HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-8-23, Page 3kY
An 17lderly lady Toils older cure Through.
filmYfilm}11no oG ,.ADa•F '44'IAltane�-x
Y 1nAt I Alts
Anus a Score of fisher rtcniedics• &tlitat
Dyspepsiacauses More genuineilia-
trees than most ,diseaeee that afflict
trt.•t nkihadi In this country from. ,ono
sauso or another, its victim's are n'unu-
bcred by the hundreds of thousands,
and those afflicted: always feel tired,
worn cub and miserable, and are sub-
ject to fits of melancholy or ill tem-
per without apparent pause, It is
obvious that th;e hui nlan body, in &I-
des to perform' its functions, must. be
properly nourished, and this cannot
be done when the _food is inilp•roperly
digested. Those who suffer from in-
digestion should exercise care as to
diet, and only easily digested foods
should be, taken. But more than this
is regeired — We blood needs ,atten)s
blots in order that the stomach may
k,e strangthened and the :secretion of
the gastricjuices properly carried on.
There is no other med'i.cixie offered the
pts lie that will not so promptly and
effectively as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills:
Proof of this is given in the case of
1VIzs. F. N. Doddr. iclge, St. Sa•uveur,
Que. In conversation with a report-
er .,•Mrs. ,Doddridge said :—"For quite
a nTu;tnber of years I have been a ter-
rible sufferer from dyspepsia, a;ccom-,
_Denied by the sick_ headaches that al-
most invariably come with this trou-
ble. I s»lffer'ecI from terrible pains
im the stomach, bloating and belch_
my wind, All. food seemed to dis-
agree with me, and as a result of the
trouble, I was very miueh, run clown,
and at times I was unable to do
even light 'housework. I c am sure I-
tried a score of different medicines,
but without success, and as I' am
sixty years of age, I had come -to be
lie.ve that it was hopeless to expect
a'cu,re. 'A friend who had used Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills with good re-
sults, urged me to try this rnedieine,
and my husband ,braealit: home a
denote of boxes. Before they were
finished, I felt muds better, and we
than got- another half dozen boxes,
end those have .completely restored
my liealth,: and T not only feel better
than `t have dons for years, but ac-
tually feel,youuger. Ivery cheerfully
reoc¢umend Dr. ': Will iams' Pink : Fills
to similar sufferers,
If your dealer does not keep these
pill,, they will be soot postpaid at
50 cents a box, or six boxes for
53.50, by addressing the Dr. 'Williams
Medicine Co., Brookville, ;Ont,
'bog YYAlf eh 51ko 't d "Al,nost 11Unlau tar
Among some -interesting dog stories
toldrecently is 'one concerning a re-
' markably sagacious=SL.. Bernard, which
laved at a holuse Where the writer of
the story once boarded. ! '
The dog used to come into my,sit-
ting-room, and give me his company at
dinner, sitting on the floor beside my
ch'aiir with his head on a level with
the plates. His master, however, fear-
ing that he was being overfed, gave
strict injunctions that this practice
should no longer be permitted.
On the Hirst day of the prohibition,
the doglayand st lked in the kitchen;
� ,
but on the second day, when the land-
lady brolught in the dishes, he stole
in noiselessly close behind her ; and
, while for.. the moment she bent over
the table, slipped quickly he sli ped uickl beneath.
It and waited.
No sooner had she retired than he
emerged from his Tiding -place, ;sat
down in his, usual position, a
P ,r, nd wink-
ed lin my face with a look which seem-
ed to say; aYlaven't • I done her ?"
In- due course the good woman came
to ,change the plates, and as soon as
the -dog heard her step he slunk once'
more under the table ; but in'anein-
stal . ere she had time to open the
door, he came out again, as if he had
suddenly taken another thought, and
threw hirn'self down on the rug before
the fire, to all atppearance fast asleep.
". Ah, Keeper ! You there, you ras-
cl.a?" exclaimed his mistress in indig-
slant surpr;ee, as site caught sight' of
, The clog opened lilts eyes,;half-raised
Ia s'body, stretched himself out lazily
at full length, gave a great yawn, as
pf awvakeeed from a good sleep, and
then, :vale a wag of his tail, went
f;orw:ard and tried to lick her hand.
