HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-9-13, Page 8M7ftVIMI#V13r9elliet', LOCAL DOINGS * . csaisaimeaeaeolveaRme.8420 Five hundred harveet laborers are wanted in Manitoba. Mr, R. S. Lang has opened an office south of Dr. Rollins' office. Messrs. 13awden & 31cDone11 are this week showing their shire stallions at the Western 1 --Pair, London. The Hensall Observer, hes entered upon its seventh year a publication, The Observer as quite a newsy little paper. The Western Dairymen's Association win bola its annual convention and winter.' dairy show hi' London, Ont.i January 15th to 18th. The latest fed now is for ladies to go' without headgear during the evenings. Doubtless it will soon beeome poplar, but not with the milliners. Mr. F. Triebner met with the mis- fortuue of hiving a rusty nen run into his hand at some length on Saturday, causing an ugly and. painful wound. Mr. Ardagh Rollins has purchased Mr. Wm. Harrison's 80 acre farm ad- journing his father's farm on the North.- He takes possession sonie thne in March. Consideration in the neigh- borhood of $1,800. Seine unknown persoe, oubtless terrible windetorni Swepit over, Mr. Fred Kessel, of Bryanston, Miss Edith Rollins has gone to Lon- don to take a term at the Coo Acade- my. She is taking up stenography and tYpe writing. Miss Edith Beers has ecepted o sition a ap as Millinery saleslady at Chap - man's, London, and left for that city Monday 1110721110g. R h left Dr. H. P. Ross w ohere a coup- le of weeks ego for the Westhas hung oot his shinle in a town called Camp - + k M this section of the country 'ilesday in town this weiale, with no good intent, too away I. I Woe Brooks' bicycle, from the fronto2' night, uprooting trees, and otherwise Mr, 3 oho Manning's butcher shop, on doing coneiderable damage, •Setueday night last. It had evideot- Swamp fires are •-orain raging at ly bee o ridden some distance and when Sodom, a little west Of tewn, and dur- found SundaY morning, lodged on the ince the heavy wind storm Teesaay north side of the AnvooaTE, office, it niziilat the fire. spread with rapidity, was discovered that the name plate destroying considerable timber and en - bad been removed. The thief doubt- &angering, houses and barns in the vi - less wee afraid of being detected, hence einiase e d it where the owner could re- ' • e "‘ We have retie -wed luterestire, let - cover it. ter from Mr. Ed, 'Tanen Principal ef was AnerocarrE to Jan. iste1901, for 25e. Zurich public scheol, who has just re - If Yon toot Your little tooter and then turned from Europe, but owing to the lay aside your born, there's not a soul crowded. etate of our columns we are in ten short days will know that you unable to insert it in this issue. It is were born, The man who gathers beight, spicy and will prove interest - pumpkins is the man who ploughs all ingeeadindfor our next issue. day, and the man who keeps it hurn- We understand that the present ming, is the man who keeps the paY— County Couneillors, Dr. Rollins arid the man who advertises with a short me. McInuis, for Huron District aod, sudden jerk, is the man who No. 4, ba,ve decided not to take part in blames the editor' because it didn't the coming contest in January next, work. The Man who gets the business and the only candidates spoken of has a long and. steady pull, and keeps thus far is Mr. Rich. Hicks, Councillor his own town papers from year to year of Stephen, and Mr. H. Spackman, ex-- ouite full. He Plans his advertisements Reeve of Exeter. The gentlemen spok- in a thoughtful, honest way, and kee s en of are able and worthy, men and forever at it'until he makes it Pay. e both having had considerable experi- has faith in the future, can withstand ence in municipal matters , they eel': asudden shock, like the man of Scrip-- tainly would do honor to the office. It tore has his.business OP a rock. woulasuit uspretty Well—and we think Absolutely pure reliable Baking Powder. Try it once and you will never use any other kind. Sold by C. Lutz, druggist, Exeter. There is nothing .too good for the people who pay their money and if it is a good play you want, take in Fin- nigan's Fortune, Fair night. The Loden Sun, which has been con- ducted for some time by Mr. E, J. Philips, has changed hands, and the new man at the helm is 0.Shoemaker. Mr. Phillips has accepted the position of city editor of the Guelph Mercury-. Aromatic extract