HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-9-6, Page 1;73 FOURTEENTII YEAR. --670. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER6, 1900. ME -have a number of bargains for this corning week which we are sure will 114.° interest You,. These goods must be cleared which accounts for the eu- tremely low prices they are priced at. We give you a few of the many bar- gains below. Look them over. en's Negigk Jhirts- Latest American stripes and checks. Regular price $1.25, $1.00. To clear 79c. This is an exceptional opportunity to secure an up-to-date SHIRT at cost. LADIES' VESTS. Those 0-inghams and lViuslin.s at his is a bargain you will appreciate. 9c. are going fast; This will be the *47. • Reg. 50c. for 25c. last week at the above price. 12c for 8c. 15c. for loc. Children's 5c. Hose, all sizes, fast ‘` 25c. for 19c. black. Come and see them. Come and see for yourself. OXFORD SHOES, REC. 81.25 FOR 99c. APPLE PARERS CEMENT THRESHER'S SUPPLIES FURNACES EAVE TROUGH, AT SPECIAL PRICSS. :HBISHOP&SON NEW.. furniture. . Jiore. MONEY TO LOAN, We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon.farta or village property, at owest rates of interest. DICKSON, & CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. •.- STRAYED - There came on the premises, Lot 19, S.I3. Township Stephen, 5 ewes. The owner tan ha.ye them by proving property and paying Ish W TIMOTHY COUGIIL/N, Mt. Camel. MICR SALE—HOUSE AND LOT. — , The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable house and premises on Huron street, East, in the village of Exeter, being p4i,rt of lot 15, containing 4*!, acr ,es. There is on the premises a good framelionse, stable. hard and soft water, some fruit trees and other conveniences, Possession given this fall or next spring. For futher particulars apply to BAKER, Exeter, PARA/13 PIM BALE. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersixned has a few good farms for Sale oheap. Money to loan on easy terms Somi SPAexmai, • SamwelPs Block Extrer -,c7ii.LAGIE AND FARM PROPERTY FOR V SALE. The undersigned is offering for s ale that desirable property in the Village of Centra- lia, being Lot 21 and C, containing about one acre of land. There is on the premises a new combined dwelling and shop of the latest approved style which is in splendid shape. Also fifty acres of land in the township of Stephen, ![,,n the 4th Concession. Both pro- perties will be sold reasonably. For partic- ulars apply to Ws. COTTRILL, Centralia, •NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of John Hodgins, late of the Village of Centralia. in the County of Huron, Yeoman de- ceased. • Notice is hereby given pursuant to chap- ter 129, R. S. 0. 1897, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said John Hodgins, who died on or about the 23rd day of May, 1900, are required on or before the 1.0th dav of Octo ter,1900,to send or deliver to F.(G1admafl,, Exeter. Ont., Solicitor for W. Wasnidge and Richard Blackwill, the :isolators of the last will and Testament of the said deceased, full particulars of their, claim 8, and the nature at the security (if any) held by them. and that after the said date the said Executors will proceed to distribute •the said estate among the parties entitled --""Vtereto, having regardl only Ito such claims • of which;notice shall have beon oiyefl as above required; and. they will not e liebia to any person or persons of whose claimor ciainas notice shall not have been received • at the time of'such distribution. OnAnniAri, WILLIAM WA!SNIDGE, • BUrriSter, 'RICHARD13LaeaWIee, Main st. Exeter. Exeentors. Dated at Exeter, this 31st August, 1900. , TESTIMONIAL OF • MR. JOHN DICKINSON ess have used English Stock FOodeffor my calves end think it a goeicl food. They have done remarkably well -un- deeits use. I have also found 'it a val- , :table food for horses. ,GEO. DICKINSON, Tp, of Blanshard. • Ijsborne DEATH or, ed away in the township on Monday last Martha Sloe, relict of the late Wm. Brock at the age of 77 years. The deceased had been ill only about two weeks of dysenery, gradually growing worse from day to day, which coupled with the infirmities of old age, soon put an end to her sufferings, The funeral took place to the Zion Cemetery, V./exit-teal:1y. • aving opened out with a very fine stock of Furniture and nddertaking supplies in the ODI) FELLOW'S BLOCK, EXETER, the undersiuned is prepared to do blisiness" in the above lines at prices that is boundto satisfy everybody. *C-C,'-C-CC-Ce•OC-0 FURNITURE--' We carry the finest range of FURNITURE in the Coun- ty and we sell it right. , . • e make a 'specialty of this department and ha-ve as firie hearse as it the county. We buy our goods from the best houses in the Dominion, and guarantee satisfaction in every department of our work. Prices will be found reason- able. . Having taken two courses in Practical Embalming at Tor- onto, we are prepared to do work in this line to the entire satisfaction of the most critical. Arterial and Cavity Embal- ing done on scientific principles, rendering it possible to m preserve a body for many days before treatment. oi)mmoo-D..7*** ccc-eC-C4.