HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-9-27, Page 3,ev. Dr. "rain-iage Says Christ Will
Conquer at Last.
A. despatch train \Vas:hit/1,g tat/ sa,ys storm it to-tiight, Give tip your scot'-
-Rev. Dr. Talleagc chase far his text. fiiig :Associates, or give up God arid
the f.tllowlii" "A LroOp tell +1 I over- lieciareii 1vnrd, ye troops of God,
tat,nict him; bu. lis ah 1,11 overcome at
the lasta'---Germais xlix
Your heart taken for Christ, your
bad habits fall, yc1Ir mental difficul-
ties 11Y, and in one straggle your en-
tire natnee 18 redeemed, To -night
God's grace goes around all the other
embank/ale/its, and foe the present
L(31 s them stand, and \vitli its stout
fist pounds a g„ a test your heart's
castle,. You say that the leeks have
been so. long fast, and the bolts are
SO InletY, and the hinges so unused
U Is 1.11.11e, OVer a t/eettoie abace 50rgican
lam ta,,a nee *ilia/ v ,4. 0
Vitas ../.doa etia.tatiteer Now cont,1114`1.011
4:1'llibir"--Irtlb",t1.4,t4),0.1s soi,otatacit
ott "vr.oh novo t" (10041 In et,.
.1001r eight days nearly seven thou -
that YOR1 e,ttriu.0{, maen th.e doorTh2751 sand doetors, nearly five hundred of
stand baelt fon a moment, while, these from the United States, have
baiting the CreSS for a battering been a,ttencliog the sesaloxts of tlie
to the third line'oi intrenchment, yam, we try with it to drive down the Thirteenth. International : Medical
namely, tl-te intellectual difficulties ,dour and Let °lariat came in. , ,00,ngenss here in Faris. ,
My text elPeakis of a tribe Ivan were about religion. -A- hundred perplexi- ryn,rs is a sinning heart, and 2.\-'n interesting Phase of the discus
often discomfited in battle, yet \\-e-e ties aboiii. the parables ; a llaticired cnrist alone can eleanS0 11, yelars is SiOnS of Uhe second day' a ni,eeting of
at last viattaaious. But the viroutis questiOne about the ninth chapter of 4,t pxortid heart, :and ,Christ alone cal/ the Thirteenth international Medical
may be usatl as graplileallY tic- Roinane; passage set against. Passage h,amble it. yantra is a rebellious, Congress in Paris, coneerned the ques-
serifative of the defeat of Christ, to ,in seeming contradiction, You pile up heart, and cheiat 'alone can subdue tion d Ilna use of fat in larger quanti-
be Iell3aved by his suecet,ises. a battlement of Colorise on the Pen- - • ties than at ,present the custom. It
• , . •
When Christ's chin dropped uPall tateiteh, and Toni Paine's Age of -Rea- The captain of our salvation calls was pointed out that nature .supplies
isis bireaat 521 death, the world: shout- son, and Tamaras,,fecfa ofChnist; and up before your soul all his troops of tba infant with diet containing a
ed Lo trillruPh. :Driven as he has seine para sof the wall are so high that naorey and gi,a0„. Hold out no longer , larger proportion of fat than the in -
been from the heart, from tile social it -would be fell), to attempt to take' a,gailast" the forces that would take ''llYidnal liable take fel' -111131"li
61"1:el°' fr(mln literature' tram 13L1ee5 th'"-n• But ti -lee is a .,boie ill the wail thee in the name of thy king. By , later in life. The workman 'craves
sf iiatmene,e, tale world now up._ of fortificatian, and through that holethy hard-h.eartedhess, and rebellion; fat to make up for the beat lest by
011 wdat s'eeills to be' a varnInth'''d Re- in, 'the wall I pdt my` right 'hand, and and sin th.ou hast ten thousannies ex'erbi°41, but those of sedent'arY 00-
, deenter- Bat he a".h,iii yot, rally his , take yo,ar own, and say, "My 'brother, '0,-yeacane thy hest Friend; but "-ahall '°U'Pation are apt gradually to lose,
' f°r.6:ess and th''ingli n°ur i'vere°n'" by ' do you want to be saved?" And you Say ' .
