HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-8-30, Page 6a> kke<>(eleteakiaaa
110117 Chte0 In Preparing to
Lutertaitt the Veterans at ,
'their -tunual Gathering.
e>4's as4.4easeataten444
40(Se :0*
Chicago ie preparing to eutertele the
tamed Army veterans en the °cell:Sion of
An Innovaelon ea Hee Tame flunegele.
Vrtikee Atokert
It, is reported that the Prince. a Wales
has kleceeda change in the aaluous
Prince Albert cot, 'having appeared at
a recant garden party gleam by' hip royal
mother in it single areested clement. As
• • .
Boole as thin ,departure by the 'fleet gen-
tie man of lDurope trom estaltlielied cue -
tom had Seam uoised within tbe Briti.sh
metropolis 'theta was, it is repoeted, at
`S,Sets • •
their thirty-foneth annual eacatupinent
tu reyal style. It is expected by some
that this will be almost the test of the
reallg notable gatherings of this agiug
An elaborate court ot laynoe, nearly a
loeg, le being erected On Michigan
aveuue. This Win be- the ehief feature
a the aecorations. At either end of the
court will lie groat arches of dazzlingly
white staff embelliehed with sculptured
figures and appropriate symbols. The
<e0st a this court of honor will reach
armee a25,000,
Far 'Michigan, avenue the general
seheme is to place a triumphal arca at
Van 13uren street and one at Park row,
these to be connected by Corinthian col-
umns placed at regelar intervals on both
sides of the steeet, forming a, colonnade.
broken °lily by the pylous Chat will flank
cacti. side of the reviewing stand.
The arches will span the entire street
at each end of the colonnades. Oae will
be dedicatea to the Cmand Array aud one
Lo tbi. aavy. Ie design they will be of
the Coriuthian order, a prototype ot the
claesic, adaptal by the designers to the
uses of tine work. Staff mill be uscid in
the work on the exterior of Lae colutems
and arches, representing marble in effect.
The operangs of the arches, through
which the marching columns of the 0-
A R. will pees, are to be 20 feet wide
itna 110 feet high, The arches are to be
deeorated with statuary apd bas-relief
panels hi plaster, eymbolizing appro-
priately the different branches of the
liana mid nave. The frieze a the arches
will contain in relief the names of some
of the ,rat generals of the army and
noted admitals of the navy.
The reviewing stand will be flanked on
either side with a large tour cote= py-
lon, decorated on the top with a large
American eagle in plaster, see -dug on an
illuminated ball. The president's box
and the balustrade guardiug the space
reseived for distinguisbed guests will be
decorated with steff in vich design.
The illumination of the eoert of honor
will be a feature in itself and will be
treated with reference to artistic effects.
It is not the intention to have a great
He Iu tiSe Oe Eszematten to the latuit-
lY Nature ot Weds.
Bad temper and cruelty are perhaps
the moat obvious signs of mental de-
generation in the beaets. The larger
Monkeys, for Instance, become as bad
tempered as, violent man wheu they
grow old, and many in their treatment
of other animals are cruel RS, we use
the word in regard to man. Aniong
the carnivorous beasts the cat amusee
itself bytorturing a mouse, and the
weasel tribe kill for slieer love of kill-
ing, No such enmity is seen tunolig
eagles or falcons. Fierce as their tem-
pers are, they do not torment other
birds which they catch or kn1 for hill-
first general consternation in the ranks of
London's men of fashion and then a
rush to the tailors by hundreds, nay thou-
sands, all eager to comply with the edict
of his royal highness and be ready for
the next summons to Buckingham pal-
ace that should happen to come their
way. a
Notwithstanding the opinions of the ex-
perts in niatters of 'masculine dress that
, the novelty introdeced by Albert Ed-
' ward is liable to be ignored in the Unit-
! ed Stites, it is recalled that when, upon
certain occasion a few years ago, the
prince happened to forget to fasten the
lowest button of his waistcoat the fact
was gravely cabled to this country withxplanatory note thitt the omis-
out the e
Bran is a good laxative food for
young chicks,
The great mistalte of beginners is to
attempt a large number Of ereecls,
Notice 'which hens lay the largest
eggs. Sometinies the largest hens lav
the smallest eggs.
All nests Should be movable. Lie()
colleet' behiud. periaalient nests and.
give a great deal of trouble,
After the hatching season all sur-
plus cocks should be marketed, as
their food is a total waste and is quite
a serious item of loss.