It was a 'torp Lnl piece of acting,and
the air of perfect guilelessness was
r: Ulilus^ii
very g•
POLL v AVEGilli!, SF:Ii,VAivTT AW.11r
parrot in a certain house was use. -
ally kept in the, dining room with the
familia, isut during, the 'winter was
removed :to the kitchen for greater I
warmth lYbon the cold weather was.'
pact it, again 'Made its xppcaraIIee
among the ftiintiy shoos 0" amused
with the rigaremarks it had picked
up iu the ki tehcn.
On One 000115300, : warm the bell had
been: rung for eomething, the parrot
was heard remerlsing from his cage:
Jusi listen Lo that, • .there she's at it
lege in
A man acid 0le wife eh'ould be part
nets,, like ra :biz :1'510Ss, es
I0rut. Il...
st e c
,rl ',lr. � ineekteyen
,'l+trit pari.noi.,
and' I 'Pad 7r,,y rt,r:ti i " l'i);tti eeloiig;li','
A Pet canary.
rA pot canary belonging to a very
devoted twelve -year-old girl died the,
other Clay of pneumonia, and received'
a burial which probably stands alone
in the annals of bird obsequies.,
Dick was 0 years older than his little
mistress, and spent fully half of his.',
happy life in singing. When the
little fellow died he was put in a
silken shroud. (Two boys.• of the
neighborhood dug his grave, and a
handsome' jewel box, lined with white:
velvet, served for a casket,
All i.lie`girl friends of Dick's little,
mistress, ibuth, 'attended the funeral
dressed in deeps black and the 16 dolls
that were in the erect congregation
wore the same sombre hue.
When everything was in readiness
Ruth {:Brew up a window, under which
was t:he newly made grave, and began
playing a funeral march on the piano.
One of five lads, who' assisted in the.
grave digging, .picked up the walnut
casket and bore it slowly through the
door. -.Thog iris followed with ' their
arms full of dolls, Wh`on the grave
was reeethed a signal was given to
Ruth to stop playing, and she joined
the crowd. Hymns Were sung and.
tributes were spoken of the dead.
There was so much weeping that it
was finally decided to bring it to an
end by hurrying up the burial services.
The body :was quickly ,placed' in the
grave and a little mound was, built up
over it.
';The mound is piled high with pretty
g P 9.
pink -tipped sea shells and green sod
extends from the grave to a little
fence six inches high whish surrounds
Dick's lot.
lei' tiny granite` slyaft'wasamade to
order for :Dick, bearing his name and
the touching .inscription: "lie was a
Good Bird."
Two Queer Things.
Most 'extraordinary in its resembl-
ance to an animal is the bird -pea. It
is found on a knish about five feet
high, growing in Western Australia,
The wings of the pea, are brown, with
dark stripes, admirably representing
the marking of feathers. The breast
and tail are light green, while -the
head beak are a stilllighter, color.
Should you see these -tiny birds
swaying in the wind you would almost
expect them to fly away, so life -like
are some of their. motions ; but they
are firmly fixed to the bush, and in
this respect just- " the opposite ` to the
"leaves with wings," whioh can move
at will from, tree to tree.
The grass fish are so called because
they always enaintain a vertical posi-
tion and resemble a bed of grass grow_
ing from the bottom of the sea. Their
home as in Lhe greatest depths of the
ocean, and they have for neighbors
creatures' as curious as theneselves—
quaint looking ,sea -squirts, strange
sea spiders, sea horses and animal
flowers. ` Iiere they live, swaying to
end fro, with their snouts in the earth,
as if nota content with being several
miles from 'the surface of the water
and were making constant efforts to
go deeper still.
Old Recipe for Black Ink.