-000C-0 PICTURE •F1:?./21)1/11140, ETC also do picture framing and have a choice selection •of mouldings. Curtain poles at all prices and :put up. We are also agents for the Evans and Newcombe pionas, and several makes of sewing machines. G -et our prices before you buy... „ • SC:)±...1CXT==. JAS.. BEVERLEY,;• • ODD FELLOW'S BLOCK. • Kluiva 13rinsley. Mrs. Kranse returned home to Rod- ney afterspending three weeks with her daughter here.—Miss Jarrott has gone to Shipka for her holidays—Mr. Joseph Lawson is busy hatilins sand for his new house.-Sandywas in town, for a few days last week.—Charlie ii a grass widower these days, It is with feelings of regret that we report the death of Mr. William Mag - u Ire, con. 4 McGillivray, which occurred on Wednesday, Aug. 22nd. The de- ceased was stricken With paralysis, on Saturday, Ang. 18th, from which he never rallied but grad dank, sank until Wednesday when he passed • away. The remains Were inteered in the Ebenezer cemetery, on Friday after- noon. The funeral service WINS cAsToR1 con- ducted by the Rev. Mr. Hussar Revs. . gCrotnpton and L. W. T/eiht,' assiet- in. The fainily and friends have the sympathy of the community, in this For Infants and C.oildrn. lioat of bereaveinent. Tito tec- tiletattive kon Children Cry for .0.1; wrepree CASTORIA. Centralia, STOCK PURCHASED.—Having purchased Mr. W. T. Bnts genera] stock and ani add- sng a large stock of new goods, I shall be in a position to supply the wants of the publc. A call solicited, We intend to sell goods at reasonably low prices, Jt.OoLWILL, Miss Flora Lane returned to her home in St Marys, Saturday after spending the summer here, the guest Qf 11.1es. P. Lane. --Miss Grace and Lil- lian Salton left Monday for St. Thomas to spend another term at College.-- grs. Gilson, of London, spent a few days here, the guest of Mrs. John Essery,--Mr. John Pym, of:St Marys, •spent Sunday here with his parents.— Mr. Elijah Colwill has purchased the store and brick dwelling opposite the creamery from Mr. Wm. Bunt and puepose.s opening up a general store in the near future. We wish him every success.—The threshers are busily engaged around here this week. —. large ntnnber of the farmers in this locality are either sowing, or have sowu their fall wheat. WEDDING BELLS.—The fading days of the summer season saw a very quiet, yet a happy scene, which took place on Monday evening of lastweek, August the 27th, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Pym, when his youngest daughter, Miss Effie Ada, was united 'in happy wedlock to Mr. John Wright, of this place. The wedding ceremony and uniting words were spoken by the Rey. S. Salton. The bride was at- tired in a beautiful array of silk and velvet and presented a charming ap- pearance. After the knot was tied all sat down to a splendid repast and then with the best wish of all to the young couple the evening's enjoynient was drawn to a close. The young couple have the best wishes of a host of friends for their future happiness. Crediton J. G. STANB (MY, B. A., (formerly Collins Stanbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Conveyancer Money to loan—Exeter. Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clark are visit- ing relatives in Granton this week.— Miss Lillie Winer is learning the dress- making with Mrs. Samuel Lamport.— Mr. John Wein has purchased the 50 acres of land, formerly owned by Mr. Charles Treitz, the price being $3200. -- -Messrs. Young & Son have completed tits iron roof of the Beaver block.— Our boys played the Shamrocks of Mt. Carmel a game of kiltseball on their diamond best Saturda. defeating them by a score of 13-10.—Miss Dina Wood, of London, is visiting her cousin Miss Eyelyn Kerr.—Mr. 'Thos. Wind, ac- compauied by Miss Clara Wind and Miss Dora 1Vintzel, left for Detroit on Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. Ling, of Elk- ton. Mith., were the gusts of Mr. and Mr. Giito. Holtzman.