HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-9-6, Page 4'
btloicate, SWEEP TRAN81111111, BORDER.
Chas. Saaders, Editor arid Prop
British Forces Ara PLishing Kru
ger and ConerriatedOeS Back.
THURSDAY, 'EPT, etli, 1900
tn establieheig Labor Day Si Sohn
Thompson had in his Mind, no doubt,
the duty Which goverument oud soeie-
ty owe to the great vital power of both
work mid the working map, AVe sup.
voee that the Unfit is now reached tilld
it win he a Ione- time before -another
oftleial 'holiday Will be added to tbe
list,. The months are pretty well dotted,
with them as, they are told it would be
a rather diffittelt matter to crowd. ans
O ther ono in. Szni oary has New'rears
day tided tn Quebee Epiphany; Merely
or April, Good Feld:lee with the bank
holiday of Easter Monday: May has
the Queen's birthday, very properly
made perpetual as Viet:oil:I Day, and
es June ends Dominion Day opens
July. Then, for a 1an5ge number, is the
le:Ith, and August is dotted with civic
holidays. September opens with Lab-
or Day 4na November has that of
Thanksgiving. December has the
worldwide and geeatfeatival of Chriat-
rens with all that it means to so many
homes. This year the war in South
Aftiee, added some new- ones, most
rapturoesly tl.nd loyally celebrated.
13et they belonged to 1900 peculiarly.
Not since Sabastopool in 1S5t has the
heart of the Empire so rejoiced and it,
may be as itiany yivars before t is agaiu
•so stirred. Labor Day, the last of the
tuumer holidays, lees come and gone
and the working main °Wine nran, pro-
fessional man and student is face to
faee with antumn tasks. The sehooi
boy tigain shoulders his bag of books
and paces the well-known path be-
tweeu his home and his desk. And. the
teacher also faces the examination pa-
per a nil speculates on its percentage re-
sults end the possible effect upon school
board and as knee Take it all in all
Sir 3 eh n Thompson's holiday isfitting-
1 called. Labor Day, The holiday sea-
son has been no holiday to the politic-
ian. Sir Charles Tupper has been hav-
ing wonderful Success in the Maritime
proeinces and here and therein 'Ontar-
io the parties "have met and chosen
men for the coming contest. Dr. Lan-
derkin„ the wit of the I-Ionse, has been
delivering eitneelf in Stratford. euen
some of his 'Opponents refuse to take
:him seriously. Everything is a hugh,
Joke with the whitedtaired physician
,and they say medicine is the greatest •
joke of all. And yet there is no man
who attends as many :funerals ers
As the doctor ;s-eldo-in gives ;pill Ole
powder he can have no vital interest 'f
in the matter, and burying 'Tory- and ,
Grit ;alike he must feel both relief and
regret. Perhaps it is that interest in
the dying or dead that broughthina toj
mention Mr. Tarte at Stratford. Tbe
throesof a politician in extremes to be
-followed by his interment in some fat
'office may bear a reseiliblanee tocrape
and tears, and in sOme oases seeret, joy
?among the, heirs. The/131ra in this case
being, hiSSUC•41-eSSOTS inoffice. Dr, Lams
derken says, evlien Mr, Tarte „-sai.a.
,o.v.aFtch,0111- expenditure nextyear"he
moontsevered. The Mail -,Empire, how-
ever, gives his seem pape"s report of
that part of his :speech. Perhaps Mr.
Torte was,ioking, therefore he sends
the 410e,ei, ,of the tionse ;to translate it
'to 'the dn'll English speaking people of.
Western Ontario. Well the joker has
;spoken but the universe is :not con-
vinced that his view is correct.