of Blacleberryis a pleasant, safe and effectual cure for Diarrlicea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus colic, ete. For sale at Lutz's Drug Store. Only 25c, a bottle. Thos. Jeekell met with a painful ac- cident on Saturday last. He was into .,Mr. John Manning's butcher shop and just as he went to step unto the street fainted, his head striking the hard walk heavily and :inflicting a painful Mr. John Evans, of Centralia, a for- xner resident of Exeter, who some years ago conducted a baking and con- fectionery here, died. in that place on Sunday last after a lingeriug illness of several years duration from rheuma- tism. This is about the time of the year for the man who does not subscribe for a paper to go'sneaking home with a poc- ketful of almanacs, and spend his Sun- days perusing the rheumatic cripple, who was cured. by a single application of goose grease. e - For sore, blistered, respiring feet, most pathetic fake This, from the Peabody News, is the we voice the sentiment of the peoPle— of the season; if the two gentlemen spoken of were There was an odd thing diseoVered by elected by acclamation. a farmer near Hillsboro the other day. Ferret For Sale. He shaved off his whiskers that were A dark female ferret—well trained. thirty years old and there hangs a tale. Apply at this Office. In the amPutated beard he found a gad A Fan, finaer ring, wlaich has a sad history. Rev, avin. McDonagh had a couple Wrien he was a Young man he was en- of falls during the last few days, which gaged to his first love. One evening shook him up slightly but otheinvise bell Mine 'Success Dr The Misses Alford returned to Peter- borough last week, after a pleasant visit with friends in town, the gueets of Mrs. F. W. Glachnao, Mrs, Fa W Dunsford, of Cleveland, Ohio, who has been vieiting friends in Parkhill and at Mr. Wm. lOunsford's, Stephen, returned home last week. Mr. N, D, Hurdon, who has been un- able to attend to his duties at the Bank, owing to a painful gathering on his leg, has left his bed and is able to move around a little. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prior and Mr. Geo. Cudmore and son. Wilbur, at- tended the wedding of Miss Grace, daughter of Mr. Wm. Cudmore, to Mr. 'Ed. Daley, at, Kippen,Wednesday, A.round About Us Hansen: Owing to the withdrawal of S. &Mille and Geo. Joynt as candi- dates for the vacant councillorship,W. R. Hodgins is elected to fill the posi- tion till Jan. lst. - St, Marys: Charles Swallow, a car- penter, while aework on the new Bart- lett Block, on Tuesday morning: "fell engagement ring. She did not know cond fall occurred m. 'Me se- het evening com, from a, scaffold and was ba,dly injured. He dropped about ten feet and lauded when they were together he missed the did not seriously injure hi what became of it, and he amused her Mg out of the Waterloo-st. Methodist on his head on the edge of the sidewalk of giving it to a rival. Finally, they church, andwas caused by his missing plank, sustaining a wound in his scalp quarrelled about it and parted forever. a step. A slight dislocation •of the several inches in length and breaking The other day when the man found 1 shoulder was the restit, but it was set his right arm near the wrist. Mn Swal- the long lost ring, and realized that 1 soon after in the same evening, and low was unconscious for several hours the girl had lost it while playing with apart from the temporary soreness and after the accident, but is now progres- bis whiskers, sad memories came back pain he is all right again. —Stratford sing favorably. thick and fast Boys, don't wear whis- Herald. kers. St. Marys: Mr. Michael Fleming, Hal Hall*veirevaeovevogoosooto!reyeveo of the firm Of Pickard & Fleming, gro- Laugh and the world laughs with .' • cers, celebrated Labor Day by getting you; weep and you weep .alone. If you PERSONAL. married. The bride was Miss Nellie want a good laugh take in Finnigan's Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Fortune in Gidleys' Opera House on Clark. The interesting ceremony was Tuesday night next, where it will be Miss Lottie Dennis is visiting friends performed by the Rev. Father Bren- given in true Irish style. in London. nen, in the presence of a small audi- Exeter Fair. Dr. L. and E. R. Follick spent Sun The South Huron and the Stephen day at home. City, sister of the bride, and Mr. Jas. Flernng Usborne Agricultural