—Miss Mina Wil- son, of 'Marton, is visiting friends and relatives in and around Crediton.— The GlasS Family gave a concert in' the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening to a small audience.—Our boys played Centralia a game of football at Exeter on Labor Day, and were defeated 3-1. The boys need more practice.—Rev. M. L. Wing, of Berlin, held quarterly meeting in the Evangelical church last Saturday and Sunday.—Miss Frasereof Ailsa Craig, has commenced teaching. She was unable to startafter holidays, owing to illness.—Council meeting was held in the Town Hall Monday. Gra- vel contracts were let.—Messrs. Jacob Haist and Charles Brown left for Elk- ton and Sbewaing, Mich., Wednes- day, to visit friends.—Henry Eilber,M. P.P.. and son, Herbert, have returned from Toronto, where they attended the Industrial exhibition.—Hill's hotel is receiving a coat of paint. --The Misses Hardy, Kemp and Clark, of Exeter, visited friends here on Saturday.—A number of our business men intend piutting in acetylene gas plants. Hay Council A special meeting of the Hay Tp. Council was held. on Saturday, 25th inst., for the purpose of appointing, a treasurer in place of Mr. Kibler who has resigned. The members were all present. Mr. Thomas John- son, of Zurich, was appointed treas- urer at a salary of $80 per annum. The following resolution was sub- mitted and passed by the council:— Moved by W. B. Battler, seconded. by P. Laniont, that:—Whereas, Mr. Fred Kibler, who has been Treasurer of the Township of Hay since jaamary, 1395, until this day, through circumstances over which there is no control, has seen fit to resign the office of treasur- er; and whereas, Mr. Kibler has dis- posed of his property and severed his connection with the municipality, and intends to move, with his family to the town of 13ranipton, Ontario, the members of the Municipal Council of the Township of Hay can not but express their regret at losing so valu- able an officer, as well as a citizen. He has proven to he a man of sterling qualities, an efficient, obliging and painstaking officer, and will be great- ly neissed byall who came in contact with him. The council of Hay wish, from the bottom a their hearts, that He, "from"evhcmi all blessings flow," ina,y guide the future doing of Mr. Kibler, and may bestow all His bless- ings and prosperity upon him and his esteeinecl family in their future home. In conclusion, we may assure the citi- zens of Brampton, that, what will be our loss vill be their gain. The clerk is hereby insteueted to transfer a copy of this reeolution to Mr. Kibler atad his family." Troubles of a Minister. To benefit others Rev. J. T. W, Ver- non, of Hartwell, Ga; writes.: "For a long time I had a running sore on my leg. 1 tried many remedies without benefit, until I used a bottle of Electric, Bitters and a box of Bncklen's Arnica alve, which cured me sound and well." Sors, Eruptions, 33olls, Feezma, Tet- ter, Salt Rhetim show impure blood. Thousands, have found in Electric Bit ters a grand blood: purifier that abso- lutely cures these troubles. Satisfc- tion is guaranteed or money refundd- by all druggists. Large bottles only 19 C. II. SANDERS, EDITOR. Lodgerville Mr, John Willis has returned herne from the Toronto -hospital where he had been for a number of weeks, hay- ing undergone a very critical opera tion. We are pleased to say that he is doing as well as could he expected, althdligh it will take scane weeks vet before he will regain his usual health. Eden Mrs. Munro, -elm has been visiting her cousin, Miss Retta Essery, for a few days, retufned home on Tuesday. —Miss Addle Caves returned home on Saturday, after visiting her parents for the past three weeks. --Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whaley visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bissett on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luxton returned home on Friday after spending several days at Grand Bend.—Mr. and Mrs. George Rook visited friends in Exeter on Sunday.—Mr. Thomas Brooks, accom- panied by a lady friend, attended anniversary services at Zion on Sun- day evening. --Mr. and Mrs. Dew, of Iowa, and Mrs. John Hunter, who have been camping at Grand Bend for the past two weeks, returned on Thurs- day last.—Mr. Edgar Haswell spent Sunday and Monday with friends in St Marys.—Mr. John Essery attended the Insurance meeting at Farquhar on Monday. 410 Dashwood Mr. T. Snell, teacher, at Bryanston, spent Sunday and Monday with,friends in the village.