HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-9-6, Page 7WILL IiANG NVONAN'S COME BACK?4`.,1: PLAINLY INDICATESTNE CONDITION FACE The Crisis, In China Mal, Make a New Opportunity Por the Reforneer. N.* **; • Bic HERMAN ROGER. 40* * *4) * it-$044),,<-41-'4,40-X4,4•41.k..*.ifi...X...k...*** Many people- think that the presene crisis in China will afford an opportunity ,for fee return of the famous reformea 'Kane Yu We, who is now an exile with * price on his head. He has been accused of desiring China for the Chinese and on the strength of that declaration is spoken of as the most rentiforeign of all the Chinese reformers. nay he "c4I-c-e-d 10 tsi°k02 nervous IBut he desires the reformation of the headacheis, fickle appetite, a feeling of government of China, the application of western methods a manufacture, for the , Improvement of the people and the coun- try, as the Japanese desired and suc- cessfully instituted reform—because he recognizes the low estate of modern Chi- na and the risks she runs of political ex - 'election. In an interview in Hongkong Kang OF HER REALTu. Deauty Dlsappears niece', the Dyes are Dull, the Shin Sirilow, and the IVrIvelties gla in Appear -1(0W 011e 1'4'01111M teei gUlAted ii0111111 4ontel1ness. Almasb every ,wiorrain at the head of a home meets daily witli innumer- able littl'e worrite i liter household affairs. They (may be too email to inotiee an rbouT alto:weda but it neverthele iss these constant little worries that utak'e .so many women Mak prematurely Old. Their effect cenistant weariness, pains in the back and, Home, or in a Aallow compl,exion, and the ooraing of Wrinkles, which every woenan 'who desires comeliness dreads. To those thus afflicted Dr. Williams' Pink PilLs offer a speedy and oerbain curie ; a reistoratiort of color to the cheeks, brightnass to the iatated that he Was recommended to the *aloe of the emperor by Ko Sit Tsang, eye, a. hetaitty 'appetite, and a beim% _of 'the censors, a native of Hupch. of freedom from w ariness Thee Weng Tung -ho, the emperor's tu- Among the thousands of Canadian ,tor, aud Li Tung Peng, president of the board of rites, devoted some attention to wbulea wo havefound new health him. His reform so impressed the emper- rand new strength through the use of or that he was ordered to,confer with the 'Dr. Pink Pills is Mrse'rane tsung-11-yamen. Icks Poirier' ' of Valleyfield Que. Mrs On the following morning Prince Kunge and Weng Tung -ho reported the result ofil Peirier was a sufferer for upwards of the conference to the emperor. Prince est yen years; she had taken treatment Kung was against the referm proposals, f rola several docbors, and had used a dealtheugh he admitted that Kang was ' number of advertised medicines, but • eleeer wadeable, he saidwo good results. Mrs. Poirier : "lie was talking • nonsense. He speaks about changing the L ways Of CAIT aticestors." Weng Turig-hom"YE"—"°n1Y v`r4l'aem- suffer as on the other hand, supported the propo- did can underisto.ncl the misery I' 'ea - eats, and the emperor calfed upon Kang dieted for years. Aa time went on • to submit a memorial embodying his anis the doctors I consultedand the •iicheme of reforms. I medicines I used did not help zne, Kanto Tu lArei thus summarizes his daring memorial to the throne: "I told ,d'asPaired ei ever regaining health. ' the emperor that all the old- customs There were very few days that Idid lendways and manners of his ancestors not sufferer frora violent headaches •must be removed. Nothing cohld be and the least exertion would '''anake my )usefully followed so far as Chinese his- . !. etome tory was concerned. I advised the ern- he'arb palpitate violently ach seemed disordered, and I almost ' loathed. the food I forced myself to I eat, I was very pale, and frequently my limbs woulki swell so neuch that I feared that nay trouble was de- I veloping into dropsy. I had almost oonstant pains isi the back and loins. It was while I wets in dna sad .con- dition that I read in La Presse of the cure of a woman whose symp- toms were slouch like mine through I the liSti 01 D. Wilhelm' Pink Pill's. YANG peror to follow ie. the footsteps of Japan or of Peter the Great in Russia. "As m prelladuary step I advised the , Imperor to conionsmel all his ministers of state and all the high officials in