With :black ink selling at five cents
or so a bottle, it seems hardly worth
while for ane to use home-made ink,
but the'troable is that all black ink
is not black by any means. The fol-
slowing .recipe, however, which, by the
way, is some 200: -ears old,tells
how to make a black ink that will
not fade, and which is dead black in
hue. Here is the .recipe _
;One quart of rainwater, ,filtered
through .a close -woven `cloth, three
ounces of bruised galls, one and a half
ounces of sulphate of iron, green cop-
peras, twos and a balf ounces of gum
arabic. Coarsely powder the galls and.
pelt, Into a bottle with the other
chemicals stir them up and add 'the
water. Securely' close the bottle and
place in the sunlight; letting the bot-
tie stand until the gum arable and
eo,ppeeas have dissolved, occasionally
stirring the contents to bring this
about. ,shake the bottle each day for
is month or six weeks, then add some
20 drops of catholic acid to prevent
mold, and your ink i5s ready for use.
Khaki colored note paper is the
latest novelty in stationery.
Washable belts of white leather are
very popular.
Girdles of 5ol.d' or, alive'. saloon, on-
ricbed with jewels. combined tvith col -
cored panneorvelvet.
A matinee of pale bine chiffon. orna-
mented with all over lace in a Renals-
dance pattern, is Vary chic,
is the deadliest and most
painful malady to which
mankind is subject. Dodd's
Kidney Pills will cure any
case of Bright's Disease,
They have never failed in
one single ease. They ars
the only remedy that ever
has cured it, and theyare
the only remedy that can,
There are imitations of
Dodd's Kidney Pills—Wilt,'.
box and: name—but imita-
tions are dangerous. The
original and only gentiine
cure for Bright's Disease Is
Dodd's Kidney Pills are
fifty: dent a box at all.
c s
dru ists..
8 • I.
eldents nd'IC9rnbeileyDuring ' the Bent.
Ln times of Tong -continued danger,
mien often seek to relieve the strain by
tursiin,g to. account : any'tbing which
carry be called' a joke. , The brave de-
fenders -of Kimberley found plenty to
laugh` at even in ,times of bombard-
ment, and the recently published jour-
nal of Dr. Oliver Ashe lays stress on
the humors of the siege. .
It waa very funny to sea' all the
town's big swells either fetching their
meat- :th m•eelves Or sending a mem-
bee of their family for it. . Parsons,
lawyers, d)octoms, business men -We
wtere all there, awd it was a huge joke
tliat we were all in the sane box:,
but it was well that tha joke didn't,
last: too long.
At times the shelling wasvery se-
vere, and buglers were constantly on
duty to give wail:ming when the big
siege .gusas of the Boers were fired,
If • We bugler got his little' tune off
smart,' there were about fifteen sec --
ands in which to dodge under a wall
02 rush into your fort.
Mean took this inconvenience in dif-
ferent ` ways. One nervous man was.
actually seen to put up an umbrella
lwhbn the bugler sounded the warning
of a coming 'sth'ell, while, when an,
other exploded' within a fe\g yards of
an Irish policeman, the only, notice' he
ttoo(le of it was to' remark
"Bego,b, fevhat will they be playin'
at nextl"
I had, a sheI'l-proof fort construct-
ed under my Mouse, and my servants
were told that they could come into
it any time they heard the bugle.
Lizzie did come in a few times, when
ske was handy, bub as a rule she did
not bother, and was really very,
John, our Zulu, preferred to get be-
hind ; the big watecr-tank. ' I don't
thiruk that 'would have, saved him, but
his was happy there; so that was all
He was very funny. One day we
heard Lizzie[ 'lecturing him about
sometllin,g, and he retorted "Don't
marine such' a noise! I can't hear the
gun go off:"
The bacon of that gun would have
extinguished a megaphone.
The bear broke the t a you seer?
r P, y
Was it a big bear?
Not so very"But
big. g it t wasmarl
clear through.
What .angered it ?
Why, it hasi bean shot at twice and
thlan that little sawed off Billingsley
came up with his camera a,ns plant-
ed it an dtook aim' at the bear, and --
well, the bear ;just couldtn't stand its
He ;gave a snort -and a roar and broke
the traps—and I guess Billingsley is
running yet C
r �TT London��
Are undoubtedly ubted
0 1 Tilt;
ntinio is
from 4 •
c ami
sts 10 medals
C di lom
n as. The most wholesome of beveragoa;'
Recommended by Physicians. For sale evert.
cleet/ a
& / de/
' ice✓ 4 4.'