Socities will Mrs. J. A. Stewart has returned the supportiag couple during the eere- combine forces and hold the CountY from Toronto. raouyi, the groom's brother, were . re Fair here, on Monday and Tuesday, Monsieur Cont combine of St. Jose h was in town Friday. ime fax to the field on Friday part of of the second day the following speed - trot or pace, eeclass and 3 minute35 sons in London. it. Ile was thrown across a barbed wire Stown. him He lay for several minutes near - Criminal Statistics. onclay in , ence. Miss Maggie Clark, of New York Sept 17 and 18. During the afternoon ' P ' Hensall: As Richt/1.d Beek was hanl- ing tests will take place: -2:25 class, 'Mrs. Joseph Wooden is visiting her the load slipped off, carrying him with cla,ss. /• Hector Munroe, of London, spent fence with part of the load on top of millinery. ft • On and aer 1Vionday, September 17th, our Millinery Room will be open. Miss Ellis, who has charge ofthis department, will be pleased to have any lady call and inspect our latest styles for the fall. E. J. SPACKMAN, Headquarters for W. E. Sandford' s Clothin Crown Attorney Lewis' returns of Mr. Wm. Rigney, of Granton, spent ly smothered by the flax and cut by cases tried at the County- Judges' Grim- Saturday in town.the wire, lentil aorne men in Paul Bell's • inal Court for the first &elf year 02 1000 Mrs. Rich. Crocker is suffering from field discovered the accident and res - shows nine thefts, one aggravated as- an attack.of typhoid. cued him. Although badly injureel he s mit one shop breaking and threeMiss Fwell visiting friends wasable to resume work in the after - Cora ois Iwo, chafed skin, prickley heat, nettle rash eases of h"brse stealing, fourteen eases and applying after shaving use Foot in all. There were eleven convictions, Ease. Only 25c a box at Lutz's Drug the sentences ranging from three years Store. •• to two months. Six prisoners were sent Mr. Wrn. Balk -will the other day to the Central prison, two to the King - sold his fifty acre farm, situated on ston penitentiary and the balance to the London Road, South, in the town- the county jail. shis) of Usborne, to Mr. Henry Jones Huron's Great Fair. • an company. The price paid was The biggest fall show of 1900 for this $3500. The farm is well sold, butit is section will be the G.N.W. Exhibition a splendid piece of property. • •at Goderich, Tuesday and Wednesday Mr. Geo. Eacrett wishes us to con- of next week. The prize list is several tradict the statement in last week's hundred dollars in advance a last Times in which it was stated that he year, and the speed tests, four, in num- bed been appointedleader of the Exe- her, promise to develop lots of fuu for ter Band. Such is entirely without lovers of good horses. The' track is in foundation. A leader has not yet been No. 1 condition and the grand stand, appointed and will not be until after rebuilt this summer, will accommodate the 18th inst. ,, an immense crowd. The poultry list is • An aggregation a lady baseball play- second only to that of the county Win - ers, styling themselves as the Boston- ter show, and the "chicken cranks" lane, are "doing" Ontario these days will be out in full force. The fruit and and from all accounts distinguish root crops promise to make a display themselves on the diamond with some unexcelled in the history of the fair. of the best teams. They played at The popular Marine Band will furnish Goderichon Saturday afternoon and music each day and evening, and on Monday at Ailea, Craig. among the attractions will be Edison's For a -night of real pleasure take in Moving Pictures, including South House, Exeter, on" Toesday evening, just now of special interest. A. visit The Game Department of Ontario enjoyable Finnigan's F'ortune, at Gidleys' Opera . African battle scenes and other views Sept. 18. A treat in store. . to Goderich next week will be doubly report that grouse will be plentiful in School Board etiatites. Western Ontario this yeaxThe M- Special meeting of the Board laeld in crease is a,ttributed as in the case of the Town Hall, Friday, Sept. 7th, 1900. . partridge, to the dry •weather which The following is the order of business • prevailed during the breading season duly submitted and appraed. Per as it was very favorable, none of the H. E. Huston and R. N. Row that the • young having been drowned by rains. trustees recommend, with the approval Turkish Scalp