Premier MacDcMald says the .
ba aroMhitian oct will, be referred to
the, cont(is in Nx.'"et'ert).1)er.
p ifellowing from -63 Viet,e0hap...4.0.,'
See. tneav he ;of some Use to proptie-
tors ofeftaction ;engin es,vize te(t) When
any sueb traction ,eriginc is nging .a
nubile(Ii*bW(1).-- or bridge betwoon (sr; ti,„
set arid sirin?Ise, :it ;shall be ktill,y ot a1.1(
persons in abeage 4111Oti.nt to -see tbIt
(soreeperson Shall Walk, side, or etteve(
eebeed of it., •eareying, 'a, Tigl'a So as to
give 'warning to persons in ;Charge o'f
approaching Yelueles .01'1a:di-mails, -such
person with such light to be and
thsne .e,t least one ;chain irfrant of the,
;engine; ;and if:shall bs the,d,ntycsfsuch
parsTh al',;(0 to warn the driver dsot:lit
(tra'etion ;engine to ;stop when.ananireal
or tee:Inc:le is drawing -TiMr, and also to
w arn be Person in -:charge
Veamle o1 stach engine. (e)
Every surie portable or (ft,adtionengine,
used as fiSovesa1dslmil.,!afersia116.19,1; and
,a blight ;red light
ia n ears.pi000oS pi:141e In TTOnt, ..r,;(1 -id
(green light ;on -1I-ze rext.of '11.)e,engine,or;
ese-env vehicle that may be afta,ched to
I''(8) IfeShell be 'the duty o'f the;
a/ire-E. GTft) e 'person in Choeke
peatable at traction engine, 'used .4r,s.
'aforesaidto see t'botsuch 'engicie Makes'
nb VOISer, by Whistling !cir otherwise
whencany borSe -or, animal aforeseid i.
13.,1,884.1.;,01" is pear or is abode to pees,
'ttie; sane an any highway.'
.cnetnOre, bout town :that ;the
'j3tIttle fras A :fake,
entiori lef going to;
t in flie ziAet
▪ • lee -tire 'an'
bat Ma
1etWne(d to
*an;et .M.
1130er$ Rave Gone to rilgeint's Itest-Thin.
donald>s Advanoe paused the ratems
to Itotreet--Strfalle()MVS. Ilforse Are
Wistb, DuntIonala, $e)Ar twit Rodeo-tit-
Rritisti 1'1,1 -skillets Returning to camp
-,1,s00 of Them Arrive,
Louden, Sept, 1, -Lord Roberts,
under date Of Belfast, ,Aug, 29th, re-
ports t the War 0 dice as follows:
telegraphs from Helvetia
that only a few of the enemy are
there and that this morning lereiteh'e,
and Pole-Ctarew's forces will move
on their 'flank. The advance of Burr-
doriald's mounted troops on thein
front mused them to abandon a very
strong position. The country thus
cleared, our troops more eastward.
The South African light horse, after
little, opposition, entered Water Va
Boven, and drove the remnant of the
enemy through the town,
eleremthes ,eo Mum reached Doorb-
nek, overlooking Watervalonder, with
slight opposition, Dundonald with
Stratheona's Rorse is further near
o t odacht. We have occupied
Waterval Dover) and Wee ervalonder.
-Buller reports 'that fooit (led -
acid, is apparently deserted except bY
British prisoners who are passing in
a continuous stream up the line to-.
wards Watercalonder, No Boers are
visible. The natives report that
:Kruger and all the commandoes left
yesterday for Pilgrim's Rest„
"French reports :the railway in -
Met as far as Watervalond or except
for a small bridge near the Station
which has nem destroyi.id."
1,500 or Them lloaelied the Britiiit Lin ss
In a 1,,itiftet Condition.
London, Sept. I. -The following
despatch has beenreceived at the War
Odice. from Lora Roberts;
-Belfast, Aug, 1,500
British prisoners' released at .1.‘looit
Geclacht have reached French and
Polo -Carew. They are badly clothed.
and sane are said 'to be half starved,
Anabnlamies are out picking up the
sick and weakly ones. The offleers
are reported to have been taken to
Barbert:on. Some of thein escaped,
inoludin,, the Earl of Leitrim. and Vis-
count ennismore,, The prisoners re-
port that 1,:rager, Ste„,,,n, Botha , Lu-
cas, Meyer ,and Schalkhurger, left
Noolt Getiacht Aug. .29 for Neispruit.