Cleanlinese and pure water are im-
portant items in preventioii of oholers,
d bowel diseases Don't let tho
ing's sake. Good temper is general au •
anione; birds. drinking water stand in the sun.
Except the cuckoo, Stith a thing as
an in tempered wild bird is unknown.
Nowhere in the race can a temper like
that of the Tasmanian devil or the
wild hunting dog or the Cape buffalo
or the baboon be found. Even those pate with water; spread paste ou spots
watch in spring are thieves and egg and sprinlele with fine powdered pot
robbers ttre not mauve's coucheurs at ash; pread on grass in sun one day.
How to Eraaleate Staius.
Grass stains should be rubbed well
with molasses, thou washed., Mildew:,
Out °OmutOfl soap fine and cook to
other times. Good temper and good
fellowship in society a personal Mime
tion to eacli other to whicli the beasts
offer no parallel, induetry and inde-
pendence, intense devotion and fore-
sight in tending their young, with oth-
er very human and engaging tralte of
character, must all be credited to the
race of birds,
Among these kindly and simple na-
tures the cucleoo is a monster, Let
there be no mistake on this subject.
He unites in his life and character,
from the egg to the adult bird, pram
tices and principlee to—which the whole
race of warn) blooded animals offers no
parallel. He is an outrage on the mor-
al law of bird life, something so fla-
grant and so utterly foreign to the way
of thought of these kindly beings that
if he did not exist he would be incom
ceivable. It is not merely that he is a
supplanter and a changeling. His
Whole nature is so evil that In the
world of birds be is an incarnation of
the principle of ill an embodiment of
vices which would if understood or
adopted by other birds put an end to
the existence of the itace. -- London
sion was unintentional, and within a
weelr it was difficult to find a completely
buttoned waistemist on the promenades
of America's chief cities.
Long finger
I: nails are lookee
I One of the Fashions • llama with dis
• gustbytaeCau
11 a t of Deformity 7 casian, but tie'
A atl-tfk. 1 Chinese regard.
• t Among the Chinese. them as an em.
p 11r' • rt dence not mere -
ly of weattlebut
GRAND ARMY coutrr RONOR, entaseao.
lare of on tlm arches and coluuins
refinement and high breeding.
The man who can let his finger nails
grow to an extraordinary length an -
from electric lamps set in lines and an- now:ices to the world at once beyond any
gles, which, the designers say. always mistake that he is not a laborer, as who
deetroys the architectural forms or work could work with finger nails or talons as
of this kind. On the other hand, the long as peas heeds
lights will be placed in such a way .bat Tbe 'fashion is not universal, such a
they will simply high tight the 'statuary person being a Beau Brummel aniong
assii architectural teatimes of the arches his associates.
anti give them added artistic effect and a Great care Is taken of such a hand, and
new beauty tor eight view, even beyond the services of a professional manIctire
it of daylig-ht..are constantly employed.
Mach of the vainous parades Pass Some Chinese in the 'first weeks of the
through the court of honor. at a certaie growth strap tlie fingers upon a board
point of which President McKinley and
other distinguished guests will review the
reinah of the heroes. There will be free
band commies in the 'various parks of the
city and fireworks displays at night.
There will be campfires, dog watches,
regimental reunions and other patriotic
meeting:a' for which halls have already
been secured and to which organizations
are being assigned.
The encanipment week programme be -
gills with special patriotic services in all
the Chicago churches On Sunday, Aug.
2G, and ends with fireworks on the lake
front Saturday evening, Sept. 1. The
great land parade will be Monday fore-
noon, Aug. 27, and the water parade in
the afternoon of the same day. Tuesday
the Grand., Army will be reviewed by
Commancler In Chief Shaw and Presi-
dent McKinley. Wednesday will oecir
the business meeting -of the Grand Area
and the election of Officers, with camp- '
fires in the evening. The .chief event of
Thnrsclay will be a sham brittle in Lin -
cote perk by three regiments of the Illi-
nois national guard and by detachments
from the regular army. Friday will be
given up to excursions, and Seturday
there will be games and concerts.
In encampment weak occur the enema
ineelings of tha" tollowitig orgaelzations:
Gated Army of the Reptiblie, Woman's -
Relief corps, Ex-Prieoners of War, La-
dies of the Grand Army of the Reptilitikaa
Datmatters of Veterans, ...army Nerses'
assoeiatien. Loyal Hanle Woraers and
the Neral -Veterans.