Food prevents the of the Principal, that the curriculum hair from fallingout. Restores grey for Junior leaving be the prescribed or white hair to its orieinal color. course, with options of • French or Chemist*. Per W. 5. Carling and Being delicately perfumed it leaves no be in every house where a hair nepeeasant odor. It is not, a eye, H. E. Huston that the necessary seat - Should. ing required for Miss. Vosper's room be secured by the Repairs Committee. renewer is needed. For sale at, Lutz's Drua Store. Only 50e. a, bottle. Per W. J. Carat and W. Trevethick that the Supply "orn.with Mr.Boyd be A Missouri paper says: With wars raging, and great armies to be main- tained and fed all over the planet, who can explain wby a bushel of. corn or wheat' is not worth more money than the farmer getting for it? The fel- lows who are "bearing" down the price and loading up the elevators, will get big money for it before another crop is made, don't you forget, farmers. A union of the very best talent in the mimic line will been the prodnetion of Finnigan 's Fortune, Tuesday night -next in Gidleys' Opera House. You will be sorry if you miss it. Mr. Louis lloeding, of Zurich, has Accepted a position with Mr, William Trott as shoemaker, and will move - bus family bete shortly. They will occupy Miss C. Vosper's residence, bri Huron street. Mr. Trott has secured in Mr, Roeding a thoroughly compe- tent man in the shoemaking line and we welcome him and hie farnily to our midst as citizens. An old man from the country would riot believe that he could hear his wife talk a diste nce of 15 miles by telephone. Ifis wife went, to a .xteighboring city one day and the old man went down town just to satisfy himself by expera 'meeting with the telephone. He went to the exchange office and told them that he wanted to talk to his wife. They explained how to operate the 'phone and the old men walked boldly up and exclaimed: "Hello, Jane!' At that instant, lightning struck the 'phone and knocked the old man flat on the floor. As he scrambled to his feet he excitedly cried, "That is Jane, be gosh?" Miss Lizzie Frayne, who has been .KiPPen: Mr. Canning, wh° has car" quite in, is recovering., reed on the mercantile business here . for several years, ever since Mr. Weis - 5. G. Stanbury, barrister, attended court at Mitchell Friday. . • miller left, has disposed of his proper- ty, stock and business to Mr. Duncan Mrs. John Hawkshaw returneclfrom Hay, of Cromarty. Mr. Hay takes a visit to Toronto Monday. • possession shortly. We have not Mrs. Adams, of Leamington, is the learned what Mr. Canning's futore in - guest of Mrs. F. J. Knight. tentions are. Mr. Hay was in the mer - Mr. Geo. McLeod has returned from cantle business for several 'years in visiting, friends in Seaforth. Farquhar, where he did a very suc- cessful st4egtdoe. 'until he sold out a few Miss Nellie Davidson left Monde to visit in London and elsewhere Mrs. C. Coats, of Pontiac, Mich., is beafortheiOn Wednesday Miss Tena, visiting her mother, Mrs. Gould. youngest daughter of Mr. Andrew of Detroit, is, visit- Calder, and Mr. Thos. Miller, leader of Miss Sarah Orr, the band, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was ing at her home, Exeter North. ' . Edgar Westcott left on Friday last performed by Rev. Mr. Larkin, at the to accept a position in London as bar- home of the bride. The bride was as- sisted by Miss Mary E. Constable, Mrs. D. Mills, who suffered aparaly- wlaile Mr. Jas. Calder,gave his services tic stroke recently, is slowly improv- as gtoomsinan, and little Lila McDon- lug. ald, notice of the bride, made a pretty maid of honor. The ceremony was ,Mrs. Geo. Weir, of Leamington, is . . spending a short time with friends in witnessed by aboet forty of the on - town. • • mediate relatives and intiraateefriends of the bride and groom. • Darling and Mrs. Forsythe, of . Teesewater, are visiting at Mr. G. A. Goderich: There have been three K. McLeod's. commitments to the county jail the Misses Maud and Flossie Jeckell past week. Mrs. Cooper, of Seaforth, have -returned from Toronto after a was committed on Saturday as insane. . e short visit.