HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-9-27, Page 5r.rox
exttel, Atexil",ctlite
S Ki
Gi11111N I
80 8
ONaPie.e.°Tt.erCle,', MeNaire, g.c.R.,, Belleville,
P. T Ilat•ley O NI R, caigarv enteric
pte, P, ONoat, C., 31.,B., Edinquton, N. W.
..,, ' '
, , . .. ,
.., , •
. 1111
Is published every Thursday Moraine!,
04 the (Moe, • '
. , We know of
• .
Arrived, at Quebec City Fr°111
South Africa on Sunday.
, , . .
Pte, A. W. WOOdward, It.C.R., London,
Out, hernia. .
Pte• I.I• A. Smith, It,c,R,,, .y,retanto ,en,
relic^ ' '
Pte. A. 11, Anderson, R.C.R., Toronto,
eilterle. • ' •
* •I
is, by no.rneaps, the dreadful
.,, , „
disease it is,. thought to be—
: •
in the beginning.
, .
rola a nue:A.1;01a that must, in tet•est you,
. .
/no Diiillar per annum if paid in .4d.vantio
s1.459 if not so paid, , '
ELici.,11.,cax,viz3.3az mo..tc• o2*. arLin,a_tca.
. , .
' .
.No,pti,perdiscontinued until allarre rage
ilOthing .
' than COttghing
. to tear the lin,
Aug o f y 0 u r
_ ,
throat and
c ' • - .
., lungs. It is
1..r.,i, better than wet
, .
The Steamship Dominion lirouglit l'hit.
liAteh of zev,,ittis, Luta the ,..,-.1,..- Cit,T
ger. ihottt tt Right nova 'Welcome—
. .
Centplete List, With Many Other De-
tune of interest -Signs' Thut the Boer
• ..,
War Is Boded.
Pte, 11. A. McDougall, R.C.It., MOntreal.,
enteric. •
ii,,,Trrt°'Rgrell.EN.Vd FeUer, stratheena riorse•
lit c r.' . .,6.k, wounded In right, itueo,,,
, e. C. ,, 1 1 01.1r, LOrcl, ItOb0ttb tiOr0)
Beston Mass wounded
, Pte. '1-,.. ", .-,.. ... .. - - - - ,
.. i-Angns lacuna, is.c.B., niontteat,
elbow of left arm, badly wounded at pior.
deberg. .
•Pfe. 0. 11. Moody, dttawa,
It can always be stopped—
. . beginning.
in the The trouble
, , ,
is: ,VOLI. 01.0111t Know you've got
./ ./
t. d ' 't believe "t, you
i , you, on.i , ,
' '
Have 70 a yOttr New suit? If
not drop in and see us at the
first opportunity and let us
-r '.
show you a few prices of the
Fancy, Waresteds and .SCotch-
„,, ,
,,,,imia.. A.o.v qttiethents-without 3-lfi,o
iiieetioue will be published till forbid and
accordingly. Liberal discountraikele
feet to cause
. . ,
• •
bronchitis and
8;(1.,Istt.erdato Qi.l'el:ebievee
E.C.B., en-
terle. . .
won't believe it'--- till you are
,,, tranneient advertisements inserted for
ong periods, 'Every description of jOB
WOIC07,110 back to Canada from South
, Lon,n aprnutlis,s cApirvapp,.
forced to. Then it is dancrer,
Have Yeti:Seen the new 'Staples and
. Theriano-bone patterns. Tey
?SIN. TINC1 turned out in the finest style,
ind at baoderate rates. Cheques, m oneyord-
•re , Stc.for advertising, subscriptions os te .to
Only lle ep it.
up ' and . you
Africa 60 gallant sons from different,
parts of QM' \Vide _Dominion. AS on
iloer Convoy of 28, With Catch; Sheep611S.
- and Guns. '
' . '
be afraid; but attend
are beauties.
