HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-8-30, Page 4ee" Lk, sander, Editor an Prop , THURSDAY AlIOUST 30 1900 Another political drama •proinieing to eelipse all previous eveitts tO be pot on the boaocI in. tins Riding of North 31iddleeex soon, and froin accounta there will 110 meny take part in carrying it to a, $.1,1cces,qal (00 otheig wise) issue. We refer to the anpoint- inent of the celleus enutnerators for the Village ofExeter whiell is in the gift of the Reform regime at Ottawa and ab the disposal of our present member, it. Ratz, ef Khiva. less the. will be many applicants but only two can shaee in the rich_ spoils - It is a. "fat thing" and the person hay. ing the proper pull will be well paid for their troable. The last drama, the appointment of the Exeter postmaster, was an interesting one and this prom- ises equal eeselts. The disfavored and disappointed candidates in the last frikas should be on deck, get their tic- kets early, hal'IleSS their nags and wend their way to the scene of the ariena—Khiva's theispot. Rain or shine the performance will take place. .111E'xi..A7NESS 12VT 1 01; 'TICS. We have some pretty mean and loyal politieians in Canada if party papers are to be believed, from what 'we hear about smite Pa cal members of the Imperial Ilouse Commons our traitors do not coh John °Walton, of Michigan, was one tillle a name to make a. Canad sick of his conutry. But he alw: knew how to deny the charges a WaS never fairly caught. And wl the time came for stump speaking one could roll the word "Briton" m musicelly than the said jehn, said a ' to wear the name of the swamp infe ed, fever stricken state. John of t said state was believed to divert t Yankee tariff campaign against Ca ,- ada in the interests of the Liber party. But whether the Yankee f lowed his. advice or not his host tariffbas been a gooci thing for Ca ado mid the Imperial chain. •Te know through it our own -greatue and we know that our best fried „ commercially,as well as politieallyah been. and will be the old. Mother Ian known also as John Bull. Therefo thanks brothel: Jonathan and thaul also John Charlton, '13`f Michigan. B in Eogland, or rather Scotland the have produced a man, the Radic naember for Caithness, who has 'Atli ioyeriteppdethe bounds. Among th papers seized in Pretovia are certa letter's mitten b3- the said member i which he advises Kruger before th war began to seize the passes. B cause these passes were seized and n ed as bases for attack and defence th graves of British dead at Colenso Spion Ken and the Tugela are deepe and longer than they would otherwie have been. More British women wea crape and more British homes are sad it is not to be wondered at then, tha the constituents of the said Radic• a n member were very angry and tha they tried to lynch the men who ha • given the advice. They thought, w • presume, that another grave and t little more crape were needed to right ly finish the picture. Certainly the had good cause for deer) anger. An we may also conclude that the career of the said Radical member has run it --course in the House of Commons anc ,as one friends (or perhaps foes) the French say "the incident is closed." A mean feature of Canadian politics developes in the North Riding of Bruce, where the Liberals are opposing the -present member, Mr. Alexander Mc- Neil- Mr. McNeil has been member.' for four parliaments and a more exem- plary member Canada has never pro- . duced. A courteous Irish gentleman, an, a finished scholar, a burning patriot and an orator of the first order, Can- ada cannot afford to lose Mr. McNeil. He has proclaimed again and again to his friends before an election that there is no d isgrace in being beatembut much in being unseated for corrupt plebe- ticee. Standing trials after every con- test he has never been unseated yet. He it was who held. with electric still- ness and thrilled with rapturous tip-, plause one of the largest gasthering's ever assembled in Treariontai-a'S hepaint- ed the pinbaregilfathe greatness of Bei- ., ajselai'CfiGada. After one Of his address- __ --- ---•''' _ es in England a prominentman observ- ed that if Canada had many members such as he, her parliament need not fear comparison with that of West minster. Nob a rich man, yet he gave one thousand dollars .- to the patriotic fund. A •Conservative, yet 'voting more than once against) COliservative governments, when he thought ahem in the wrong. The mean feature in the contest is that Mr. _IVIcNeil is being opposed by a young druggist, who oace supported him and Bwhose libera- ain never developed until Mr. .MeNeil failed to get hi iii a govelin men t posi, Odin having secared one for hie bleth- er and the Conservatives then in 1)0W - Or littd. 