—It is reported that an- other wedding is to take place near our burg in the near future. ---Mr. Jas. Hannan, of Shipka, was in the village Saturday.---Mtich sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. „George Edighoffer in the loss of their little one, which sad event occurred on Wednesday, August 20th. —On Thursday of last week Mr. Henry Ilse, of Zurich, made his way to Grand Bend and there obtained one Mrs. Hall, of Motherwell, who has been employed by Mr. Jno Brenner as cook, whence he made his way to a clergyman in Exeter, where the knot was securely tied which made Mr. Ilse and Mrs. Hall man and wife. We hope their voyage over lifeis rough sea may belone of continued, happiness. —Several of our boys attended the sports at Ailsa, Craig Monday and took part in the foot -ball match, play- ing with the West McGilliVray team. Stephen Council The Council of the Township of Stephen, convened at the Town Hall, Credito, on Monday, Sept. 3rd at 1, p. In. • All members present. elk:antes df previous meeting read and approv- ed. Sweitzer—Hicks, that the bond of the collector be accepted and filed in the Clerk's office.—Carried. Resol- ved that Christian Stade be appoint- ed commissioner to expend a sum not exceeding $35.00 in gravelling 4th S. R., concession 11 and 12. Hicks-- Willert, that the Clerk be instructed to write to the different Tp. Clerks, having Police Villages in the munici- pality, Inquiring as to the flnancial ar- rangement of Taxes between the Township Councils and.Police Trustees. Carried. The following orders were granted:—S. Davis, rep. approach to bridge, $3.50; M. Winer, work on C. R.'75c; Pat Kilgallen, S. L. 1899, $3.00; C. Beaver, cedar lumber, $96.08; Muni- cipal World, municipal forms. $1.71; • Jo. Barry, gravel contract, S. B. $17.80, W. Ziller, gravel $8.90, Jrto. Lawson, burying sheep, 50c; R, Hand- ford, gravel contract, S. B. $39.00; R. Haudford, gravel between Biddulph and Stephen, $10.00, R. Handford, gravel, east of Div. Road, $4.50; W. B. Gaiser, drawing gravel, C. R, $5.10; G. Mawhinney, gravel, $3.84; S. J. Henderson, culvert, COD. 4, $12.00; Frank McKeever, gravel, $10.08; J. Dalziel, grayel, $15.76; Chas. Watson, bridges, con. 18-19, $20.75; Wm. Bker, cleaning creek, $3.00; Gotlieb Fahner, etal, grading, S. R., $7.50; Jno. Baird burying sheep, 50c; Robert Adair, rep. culvert, A. and B. $1.00; gravel contracts to the amount of $299.50 were let. Council adjourned to meet again in town Hall, Ceeditoe, on Oct. 1st, 1900, at 1 p. /D. HENRY Eiram, Tp. Clerk. The worst wind and rain storm ever experienced in Manitoba passed over the western portion of the Province and eastern Assiniboia, causing enorm- ous loss to farmers in the destruction of houses, barns and stables. Miss Morris, of Walkerville, was ser- iously injured by jumping from a street car while it was running at a lively clip Friday. The trolley wire broke. She became terror-stricken and jump- ed. She was removed to the hospital. John McKenzie; a marine fireman, of Wiarton'was drowned off the steamer .Toe Milton in Wiarton harbor before daylight Thursday morning. In putting up the gangway plank he un- consciously slipped off the boat. He came to the surface only once, and in the darkness it was impossible to ren- der him aid. McKenzie was tut unmar- ried man, about 25 years of age. His parents reside near Toronto. Early Sunday morning Waterloo's night watchman's dog was shot dead and Night Watchinan Peppler wound- ed in the legs by a shot from a shotp;un in the hands of joe Alexander, a man well-known around the town. About an hour before the shot was fixed the dog had jumped on Mr. Alexander, when the night, watchman helped him into the hotel where Mt. Alexander boarded. When Mr. Peppier made his early rOunds past, the house a shot, was fired, killing the dog and wounding the night watchman. The gun was found m bed With Alexander. Children Cry for CASTOR ! CRUSHED TO DEATH. Belleville, Aug. 30.—A fatal accident occurred this morning at the G.T.R. station here, by which Miss Tillie Mc- Crudden, a Belleville dressmaker, lost her life. She had been in Toronto and left there lest night on No. 8.for home. She fell asleep, and when the train moved out from Belleville she awoke and jumped eff. She was caught be- tween the platform and car and badly crushed. She was taken to the hospit- al, where she died four hours later. • Deceased was 32 years of age and leaves a mother, brother and three sisters surviving her, She was a very esthn able young woman, who had many friends here. McLEAN IS THE MAN. Goderieh A.uss 31.