)0 Made payable to •
Chas..II. Sanders,
will succeed in'
reducing your
• •
weight, losing
looladilY (:,, ty.othhaesrislail-cliiiira-hre °perecaassai °nits' d-1111',7'
i.bn'e, ian 1.d.rv,:lze.:,:,112.11
London, soot. 24. Ti e f ill .
de7ta, tc,h .)er ftsas ' been rieceiv'redcYcfvrionr6o,
icaoot,tn,psifole_t.tif‘s.t: ,:
to it quick—you , —y an' do it your -
self and atcho-ot:rn,sue, c
r, +.::, , . '
A big rangeofBiues and Black) IrtSit
Serres at the old prices.
ProfeSSienal Cards.
your appetite,
, .
. bringing on a
fi knl,rig„I'lificl,,,:aolijrnlikt:e,. b' ast:
,. , weather, whic,h sN ab
12, 011z1.117\t,ieetlici7la.Ni'vdeasi )0,1
Take S Of
H. HINSMAN, L.D. S.'& DR. A: R.
KINSMAN, L D. S„ D. p. S.JIonor
-a,7-. graduate of Toronto University,
Deetb. extracted without an.y pain, or any
)ad effects, Office in Eanson's Block, west
iiae me,i,:street,Exoter, ,
slow fever, and
making every.;
thing exactly
' -. - right fer the
germs of consumption.
Better kill your cough
rain failing 'all (lay, the demmistra-
twri was enthusiastic, and the re-
cep tl.lort - was . such as to make the
boys (eel that.,tbey were home again.
Maws and bunting were consPicuolls
everywhere in the city, especially 00
an public buildings. , The . Queen's
Kied d • , , -
. dislorp„ an recaptured a '10-
pounder lost at ,Colens42
captured 26 8 000rle, 'LIT')
, , wagons,. ca t, e
4l,000 sheep, o°,00• rot:n(1s of aut..'
munition and oS ' • ' • .
occupied Arryhelcl Sept
.19",1"-tli It,iii.anl:.„,d out the B • f 'OVERCOATS
, ,. OCtS l'OUL fl,
Cod Liver Oil arid live care-'
. , i
fully, every way -
• • '
This is sound d,oct,rine,
• Is.
whatever' you may tilin - or
be told . and if heeded, will
, ,. -
If you Ward; a black we have what you
wantijias in Twills, Venetians and
' Y .
- ,.... a 1
I-, laeriors Graduate of the- Toronto Uni-
rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
ot Ontario. Teeth extracted, without pa+n.
&II modes of Dentistry up to dale. Oftice
before it kills you.
J ,
Wharf and the Government steamers,
Aberdeen and Druid, had been taste-
fully decorated. -
' Arrival of the St,eamer.
`103 ..1:11,
, 1 i 1 e'
s -t • 1 ,,,,.. posction , Tho Briti,h, caslm,,_
ties were feW,
, -
''ClerY has captured a ollander-
., I.T
Auie.rican belonging , to Theron's
save life.
If you have not tried It, send for
free sainple, its agreeable taste willTS
Overogate in Beavers, IVI'eltons, Curls,
, Naps ,ancl, MontanaCtb.
)yer Elliot & Elliot's law office --opposite
:lentral Hotel-•Eiceter.
1 steamer Ddrainion arrived
. ,
port, and an
moored at the Grd
, ,
Trunk PC7itit Levis, about
scours, irms the re.ports of
who confirms
Theron's death."
SCOTT & EOWNE, Chemists.
Toronto'. '
-,50G. and $1.00; all Olruggists.
, .
All work done in. the style and
9.30 o'clock. The steamer Druid was
the disposal Citi-
.Lorenzolitltishm°:requti:p3,1, olsaeapttil.)020r3t..±The
fit gunranteer.l.
D It.T. P. McLAUG111,:r1?, "E'IR.ErRe 0°1;
.1.-, the College of Physlcians an g
3ntarie, Physician, Surgeon and Accouch-
rnr, Office, Dashwood, Oat.
, •-,
... .
