HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-8-30, Page 5THE • eXiettt b1,0,cate IS plablishod. every ThursdayaAforuiar t the Office '1 , 1 MAIN -STREET? -- xETT.t. ----By the—s---. - ADVOCATE- PUBL. I SI -I I NG COMPANY •TEAMS CP SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per a,nnuni if paid in Ad.vance rill1a7r0 if not so paid,. .24.a-zerti%ixa.e. ',c -,..tom cz-5. t1.ox-J. ___........ „ No per discontinued until allarre rage are paid. Advertisements without syriciflc directions will bo published till forbid and charged, accordingly, Liberal discountroade for trarrscient advertisements inserted ±02' long periods. Every description of J013 PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderato rates. Cheques, money ord.- ere , &e.for advertising, subscriptions ,eto .t o be made payable to Chas. II. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP NIANNI......6•1016110116.0.7111.3.1.1114,01 profesional il? avds. - 31. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. ID, S., Honor ' ATP graduate of Toronto University, • ' DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain; or any bad effects. Officein Fanson''s Blook, west side Main Street, Exeter, ' -1-vi.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(1).D.S.,L,D,S..,) .11_, ' honOrs Graduate of the Toronto 'Lim- rsiti7 and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date, Oflice over Elliot & Elliot's law office --opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. , .cemmeownwaAvampaanoasuartawrsuauu. ' notlical Da.T.P. 'McLAUG-HLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and.Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and-Aocouch- our. Office, -Dashwood, Ont. ti egal. TIICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, -1--, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, et. Money to loan at 5 and 514, per cent. Office Fanson's Block, Main St., L'xeter. (A member of the firm will be iat Hensall on Thursday of each weelc.) I. R. 04,artizzO, B. A.. L. R. Dicssorr. , L'il W. Q-L0PMAN,.(successor to Elliot & a . (5-ladman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. • Auctioneers H. BOASIAS1NonBRar POI; ii/Glol'uann4BF?Miliz-lrinL. ieVasiee's1 promptly attendedto, and charges moder- ate, Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. 13 .BROWN, Winchels ea,. Licensed Allot - _kJ. iorteer for the Counties of Forth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne gales promptly attended to and terms rea- Aoiibale.Sales arranged at Post office.Win- shelsca, tawswalimaxs.assaimat illStirallee. ELLIOT. • Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter Alk.30..c..)dtr.Am zflitcs..tc.li ,, th i ., ? s • '11 ? S IS Fr )1 1 i i 1 , ] ( 1 IT -Pd .FILT AY.S 11 1 To read the big stores vertisement.s. ._ il.Ar STOP! TtlINK 1 , • -,,; For whose -good are we elq the furniture business? , 411 yours and ours. If we are 1 -useful to you we cailhot be use- ful to ourselves. We have to carry the goods you want. the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have beep doing • business right along for years, , which proves that we are ci right kind of people with • 71, .right prices. Come and see 15 yourself.... • a . .it U ci k' Furrn ure. n erta ing OPERA HOUSE BLOCK 1 ac I. in For not got at the the for ra • 1 nrSiir'C4FNAT.3gr .V. ( Th'e M&sois Bank. , (Chartered byParliament, 1855.) -4 Paid up Capital—, , ........$2,500,000. Rest Funcl ... , ............. , .1,625,000 , Haad office Montreal, T. 1VOLFERSTAN THOMAS„ Esq., GENVR,AL MANAGE:Ilk. c 1 ' ,41S`'1,4ney advanced to good Farmers on i Weir own notes with 011O Or TO.Ore endorSere kit 7 per cent, per annum. ---,EXETER 13RANCII— •t /pen every lawful day from 10 a.rn. to 3 I 5, ; Saturdays 10 a.M. to 1 p .. .m, ' 1 '1. gencn4a1 banking, lmsine.Sstr ansacted. CURRENT RATES allowed for inoney on )eposit :Receipts. Savings Bank at 3%, t , )reksoN & 0,111LXN0, N.1D.HrinneN; ... (- Soliei tors. • Manager, 9 I' ---- ..