—This is a hot sea- son in West Huron as elsewhere end if the enthusiasm of the political cam- paign is kept as high as that which marked the Conservative convention at Smith's Hill to -day, the hot times is by DO means over in this riding. The attendance was large, including all the war horses and many of the rank and file, and without a dissenting voice they again endorsed Mr. Robert Mc- Lean as the party candidate. Mr. Mc- Lean in a, moderate speech, accepted the honor, and the two Bobs are once more in the field. Dr. Sproule, M.P., North Gray, was present as was also T. W. Leavite, the Conservative or- ganizer, and each addressed the gath- ering. Dr. Sproule dealt trenchantly and very fully with a number of facts in the political history of the present Government's term, and his remarks met with the approval of the large gathering Resolutions in suppoxt of Sir Charles Tupper and Mr. J. P. Whitney were carried with three cheers, and the meeting then adjourn - District Meeting, The financial District meeting of the Exeter District was held in the Clan- deboye 1VIethdist church on Tusday, Aug. 28. Arrangements were made for Missionary and Educational ser- vices on all the circuits. The Districts is to be favored this year by visits from two of the principal officials of the chnrch, the Rev. Dr. Henderson, of Toronto, General Missionary Secre- tary, who will visit Paikhill,No. 4th, Exeter,March 17, and also Grand Bend, Crediton, Elimville and Ilensall. The Rev. Dr. Potts, general sec. of Educa- tion, will also visit Parkhill on Sept. 23rd. Arrangements were also made throughout the District for :e thr- ough campaign of aggressive evange- listic work.in evhich tiie bretbi en have agreed to render c ne another help. This campaign will be e d in Park- hill on Wednesday, Suet. 30th, by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Ford with the assis- tance of Rev. J, H. Hathwa, evange- listic singer and preacher. A resolu- tion of condolence was ordered to be, sent to Rev. C. C. Cousins, who has been sick for about three weeks, and is still under treatment in Victoria Hos- pital, London. The district Epworth League Convention is to be held a,t Crediton, Wednesday, Sept. 5th. A large gathering is expected, a good program is being arranged. —Parkhill Gazette -Review. Hensall: A meeting of the electors was held in Coxworth's Hall on Tues- day night to nominate candidates for the position of councillor,rendered -va- cant by the resignation of James Bev- erley. 3. C. Stoneman, village clerk, took the following nominations, W. R. Hodgins, moved by A. Murdock, seconded by George McEwen, Samuel Smilie nominated by James Murry sec- onded by J. McFarlane, George Joynt nominated by Dr. Sellery seconded by David Ca,n tlon. • Bayfield: On Friday Mr. Paul Clea,ve was called away by the death angel, Mr. Cleave had been a sufferer for sev- eral years from a cancer in his right ear, but has been going about attend- ing to his duties until about two months ago. He was a native of Coen - wall, Eng., and came to Canada about 17 years ago and settled in the vicinity of Hayfiel. He served several years in the village council. About 15 years ago he went to Dakota, where he ac- cumulated considerable property. Fail- ing health, however, causea him to re- turn to Canada about two years ago, and he has resided in Bayfield since that time. He leaves to mourn his de- mise a widow, two daughters and to sons. Ailsa Craig, on Aug. 24th, the wife of W. J. Smith, of :t son. 1VIcRaetN.—In Ailsa Craig, on Aug. 25, the wife of NVilliatn McRienn, of a daughter. iiietimateEs. Mrerss—HERSEY—At the residence of the bride's father, London, Ont., on Wednesday, Aug. 29th, by the Rev. , C. C. Owen, Evlyn Claire, daugh- ter of Mr. S. C. liersey, formerly of Exeter, to Mr. Edward W. T. Mills of OWen Sound, DATHS. FANSON—In Exeter, on Angust 31st, Mary Ann Dinnin, relict of the late Jas. Fanson, aged 52 years. BRocx.--In Usborne, on Sept. 3rd, Martha Slee, relict of the late WM. Brock, aged 77 years, 13RoDBercx.,—In Seaforth, on Aug. 24, Wm. Francis, youngest, son of Mr. M. Broderick, aged 5 years and 3 daye. Woons.--In Hayfield, on Aug. 28rd, George Wildridge, youngest son of the late Dr. Woods, aged 44 years. GT.:EA:VT.—At Hayfield, on Aug. 24th, Paul Cleve, aged 81 rears. Panuetaa'ret.--In Zion, on Sept. 411, infant son of Mr, and Mrs Latvia Parkinson, aged 11 Months, 2 days,