00i7 One for each family'. Sure- ly North bruce will send such a man • to theaighleabont and it evil] be a loss and 11 disgrace to Canada if they do clis- o ur but of nt. at iota tys 1011no ore iso st- he -lie 0 - al 01- H.& 11- SS id 1'15 d, PC lit al, er iu• s- 1 • , . , 0 tNj CO3ZMEYTS Thy‘ worst of 11000 11111i: iO nOt., thttt 10 0 few extra:elle eiteee it command - ranee (wee so dailgeroueo cuseasa ae avphoid, but thnt iu b undeeds of homee it eives poor value and ;areas the health And vitality of hundeeds of children, )vito do not fall ill, but \rho are none the less suffeeees in their eonstitations and vigor, in many eases Per tua nonily, --O t t a wa Journal. • Ennis that intend to confine their busineee operatione to OtliarIQ this fall, should do well. The lateet re- porte, of the crops in this pro Yin ee Bre splendid. The yield of wheat, coarse grain s has been \yell up to the high- est expectations. Telegraphic.; re - polite from twenty-six points in this peoviece at the beginuing of week were 11 na nimo Lisa y £avorable. —Bra streets. The Conservatives of :West Huron will meet August 81st, to nominate a candidate for the Dominion House. It is generally understood that Robert McLean will be chosen without oppoei- tion. Mr. _Niel:eau was cheated out of the seat by the Grit machine at the last election, but experience brings wisdom, and some new kind of ras- cality will have to be devised, or the present member, Robert Holmes, .will eoon be once more a private citizen.— Mail and Empire. 4. Liberal general welr versed in party matters, stated to the London Free Pies s the other day that a "satv off" had been, arranged in the pros tested election cases of South On- tario and East :Middlesex. It has been pretty generally 'understood_ that the Liberals did not intend to press the charges brought in the. East Middlesex case,as, in any event should they be able to prove any discrepancy in election methods—and they strong- ly doubted their ability in this re- gard—the popularity of Capt. Rob_ son would certainly again return that able representative of the riding SOUTH PERTH. Mitchell, Ont.. Ang. 28.—The Liber- al convention for South Perth met at Mitchell this afternoon, President Ryan in the chair. D. K. Erb, the present representative, was tendered the 110 mination. There was 'flo other nominatiou, and in a brief speech Mr. Erb declared his acceptance, and thank- ed the delegates for their confidence in him.Speeches were also:made by Dr. Landerkin, M.P., East Grey; J. M. Clark, Toronto; Mr. Goetz, Liberal candidate for North Perth, and Valen- tine Stack, defeated Liberal candidate at the last election for the Legislature. The meeting adjourned after passing the useal votes of confidence. A Thousand Tongues. could not express the, rapture of Annie E. Springer of Philadelphia, Pa. when Dr. Kings New Discovery cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. She says: "After all other remedies and doctors failed, it soon removed, the pain in the chest and I can now sleep sonndly-, something I can scarcely re- member dothg before. I feel like soun ft- ing- its praises throughout the Uni- verse." Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the Throat, Chest or Lungs, Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. North Middlesex. „ ! Ansa uraig, Aug. 28.—A convention of the Liberals of the North Riding of _Middlesex was held:here to -clay for the transaction of businees, but chiefly to select a candidate for the coming elec- tions. About, one hundred and fifty delegates Were present from.. different parts ofthe riding: W. M. Lewis, ef Ovediton, President of the North, Mid= d leeex . Liberal Assojt,jon, Occupied the chair; .and after sonie :preliminary business, called for nominations :for 'a candidate, Mr. V. Rata, . the present inember for this riding; was the:unani- Mbes Choice of the couvention ardid Lunch enthusiasin. Mr. Ratz accepted the nonaination in a speech of about three quarters of an hbutr.... Speeches were then given by W. H, Taylor."M. P.P., for this riding; Mr.Wilson, of Parkhill. and iVI. K. • 'Cowan, .P., &Mat Essex. The convention was closed Withicheers for the Queen, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the candidate. "HUNGER IS THE BEST SAUCE," Yet some people are never hungry. Whatever they eat has to be "forced down," There is, of course, something wrong with these people. By taking HOod's Sarsaparilla a short time they are given an appetite and then they enjoy eating and food nourishes them. If you find your appetite fa fling, just try a bottle of Hood's. It is a true stomach tonic and every close does good. The best family cathartic is Hood's Pills. . - SEA SERPENT IN LAKE ERIE. , Sparta, Aug. 22.