The Boers seem, to be scattering.
Coming Paok- to Canada.
London, Sept 1 -- Lieut. H. B, B.
le-etchein, of the Stratlicona Horse,
formerly of the Northwest Mounted
Poliee, left South. „Africa for England
an tile steamship BritiSh Princess on
t.he 22nd -of this month
.1ttore of the Remoes
Qeeleec, Sept. 1.. - The following
',mounded Canadians arrived. yesterda
'011 the Tunisian:
First Canadian contingent':
Private C. W. Gamble, 5th Regi-
mera., -C.A..
Private A. S. Mackie,tli Regi-
ment. C.A.
Private O'Brien, let Prim ce
Wales' Fusiliers,
Private J. Greets., 62nd St. John
Private W. A. Martin, 4:3rd 'Otta-
wa 'awl Carleton Rides.
Private F. Cuthbert, 1.0th Royal
Private Dangerfreld, 1 Oh Royal
Private W. Booking, 5th Regiment,
'Corporal Freci W LWirt.ers. fIrd
Regiment, C. A.
Canadian dqount,ed
Private II% litliott, Y'
teorpora,1 Carttsriglit, 2n0
Dragoons. ,
Private James R. Taylor, North- ,
west Monnted
:Private -G. -R. -Sweeney, 0 iold,
Batter,y,, Toronto,
VtiB.N! CormR, ip..L.F.11ifirticrol•i..
The LOcal. Prearaier Zet:igmS =Ad 'tile .5.-'eork-
.tary Vorros a Cal:duet-.
Frede-ricton, ;Sept,. 1.„-LITori. 11.
1Frainerson, Premier of 'New Brrnis-
wick, tendered resigimli on Iasi
trie-ht, ;and leieetenant4noverrfor
41,pon Zion. L, J. Tweed -
:Secretary, for (a. .new
(Gctx!ernment. Mr.. Tweeilia las !- 1
nonneed. eteiris Oabioet:
:ilon 3. L Tweedie, Premier ?and
Provincial Secretary.
I --Tort. Willtani ,Pagsley., AttorneY-
,Pfon. 0 FL, Miillois," On-:
P.5.701 lhiblth 'Works.
Hon, Parris, Commissioner ,of
.A.gr(1 culture.,
lion A. T„ Dunn, Stireeyoz-;Gen-
lion P1. A. MaReown :and 'Eon.
P1. PIilI,'without poridolto.;
14cyn. Mr. ,Enainerson vriB ;tlier go
an the Supreme .COnrt b5ndh, or
a conStitneney. tor lhe Dominion
Tn disim :st leo-feeore"
Niagara (Sept.
big :haul was ;made yesterday :here by
pee:peck:els, :who relieved a wealtien-
Indian .(ineligo merchant named Anand
,Ativani ;of a letter oT ;credit for
,000 (and 1lSi in;(3ah.....(k.dvan..1 (missed
Tha 110W OM louse which made its
appearance last summee, s destinyiug
aheut $11,000,000 of peas this year. Its
ravages so far have been chiefly coo -
fined to Canada and the Middle States,
but it is only a inatter of time wheo it
will he found all over the country.
Scientists, agrleulturists and professors
at the experiment stations are trying
every expedient for its destruction,
but so far have evolved nothing better
than brushing the insect from the
vines and ploughing it into the soil.
Every year new insects appear,and the
farmer is threatened by foes on every
side. Vtlliet is the cause of this maiver-;
sal pest? It is the reckless and ignor-
ant destruetiowbY the human in habi-
tants Of the, globe, of the balance of
natore. We have ruthlessly upset the
admirable arrangement by which life
and death are equally adjested, by
which the beneficent infineaces of na-
ture coenteebalance the malignant,
:mil universal fatalities are the result.
The forests have been wastefully felled
and climatic distunbatiees follow. The
birds have been mercilessly slaughter-
ed, and a plague of insects is the re-
sult. The farmer ignorantly destroys
tbe lady beetle and other insects allies.
and bis foes increase in proportion.