§naitli : Mr. John Robb, ,of a `"' "snciession, of Tuckers/Pith,' t b. s 1,141`;ifill12. -.t.',c...ers for the neat, I; elm of' $3,000. Mr. Wm. Dale, Of the i Raton Road, '.Pitekersini,tim sold 134: r tei.,,iis at $1,90 per hundred. Both lots t ifetie very superior'imttle, ancl were t linThased by Mr. IIettie, of. MitCho'll b •ANZSMIZei,??,r0OVIOIEltiEr • ' 4 CUII4 ALL YOLIII PA1315 MTh .. : SI 0. I n _.%, i., "4,, ilier • 3. A Al 411) si5 Qui•z•l: Ilurelor 00 Chest In Itself. 111,0P.6-10A,COUG.t1,S, C.'a' n3, NE:tin:AE.0M: P • f2.5 srttl t0 1 rst nOtt1,7:3,, 5 siEwARE. dr IMITATiONS. ,t71 BUY ONLY GE.NUiNs.P PtrY DAV511 IS' , Why let all your neigh- labrs and friends think you must be twenty years older than you • are? Yet it's impossible to look young with the color of 70 years in the hair. It's sad to see young persons look prematurely old in this ,way. Sad be- cause it's all unneces- sary; for gray hair may always be re- stored to its n a t - u r a 1 color b y tt s- ing ----, For over half a cen- tury this has been the standard hair prepara- tion. It is an elegant dressing; stops fall- ing of the hair; makes the hair grow; and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. $1,00 a bottle. Ali druggists. I Laye been using Ayer's Hair Vigor for over 20 years and I can heat tlly reeonarnenotili. to the public as the best hair tonic in existence." Mrs. G. L. ALnEstaot,t, April 24,1899. Ec tor, Tex. If yeti do not obtain all the benefits you expected fs•ona t.adrVeisgso,r' vaite ths Doctor bout it, DR. J. C, AVER, Lowell, Masa. HORSEMEN TRADE NARK AUSTIC BALSAM EUREKA VETINARY. A reliable remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavin, Nteoney, .14itherieSa freely any .eause, Min Sore Throat n Horses, and Lump .Tati° in. Cattle:, See Pamphlet atisfaction •Marrinteed i4A1VOrbgei5ts 'and general tcrekeepersleep it. Prepared by , EUREKA. VETERINARY MEDICINE .Co. 'LONDON, ONTARIO. IL I--1ICICS EPAIRING f you want your Repairing well done go to R. I-holes—Watches, Clocks and jewelry a specialty. IARRIAGE LICENSE Marriage Licenses issuedandWed- diugRings always on hand. Fanson's Block, Exeter. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) heat per bushel ' .. 70 to 71 ?lour, • • • 1.85 to 2.00 arloy - 35 to 40 )ate 27 to 28 eas 55 to 60 utter 15 to 16 gg,s 11 otatoes per bag 40 ay per ton 7.00 to 800 ried Apples per lb 'urkeys . 8 to 2 iiielzen• ... - 5e lb • . -lucks eese ........ ..... ...„ ....... 4 40 to 45 itnothy .. 1 2590 1 50 lover .450 to no Blyth: About half -past five o'clock Vednesday morning our village was isited by a most disastrous fire, when fr. Blain Livingston's electric light tation, together with his saw mill licl heading and handle factory were estroyed. The buildings were an asy prey for the fire, and although he firemen were promptly on hand, t had by that time got beyond their ontrol, and they had to Confine their ttention'to saving the large quanti- ies of linnher and heading which were iled in the yard. By hard work they ntnaged to confine the fire to the nildings and thus affected a consider- ble, saving. The dynamos in the leetric light station were also des- royed and our town will now be in arkness for some time. Mr. 'Living - ton's loss will be heavy and will also e felt by many in the village, as he mployed 0 lar,Pe nuMber of hands. he cause of Lbeafire is a mystery. We ave not learned what Mr. Livingston itends doing, but we trusb'. he will elmild again. Blyth has been unfor- te of late i31. the way of fires, as iS is the second disastrous one we ave had within the past few months. 