, ' to! he
not be 'told in: heaven to -night that , 111'1,`' ta'ste f°t it Th we result of the
';,.. ' t the e
other trooPs, be e.hall oVeraoma. a . e Yes." Well; Jesus Ch.risb came . last? , comparative abs.en•ee of fat Ilona the
. , , , , • . . . e ,as oveac.ome at the ,. 1 , . . ..
last, . seek and to 'save that, which is lost. I Bet the day uf th.y ga,aoe is almost , dietary isathe ochurre,nee of intestill-
' ,Wh,en a city is about to be besieg-±writt thou let him, in—the bruised one .
past. The sun is dipping- laelow • t.he al.re'ri)°-r-'Tlie food re41-d-tle l's',"1 pro-.
' ed, lines .of air ounivalla Lien are rtIO of, the Cross ? die will take away all - , • , • , perly lubricated and thie• state of con-
, mountains. The fiery sky foretells , ., . , .., .
., oat; la half oil -cies the folitifications thy alas and all 'thy sorrows.. In. one,„
• the storm. the, chill in the air pro.- ‘tillutieri.1, 60 in
common In °lir ti...nlea de-
., seWeep anaund; th.e first line fifteen half haur he will give thee more peacenhpaiea a night .of hi,yeknees end, ,velop]40rs, or Its ree .elief recouris had to
,'..,..iniles -out; the second, "tell miles; t,h.e .. than' thou. haat had in all the 'tWenty- c-tart.'"kn--0.sia.' What you d, 'you. h'aci bet... laxatives, Sc)lne new and 'highly lauded
.247.'.'...."'nex'efive; the next., One mile out. The years of thy questioning and. doubt-; tea, do quelekise , . , . . 1 fOl'Ill of w,hien makes it, aPPeal'ane at
'attacking hoSt first' takes the ont-' ing!" Lett the great gnats of coienso , .„ tids eternity , ,e,„ ,„itine; I lease °nee a week, until pow they are,
work, th iaa ' a' lin .nea,eoe cetmingi ,,,and Reaean beiz,o away, chriat, comes'''. 4 -lie 'des el- , "-'' ' - b' the bane of 'the ,gelleration. The milk
' ne1ruUtelil...tire'.emehankinent, nearest /soh to the. gate of 'yotir head, hnt. to to the iook „If Age.;,3 01 me_ , . , fatis, or'eate,. butter 'and Milk' 'itself are
These only will be. saved who get on
ter along in ,their sin and pla3rir in the t,t'e4,8ittn:las{),1°L sTuhitenybleati,e6.1111,e,apc)efcifaailtyt-Y. amyeal-1,
the eit,y Is 'et:iv:tut:ed. , : : ' , the door of your .heart, and tapping . , - . ..
Nam-. the, htuntin heart is defending. gently against it, he , says, "Behold,,I sand. We'eome out, and shout, " Hai-.
itself agains' t, Chri.st, and . it has run stand at the door and. knock. Whoso- borne by those' )vit.h disturbed diges-,
16 1. hall,o I the tide is rising." They .
• nut four Or fivn lines of oircurnvalla- ever :will open to me, I ill me i to
. . tion. One German observer noted,
- V.i.f-,-: (.")---", -II -,- laugh at our excitenient, and.aay that
tion, and they must one by one be him, and sap tvith him, and he with , ., . . ' ,while that .the vegetable. oils,, olive oil and
there is no danger. Aftex a ,
taken, so. that 'Christ, may overcome Me." '.., , • , 1the like not only served a very use -
i they resolve to return,. taut it is too ' . '. . • • ....
' at the last tinel the liez..i.rt aurrander. " tritional purpese, but were ac -
i "Scepticisnial seems to do quite well in late. The, waters of eternal destruc- ft,uxial ,rliyu
i oura.tive in their effects in
Youiltn,ow how men fight .when they ' ppoperity, but it fails in tidversity. A 'tion g..itilier 'about their feet ; they try '
eon:tend in battle for their wives and celebrated .infidel, an shipboard, in the to climb,' but get no farther thannaany painful disorders of the stomach.