_ , cl
i-- •`•
placed at of the
zens' Reception Committee, to go
down the river about 11 o'clock, and
enemienn pfzi:co‘ni-I.outisle Domini oiti
tlits.ai.\ii,,s,ftesr, done
c , cases,•
ail' '
British have occupied Nontatipoort
without opposition. -
port tt
London, -gsueep87t,F12-711.L:inrAg,trnasrle,ce:uco'siel'a:htl
o 2 , 0605
BWle ohr ule oray.pt (e- liCre hretv .b1;31.utsgheaelevery W8dLeaCia1:7084.3) to
;15 to 40
14. t.„4.PI El,i=
OppOSite Post Office
kills coughs of every
land them at the Queen's Wharf,:
Oats 2,1. to 2ii
kind. A 25. cent bottle
as 83 to 57,
. .
llf Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Oon-imissioners, 'Solicitors for the Molsoris
Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 514 per
..,-ent. Office Fanson's Block, Main St.,
Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at
ffensall on. Thursday of each week.)
is just right for an-ordi-
nary cough; for the
harder coughs of bron-
h't' will need a 50
C I IS 'yOld WI
bottle; for
lunch cm board the Druid, Which hail
'been ' elegantlY Prepa.re,d b, y a, citY
caterer. '
Address of welcome.
co isions are occurring on the Iron-
tici.btwe::110.11-'nor:tthleonf.toeionettt:Olovpissii • auttlo
h ''.•'' .
clisLin on enterino. Portuguese terri-.
' • ' '
d L,t.
tory. Several. have been woun c...1
and further fighting is feared. • 'I'he
Butter 15 to 15
Baga,ysp-o-r-t-oiiner bag ........ ,
..00 to 80101
Potatoes ........ .......... * "
Dried Apples per lb 6
Turkeys, 8 to 0
0 Iiicken ----- . 6c. 11.
Ducks i
Sag r‘l 13
• 11U S-"'"Iir
E. 11. CAntrxo, B. A., L. H. DIcksos.
cent and the
coughs of consumption
On the Queen's Wharf an appro-
priate address of welconie was read
Portuguese are almost powerless un-
less reinforced. ,
Geese 7
........ " • ''"'''''"'-
Corn '" to 4°
First-class,Rids and FlorseF.
0 W.. GLADMAN. (successor to Elliot &
the one dollar size is
to them by pr.o-Mayor Tanguay, who
Timothy 1 25 to 100
Clover 45015tto051035
.I.' .' Gliidnian,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at
most economical. '
was surrounded by some of the city
h ,
Orders left at Fitawks aw E
interest. Office Alain Street,
the Livery
lowest rates of
„ My cough reduced me to a mere
skeleton: I. tried many remedies,
After three enthusiastic. cheers' and
,Col- Glrouard Is New Arranging For'Tlleir
Hotel or at
but they all faned. After using the
a tiger ' for the 1)oys, a procession
Stable Christieold Stand
Cherry.PectoralI immediateiy be-
gan to improve and three bottles
, 'health:
headed by a detachment of police,
C'hief Penneci
C'apii Town, Sept, 93, -Col. Git--
Compliment With a
Talk about dell,,htfully put COmpli-
will. receive prompt at-
Ta- BOSSE NBERRY, Grand Bend, Licensed
i I . Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales
promptly attended to, and charges moder-
ate. Orders by•mail will receive every at-
restored me to I believe I
owe my life to it."
Oct. 7,1808. Browntown, Ta,,
UrtCkr was formed-, and
She detachment was escorted to the
Clitac.lel by the R. C. .A. and the li..
C. R. S., with the State Band, aud .
the niemliers of the committee and
ouard is expected to arrive here
day to arrange railway
• '
tion for the return of tihlealrlsePft°1o•rete4;
from the Or- '
Orange Free State and the
Transvaal to their liorces. The first
m.ents! 11 heard a
perfect ljetwsuelppthere doetihieVr-
er herse o a per
tnhigehtta.bleShneertleta.oneind across the table--
e -to say it, and she
• -
tellt1011. . . .
rr.L eCieLbner.ctelor
T . _ bi
erms easona e
• BROWN Licensed A.tict-
citizens generally, and some carriages,
trains will cry 10,004 tons o'f food-
meant well.
s cfoorr-
11131 ,Winchelsea.
LI, ioneer for the Counties of Perth andThen
Middlesex, also for the township oflIsborne
gales promptly attended. to and terms r•a -
ionbale.Sales arranged at Post office.Win-
'1 .
