ban sionstitutenal convention, which will be called together a month or so latet. The delegates to be elected will frame for Cuba the kind Sif government under which she is to make her bow among the nations, fled it will also settle the rela- tions of Cuba to the United States. Of course the brand of government chosen end the attitude determined upon toward tide( touutry nmet meet with the approval . of the goveimment at Washington, but the administsation promises the widest iiiide possible. The decree rocently issued by General 1-Vood provides for the election of 31 dele- e.,tC;6, Siistrilmtecl anioug the various loviuees as tollows: Inner del Rio, 31 Havaea, 8;.11lateuzas, 4; Sante Clara, 7; `Puerto Principe,. 2, and Santiago, 7. The registration, which has been under way since Aug. 18, h.as been lively, and a large vote is expected. The basis of suffitage M choosing mem- "ers the constitutional convention is .1TO be the sr -item followedein the munici- pal elections. This requires ability to read and write or a property 'qualification to the amount of $250. Those who had served as insurgents and whose names could be verified from the rolls used by Geneva! Brooke in paying out the $3000,- 000 'wero also allowed to vote regardless • of their owniag property or being able to read or write. This was meant to sat- isfy the revolutionary element- and to prevent the my of race discrimination • being raised, , Fear5 which had been held by both Cu- bans and Americans about the danger of int-to/eine° triumphing -were shown to be groundless by the municipal elections. In Santiago and other places where these clasee.e eceild .have controlled, they Yielded to couservatitve Miluences and the fears of Pronorty owners were appeased. Thie •conelitutional convention, though It is to draft the foam of goverumeut and establish oeganie law, will not be mad 01) eetieely of lawyers. All the doetote in Cuba, as in other Latin-American countries, ate politicians. As a rule they ... ,-.T. 1.,4 - '•': .-a . 11. 1 Mk • ' . Y., nett ft tenet lerrA . - • POLLING PLACE IN CUBA. ire, reeve active and more influential than A Graaf, -iepatallort IAS BF,EN ACHIEVED BY Olt, WIL• LIAIVIS' PINK PILLS. int 01,1y iln d'a hada, Every co:Ivory Throagheni the Vtierltt 11101 t 000 511(3 (liven 'fill, 310,11ctine 113 P.qttolstettee Oyer, CottipetItorp livesee neve The re,outation achieved by Dr, Williaens' Pink Pills net only itt Canada, butt throughbut the world, rests( upon a very solid basis, which may ix suninied !oda two words -- sterling merit The Enterprise has had occasion to investigate a man- tel: of cures effected by this medicine, andl knows that in souse instarieses at least these cures were wrought after other medicines 'had ailed even to give 'relief. ' Recently another ,cure eaante under our notice that cannot fail to increase tlae aeopularity •of Dr, Williams' Pink in. the local- ity in .witicif it occurred, and as we ean vouch, fo.r tbte facts, it may Ivoll bring thope to se.ffer,erS elsewhere. -.- Mr. Walter Johnston, as one of the, best known xe,sidents of • the northern section of Queen's county, Ile resides the toarn of Caledonia, where lie keeps a hot:el, and also runs a stage that carries passenger and mail between that town and Li veep DO Is ,ditsta nee of some thirty miles. (Mr. Johnson was in 13.eidge- water recently, cni which occasion he gave a reporter of this paper the following, facts : (About three years ago hei was taken very, ill. Ile had the best of medical attendance, but made' very little progress towards re- covery, ad hie doc tor told him there,Aylas very ;little laoipe that he would 1;flrg,b1po to return to , his for- mer work. T.h.e trouble appeared to have located itself in his kidneys and fOrl eight) weeks or more he was con- fined to b,ed. Be isuffered greatly from conetstnt pains 'in the back, his appetite beeetene impaired, and his coustitution generally 'appeared to be ehattered. thisijunoture he decid ed to ttry Dr. 