Peking to (lilt efore the places where they wor- shi the gods aad also to the ancestral halls, there to register an oath that they were determined to introduce reforms. "My second suggestion was to have the laws and administration revised; my third, that he should open a communica- tion or dispatch department, through , which any one would be able to me- ' morialize the throne. I told him that he had no means of finding out the desires of the people; that the responsibility of • administration was too widely diffused; that he should select young, intelligent men, well imbued with western ideas, to assist in the regeneration of the empire, • irrespective of their social position, whether they were lowly born or of high degree. "I advised the creation 'Of 12 new de- partments, modeled on western lines, and that foreigners be engaged to advise and assist. "I pointed out the enormous loss of revenue that occurred yeatly. faking • the magistracy of Namhoi (which is nay native district), I informed the emperor that -the total reeenue derived from it was $240,000 a year, but the actual • amount going into the imperial purse was only something over $20,000. "I reconnnended a complete change of the system under which the whole of the revenues of tlie country would go inte the imperial purse, 'comparing China with India and adducing from the ex- perience of India the financial resources of China. . "I told the emperor that from ordinary taxes 400,000,000 taels could be raised annually, and if the likin (native cus- toms) were abolished and a tariff proper- ly adjusted, bank notes issued, stamp duty established and other financial re forttes*doptecl at least 300,000,000 tads move could be raised. With this money in band it would be easy to get an army and a navy to protect our coast and to establish colleges for the training of offi. •_mem., State railways also could be con- struited." • Corby's Pole Fair. One of the most curious' of Whitinon- dey cesloms is that which is observed once in every 20 years at Corby, North- amptonshire, The itiliabitants assemble at an early hour, stop up all ,roads and byways in tbe parish and demand toll of !All who desire to pass through the village on that day. In CRSO of noncompliance, the traveler is placed upon 0 stout pole and carried vi et armie through the streets, escorted by the shouting popu- lace. "Pole fair," as it is called, is not without histoeical interest. It appears Mat Queen Elizabeth granted the inhabit- ants of Corby a charter to free them from serving on juries at Northampton and to free the knights of the shire frem the militia law. This ctistom df taking toll has been observed every 20 years in commemoration cif the granting of the charter,—London Chronicle. • Cheerful News Por Bill. Sheriff (of Frozen Dog)—The reward maye "Dead or alive," Bill, but I much nrefer to take yer back alive. Blench° Bill—All right, sheriff. I'm yours. Sheriff—Thanks, Bill The boys is all ready mid tvaiiin 0 lynch yet, an ehould cerleinly 'Teel Mean an mean if I took vat' back dead.—Jnduo. I told nity lalusband, and he urged me I to try them, ated at once got 'me three boxes. Before Ihad used them all 'kelt better, and I got another simply of the pills. At the end of the month I was strong enough to do my household work, and before an- other saidonth had passed I had en- tirely recovered my health'. • I am sor- ry that I aid not learn of D,r. Wil- liams' Pink Pills seoner, for I know that they would have saved me sev- eral years of sickness and misery, and. I feel that I cannot too strongly urge other sick women to use them." The condition indicated. in Mrs. Poirier's case shows that the blood and nerves needed attention, and for this purpose Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are woma.n's best friend. They. are particularly adapted to cure the ail- ments from which so many women suffer in silence. Through the use of these pills the blood is enriched, the nerves made strong, and the rich glow of health hrought back to pale and sallow cheeks. There would be less suffering if women would give these pills a fair trial. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box - or six boxels for $2.50 by ad- dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - Maybe He Fishes For Cod. "I have strong doubte about Ten- spot's being a genuine fisherman," said Cumso. "Why?" asked Cawker. beauties. Costelussive Proof. "People talk about this being an age of inveetionsi) Wby, there's nothing new! Lately hi some ancient Egyptian temples they have found wires which Prove that the priests had a certain sort of telephones!" • "Yes, but in Aesyria they had made still more progress. In excavations there they found no wires at all, proy- ing that the ancients understood the principles of Marconi's wireless teleg Seemed ritilr. "I'd like tOknow, of course," said the new man, with sotne concern, "wheth or my job is to be permanent or not" "Well," returned the employer, "mete Mn etay here bis long ae you eleese, That's fair, isn't it?" "Certainly. I'm much eta"— , "On the other hand, I reserve the right to discharge you whenever I please. That's equally fair, isn't it?" "Ye -es; 1euppose so." --Chicago Tea) Ina es LILIEB, whitlilies, ye calm my soul, For the waters arc wild and the billows roll, And love and trust have drifted away Like the distant sail on the breast of the bay. In a moment more 'twill have drifted from sighs And he hidden away in the waste of night! And then, ye came with your pure, sweet g42*. With your dainty, winsorne, loving ways, And crept like a dear dream into my heart, I could not bear to send thee :apart, For the fragrance that floats on your balmy breath To we whispers "peace," though the world calls U death.. COULDN'T FOOL HIM. This Man Knew a Steamboat When Ile Sat,' One. The agent of one of the ocean steam - Ship lines, says the Chicago Tribune, told the following story of a St. Louis man who got into New York the clay after the maiden arrival of a great liner After gazing at the vessel from the pier the St. Louisan said to the man at the gangplank: "Purty good lifted steamboat." "She's a liner, ocean llner," was the lofty reply. "She's purty high up, ain't she?" "Ocean liners have to be. But when she is under way she doesn't look so high." "Her chimneys ain't very high, though." "You mean her funnels. No; they never makethem high for liners." "Hinges on 'ern?" "Never heard of hinges on a funnel!" "How does she get under the bridge?", "What bridge?" "Why, any bridge. Steamboats out our way have hinges on their chim- neys, and when they come to the bridges over the Myer they lower the chimneys, and she scoots under like she was greased." The man at the gangplank observed the St. Louts naan with lofty indiffer- "She ain't got any wheelhouses on her sides nor none at her stern," re- marked the St. Louis man after he had made further inspection. "Liners have propellers," said the man at the gangplank, and his nose turned up visibly. "Well, I'll bet she can't run. It takes two wheels and a bow like an arrow- head and a scant hold to give a steam- boat speed, sonny, and don't you forget It. If this steamboat was to get into the Mississippi, she'd go hard aground first clip." "I have told you this is not a steam- boat." "Shucks! You can't gimrne that. 'saw a picter of her in one of 'our news- papers before 1 left home, and the printin, under It said isteanaboate Do you think a St. Louis editor don't know a steamboat when he sees one? You're not on to your job yet." sowN BY GUNPOWDER. A Curious Way of Covering a Rooky Crag With Plant Life. In tee grounds of the Duke of Athol and near Blair castle, England, stands a high, rocky crag named Craigiebares. I It looked grim and bare in the midst of beauty, and its owner thought bow much prettier It would look if only trees, shrubs, etc., could be planted'in its nooks and crannies. It was consid- ered impossible for any one to scale its steep and dangerous acclivities, and no other way was thought of to get seed sown ,One day Alexander Nasmyth, father of the celebrated engineer, paid a visit be the duke's grounas. The crag was pointed out to him, and he was told of 'the desire of the duke regarding it. After some thought he conceived how It could be accompliabed. In passing the castle he noticed two old cannon. He got a few small tin canisters made • to flt the bore of the cannon and filled them with a variety of tree, shrub and grass seeds. The cannon was loaded In the usual way and fired at the rock from all sides. The little canisters on striking the rock burst; scattering the seeds in all