' -'•
Which the committee had taken t-,116
precaution to have on hand to con;-•
, , ,
vey some of the boys who were too
lame or too weak to clinib up the
hill and walk to the Citadel. The
the commercial and
. • , • •
mining storekeepers wall ' be seri:
through. Afterward the remainiin,
refugees, to the number of about 007
n 11,, I! svse Dguotm dau nar,a"d es
dial -1911k:
asked miss Dumdum.,
. •
beitinbag with anticipatory delight.
• •
, . .
just received anothex
• .:•19'.,_,. EuREKA
...,.1 .Cit.-
men have been quartered in the
adel, and Major Fa ins who a bee -
speciall,, authorized.6'to
000, will receive Tho
latter will probably begin to' return
by the end of Octojeer. . .
"Uhhuhl" answered the other. "Lieu-
tenant Bulbul saidit." ,
carload of furniture. which when
, added to our already fine stack we
can supply the latest, .moost hand -
. Insurance Agent,
--."- - ,t, 4.1111114
:' t'',..,;;;;410,""'.i.k1 i
` p • si flii-,-.-
acth,`.isn tare'
Inatt,C,r. will begin to -day to par
them og and grant discharges. . '.1. '"
To Declare Hoer War Ended.
- Johannesburg-, Sept. 21. -It is ,re-
ported that the War Will be official.-
"Oh, do tell it!" pleaded Miss Duro-
du,,na eagerly. ,
"It was an awfully nice one," said
some ' and cheapest things on the
Ma.in ,Sti. • • Exeter
A Correct List • •' .
.T1-1( following is a correct list'of
ly declared at egn end in aday or
' '
the first girl, "and Lieutenant Bulbul
the boys, including their reside.nces,
mvienasnlyt.lt.rit000.sallid? hSealdwaysoua
. sec
A,.reliable'reMedy for Curbs, Splints, Sixairi.,
SWeetfty, Lameness from any pause, and Sore Throat
in Wines, and Lump Jai1: in Cattle. See Pamphlet.
and, in many cases, the cause of their
disability. The detachment was in
c' oft. Vanpr
prised too -to find it out, so I know he
' ' •
meant, it. He said he wouldn't have
1 t II
satisfaMion guaral.lteed All Druggists and general
storekeepers keep it. ••Last
• Prepar6d lay
'EUREK1 -Co.,
of i tithe se
In thoayragl Canadianl-iei!
Lieut. H. Ketchen formerly ,of the
N. W III. P., but '
'Week's oate enthethe Grand Blinks of
Newfoundland Played Havoc With
thought from seeing you wa,lk that you
could dance at all."
We have the Stock-tyrtoldnehaavnedthit.
ladoney-we want to
it is furniture you want it will pa)
TO,rceacl the big stores' ad-
- -
who has been serv-
ing as lieutenant in the Strathcona
Horse, was with the party. Lieut.
the Fishing Vessels.
St, John's, Ntld, Sept. 24. -An un-
Eseeher's Hard Lark.
One day in a town where he Was to
you well to drop in and See ow
dandy line before purchasing else
Ketchen was wounded in the right'
in the
kndwn American fishing veSsel foun-
dered on the Grand Banks during last
lecture Mr. Beecher went into a barber
' sTop!TtiisKt
R. • _
side. surrounding of 1-leidel-
berg, ancl afterwards suffered with
an attack of enteric fever. The o'..h..
k's ale and all of her crew,
about 20g'in'nuinher; perished. '
shop to be shaved. The bather, not
knowing him, ,asked him whether he
wa,,Is ewaarsBteheechreeprllye.cture..
We have the largest and
1 • :
For whose good are we in
IQ the furniture business?' For
,youi,s and ours. If we. are not.
"R uSeful to you we cannot be, use-
If you want your Repairing well done
, go to R. 111.c.ics--Watches, Clocks
and'Sewelry a specialty.i
er boys are: '
Sergt. A. W. 3,1eLead,, (....f.1.11.., formerty
Of 13 Squadron, R.C.D., Wllnalpeg,, enteric
FtIld dysentery. •
sergt. Bowan. Johnston, C.M.R., Brandon.
lam., enteric fever.