—Johan BrIatnntion; of Dexter, ariepeata'ain unpl eas an t ad- ,ventiard-Witela a denizen of the depths of•Lake Erie. While enjoying the cool water Of the lake he had proceeded a conSiderable distance front the beach to deep water. Seeing what he thought was a stone, he was about to step upon it to take a rest, when he detected a movement. Upon examination he saw that he was not about to step on stone, but on the coils of an immense living creature, He did' not wait for a closer examMation, but struck for shore. Casting a glance backward he saw distinctly that he was being fol- lowed by a monat'er equalling a tele- geaph pole in cireumftnence, and more than half as long. "The color' was red, dish brown. A number of Mr. Brinnp- ton's neighbors saw the serpent -like creature, but were not near enough to give a detailed description. CASTO I For Infants and Children, O fa- len:azure 11± 111 . • ar Iiirer;7et, KILLED BV LIGHTNING, Guelph Atig 27,---C1zarleS Tait, . 1101111 NValdatneee in A0.tall:1 tOW11$11111 1V1.5 cngagecnl S' ,1) \ OztlS't and 'WIWI.). putti It Girdle The,Globe., vh,e1 ' Tao fanie ef Buclile.n'e Salve, AS (lie . . , Eltil best in time AN'Ql'id, cxtinids at011tid. the 11- earth. s the one perfect healer" of 061 11 1oid the field end his tic were eta' nek by liehtuing instat kilI' • • •IC lOaof. gritin and waagm ittituediI d ate13- took live antl NVete totally eetroyecl, ing Cuts, COana, Burns, Breideas, Sores, 'am Scalds Bode tneere Delone Aches anis ain't all skin Eruptions. Only infallible Pile cure, 25e, a box itt drug stores. Arortud AN)lit St. i,opo,tea thdt bhc 11010 qua' ey eompany 'who homzait it portion of the Legge farm have also pinsehrieed sevevaraereS of the Vernon farm 00 tho eizet side of the 0. "T. track :and that a ewitich line Nvill Pc placek in there instead of on the west sYle of the railway track on the Legge farm; as the grade will not be ee steep. , Settforth: _Mr. James Waiir has dis- posed of the Royal hotel, in this town, to Mr. .James Dick, for the sum of $11,000 cash. It is a good property,' being one of the best hotel stands in town. Mr. Weir'. intends to live re- tired. Mr. Dick takes possession as soon as the licence is transfered. , Hensall: Rev. G. H. Long; received a severe shook while turning on an electric light in the dark, a few eights ago. He had jut returned from a drive, and while turning on the light he znust, in some manner. have touch- ed a live' -wire. The shock was so great as to burn his fingers and leave him imeonscious on the floor for a few minutes. , e' Hensall; Dnucan McEwen, son of Mr. Alex. McEwen, of Hay, had the misfortune, on Sabbath evening last, while driving hone from Hensall 111 the dark, to collide with a carriage load of young people, who were return- ing to the village.. Both rigs were dam- aged, but Mr. alcEwen's being a light single sbizggy, fared • the worst. Fortunately, beyond a fright, no one was Mjured. The night was very dark, which aecountea for the acci- dent. • _ Bei t Carr It as •summon- ed to appear before the Mayor, Wed- nesday morning, ,charged -with non- payment of poll -tax. Bert failed to make his appearance at the appointed. time, in fact,he told the Chief that be had no intention of doing so. Iu the evening he was arreated,under 0.'w111 - rant, when a fine ofi$5.00 wasaimpos- ed for contempt of court, and an equal amount for non-payment of poll tax which, with costs, amounted to $13.80. The money was paid. • Egmondville: Much sympathy is felt in this town and neighborhood for andiMrs. H. P. Kennedy on ac- count of the death of their youngest daughter, Miss Odie, which sad event took place on' Friday evening last. The event, although not unexpected, caused a feeling ot keen sorrow among the numerous friends of the deceased. She bas been ill for over a year, being a victim of consumption, and was a severe but patient and uneomplainin sufferer. Hensall: MacArthur & Co being unable to open one of their: safes which came through the late fire had Goldie & McCune:a:eat send up an expert, who arrived Friday evening end worked till after S o'clock the next morning 'before he sueceeded in getting the door open He had to drill two holes to get at th combination Which had been damaged by the heat. The contents of the safe consistedeof account books and money which tfas found to be in a fair condi- tion although the backs were badly Thetnany friends" of- Mr. John T. Wren, fornieily of this place, will be pleased to: learn that he has taken another , step forward.