HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-8-23, Page 5• T IE Is published every Thursday Moaning, at the Ohco, .tittAIN-STREET, EXETER, --6Y the --- ADVOGATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS ON'.""SUBSCRIPTION, , One Dollar per annixm if paid in Advance 81.30 if not so :paid. E.duarteW.ei .g 2,atem ors .Zippleca-. teore No paper discontinueduntil all arra rage lino paid. Advertisements without sneoitio' - directionswill be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made For traneeient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description` of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, motieyord-. ere, &o. for advertising, subscriptions ,etc.t0 be made payable to Chas.11. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP" P ofesstoual Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR. A. R. gmaRINS1tZAN, L D. S. D. D. S:, Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or 'any bad effects. Office` in Fanson's Block, west side MainStreet, Exeter. �R.D.ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S•,L,D;S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto, Jni- ratty and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to. date, Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel --Exeter`: i LeiLical . x T. p: .McLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF . the College of Physicians and Surgeone lntario. Physician, Surgeon and Ace ouch cur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. �'ICKSON & 'CARLING BARRISTE RS , Solicito s Notarles' Conveyancers, Commissioners; Solicitors for theNelsons Bank, etc. Money to loan'at 5 and5i/ per gent.' .Office. Fanson's Block, Main St. Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at Heneall'on Thursday of each week.) I. ski OAHLING, E. A., L. R. DICKSON, W. (9rLADMA'N, •(sitcoessor to -Elliot &' 1 . Gladniau,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary n Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. AZf.L"t lon a trs 1 BDSSENBERRY,l3-rand Ben 3, Licensed 1 . ,Auctioneer for Oounty Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. 13 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anet .'ioneerfortheCounties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne' Sales "promptly attended to and terms rea soneale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win echelseee Insurance. ELLIOT, • Insurance Agent, Main Si. Exeter` ge i . a ,To read the b s teres' b vertiseinents . ! TtiINK! ,Y "� For whose -,good are We in the furniture buSiuess? For - ,jb1all ours. 1. •.15 d li �s. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use- ful.to ourselves. we have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi �► nese _ 'Bit we have been doing i along ' for years btzs ness right g years, which proves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself.... 4 4 4 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 S. GIDLEY SON. Furniture, Undertaking, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid lip. Capital , .$2,500,000. Rest Fund:, .1,625,000 Head office Montreal. WOLFERST .N THOMAS, Esq., GE,NERJL MANAGER. .h£one:advanced to good "Farmers on their ow Vn notes witheme or mere endorsers at per, (ent,.por annum. • ,--EXETER ER BRANCH— . CIH L�.ETER N csLt•Oeteey lawful day froni 11) a.m. to 3 p":thesaturdays IO a.ni. to 1 p.m, Agenerallranlcin business banking )u inleSs trait Meted. CURRENT RATES allowed for money on .Cepesit Receipts.' Savings Bank, at 86e. DrcxsON & CAntallo, N.D. HuitnoN; Solicitors.Diana g ger. :.:Goclerich tp: ' Againthe grim mons- ter of death has thrust his sickle in ow' midst and relieved by death, little ,; `ruby ifi,ztthwell, �: daughter of Edward Ratliwell; she has been ailing for some tune With. inCiaanneatory rhewnatiSln ww'llich tuenect to dr'npsy, "sus ZIVOlf.t R1`Vatf i :ai0 Scgl: a DAHARI) >ih t rr• PAM ,OS 8? Ce E:CruiNU t, ti l k c,ia, .0;8;?.wzs WILL 6107 nil:, t LOOK bA .,zr.ii Fon,?,14`i'A-ilc>N9F,4i1 .ill3- STITIYrES 'T -Pt >SttiliI E AOTTLC 1enas rwk taarvle, Nur z 1 Wealth of hair is wealth indeed, especial- ly " l to a woman. Every other physical sical 'attraction is seconda ..:,to it, We have