'orgrigEtWasisa,"223=4200 D aft .Stop taking Scott's Emulsion i,e- cause it's warm weather. Keep taking it until you are I cured. It will heal your lungs and giVe you rich blood in sum- mer as in winter. It's cod liver oil made easy. 504, and $ I. Al! drugesm. • ,--,:a.....,„--40illm, ,r3tri, ,,,......, , • ,u.,,,,,,,4,,4.40w,46 ...me. , ' ,•,:." 774.T. 8Elfilf. many of Them Were Paraded at Where He Met Buil French Quebep City and Paid Off. and Poe -Crew, Ae Soon as PossibleiThereafter Thiry Lcft For Their Respective Rome Distric 1101ere tho Rattle Scarred. 'Veterans the NVar In South :Africa Win 13e 'Given a Croat 114lt:option by tocal Militia and 'Their° Friends, Quebec, Aug, 27.—The 111311 W40 have returned frau, South Africa 1101e paraded. here SaturdaT morning to 140 paid oh and sent to tncif own. districts. Some 1(.4ft for their 1iom.6s the same night and the re - mai ndex 0/1 Silliday. 1130 ill ex- cellent health.., The. Western Ontario men in the party are:, Sergt.,'-wilioughby, 'Toron- to; Pte. MeGiveriil, Ptes. 'Kennedy, Hewitt, , Usher, Vickers, Church, Coggins, all of Toronto; Branton, Aurora"; Noble, Brant,f or 41; :Preston, Niagara Falls: McCosh, Ortl- 1i; Callaghan, .Barrie; Burkhart, Cunningham,' Milton.; Patton, Windsor. , They klave Some Complaints. • •AfanY soldiers ha,ye grievances against °Riders, and when thny get„ ,their dischargeand freedom , from military control ,they will speak out:. ,Sonte are freely criticising 'the hospi- tals and other arrangements,' but many who are silent now will speak strongly later oil. There Is No Place Like Borne. 'Lieut. -Col. Vidal of the 15.ea,,dO,Uar ters Staff, '0 ttawa, and Maier Pages, in command of NO, 5 Regimental De- pot, Quebec, expect to emnoLete to- day the pay and d ischarge' of . th e invalided troops. They have so far paid and discharged some fifty-five of the one hundred arid twenty. This detachment of fifty-five soldiers is composed of the Toronto., Montreal and' Ottawa men. They were' sent, home by' the, Grand Trunk Railway train at 2.,30 o'clock yesterday after - 00011. Great Welcome' ttt Montreal, Aurr. ‘27.--0reat crowdss, geeeted the Montileal boyS when they ,arrived last evening at Bonavenfure Depot, 50 hien from each city , with bands, being also present, - under Lieut, -Col, Labelle. The re= turned contingent marched between the lines and. tile 3011010 body proceed- ed up Windsor street to St. Catharbie street, and along St. Catharine to St. Lawrence, down the Main Street to Craig, thence to the Drill The streets throagh . which the sol- diers passed were crowded with peo- ple, and the wdlcome was Most- en- thusiastic. . , iterieni en. Toronto. - Toronto e Aug-. .27.—Se-ven-f1fteen this morning will probably w;itness the arrival of several of Toronto's Tommy • Atkins' , from South, Africa, viz.: Ptes. .Tames Kennedy' newi.tt J. F. H. tissher, .Vickers R. Church, Coggins, .0. LLilhr W. M. Vandewater and 3. A. Kitchen. 01.11- 00.5 11110', are expected are: Pte. -Mc- iverin, nannlion; Rte. S. G. Brun: .• ton, Aurora; ' Pte. Noble, Brantford; Pte. Preston, Niagara Falls; Pte. McCOsh, Pte. Callaghan; Bax- rie: Pte, 13urlihart, Delhi; Pte. Dun-, ingham, 'Vinton; Pte. ,paddon, Wind- sor. Quite a number of people froni out of town -who are personal friends of the men, are in the eity awaiting their arrival. , The Queen's Own Rifle sare arranging a formal recep- tion for all Of their members, who have returned, arid they will -vc.,0100u113e the boys of other regiment's, too. In all the elimentary circles arronge- inents are being inade,to receive their 'boys formally 'and a number of in- teresting events are in sight. ttaw°a,t,liclAlti'gr711'2157.