HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-8-9, Page 6,
r Sori, s
Teo lonelinos of tits gea is in my heart,
And the wind is not more lonely than tills gray
I bare 'thought far thoughts, 1have loved, 1 have
loved, and 1 ftnti
letrre ?,•olie, thought weary, 4Ild 1, alas, left bo.
The loneliness of Illy Ireart is in {lie sea,
And my heart is nOt more lonely than this gro,,v
Who shall stay the feet of the pea or birid
Tile wings of the wind? Only the feet al
row old in tile place of their e.orroNy, rind bitter
la the heArt
Thit may not wander as the wind or return as
the sea.
-Arthur Sy ono in attirday 'Review,
story of tit Soldier's Igettyru.
muelugly,J. 4111 gollag in tell yOt.7 tee-
eret- Pen't. get angry awl baler, will
you 1 haven't told you before be-
caese there wasn't time before, 1 wet
.awaSe But I met her at Mre. Man -
totes bell three 'weeks borer° I sailed..
Yes, her, nee, jests; juet think of It; the
embodiment a our dream -blue eyes,
WoulanlineSs, glace, ale eeerathing
that yoe aud 1 latue yearned fOr all
these years.
"I knew her. three weeks, and just
think of it, jess, fAl. 'Said she loved me,
and she premised to OQIIle and Sit at the
otter side of tee, fire and to tease ee
and kiss us and, make tea for us. Ale
little woman, I began to believe that
eeeate!-*0.040.04,000 000 4500040. faee! Imwever1 and a chili erePt over
our dream was coming tie." The col- 0 _ s.- _ . ohim as he noted the look of a man
lie lifted herself with a quick spring
?d, -V- '6 etandine ha the shadow of death. It
and stQad upright on her Itnees and * 4' was the first time he had ever seen it.
0 s.= CI 0
pricking up her ears to listen began to se _ ' es Ile turned from 1iis father after awhile
bare furiously at the farther door of 0, 0 to Wok at the robber. '
g I-1 s Peculiar Pleading For His 4.
tile room. 0 There was another look strange to
"Yon are nervous, little woman." 4' Father's Life' 4' 1 ' ' ' ' • -
" k 1
When first 1 met the fah' Afarie,
My smitten heart at ones surrend/.7et,
And in a wesk, with eager haste,
My loye and all I have 1 tendered. '
Marie" was very calla and, cool,
Tuelign 1 was greatly agitated,
And when I eame away—refused—
To endless anguisn t felt, fated.
But, oh, since then so Many girli
I'VQ seen, far prettter, OW(retQr, brighter,
That all their loveliness La's inade
My load of woe distinctly lighterl
In fact, since she said 'Io'' I've met
A lovely F,,nd '\vliont 1 I,the better,
Al now, whene'er Meel. Al,ader '
1 think, "Thank heaven 1 didn't get herl"
-Somerville .1 Ournal. "
ecruld neither fele nor go away until
lute killed you."
"It will be murder -cold blooded
murder," replied the colonel as he fold-
ed his. amis.
It was 112111%1er a hundred 'Lintel!
over', I'd do it. Do You suppose 1 can
forget Rose Harper? Who separated
us? 'Video uetligned tee? Who tsweelsed
my life and sent her to a Suunde's
grave,? Who drove Me to be afugiteve
from justice on a false ebarge? I'd kill
you if 1,000 men surrounded lee."
The colonel was silent for n tame. He
did not look at ,his, bog, hut pest 111m.
The boy's eyes were fastened on his
• 0, Beneley , sale. Now settle bac, and
se (i400•41elea4J-0.4>esse-es'eseOseee0 let the tell you the reel , I havewantedThere were five 'men of, tie and a boy
so much to tell SomebodY. it • ' •
Captain Carus Bentley of the lelev-
heart without even the comfont of a rolled over the rcalg'ii road& ot Dakota.
, .
It WaS a set cletelumaation to kill
.o.o.o4o.0044o.o.o.opo.04 -the look of a man who nad eated and
,thirsted and waited.
"Take' the 'boy away fast," said the
'colonel with a imach'of entreaty in his.
voice. •
"Yes; that will be proper," answered
with her kiss burning on nist lips. We called the bo' Jim because. his •fa -• Pelton. "Crime, ;Timely, let's take a
hated to go without her, but it was ther did. We .knew his fatfier to be walk." -
rather hard to keel) it shut let one'S in the far western stagecoach as it
meth artillery regulars limped down the
gangway from the transport and step- friendly, patient ear. 1 went away We had been together for four days,
ped on pier 19 with the vague, indefin-
able satisfaction that after a year in
the tropics he was getting back to
God's country. He swayed a moment
as he reached the dock and looked up
at the raumegts of buildings along the
river. No one met him at the dock of
the steamer. There were no tearful
eyes brilliant with joy and tender aralS
to crusb him with happiness. There
were no little feminine plaudits and
girlish shrieks for greeting. How dif-
ferent was his coming back from his
going away! She had clung on his arm
and sighed little heartbroken sobs.