the '
/ . children. There , are lightnings.in:sunshine, .earicatured the Christian foot of the rock, and, with eyes' roll- 'A 13:lurked feabirre 01
the *dle"sel°11,
'. utak eye; and' every finger is a sPeari ,r.e:ligion, and seoffed ab its professors. ing in horror, and hands flung ' e -P, '°I. et°ill'aeli diseue*e was the
and theilir shout is like. the voice cif Bub the sea.arcase, and the waves dash- ansi. a shriek of dspair ' that roils , expressed on all sides in the surgery of
a :Whirlwind. - , . : , . e,ta ,aoross tlie hurricane -deck, and the among the :mountains of death, with . the stomach. It is only a little' over
But the, ,fieirae.st battle ever, fought., an. cried out:, "0 mY God, what shall - long -reverberating echo ,they drop for a 'decade s,ince, su.Tgic,aal. Procedures'
,is, bettveen the u-lliregollerasiled heart Ido? ha.t. shall 1 do ?" See -,isin -
, . .. w . ever. .-- ' ' , iin.volvine- the stomach, became any-
' and Christ. , Before I get through does tolerably well to 'iliaby, but it.is Lord God, keep as from such a catas- ..thing more than a great rarity: Now
wItil the serMan, 1 -will illustrate DaY a poor thing to die by.. , The fortificaL trophe ! , . ,. . " t even very conservative PhYstelans
"meaning- ' i Hall of Your soul tilisahonr. gives way;'A surgeon, wounded at 'Gettysburg,-1,.odiinsei rectourse to surgical interven,
korward, ye troOlas of God, and take 'and - the. Christ, who seemed to have' t.olcl me 'that he lay helpless,upon the tion when severe stomach symptoms
-tho line of fartificit'tioll farthes1', out been aVelrearn.e.lay argument, Land, by heights, looking . dC)111 upon the' bat.,.• Persist ill .spite of Inedleal treatment.
' which' la -prejudice agninat minis-',Prefohnd . guest:tone, and elaborate tie, He "saw the fate of the nation: The result is that the onee hopelessly
te;ris und churches.. • 'There are, men analysis, now, by tbie 'force of love, taV,ave'ring backward and, forward—now fatal condition, canner of t4e • ch,
'elm LOr various reasons, .do not be -I overcomes atthe Last! „ , • t one army seeming to conquer, now is now considered to 'be absolutely cur-
Jieve in these things, ,and from than i Forward, ye -troops of light; to .the the other. The scene was grand and able in many cds!S' ,
' nilt,wa;rd , intrenchment . contend .,,. next, - circuanvallatian, of ' the heart, I overwhelming.. -- , ," '' 1' ,It has , been the custom to consider
against Obrist. ,; MY reply to this is, ., namely, ,pertilcions. ,habit. , I, de ;not it T 'I stand on the heights of Zion' ,to- 'that of the three.lowest forms of plant
seedk out a °laurel", and_ a minister i believethat it is necessary ,to be a • night, and I see your eternal destinies life, the microbe, the ferment and, the
' that you, do like. ' That, i84 the :relig- ete.e.totaler ,in order to bea.s. Cha:istian,' being decided in battle. Some of you niould, only the microbe produced die -
jus. ' adValitaga. thatameuhave in althafigh rl-atviSh all Were'teetotaler.s; have cliarged upaii Christ with all tlie 'case, in man. In recent, years it has
' towns that they have nowhere e .e,,-- u . 1 dosay,that a man who is exces- sins and prejudices ot your lifetime. become clear bhat curtain of the .fer-
they may . have . ,their 'pick—high ,1 sive, ill the.u;s0 of strong , drink -cannot He is falling back, and, falling back; me.n.ts also produced pathological don-,
eh/arches"- and ' law, churches,: rich love Chris:b. Ile will not:dispute with' you have :wounded him ha the brow; ditions an, the human race, as well as
, „lurches. and poor 'churches, aristo, ' you( the supremacy ofthe b,Ottle.' The you have wounded hint in the hands; insome of the higher animals, especial -
tie churches and democratic appe.tit.e is to -day the rnightiest barrier , Yen have wounded him in the feet; .1y those associated' withman. There-
. . . , , .
church"es, ' pew -..renting churches and sgalneli God. There are men who 35021 have wounded him inethe hear,t. has even been serious question wheth,
, free olnirches,'-,Cadyinistic, ehurch'es-, would rather brave eternity, unpar- Be falls in his Own blood, vrhile your ': er cancer was nob. due ,to alalastonly-
and. Arminian - ohurcheisa ministe,rs doned„ than give up their bondage.; iniquities stamp upon hini and cry, teete—that .is, to a ferment', not un-
, . vahite; and black, learned .and ignor- , They' have been throwing up this ent-. ",We 'i,vill not have this man to reign lik.e the ordinary yeast that splits. • up
ant, fantastic' 'and plain, old alad1 ballIcitnent of, evil habitfor five, :ten,' wirer us 1" In :the words of the text, ' sugar' solutions into 'alcohol and car- '
' and -young, :rnannsC.ript-reading and 1 ar. twenty years, until it is very high- you have Overco.ine him: But now I ; bailie dioxide. Now comes the proof
- eaeqemp,oaaneo,as;, some wearing fine 1. ,x.tsi. vela gaeat. Christ, the San of see him rising up.. In the strength. of . that the moulds,, too, may be patho--
' ' ' '1. c4-6 1 • the fortification.••- ! ' ,
, go5v4s .,-1:;/-0 ot-heas a very poor coat, d, ono a can take t his almighty loves he earnes at you..., genic far /man. Some years ago cer-
' Ministers. ,argumentative or fignea,e, 'Whatever be the form of evil, habit, i
CILr,ist is .able .full.Y and•,finally to de- Armed by Memories of Bethlehem ' Lain oases of an . affection produced
tive., Ministers. etatistiaal or poetical.'