'Williams? Pink Pills and got a -half dozen boxes. In the course of a couple of weefkis he noticed an inapnevenneint in his-ceinelition and Pc continued the use of the pills until he had taken. soure ton or twelve breeee, (wheal (1112 tact only felt, 'tha his cure, seas ceinplete, but ale() felti that in all (respeets his health was better -Shan it had 1.1.98011 for years. Since that time, he has been ceintinually driving his coach between Caledonia and Liverpool, and ilataie not had the e.lightest return of the „trouble, not- withstanding that the has to face at hinies very inelement weather, that might bring on a return of the tensible had not leis s.ystena 'been so strongly fortified' against it through thei use of Dr. Williame' Pink) Pills. IT She blood is pure and, whiolesome disease cannot exist. The reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills curse so many forms, of 'disease is that 'they act - darectly upon the blood and nerves, thua reeching the ,root ,cka the trouble. • Carer medicines net only upon the syrup toms of the trouble, ancl that is the reason the. trouble al- ways returns when you cease, these medicfneei Dr. 'Williams' Pink 'Pills narik,e permanent oures in kidney trou.- bles, ateum.atism, erysipelas, anaem- and kindred diseases. Bat be sure you get the genuine which bear the Pull (name Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills for Ptle Pectplo t'lie wrapper around every box. • ;he lawyers themselves. Alany have :alien degrees in both law and medicine. In addition to thedawyers and doctors there will be civil engineers as delegates to the convention; for they, too, are active • in polities. Likewise there will be men whose only profession for a third . of a century was revolution. The insurrection is yet fresh enough in the Cuban mind ,for its leadere to be sere of election to any sort of a representative body that • may be chosen. There bus been much -discussion as to the division into political parties in the" tosination of an hidepeedent government. They have the parties -already, but it is • dillicult 101! thell1 to mark out lines of division.Questions may arise when tile constitutional convention gets to debating the eilbject of forming a stable govern- • meet which Will afford the basis for party divisions, They exist ill name, yet hardly in fact at this period, when there is substantially little divisien of senti- ment regarding independence, though there is a wide division of opinion as to •Just what independenee naeans. ' The two leading parties which may put rival candidates for members of the con- vention in the field are kuown as the Na- tional party and the Republican party. The former is made up chiefly of the fol - of Maximo Gomez and the niuni- eifietielections showed that it is by far the stronger organization. ' When the constitution has been frarm ed, it 'must be submitted to our govern, merit for approval. "We cannot," said a eliding member of President MeKin• leyta cabinet recently, "after guarantee- ing Cuba a stable government, permit her • to set up one which is not stable. Neithi er could we permit her, if any hot headed local patriots sought to do such a thing, to tie herself 01) with obligations to for- eign ,eovernmetits, the redemption 01' vshieli would undo everything we have tried to do for her. We cannot let her enter into alliances of offense and ilefense Or borrow T11011Qy 00 0(11.01'N-Vi;AO entangle herself elsewhere, any more than we could permit her to engraft into her or- ganic law a programme of proscription and injestiee to a minority of her people, or fasten upon any particular elitss of citizens or residents berdens which wonla surely end in bankrtiptcy or rebellion. All we shall ask is that her conetitution shall be n woilting one, according to our standards. When that is assured, the de- tails we shall leave to Ceban people to settle for thotnselveS." Griot, hut Pree5r4e. "Ie,your father going to be back soon?" melted the stranger. "I dunno," answered the small boy in leather elothes, who stood at the door of a Crimson gulch dwelling. "Pap has a purty good boss, but so has some of the folks on the" vigilance committee. I reck- on I'd Seger on Pap's getting home in • al3oet 20 inimites ttever."--Washing,- Ile:Wile aenstaatea Water Is 'the .