-- Plays Pranks we 1110 Coinpass.
A (mottling to a lineal otaciel a peentiar
stria-, of affairs oxisls the vastest) parr
of the etat e of Saline, ire saye that
while going through niany of the paseages
be notical t bet he com pa Se sivings
arortial from one to two points. This
is kapecially noticed in Door Ishual prise
sage, kind hi setae places is very dneget-
ous to vessels, as in thick. weather the de-
viation is saMeient to put timm ashore.
Ile seys he has iloticad this deviatiou es-
pecielly between South istend Awl
Dry flelibut rocli. In passingMails
island the deviation is from three-fourths
to oee and one-half points, and from the
time this trouble ,is first noticed until the
vessel passes out 01' tile magnetic belt te.
IVOirOS abotlt eight minutes' time,
Some of the reelaents of the islends say
tlatt magnetic ore on (Mum's' island is the
eauSe of the compass deviation, I he
captain of one steamer told ban that the
ore is partieula 'ay noticeable ou Mar-
shall's island, and be bas observed that
tIte greatest aeviation is at taga water.
The tripod on Dry Tialibet rock bas
been ben al ea lip solidi y with hen vy
pletr&s. This is for the purimee of' gleam
back an echo in thick wetither. The cap-
tains of vessels have got so they can de-
termlne their 1)1t.1011 elate AOCOIM1Cly by
Ibmbeenes. Sonic of tlie old captains aly
that fog will give bask an eclea, laq it
selkdom cleeeivee as experienced
ii..Fertsatouth (N. H,) Oftronicle.
The Method That Is Used by .a Ger-
Although it is generally believed that
watchdogs are to the manner born,"
itseems that a certain amount *f train -
are the only
medicine that
will cure Dia-
betes. Like
Bright's Dis-
ease this dis-
ease was In-
c ableeruntil
IDodd's Kidney Pills
cured it. Doctors
themselves confess
that without Dodd's
Kidney Pills they are
powerless against Dia-
betes. Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
Imitations ---box, name and
pin, are advertised to do so,
but the medicine that does
itik4t4 e4vi,/ •
t ,h,e '
roper Caymof the lifingor
"Soft white hamcis are 'always pea
of the principal poin.ts of a refined up,
pearauces and. for that reason women -
of all ages have /nest eaeofelly at-
tended to theb.• hands," writes Mrs.'
fluniplarey,', advising plain girls how
to be pretty, in the Ladies' • Home
The care of the hands can-
not said to be neglected nowadays
013, 80 rtlauy persons ompl oy the
back the .slrin floe). the little wbite
makes them of a.lovely Pink, pushes
manicure, who scrapee the nails and
half-moons at the base, cuts the iaail'
is Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are
fifty cents a box at all
in a crescent vvhich exactly follows
the outline of the half-moons, and ends
by washing the hands in a preparatioli
that makes them both smooth and
white, temporarily, if not permanent-
ly. The htuids look extremely well
,aftor the manicure's task has been
finisbed, although Erasmus 'Wilson
says that the nails should never be
scraped nor cleaned with any iusiirta
remit save the nailbrush, The only
other instrument needed is the small
ivory presser.''
What a Malt meaus.
Sighing is but another name for
Mg helps very much to turn out a real- oxygen starvation. The cause of sigh-
ly good one. This system of training , jag is most frequeutly worry. An in-
,terval of several seconds often follows
has developed into a regular business
In Berlin, where one Herr StballS LIIIS i moments of mental disquietude, dur-
ing which time the chest walls remain
an academy from which watchdogs
rigid until the imperious demand is
are turned out by the hundred every
year. made for oxygen, thus causing the 1. d.i ff
plied to almost every kind of dog. He
first teaches the animal obedience dpeeerpiyintearamlaetaiotnh.e sigh
isgh, atuhde tehxipsirsiagt.iiioins sinPeean' ten ThemoPmu ePntsreeelioluYgheehinasesbe:n
His system is educational and is ap- i ,
by ifollowing the inspiration that is pro- from the white> stringY muscles. and
training it to perform certain tric
he organism to secured for two ecaltes. These are
at conaraand and then trains it to dis- 1 simPIY an effort of tsalted and laid for an instant in a 'very
tinguish between a visitor and a bur- ' obtain the necessary supply Of oxygen.
gle,r and what part of a man's body The remedY is to cease worrying. One l 1(;lieitdeeP frying ran' They eeek at
should be attacked to render the man , may be anxious, but there is no and are most appetizing, and can
' tional reason for worrying. A little t '
ra- ' be digested by the weakest stomach.