t.er .. •!.ana Golgotha., he Passes on towartCseemingly by an aspergillu.s fungus
- Fa
orwrd.. ye troops of God, to the : man. Though he be eaten, you.. With weapons of sacrifice and , s".e:re reported. IThere was doubt,
.. ' next intrenclarnent i ' ,It is .a circum -, 1.1P with, dissipations; though . he be I invitations of glory , he a.ttaCks thy 'however; whether this was the real
..-eauation, 011" saciai • tafaiencea, Theae ,sunk to ii1143 lowest depths of shame ; 1. -soul, and. it falls back' and falls" back- etiological ,agent or not: Now this,
,aae a.andras: of people 'here to -night 1 thene''h every PhYSical, mental, and 1 tlietil
1 spiritual' force be crippled, Christ yvil I able to retreat; no longer, it I doubt his been completely set at.rest
whose surroundings in the world are
adverse to tac, Christian r. eligipn,.,,ihe,, make.,hini a ,*..eoie man, lift hint athnl';1°Navls1 tolaust siPt:ctaaltmorss i:o9n7rt-ehPeelavkey him,bat- bryanill;e, li'LePeeolretn°1,0asneurnivebresi; „an°fd l'eta's.esis
, ,
first step thitt..yonder man makt
es ,o. O usefulness and
.... reSpectability
nc , 0, glory nere.,rter. ‘ here'''. tlements Clap their hands and rejoice evide, lit. that aspergillosis must be
'wards heaven will call forth a volley ',
, . spoken
1 have heard men of as far timt: ,T,esilst who was .beforc. overcome granted a -place in hutiaan nosology.
.of .Criticisna anti:caricature. Many of, ., .,,by a .troop, has overeome at 'the .last 1 Some of the lesions of the disease re-
, their friends in the world tyould as, gone that ,they could not be rescued. I . . , • ., ,aromble ordinarY abc.esses, and it,. is
8 - -,.. • . denounce the horrible ' infidelity,' , • , ', • ' .7.,.................,_..: ;pv01/411314,, that many of them have laeen'
soon 13,e stio,t, as 1-5.6.se on ',pea Knees, , . .. ,
ta ', praying. The whole atmosphere is as ;Ole lPord's,arM.lS omhipotent, and the : , • . . -.. . alist,aleen for such, The dise,aSe has
uncongenial to religionas a northern e L.:wretch t at. ever crawled into COAL SUPPLY. '•-', [ escan,ed „recognition so far because of
....,, 'dame; is to pine -apples and bananas, if. the dit,e,11 would 'no mere puzzle or , ' ' .....,a, • i, this resemblance to well-known forms
" that Yeung amari should become, a
. •. .. . , •
c,ouafatincl God than . th,e case of the atmai,; aa).„. oat, a ;lain, 'utterly of 113 of suppiirt.itive diseu.se. -• ' .