The French banker, ThornleY, Iona-
dered and 14••• of her, crew were drown-
ed, while six escaped.
The schooner Dolphian was dia.--
masted ,and' lost five men.
A number of other vessels were
guess stoo,,h,
"Well " continued the barber, "if you
haven't got a ticket you can't get one.
They're all sold, and you'll have to
agsort3d stock town,
R. N. RowE
ful to ourselves. , We have got
to carry the goods you want at
the prices you want or we can- ,,
not make a sucoesS of our ibusi- pi
ness.. But we have been doing lg.
1 - .. r
Marriage Licenses issuedo,ndWed.-
dingRings always on hand.
Fa.nson's Block, Exeter.
hAeSS.ecerrseggqnttt:.:a°1Eriel,o'n}IT:. sR:in.aciaI.t0.1.1.,..11, 0.0s.I.tkia.:Ila, 1.0,Cylitoarillineinelr'rralgye- :co;
.Tocrooln.ptio, 013. r1:-)101tw.' sn ed3 i,,se Ra s.e0..
F. Dooley, 12.0.11,, Baufax, enteric fever.
Toronto, en-
greatly damage and many fishermen
ogvaelreh aurloisneg,
their1O: s,t‘Ta'rewlaswaNyvdhienn tboatsthe
were drowned.
The ,British barque Mary Hendry,
.,,That's " .d M
just my luck, said r.
Beecher. "I always did have to stand
when I've heard. that man talk." -La-
iies Efome Journal.
: .
WIM. Newman, a P.oeritaIoisce)peofrnit-lanudatcl
cidentally took an o
num with fatal results.
Mr. Justin 'McCarthy, M. P., an
„ business right along, for years,
5 which proves that we are .the
4 right kind of people with the
6, Stratford, Sept. -4.-A terrible acci
La .,
teric fever an,d injured •10. fOOt.
Corp. T. W. MeTaggart, It.C.R., Mont-
real, cut feet.
Capt. Page, from New York for St.
John's wifh anthracite. coal, has ar-
rived. She was dismasted during the
ll ISE
, llll
nounces his retirement. politica
life on account of failing health.
7, right prices. ,Coine and See for
'•5 yourself. ....
11' dent occurred near Sebringville late
ir on Saturday night, 'whereby Thomas
' that
Corp. J. pring-te, R.c.n., Stamey and
nc.eoarepr.lec-t.cin'ivNa.rt; letn.Cte.l.r11.c,. Quebec, enteric.
gale, her, decks were swept and her
, ,
bulwarks smashed . ano much deck
4 .
' - ---•
• •
, Furniture, Undertaking,
yhir, his life. R. agent at. place,
lost his life. Together with 'WilliamThe
, Gilchrist,. section foreman, Mr: Vair
was on his way home on a hand car
from attendino. the Conservative meet-
Dig in Stratford, when the car was
run into by a train that was cpnalog
from Goclerich.to take up, a special
train a.fter the meeting. Gilchrist
jumped_ just as the engine struck
Corp. J. F., X. Berube, D Fietc1 Battery,
11.0.A., Ottawa, enteric.
Corp. J. stven„n, 14.0.g., 14aitrax,
shock, coneusslons. .. . .
cerP.m. stewe.rl,R.C.B., 2oroato, wound.
ed. a,t Paardelann•g. °
Corp. W. Alo'b rawley, it.C.R., NIontreai,
en.teric. ' ,
Private H.- P. Russell, .1(.0.10., Quebec,
enteric. _,
wio'liirel.d.eAd.tift.,.riBui7i.itc,,,bletr.,(;;.„it., Vietorla, B.0 .,
gear was carried away.,
A Fearful Possibility.
St. Johit's, Nfld., Sept, 24. Dan -i-
. .
aged vessels continue to make this
port from the , Grand Banks. One, re -
ports a collision betcyeen two French
fishing schooners during the gale, car-
rving, away the masts of both They
- - L • .
were driven out of sight, an,d it is
, , 1..
If You are Weary Woi natl..,
, .
Ailing or Sick Use
Portuguese Colonies In Afrief
In a Backward State,. .