directions. Many seeds were lost, but many more fell into the ledges or • cracks where there was a little moss or earth. These soon sbowed signs of life and in a few years graceful trees and pretty climbing plants all sown by gunpowder were growing and flourish- ing in nearly every recess of the for- merly bare, gray crag, clothing it with verdant beauty. The Name Sioux. The Indian name Sioux, as it ap- pears in sucb town names as Sioux Falls, Sioux City and Sioux Rapids, is usually pronounced "Soo," but some- times, in the east chiefly, that simple pronuuciation is not known. A com- mitteeman not long ago visited a school In New England, where he heard the pupils say "Si -ox" with complete ase- suraneee At a favorable opportunity he cuitetly spoke to the teacher of the eeror, 'saying, "You know, it is 'Soo,' whereupon she asked the attention of the school and solemnly announced: "You have all been pronouncing this word wrong.' It is not 'Si -ox,' but 'Soo - 01'" The committeeman lacked the courage to pursue the subjeet further. -Exchange. A Steasinte of sritecees. Frieed—Ob, by tbe way, I have been curious to know whether youiwere suc- cessful witb that strange patient you were treating last winter. Doetor=-1., was, Partially. Ele has paid alnaeist, balf .0 his bile III Calves are never killed In Morocco' because of a popular notion that If de- prived of theta the COWS would cease to give milk. If justice ruled, what a shifting of Jobe there would be.—eililwatikee jour - GLOSSARY OF CHINESE TERMS. Ilsion-A district, lisiang--A village. 1n -A prefecture. Fun Kwei -Foreign devil. Hui -A club or association, Totai—Governor of a province. Kwaieg Sui—The young emperor. Chun Chi—The general council of 'state. Tsung Li Ygmen-The foreign ofs Nei Ko -Grand secretariat aud ipi- perial chancery. ' Ohung Tang -A grand secretary of state. of -whom. there are six. Chihtai—Governor general, usually superintending two preYineee. Bong Wong Wui—Society for the. protection of the emperor -the reform society. Kwang Yn Wai—The young em- peror's chief adviser and the leader of the'reform party. Idling Kai Chn—Seoond adviser of the emperor and reform leader. Com- ing to America. Ye Ho 01mi-in--Society commonly known as the Boxers --literally right- eousness, harmony and fists. hotimatisms. is Uric Acid in the blood. Unhealthy kidneys ars the cause of the acid being • them. If the kidneys acted as they should they would strain the Uric Acid out of the system and rheurna- than wouldn't occur. Rheu- matism is a Kidney Dis- • ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills have made a great part of their reputation curing Rheumatism. So get at the cau.6 of those fearful shootingpains and stiff, j aching oints. There ia but one sere way- 1)odd's Kidney Pill To Restore Faded Silks. • Fruit stains may be usually renaov- ed by pouring boiling water through the stain. If obstinate, use oxalic acid,* dissolving three ounces of the crystals in a pint of water. Wet the stain with the solutien and then steam it by holding over a kettle of boiling water or hang in the sunshine. The instant the stain disappears rinse well. Wet the- stain with ammonia then rinse again. This will many times prevent injury to the linen. Javelle Water is recomraended for taking the stains from white goods. C. C. RICHARD & CO. Dear Sirs,—For sense years I have had only partial use of my arm, caused by a sudden strain. 1 have used every remedy without effect until I got a sample bottle of MINA RD'S LINI-MENT, The benefit I received from it caused me to continue its use, and now I am happy to say my arm is completely restored. Glamis, Ont. R. W. HARRISON. Why She Remembered Him. Husband (off for a long jonrnee)— Do you often think of me when I am gone? Wife—Indeed I do. It takes me a week to get the smell of smoke out of the house. You need not cough all night and dis- turb yournds , the.ie is no occasion for you running the risk of contracting in- flammation of the lungs or consumption, while you can get Eickle's Atiti-Con sumptive Syrup. This medicine cures coughs, colds, inflammation of the lungs aud ail throat and chest troubles. It pro- motes a free and easy expectoration, which immediately relieves the throatand lungs from viscid phlegm. Not Enon.gb. to Get Stuffed on There. First Boarder—Don't