°1'In,loni%. .Strath- cona reports the following as sail- ing by the Tunisian on' Thursday last for. Quebec: , Sdrgt. Corp. Wallace, Ptes. Mackie, Gracia, Darbe4 El10 90, Padmore,. Mantirf, Booking, Gamble, Condby, , Ciithbert; O'Brien and Dangerfield, Corp. Wal- lace, "G" Co.; Barber, ."D" Battery; Pa,dmore, ''D" Co.; Condey (possib- ly Contey)., "Fil Co. , The following Canadians have been invalided from' South Africa to Eng- land. Canadian Mounted Rifles, 1st Bat- talion ---1.56, Pte. H. 0. Hussars. Second Battalion-109Tpr. C. E. Fisk of Calgary; 307, Tpr. A. Spread - bury, , Brigade Division Of Field Artil- lery—D Pield Battery --320, Sergt. J. Barnhill, 6011 Field Battery; 208, Gr. S. W. Barber, 300 hneginient; 260, Dr., j, Gervan (no corps). „ E Field Battery ---96, Go. W. IlIc- l(siight, 7n0 corps); 407, Go. F. 0. Brewer, 10th Field Battery,. , Strathcona Horse—No. 627, Tr. W.' Smith, (no corps).. oiLniatal.n To PRE,TonzA. Royal Canadian ne;Iment Was at Mat- • ' gersdorP on August 22. Ottawa, Aug. 27.—The following - despatch reached the Militia De-, partment on Sa.turday morning Ironi Lic.ut . -Col . 0 t ter , comnann d g firs Canadi an con Lingelit: ,Tollannesburg, Aug. tal- Ion. reached Krugersclorp 22n11, after three weeks' 4.4iarehing, only 450 strong. Ordered to Pretoria. Mac- doriell released.• . ``?(Sgcl. ) Otter," SENT DAcit TO SOUTH 'AFRICA. Two Canadians, Pte. Andrew's and Pte. Holland, Havc Returned. Lon clon, Aug. 27.—An unusual a n - noun comen L was inside at • the ; War Office yesterday regailding memberS 00 the Floyal Canadian Reginien t of' In- fantry who had been invalided to tiilglallil fro011 the il)a.ttlefields Srouth Africa, It was to the eil'oet Dat rte. Fr. Anorews, formerly of Oho 5111 1 egi 1116. nt nt 511150113011 kr 9 31 - levy told a member of A Company, and Pte. NV, C. S, Holland of C ( - 'PadY, 'formorlY , of the 7'7th Went - r.1 Everything Is Now In neadluess 10011 th Al ranee Against „BoLlta'S FOrOOS StelIr UttillintOdOrp—I'vvo Companies el Liv- • OrPOOls Walked Info a Trap—Ten 14311- re1'13'-141,443 Wounded. Iota y - 'Ewe nissimg—Exectitlon Cottlust. ° Gape TOWil, 10.14. 26. ---Lord Rob- erts arri vo d yestertiny at Belfast, a few miles west of, Ma eh 11(311001); where he 11100 9331' Recivers 131111er, Gen. French and (ilea. llole-Carew. Everything is Roy.' 111 readiness for 'the advance. The military centre of interes't hns been transferred to the east and Na- tal. The object of the movement 01 Lolid Roberts, (feu. Buller, fa: - Carew and Gen, French is Supposed to. be to surround the Doers and pre- vent their retreat toward :Lydon,- ' burg. .EXECUTION OF CORDUA. The Plotter Against the British Met BiS Death Bravely in the jail Yard at Pretoria., Pretoria,, Aug, 24.—Lieut. Cord -it a was tried on charges of being impli- cceartsedallind tahb;iiii)clottLtoordkinlloBberii:ttiss,li. oanald- w ho was convicted by a court presid- ed over by judge 0.o5lfrey, was shot, in accordance wit1i the sentence, this morning. Tbe ex -Tr ansi va,a1 °the er w aS warned last night that the son- tanee would be carried otit to -day. A chaplain visited him and remained .in the' cell all night. 40 7 o'clock this morning, Cordite. was marched to the place of execit- ti..on, which was in the garden of the jail. Cant. Barchard had charge of the firing party ' of ten men. The prisoner walked to the Place assigned, hlin lmaided. He was hot bound and he sat in a, chair 'with his arms folded, facing the garden -wall. Ile wascool and brave. The ward - t him. The 0 ff c er ordered the ,firing party to take up their arms for volley. ',Ilhon came the other neces- sary_ orders, and finally the one Lc firo Cordua, .who had ariSen, fell dead. Ten bullets struck him. Ile was 'buried close by. The only per- sons present at the execution were (leu, Ma,xwell, 0o1. Maxse, the ,ehap- lain, a Surgeon , and the firing party. can it a British Blunder, Paris, Aug. 27. --The news of the ,execation of Lieut. Cordua at Pre- toria has had a bad effect Imre. Lt 'is generally recerved with execration of the English, -while thoughtful per- sons say it -was one of -450 s tupidest blunder s committed by G.reat Britain in South Africa. Says :Roberts Is Bloodthirsty. • Brussels, Aug, 27.