The Portuguese colonies in AfriCi
are the Rip Van Winkle's land of real
Ity. After ' three centuries of whit'
d ominion-they remain pretty' much
the condition In which Da Crania an
his bold successors left them.
: mlirrligrAr=sir war ..w. '5". -lir- .kern,i.
them," and ' escaped with a slight
Pte. A. J. Holt, It.c.R., Charlottetown,
feared that they foundered, which.
Here is a picture of what tradi
Th.e NI olsons Bank
sprain, •bit Vair, was terribly man-
gled, his head, legs and arms be,ing
1).1m., ,.dysentery. , . i
Fn.. 1 . Taylor, B.,0.11., Heittax, euter c.
F. meNaugliton, R.c.B.., Quebec, en-
.would represent a of about 40
aine's Celery
means in the favored region of Cabin
. .
da bay, Where there is a single,. whit
, a
comp.letely. severed from the body.
Pte.. F. 13. Graham, R.C.R., Amorn, Ont.,
trroaodme.sr, wwhiothocacUp,siehsopa"112o9usefotott ,tblyine
(Chartered by parliament, is55.)
...____-0., r
Mr. R J. C. Dawson, forrherly
enteric. . ' '"
'Paid up Capital..... , ...$2,590..,000.
`Rest Fund . . .... ....... ..., .,.1,620,00P
, ., .
posti'lvisi„.1, c,!,f London, odt., died. hi
Enpiarld. , . , , L
Pte. F. G. Walker, R.c.u.„ stau.ey sod
Pte. II. Batley, 11.0.11., TOronta,,entertc.
. .
Dominion Government Steamer Aslioae,,at
Tilt Cove, Bay of Fundy.
attached. The place is stocked witl
1 pkeurnncehles0.,nS Of SOLts vile stuff calle•
"rum" which are exchanged for pain
Read office Montreal. • .,,
i'11.. -, Maxim e Dup. u is of Tilbtiry.was
crushed t..c; death by a h'orSe falling' IV-
on her Friday. . • •
-.. '
2.0Ny.:::, ce.11.11te.i.it'i.c; eh a th a na , Ont.'
elteterte'd. Ilire R.C.R.,' Haltrax; enteric.
Pte.. .o. W. "Sunray, It.C.R., Yarmouth,
N. 8., enteric. '
, N. "-S.i., Sept. ' 24. -The . Do-
minion Government Newfield went
, ashore at 1 p, in. yesterday at White
Knotsr natives from the iuterio
villages with loads of kernels begi
, money advanced, to good. ..arov,ors on
rte. W. E. mol,,,,,skey,Fi•rst 0,81.11., Brant-
ford, %injured , right eye. •
Pte. I., Elliott, D Battery, Owen Sonau,
Cove, ' three miles west of Sandy
Cove, in the Bay of Fundy, and will
probably. prove a total loss. The
-r- ii
I 17 . . • . . - . _ . _ _ _
to present themselves at the shop by
a. nl., and when. the trader nt las
their ewe notes with one or More endorser
at 7, per cont. per annurri.
Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m; Saturdays 10.aan. to 1 p.m.
, .
A. generalbanking business transacted.
CUBRENT BATES allowed for M011.9y PE
Depositileceipts. Savings Bank at 3Z.
solicitors. , Manager.
w.-- -
ill Save
, ,
for Every
, •-
• Pte. P. Crotty, 10.0.10., Quebec, enteerc,
Pte 9 Jones It.0 .1t. Fredericton, rhea-
mutts= ' '
Pte. II. Bolster, R.C.R., Cobou.rg, enteric.
l'te. J. C. Perry, 11.0.11.. Galt, Out., en-
tore and wounded. . '
Pte. J. F. Brewer. D Battery, Woen-
stock ,enteric.
, ..
Pte. II, Donohue, It.C.B.,, Loudon, oysen-
teiry. , -
'Pte. J. McDermott, R.C.R., St. John,
N.13., enteric. .. ''
Pte. 11. A. Behbow, R.C.R.,•• Ottawa,
tug Morina carried a despatch to the
Government steainer Lansdowne . at
(3 O'clock last night; 'to .colne to her
. •t• ..! The Lansdowne left here
assis ai ce.. •
as Soon ,,aS she could, get up steam.