a book we' will gladly send you that tells just how to care for the hair. If your- hair is too thin or los- ing its luster get", "°`' G r o w t h ,, becornes ous g vi orand all, dan- druff is removed. It alwaY s.restores to gray or color faded hair. your o'u r youth; don't look old before your time. $i.00 a bottle. All druggists. e I have used your Hair Vigor now for about 25 years and I have found it splendid and satisfactory, in every way. I' believe I, have recommended this Flair Vigor to hundreds of my friends, and they all tell tbe same story. If; eny- body wants' the best kind of a Hair 9F a' Vigor I shall certainly recommend ., e to them just as strongly as 1 KA can that they get a bottle of Ayor's & Hair Vigor.'', ' .BITS. E. HAMILTON, N I Nov.28,1893 NorrviehN. P. Y. til' Write the Doctor, 15 Ton:. don't obtain. all the benefits you desire from the nee of the Vigor, write the Doctor about it, Address, Da, J C. AYER ' Lowell,moi , ' 3Iass HORSEMEN TRADE. 'MARK CAUSTIC BALSAM A reliable remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavin, Sweeney, Lameness from any cause, and'Sore Throat indorses, and Duni) Jaw in Cattle. See Pamphlet. ,Satisfaction guaranteed All Druggists and general storekeepers keep it. Prepared by EUREKA YETERINARY MEDICINE Co., LONDON, - ONTARIO. RGHICKS REPAIRING If you want your Repairing well done go to R. Highs -Watches, Clocks and Jewelrya specialty. MARRIAGE LICENSE Marriage Licenses issuedaudSVed- dingRings'always on hand. Fanson's Block, Exeter. TESTIIIHIAL OF V!. H■ DEARiNG To the value of English Stock Foocl. I am using English StockFoocl,man- ufactecl by C. levity,' and final that it improves the condition of-niilcli cows and increases the flow and richness of the milk. Would highly reconlmed stock raisers to give it a trial. W. 1L DEARING. EXETER, MARKETS, (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel . `70 to 71 Flour per cwt 1.85 to 2.00 Barley 35 to 40 Oats 27 t0 25 Peas 55 to 60 Butter 15 to. 16 Eggs..:..:;... 11 Potatoes per bag 40 Flay per ton 7,00 to 800 Dried Apples' per lb '1 urheys. .-.. Chicken Ducks Geese 8to9 .-..... `'c•< -1b. 7 Corn 40 to 45 Timothy 1 25 to 1 51) Clover .450 to 525 Wool., ........ ...... ..... .15 to 16 lIl' 'rsudden death tclicll: A. terrible sudden occurred here on Wednesday. It ap- pears that Mrs. John Pinder was about her work as usual when she 'was taken with a fit. As there was, no evidence of her rallying Di'.'.A.rmst ong was hastily stlniulo ed, but belt) relie reach- ed the ]louse life was extinct, Deceas- ed was only ' 28r years of age, leaves 5g a husband anCl Olie Chilclto n1051115 her dernise, s this summer? Then add littk 's EklULSi ,t to his milk three times a day. It is astonishing how fast �f he nurses, he will Improve. If int the mother take the m6tision. gee, and $t,aa; all drugeiats, LLIES APE FIUHTING YET. Inner City of Pek!n Is Now Being Bombarded. News of Pelciu's bail Vertified by Rear Admiral eeruce-Aspect of the chiriese Situation is still.. Serious -The En - Press Is Stijl in Pekin -Two Viceroys Threaten Vengeance if tlto Eippress Xs Captured-Situatioui at Shavghi}i,�, London, Aug. 20.—Admiral Bruce telegraphs to the Admiralty: "Pe- kin captured Aug. 15, legations safe," TUE JAPANEST4 ACCOUNT. Show That the 'Nall At,acked by Allies SVas Obstinately Held, Tokio, Aug. 17. General Yama- guchi wires from . Pekin, under date ,of Aug. 16, as follows: "The allies attcked Pekin early yesterday, opening with artillery 'O the eastern 'sider1'11e wall was ob- stinately held by the enemy; The Japanese and the 'Russians • were on the ; northward ; of the Tung Chow Canal. The Americans and the. Brit- ish were on the south side, -; At., nightfall the Ja.paiigse blew up the` two eastern gates of the Tartar City and entered.' "In the meantime the Americans and the British had entered the Chi- neee city by the Tung Pien ."gates`. Detachments of each force ww eene4;sent towards the legations, The parties" met near: the legations and opened communication. All the Ministers and their staff were found safe. The Japanese loss was, over 100 killed, including three officers. The losses of the allies have not been ascer- tained. Pour hundred Chinese were killed." PART OF PERIN ON FIRE. Empress in. Inner City Is Being I3outband ed by the Allies. London, Aug. 20.