Christian' and go back to the store, Inest, elegant b,/,ld Polished sinner. that ' . Itapidly Dm,: astitg *.,,,,,,,i0,, . 1, ,.i,ohacco came in foo
much more than
they Would accost him' with, ." John ever eta'n'i'e to Him! - . , ..• , !England' and most other •countries its ordinary abuse at the 'doctors'
55b how is'yolt.r. sotil 1 come, nosy, give iis 'ILay ll'al'd. of that AIMIghtY arm: eh are complaining •bitterly at the .rapid- hands.' i/airlou.S • rather ' indefinite
a prayer. ::, . Suppose you ' vall hiive Ye 'idyl:lig captives! Notwithstanding iy .,increttaing price of coal, 13u1 if the paehalagicati c.on.ditionshave been at-
....2--riothing to do with such Sinners 'as 'all 'Y0u11.--1)9"5t 'nf`i'd°1'108', tllere is n° coal famine leads civilization to adopt tributed to its use. Certain nervous
What is the news' from...heaven,„ need that you MilS5 hlven; there
, . • , electric or sun , heating, it tvill save syntoms-have been well ' known to be
'-.AHtrbatt. I getting' reit in the' face? Not gr•ai-c'e' 'e'n°,ru'gh. t''''.' 'save, every 011e . of. Eur'op' e •and ,North .A.Merica alone a clue to it, but they usually disappeared
mad, 1 hope 1 Christians ought, not to
, What t,,1, airii,,,3,,,o, u are 1 i „lyzu.,thne:ostic:initnetoreflyyalueri,titt,leueg,Lhyobau j:,, :gesi,scainpge ."1]..iott,biue.i:lbdill141.asofel.J1$d3.t15,n0r0800,0n0a01.parnypeearrtyloit,:'; ,tch,u?,t.livencltliSeenotnntinTne;on:es.eocf] theel:ittiv.re:Idy,an•Ad, --,
1g/et/peen you "ire almost . re:irly , for 3001 'an .4bl'indant entrance Int° 'the: flYe• London alone has .10. firesa d<ty iurkisli phYsloian reported at this
nmsiation 1,, „kingdom of 0111 Lord h . , feet of , on an , average, and spends '"/./t),000 a /meeting a series of eases . of teue
. .
G-od's hoits a:re already itt tile foot
of. the wall. They come on with the
blood-stained flag on th,e oros,s. They
Operations op they:a are DQt only un-
dertaken bat sintessfully earned out
• --
and the, after result,s in most eases
have been very ;satisfac tory. There
is no reason to doubt that within the
next three to five years the field of
hong surgery ‘1,1,1 1 see a inost promis-
ing new development.
11, is Interesting and encouraging
to note With hoar inuch mare confi-
d.ence medieal meu lotat upon tub'ereu-
losie than they did only a few Year
ago. One can scarcely fail to gain the
inapres„sion, though it may not be said
in so many words, that now the
medical profession feels itself in a
po,sibion to cope with the disease. The
statistics of the mortality from the
diseaso have not changed much in
these last few years. Pulmonary
consumption still carries off about
one out of every seven human beings
who die, but Llie disease is not the hide-
ous nightmare that it was in its un-
conbrolle,d and uncontrollable advance
for the preceding generation of physi-
cians, The new medical confidence in
the power to treat the disease is not
begotten of ally trust in new drugs.
Certain eon/pounds of arsenic that
have been use.d extensively here in
Europe are, ib is true, very 'highly re-
commended by trustworthy observers,
bub the realization has come that in
, the sanitarium treatment of tubereu-
' losis lies the key of the mystery of the
therapteuties of the "white scourge of
the North." Net drugs, but fresh air,
suitable fQoa in abundance and a pa-o-
perly regulated 1111e are tbe long
soughtfor panacea. The doctor no
longer advises the tuberculosis patient
to give up his occupation and take
plenty of exercise in the open air. Ex-
ercise, especially att times of high
temperature, will almost surely be
harmful. Every moment of the day is
regulated. Rain or shine, long hours
are passed in the cmeu ail-, the sleep-
ing apartment is open to the air at
night, all exereise is forbidden when-
ever the te.raperature is above normal,
and thediet is so arranged that the
intake of., food materials shall more
than compensate for what the daily
metaboliana consumes.
I For assuted success in this treat-
ment the case need but come early.
Here is where rapid strides are being
made in (present day medicine. The
diagnosis of incipient tuberculosis is
being approached 'from so many sides,
that it can scarcely fail to be recogniz-
ed ab very early period. Besides
the orclina.ry physical signs of the dis-
ease in. recent years the Rontgenrays
have come to the assistance of the
medical man, and are of very great as-
sista.nce in cloubtful'cases..
I In these 'Last few years the medical
world rejoiced in the solution of -one*of
the most diffieult diagnostic problems
of all medicine. In certain cases it
was practically impossible to recognize
withicerteinty typhoid fever, A .young
French proifesse: at. the University of
Paris, working at, the Institut Pasteur,
found 'that when a drop of the blood of
was taken did not have typhoid fever,
was added to a drop of some liquid
culture containing typIteid bacilli, it
oansed the bacilli to run together in
clumps and paralyzed their activity.