—Most of the Belgian newspapers comment yester- day on the execution of Lieut. Cor - dila for; plotting the seizure of Field Miarshai Lord Roberts. The majer- ityi exfpresS deep resentment, saying that the, British commander-in-chief of the forces' in, South Africa is be- comine• both crazy and bloodthirsty, WALKED INTO A TRAP. Ten TlIen.Were and Capt. Home and Forty -Five Wounded—Lord Roberts Loaves Plietoria. London, Aug. 27. ---Lord Roberts has left Pretoria and has fixed his headquarters at Wonderf on tein,thei second • station weSi; of Machado- dorp, where' the bulk of the Doers in arms are supposed to be. Wiring from there Aug. 24, he says: 'Buller reports ,that Boers laid a trap for his cavalry Aug-. 23, open- ing with several g,-uns,. at 'fairly short range. The English: guns silenced the Boers, but when the firing ceas- ed and the Pickets were being placed for the night by some mistalre two companies of the Liverpool regiment advanced 1,500 yards into a hollow', out of sight of the main body, where they were surrounded by the Boers and suffered severely," The Liverpools lost 10 men killed and CaPtaia Plomer and 45 wound- ed. 1*.n addition, they had 82 men missin • General Duller's other ca.sualties Aug. 23 were 20 men killed, wound-. ed or missiag. Lord Roberts also wires that en - ern]. Pole -Carew 'occupied Belfast, near Mach ado d orp , Aug.' 24, with- out opposition. General French, 1..vith four brigades of cavalry, is moving east of .Macha- dodorp, The despatch of the British 00ill- ,mandor-in-chicf in South, Af flea also says: • , "There is a welcome green over the veldt, which 1 hope means tha our riding- and transport 11111mal:1i will get grazing shortly. They have fared badly of late," A TRAITOR WAS, CAPTURED. , Chemist Caught, in a British Ambulance With Depatches For Boers.. Fretoria,, Aug. 25. --Klee, a Jo- hannesburg chemist, . 'WAS arrested at a point about eight 1118100 towar d S "Mosel e katze 'Nek to -day. Re was traveling in one of .the British am- bulances. ... He told the driver that he „belonged.. to .loberts' Horse, 'that.boe had ,been sickand, had just been dis- , charged from the hospital, and that he was anxious' 00 rej in his ' Ilo wa9 dre85ed in .1r1saki uniform and 18 despatches for She 'Boers were found on. his person.He was on his way to. See Commandant r bl er, when arrested,' The affair is regarded as very seri.-' ous and' the notice are concealing the, details, The prisoner admitted that he bought tile Bri IASI/ uniioral for 4n Shillings, and 5 dA d he Would make, a clean breast of the whole affair. Itele Boers raked the Bei lisho Icrugo'sc1,6r1),. Aug. '25.—COmmand,- , arice Del arey appeared yesterday -be, fore Bank Station with 0 large 'foree 15-1111 ,suotiiaione(1 tie 411111 )011 conilnand- ed by Lord Alneinarie to surreilcier'. garriosn refused. isa the Cai:141-0L1i31,age 01 18 a ruse nd crosscut tile rivc'f' 0911191110 vorkikk4e44...s1334013u9c..5 Iniposoit, jollantuiS1J1-Lrg, 099., 391911 Co itrt, 05 wli1cto 31ajor 01313001 is presidciff, has tried 27,2 (RISOS last June. Folirteeti (41 these 1000.54 for inurdet•, eight for criminal as"- snult and 4.0, for , colicealinellt of 013'0Th. In the case ,of a Ka -111r, 'con - victor" of assaulting a 130e/' 3001110.31; the death sentence vlas pronoyilced on 111.011(iLly. Lord liolierts conlii•na- ed tfle 13e1)901100 yesturcIL-ty and the, 111003 stlot tills morning,' ' was 10:3151'oruigz,Iiiii•Inty(p00111 ei)eti:ellaa,‘:;).i),.11g‘1,;11.1i1t3) oath of , in oblleeting par- ties of burgliO.DS and ileadinE,, theilt (>1,rbSiCle the military lines ovl, ere they coidd join the 13oer com;nandoesi, 1051,8 sentenced yesterday to sevell years inipriSoniiiant. 