—(4.20 a.ni.) Rear -Admiral Bruce cables the Ad- miralty from Che' Foo, Aug. 19, as follows: "Am informed on the authority of the lifighting auese that street st i11 • continues. in Pekin, part of which is "Yang Sa (?) prevented the Em- press from leaving, and a last stand is now being m a,cle in the inner city, which is 'surrounded by the allies and being bombarded." Still Fighting In, Pekin. Rome, Aug. 20.—A clespatcht from Taku, via ,Che Foo, Aug. 18, says:. "Fighting continues in the streets of Pekin, and the allies have bombard- ed the point that is still resisting. Prince Yung prevented the departure of the Empress -Dowager!' The Wires Interrupted. Washington., Aug. 20.—The Navy Department has received the follow- ing cablegram: "Che Foo, Bureau ',of Navigation, Washington; Taku, Aug.. 1,S.—Tele- graph line to Pekin interrupted. ` In- .formation from .Iapanese sources say Empress -Dowager by Prince Yung Ede, in the inner city, which is being bombarded by allies. Chaffee reports entered legation grounds evening 14th. Eight wounded dur- ing, n r wise 11 ing d� f 1 ting.: t i r Ohew a g b well. (Signed) Relney.' Gen. Chaffee's Latest. The War Department has received the following despatch: "Che Foo, Aug. 19. --Pekin, A.ug. 15: We entered legation, grounds at 5 o'clock last night with 14th and Light Battery. Eight wounded dur- day's fighting. Otherwise all 'well, (Signed) Chaffee. War Department officials think the date, Pekin, Aug: 15, is an error in transmission. They believe it should be Aug. 16, as all previous reports indicated that Pekin was captured on the 15th inst. ALL ETES ON SHANGHAI. British Landed Troops on Friday—Powers Jealous and Suspicions. London, Aug. 20.—The eyes of the world, which have hitherto been fix- ed on Pekin, are turning to Shanghai where an enrbrogiio, resulting from jealousy andH suspicion of the pow ers, will ' possibly shortly 'assume, a serious aspect. The British landed Gurkas and Bombay regiments 011 Friday and France is hierr'ying 1,700 Tonkin troops thither, some of whou'i are reported to have arrived already. The situation in the Valley of the Yangtsekang, .at. Wu Chang,:is seri- ous. Chang Chi Tung's troops 'Iitu- tinied; but the outbreak was quelled A Shanghai • despatch to Dalziel's News Agency, of Friday's date, 'says the.British troops from India are be- ing diSenlbarked. The French pro- posed to lend troops on Saturday: - The situation-alon the. Yantse g 5 the corres.ponclent :Says,,is serious 'es- pecially ori Wu Chang. Chang Chi' Tung''s troops. mutinied,' but -the outbreak was quelled, ' A despatch' from Shanghai says that M. de ]3ezaure, the ]± retnch Cou- sul-General, .suites that 800 French, 'marines have left. Saigon for Shang- hai, and will be landed in,c€tse of :in enc > elver . g y Danger in the Oil Lamp, Itoch.ester, 'N. Y., Aug, 1S Teresa Lynch, aged 10, was so 'terri- bly hurtled yesterday morning that , she died in St. Mary's :%hospital a low hours'' after, At the time of the accident Miss I,ynclh was sleeping on a couch a.t`; 1,110 home Of her ruot11 r', A lamp, wlr_ich hacl been left h ruing. on 'n stalhcl which stood near the sofa, exploded, Th d woman WaS in- stantly enveloped 115 flames, and be - ore assistance could be ronderccl'her 1-n� cc 1 tOlt001 clothing tlatl been bur uc y Sir `ll'illiaui Stokes Cond. 'Durban,i'Durban,gAug, .� �0 ..tt 11i1.i1an Stokes, Surgeon -in -Ordinary t.O the Queen in Ireland,' and Consulting Surgeon to, the British forces in 8001311 Africa, died heee ,y*ees'terday, He Wee bhl'11 March 10, ie$ ),,,• A RIGOROUS PROCLtWATLON Lord Roberts Has Determined to Stand no More Nonsencer. Field Musesihal Issues a Non', -Severe and itigoorus i'roelamatlon - Those 'Silo Break Elieir' Oaths le 'Future -will )3e Penishhed by Death, iniprisolu»ehhi or Flue -All Net Taking the Oath \Vll1 Be Transported. Pretoria: Aug.20.