( hardest of all subs stances (11) heats \with the single ex- ception of hydrogen gas. The easiest two are' Ineroury and lead, which stand (in 'this resPecti on nearly the sane fboling. Deere never wits, and never will be, e. neiversal panacea, in one 'Lemony, for 011 1510 which flesh is heir ---the very flitter, 01 1110(13' curatives being such that weri 1 Lia genes et other and differen 111' Beate/. iiseiises. rooted in the system of tie patient -white would relieve one ill i ( nem would aggravate the other. Wt Sitve, however, in Quinine Wine, wines .1.11 n dile in 0 sound imadulteratee ....mei, 010100113' for Many and grevious (Rs. ey ifs geeduat. and judicious use. the I tallest syst.eins' are led in to COIlValesectucle CI steen gull, by the in fi u en ce which , tate ne exerts oil Nature'e owri trestoratayer Ferelieves th0. drooping spiri or tho, .vith whoni &Ironic state of moried 11 p0111011 03' 01111 11(3(0 01 11)3 erest in lif ie 1 isoase,,and, by traequilleing t,11 iniveiti dispoSes to eoun(1 011(1 refreslaine steel). - imparts vigor to 1110 action cei the which, being stimulated, eon rsos throuirh out the veins, strengtlimeng the heal:Chi, 111110101 feinetions of the system, thereby leaking activity a • necessary resul1. strengthening the frame, and giving 1 1 i; to the digestive organs, Nviiich nateiralli Ile/1100cl Mei:teased stilastatice-re.sult, stewed appetite. Northrop & Lyman 0 toronte, have gieen to the public ;tete emit:0100 Quinine '01 0001 the usual let.; , gauged by the opinion of seientist his Wine- approaches nearest perfection 1. tly in the marker,. \i1 drinalises sell it est 1 ill 4n4lifl. In China; this.(re is. 20 timiesl,as muck coal as in, all 144trop)0. wartiity rrioneies ndgcsnen. The first .esseintial in the keeping oft live stools) for market is never' to a I- kea any 'animal to, lose flesh, 'A ponied hest 111,041„11S ilWO pounds to be gained. • It Inot the motsFt .food thlt TO citintri 1 COLD IN. ONE DA Vftiol Lara ltroron (41.1ini TablOtfi. 5.1) drogol, tt refund the otcy if it to cure. Nv, (tr)ve!, 0111 • ton Star. siglml,Ixre is 5 box, A BOY HERO. Nines-if:an Cowman, son who Too Part In the Defense of Ifien-tslo. Among the Anne:lean herees et the de- fense of Tionesin was a I0-yeer-old boy 0110 handled 0. nnteket and played t man's part he driving away the feyoeiceue Boxers. ile was Earl Ragsdale, sun of J. W. Ragsdale, the American (onset at Tioneein. F(tal and his 13 -year-old sis- ter recently arrived at San .Franelseo ou 1111 asmy transport. They have been sent home by then( father, who thinks for the present that they will be much eafer in the 'United States than in Chiva. Although Earl ie only a boy, he iusist- ed on joining the foreign voluuteee guard at Tien-tsin and when the trouble came, EATIL all unknown to his father he went put with a musket and foutilit side by side with the Russians, Germans and the American marines. Ple was under Ore for several hours, but was not hit once. eit one time, when Ile was seat by Cap- tain MeCalla with a message to the captain of the Russian squad, he was cut off from the main body of defenders with a company of Russians and narrowly escaped being captnred by the Boxers. All of these experiences - were some- what remarkable for a boy of lo. He seems to have eome out of the trouble all right, however, and is plemsed to get back to America, where' there are boys of his own race to play with. A GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE. * •• • • • • • • ••••••••••••*: One of the • : most unique : Vnique Mission Erect- : missions in the • . . • ed WI the Salida of : C°1 -1.211T is at :• Coney Island, Wicked Coney Island. Ne w York's • popular and :°:** ** •• * ••••••••••••••••:°: wicked seaside resort celebrated in song and story. It is a church whose spire is built in the shape of a lighthouse. In place of the liglat there are electrically illuminated gospel signs. This uilique mission has recently been completed by William D. Hughes, a missionary who has been at work among the people of Coney Island fdr three years. The lighthouse spire is in the shape of a skeleton tower, 05 feet high. On its top is a box shaped affair of wood, so ar- ranged that from its sides will flash in- stalling words of Christ's religion. The device is in the shape of a transparency, so fixed that electric lights shine through great letters cut steneillike in tin. ` • The familiar system used by certain advertisers in making an electric current flash from letter to letter and thus spell "a word is employed by Mr. Hughes in his gospel lighthouse. The sentences are necessarily short, being restricted to two .or three words. From the top of the tower, waving from a tall flagstaff, is a streamer bearing the words "Jesus Saves." The lighthouse is less than 200 feet from the