HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-8-23, Page 1n.' t•t�..��. u... � I:.FI2.M'. . N.ti
!�.7%a:r�' w+t,T+.".t..:.. .l . =,ala ..,. ",t•.,
AUGUST 23, 1900.
5 adies
A big reduction
5e. 12
Children's - '
°ser r
all sizes,
kkd 4c. f`
Lades Sa
_ �-�� � �:,p-:,�-'_p,�G���`_. � rte__ `' ` .. .
®�.r '' '66e. o0 044
remnants of press
foods, gents x�iF
in in hangs and Muslin
9 cents .. .
alai es Junimer
ilor Hats
3. for 26c;
ose. 3 for 25c.
.pp ecial
3 pair for 50co
Pure Wool
ah C s niers
Vi Hose, 3 pr.
0.:: 50c.
0000:-.))+1-1- 000 p_p-
all kinds.
To clear 39c.
Men's Duck
Feder a Hats,
e.etaie-eiteteee.. lees: ,..de eeee
Men's �'e le a Shirts,latestpatterns.
e . 7 5c. at 39c.
$1.00 .1295
N•$ VeF'$' 'iee'se.'ei-elere ' ii'. 'wi e'er'
s` w - T
.ems�t��a itz)I.t=s_
Special prices to threshers in Oils, Packing, Fittings, Mitts.Etc. A large stock on hand
A large shipment just arrived which is theenw
try sure and
it. Same price as others.
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or yillage property, at.
owest rates of interest.
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
Notice is hereby given that there was lost,
on or about the 28th day of April, IWO, a
a note for SSO, made by the undersigned in
favor of William Wiilert, payable; in six
months from the date thereon. A11 parties
are warned against purchasing or nogotat-
ing for same.
undersigned is offering for sale tha
Theri,i Hurn
dosirable liouso� and premises0 0
street{ East, in the village of Exeter, boing
part oflot i60 contkiining,h,.f acres;. There is
on the promises a good frame House, stable.
hard and soft waer, some fri.lt'trees an:d
otherdonvenienees. Possession given thi8
fall or next spring. ForDither partioulars
pp .. WM. BAHEit, Exeter,
Municipality of the Township of Ste-`
P Y p Step-
hen, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I hays trans-
mitted or delivered to the persons mention-
ed in Sec, f and i) of the Ontario. Voters' Lists
Act; the copies required by said sections to
be so transmitted or delivered of the List
made pursuant to said Act, of all persons
appearing by the last revised Assessment
Roll Ii 1. the said s
to vote i e e i Munfciicipal to be entitled
n tile said. &innici alit. at Elections
for, Members of the ,:Le slate e Assembl
and, at Municipal Eleetions, and that the
said List was firstosted up at my office at.
Crediton on, the p'l;owenty-seventh day of
July, 1000, and remains there for inspection.
Electors lire called upon to examine the said
List and if any permissions• or other errors
are found therein, to take immediate ro-
ceeding to have thosaid errors corrected ae-
Cording to law.
Cleric T'w'p Stephen.
to . en.
Dated at Oroditon, this 17th clay of July A.D.
Municipality of the Village of Exeter,
in the Ceunt of - Huron.
Notice is hereby given that_I
have .trans-
mitted or delivered tolthe persons mention-
ed in sections eight and nine of the Voters'
List Act the copiesrequir"ed by the said sec-
tions to be transmitted or delivered of the
list andurs
p Want to said Act of all persons
appearing by the last revised assessment
roll oft said the aid Municipality to be entitled
to vote in the said Municipality at eloetions
for members of the Legislative Assembly
and at liranicipai Elections and the said
list was first posted up at my office at the
Village of Exeter oil tho
THIRTIETH' xliAY OF avtx A. D.01900
and )13111 Ries their for ins ection. Electors
called are o uponp
d. to examine the Said Ilse and:
ifommissions or any errors aro found there-
to take immediate proceeding to have said
errors correetod according to law.
Village Clerk.
Dated this 80th day of ,rely, A. ;D.,1100.
A hotse famine is predicted in the
eastern part of Ontario,' owing to the.
large number of animals purchased
for ty° tr purposes. p xposos. Wellknown deal-
ers say there will be a difficulty to.
supply' the market with horses for
some years and that the prices of the
animals will greatly increase.