—Geri 7) o ts`et b e aPPeared yesterday at North. Com- mando Nek, hells by Gen. Baden- Potw el'l, and sent in a flag of truce, asking for the surrender of the :Brit- ish force. Gen. Baden-Powell re- plied, asking what terms Dewet was Prepared to offer. Dewet is evident,,-` ly 'moving eastward. Gen. Lord 'Roberts is issuing : new, severer and rigorous orders, rescind- ing the ones previously issued. Lord Roberts' proclamation, after reciting the fact that many have broken the oath. to maintain neutrality, and that. tine :leniency extended to burgh- ers is not appreciated,', :warns all'. who break their oaths in the• future, that they Wi11 be punished by death, imprisonment or fine • :Ile declares that all burghers in districts, occupi- ed by the British, except those who 'take the oath, will' be regat•cled; as prisoners of war and transported, aiici"'that.'buildings and farms Where the enemy or his scouts are. harbored will be liable to be razed. A I3oer Story 01 Victoi'y. Drew York, Aug. 20.—A despatch printed here Saturday, noon, 'under date of ])elagocti.Bay, Aug. ,18, says: i7General Dewet has turned on the .British, defeated them, and captured 4,000 men according to Boer • re- ports' here." Col, lonre's Casualties. 'Gape Toww-n, _ Aug. 1.S: --Lord , Kit- chener, : after a forced 'march, , has relieved Col. iIoare and the British garrison. at Elan cls River. •-London, Aug, 20.—Lord Roberts, that reports . p Col. Hoare, who was besiegedat Elands River, and' has just been relieved by Lord Kitchen- er, lost 12 men killed and 5S -wounci ed, including Lieut, -Col.: De Lisle. "11013S" TO GO HOME. Lord Wolseley Will Then Give Up the, Chiefship to lIini. London, Aug. 20.—The 00N -em- inent is arranging to relieve Lord Roberts in South Africa, deputing to a general of less consequence the vex- atious work of running down the 'partisan bands there; The pros - 'eat purpose, it is understood, is to recall Lord Roberts in October, an- nouncing- then that the war, as ii War, is at an end. General Lord Wolseley will relinquish the ,post of commander-in-chief of the army in October, and Lord` Roberts will al- most certainly replace him.. •TRIAL'OF A PLOTTER. Lieut. Cordua Adinitted Implication, But Said thechenie a S Was Put Up by Another. Pretoria, Aug. 20.—The trial of Lieut. Cord ua of the Staats Artillery, charged with being concerned in the Plot to, kidnap Gen. Lord d Roberts, was continued on Saturday- The prisoner admitted his implication, but declared that he was persuaded to join the, conspiracy by a man named Gano, who was the originator of the plot, and who professed to have been in the British Secret Ser- vice, but wanted to assist the Boers. Begged For Mercy. The case of the defence in the trial of Lieut. Cordurn,'. of the Staats Ar- tillery, charged with being concerned in the plot to kidnap :Lord Roberts, was concluded , yesterday. Lieut. Cordua's counsel admitted that the accused was guilty of breaking his parole, and of attempting to plan a conspiracy, but assertedthat the attempt was a failure.' Counsel also maintained that Gano suggested the entire plot and egged on the prison- er. On these grounds, he asked the court to find that the charges had not been proven, and, begged its mer- cy 10rcycfor for his client. Carlo, who is said to be of Ameri- can birth, denied having suggested the plot. Counsel for' the prosecu- tion will sum up on Aug. 20. - OUR WOUNDED C05115 1-50311 Loyally Greeted. on Reaching tho;Ancient Capital. Quebec, Aug. 20.—The Parisian, with. Maj Or Cartwright and the in- valided Canadians , teat ul'ncd from . South Africa, arrived Saturday morn- i.ng. The' reception 'tendered to the re- turning soldiers by the citizens was a wens enthusiastic one. A gai.l decorated tender brotdght the men to the 'Grand Trunk Wharf, St. Paul street, where they were caret by the pro -Mayer, AICT, , Tanguay; several representatives of the City Coiiiicil, and a large number of citizens, An address of welcome was read by..the pro -Mi yo , after which:tile proces- sion formed in the following;.Order; A g'iiarcl.: of. city police, the Slate Band, a'eletacitmenit 01 the R.:0. A.,. 1 the returning soldiers, a rletacl n cnL of the R." t1. l:1. 7:., citizens on foot and in 'carriages. 