water's edge, and it is said that the message can be read two miles out at sea. The effect of this scheme upon the permanent residents of the island and CONEY ISLAND'S GOSPEL LIGSTDOUSE. upon the pleasure seeking visitors is yet to be proved. That it is regarded hope- fully by Ilir. Hughes is evinced by the fact that he intends lidding still another Olectrieal scheme to it. 1 -le IS now ne- gotiating with a fiVID of electricians for an instrument similar to that used 501110 time ago in throwing letters of (ire upon the clouds at night. , MrHughns and his fatuity' live in the lialcony of the chinch and the latchstring is always out. Botta 'physical and spirit- ual food are free to those whoask. Mr. Hughes believes in One table for all, and the poorest tramp is invited to eat With his family., Viihage or Clty. The line has been drawn, it seemS, at which ti small town emerges from its chrysalis condition and beeornee a eity. It'arttler Oatcake .was a witness in a case in circuit court. He had given his testimony and was about to step down when the lawyer who was cross examin- ing hire asked as a matter of form: "'Jails took place, did it, in the village of Bunkertown?" "Yes, sir," replied Partner Oatcake, "in tile city of ElitnItertown," "You call it a city, do you?" stild the lawyer. What is your idea of the tlif- ferelMe betsveee a village and a city?" i'kVen," rejOhied the fames on inflect- ing a moment, "a village ie 01 place where you can take a dtove of cattle 1 10 /emit (he Main, street, and a city is i 30 where you can't." -Youth's Conlpv,nion. C ;lii,/tiO11“4-e. 111, J. Althallgt cycles here not 'been used eior the transport, ot Uteri at the front in South Africa they have been much employed foe diepatch car 1'Y:tug. Oue rider hate 'written IrOttil0 saying that since taxi end 0111 November he has covered 0;783 -miles by his etiolometee on this deity over bad roads. This gave tetra an average of about 40 miles a day. '.1Airaard.''s1,1llimattAiros cows ye ternigl. A cleaning thttt will reinove S'rease frnin the most deliewte silks, and Cloths is made ol. one pint of.dis- tilled benzine, three-sixteentha of an ounce of fluid chloroforms one-eighth, Ounce of carbonate of,. ammonia ,artd. one-eigilath 0,1.1MOCI' Of stelphuric ether. t should be lbottled and eoliked tight- ly and kept (from fire and lights, as it is very' inflammable. ' lie Has Tried It (=Mr John Anderson lainloss, writes: 1, venture to say few, if any, have reeeiveti greater beneat testis the nse of 1)it. Eclectric Oil, than hieve. I have eeed it regularly for °vet ten years, ;old have recommended it to 1111 sufferers 1 knew of, and they also foun(1 01! great irirtue la cases of seveee bronchitis and inelpient consumption " • Not So 41ool„sh., The ostrich has long bean laughed at for pushing his head into a bush when hunted. ft is really far' the wisest thing the bird could do, for rte.' long neck is by fax the most easily seenpart lo,f`it. Its body -plum- age 'harallOalilLeS perfectly with the desert sand. Proalle It Develeil 0 12 11.4. CrerMallY has a periodical called Burgwart, which is •exclusively con - corned with matters pertaining to castles and. ruins. A receat number had an article vigorously denouncing, artificial ruins. iniusuai earei1 y et Salmon. The scarcity of salmon now in the Columbia river is pronounced abnor- mal. ...11131.11.F.2.123 3...S+61 •••61.611/2",.... ornan eakness A woman's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and continuous sym- • pathy with her kidneys. • Theslightest disorderinthe kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills, lay re- storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, buffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Lite, your best friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills The Siiiic Merl. 11 10 observed by travelers in Siberia that the effect of constant cold is practically the same as the effect of constant heat. -The people develop a disinelioation to work and become strangers to ambition of any descrip- tion. , NEI 11 e tt l'a tt eser•i. In France where wine is almOst as abundant as petroleum is here, it is transported in bulk in tank cars. . Y.. a C. Richlands & Cry Dear Sirts,-Your :KINARD'S LIN- nEENT isoar remedy for sorp takroat, ()olds and all ordinary ailinentsi It never fails tc, relieve 1.