If the patient from whom the blood
was taken did not Jiavae typhoir fever,
or had nob biad it for some years be-
fore, this clumping or agglutination
pthenoraenon did not take place. The
stroke of genius ,in the matter was
the realization that this principle
might be applied to the diagnosis of
bypdoicl Lever, Wtdal'S reaction, as at
is called after its inventor, is now th'e
ultimate eriterion on which all physi-
cians depend for tble diagnosis of
typhoid foyer.
Another Frenchman has now dis-
covered that: this same c'umping occurs
in tuberele bacilli if a drop of blood
front a man or animal suffering (rain
tuberculosis be added to them. This
new method of diagnosis promises to
prove as beneficial for medicine as the
corresponding reaction in typhoid
feve,r. Already it bias been tried in
Prof. von Ley,clen's clinic in Berlin,
and the results obtained by its discov-
erer in France have been substantiat-
Tlie.re is a medical proverb very
oirrrellt till'ouglioul matst 'of Europe to
the effect that when, they find a tiling
to be true on tile banks. of the Spree ,••••••
4 -as tv.ell as the banks of tile Seine. it ,
vecY, PrO:ba10.0 tisal there is ,tientea •
thing in it,. ' .
Cil"he (111014
•whktiritp," Inc,' or tietacia
ol.1, is foihnel io ulaiti anI th:e, Sou- ,
(la n. The Agatte catl 11. "Saffar,' or,
bec-tuse, Of the'WIaiji llireg souhd,
that produees, and the specific: ,
/tame of "f istul a ," a word.' also unit /l-
ing piptt .cie flute, tria been given it
foa• the amine reason. Insects infest ,
t,he tree and. (lepa'sit their eggs, Li/ its
ao s.1 gall -like excrescence,
, •
ala;aut art inch and a half in aliantet:er,
is peoduced at 1.1te base, of the shoots, a
anti trlien the larvae have emerged •,
from eti.rou.lar holes in tile sides of the,
shooks, the+ holes, played upon. baa the
tvind, produce a whistling amind equal
to that produced by a sweet -toned
The "cow- tree" is so called beedatse
it yields ail abuaidani apply of ntillt.,
To obtain, the milk ale,ep incisions are
ma.cle in the tree from t\rhich the fluid
florwa into vessels pl"teed ready to re-
ce,ive . it. This vegetable nailk is.
soanetvhat viscia, and has an '
agreeable flavor, and an analysis 01
Lt sattotwls that it is very 'much like the
milk of a cow, in, itS-COMp0811i011. The '
COW tree grows on the slope of the ,
mountain chain bootleg:1 lig on Vene- ,
The "cloth Liiee" is found at Ota -i
heite in the South Sea. The bark isk
taen off in long strips a.nd put to
soak over nigh:t in running tvater,
The soaking softens iL, so that the. in -
nen fiber may be easily sepa.rated
from the re,st of the bark. The fi-
bers are put together in. lengths of
about 11 to 12 yards, and the lengths
anplaced side'by side until they are
at least 12 inches in width, and Iwo
or three layers of fibers are putt one
upon, arnotherr. The fibers adhere
together lin, one piece, a.nd the ma-
terial thus formed is beaten upon ,a;
smooth piece of wood until it becomes
as thin as muslin. It is than bleached
in the air for a time, when it is ready
to be made up into clothing.
The "stinging tree" of Queensland
Is pleasing, to the eye, but dangerous
to th'e touch. its 'effects are curl-
ousait causes great pain to the person
ow animal 'that has the. misfortune to '
get stung by it, but it leaves 110
woundaor an,a,rk of any kind. And
fox' months afterward the part stung
is painful in rainy weather, or when,
in any way, it gets' wet. Frequently
it is -necessary to shoot horSes an,d
dogs that have been stung by the tree,
so neiadclentin,g is its effect upon •
The "angry tree''' grows,in Nevada,
Eastern California and Arizona.
When in the least disturbed this
highly sensitly-e, tree shows its anger
by ruffling up itrs leaves and emitting
a dies,agreeable odor.
23 Irantlointlek,s, Fond of All KIILIN l'10m".
(, mid 11,111413.
