HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-8-16, Page 5.0zieter Abittorate Is plibliShOd, every Thursday Morning, at the Ofacol AIL AIN -STREET, — EXETER, —By the— ADVOCATE PUBL I Sid I NG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. - Ono Dollar per annum if' paid in Advance $1.50 if not so paid, ti Mo.topc... oda .23-pittlaca,- , No paper discontinued. until all arre rage Rd,. p.a. Advertisements without specdfie directions will be publishecl till forbid and • charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long 'periods. Every description. of SOB PRINTING turned out in the "finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, ra oney ord- ers,&e.for advertising, subscriptions ,etc to bo rnade payable to Cha.JL Sall(le]'s, Ei)IToa A.ND PItOP Professional Cards. IT, KINSMAN, L, D. S, & DR. A. R. - KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S, Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any AL- :sd effects. Office in Fanson's Block, west Main Street Exeter TeR.D. AIATON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) °I.onors Gradua.to of the Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central. Hotel -Exeter, Med:teal -41r,y-‘11.T.p. McLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- ear. Office, Dashwood, Ont. .Lettal. . •-TIICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, _ Solicitor, Notaries, Conveyancers, • • Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 514 per cent. Office Fanson's Block, Main St., Exeter. (A. Member of the firm will be at Housall on Thursday of each week.) ' CARLING-3B. A.. L. H,'DicksoN, . • , W. GLADMAN,(successor to Elliot & . Gladman,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pablie,Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan at lowegt rates of interest. Office Main Street, Auctioneers BOSSENBERRY, Grand Bend, Licens eti . Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges Moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. . BROWN,Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- ,JL1..., idneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex; also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbale.Sales arranged. at Post office. Win- o liaise . Insurance. E ELLIoT, • insurance Agent. ian St Exeter .aelk jtkaark.ar. jar. 1:)11:11SLitS I To read the big stores' ad- ', vertisenients....... . ,. STOP! TtlINK ! „ • For whose good are we in , the furniture , business? ,. For ' i• el yours and ours. If we are not • useful to you we ea,nnot be use- fulto,ourselves. We have ,got -to carry the goods you want at • the prices you want 'or we can- „ not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing 11, business right along for years, • which proves, that we are the •„right kind of. -people with the' right Prices. Come and see for yourself. ".” S. GIDIAEY SI SON. -Furniture. Undertaking, •OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. mar-.g=vi--Airr,tr • The Molsons Bank. • " (Chttrtered by Parliament, 1S,55.) , Paid.lip 'Capital.. .. . . .$2,500,000. .. Rest Fund'. . Head office Montreal': ' WOLFERST'AN TEGTvIA.S, Es(j., GENERA.I, 111ANAGE1t.. '•:Money ,advanCed.. to good „I:antlers on 8Vbeir eowenennt,notes tw.itehe uontrie.` or more endorsers r " '• —EXETER BRANCH — Open every laWful day from' 10 a.m. to '3 tin ,p.m; Setarcleys to 1 p.m, A general banking business tranSacted. CURItENT RATES allowed for money on Deposit Receipts.' Savings Bank at se. DICKSON & CARLING, N , D. HtynDON; Solicitors. Manager. Zurich: Messrs. Appel and Zeller have sold their hardware stock to. C. Hartleib, who will take possession on the 15th instant. E. Appel intends running the harness business at the old stand with M. Kestle the well know: $ hat -nes -maker as manager. XIMNIORNIVAIMIIIMIDLVBINtienli ALL YR FAUNS MTh iii arKffler A liresdielne Chest In Itself. • elle) and Quells t4rs for RAMPS, DItiIIRHOEA, ces COLDS, RI'Ll2UnlATISM ' ta fin 60 T )fl t Bottles•. ,•CEVIARE. 