It may be only a trifling cold, but neg-
Bram Jelly iSor Breakfast.
Brau jelly is a wholesome food
which may take the place of other
cereals. Cover two cupfuls of bran
with cold water, let pettie ; then timer
off all the water, and add three.,oup-
fills of aoiling water and stir Well;
place ou the stove and hoil'sloWly-far
two bourse then strain, return to fire,
let come to the ,boiling point, add one .
teaspoonful salt; then pour into a
mold and let cool. You will have
delicate jolly, and very wholesome:
The siftings from graham or whole '
wheat flour eau be used for this jelly. ,
flow's This !
We otter One Hundred Dollars reward for
any ease or Catarrh that Lemma 'los cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. .
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned. have linhwn F. J.
Cheney for the last It years, and beliale,
hint perfectly honorable in all business
transactit1 and financially able to carry
out any obligations mssdC Iiy 1sjt 'Min
WDST & TIIAUX, Whotestile Druggists,
Toledo, 0. 'WADDING, 117.INNAN & MAR-
VINWholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Care is, takettsstsiraaUy,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. Suld by all drug-
Food for an Invalid.
For a delicate girl or an invalid
there is a simple preparation of meat
which contains a great quantity of
nourishment and yet is most easily di-
gested. A half pound of round steak
is laid ou the board and scraped, in. the
way of the grain with a strong silver
Tbere never was, and never will be,
universal penaceeein one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature
of many curetiVes being such that were
the germs of other and differently seated sa
diseases rooted in the system of the If-
patient—what woula relieye One 111 in
turn would aggravate the other. ' We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtiangiale in a S•Urld UnadUlterated
State, a remedy for meaty and grevious ilia.
By its gradual aad judicious use, the
frailest systems are led into convalescence
and strength, by the influence which ("An-
iline exerts en Nature's own restoratives.
It relieves the drooping spirits- of those
with whom a chronic 'taste a morbid des-
pondency and lack of interestin life is s
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep—
imparts vigor to the action of tile blood*
which, being stimulated, coursesehrongh.
out the veins, strengthening thehcalthy
al functions of the sym
ete, thereby
makng iactivity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving e
to the digestive organs, which naturally
deinand iacreased substance—result, ark -
roved appetite. Northrop k Lyman 9i
roronto, have given to the public their
seperior Quinine Wine at the- usual rate,
sssd, gauged hy the opinion of scientists,
this wine -approaches nearest perfection a
any in the nsarket. All druggists sell it.
Outside of the gate the trainer places philosophy will banish worry at once.
a dummy representing the burglar, and , Worry will do no good; it will rob
to the latch is attached a string. By one of pleasures when blessings do
means of the string the gate is opened come, as one will not be in a condi
slowly, until the head of the dummy tion to enjoy them.—Ladies' Home
becomes visible, wheu the dog is journal.
taught to fly at its throat. Herr Straus
is very particular about this. He makes
his dogs attack the throat or the upper
part of the body always. Sometimes a
real man well padded takes the place
of the dummy, and of course be is well
paid for his services.
All dogs, it seems; may be made good
watchdogs, but the St. Bernards and the
Russian wolfhounds are the best where
property of great value is to be guard-
ed. For dogs not so fierce as they are
a different system of training is used.
They soon learn to guatd anything
committed to their care, but are not so
quick to attack an intrudera.s the
fiercer dogs are.
to keep them in place and to give the
nail the perfect curve which is desired by
experts le nail growing.
The effect of growing a rkail is to dis-
tort the finger, The nail at the finger tip
becomes lienay, thick and causes the
finger epread out.
The ownea el such a nail is very proud
of it and carries it with the greatest care,
as, though frequently oiled, it is very
brittle, breaking easily.
I. was cured of A.cute ,Bronehitis by
Bay of Islands.
I wag cured of Facial Neuralgia by
Springhill, N.S.
1 was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by
Albert Co., N.B.
Indian Compositions. Use Boiled or Distilred Water Only.