A registrar writes from a sub -dis-
trict near London that ' the following
Christian names • appear on one page of
his register of births for the last week
in Jame: "Dora. Daisy Pretoria —,"`
<"Fredeuick Tomas Baden-Powell
--," "Walter James Mahon Male -
king —,"
kin—," and "May Bloemfontein."
School Board Minutes.
Meeting of the Board held in the
Town Hall, Monday, Aug. 20th, with
all members present, The following is
the order of business' dulysubmitted
and approved. - Per chairman, minutes
of previous meeting. Froin the Re-
pairs committee, that the furnaces had
been duly examined, placed in aproper
state of;repair and were likely to re-
main satisfactory for some years. Per
Grounds committee that the vel
required had been procuredbra
and satis-
factorily placed. Per Secretary, that
an acceptance
t nee had been received from.
Miss Rusk, of Goderich, of the position
vacated by Miss Ball. Per W. J. Car-
ling and W. 'Trevethick, that the non
resident fees for each term be required
in advance. Per J. Senior and W.
Trevethick, that subject to the Inspec-
tor's approval, the following accounts,,
in connection with the Davis -Heywood
contract,be paid: W.J.Hea man,$44.93;
A.Davis and C.Heywood$91.52. Per R.,
N. Rowe and H. Huston, that the fol:tl
lowing accounts be accepted: -J. Grigg,
school. supplies, $19.30; S. Sweet, re-
pairs to,farnaces, $33, and subject the
appity lPof the committee, Inspector's
cliarge;'$3. Per W. J. Carling andH.
Hustorthat the repairs required to
;the ro'afs be effected on the direction
of the Repairs committee. Per V\T• J.
Carling and H. Huston, that our pleas-
ure and. thatof theratepayers ' in the
success of our pupils" at the recent
exams. be voiced by the Board and
that a vote of thanks be tendered to,
the teachers for their zeal and; fidelity,
and .is its 'or their crier and care-
ful studfy, securing the following ex-
cellent showing: -Applicants for En-
trance 15, passed. 15; Junior Leaving
10, passed 10; Matriculation 8, passed
6. Per W, J. Carling, ad.ionrnment.
J. GRIGG, Sec'y.
Miss Mitchell, who has been visit-
ing her sister, Mrs, NV. 'White, left for
Detroit Wednesday where she intends`
spending a few days. -Mrs. Geo. Davis'
left las' 1Iond,ty for Rainy River Dis-
trict, weere she `will join her leas ncl,
who went there last spring.
DEATH of Miss. Joins. It will be
sad' news to the friends of Miss Cora
Johns, daughter of NIr, Silas Johns,
who died here' yesterday (Wednesday)
at the age of 18 years and 18 days.
She hadbeen 'tiling. from lung trouble
for the past two months and from the
first she had radually sank until
r She claimed her. 5 e was an aim-
able young girl and will be much mis-
sed by her many friends and associates.
Her funeral takes place to -day. (Thurs-
day.) The parents have the sympathy
of the community.
Mrs. John Essery and son Willie are
visiting friends in Darlington. -Mr.
George IIari e , of Russeldale, spent
Sunday with his parents here. -The
Sunday school purpose holding their
annual picnic to Grand Bend on Sat-
urday Augast 25th:
at-urdayAugust25th: A good tithe is
expected. -Miss Polly Fisher, of Exe
ter, is Visiting her cousin, Miss Edith
Buswell. -Miss Addie Caves, ,of Lon-.
don, is spending her holidays here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Caves. -Mrs. John Baker,of Rochester,
is visiting her brother, Mr. George
Rook. -Mr. Frank :Adair, spent Sun
day with friends at Parkhill. -Mr..
John Harmer lost a valuable horse
one day this week from inflammation,
Buswell, teacher, who has
ho e
hisI returned' been on bol clays, Ie irneC
Saturday and commenced his duties
on Mond ay. -A number from here
spent a' few days last week at the
Bend, enjoying the cool breezes of
Lake Hitron,- Wm. , Case is erecting
a new windmill which will add much
to the convenience of his place:'
BARNS BURNED. -During -the elect-
rio storm which passed over this sec-
tion on Monday evening Last, the barns
of Mr..Thos Ilazlewood, one and a
quarter miles east of here, were struck
by lightning and burned to the ground;
together with a roller, binder and all
the season's crops owned by Mr. D.