The falling leaved enrich the living
IIe who fears God is not afraid of
any outer.
There is no second childhood in the
Christiali lite,
It' is useless reaching out dirty hausa.
for God's holy gifts.
The experience of Christians is not
always Christian experience.
Mix all your crier with :gratitude
and it will taste of the latter.
Light comes with the knowledge of
God and love with the taste of His
It is not the length but the large-
ness of eternal life that makes it de-
Salvation is not the gathering of the
salvage, but the perfection of the
whole being.
Many who are very seldom solicit-
ous that God should have the shells.
are gating the kernels theiiiselves.
Sigirals of Danger.=-` l:ave you lost your
appetite ?'- Have you a coated tongue ?
Have you an unpleasant taste in the
mouth ? Does your head ache and have
yon dizziness 1 If so, your stomach is out
of order and you need medicine.' But you
do not like : medicine., He that. presets
sickness to medicine must suffer, but un -
dor the circumstances the . wise mail
would procure a box of Parmelee's Vege-
tablePill,s and speedily get himself in
health, and strive to keep so.
The Future of the Army.
It is, of course, premature to at-
tempt to predict • the changes which
will be brought about as a result of
the present war, but it is characteris-
tic of the cool temper in 'which :the
present crisis is being faced that two
suggestions are already being: discussed
in high quarters as certain to beseri-
ously considered when the crisis is
over. One of these is the ,conversion
of a large proportion of our infantry
regiments into a mounted force, and
the other is the certainty that the col-
nies must be granted some sort of
representation in :the control of the
defences of the Empire. The present
is obviously not the time for their
discussion; but I know '(writes a Lon-
don correspondent)' that in influential
quarters both these; questions are re-
garded as certain to come' up for dis-
cussion when theemore pressing needs
of the Empire have been met, and our
supremacy established ` in South
Africa. .
Dear Sirs -I have great faith in M1N-
ARD'S LIAIMENT, as last yuar 1.cured
a horse of Ring -bone, with five bottles.
It blistered the horse, but in a month
there was no ring -bone and no lameness.
Four Falls, N.B.
Concerning Candies.
It would not seem to the casual
housekeeper , necessary to take any-
nythought about these humble lumin-
aries. Yet there are certain points
that it would be well to bear in mind
about them. . One is that they burn
brighter and' longer when kept in the
storeroom for several months after
the date of purchase. A large stock
should, therefore, be acquired at a
time, and be stored away for futiuo
use. Winter -made candles are usually
accounted the best for use. Should
fine wax candles become soiled or dis-
colored by damp or other mischance,
they may be restored to pristine fresh-
ness by rubbing them with a piece of
clean flannel -ns istened with snirits
of wino. As candles have apronounc-
ed odor of their own, they should
never be placed anywhere in. the vi
chilly of soft' foods, such as butter,
lard, cheese, etc.
A lady writes : "I was enabled so remove
the corals, root and branch, by the use of
Holloway's Coru Care." Others who have
tried it have the same experience.
Intelligence of Animals.
A German, naturalist has collected
evidence that monkeys, clogs, cats,
birds and other animals- recognize
themselves or other annuals in minors
and pictures.
"I care not,"' said the stout man,
''who writes the songs of >a nation as
long as I: can invent their summer
drinks 1''
Minai'd'S Liniment Claes ColdSSt Etc,
All for the Service.
We inn t bringsomething s so lethin,,g
of all our
powers. something of intellect in`judg-
ment and of the heart in enthusiasm,
but lnueh of the soul, for the service
of the soul is the soul of service.
Few Divorces in Scotland.
The court of sessions of Scotland
granted 1'75 divorces ill 1809. Two-
thirds of the actions were brought by
What He ;Saki.
Landlord —When you gave Kickhard
sausage for his breakfast, what did he
Waiter --He said it was a horse on
Peach Stalins..Ar'e Stubborn.
Peach stains are particularly Vara
Inost'fcttal during hotwelither, '
WILL P58ITIVaLY Vaal1f 1'f.
CURES, nowot CO /PLiICP1'S, ,141°J.riS,.
All E ruggie£s, Price_ 25 Cts.
v...:.,o.«....-y-::.-mm......nava...-.,...wn....ww. .a.... arra..