There is only ane remedy for all this
and that is edueation, which offers a
Solution to so many difficult problems.
The Child in school and at home cannot
begin too young the study of nature,
Instil into his heart a love for God's
beautiful creation and he will not de-
sire to destroy the useful birds and
harnalesseanimals. Teach the boy to
substitute a study of their habits and
traits While alive for the ghastly collec-
tion of lead birds and animals, 6nd the
little cemetery of birds' eggs, in which
his heart has delighted. The difference
between me innons and beueficial
seets. the nature of usefnl and medicin-
al plants, and the appearance Of harm-
ful weeds, are all lessons to be learned
m yooth, En to molog,y, , ornithology,
practical botony and forestry, might
well take the place of so much useless
Greek znal me thinaties in our schools.
Time (nil eau aln intelligent genera-
ation be raised no who shall restore
this world to its pristime symmetry
and beauty.
There are now eleven cases,of bubon-
le plague in G.(s; lasenw and five suspect-
At Brobkville Joseph Pierce, a lad
;aged ten years, -Was drowned while
playing on a raft.
er Head a Fright- .
"Large sores ,coetered the head and
face of our Child," writes C. D. ;Ishii',
of Morganton, 'Tenn.,' '"that no treat-
ment helped till we used Buokleefs Ar-
nica Salve., which quickly, clued her."
Infallible in. Ereptions. Bruises, Acci-
dents and Piles. Cure guaranteed.
Only t..).,5c. at all drug store.
All the refineries :conducted by the.
.Anierican Sugar Refining Gob:1pm y
'closed from Friday until Tne.sday- ow-
ing to a 'Shortage in rtew material.
A Ere caused by ;spontaneous' tom--
bustion started among- the raw 'Cotton;
in the 'storehouse of the Dominion (lot -
ton Mills Company ,at their St. =Anne's ,
,oausing a loss -estimated ;at $50.-
ITORSES A.ND CATTLE have colic and
cramps, Pain -Killer will em e •them
every time. Half a bottle in hot water
repeated a few times. Avoid sabstit-
rites, there is but one Pain-K-lller,
Perry Davis', 25c. and 50c.
Blown. to Atoms.
The old idea that the body ;some-
times- needs a powerful, drastic, ping.
&aye pill has been exploded; for Dr -
King's New Life Pills, which are. per-
fectly harmless, gently.sthnulate liver
and, bowels to expel poisonous matter,
cleanse the system and absolutely cure
Constipa tionand Siek-Headaelie. Only
25e. -a-tall drugstores.
The record of Hood's Sar:sapavilla
is .literally w.,itten in the blood of
millions of people to whom it has
'given good health. it is all the time
curingdiseases of the stomach, nerves,
kidney and "blood, -a-ndit is doing ;good
'eyelet day to thonsa;nds who are tak-
ing it, for poor appetite, tired feeling
and general -deleility. It is the best
medicine moneynan buy,
'lloodls Pills are non -irritating.
Price .i35 cents.
Seaforth: Mr, John Gillespie, engi-
neer at (he big uzill, got his arin, se-
veroly scelded witti steate, 3 few days
ago, anti has been kid off ever since.
It is a painful bat not serious injury.
Hen -sail: Ms. jennie Smillie, teach-
er at School No. 3 Hay, has been re-
engaged for next year at a large in-
crease of salary, Miss Smillie will at -
teed the Toronto Nonmal this fall, her
trustees having allowed her to provide
a substitute.