Goulding., Who has the farm rented.
Mr. Hazlewood is fully insured in 'the
Hibbert and Usborne Fire Insurance
Co., while Mr. Goulding carried $800
on the contents in the same company,
which amount he put on about three
weeks ago.
We are sorry to report the serious
illness of old Mrs. Clark, and her age,
which is near eighty, ggoes mach
against her recovering.`-Mr.s. Enos
Cook and her sister and brother left
on Saturday last for' Manitoba. Mr.
Cook' went out in March last. -Our
school opened on Monday and our
teachers, •having had six ,week's rest
will have their mucles upand ready
action. look out r
for ti So 00 0 boysand
girls. -The recent rains have been a
great draw -back to those who have
not finished harvest. -Mr, , Hallie
Brown was in Centralia last week re-
lieving his brother, Percy, who was
"under the weiather."
Children Cry for
Hay Council
A special meeting of the Council
was held ou Tuesday evening
15th inst, for the purpose of consid-
ering the advisability [of cleaning
out the Zurich drain. After F. W.
Faruconxb, the engiueer,had explained
certain matters in connection with the
work the Council decided to have the
drain cleaned out as speedily as pos-
sible -and instructed MI, Faencornb to
make me examination and an assess-
ment and report to the Connell at an
early date. The Council' adjourned to
meet again at the call of the reeve.
F. Hess, Clerk.
3icGillivra,y Council
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in Town Hall, McGillivray, fitli
August. ,Present, R. Ilutchison, Reeve;
P. P. Harding, M. Miller, A. H. Hocl-
gins` and J. McGregor, Councillors.
Minutes of last meeting react; ` atpprov
ed of and signed. .Miller --McGregor,
that accounts' amounting in •til to
8823.60 be paid, Carried. Miller -
Harding, that the tenders ofthe Strat-
ford Bridge Company; for the struc-
ture of an iron bridge over, the Aux
Sa b
n e river, iv�., o n the Sth Econcession
C. R.. 'for the sum of $1123, be ;accept-
ed, and FL copy of this resolution be
given their representative. The work
to be completed on or before the 15th
clay, of October, 1900. -Carried. Heed-
ing, --McGregor, that the council acl-
journto meet in the TownHall, on
the first Monday in September, at one
o'clock, p. ni. Carried.
School re -opened Monday with all
the teachers in their places. Parents
should see that their children start at
once. -Miss Laura Goetz and Fanny
Snell have returned from a week's out-
ing et Grand Bend. -On Monday even-
ingi '
in the home of Mr. Geo. Itch hoi'fer
was gladdened by a baby girl.-iMissio-
naI y sermons were preached last Sun-
day in the Lntheriaa church here.
The prize given for the best lady rider,
by the proprietor of the merry-go-
round, was received by Mrs. Valentine
Ritter. Next Saturday a prize will be
given for the best' gentleman rider,
also for the best single lady rider. -Mr.
Thos. Snell left on Monday to take
charge of his school et Bryanston.
He will be much missed by the fair
sex. The "recent rains have delayed
the harvest although doing much good
to the root crop.
BURGLARLY. Some unknown person
or persons broke into the house of
Mr. Conrad Walper (Lake Road west)
on Sunday forenoon while the family
were at church and stole a suit of
clothes, hat, razor and other articles,
Mr. James Luther threshed. ninety
bushels of good clean wheat, . the pro-
duct of three 'acres, last week. --Mrs.
Atkinson, of'Exeter, is visiting her -
brother, Mr, James Beophey and -other
friends. -Miss Della Baird and M. Mil-
ler were the guests of Miss Alice Wil-
son several days last week. -Rev. Mr.
Lynch, a former pastor, preached in
Grace church last Sabbath. -Rev. Mr.
Hazen, of Wyoming, who is camping
with Rev. J. E. Holmes, at Grand
Bend, preached a very interesting and
instructive sermon 10 the Boston
Methodist Church on Sunday. -Mrs.