- Mr. Wren is a native of Chiseilimrst, and was for many years a successful school teacher in this county. For .the past five years he has been principal of the Keewatin public school.. While con= fleeted with this institution hehas been phenemenellSr :successful, - especi- ally in passing pupils for -the entrance and public school leaving Last year six Candidates; OP 100 per cent, were euccessfid; thiaythin four out of five; or 80 per cent. passed.• : Last 'May when the. Rainey. 'River Teachers' Institute wae organized 'at Rat Portage, Mr. Wren's fellow teach- ers eltewed their -appreciation of him by electing him :then- first. President. in July itteti Wren resigned ,his poetion 11S paindipal .of Rat Portage school and accepted, the position .of western manager of the Continental Life Insurance Companyhis territory embraeing Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and the Keewatin district, 'with head office in Winnipeg. This change, Of course, necessitated his .re'=. moval to. Winnipeg,. where his head office is, and Where he will 'hereafter reside. PAIN -KILLER is the best, safest and surest remedy for cramps, colic and diarrheea. As a liniment for wounds and sprains it is unegrealed. Avoid. substitutes, there's but one Pain-Kil ler; Perry Davis'. 25 and 50 centi„-is James Gumblett, aged 24, of It -Tamil- . ton, while stealing a ride ori Oise trucks of aaseeisght car from Kingston to Iran atoll, rep, off early' W edn esd a y ...ligalttneanate-ar 13owmanvi1le, and had his right 0.0171 and leg cut off. He was brought to the city as speedily as spee- dily as possible and taken to the emer- gency hospital. His condition is cri- tical. A most daring burglary took place ab theflour and feed store of George H. Brown Friday night, and an at- tempt WaS made to rob the hardware store of R. H. Smart. The latter' id - 'tempt, hoWever, failed, beceuse of the vigilance, ancl good judgment of Con- stable Sweet. Two men were arrest- ed, who give their names as John Me- Guite and 'George Stafford, and say they hail from London, Ont. They were taken before the Police Magis- trate and remanded for a week pend- ing investigation. 'Word has just been received atiWal- lacebtirg from Courtright that two machine travellers were drowned there Wednesday. One man is supposed to be Mr. Webber, a general travelling agent; for an eastern travelling agent for an eastern machine com pa y. The ()thee man's name has not yet been learned. Very little particulars areito hand, but it is supposed they were crossing to the 21.1/lel'ican side. Mr. 'Webber is well-known through out Western On tario,and has many friends isvho have already been nOtified of the aceident, A_ Poor Millionaire. Lately starved in London becauee he could, not digest hie food. , :Early Use of Dr. King's New Life Pills Nvould Parc e,tved liim, T'Itey strengthen the stonetch, aid digestion, promote aesiiiiilation, improve appetite. Price 25 ets, i\loney back if not satisfied, Sold by all denegists. DROWNED AT MIDLAND, Midland. Aug' 27.—A very sad drown- ing accident occurred here yesterday when Bessie the Old d'l 101 bP1" of Capt. Vanderevill, was droWned, The child \VaS playing on the what and it is supposed accidentally fell in. The body WaS reeovered this morning by Ble. Carson and taken to Buffalo this afternoon for burial. THE NORTH-WEST CROPS. Winnipeg, Mane Aug. 28.—In an in- terview to -day General Manager Thompsoneof the Ogilvie mill Com- pany, ' said:---" The yields of wheat throughout the peovince continue to show a steady improvement on earlier predictions. and the samples coming iu are showing very satisfactory on the whole. My estimate made about it week ago, of a twenty million bushel crop for Manitoba and the Territories IS fully justified. Oats areturning out well, and they will give a fair crop. The light, coal weather we had recent- ly will revive the Nyheat. It will take a Very heavy frost:to do any damage Those Canes. Li nes Respectf ully Dedicated to John Spackman, Es. 1,11 sing no more of blackthorn sticks, They're all knocked in the shade, But canes that lately 1 have seen, Some English chap