Did She Get the Flat, '
It was a ancan trick, of course, and
some day she will doubtless get even
with him.
She saw him take a piece of paper
from his pocket, carefully fold it 'up,
put it in au envelope, and then place
the envelope in one of the far corners
of the drawer of the library table.
'''haus "that?'' she asked.
"0h, nothing of any consequence,"
he replied..
Now; if he`" had simply thrown it
carelessly into the drawer she would
have thought nothing of it, but the
carve ho took to put it clear over in
the far corner and the fact that he
seemed i11 at ease after he found that
his action had been observed aroused
her curiosity. She wondered what it
was, she reasoned ' with herself
that he had said it was "nothing of
importance," so lie would have no-
body but himself to blame if she took.
a look at it, She was justified in in-
ferring from his words that there was
no reason why she should not. And
this is what she read scribbled on a
piece 'cif paper :
"I'll bet you a new hat your .curi-
osity will not permit you to let this
alone. "
It was a terrible 'predicament in
which to place woman. How could
she claim the now hat without giving
herself away?
Safe, Certain, Prompt, Economic—These
few adjectives apply with peculiar force
to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil—a standard
external and internal 'remedy, adapted to
the relief and cure of coughs, sore throat,
hoarseness and all affections of the breath-
ing organs, kidney troubles, excoriations,
sores, lameness and pbysioel pain. •
High Prides for Chinese Pottery.
In London recently very high prices
were given for some pieces of Nan-
king pottery, the purchasers being
probably moved to unusual prodigal-
ity by
rodigal;ity'by the suspicion that after the
present Chinese troubles shall have
been settled such pottery will be more
than ever difficult of procurement.
Three vases, each ten inches high,.
brought $1,155, and a pair of long -
necked bottles sold for $1,050.
Mina1'd's k1lllmellt Cues Cial'get 1n COVES
England's Smokeless Coat.
Experiments have for some time
been made in England with smokeless
coal. This peculiar fuel may be burn-
ed either in an. ordinary grate or in a
basin in the middle of the room with-
out developing any perceptible odor or
smoke at any time. The fire looks
like the finest coal fire, and the flame
is white and blue.
Not Particular.
°My son, T know a girl who would
lie a good match. for you! But what
gnalities would you require if you
were going to marry?''
'The girl must be pretty."
"What else?''
"She must be musical.
"Is that all?"
`'Is that all? She most be richt"
"Then she'd be crazy if she married
"0h, well, I don't object to her be-
ing crazy!"
There is danger in neglecting a cold. -1
Many who have died of consumption dated
their troubles from exposure, followed by
a cold which settled on their lungs, and in -
a short time they were beyond the skill of
the best physician.'Had they usedBicklo's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup, before it was
too late, their lives would have been
spared. This medicine has no equal for
curing coughs, colds and all affections of
the throat and lungs.
Intricacies of Girlish Friendships.
"What brought on this dreadful `
coolness betweenyou and Viola
c n w ,
"Why, you see, Bertha, she told me
a lot of awfully ocean things you said
about me.
Wanted No More Brothers.
`Mamma, said a precocious youth
of five, who had been assigned the
task of rocking the cradle containing
her little baby brother, "if the angels
have any: more kids to give away,
don't you take 'em."
Millard's Liniment Cues Di litiderla,
Johnny's Idea of Marriage.
"You seem to be gutting: lazier
every day, Johnny , " said a mother to
her six-year-old son. "What are you
going to do for a living when you
grow up?"
"Oh," answered Johnny, "I'll get
married ; and live with my wife'd
—�^^- IvlcGill—Colingo Avenue.
AVENUE HOUSE—.gamily Hotel rates $1.50
per des.
Hotel Balmoral AmiPra50 upF.c1°.V14:
CA THOLIC PRAYER Eooks. Rosarr es, Cruel
fixes, ulaars.
Religious Pictures, Statuary and Church Orna
monis, Educational Works. Mail orders reeeive
prompt attention. D. & J. Sudsier d; Co. Montr'L:
used by mothers for their children teething. It soo'hee
the child,: softens the gums, allays pain, cures wind
colic, .anclisthe best remedy for diarrhwa. 3uc.a bottle. '.
Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure
and ask for ` Mrs. winsl ow's Soothing Syrup-"
Land -owners and farmers desiring to Procure Fgg,,UIT
t, TAFIES for anti al ylauctug, such as t
,I Ari' .� 111.5 and bore fIretclassPPEiees,9strong and y6, ,
f FiE 3 PLUM-' REg. 'Pl3AIt- irEES, etc.,
N 11
, •creno and
ollrlrate 4.8 the country, al' an extremely
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for
any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known 15. 7,
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him'' perfectly honorable in all business
transactions.:, and financially able to 'curry
out any obligations made' by their firm
WAST Druggists
YIN, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O
nal! S Catarrh Core is. taken iuternalty,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials ,sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. Seel by all drug-
gists. Y
;i Bright Soldier.
A military captain, . desirous of in-
spiring a, soldier with patriotic senti-
ments, asked him the following ques-
"What would you think if you saw
a banner waving over the field of bat -
"should think the wind was blot-
ing," was the man's reply.
Do Not Delay.—When, through debili-
tated digestive organs, poison finds its
way into the blood,: the prime consider-
ation is to, get' the poison out as rapidly
and es thoroughly its possible. :Delay
may mean diseeter. Parmelee's 'Vege-
table Pi!lswill be found amost valuable
and effective medicine to assail the in-
truder with. They never fail. They go
al- once to tllie se[tG of the trouble and
work a ainna000i cure. se
Unfortunately True.
"Revenge to -day, mourning to -mor
• "` is the cry in the European.
row," y 1
capitals, but there will be many
mourning to -morrows before the clay
of revenge comes.'
It Needs,. n Airing.
The Chinese boast that their civili-
zation is 4,000 Years old. Perhaps that
is the reason why it is necessary to
shoot a, few holes through it for pur-
poses of ventilation.
Mlllatid'S L1111ll1011t allr6S Di telllpeI'
'i'hey Aro Alt Mille.
Jack—She is anew woman, isn t
Tom—Oh, I don't know. She shit is
her eyes when being kissed, just the
sante as the others do.
to remove. They should be soaked a! One trial of -Mother Grave's Worm Ex -
long bine in aweak sedation of elllor,1 terno11Itor will 0onvi000 cora that it has
no equal as is worm medicine. Buy a bot-
edo of lime a1inse very thoroughly. , tic sulci inc if it docs not please you.
2`K�'',Y•�uaeiLr�,t'si`k,A�*`t'1'�'t 1e23:d
cif pr as. r,.ief ,trent from ut- fly this means you
'15 save the profits of aaontu.and merchants.
Post-5a1d .illustrated catalogue of 01 pages, with
directions forprepariug remedies fori' the destruction at
h55c:ets on fruit tro0s rose.buslies, etc. sent on receipt`
of 10 cents. The I$., .51535 TOVINS) 11, 341055039.,
Gswrenceville,Que. .
- frsly CuSTOPred. PE.0 irnLoxTORIIR.E. Permanent•
- `.
arias's GREar
NERVE RI;S. Positive m
for` all Nervous Diseases, Pe stag
,Leilepsv., Spasms and St. Vitus Dance: No
Fits or Nervousness afterlu'
st day's use.:
Treatise and 52 trial bottle sent,
through Canadian Assume FREE to •1515 patients;
they payingexpress charges onlywhenreceived :..
Sells to Dr 'Keine, 551 Arch St; Philadelpliia.,P s,
T, NF U,
The All -Canada Show I
AUG. 27th to SEPT. 8th.
l 9OO
ixposition of d
I„]dlStP a1 Faif
All the, Latest Novelties.' Many direct
from Europe.
The Marvellous Resources of our own
Country Thoroughly Esploitidd.
Brilliant and Realistic Battle Spectacle,
AND ALSO THE tremort
Timely Arrival of Canadian Art ltea•lr,
Entries close August 4th.
For prize lists, entry forms, etc., acl<lress
& iidr cru .S7rzi'71, 21'. I a7. Tr S. It
ryes deitt. liana p16, P'ot'onta