New "composition" stories are fur- Boiled water or distilled water
nished by two young Indians whose ef- should not be used either by grown
forth 11-1 this difficult line are reported people or children unless there is dan-
lect it and it will fasten its fan ge le your
Lungs, and you will soon be carried to an
untimely grave. In this country we- have
sudden changes and must expect to have
coat:chested. colds. We centnia aVOid theta,
bitWOcan effect a cure by using Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the medicate
tis 51 has never been known to fail ia cur-
ing coughs, colds, bronchitis Ana all af-
fections of the throat, lungs and chest.
by The Southern Worjoilan. .aee eelein eakatieraiaa,tiee. eneee the
The subject assigned to the first boy water in ordinary use. Pure cold
ferring to the general's boyhood among . water is prefeiable. A c c m e
was the life of Gaineral Armstrong, Re -
given a glass of cool, never sce, warei
the idolarroilsancestor worshipMg the first, thing in the morning—say
wrote as follows: he half an hour before breakfast; and
natives of the Hawaiian Islands,
people ef tile sandwich islands may also take a glass ou redid/lg.--
worshiped the iclol of their aunts' sis- Ladies' Homo Journal.
The second boy, a member ef the i TJuequalied—Alr. Thos. Brunt, Tyeem
1 i ' d' D Ti '
Pocketbook' to Match Gown.
No woman can have too many pocket-
books, as the fad of this simmer, to
worthless Pup.
"Your dog bit me," said the irate
Tictim, "and I want to know what
you are going to do about it."
"Do!" cried the owner. "Shoot
tile dog! I won't have au animal
about me who shows such poor taste."
have everything to match about- a cos-
tume, rentlerS it desirable to have a
purse to match eyery gown. Choose
some pretty, delicate tint in the leather
of the prevailina pastel shades, as
gowns will follow the vogue in color.
Regg,y—What is bliss, Miss Daisy?
Miss Daisy—You ought to lenow,
dear boy?
'Vapor in the air 'is entirely invisible
until the air is brought to a temperature
• • • in one district or another. The
formed. How often fl dense fog in the ` Biititib
say the sun has burned Mt tic og.
t h low the dew point, wheu a fog is
inaaa, Ontwritee:—"J. • have to thank
Same elass, Nariting,. upon a different
evou or tecommen r, minas
city elinpailes. I was
plaise oftlie•same subject gottbe Eccfrebeedge
Wsingtouconsed with the man troubled thm for nrly
sears, ;Ind triett almost every tag
for whom the city was named. Refer- Idi.• trk f Some 01. 1110111
strong freni the service after the war, would effee a cute. I lie\ ' now. been
"'When 'General Armstrong finished l',,e.,,"irdt„enitt,e.eeeaereill,enuetlielehePe you will
cou leg or o orm o
ring to the retileiment of General Arm- wonikacsi5'ie temporary.seilief but ;tone
hc, saw: . • .free from the distreesine complaint for
the wer, be wrote to Washington anti
asked him if there was anything, snore
he could do for him."
VII us Ines Es iseeted•
Since tbe first great famine of which
there., are records devastated tae land
in 1770, wben 10,000,000 perished in
Beugal alone, India has scarcely pass -
d feee from scareity of grain
morning is dissipated by tile sun, and we
Fog rarely forms except in a perfectly twice in every nine aeata, a tamale
clear, still elle 1.'his permits intense raa once itt eaara 11 07' 12 years and a I
diation from the ground and snioke para. great famine about twice iti a centnry. I
overn men t expects a firelight about ;
ems and this cooling final's' In'ings the _Review, of Re -mews,
air to its saturation point when the VW.
1 por either condenses on the smoke par-
k ticlee Or OD moisture patlicles, thus be-
t comitig visible M fog. When the fog
'Occurs far above the earth, it is dined.
1 Tbe suintuit a 'afount Waehinglen is tit -
I most continuously enveloped in for, and
to the observer below tbat is a cloud.
-- - - . - - •----
Perhaps the 54 P. C. A.
3)iZon--- [hat nones1 that died the other
, .
tiaa was wort li $10,000.
Tae Wittastedecel To whom did ehe
le:. es lica Iti011 oy?---/Itirlern Lige.
Numerous observations prove. that
tile use of tobaeco•is a potent cause of,
dasease of the eye. Total blindness
from degeneratien, of the optic nerve
bas been traced to this cause, Recent
Observationa point to tobacco end alma.
bol 11S the great causes of color bliad-
neette aini title aceounts for the' fact
that it is much inore coMmon in men
than in vv'enten.--Flealth Culture.
How to Keep Tins llright.