W. J. Wilson and her aunt, Mary E.
Wilson, of Boston,Mass. ,visited friends
in Exeter last Saturday and Sunday.
and returned home on Monday.''-Tlr.
Thomas Stinson and wife and son vis-
ited friends here on Sunday. -Mr. W.
J. Wilson sold Master John Bullock
a new Winchester wheel the other
day. -Mr, C. H. Wilson bought a new.
steel wind mill from Mr. Thomas
Mogliday last week. He has just com-
pleted. a new cement silo 14x1Ft and
80 feet high. A' naxnher of enterpris-
ing farmers have already called to
see it.
Grand Bend
Quite a number of campers left Mon -
clay. -.Mrs. Alex. Martelle left on the
20th for London Hospital. -A fine rain
fell here Sunday night. -The Bobier
picnicwas great at success here on Sat -
urday. Quite a•number of sports were
held and all spent a lively time.---
ime.-What right have been a serious acci-
dent occurred" to Mr. Harry Bossen-
berry while rafting logs at Port Blake
the other day. The logs were left on
a steep bank of about 35 feet high. It
appears he was at the bottom trying
to loosen some of them and in some
way lie slipped and fell in front of
them, the logs at the same time begin-
ning to roll, three passing over him.
He was taken to his Koine about two
miles distant and a doctor called but it
was found that ho bones were broken.
Nevertheless lie was badly bruised and
it will be some weeks before' he will be
around again.
(Too late for last week.)
Mrs. William Paterson is on the
sick list. -Mr. Joseph Brenner has
purchased a large piece :of land. from
.Delzel.-Mx Martelle spent Sun-
day in Port Frank. -A number " of
Exeter's sports are spending a few
days fishing on the old river. --The
"Eagle", of Bayfield, is here waiting
for a raft of logs. -The mason work
of the first story of the Presbyterian
Manse will be finished to -day. ---A wel-
come rain fell here Saturday night.
nY r .
�eventee e� s of' Tortul
''T had a 'had cough for seventeen;
Mr. Sam'l Hamilton
years".writes s
of Lawnville, Tenn. "No doctor or
medicine could cure it until te year ago
I began to use Dr..1(ing's New Discov-
ery for cotasiimption, which did 'me
more good than any other medicines I
ever used. it is truly a grand dire
for stubborn (loughs, Coids and Throat
and Lang troubles," Positively cures
Consumption, Pneumonia, Grip, ,Bron-
chitis, tiestluna, Hay Fever and Croipp
Price hoc, azid$1,00. Guaranteed,
Trial bottles free at drug store,
Miss Hettie Lewis and Miss Vance,.
visited sitcGl eye i
here, the nest of
Mrs. Thomas Neil. ----Miss Brown, of
London, spent Sunday with friends
here. -Miss Olive Walker, has return-
ed to her public school duties, ,after`
spending the vacation with her n�ar-
ents in London Towrnship. Me, (eco.
Rogers, of Oliio, is 'visiting (fiends
here,` • Mrs• Richard Handford and
blx'. Willber. Lane, left Saturday ;for.
Manitoba on an extended visit to'theii.
friends, -Miss Ida Abbott, of Exeter,
spent Sunday here the guest of Miss
Lottie Handford. -Miss Culbert, ` of
Lucian, spent Sunday here the gust of
Ml's, Charles Fairhall --Miss 'Mary
Sweet, of Detroit, left last Friday for
her home, after spending a few weeks
here, the guest of her sistex, ilyrs.
Richard Hill. -Mr. Wni. Down, who-
howas laid off duty ai:shove time ago. iy
able to be out again; also Mr. Wm.
Hicks, of Fairfield, who has been seri-
ously ill, is recovering. -Mr. Abraham
h �
Walker, who has been assisting his
brother at the butchering' for some
years at Crediton, has rented Mr.
Brown's farm on the SauhleLine,afew
miles east of here. We to
the vicinity. -our public school opened
Monday. -Mr. Thonias Wilson, of the
4t1i concession i of Stephen,
posed of his 100 acme farm to Mr. 3.
Hepburn, of this village. MI. RTilson.
has accepted llr. Ilepbhrn-s house
here into the bargain and will move=
out to this village when Mr. Hepburn
starts on the farm.