She was sad then. He had been exult-
ant, gay, happy. carried away with the
enthusiasm of war and man's love of
Dark Export, Thriseht Yellow wad Mae
hogaety Tobaccos, Eta,
All dark export, tobaccos are cured
With open hardwood fires, the Englisb
trade demanding eta heavy smoking
in curing. There is a slight difference
between the export tobacco of YirgiMe
and that Of Kentucky and Tennessee.
The Virginia tobacco, generelly speak-
ing, is of better quality than the Ken-
tuelsy and Tennefsee grades and 'more
of, It is used for the domestic market.
The better qualities of these tobaccos
tering purposes.
are used in this Country for manufac-
The farmer' assorts the tobacco
roughly into lugs, good leaVeS and top
leaves, but the tinee grading and treat-
ment are given by the packer, who also
decides to which tenantry the various
qualities of tobacco shall be sent. If
the tobacco -needs darkening to meet
the demands of aey particular trade,
war' and that meant duty, and it was COlonel Weston, banker, cattleman and "What -what you going to do with the desired. shade 11 obtained through
the one thing for which I had worked mine owner. The colonel wasn't a: man father?" WhisPered the boy as he walk- various ways of manipulating and
and studied and fitted myself for 20
to whom a stranger would take at first ed slowly over and put his hand in that packing it.
' of of the would be inurderer. • - - The light tobaccos produced in Mary -
e 8111
• "Never, mind. Do you see that big land are air cueed, while a similar type
company none of us could say We liked
rock up there?, Well, go up there and grown In eastern Ohio is largely cured'
hini,•: Wheu • you came to study him
see what is hidden behind It"' Shake , bt, wood fires. These tobaccos are used
closely, you saw that he was revenge -
hands with your father before you go." exclusively for pipe tintheing and eiga-
ful and relentless.. The boy was frank,
The boy crossed over to, hie father in rettes, the following grades being made
chipper and good natured, and you
a, puzzler,' way, and the father lifted by the packers: Fine yellow, medium
took a liking to him as soon as you
him up and kiesed him. When be put bright, good ordinary "eolorey," fine
years.. Mae wrote to me, Jess; yes,
grand lettere; and, lame minded dog
that I am, .1 didn't know bow to an-
swer her in the way she wanted. ' 1.
couldn't even grasp what she was driv-
ing at, and I used to think at times.
that she , was alining at a smashup.
Well, then I fell ill an(1. coulen't write
at all. But she wrote and kept on writ- °° tet into e • •Ze . • g
was about 10, arid , be bad wit aed• him dOwn: he said to him: I red, fine seconds, medlem seconds and
.ing for mouths', but I didn't get the let- "Run along, Jimmy. If you don't find lugs. -Nearly aleof.these goods are exe
ters. 1 don't know ,What they were knowledge 'beyond inc years. • 'We had me 'when Yon come back, Mr. Pelton ported,' the hest markets being found
thinking of dowel. there to hold tbe.m yet 20 miles to go to reagh the, termi-
, Will take care of you 1. in Fran& Germany Holland, Austria
back. Here they are, jess, in lee nue, 'ilia tile hour -WaS about 2'o'cloek "Oh es leir. Teltoil will take care of ' rind 13elgium.
action. He had gone and won his spurs blouse, and the' last one is awfully bit- in the afternoon when the coach came '
me and see that 1 get home," replied .A.lmost the entire yield from Mary -
and got wounded and,then lay for six ter; Yes, awfully bitter, little woman, to a suddentoiledr..up 1
halt 't I ill.
the lad. "I'm awfully glad to see him. laud and eastern Ohio is sold in Belie
and 1 guess the jig is up. Gad, I don't Ncext, momet,it. the t.irlverutiten,tn, us: Wasn't it queer to meet him 'way off ; more, where five large warehouses
months In the military hospital at San- All you folks what don't want your
tag° snaitten down by fever, wavering' blame bet. Six months witimet a here? was saying only a week ago have been established for the iuspec-
beads blown off bac better get down
between life and death, not knotying word, and then she wrote and said she that 1 wisled he was back with us so tion of these goods by state officers.
and line up. We've been stopped by a
hated me and loathed Me and detested - that he could naeucl my wagon and help , As soon as these toba.ceos are entered
then of the agony which he inflicted on 1
his dear one with silence unbroken by me and that I was a coward and that 1 roat agent."
me mabe es. Mr. Pelton was al- in the warehouse a sworn and bonded
We had arms in plenty, but no one
a letter or message of any kind. could never see her again. , . ways good to um. 1 won't be gone 'Inspector draws four SamPles from
. moved. to resiet. Everv bullet fired be' -
good friends. Don't you remember that places and at equal distances apart,
Regularly and faitefully, with the Again the collie sprang up and bark- .