11110 11101' Charge aga.inst 111111 itraS (Slat 'he furilisilecl the 13oer 00111101111(10(9 with provis- .' 'ini1ieit'll161'.1;;P.6 seive Theen- forcing the ia \‘., and the sentences inl- ,riosed are 3503' severe. ()ne goocl effect of 14:.iis is that the illicit liquors trade IraS 1)een alinost entirely 'ex-, tinguisheO. WORSE THAN DEATH, onaAlt.3„1"aiit.aIlechis, 1)110 t 0,iun King RuMbert of Italy. ( punislani.cnt ac14!:e°1. Dres Aug. 21577-i-CTOi!SI 1 -Te 11111 yi,evifablj, be condemned. to Penal servitude for life, .aggra- V-ated by 10 years of solitary con- ihiement. 0 man condenined tb this', punishment, before being Placed in ,cell, is shut up in the "secret call," about six feet long by three, wide, and half -lighted. A few inches above the floor is a plank about half a yard wide and slightly. which serves as a bed. The food is bread and water, passed thr °ugh. the littlewindow called the 53'55'' by by the jailer, the door being always kept rigorously closed. The prison- er' is condemned, to absolute silence; if he breaks Aho rule he is subjected, to other punishineuts, namely, the straight -waistcoat, irons and straight -bed. 0 prisoner who at- tempts his 01\'il life in any way is lint into the straight -waistcoat, and, at night in 0 sort of sack, in which he cannot move. lArhen the prisoner has suffered the punislunent of the "secret cell" for longer or shorter time, he .is re- movecl to the' cell where he must 're- main for ten year. Its size depends on the, ,construction of the' whole prison. These' cells are lighted only from the corridor, and are generally about, 03100 yards square, - The bed is the usual plank, and bread ancl water the food. In winter, a single blanket is allowed at night. Siderite is still enjoined. The only conces- sion is the door being opened 11 iew inches. The foocl 10 given only once in the , 24 hours. If the prisoner is sick the doetor can have him remov- ed to ' the prison infirmary, where he is , kept • in a separate chamber. Prisoners in solitary confinement may neith- er read, write, smoke. nor -work. They- are, condemned to. absolute 'idle- ness and Absolute silence. Very few complete their sentences,-- they either o macl or die. Tlie' extra punishment in ;the "irons' ' is 'terrible. The handenfis are joined by chains to similar rings o11 the ankles. The priS oiler is seat= ect on a bench, the shape „of an ass' back. At, night, :Still in. irons, he. can lie on. his hack., The l`stralghtll bed is a strong- webden case resemb- ling a coffin without ,a, lid. 036 00 foot the sufferer's. feet • are fa.stened in a kind of stocks, .s.6 that the' legs can- not be moved,' while the arms confined by the- straight:waistcoat. 'Unless by Order of the Governor, :the prisoner _nia.y not be .-moved , and,: his jailerhas to feed him. : This nim- ishment is exercised onlY on soMe desperate % rebel. Sit' Charles Tupper at Bialifax. Halifax, N. S., Aug, 27.—Sir Charles Tupper' arrived,: in Halifax at 4 o'clock on Saturday by .01:10 time Express from Amherst, and was driven to th e Halifax Hotel by Mayor lIamilton and Ald: 13 offers, chairman of ther,Gard.ens Connuission, whose guest he 'Will be during his stay .in .Hall fax. Later he drove to the residence his son-in-ln,W,.. Ma=jor-GCam.eron;, where "he' 'spent Sunday. Dr, SOe3vart, an 'eminent physician,' iwas Tailed 'in to 'see 8i.r Charles, and expofAsi to have him, oh his, feet lry Tuesday; , when he will peak in the. evening at a patriotic, concert in honor af the, returtv..of the South African contingent. :Wolfe Was Drowned. Buffalo, Aug.' 27. --John V. Wolfe, a motorman in the employ of the Buffal o Railroad Co., attempted a long-distance swim here •j'esterday af- ternoon, arid early in the effort was seized with a crainp which cost him his life. Two', comrades made des- perate' efforts, to save hinl and theni- selves narrowly es(3aped drowning. 