1Gi.th ti'sc band playing "Soldiers of the Queen,'?. "See the Cong0erinl.; FTero,Con'ies," and other ap,l,uropri<ate tunes, 'the par- ade proceeded amid, cheers to the ci 1- arlel, where `the Canadians -Will : be paid off and quartered until their dis- charge, Mt pity was ablaze. with flags and the reception was .a: very hearty one. 3'i'it'ate Isliistee' 11a1elrseci, I,oncl n Avg. 17, -Jt has been re - ported to the 'War Otnee` that Pte. M. ] Tsbister, formerly of the 1 ith,. ,l tit n and who i ielr 73 t was taken S,a ptisoner by the Tigris .while serving1ng - with h the (;anadiarr Artillery- in South, 51110ra, was released 50Mc time ago irnct has ilIr'ivecl at 1;,(i'i'enro 11'ar o,uex, SUSPECTS ARRESTED, .Fourteen Anarohists who S%'entttr the United States SVith a ,7)otereninint,ion to 1C111 President 51 inhiley. New York, Aug. 20. ---The Evening World on Saturday printed the fol- lowing in connection with the deten- tion at the Ilarge Office in this city by secret service agents of. Notabe Maresca and ll'tichil Weida, . supposed Anarchists, who arrived yesterday on the Raiser Wilhelni 11. These two men are understood to have come to this country as 'conspirators for the assassination of President 'McKinley. So far as known, the plan was for. each ishan to proceed to Washington alone alone on a certain day. They' were to surround the President quietly,; waiting for an opportunity to strike. The blow was to be by a pistol and a knife. One of the number ;it was certain would be successful. The clues tion of escape was not considered, the men being willing to sacrifice. their lives for their principles. Local Secret Service agents last' night said that advices had been re- ceived from the Italian Government to the effect that Notabe Maresca and Michael Guido, two of the 14 Italians detained at the Barge Office, are wanted' y:.tile: Naples authori- ties in Italy. It is understood here that they are charged with compli- city in the recent plot' to assassinate the late King 7luinlrert, All of the American Secret Service risen unite in denying that any of, the 14 Italians detained yesterday are accased of plotting against the life." of President. MolCinley, DlcKinley ' Was Marked, Too. London, Aug. 20,—The Rome` dor- respondent of The Daily Mail says the arrest of Maresca and Guido in New York arose out of some letters received at Bresci's lodging <`subse- quent to the assassination of Icing Iiumbert, One of these, dated New York, July 25, and signed " Mabor;"'. urged Bresci to commit the crime, and urging Maresca a,nd Guido to do their duty towards President McKin- ley. Maresca is known to the Ital- ian police as a most fanatical Anar- chist. H16S UCCEEDS IIEI1CHMER. Supt. A. B. Perry Has Been Gazetted as N. W. M. P. Commissioner. Ottawa, Aug.. 20. -The appoint- ment of Supt. A. B. Perry to be. s �of the N.W.M.P., i co iru r sn 1 r_ over n. the place of Lieut. -Col. ' Herchnier, re- tired, was formally announced in The Canada Gazette on -Saturday. Commissioner ferry` is an old Len- nox County boy. He received his early education at the Public School at Marven, Ont., and prior to ma- triculating at; the ' Royal Military College, Kingston, was a. student at Napauee High School. His career at the 'Royal Military College was one of success. He was in the military class when the college was founded,. and wound up as the cadet who had the highest marks' on his graduation,. being presented 'with the, Governor - General's sword. He accepted an Imperial commission, but having met with an accident returned to Canada., Since that time he has been an officer of theMounted u Police. d MANITOBA HAS HALF A CROP. Gen. Manager Thompson Gives Figures After a Careful Estimate. Winnipeg,Aug. 1.S.—The crop re- ports to hand to date are more en- couraging. In: an interview General tl i Manager Thompson of the Ogilvie Milling Co. stated that after a care- ful estimate, the .wvheett yield for. Manitoba and the Northwest Terri torics would not this year exceed 20,000,000 ,bushels. This, in . his opinion, is a half crop, or probably a little less. A full crop, with the same acreage under cultivation this year, should have been between 40,- r us 000,000 and 50,000,000 bushels. Rain, lir. Thompson says, has ' done a little damage to wheat, and what is required now is dty weather. IIar-, vesting is now general in every part' of the province. TILOOI'S UTTERLY UNFIT. Field Marshal SVolseley's Strong Words ah Aldershot. London, Aug. 17.