'devotion of her sex, she lad written to ed still more furionsly. 'Theta elm the robber would .bore its way.through,
him, and at the end of ten months,
having received no reply, she had
ceased. Some of the letters which she
had written he carried with bine His
hospital -nurse had let him have them
when she thought teat he bee the
and you and Mr. Pelton must be each -hogshead, taken from different
Blostiem came In tend. asked him. if ae. the .cotteb end find a :target, whee the ,
mother aaid she Was sorry for him? Aare beginning bearthe bottom of the hogs-
Au to 'tate - lIow te Prepare wad
Mattage the tied, -
In regard to bedding sweet potatoee
tie early as 'January in North Carollua
a correspontiellt a Tbe Southern Cul- ,
tivalor is or the opiniou that tLiere le
nothing gained, and one runs great
risk of losing the potatoes. Ile rays:
"i will give you my plan, which I
think brings them in quite early
enough. I bed from let to 10th of
March and basso transplauted Ity eth
of April. I have seen slips on 113y bed
In ten days after bedding.
"Select a southerly exposure Lor tile
bed after determining the size of bed,
dig doevn and throw out the dirt six
inches deep, 1111 in about half full of
green stable nianure, then cover two
inches deep with good soil, (Aug eale-
ful not to allow them to touch each
other, then cover with rich well put-
, ,
verized soil about two finches deep. '
Cover this bed with plank, so as to
turn the raintvater from It. If they e
do not come up in 10 or 15 'days, re-
move the plank and water with warm
soapsuds again returning the plank.
There will be slips ready to transplant,. "t•
III April. .
"After they begin to came up remoet
the plank, as the object of the 'eoger
Is to retain the heat in the manure
until the' potatoes are well sprouted!'
Winter Plowing' In the South.
Land plowed in winter and left in
the rough will 'be in fine cOndition for
early spring prep'in•ation and pinnting,
sillywhere north of latitude 30 there Is ,
likely to be enough "black frost'', to
disintegrate clods end cause thetn to •
pulverize readily under the hafrow or'
t'oller. A thorough preparatton of soil
is equal to a considerable dreseing of 1
„fertilizer and reduces the amount of
labor required In cultivating tbe future , •
crop. Winter plowing tui•tus up nu-
merous hybernating insects, and they.
perish by the cold exposure. Some ag-
ricultural writers liold that the Roll -
should not be left without protection
of a vegetable growth during winter.
If the ground Is uneven and ineilned to
wash, it would be better with a eoatirag
of weeds, vines or grass, but Where
there is no tendency to wash the rains
would not go and look at his room and robber had the cover of the horses and . .
want line back. don't we?" head. These four samples,
or bands, will do no harm, and the advantnge of '
loss of fertilizer caused by kick of .„
but he hadn'titakell ten steee bethre he labeled with the name of the owner, any "I think there is somethiug which ilalvn and submit to he robbed was the 1
streugth to comprehend their contents. to do her bidding. But tele had disap- water weeel end the hendle bes los t • T1 ' . Texas Farm and Ranch.
seedbed Ny1111'111' outwelge. •
see whether ,or not everything was all Was safe fr°m cinr fire- It seems Little Tim sterted off for the rock ) are tied together and are sealed and having a fine
was back again to say to the robber: 1/ the number of the hoeshead not shade. It is the baking smellier son ^
tight ardly ween you read it, but to get '
lino. to do under the eiretnea- that Italy tetishes the na ed soil says
annoys the dog," be said, as he got up -wisest tl e •
"And I want you th make tne a new and gross weight and the name of the -
stwnces Little :Bin lYas not. a ,bit frightened. come agents ot foreign come •
Each was an unhappy, passionate cry peered again, out of the he'inme •
from a wounded soul, an unconscious Bentley went to is loom ae s,00
rebuke to hina, and each revealed the at the door and looked 111. It seemed situation. It was not so with the colo -
pain resting heavily in the bottom of a 1 dreary to him. He did not have the nel• 1 6'INV. him turn Pale and heard
heart to inspect 'AIM B1OSSOM'S an him corsing under his breath, and he
neglected woman's heart, the pain
rangeinents. He turned again to go was the last man to get down.,
-which she could not help express when
the natural warmth of her heart was back to the are. As he settehed the ,
, The robber had a double barreled
• shotgun in his hands. He cautioned
r nobody will tiles buy exclusively fioen these sans- •
On the cooties -I,' he rather enjoyed the • Crab Grass Bay.