you always have a stuffy feeling in this house? Secoucl Boarder—Not when we are in the dining room. Millard' s Liniment CIIITS &argot 111 c os Nothing to Boast Of. A man boasted that his grandfather was 100 years old. "PshaW, said another i'if my grandfather were alive he would be 150 years old." Worms derang ethe whole system Mother Gra,ves' Worm Exterminator de- ranges worms, and gives.rest to the suffer er. It only costs 26 teats to try it and be con vi need, Many a man stubs his toe on the threshold of success. leand ri A True Gentleman. "I beg your pardon." Aud with a smile and a touch of his hat, Hairy Edmond handed to an old man against whom he had necideutally stumbled, the cane which he had knocked from lies hand. "I hope I did not hurt you. We were playing too roughly." "Not a bit," said the old mane "Boys will be boys, and its the best they should be. You did not harm me." "I'm glad to hear it." And lifting his hat again 'ferry turned to join the playmates with whom he had been frolicking at the time of the accident. "What did you raise your hat to that old fellow fer?" asked his companion, Charley Gres. He is only old Giles, the haWkerg ' "That makes no difference," said Harry. "The question is not whether he is a gentleman, but whether I am one; and no true gentleman will be less polite to a man because he wears a shabby coat or hawks vegetables through the streets instead of sitting in a counting house." Which was right? How's This! We otter One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. E. .7, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. I. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transaction, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST & THATJX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WALDING, KINNAN & MAR. VIN wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by ftll drug- gists. Seething Original Testament. The German academy at Beiro-at, in Syria, entertains hopes of finding the cad:riml of the New Testament -in a mosque at Damascus, where several other extremely rare ancient docu- ments have been unearthed. Emperor • William has positively obtained per- mission of the sultan for a famous German savant to investigate the trauniment chest of this mosque. Millard's Liniment Cures Distemper Living in this Life. Hereafter can have little practical power on the life and character of a person who neglects or disregards the present. As Dr. Stalker says: "Re- ligion should be, . . not an in- surance for the next:world, but a pro- gramme for the present world." How we use or misuse the life that is, is an indication of our fitness, or our unfitness, for the life that is to come. A Short Road to health was opened to those suffering from chronic coughs, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, lumbago, tumors, rheumatism, excoriated nipples or inflamed breast, and kidney com- plaints, by the introduction of the inex- pensive and effective remedy, Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio 011. Artistic) Revenge. Sympathizing Friend --- When she married the other man did you turn her picture to the wall?' • Artist—Not much; I painted a pret- tier girl's head on the canvas and sent it to her as a bridal gift. Aluminum Theater Curtain. Aluminum has just been eniployed for the construction of a new fire- proof curtain to be used in theaters. The curtain is 60 feet wide by 54 feet high, is composed of aluminum sheets one -twelfth of an inch thick, and weighs 4,000 pounds. Only those who liave had experience can tell the torture corns cause. Pain with your boots on, pain with them ac—pain n3g,ht and day ; but relief is sure to those w ho use Holloway's Corn Cure. One of Her lirothers. "At least'," he said thoughtfully, "she is the girl who believes in the brotherhood of man." "I-Iow clo you know?" "I once proposed marriage to her Millard's liniment Cnres Coldss, Etc, Cut Prom Napoleon's Head. An authentically genuine lock of the first Napoleon's hair, cut from his head on his deathbed et Si. Helena, has jive; changed hands at Paris, the purchaser paying e1,250 for it. In the Right nosid. It iS bettor even to stumble along in the eight road than to step firm in the wrong 0110. Sleeplessness.