A telephone message from. Point
Prim fog alarm saYs that it is. thick
fog in the bay but no wind. It is
doubtful a,t present if the Lansdowne
will be able 'to get a' line to • her.
The crew are safe. , The Newfield
001;11peoLpitoidpillsal,iv4itdye okfindPiellxlitee'n8ded; its
• • found
users are,.in .ev, cryclass society.
The life-giving powers and virtues
of mane's Celery Compound are laud-
ed by the titled, thenoble, theW,ealthY
as well as by the humble sons and
tholghters of toil, ft has saved lives
of all conditions ofri people after the
' f Worthy physt-
fetitailnuar.es 0 honest and
makes his appearance there is a mois,
CroWd Of ket'iael sellers and thirst,
hangers on. .
The exchange of rum for kernelP I
quickly effected,' and by. 0, &Flock` 1111
the morning the entire Population ma,
be seen lying under the shelter of th
cocoanut palms either sttpidly drun
or noisily quarreling.
The mingled uproar and snoring last
till about noon when there is a sue.
Marys, Ont., i Sept. . 0. -The
'Sduth Perth ,Coidserv.*ai'tive Convention.
.'met here to -day. A. very. large repre7
''''sexitiation from each miihicipality in
' the ,.i. , IN'r,1 pt•eSent. Mr. VV,M.,
Home in Canada.
When tinteS are bard and doll s
scarce, the smatt . and htight wonitletri•-
Of our country find -that. the Diamond
Pte., i -r. C. Brown, xt.c. 10,, Pugwasii,
NS., ouierle•
Pte.' James S. Walker, 13:.0 „It, , Cpar-
lottetawn, •P.E.I. 'enteric,
Pte, It. L. Fisher, 11.(.1,.1i. Montreal,
e'llti'iol '' "
PILt.er.,. Jri.leill'ilug:i%`t•a, 11.0.10.,.charlottetown;
pto, w, Lane, 11.0.11., chariottetown,
built at G Id in
was ,
13'71, and is 500 tons net •tol;i'mge.
t l ecaptain 1l' .-
erA. aleaalf'erthdeesw•Paretc?Iii"1, iste°yual tI'l 1-. Little
is slek, Mr, iTutchins, inspector of
light houses, is doing all he can to,
save tile ship.
paine's Celery Compound,. is roorde
• It'liaolkneicired°frita-oi,aatil'isasneda'n, Othet' known
refriedy, and no other inedicibe erer
had Such' strong and: convincing testi:,
monials. .
At this thrie when men and vvonaen
den ,returna tota8ObthrieetYylliaatigde Toe ceol'IO:c
e eats aw Y , I ..
the means fot another carouse.. ,
On a "good" day the trader at Co
hinda, hay gets rid of abont 190 ga
Ions Of rim, and he avers that tilt
dyeesacri: 1 b d, I., 3, at, ed every ail
PreiclkirlaclInn.''ek.:1','I. P. of the townsuip
of ,FullarbOti, was. the nnanimoii8
choice of „the ' convention' as their
st-ind'Ird bearer fox' the HOuse of
, CO' min -oils to' eontest tile. riding
against Ali,. 1),. K. Erb, M. P., the
, sitting Meinber.
Dyes are iiiipOrtatit Jte,'.1ps in econorniz-
ing. By the use of Dial 3. e
r!Ond 15 th
:es i -
Inis'baticl Mother and children can i
stylishly dressed, although nearly till
the clOthin,,,v rnay be Old Material dyed
ov_ei.'. 'L., , . , ,...,,, 1
ant)(11blielaloult)difrilliCY0elSOJSY1.titli:at$Ile1 lashinggoodsdyed
P111, stow revel;.,
' . Pte;W. R. Cartledge, D Battery, lt:U.A.,
Guelph; Ont., enteric. •
Pte. 1. n, .. ,
Anaerson, R.C.It., Beaux,
hernia and tever. . ..,, ' .