—Viscount' Wol- seley, Field Marshal and Command- er-in-Chief of tho British Ari:ny, de livered, according, to The ,Daily lwLail,' the most scathing condemnation ever, beard at Aldershot, .after witnessing' yesterday's manoeuvres: He deal i.rr ed that the 80,000 hien who partici- pated ware utterly unfit to scrod abroad, badly led anal `badly tan 'ht: Many distinguished. o.flicers `listened, to these remarks, among thele C4 en Montgomery Moore, formerly' in com- mand in Canada,` but now Coninlahld- ing at Alder'shot. `Sterner Mayflower Burned. Penetan',Suishene,Ont., Aug• 18. — g` The small steamer Mayflower was burned to the water's 'edge' about 3 o'clock yesterday Mor fling. Her owvll- brs were on 'hoard, and` had :Co julep. on the : clock Without saving any. clothes but the ones' they had on. The cause of fire was from wood be- ing left near the boiler too lenig, and it became dry- The owners have got tier up, and are 'commencing to repair. iiillril .in a Thresher. Jarvis, Ont., Aug.,18.—Nathaniel Parsons, farmer neat' hero lost his life yesterday ° `afternoon by slipping info the cylinder of his threshing iia- chine, It seems he wont over the top of the Ihacllune, to elevate the straw' ear rier, and '1,11 en returning something gave \1'113',aI1Ow11ii his )e5 to, get into the, Machine. 1.-1:e olily lived a,,.fow 10111 les an:o1' the acci- dent.' 1119 Lift, Crr2,,Y1t•tl Oltt :Montreal, Aug: :1..7.. ---Capt. �Villia)a Wcood of the barge 11:f sso iw-as found dead torribl lnitt;ilatecl, in the yards Of the Dominion Coal _C'otupany at PO int St, (;haries, about5 o'ciock yee,. 16110113' morn 5. 1.10 WOS 00i Cl crushed 11c?tteatli t freight train pas- sing (111-0uugh the yard. Just ; `when the accident 04eurretl t'on1Ch not be kn6vni, but 11. itulst have bean near: 1511(111 i;,.'i) t ,, ION' DO NOT RUN from a question that'nmst interest yon, Have you )'O161• New ;Suit? If fiat, drop s i11 and see us at the first opportunity, and let 115 show you a few prices of the Fancy, 'Woresteds and Scotch Tweeds. Have .you seen nw Sples <ipd Therringbonetale peattel•litas.. They are 'beauties. A big range or Blues and Black, Iii Serges at the old prices. If you want a black we have what you' Want in Twills, Venetians 'and Clftys. OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, Meltoi s, Curls, Naps and Montanaets. All work done in the latest style and fit gunranteed. J.. GRIEVE Opposite Post Office SneII's>- COMMIALLIVERY EI�c Rigs gs and Horses Orders left at Haw 1 shaw's the 'mer t 1 or at 11 Livery y` Stable, Christie's old Stalid will receive prompt at- tention. Terms ?Telephone lermsReasonable AL Connection w CMll.011 •.., • • Yes, we havejustreceived another carload of furniture, which when added to our already inc stock we can supply' the latest, most hand - solve and cheapest things on. the r arket.' THE STQR • r- 1' We have the Stock—you have the n ..money—we want to trade, and if it is furniture you want it will pay you well to drop in and see your dandy line before purchasing else- where. We have the largest and Gest assortd stook in town, .: N. OWE FIRST CLASS FOR F BEEF , LAMB, PORK, T SAIISA.GE BOLOGNA, Y'RES.3ED 'TOS CUTE CORNED BEEF SALT. FRESH OR SMOKED TVIEATS, Oali at' { d The FamilyButcher Shop, One door North of R. Pickard's stere. LOLHHS DAY Proprietor. SMITH'S: Repair Shop. � .r Now is the time to get your wheel Re- , )a-ired Cleaned or Enameled. 1. RID BIRD. WeS' r a large •Brantford e h.a e stock of Red Birds on hand, the best Bicy cl:eon the market,.which sva sell itt . right prices. SUNDAES • We have in stock, Bicvcie Sundries, tires, cements, oils, etc. LAWN 11IOWE.12S, H0:1RSE CLIPPERS A ',r clip- pers, �1 Li win low e s :El:ox.e lig c, sh.. 1 t 1 1 � w s c 1) lpers, scissors 1ia'ors. 1\l;ll vex, etc.EVE; , - 3. TIT..i1(.r REPAIRED. Yw' I. SMITH. THE LEADING DING AT MARK ET. Far 1+r•esli, goorl 111114.t ii aIiuisest ciita of i:netr13, e1111 on, `'she' 1mde1 rigft'1, \\r1)ile all 0111'0111.'5 oj'll101 1 are 011e ' finest, wve 15111146111.5150611,1.11)' of 1110;ht• Ciel caeies, Meat delivered to iii 11a •ts 01 town . John lidaanni 7 4 1 1