The. Queen. of Romna,nia, "Carmen
Sylva," is so passionately fond of
flowers, that she is positively unable
to rest happily in a room. where there
am no blossoms. Nearly all her lit-
erary works have been c.ramposed out,
of doors in a roofless room, built of
.reeds, and surioinided by a hedge of
rose lmshes, in the hollow of which
are cru,rinin,gly eoncealed cages full
of singing binds. The floor is of
mossy turf. in one corner a tiny
fouritain pours forth perfaine,c1 wa-
ters; in another swings a silk -en
ham -meek, Which the. Queen call
re,st and dream. With tu
hese sr-
roundings it is no It -widen tay,tt. she
svaiteis stories whioh are poetical in
tone and dreamy in their nature.
'nstipated olvels
'The long, high, mighty breastsvork year on her fire brigade. New York heart disease, for which he coulci find
of soeial influenees—bow a
shall grce has 18 fires eery v 24, hours, tind ex- no adequate causexc,
, eept the excessive
Clue Oise to Oyspepsja and Other Bodily Dorarigoalen'te—Olr' Chas"
'ever take ? For which one of these pends S3,510,000 in putting theni out. use of tobacco. : French, and German ilidriey-Livor Nile are Unique as the ()nil' Treatmetlx
ungodly .friends will you sw
end hmoont- he steep. l_Tridor their dratvn
en Every time an alarm is sounded in physicians confirmed ',bets report by whEen permanently Cures Qonstipation•
10 a passions go own.
dying? They could sit up with sword thyevil:d
„ London it mean,s 4200 oat of the tax- other cases, and in „the discussion. that
NV,h.ere sin abounded getice.does Mitch '
and prair medicines, and .' I h foiiowed 113 beoanse evidont ilint many
edo up your hoi pillow-, latit could 4,,n,_';''re Vict-erY. °''thY etn1 ',turning out 'the fire engine means ph.ysicians are decidedly of the opinion
they: rty acomfort 'for the. ` FetlYrY th1°3ng-11Lhe iold• S515. german .-Iairiburg•,Ind Atri,ericari 113 et t be abuse of tobrieen, or even its
gom. , „Lwaves ot gorca,a oftgin,Clarits.t1 Ta/ugh anany a long year each spe•nt 500 ,000 a ear 011 I 150 .11fa
Ose At) 211(3 especa-
'to iirei<. your feede, wili tlie,y be' able to LbYepppedltes"e're.alneliirn 1)utThe quenching ilames. On an average, aIly suseept.ible to its effects, 'army
.has oven:c.o./11.e at. the iastl
s y anything (0 11:3.0-11glhen ? 111, in ' London pburs 10,000 gallons of water tl 1,ead to a Pm-inallent cl'i:PPling of ithe
awful spasns of pliarsical suffer_ Fotrward,.ye tromps of light, to tile' on each fire, Paris 12,100 arid New heart. ,
'itigz 'You ebeqi.d ask thein to Pray, tjle IniiShti.e8tr.' line of forti-' York, 19,000. ,
In the wonderful advanetas of this
44.tiathink theY would know howto fication—th,e pride and the re,beIlion, , los! 15321013 1125 yents in U1 502 tiSe
it Will they crowd tile room, and of tht3rnatural ThiS intrelich- t,}1c,,,,,,leaetalat is, i.he rirm no vi
'Lhe last ent.',.tny 1 What sin-, talent must be taken, or tall the rest D Ivieh is erielas.ed the heert
*le thing Can't -hey do for you wheri of the cOntest is 19st, is tile 11 and lungs—has usually been considered '
,and flesh shal,1 fall? When the, crieis III 1.e .1e• - planting fruit tree, along. tan vaiiiio to be quite be„tramd the- real.in ofsur-
11,I.,r,t;u1-11, Pet Sounds, 10 you want to rise besteg,trig army; find- .roada is ee.tane..1,,,,y carried out:, the gory:. .This impre,s,sion is nc,LW being
'tkv,itli them 18 their resurrection 1.T.y0 ung he in irerie.lameilt,s high ,• and peineepai being" applesn,
, Pera, Y Pc Y
- ee, un
ds of tde
*5).21 think they will Put nn, the e°min- e't.rOng:eweng arettm:d in the rear, and' cherries: It. was started in 1870,,hjt Lot (11315(110 °lice thpnght LC) be