(tisl cure promp t y. GlitAilLES WIIOOTTEN. Port IVItelgrave. 33 The rtfliteatt 51$,51 5,, flhe rarest fish is the ribbon fish. Ony 10 specimens have been record- ed in tbe last cealtary. It is an in- habitant olf the great depths of the ocean. Thee Never 'Tt-new Failure.- Careful ob- servation of tho °flit:eta of Parmelee's Vegetable J?illiriess sliown that 'they act immediately on the diseased 1111311110 011 the system and stimulate them to healthy ae- titan . Tlocro nay be 0118031' in whicli the diSoase has boort long, seated and does net easily yield to medlei 11 0, hut oven ie such cases these Pills have been known to hring relict when all other soicallcd tense - dies have 181(1311. ' These assertions can be substantiated by many ivlio have used t,he .and medical men speak highly of their quelities. • Pr .ye it, 0 Lord, if my 11 411 111 013' remain r gh 11(1 V 10)104 111 rt.lirtv.tv dic.) wit1) me WhaLSNIVOr it f=11all plea 50 Thee. For 11 ,r a 1.111 el be anythimg but good, what- soever T33ok shalt do with nie, azumg. Q...ha, a 41' Dui • atlor0ziot, .44,41" 4 A.444 ifsah 0 0 -- LLUIHER G 13 --- 5 Ti E ----,--- , , RK R 8 --- LI R -- --- R .„..,....i.,,, $200.00 "if Cash, Free i we will give the above Itivard to any person who WM correctly I arrange the above letter.; to spell thmB o naes of Two rit sh , Generath lout one 'Boer General, Who arp oleo You may be the fortun tte port,* to twelve at lea,t a ptwtion, if not the fell 11100 1101 or ohould thero e me e • then one set of correet answers, the money wil1 he eqaally divided. 'Phis offer tentacle to advertise and introduce our firm q, licitly, , We do not want One Cent of Your Money. This Contest is Free. Os 000)1 aa yon have avraeged what yon sunpse are the correct names, scald there. A. post card will 110, 03131 )03 will hr from us promptly by ro,P,Irn =tit. Thoao 550 13)150 (fled other contests and kb failed 10 1(011)0 anyt lug, sty this one All eau secure au am ard if 0)135 131113 to try, wIthoat 1(05 00. noose whatever. N. Y. Sunitly Co„ B ix NE, °dna., C0.1111001. r : ir`it•AZAZA,b,"e2,,..15'-‘,5"."0" etp 421.,z,.../a., wDr*.vowaettliegEtri t.lavvt in a 0 z vto Those who use the right Paints find a great deal of pleasure in them. 'They are made to give satisfaction, and are certain to accomplish that pUrpOzile a'AMSAY'S PAINTS are .the right paints.- They - are well mixed, -pernianent • colors. They retain their fresh, - pleasing appearance after months and years of exposure. A MSAY & SCH3 est'cl 1843. MONTRF-AL3 Paint ififiakars ;Ash fire stinp(wy. • The fact thiat fish are slippery 11300 - counted for in this ,way. The slimy Coating protects them from the at- ' tacks ott fungus, a form of plant life found in all Iva ters. If a fish is urf- dovea-ed by slime the fungus lodges there and •grows until in time it kills the fish. The slime helps also to in- crease the speed Of the fish through) the water. Till Shale :1114 heese, • In his slow and -Getty journey across Europe, on his way to Paris, the shah of Persia tasted Gruyere cheese. Ife nibbled it at first, doubtful. Then he took to eating it largely, and found gherkins went eecellently with it. Finally he substituted it for bread, and, at a princely salary, he has en- gegeilsone of the most. expert makers to accompany him back to Persia. The Demon, Dyspepsia. ---In olden time it was a popular belief that demons moved -invisibly through the ambient air, seek- ing to enter into men and trouble them. At the pi•esent day the (Milton, dyspepsia, is at large in the same way, seeking habitation in those who by careless or utt- wi.-se living invite him. .K.nd mice lie 015' 1005 a man it is diffieult to dislodge him. He that finds himself so possessed should Iseow that a valiant friend to do battle for him with the tuiseen foe is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are LiVer ready for the trial. cl anted fan Indians tit South Arrlea. Lord Stratbcono.'s cavalry took with thein from Canada tour red In- dians, nominally as servants, in real- ity to test their qualities as scouts in Seuth Africa. The Kaffir reeds the veldt like an open book and the Cana- dians hold that the sight and tear- ing Of their Indians are even keener. Li11111113ilt iiuros• S:teito lea I. She -I don't, know what I would not give to have such blonde hair as Irene' haS. Ea-WPy , don't you find out what She f,t'are for hers? Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot, roach the diseased portion of the oar. TEure is only one W113' ty cure doufncs14, and that is by constitu- tional' remodie.. De jnees is caused 5(0 80 inflamed. condi ion of the mucous lining 00 (11)0 Eustachian 51150, When this tubo is in. flamed you have a rumblIng sound or impel, foot hearin,,,, and When it 15 Olt rem ly osed dieettaiss is (Cie result, atid unless the inflam. il;ittlen ean be talccsn ISO; and. thin I ube restered to its normal conditioi, tearing will be de- stroyed,' forever 1 nine Lases out Of tell 010 03 (151311 by c ((lure)), which is boating 001 an in - dallied condtbion of tho mucous 1,11 (.3130. We will giro Otie titintited Deniers tor any case 01 Dcaftiess. ((mused by catarrh) that, can 011 be oared by Haifa Catarrii Cure, e0(1. tor circulars, tree, V. 3. CHENIIV & 00., Toledo 0, Sold by Druggists, See. Palfilly Pills are 1110 best. OVattl, •',Coal, .MOSt of the business houses in Blet ib are closed for an hour ,ancl a half in the middle AC the day. strum. !Sava'. You cannot live up to your ideal, yola say. But at least you can keep your ideal from being -lowered. Are you. doLng that "You contenel that oleintrgirine 10 just 51 13001:1 1114 but1:r3 dolt t y011 ? tat beilte,r," anerisestattl, the dealer w.itiltotut lllOisIil000tiOIis "It pays Severa 1 teams Otte. prolf 1. Magnet:lad and the Elycq It has been discovered that the crystalline lens of the hainan eye is slightly diamagnetic or subject` to gn,e in repulsion. As as ti gnee.- tissue-the commetne,st cause of defec- tive vision and the most frequent excuse for epeotaoles-is merely slight distortion of this lens, it has been suggested that treatment with O powerful ning,net pro•perly applied may restu.lt in forcing the lens in- to proper shape, or at least in great- ( ly remedying the distortion. tes %here itre.so Monerleongh medicines in t12ar ,0hk eiVNI at 11 17 eometi mem di tlicult lob to buy ; but if we Mid a 't , co ugh,-,a`Oplcl. or any ttilii etion of the throat ! fir lungs•AVe Would t Bickle' 8An Consumptwe Syrup, 'h°s° who have ve ued it think it,isfhr ahead of all other piepaeations recommeaded for suctcoIn p1atats.. The little folks like itas it is a; linty of ¶lo Day. "To -day," 2.150 ED-Veses a duty. "Ex - "lent one another daily while 4 is called to -day, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of ski," Failure ,,to use the present day carries with it the possibility that we. otr others mity he hardened ins sin. Yin Eto, Tile Groat 'illetttg. It ought not to seem much to nue .to ,serve Thee, but rather this doth appear much 10 me, and wonderful,. , that thou veneheafest to receive into , thy service tone uo poor and tenVIOr thy. The 'Right 1.otot el' 'View. One of the lady journalists says she ruever saw a really beetuit.iful woman( who was also a happy one. Timm she never saw a beautiful woman front of a mirror. Millar h laniont Guros Dinthifflat OM dish IL:tW of Libel. The highest court of appeal in Great Britain has sustained the decie sooiio that a circulating library can be held pecuniarily respansible for libel - ens statements contained in any of the. volumes which' it oirculatesi stiveree iseet Thimbles. Silver OT tEteei thimbles are safest to, use, as they contaln no poisonous metals,. ollegc Avi„ons. • ‘.j Bate] rates AVE dUE it ' (30 (1115. ( Am. P. ftl..50 up. 131-P. et ea Hotel Balmoril m°ntreal• Fr— Bus CATifeue pRiyEfi (301..ps, 01,1101. 'Religious frietures St atutP,,"17,1'ais'c'd7t1;11,110x1'sortla menu!, S,ilducational Werics: nrldelLs " Or0M0t"te11101L D.& J, tindller Alf, Co, l\l'ont,)r'ta POR OVER r(PTY, YEAR'S, R'S '1,VIbMLONY'5 4f)OTRING SYSI7P has boon Wed by mother:3En their children teethictg, itsoo lice tho olnicl, softens the ganns, allwyt pata, cniati triad colic, aad ltt the boat retatrdy fey clitc,rhota. 2Ic.s battle. Sold by %till ci0110,,N10 throlighOlit,the wOrld: Be attrit , tted isle for' rvIra Vinsi O03t3 Sciothipg Syrviti." t. T.7, • 290 ' .. ST0P'11Etli. Pe'rmanetnt- ly 0100d 00) 1011131(13S 1)101100LT NIMNt;100,9:0111wPositive (11055110 1111 3'130V 1) Diseses,iltsc a)Spasm. Ind St oe 'To 1Pil :etworialle‘a niter tirat daY use. and '2 tti.al botkip;tent the, eel) 11511l11150 Agency vete to 01) 50(10015 they paving ex ratesS ebargetI Onl V 'Titell ttVS6tV,04,1 Sena lo Dr hOlac, tOl. Arch 13, 1'hlloc1epl1!s,