When tins are hard to wash, where
Riad has aurned on, like baked fish or
oatmeal, put the dish on the eteve,
filled with cold water end. a half tea-
spoonful of baking Dosycler; and let it
boil, anti your dish will wash readily
and the odor of fieh will be gone.
Reggy—Me! Weally, why?
Miss Daisye—Becausa- "ignorance is
Muhl' s Liniment Butes -Distemer
No Cause for Alarm.
The other side," observed the can-
didate, in reach apprehension, "are
putting sortie damaging reports in ejszs.
"But no money to speak sof," re'
joined tke chairman. of the campaign
committee, complacently.
Lilli1110111 Cllr[Ig Difatheria,
They Still Happen.
Pa,,, do any miracles ever happen
any More?" • , -
"Yes. One .happoneci to me laet
night.- I 'told your ilia why 1 is as late
getting home., and she believed me.'
5. roistalte.
Gladys -1 thought you said he was
rieMhilcirec1-011, ne merely said ae
had more mohey thati brains.
Ice and Conifort.
Hasband—Whatl No ice this swel-
tering weather? Didn't the iceman
leave any?
Wife—He' left plenty, but that new
girl has been keeping the refrigerator
open all day to cool off the kitchen.
A Clear, Healthy Skin.—Eruptions of
the skin and the blotches which blemish
beautyeare the result of impure blood
caused by unhealthy action of the Liver
end Kidneys. In correcting this un-
healthy action and restoring the organs '
to their normal condition, Parinelee'e
Vegetable Pills will at the same tune
cleanse the blood, and the blotches and
eruptions will disappear without leaving
any trace.
What Did She Mean?
Slowboy—I am going to kiss you to-
night when I go.
'Miss Willing --Don't you think it
time you were going?
Prevent, Dieorder,---Arthe first symp-
toms of internal damelera permeleeM
Vegetable Pills should bo reeorted to im-
mediately, Two or three of these salu-
tary pellets, teken before going to bed,
followed by do 115 of one or two.pille 155
two or three nights in succession, will
serve as a areventivo of attacks of dys-
pepsia and ell,the discomforts which fol-
low in the main of that, fell disorder.
Tlie means tua simplb whee the way is
ktiown. '
AA) orla Case.
She—Yee, that is May Jelmin.os.
u ch a peculiar girl, mainma.
Mamina,—In svhat respect?
She ---Why, she broke on! an engageenent le3cattse ni.other was opposed
Millard's Liniment S211PCS' Coldss, Etc,
A Barfr,ain.
May --How on eartb did you, came
to accept iiiifl
Fay—Oh, he looked so cheap when
he proposed I couldn't help taking
AVENUE HOUSE mcG"1-°°'1°g°
—Family lintel rates .2,31.54
per clay.
Rotel Balm At
or al Mon"treal. Free Bus.
P. easo na 11P. 1 as.
CATHoLic Dinivrn Books, _Unsay i os,
Pi Se;ipularri.
V1,112210119 Pictures. Statuary and Church Ores-,
litettts, Etilleabional Works, Mail ordel a receive
prom ut rUtontion. ,.J ictis, Jr, Cm, Man trl1.
Ni. 'NVINOVI'S SOOTI71,77,0 SYRIJ:P bag been
Ibe ooftens the gums, allays pain. Gurea,wirid
nSa. bY renther for their ell; Wren teething,. soo hes
1515, and the best. remedyler illarrhooa. 9.5c,a bottle.
Sala hy all arnggista throughout 5551 1305111 Po sum
awl '3,558, Wins' ow'Is Soothing Fiyia,E,„::„..,47..
STOP PED FREE. Permanent,
13' - tuterl. 111s. 1511085 35551151
0505011 blhSSPQitOU, j' ISYS 5355
Fits or uervousinra alter first day's use.
Teeatiee, uid 112 trial bottle se,nt
tlimugh Csatadtan. AaanCy rIta8 tO nit pa len t
thoy payi express eaarges only when receive d
send to pr ne, m.6 gt., ,tagio a
ealidP ter
Of 'Ipit•
Are Undoubtedly THE LIEST.
Testimonials from 4 cheinistS, 110 triedols,i
diblerrias lim most waole,.orne • bevefages,
11:;commentle1 by Physicists. Vor eale evere.
Mutually Careful.
"Bobby, you muStn' t play with that
little Dickey Tones, he isn't it good
All right, 11101 I cini't play with
him anyway; (bat 's what his mdther
told him about nse,"
biniment Enres (target in cows
T. N. 11.
IN THE W09140.