Wingham: A serious acciden€ hap -
an Monday last le Eli Elliott's
brick yard on the Robertson farm,
Bluevale road. On Monday afternoon,
SIX men and a boy were working in
the yard, when about half past five,
the boiler exploded -with terrific force;
the boiler itself was carried °vet' the
heads of the inen working near, and
dropped about sixty feet -from where
it was sifting. Eli Elliott, jun., was
standing at the side of the boiler at
the time of the explosion, and he was
terribly scalded. He was thrown fif-
teen or twenty feet, and his clothes
blown off` him; hz fact nothing was
left on him, but the eollat and wrist-
bands of his shirt. His fellow workmen
hastened to his' side, and found him
noconscious. A physician was hastily
summoned, the injured man conveyed
to tbe house, and his dreadful wounds
attended to. He is fearfully scalded
on his breast and legs and also his
faee. There are also some cuts on
his heedsupposed to have been caused
by flying pieces of metal. Thos. Rob-
ertson, who was wonking near had a
narrow escape; he happened to be in
&stooping posture, and the boiler pas-
sed over his head. The wreck was
complete; heavy pieces of cast iron
were broken like pipe stems, and heavy
bars and wheels bent and smashed.
As one views the wreck, the wonder
is that several of the men were not
killed, as the pieces went in every di-
rection, and the brick machine was
thrown over and broken. About six-
ty-five thousand brick- had been made
but not burned, and the accident will
prevent further making this season.
More then one theory is offered for
the accident; the steani was low at
the time, as it was drawing near six
o'clock. The men at the yard say
they scarcely heard the report, but it
was clearly heard on adjoining farms.
The injured young man is doing as
well as could be expected, but -some
time most elapse before his terrible
scalds cap possibly heal. Mr. Elliott,
sen has only just recovered from the
injuries received a few weeks ago, by
being stroek by a train at the crossing-,
and this. accident in his family coming
so sdoneafter, is indeed trying.
Fan Fairs,
Industrial. Toronto,
Western, _London,
Sonthliuron, at Exeter.
Central, Guelph,
allsa °raiz,
St. Niarys,
eirrast ss to Sept. 9.
September 6 to 16.
September 17 and 15.
September 1S and CO.
September 18 and 19.
Septembe_r 26 and 51.
September Stand 27.
September 57 and 5!.
SeptemberI17 and 28.
September 19 and 50.
October 5 andS.
October 2 and 5.
October 4 and .5.
October 6.
October 9 and in
October 4 and 5
" To De of
eCot to Be.
Thai is the que.stion Mai -concerns evev
mortth ;whether If is Setter to "E.,e half il4.
nervous, co OPTS oat, 'or ie. Se wag, ttrong,
cheerful anduseful. The litter -cond'ition
;suilt-Sc yot.Ts If you take Hood's Sarsapa-
riffa, .417zericf.s Greatest Bloodiffedicine,-
there is nothing 'equal to elf.
,After a 'Cold --1 'q2,25 co77;reici_v
run &Yam by ,aubf. iy son persuaded
rtze t.o take Hood's S'arsaparilla and ffi
use of •i•alo 'bottles 1' found' 7 'seas
getting zrz zlppetitc. When I had ,riaken
t7.1rec bottles 1csas cured:" L P.',Vernot, .
117 Ch...ennTifai n Street,. „Honfreit„ Can.
Mitehell; Mr. John Aver'S daughter
died very .F.4addenly ,on ednesdtuy,
having, 'only ;been -sick Since -Sunda-re
Blood poisoning:west-he ause af death.
She WAS ,onl,ye'24 'years ,of Age, and a.
-yer,y large number attended the -funer-
al Friday to the l'ilethodist cemetery'
to show *their-sy.rapatlay with the par-
ents in their bereaverient.
Tuesday and
Prize List Aggregates 82,000,
Only Two Days, But They :Will Both Be Hummers
No Waste Time.
'Everything begins ;at One &clock on Tuesday.
Itis '''"csr '"'t the Wntr41:P°C)1 '11415(IS YOU ARE INVITED TO COME AND SEE
"1.:;;azaar on the Gorge Railroad. It itt
.altogeiher probable tha,t pirkpocket.s
(veliO have been, lvorking (about the
P10115;dtiring ik;;;,(„Tust(,, seourecl his
raone;r. A.civahi las (C,Ific'es ;n
ari(j 15'relented to he ;one ol 'the
wealthiest Fla s't 1ndijt& torch/I.:tits
I(jo lea,s "ever Vigil:eel :feels ;country.