05 IMITATIONS- ,• BUY oNLY THE ENUINE..14 PI.14°A'1" DAVIS' Lots o f people have thin hair. Per- haps their parents' had thin A I 11 hair; per- haps their children have thin hair. • But this does not make it necessary for them to have thin, hair. One thing you may rely upon• — makes the hair healthy and vigorous; makes it grow thick and long. It cures dan- druff also. It alwaYi restores color to., gray hair, -- ii the dark, rich color of early life.._• There is no longer need of your laoking old be- fore your time. $1.00 a bottle. • All druggists. As a remedy for restoring color oa the hair I believe Ayer's Bair Vdgor has no equal. I has always given me perfect satisfaction in every way." • irs. A. M, STREI3L, Aug. 18,1858. Ilammondsport, N.Y. Write the Doctor. Nyill send you a book on Tl.e Hair and Scalp free, upon request, If y.ou do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the use of the Vigor write the Doctor about it. DB. 3, C. AVER, Lowell, Mass. IT()RSFAIEN • VRTINARY. E.0 RE KA 'TRADE MARK CAUSTIC BALSAM A. reliable remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavin, Sweeney, Latheness trorn any cause, and. Sore Throat in Horsestim , and Lpm ,,Taw in Cattle. See Paphlet. Satisfaction guaranteed All Driiggists and general stcrekeepers keep It. Prepared by EUREKA VETERINARY MEDICINE Co., LONDON, - - ONTARIO. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel 70 to 71 Flour per cwt 1.85 to 2.00 Barley 30 to 40 Oats • 27 to 28 Peas 55 to 00 Butter 13 to tO Eggs 11 Potatoes per bag 40 Hay per ton 7.00 to SJO Dried Apples per lb Turkeys • 8 to 9 Chicken .------ 5c. lb. Geese Corn Timothy Clover 40 to 45 25 to 1 .50 .450 to 525 Wool .... .... . .......... ...........15 to 1.5 e••••44•1+0044.•+. t4+9•41•400•••••44.4,4444 0 IFULA I SCRI , ,. i i :thin blood, weak lungs and: paleness. You have them in • hot weather as well as in cold. ISCOTT'S EMULSION cures them in summer as in winter. It is creamy looking and pleas- ant tasting. pc. and $1 co • all druggistq I fIlf 4444.:5•••ee-0 fe••••••••>11.10064.•4440404144 IR Sarepta: Mrs. D. Baker. and her Iwo daughters, Miss OliVe and Lelia May, of Brandon, and also Miss C. Harris, of Brandon Hills, are at pre- sent visiting their uncle, Mr. T. Bas- tard at'Sarepta: . Tockersmith: T. G. Williarason, Of Provincial Anditor Laing's department at Toronto:has completed his audit of the Treasurer's books for the township of Tuckersinith, and .has handed his report to the council. The audit was made at the selicitation of a number of ratepayers, and covers the past ten years and a half. In his report which covers some seven or eight pages, Mr Williamson states that he has found that the books have been kept in .a most systkna tic way. and apart from a couple of clerical errors, which have rade no difference to the township, and which are very insignificant, they are correet in every detail. This re- port places the late treasurer, James Murray, of Hensell, in it most enviable position. For ten years and it half he has served the township as treasurer and in all that time he has kept the finances of the iniinicipality cOrrectly and efficiently-. We, Congratulate Mr. Murray on the excellent recommenda- tion which the report gives him, ft required 30 days in 'which to make the audit, and as ,the audit's fee8 are $8 per day and expenses, his bill 8,1110011t,S, to $207, which, with other incidental expenses, will tiring up the costs to the township in the neighborhood of $300. The report, however,will set at rest any rumors or uneasiness that might have existed that things wore not per- haps just, iis they should • have been, and in that Way the OW 11811 ill has, 110 doubt, got the worth di its money. 8Ik 11)13[III 1111R118 ()PINIOti Head of Chinese Maritime' Cus- toms Says "no Safety in Delay." Sikenq rears ror the Safety of the Members of the Legations 'When Defeated Chin. eso Return • to rekiii-Amea vorpes Taking a Titre.