Sc:Hoon Presic.-The Annual Sun-
day and. •public school picnic, held last
Friday at Grand Bend, was a complete
success. The weather wasmost beau-
tiful and the lake so smooth. The
children and parents • turned out in
large numbers, also the members of'
the congregation •and all heartily e -
joyed themselves. The ladies prepar-
ed a large supply of eatables for the
to which all did -'ample- jus-
tice. The sports, which consisted of
bathing, boating, etc., were heartily
St. Joseph
Mrs. Jacobi received the sad intelli-
gence on Friday th•tt her daughter,
Mrs. I. Green, who, is in Sarnia hospit-
al undergoing an .operation; was not
expected to recover. She left immedi-
ately for that place, we have not yet
heard how her daughter is, but hope
she may not be as bad as .reported. -
Mr. Amos Overlaelt is laid up with a
felon on his hand which will lay hint
off work for : some 'time. -lir. N. ` M.
Contine is in :Montreal on''busiriess.-
The wife of Mr. L. Kine presented her
husband with a bright baby girl. Luke
says'be is:sellish, its the first should
have been a 1 oy. \ever mind Luke,
better luck next "'time. -Miss :,• Bertha
O'Brien spent part of Iast week, the
guest of her sister, Mrs. T. H. Horton,
of Lumley. -School re -opened on Mon-
day 'md teacher and pupils feel very
much refreshed after their vacation. -
Large numbers of guests are entertain-
ed daily at, the Queen's and all are .zu-.
animous in saying that the able and
genial manager, Mr. Hubchesori, is the
right man in the right place. -Miss
Addie Taylor has accepted the position
as head waiter at the Queen's. -By an
active test of measurement, made in
G. Campbell's store, beforeseveralre-
liable witnesses, the Plymouth Binder-,
Twine and the Red Star brand, of the
Farmers' Binder Twine Co. of Brant-
ford, it was found that the Plymouth
twine ran seventy-two feet more to the
pound than the Red. Star. This is an
item not to be overlooked by the farm-
ers, who use several hundred pounds
in a season. -Mr. Rich. Jennison had:
the misfortune to severely sprain his
ankle on Saturday morning. He now
sports a cane and his gait is not very
our sad duty to have to chronicle the
death of Tillie, daughter• of Mr. and
Mrs. B. Charrette, which sad event
took place on Friday evening. Her
remains were interred in the R. 0,
cemetery on Sunday afternoon,follow-•
ed by a large concourse of friends and
relatives. . The bereaved family` have
the sincere sympathy of the entire
community in this their hour of .trial.
He Fooled The Surgons,
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering
18 months from `Rectal Fistula, he -
would die unless a costly operation
was performed: but he cured himself"
with Bucklen's Salve, the best in the -
world. Surest Pile cure on earth.
25 cents a' box. Sold by all druggists,:
WeerrE-In Exeter, on August' 20th
the wife of M. J. White, hite, of a Son,
D'ouceArr.-\.t Rode;erville, on August
19th, the wife of Ilenry Dougall of a
CouditLIN--South Boundaiy, Stephen,.
on August 106h, the wife of Bat.
Coughlin, of a cltyughter:
MORROW -In ,Seaforth, on Aug. 13th,:
William. Morrow, aged 53 years, 8
months and 13 days.
TIOPSoN.-In Detroit, cm August 20,
Emma Hopson, aged 22 ,years.
'North, VacA�-111 'N on August
.Eaetel n 1, a
19th, John Vale,' aged 57 years, 7
.L+, m rills on ti.ia ust�2nd
J ,g ,
Cora May, daughter of Silas Violins.
y �
aged 18 ,doy
years and 1S s. Funeral
ye y
to -day ('Thursday.)
MCT�p1LL.•iei.- :[ir Ailsa Craig,on Fri-
day, Aug. 10th V. Ii up eniia,
Y� g ,
Mr. Mi
font daughter G f . and Mrs.
McKellar, aged •3 iirontlas and 15
Sxizl..--II Exeter, on August 22
v ,
Alouze 3. Snell, aged 10 years and
14 days. i+ uncriiI'to-tia,y (Thursday)
at 4 o'clock.