(StrathfOrd Man Remi in
. ;
; The Leading °minty Faiir ,of 'Western The Best Speeding Program -dffored:
; Ontorio; held in 'the 'Healthiest in thee-Oonn't.y.
; end prettiest Town in Canada.
It has 'nee pie eet, .pe,o-e; 1-yie.r)(1,,,,, The 'Great Farmers? "Tref,- or Pace.. 1
Onta.vio, Prizes:$.7)0, 4,.., ,, ;$l fi ..1 ,$ 0. !
' '
' tl ' '0 I - 'Il' ''' li rood ,..)0 ..,. , , ,,,>.
0 6 10/ 0-.1n 7 r.q 0 Tee ;and 16 Trot
PAei.,,,,,,40p1. t1,..,-4-Vielie,:to ,
- ;
et., ,i,yi` ;Stratleved, ;(rit
*.4hile orosSing ' :Main :
Ile (stist(al.nt‘d! .!' '
p eve; (t1 t I, .0'07i.SO4,0-11.S4,- !,
!'ISiS t '4 i',• iljhehi lA.(eol dent' ;
l057i,i tal; an :ail( ,r. 1,"):.> 'rreAdwed„ i
Track, fq' Suell well arranged 'and ! PiiZt7S ;$17:75.,0(V
-(00throtikions '1;(*.roundS 'and
Pee iad bit2 'Trot
,Prizes ell:0100e
fv2tmi iecdt
rit•li Mai
by the fe
ons 110
ler spoedozg) else
<1P tl0tlt(t for a TPrinctTLlst.
HELL, Secretary.
eeneetet, :.; ker en.; te...?:1$4 gleeere
What is
,Castoria is for Infants and. Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys il'orms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhcea and. Nirind.Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach. and. Bowels of Infants and. Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria, is the Children's
Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
"Castoria is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers have repeatedly told rne
of its good effect upon their children."
DR, G, 0. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass.
"Castoria Is so well adapted to children
that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre-
scription known to me."
H. A.. ARCHER, M. D. Brooklyn., ,Pr.
ste tetent-e.-(fiet
ARE yoli 13 Nervous and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mroruings;np
bition-lifeless; memorypoom easilyfatigned; excitable saoirfsst
' eyes 6 oaken, red and blurred; pimples on a6ej dreams ar.1
losses,. restless; haggard looking:, weak back; bone pain hal I 5e
o ta rig-` sore
varieocele; deposit in urine and drains at stool;elistrtuwax
ss4r n1; to e°12f °Ildoe;
szarer and strength, -WE OAITOURE YOU 1
Sohn A. Manlin says:--"/ was one of the countless vic.
time of early ignorance commenced at 15 years of age. I
tried seven medical firms and spent POO without evaiL
gave up in despair. The drains on my system were
weak_ening my intellect as well as -my sexual and physical
life. My brother advised me as last resort to consult
Drs. "Rennedy Eergan. T commenced their New Method
Tre.stment and in. a few -weeks was a new man, with DEP/
/ifs and ambition. This was four years ago, and. now I
am married and happy. I recommend these, reliable_
opecialiste to all(my aiificted fellovreaen."
"The vices of sails boyhood laid the foundation of my
Trim Later on ti "gay _life" and.suposnre to blood di-
seases completed. the wrecia Thadell the sYrantoms of
Vervous Debility --sunken eyes, emissions, drain in urine,
nervousness, 'weak back, etc. Syphilis caused my hair to
„fall ,orrt, hone -pains, racers In month and on tongue,
blotches on body, etc, I -thank Goa 1 MINI Drs. 'Kennedy
Iliergrui. They restored me -to health, vigor and happiness," CHAS. POWERS.
223". TiVe ,treat ar.d cure ancoc:le, Enizss,on.., Nervous Debiln,,, Senztnal
-Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syrphais, Unnactur-al Discharzes, Self Abuse,
ICidney and _Bladder Diseases.
Syphilis, Emissions
Varicooele, Cured,
READEp Axe /1)11 a 'victim? Hare Yon, lost bOPe? Are yon conteravating mar.