,of, Ilet.tren? If not (10 ngt id e8eaPo the fortifications, and flank anti 1 hs 2143 are now :12,308 trees. Pe- ill.vit`tblY 11u,1 21' are 1100t,1,
hinder You now. If they. do th,e , taking it with hal, iittie Loos the f rui t is quite ripe it is sold by e, in doo.,SUrg(3r3'. During
Sok you 111 death, judgment srstanc,e, 80 God's grae,e, leaving all auctiOn, During filo firt twents. th,ese last titres' years ,sutaires leave
.eternitiv, it is high time -Yen look- the lcing eanbankinents of pre;iiidice, years r 1•1-08 Undertaking was unitrofit, ‘bren inserted in w°11nda of .ttlie heart
'id for help, in some other, direction, a,ricl socital influence, and intellect:to-II able, but from 111)1 it b t 111 netirly dozen caSe,s. About, onet
dWit Compa,nionship has destroyed perplexities and bad habits acmes when the -.pea „a, tsuld f 4100 half the patients are -still alive. with
.nnumerable naen; Through this high ea-aunt/1 and falls tip,on ide heart firsi, whil,sti last year the' sale,- trice the" lePalred dt3ing ecerielut
1.tattleinent no htnxiart force 0:1/1 lat•eak, and that „captuted bv a.flank (Dove- Wad set/act:11in
ctoptu ,,e2,000,3 work. ,Even the .1ting,s ,tire 'no longer
but, `oh I that the Lord. Jeeus' might' Intent, all' the fOrtificatityliS surreatler, on an .income of iL1,10112% 3s a teen, the nOlt .ana t,a 1)gere they once were,
Constipation,. or inactivity of the
betvel,e. is probably tlae.caus 8 ofinore
d'st a::: anal so:fie-rill* than any 011105
erg:rink d:eni.ngement. Once the bowels,
are, constipated the itidlieye becoane
0011 101 sylie.le digestive s.ystent 00.511-
a -tagged, t,be liver turp:ti„ aunt the
pletely interfered w ltd.
ide hei, d. tiehes, there is dizziness,
weiva-iiess aitd dianness of vi.eitazi,
pales in the b"i,elt, sides alid.
,the acatinuala, Lion of wind 121111 511)2 on
, ,
51.0111) 311, p1111118 f,111,:ness in
51.1 111 Ide etelltilah an.„I (Mores-
. an,1 -.despondency o: sptii,s,
CoiishiPation oan never be mired by
the use of :silts and similar -won't:en-
ing n.c1 d e b ilita tin g puirgatives. Dr.
KidneyeLivcr. Pills not only 1
cause th.e natural action of the bowels I
sso At aeigthen anct ;ilvigarata...the,m,
na, ha. enable thorn to regulate per -
f 111)21331210115 101112 0111 tlie
(71 tfiley also act tile
'laver and lcielneys, and, mo re,vlialize,
1113 whale exeretaiy system arid oer-
maintntly core 1.11,e most serious eases'
o cons ti (10 , i art s ees a n d
Jars: W. a. Fisher, Preston; Ont
states: , "1 Ca/1 .recorntnend i, (Th.ase
Is:irlitey-Liver Pills for Constipation.
550 I...tabled fo r a btu,. 11 e years, a nri
nave :Vent hundreds of do'ila-es \vith 13
doctors and for .remedies I heard of.,
but: they 'failed to even give relief.
Bearing , of I.)r, Chase's Is:idney-Liver
Vilb1 .1 procui-,el a leox. 125213 they
.nttrecl Ina of. this longstatrlitig 00131 -
plain L. vd(tift have to Use 1,1tolia any
inore 11,1 till, witicii goes to show that:
the etire is compli:te and Itermailerita'
Mis lienry Moore, Pickering,
sea tee : the, tall t)f. 18.fd .f. usee ihtau
or fo:ur boxes ot' Di. Olelse's
Liver Pills [or Co ristipition 11/11 Stoma .
511 Troubles and never found .
thing to compare tvitla theio. 1 had ,
;;uflered liese c,oulitlii.ints for .
, '
neatly 3eats. an,. ttAti"eS1 nearly s 0, •
m4,lieinl7 hill it 1101: P5. ,
Chasel to ?mire
1 (311 riew \Veil a tel 511210 05 but (tont nine
to L 1011 2)110 1,11' 100 pil 1si Oetik to -
eovintei‘act, t he 01 50 1c1t.1 0011,1 i tion i n
tile. blood a ad La keep tint Massada, p00 -
fool ty reg•.ulttr."
Dr. Crises liidioty-Liver-Pilla, Ond '
•, ,oro '
8 dose; -eents a box,- at all drall..
lee,' or Edbiausuu, liatet & Co., Tot ,
mato. .
01PV, d 44' V•".1{" .40 310 41,