has made. And if you want to see those canes, 1,I7lti1e camping at the Bend, They're owned by 1610. Spackman there And given him by a friend. ' It's well, you know, to have a friend That is a friend indeed, For many 11 man we find to -day, Leans on a broken reed. This can be :used in many way But use it as you like, For you can use it as a cane Or use it as a pipe. It gives you power to walk erect If ever you wish to try. And gives yon power to help yourself If ever you feel dry. • —al dare The Old Shinplasters. Probably the greatest profit ever en- joyed by •tbe government as a result of the destruction of money was in connection with the fractional curren- cy or shinplasters issued during the civil war. • The total amount issued was $388,- 724,070, of which $6,880,558 has never been presented for redemption. A. large amount has been preserved as curios by collectors, and occasion= ally even now it is offered for re- ‘‘ To Be e)r • 8\Cot to Be." Thai is the question that concerns every mortal: whether it is better to be half ill, nervous, worn out, or to be well, strong, cheerful and useful. The tatter condition wilt be yours if you take Hood's Sarsapa- rilta, America's Greatest Blood Medicine, --- there is nothing equal to it. After a Cold—"I was completely run down by a cold. My son persuaded me to -take Hood's Sarsaparilla and after the use of two bottles I found I was getting an appetite. • When I had taken three bottles I was cured." I. P. Vernot, 117 Champ/air: Street, Montreal, Can. -'-`'IteVetlifs4Plooints Fall Fairs. Western, London, Son1.11 7Iuron, at Exeter, Guelph, (.4oderich., Ailsa 61,i, :Kan), &rich ' SI Marys, 'Stratford, 13rus,4eis, , Fordwich, Blyth, Bayneld, An(4ust 2S to Sept 0. September 6 to 15. • September 17 and 10. September 18 and 20. September is and 10. September 20 and 21 • September 26 and 27. September 27 and 28. sSee,Ateeollio);3,t1))0eeibi:e1.210,72aalailld28nia230: October 2 and 3. oerober 4 and 5. , October°, October 0 and 10. October 4 and 5. Exeter—' ROLLER MILLS. JUST received a car of No. 1 Kansas See HE Ben: 'Kat tiABITs IN yo uT LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD , MAKE Al DISEIASEL, IVIEN tTheHtrE.:1,8E:dilthieT:fre:§;?inoft:s,fgff:BY,Tiii:.0:::>!:go:goot,:7°:::11:Ty01:16,170:el)to.:1:7:4::: 1 . . .. p_aliappinots.ott ousctud of proinising young men. Some fade and vateer at au parla'ago; bat the blossona of manhood, while others aro' forced to nig out a •weary, fruitless and—. melaucliOly existemie, °there reach matrimony but fine no solciee or comfort there. The Rvictims are fotind in all $ .RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS K. & K' swill. 4. tvArx.EB. Wu, A. WALKED. ' MRS. CH_ A.S. VEH1134 CHAS. FERRY* , . , . . ,. t-' '' • vilzatti).fal yourself gaining !very da:ionaIllhyaavfernieenveclrinhdeairicdedozat toliteoirt7airour:gE;nneuerday;linearin; - - . . heir New Blethod,Treatrnent cured me in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderflit. CURED . _ .. 400,',IJ J . — 1 SHEFORIC TIIISAT2ntN14 AirTun TuaAmmuir - Divorced but united again nr-NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT:VI ... . Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street says:—"I have suffeied untold'agonies for my gay ife. I wasindiscreet Young and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" 1 contracitdd EM 1 SSI 0 NS Syphilis ancl other -Private diseases. I had ulcers ia the re ' 'STRICTURE , mouth and throat, bone pane,. heir loose, pimples on face, finger tails caine off, emissions, became thiri ad deepondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercury,' U Potash, etc: They helped me but coidd not etre Rip. 1117-OURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED It. 0102 .Bernifial " Weakness 'and Spermatorrhcea, Emissions . , CrWore draining and weakening my Vitality. I married at KCapt. Chas: erry says:—"I o At 14 I learned a had habit, At 21 1 had all the symptoms 1 Fwe my life , to Drs. E. ...& ,. , . . . IVIVARICOCELEPOTENCY naad experience. In eightecm months we were divorced. I EMISSIONS K sothen consulted'Dre. X. & K., who restored me to manhood WI , ander advice of inY family doctor, ,but it vvae a = hiliy thoir New Method Tymeneng. I felta no* life thrill through CURED My nerves. We were united again and are hati.py. This was . six R years ago, Drs.K. a K. are scientific speciaLis a and I heartily recominend them." - (0- We treat andrure Varicocele, .Emissione, Nervous Debiiity, Seminal. Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilz's, Unnatural Discharges, Self 46teselg 0 Kidney and Blada'er Diseases. .. „, K 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200.000 CURED. NO RISK READER! . a • Ars you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contemplati =milli , N, New Method Treatment will cure you.. What it haedono for others it will do for you. rings? Has your Blood been aiseaseaF Have you any weakne5 Out CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you, write forFan honest opinion Freesia of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE—"The liolden Monitor" (illustrated), mai% is Diseases of Men. Inclose Postage. 2 cents. Sealed. U v,' iiar 'NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI - VAT. No medicine sent C. O. D. Nonames on boxes or envei-int ones. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat -S 7. ment. FREE. • DETROIT MICH. '3 No. 149 SHELBY ST.le .. DRS KENNEDY 85 KERGANI , -.. 12, ..0.14r3tYle.DRS'allatcr42'"',. S. es aii NE, A Radical Change in Marketing Methods as Applied to Sewing Machines. Ali original plan under which you can obtain easier ter=s—a=tter yaw) in the purchase of M7v7ITcrraTuou Mritelrge7ing Machine than ever before offered. • Write for our elegant H -T catalogue and detailed particulars. How we can save you money in the purchase of a high-grade sewing machine and the yteT payment we can offer, either direct from factory o711.71717-11-7our regular authorized agents. This is an oppor- tunity you cannot afford to pass. You know the “White," you knoW • its maraufacturers. Therefore, a=e7=7717177717-1=7and its conistrue•aon is unnecessary. If you have an old machine to exchange • we can offer most liberal terms. Write to -day. Address in full. WITH SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, (Dept A.) Cleve!alitl, • -For sale by S. IYBARTIN, Exeter. 5. 3,•• THE GREAT I\;ORTHWESTERN WILL BE HELD IN ft..,G01:)ERICF4,r1 —01\T -- T esday arid sotilliliiv, 18 ednesday, Prize List Aggregates $2,000. Only Two Days, But They Will Both Be lz.Tuinmers. No Waste Time. I ' Everything begins at One o'clock on Tuesday. YOU ARE INVITED TO COME AND SEE The Leading County Fair of 1Veetean Ontario, held in the Healthiest aud Prettiest Town in Catieclit. It has the Finest Fruit Dispitcy in Ontario. No other County, Fair has so good 'a Track, or such. well. arranged and. , Connuolgious: Grounds and Buiia_ . Music each day by the faanotis Gocle- vieh Marine Band. Prizes $160.011. (except ±01' SI)e0di118) close Sept. 15th. Drop a card for a Prize List. - JAMES MITGLIIELL-2eci-uctry The Best Speeding Program Offeeed in the,Conntya ' TUESDA,Y-- The Great Farmers' Trot or P:tee. ' Prizes $30, $20, $15 and $1.Q. . WEDNESDAY-- , 2:80 /?ttee and 2:1.0 Toot: . " 'Prizes ,$1.75„.00.7 2:80 Pace and, 2:20 Tref), " , Prizes $3.,'.0,00, • 2i45 Pace and 242 Trot, • , Mitchell: A cjitiet wedding took place here on Wedneschiv, when Min- nie second daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Ritzewas united, in marriage to Mr. John Edward Johnston, ot Poet Do- ver. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. C. La'ndsky-, of Brodhagen4 assisted by Rev. G. Timm of •Mitchell. The happy couple left on the fternoon train for their future home, Pott , • Brussels; Monday afteenoon .1110. Wright met with all aCeiCielltat the Enterpriae Salt larotike that might easily have resulted in his death, •While engaged .raking salt on the pan the rake eaugh.t on one, of the rivits :met in a vigorous pull to free it lie over balanced backward and fell a tither.' of 12 or 1.13 feet, inflicting a er± on his face and. 0 bad gash on 000 of J. COBBLEDICK & SOIL his lciieo "fi*1'1. 1414 4 - Goderichf At midnight on Wednes- day of lost week.., • ildr, mid Ales. John • • Olener, heard a knock at the' Side door Nrhiell Mr. °Niter opened, N'hen he, • found a large 'clothes basket on the step and took" it inside. It MIS ar. parelibly half filled With clothes, hitt on moving. a woollen shawl, thict was on top, a little chribby fene, WaS S000, and Mrs 4 tOISlier deftly moving' the eogering found a baby boy -three days °M. • The finders of the, legacy were inuch 8orprised., but the issue wns gniekly deeided, till01.)0V, W1)0 will likely hereaftee be 1(00600 65 018011 301311 Olsner, WaS lovingly clasp- ed in its foster mothers arms. Mr. Olsizer beirig a willing p111 131101' in 'the • adoption. The kindly eenple who bave taken the child say it Will' neve(' be given tip, 'and that hencetheth will be lritown 1615 their 06011, .;