• •Robert Rae was 'sent -up from Brussels - on a charge of stealing $60 from Chas. visiting in Toronto, returned home Rose, of Brussels. He was brought, before Judge Masson on Tuesda,y add Mrs. R. H. Collins, who has been last week. elected to lie tried by jury, and his • The Misses Gillpon and Miss Haynes, case will come up at the Assizes this of St. Marys, spent Sunday at Mr. E. week. On Tuesday Wm. II. Campbell Follick's. was committed for ten days by John Mr. W. J. Heaman returned Mon_ Beattie, J.P., Seaforth, for contempt day from a business trip to Chicago of court in not obeying a el -melons to and St. Paul. . appear in the Division Court, OMINON SENSE OIRMANDS that you should, call and inspect the lines of GENT'S FUBNISIIINGS that we have placed in our store You will find in this new stock Quality and Price.... to suit you. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL This is what we always accomplish when we make a suit for you. Prices that Please. Mr. James Loadman has returned. Seaforth: Mrs, James Lawrie, of • home after spendineea few weeks with Egmondville, had a narrow escape friends in London,- from a serio-us accident on Thnrsday empowered to secure all needful ap- , Miss 011ie McLaughlin, after a pleas- pliances for the proper teaching of the ant visit with friends in St. Marys, has returned home. The public magnate that charms with its ninineiil features, rich /Ile] ocl,y end diverting diaMgile will be at Gia - lee's' Opera iltinse, Exeter, Teesday evenieg, Sept. 18th, in the pxocluction of Fineigan'e Fortune, prescribed physical course; also that a suitable, teacher's chair,be secured by the Repairs Conamittep. Per H. E. Hustbn and Re N. Roe that the fol- lowing account be paide—C. Heywood, $23 00 Per H. E. Hueton and W. J. Carling that the necessary repairs to . the woodshed he effected uuder the Sagmavv, Mich., Monday. direction of the Repairs Committee. Mr. Wilbur Ouch/tore, of Harrow, is Per W. J. Carling, adjourned. spending a week's holidays with his • J. GRIGG See y father, MI. G. Cudenore. , Mr, B. Dignan has accepted a posi- tion with Mr. R. Sweet for a short time as harness maker. Mr. Harmon Davidson, veho has been visitiree his parents here, returned to Cou Town Minutes of previou confir ett— law No. second tinbe n cl fr,ollv iassed eceetes. Mrs. Gilchrist and children and Miss 11 int at call ,of Reeve, atRuby Cowie, of Allendale, are guests Ipt 'E -All present, at Mr, T, H. McCallum. - 'Malcolm Millyard leaves this morn- ing (Thursday) to take a position as invoice clerk in St. Thomas. eeting read :and s, that By- e, e first and read laird time vied. Muir— Levett, that By -Law No. , te assess and levy rates for county, school and other purpOees, as read a, first and sec- ond time, be now read a third time and finally passed.—Carried. Ev,aris—Muir that the fellowing accounts be, passed and. orders drawn on Treasurer for AnvoctaTre Feinting Co.,$72.80; Hugh Spackman, gasoline, $8.45;,Elee- trie Light Co. 877.20; W. 5. Bissett, labor $2.2(a 5. Baskerville do $4.5'0; J. W. Creech, do.' $14.37.—Carried. Mair—Evans, thatthe Reeve and Treasurer be instirncted to borrow the sem of $500 to meet current expellees. Moir—Levett, adjourn to Sept. 10th. Council Met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town, Hall, Sept 10. Ali pres- ent. Minutes of previoustheeting read and confirmed. Arinstrorig—Menethat the following account be passed and orders drawn on Treasurerfor same:— Jno. Snell, street watering $18.—Car- vied. Levett—Muir, that Council ad- journ to meet, at eall Of elleeve,—C1tr- 0E0,, IL BiasotT, Clerk, Mr. 'Wm. Ballewill, who has been in the North West for the past few weeks, returned home -Friday. Mrs. W. T. Acheson and sister, Miss Amelia Oke, have returned from at- tending the Toronto exhibitiOn. • Miss Lille Rollins, who has been home on her holidays, has returned to her position at Rochester, Mich. Mr. John II. Crocker, of Buffalo N Y., spent a few days here with his mother, Mrs. 3. V. Crocker, last week. afternoon. She had got on the train to bid some friends good, bye, who were going away, and remained on the train until it had started. In get- ting off she fell on the platform, and, although someivbat shaken up, was not materially injured. Had assist- ance not been at hand, things might have been worse With her. It is a very dangerous thingto try and get off a i train when it is n motion, as it is al- ways going faster than it seems to be, but it is a practise which too many in- dulge in. Goderich: After an illness of sever- al months _August B. de Peuclry passed away on Friday at his home. The de- ceased became ill last