Pte. A. 0. Tul loch, 10. 0.10,, ..10, 3iontrea 1,
miptft"erl,e,r. oreores, R.0.10., vancou' 1.6r.,
MPCt'e.enSt",er15c; Hubbard, ' c, M. 10 „ owen
'Triedto 10111 Rig ratent4.
d ' Ont.,Se. t., 24. An elder-
Lon on,. • P . 1.
ly ma'a named Hoskins, who Ives
here is in Victoria tiospital,, suffer-
log:iron:1 an. ' iniurY to the skull
\'2s5'1113.e•heall•IslaYolieisguel,t w'f,ttlitoaliin"(flietield° st(Iltile
ilat,iingasss,eansosyn of_
have ad dangerous
' ' ' • t'' in
cur fearful risks if such. trc,bies as
. ... .
.rdliveenrt•-c.°Inncli thood,c'iiseases ate neglect-
r 0..m3-11:1'‘Iv'elillisq%iocfisliyItrlehigeu'slatetiheerYheCri,,°ell;,"
e 'rel)e,
Sic:°ti: re .
Next to ruth and "eivilizatiort" th
smallpox and curses t hoof s..io Westopi.a g,A f sr ii ra. m.,,asi.,,
From this last no case of tccor'er
htcagstmeivsert 1:)iteetnhathrtinowt.inic, Lilt4i,,'eoci.cir°11,
at 0,,,,4 tot
C,A 'ir 0 rs
, ,
I mi
with them cannot be told 'from new.
Any one can use" them,, as the direc-
'' anti iin le that no
on are so plains p
tions is needed: The colors of Dia,
blond ,Dve8 neVer ioTown dim; they
ger to
lit Ott '.
&mud', sPrained ankle. , .,„1 ,, n
.._te.. At(Yevt DYYle, 11-0.1z•, c ta'. la' •
N'Eui.'1, eta,t"/IrC„'it,6 rt 0 R, tmohee e •'r e•
pi;', ii, 'd,--Nyv-Wit-`it.:','0,1,i,-- p'ortztilgteL tie
Bra,Irte, man., enteric,
Colo. A., L. Ityciscit, 10.C.11,, I :mato,
AN:ounclis,-,,issi,lpi;losteidie 1190 ckbue p i, n•";srahrele..y 0 tiinige
dealt 11.'s fatl'er 6' biblv on the fore_
head over the loft eye with a brick.
,.. ,,
tic then Said lie was going to hill
. , , .w,‘,
, 6ieose ttho blood, babi8b sicepues,Ass,
n.elll:algia, ..a.40. 1.'bell.111)aties,l,11 a.,iild_pl-,lt,,tilo
liver .and kidneys it p itect w Ic
1,..ti ,,,,
Cerel.oi'V .GtO.in.potirid its °I;h1;181i:
tian cominunity every eommunicar
has a sopa rate.eim from% ,W,hich to pa,
take of the Sacratuental wille.-1,00(10
Por Infants and. d'nildren•
never fade Or WaS11 out.
, . - .
Seellfe the best results in home dyeing,
'see that her
enterie. '
Pte. 3, Smith, R., 0.1.I., Barrie, Ont.,
ta but, he 0.verpcw.,,cd
ins ino let , ,, ' •
, ' '
and hunded over t othe police,
Dateit 110 teine•-1. Is a grea i. -
• 1 I ' . ' ''' '' '
ciall'S prescription fully recognized. by Childr611 Ory, for
, ,
Tho fac-, • 4 tn„
. insaile, 'inent
,Miernatura lex 04/• • w'q''°1.'11*
every woman should
dealer Or Inerehalit gives her the
".1)iamond Dyes," as other. paol(a.e
dyes' are only4).00r imitations.
. enteric. • .
Pte, J. A. Therreault, 14.0 , It-, Q,liebec,
both feet wounded nt Piordeberg. ,.
Pte; j'' D' Nle'14°18°11, It' L''' 1.1.', .11.'"Ig'15"
Tit. Sturgeon ' ef Petrolea, Ont.,
..,,i.,, (.,,,, ,,-.,......„...,,...,, ,,,,,,,,
'''' " ''Di °L"L'i '''''
Orir nioSt, eminent doctors in the treat- . . ,... ,
Of disease. A. trial of one bottle C , . . . .
, ,
will convince every stilierer..