-1V11e1i the nerves are nu - strung and the whole hotly given to OP wretchedness, when the mind is filled with gloom arid dismal forebodings, the result of derangement of the digestive organs, sleeplessness conies to add to the ‘lietrese only the subjeet could sleep there would be oblivion tor a while and emportl/V relief. Parmelee's Vegetable diplomas, ame merit wholesome of jjeverages. pills will not only induce sleep, bur, will Recommended by Physicians. Forage everv. act so beneficially that the subject will eeiese, " -"eke refreshed and restored to happiness.. JOHN LABATT!, London, Are undoubtedly THE BEST. Testimonials from 4 chemists, '10 medala, e interesting. 12 was decided that Mr. Wright must administer a stern lecture to his fours yams -old daughter Florence. The little girl had beeri naughty, but she did no( seem to appreciate the fact, and Mr. Wright reluctantly undertook to givt her is "scolding." He hated to make the tender little heart ache and to see the dear child cry, but he forced himself to speak judiciously and severely. He recount.' ed her naisdeecls and explained the whys and wherefores of the stern re., bake. Mrs. Wright sat by, looking duly impressed. Finally Mr. Wright paused for breath and also to hear the small culprit ac- knowledge her error. The scolding was never continued. Florence turned a face beaming with admiration to her mamma, and said, innocently: "Isn't papa interesting?" Millar's Liniment Cures Diplitlieria, Ieed Water Is tlae Best. Ice-cold water is not so good as iced water—that is, water cooled by ice without coming in contact with it. The less of either the better. It is an excellent practice to drink whater—an abundance of it—just before retiring; also the first thing in the morning. It is a cleaner of the system, especi- ally of the stomach, and is a good diuretic. I Be There a Will, Wisdom Points, the Way.—The sick man Pines for relief but he dislikes sending for the doctor, which means bottles o1 drugs never consiuned. He has not the resolution to load hitt stomach with compounds which smell villianously and taste worse. But if he have the will to deal himself with hie ailment, wisdom will direct his attention V Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which, as a specific for indigestion and disorders of the digestive organs, have no equal. Ready to Wait in That Case. "My daughter is entirely too young to marry," snorted old Groldrick. "Well," replied the dejeoted suitor, "What would. you say to my taking her marriage dot now and waiting a few years for the girl?" A Happy Delusion. Whether neon are capable of loving or not, the women evidently believe the stories the men have been telling them from time to time about ouch things. An Irish grocer advertises "quart pails of all sizes for sale cheap." ENGLISH TEETHING SYRUP Largest Sale IN THE WORLD. McGill—College Avenue AVENUE HOUSE—Family Rotel rates $1.1 Hotel Balmoral Montreal.t"Fr Bus .5up, EeP. Si ea CATHOLIC PRAYER ReilgiouslPietures, Statuary and Church Orna- ments, Educational Works. Mail orders receive promptattention. D, & Co. Montr'l. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has beau used by mothers for their children teething. It soo hes the ,child, Softens the gums, allays pain, cures wind colic, and is the best reinecly for diarrheca. 25c.a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure awl ask' for " Mrs. Wins ow's Soothing Syrup." ' STOPPED FREE. Permanent- rts m Cared. DR. 1:1;INE:5. GRBAT inislanina, Positive cure, for all Nary Us Diseases, Fits, Epilepsy, Spasins„ St. Vitus' Dane, No Fits Or IsTervoushes after first day's use. Treatise and St,' trial bottle sent through Canadian Agency fi*XE to Eit patients they paying express (...intrges only when reeeived Send. to Dr Kline. 031 Arch 51., Phi I adelphia,PA T. N. le„ 287 THE NHAMO arid. HARRISON 1.SUSINESS and SHORTHAND COLLgcE 1.0. 0. F. Building, Toronto. Gives a Mo-st thorough course of individual instruction in all Businoss and Clvll servile Subjects, Shorthand, Typewriting, et° Export experience(t h Vit ufi ges ge rio,,:edc eq%11),;rear' ",01)1 and Circulars Free. e' -f) Y LADIES stiot DRESSING MADE filY CKARD VIIRIValte roe ltIE 11eT1101 sartAse P1.111111 fOrtilPfS 111010 TRY 11111 tOMOINATION Sllat 011esSING tAcn f511101 CONTAINS t so 00 01.015011 Alit A BOX er 1'0511 N'\"9 ttr 1.11ARE1`,8i,' CA1-:, MONT 11F A 1,