November, and although he recovered partially he was compelled at the beginning of April to relinquish his work finally, and since then he gradually declined until his death. The deceased was a native of France, in which eountry he was born in 1852. He left that coun- try in 1875 and came to Montreal,Qua, and three years later to Groderich. He wa,s a member, in high degree, .of the Masonic fraternity. He leaves a widow two sons and three deughters, all of whom have the sympathy of their friends in their bereavernent. Bert. Knight. Miss Gertie Dempsey, who has been i spending her holidays n Toronto and elsewhere, returned home last week. Mr. Wm. Wilkins, of Sarnia, a for- mer resident of Exeter, is shaking bands with old friends in town this week. Mrs. Albert Penwarden, of the 4th concession of Usborne, is in a Very low state of health, suffering from typhoid fever. Mrs. F. W. Collins has returned home, after a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto, Hamilton and An - caster. FOR FIRST CLASS BEEF, LAMB, PORK., SAUSA.GE, BOLOGNA, PRES.,,ED TONGUE, • CORNED BEEF; SALT, FRESH OR SMOKED MEATS, Call at The Farnily-S,utcher Shop. One door North of B.Piokard's store. LOGS AND BOLTS ANT ED HIGHEST PRICES PAID. Custona Sawing Done. THE SUTHERLAND-liVIVES Go., (Late Gould's Mill) E. C. KESSEL, Foreman, • EXETER, ONT. LOUIS DAY Proprietor. THE LEADING MEAT MARKET 1.11111!1""—. For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts of -meat, call on the undersigned. While all our cots of meat are the finest, we make a specialty of meat delicacies. Meat delivered to all parts of the . town . . John Manning EXETER LUMBER YARD. East side of Main street, opposite planing mill. —STOCK— We have in stock, dressed and matched siding, flooring and ceiling, also dressed pine . 1 in., 11 in., 1-1- in. and 2 in. Shingles, lath and cedar' posts always on hand. A large stock of barn lum- ber just arrived. Call and Examil • • Jas. Willis,' Proprietor. In a few days we will place in our store - some New , Pia-aos purchased at 1 • "DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS." A small pimple on your face may seem of little eensetnienee, but it ehows that yoter blood is impure, and impure blood is what causes most of the dis- eases from which people suffer. Bet- ter heed the warning given by the pimple and purify your blood at once by taking 'Hood's Sarsaparilla, This medicine cores all diseases doe to bad blood including scrofula and salt hehmenn Ten-irritating 'eat --Hoot s Pills. • Now is the time to get your wheel Re- paired, Cleaned or Enameled. RED BIRD. We have a large stock of Brantford • Red Birds on laand, the best Bicy- cle on the market, which we sell at right prices. SUNDRIES We have in stock, Bicycle Sundries, tires, cements, oils, etc. LAWN MOWERS, HORSE CLIPPERS, • We sharpen Lawn Mowers, Horse clip- pers, scissors, Razors, Knives, etc. EVERYTHING REPAIRED. I. SMITH. .the Toronto Exhibition. They are eclass goods at very reasona,ble I the latest, np-to-date Instruments. FirstExeter----nr, , ROLLER prices. We will esteem it a plea- sure to show them to you. 11°11118 AND 1111013E3. Our Organ and Sewing machine stock •• are continually benigadded to from the bei et factories n the land. CALL AND SEE THEM. NO TROIJALE TO SHOW GOODS. • S. MARTIN Seaforth: Mise Dorrance, evil° has been carrying OD a fancy goods busi- ness here for some years, has sold out to Mrs. Redolph, who took possession on Monday. Seaforth: Mr. Will Sclater met with a nasty mishapthe other day. While getting into Beattie 13ros. delivery wagon, at the back of the etore, the horse ran away and threw him out, lie was badly bruised and was cut OD the head, lent is novv able to bearound although he still feels the effect of the accident. • What A Tale It Tells. If that mirror of yours shows a wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun- diced loble, moth patches and blotthes on the skin, its liver trouble; but Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the blood, give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexioe. Only 25e, at all dreg stores. (J S receive car of Kansas d Seed COBBLEDICK & Hensell: Albert Short was struck ley „a piece of board while cutting with ' a mailer saw at Welshes' mil on Fri- day. Fortunately for him the board struek him• sideways, for had it strnck him endways Albert Wold Dot be alive to -day.