E• liege, Has -your Blood been diseased? Race yon any wes -nese? Oar
'roc -Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for von.
CONSULTATION ,FREE. No matter who hastrentecl you, write for an honest opinion Fres
Cf Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE-- "Th.e Golden monitor" (illustrated), on
„flitiOLISOB Inclosevmstage, 2 cents, Bealed.„
vATE. 'No medicine e-nt C. O. 3D. No names on boxes or envet-
-ooes. E:veythirlg corafiele,ntial. QI4estion Eist and cost of Treat-
nee- nt,
DPItittiEB K
No. 148 SI-IELBV ST,
II,Shorne: 5.:Peart, (Who intended to
Ind:id:an ;addition to his house., has
Is Old ithe biiiek to the St. Intuits .eh oral ;
;committee. Be intends to more to;
;Guelph, -4-v(here1ielas bought (t) farm
Brussels: ;Sunday- night last there'
was ;a thunder storm on the, program '
HaltirODE, particularly Sharp flaSh of ,
lightning and a tremendous thunder
;chip.. Wan BlaShilfs residence was
the <only 'property in' teetered. with 'outs
;side of ;the :nervous ;•systenes ;of many
reSidents. Mr. Blashill was
:and Mrs. Blashillnd Beatrice in ;the
thniag roo111, with him. His .younger
rughter, Vie., had retired to bed and
e butcher bay, Wilbert Rae, was
locked in the arms of Morpheus. (Sud-
denly :the orael id 411111Thiet comae and
Mae Blashill -says the hoese .-shook. as ,
eome giant blow had fallen noon it. ;
When DO one was injured. downstairS,
(and nosizgn of fire the ;door WAS open -1
;ed A.107,- 'the ;Strong Isniphuronse
smell to -eseope and Mr. B. took the(
light And went hp stains to itivestii-;
gate. The boy's bed was ;oorered with ,
particles of plaster, the paper on the:
nntTli WaS ,scorthed in :several Places,
hciles let:me:bed in the plaster-, ,aria pic
tare 'mouldings blackened het, :Roth Leg
'move serious. :The la,d sti id the (nOise
'of the thunder Wake -.ham ,h1-) but he
'appeared to he no eNtOrSe ,Of ale 4110,90,'
call be avid.. ,oruts'iat, 11 board on Vlikei
North-west miller ,ef the house Wes
split near the elOwneorecr from the,
eaVetr94 401.
.'i6izedesliovtd 1hc lInin Building in
(the .Belleville, Fair grounds,'
Clinioni Rey. J. E. Millyard, 'of the
Morpeth circuit and Miss Clara
Bin.gham, of Union,. we -re married a
the Union Methodist church, London,
by the groom's father, Rev:. R. Mill -
yard, on Wednesday, Aug, 2.
'Sentenced to Death.
"Yon are ia the last stageS of Cone'
se/notion ,and cannot Itee more than a
month." were the words of do'one bee id
by Mrs. Rosa. Richardson, Of Laurel
'Sprints, N. C,, frtitn her doctors, "bnt
she began to use Or. King's New Dis-
covery" writes, R. 1. Dereeliton; of
that Idace, 00110 WAS 11111)Th7 'cured by
She is meW 0stont, Well woman."
Ifs thesnpreme cure for desperate dis-
eases of throat and lungs. Infallible
for 'Oonghs, Cold's, Bronchitis, Asthma
'Croup, Whooping Congh. (3 0 ern nteed
bottles 50e, and WO. Trial bottles
free at all 'dr)) p7, S1,01.^i1S.
The Cate reel) leowor Company s
workets, who 'evere ati etmike Ham-
ilton, have reteetned to wove:,
\Alien we have ,...00a 1)115' WO are
henithy, strong, eicoroes rola end of
11 g l's/.e'VD4(1)-1111111'(-111', 01',1[1411.'ii'.,11S11e,%11i(0)Ifli';CP'11 etre\n
WaSbioWie over, Ana Mellen -bald and his
zttld ithenelitee ;fa infer ed.
oilltdren Oryfe