° Day's Rest After the 0apture of Yangtsan -Speedy Advance Needed. ° ,London, Aug. 13, 3.30 a.m,—“The sooner we can get out of this the better, for it is inconvenient for the Chinese Goverimient and unsafe for ourselves." This is a message received last everting from Sir Robert Hart, dated Pekin, Aug. 5, and sent in cipher to the Chinese 1Nraritime Customs Oflice 'in London. Commenting upon it The Morning Post says: ' "It would seem to indicate that the Chinese Government is anxious for the safety df: the foreigners • or at . any rate to get them safely out of Pekin, while Sir Robert Hart evi- dently expects that they will get out sooner or later." ' pheng, Director -General of Rail- roads. and Telegraphs, according to a Shanghai, despatch to The Stand- ard, expresses grave fears for the safety of the members of the lega- tions Ilion the defeated Chinese for- ces return ta, the capital, • The Austrian naval commander re- ports t.o Vienna that the allies • de- cided to rest for three days' after the taking of Yanytsun. Country aom1 wor niarching. A despatch to the News agency from Tien Tsin, says: ''Junks and stones block the river beyond the ad- vanced posts of the allies for it con- siderable distance, but the dryness continues, and -the c,ountry is in good marching circler, subsidiary dykes having made the enemy's dam- ming ineffe'ctive. "It is believed that some 500 have been added to the expedition by the increase in the numbers of the Brit- ish Naval Brigade" 'Korea, according to a Seoul da - snatch, consents to Japan sending troops there to provide for emer- . gencies. No Start FO"r Tien Tsin..! The reception of the message from the Italian Minister in Pekin effec- tually disposes ci the report that he had started for Ties Tsin. •Not Besiegee Now. The Daily News publishes an in- terview with the Chinese Minister in London, Sir Shill Cheri Lo .e'eng Luh, quote h him aS urging thg foreign Ministers- to leave Pekin. 'Some peo- ple say," remarked Sir thild Chen, "that the Europeans are still be- sieged. It is not so. When you are besieged, you are not allowed com- munication with the outside world; but here you are receiving n,essag-es, cipher messages, frbrn Sir Claude Macdonald." • Ordered to Sdicide. Chang Heng Huan, the Cantonese, who was the special ambassador of Chieia at Queen Victoria's jubilee, and xvito is now in: banishinent itt Hi, has been ordered, according to a Shanghai despatch, to coini titt sui- cide; ,an Imperial. edict having' been issued to that .offedt CABLE FROM M. D.E GIERS Received From Pekin Czar Approves of the Minister Starting For Tien • St. Petersbueg, Aug. 13.—The Official Messenger on Saturday pub- lished the following: “TheForeign Office, to -day receivecl a. telegram direct from et. De Giers (the Rueshin Minister at the Chinese capital) from Pekin. • The despatch was evidently taken by special eour- ier to •Tsinan from: the capital of Shantung, and was thence 'telegraph- ed August 7 by the loeal Yamen. 'Ai. De Giers announces ,that the siege of the legations continues, the besieged still having some provisions left. The Chinese Government pro- poses to transmit the ministers' Ines-. sages and that they leave Pekin. As the ministers had not sufficient guar- antee they replied that they mese re- ceive the permisslon of their govern- ments before leaving the city:" ' The Czar Approyes. The Messenger then .announces that the Czar's', approval has been given for M. De Ciders to start for Tien Tsin , with ,his entire staff and the marine guard 'cin condition(hate the existing government .at Pekin' 4nd the Emperor afford them surco. guarantee • that the journey can be undertaken, without danger. At the same time M. De Giors is instructed to call at- tention to the heavy responsibility the Chieese Government would in- cur should there be the slightest in- fraction 01 the inviolabilitY of the persons accompanying him to Tien What Russia's Game Is. , London, Aug. 13,—The Russian 'Government's permission to M. De Giers and his 'staff to leave Pekin wider Chinese, guarantees', while the, United States and other governments tell their Ministers . to hold out till relieved, is the subject of much com- ment ineLondon, where simposed Rus7 slan designs are closely scrutinized. , A special despatch from 'St. Peterg- burg attributes to Russia, the inten- tion to fill Manchuria with troops, and not, to let go of that territory when the present , ebullition is over. The Russian War Office expects to have 142,000 men and 242 guns in Siberia by the end, of September, nenewed Attack on the Legations. Paris Aug i3.—The Ministerf Marine, M, de La,nessan, has received vont Ad miral Co u rrejol les t,W0 de- spatches confirming the news of the battles of Peasants and Yangtsun, 03310 of these, dated `Palm, Aug-. 