01111 V, Wolfe, the deceased, was 23 years of age, and prior to coming to this city about three months ago W38 0)0003011 by the Toronto Railway Company. Ai, that time he lived with his' brother Richard Wolfe at 14 Watkins avenue. Toronto. His pa- rents reside at Mount, Wolfe, Card- well County, Ontario. 11,1r. Geo. Tax Is illissing. • Ttatuiltop, Aug. 27—Tho detective clei,itrtmetit lias been notified that. (400. Fox, ec)llector for tile Afar.,,cie„ Walton Inc Compan)', lias been 111 iSS- ing since last Tucsda,y, 1153sadount are all right, ono it is stispect,ed he lies either /net 11i911 foul ifiay or an accident, 151)8 10 clothes and • be1cyriii.- 11148 aee 111 lais ro()In 011 Merrick street, just as he left 9110131 Ilir, 103 is about 133 yearS of age, and Nvilim last seen 011 Tuesday evening lie wore it suit; DO NOT nur 9101 a question that most .Interest you. B twe you, your NeV4 Suit " not, drop.in' 'and see ' as at the lst opportunity and let 02 1311011 you a few priceS of , the Fancy, 1Vore,stedS' and Scotch. ‘.041 seen tile leNv Siopies and pittlerlis. Thoy , , are oeauties, A hIg rsuigo of Blues and Black, Irisk 3erges at the old prices. you want a 1410 ek We 11a00,Thilitt yOU want in Twills Venetians and Clays. OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, Meltims Curls, Naps and INIontanacts., All weak done in the latest style and fit gunranteed. GRIEVE Opposite Post Office Snell s,• -fir COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Aawkslaaw'S Hotel, or at'\tlie Likrery Stable, ChriSties old Staid• , will reeeiye prompt at- tention. rrall epho Ternasileasonable Con-ceetion '0ABLOJID . • • Yes,,we havejust received another carloa6 of farniture. AYhiph when added to our already fine stock we can supply' the latest. most hand- some and cheapest thin 0.s. ou'' the Miarket. TIIESTOOR. • We have the Stock—you have the money—we want to trade, and if it is furniture y011 WailtI it will pay you well to drop hi and see our dandy line before purchasing else- where. We have the largest and best assort:d stook in town. T•1,. ROWE FOR FIRST CL&SS BEEF, LAMI3, PORK, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRESzED TONGUE, CORNED BEEF; SALT. FRESII OR SMOKED MEATS, Can at ,The Family Butcher Shop. One door North 01 5, Pickard.'s st3re. LOUIS DAY • Proprietor. THE LEADING MEAT' NIARKET. 'Poi -Fresh, ,olooa and the choisest cuts of meat; call on the undersigned. While all LoUrcuts of Meat are the finest we make a specifilty of ine.4.t •• delicacies, neat delivered to all Darts of, the • towla . John Manning Kippen: Mr. W. M. Doig has rent- ed his farm for a term of years to Sohn Strong„ of Tockersmith. Strong gots full possessicm in March `ruckersmith: Mr, F', Coleimin Inns disposed of the old Caniphell farm, on the 251d concession to his son, Thomas, who intends inavi'ng 001 1.0 29 ttdS fall. Woodham: Mr. John Skinner has sold his Inmse and lot to Mr. Willfain Stephens, jr., and tifts pritelm,scd, fifty acres of 1itnd from .Mr. Thos, rather- inghatn, Sth line. Sefiforill: At three o'clock T1113317 day ilflernoon fire was discovered in the, frame stable owned by Archibald Scott and eeenpied by T. R. F. Case. 13oth 6s ildings and contents fire a total loss, ineltiding two horses be- longing to "gr. Case, one of which was 1tssi L. .938 vnyining Inure. No „it/ranee, Origin of hie unimown, , .1