6, aed forwarded via Cite Voo Aug, 7, Mentions a rumor that the legations at Pekla have suffered a, 'renewed at- tack, Legations Again Fired Upon. Rome, Aug% 1.3 . --The F01'CIfftL Office has received the following despatch from the Italian Minister in Pekin, MarCV•lis .8a1vago Raggi, dated Aug, "Shots exchanged between the de- fenders of the legation and the Chi- nese. 01)6 killed and two wounded. We have no news from be allies ,since July 30, We hope they will riot delay advance to Pekin," Heat Playing Havoc With Allies. WilShingtoll, Aug. 13. --:--The follow- ing cablegram has been received at the Navy Department from Admiral RindieY: `f,Ta.ku, Aug. 7.—Chaffee telegraphs ,from front: Sixli--Yangtsting occu- pied. Casualties about 60 my cum - ‘f WO marines wounded, Many prostrated by heat and fatigue; next move yet unknown. General com- manding English at- front telegraphs: 'Marched from Pietsang nine • miles Coward Yangtsun when formed, from (for?), attack with the Americans On right, Russians on left. After rapid advance of three miles under hot .BOERS ARE IN FLIGHT. dcitchener's arid Methuen's Forces in Pur- suit Latter Fought I3ear-6 fifird Action -Another Siege of, Iflaffilting. Londe!' Atnv, 13.--Tla.). War OflIce received tile fdllo \ving message from. Lord Roberts: 1 z etot la, Aug. 1.1.—Phe enmity is fleeing in, front of ,Kitchener's anti Diethuen's forces, this morn- ing he was trying to cross the rail- way at Wolyordeen Station, where he Was engeged by Stuith-Dorien. "Methuen on Atig, 8 fought a rear- guard action near 1311ffelshock. Ole captured six wagons and two am- bulances," • Another 'Seige of Dlafelcing. In spite of the fact that General Christian Dewet 'is in 13111 flight, South African telegrams announce a hurried execlus of civilians .froin Mafeldinge and that Lord. L'clevard Cecil is preparing to stand another seige. • , KRUGER HELPING BRYAN. Ve and shell fire our troops car- Said to Have Given. Between ii$500,000 and elect first line ef defence. Casualties $750,000 For Campaign ra0 killed, or deact from sun- • strbkes. (Signed) Remey." ' • Londen Aug 13. --Mr, John Stu - LITH THINKS IT DANGEItOUS art, Pretoria correspondent of The - Morning Post, sent the following to, — For the British -Indian Troops to Be Land- ed at Shanghai. London, Aug. 13.—The Chinese MiniSter, Sir Chi Chen Lo Peng Luh, in an • interview on Saturday, said the Ministers of the powers, in de- clining to leave Pekin, had untleubt- edly complicated the situation, adds ing that if the allies pushed on td the capital it might' have the effect of involving the southern provinces in great trouble. Only to -day, the Minister continued, he had received the informatioe. that the proposedl landing of Indian troops at Shan- ghai had already caused grave appre- hensions and there would be an exo- dus of Chinese merchants, If these troops were landed, he pointed out, others, of course, would follow and great conflicts would result. The Minister also said that if the pow- ers had adopted his suggestion and opened negotiations with Li Rune Chang matters might have been ar- rapged. The march of the allies on Pekin, the Chinese dit.omat further remarked, 'would probably endanger the foreigners' lives, addling that tele- grams had already been received showing that trouble had arisen in this connection. PUNISHES Tele,: AS1U.NTEESi British Attacked a War Camp Near Coil. massle and Bayoneted the Enemy. Bafkwai, Aug. 11.—A column of 700 men, under Col. Burroughs, has returned from Coomassie,' having re- inforced and re -rationed the fort for two months. The, force attacked and destroyed three old stockade.e after a desperate bayonet charge, in which four officers and 34 native soldierswere wounded and three killed. On the night of Aug. 7 Col. Bur- roughs attacked an Ashantee war camp near Coomassie, surprising the camp and bayoneting the enemy. Great numbers were slain without a gun being, fired. A lieutenceee was killed, and two. men were woanded. Other flying columns are going out, and it is believed that the punish- ment inflicted' w1l1 not soon be for- gotten, though several defeats are still needed to clear the country south of Coomassie of the rebels. ThLEGRAPHiC BRIEFS. At least 23 persons died in New Yoi a d ve.,cimty from heat ?rostra - tion 'on Saturday. The beep]. and 'contents of A, W. IPraser, Two miles south of Odessa, were burned Saturday. .Saturday- afternoon' William Cullis, farmerr, .just east of Pickering, lost a valuable ,young horse front sun- stroke. , James Shields, Toronto, received a suristroldre on Saturday morning, and he is now 111 St., Michael's -flospital suffering ,from lockjaw. Sohn Andrews efellummer, 7ho has been. working 'ore' a farm near Nor- wood, diedof sunstroke Saturday af- tereoon. He' was in excellent health in the morning. • Saturday' evening Jelin McGinty lost control of his horse 'and was thrown from his rig and ha.d his leg broken: He was taken to his home near Diimbarton. The barn near Beeton of W. H. Hammell, ex-M.P.P.,- was struck by lightning and burned 'Saturday even - g. The barn contained his wheat end hay crops. toss 31,500: ' Sometime during Saturday, night the, Woodstock Daily Times office Was burglarize& " The eafe was opened, also the 6,ffiee desk -of the editor, Mr, V. L. PranCds, and about 8,10 was taken. • 'i'• Henderson, aged about 85 years, who lived on "the 1st con.,, Nassagsvwega, between Corwhin and Arkell, was, struCk by a C. 1'. R,. train on Saturday between those yil•-• lazes.' He diedshortly. after being:, Stetted , The Attorney -General has ordered Prof. Ellis to analyze the vital or- gans of dVforris Goldstein of Toronto, because , the Grown suspects that death was ,tdue to slow carbolic poise' oiling. The two prieoners, Fannie Helpert and Meyer Shapero, held as material witnesses, were remanded Saturday morning by Police Magis- trate Denison, and ball was, refused. cattle s.11,09.9 Her liead. , Winnipeg, Aug. .13.—Ex-Premier Greenway received a cablegram from ngland last week offering him. 53,000 for three head of thorough- bred cattle, Which he had on exhibi- tion at the Winnipeg fair. This is the highest price yet 'obtained for thoroughbred stock in this ,coUntry. , . • Belleville PSan1s. Body 'Found, '11.0cheSter, Ang',. A. bcH.ly found floating in the Erie Cana, at Brown street crossing yesterday lms 1)10011 idontiffed as that of Henry Ttarbin, aged '30, of Belleville, Cane da. ' 13 that paper: "The Boers say that President Kruger contributing to 1130 elec- tion expenses :of ivr.r. • Bryan between. hall and three-quarters of a million sterling. They also say that Ali-. ;Webster Davis '(former Assistant Sec- retary of the Interior of the United States has received E-25,000 towards the expensed; Of the Amerlicart cane - pa ign iT• MAKES LITTLE OF IT. Lord Roberts Tells Of Piot, Though Clam.- sy. to Carry Him Olt London, Aug. 13. --- Lord Roberts wires to the War Office frem Pre- toria, under Friday's date: "A plot to carry me off has been discoveeed. It tvas cltunsily conceiv- ed.- 'The ringleaders and all con- cerned are now under arrest." Movements of Roberts' Generals. The War Office Saturday received the following message from Lord Roberts: 'Pretoria, Aug. 10.--Johanneshurg reports that a patrol front the Water- works was attacked Aug. 7. Buller occupied. Amerspoort the evening, of Aug. 7. The enemy retired before his force, about six. niele.s efore Amees- Poort, W5.s ree.ehed. The eaSualties were 20 men wounded. Buller was on the north bank of the Reitspruit, 4ug. 9, on his way to Frilled°. Run- dle .arrested at Harrismith Com- mandant Marais, three field cornets a.nd 30 armed burghers and a British subject of Natal, named Marais, a Boer spy, Erasmus, and a foriner member of the' Free State Intelligence Bureau. Hunter reports that 130 burghers with upwards of a million rounds of ammunition 'surrendered Aug. 8 and Aug. O. Cloet, a member of the Volkeradtd, was a, prisoner with Hunter. ICitchener engaged De- wet's rear guard yesterday near Lin- deque, within hearing of Methiten's guns, six miles northwest." Carrington to Go to Masking. London, Aug. 13.—It has been de- cided, according to a despatch to 'lines,.. from, Octtocnoon, dated Saturday,' to concentrate Sir Fred- erick Carrington's force at Mafeking. NEW KING TOOK THE" OATH. Victor Emmanuel LEL Swore to the Dalian • Constitution. Rome, Aug. 13.—King Emmanuel 1111. took the formal constitutional oath on Saturday before parliament. The senate chamberwas highly dec- orated with mourning draperies. The booming of cannon announced the de- parture of the royal party from the Quirinal, • and all along' the route large crowds gave the IleW king an ovation. When the cortege entered the senate chamber a long and excit- ing scene of enthusiasm occurred. Ris majesty delivered an address af- ter taking 0110 oath. His° majesty in- voked God to witness his promises and assured his hearers that he would work with all his heart for the grandeur and prosperity of Italy. FORTY-SIY WENT DOWN TO DEA.T Adailral Fournier's French Battleship Cut • Down a Torpedo Boat. Paris,' Aug. 13. --- During man- oeuvres of the French fleet oft Cape St. Vincent last night a collision oc- curred between the first-cli-lee battle- ship Brennus, flying the flag of Vice- Affinital Fournier, commander of the fleet,' and th.e torpedo boat c,estroyer Frarnee. The Framee sank immediate- ly. The accident 'was due to the fact that the Framee turnecl to the right when orderedeto the left. It is now known that out of the 7.(ramee's crew of 56 14 were saved. The losses included three officers, Captain Mau- duit du Plessix, the second lieutenant and the chief engineer." Steamer Seized. at Amherstieurg. • .Aniherstburg, .Ont., Aug. 13.—The steamer Armenia, owned by WI J. Pulling, •Wiridsor, and parties at the Soo, was seized in the ,channel last re von in g• , by Deputy Sheriff Rum ball, of Sandwich. The • seizure was made at the request of W.J.Pulling, one of the owners, pending an account- ,ing. She is now i113 port here lin charge of the Sheriff. Y,111.,CA, Building Scorched. Idatnilton, Aug. 13.—The receptien roonie, parlor; 'office and library of the Hamilton Y.M.C.A. building were 'gutted by fire about 3 o'Clock yes- terday morning. About: 54.0,000 dam-, age, was clone before the fire, depar t- alent) got it under control. The loss is covered with. insurance. - . EcU Fotir Stories to Death. I -Tat i fae„ N.S. Aug. 1,3 Rich- ard Slattern fell out of 'a Ione -storey window on Saturdey morning anti tva,s inStantly kiIbecl. I-fer husband died, in the hospital, Sycinev, 3„, slIort ten° ago. Sim leanes five children. ON DID NOT RIJN frqm that must interestyou. Hex° you your New Suit ?12 not, drop in and see us at the first opportunity and. let Us Show yon a few prices of the . Fancy, AVoresteds and Scotch Tweeds, Have you seen, the new Staples and. • Therringbone patterns. They are beauties, A big st:eviii,ggeesoaftBtiliLeieoslaalpldrieBelstt.ck, Irish If you want a.black we have What you want in Twills, Venetians and Clays. OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, M.eltons, Curls, Naps and Montanacts. All work done in the latest style and fit gunranteed. • J. ft. GRIEVE Opposite Post Office ,.,.001AMERCIAL LIVERY:: - First-claiSandIlorseS . . Orders left at HaWlishivv.vs • Hotel, or at the Stable,Christie's old Stand will' receive prompt at- tention. , lephoLo Ta erms Reasonable 1_ Conneetioe if 0110101111 . Yes, we have just received another carload of furniture. which when added to our already fine stock we can supply the latest, most hand- some and. cheapest things on the market. THE STOOK • We have -the Stock—you have the money—we want to trade, and it it is furniture you want it will pay you well to drop in and see our dandy line before purchasing else- where. . • We haue the largest and best assortEd stock i)7 town. t?oiliviE FOR FIRST 'CI, ASS BEEF, LAMB, PORK, SA1JSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRES TONGUE, CORNED BEEF; SALT. FRESH OR SMOKED • MEATS, . Call at The Family Satchel- Shop. One door North of Et. PickarcUs stare. LOUIS DAY Proprietor. SMITH'S Repair Shop Now is the time to get your wheel Re- paired, Cleaned or Enameled. WREephtBlvIeRaillarge stook of Brantford Red Birds on hand, the best .Bicy- ele on the market, which we sell at* • right prices, , SUNDRIES We have in stock, Bicycle Sundries, tires, cements, oils, etc. LAWN MOWERS, HORSE CLIPPERS We sharpen Lawn Mowers, Horse clip- pers, scissors, Razors, Knives, etc. • EVERYTHING REPAIRED. I. SMITH. THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. For Fresh, Fresh, good and fhe choisest eels of meat, call on the underSignecl, While All ottr cuts of meat are the fineSt, we'make it specialty of meat del:caoies, Meat delivered to all parts of the ' . towii ' , • , " John Mconning 11