sliai•pen nay knife for me. If you don't ' iales. ..-,t,rtien the goods are shipped, the
come back, I don't know what I shall samples are also forwarded, so that Crab grass hay is distinctly a south -
the goods on reaching th I
e r destination • , ' • '
ern forege plant It is all anneal
growing vigorously in the wet period
"Perhaps I'll coMe back," whispered UM be conapared with the samples
I of midsummer and seeding abundant- '
Penne tts be turned his head away. ' from which they were bought. If there
lieved usually to have reached such a
Even ween cut for hay it is ife- e
" I , but surelyt I' beard shoold be more than 10 per cent of to- IY•
repulsed by persistent silence. door of is den e e neeec toward
Bentley erate-led into a cab and drove 1 chair at the other side of the hearth
flli wns add then addaneed upen ne, He and stiounitet have gone away. sloth_ sample, the insPector, Who is under
the driver to hole the coach where it lots o people say you \Vele a g,00d man 1),.ceo in the hogshead poorer than the
keeper from •Cuba before the transport I steadied himself against the door glanced carelessly into eacb 'thee until er told me
his eyes 1•ested on the colonel, Then he sPeak to you just as I used th. Inn go- . Klee.
if I Over met you I might bond, becomes liable for such differ -
to bis rooms. He had cabled bis house- , and then stepped back suddenly
fled sailed, and he kuew that his apart- frame. For a moment he thlt dizey.
. merits would be in trim order wLien he , - • t
arrived, that his bath would be pren 'iris to shut out the vision. A elender with a ga•sla, and we realized that there
ing now, but remember that you are ' The White Burley is entirely air en
,,11 • fingers isi t „: gave a sudden stert. drew in his nreate
• b " ed except in exceedingly dampsweath-
look and beeat to , and e to o m n heard his footsteps tobacco is assorted by the farmer into and the bay has passed it' lidet-ifetate
el'S(While deserted hearth and dinner depths. Bentley looked again, and the white under his and his voice as he made his wa to- the following grades: Fliers, the first for digestion its 'looks Indicate au ear. '
stage of maturity that 'next year's
"inwth is assured from seed dropped,
The ripening, as also tee haying, is ae-
companiod by such perfect weather
thatthe straw is bright and fresh look-
. The boy went away almost gleefully, er, when wood tires may be used. This and "eVelf.'When'See'l"P" ripened
paved, the fire burning gayly in the girlish figure leaned back its di•eamy was a recognition. 'The colonel grew
4 4'
the • e • • • •
s . weal the rock The father looked after two bottom leaves, which are overripe lier stage of development tban has rte-
• • • • • trenilfle boo had no sooner looked •
•e• into the reed 9 sent's Mee then be cried
hot and steaming when be wanted it vision seemed tulles to hie tired, sur- - • -
t•otit: a. , hint until he was hidden by the trees' and verY trashy; Common 'Mrs, the teeny been attained.
in the pocket of his blue uniform for "Louise!" he weispered credibly.
When he reached the door, lae fumbled 'Prised brain- •
itild then. turned to the robber and riext two leaves; 'good lugs, bright ' •
/11 yellow head turned :Ind enniee et "Neniy, it's Mr. Pelton--elit Peltonl
his latchkey, and he felt puzzled when s
The Hard Lot of the Grindstone.
quietly said: " ' 1 leaves, long red, shoat red and top
The grindstone on tile -faille meret
be found that it was gone. He toucbed him in au ole, familiar. way. Ile stole SaY. Ma Pelten, I'm awfully glad to
the electric button. It seemed fannyover to his chair and sat doxin. look- see Yon. wilare've You been this long 11".'I ^ 13
help Dim to get home?" ' hogsheads by the farnaer and -inspected
e conie•' b k And fll leaves. This tobacco is packed •Ln
stone, the harder usagete receives. The
pretty hard usatte. The softer the
to 111111 to have to ring els oom door- ing at the quiet. graceful gni. time?" •
"So it., you, euni,iy,), laughed the "Yee; before he conies back," replied in the same .reanner as the Maryland
sold grinding surfaee of the stoee is more
Presently the houselseeper opened illglY• The collie spi•ang at her skirts rolaber as he eeld out his hand foe a Pelton • as:, lie drew his revolver. "It tobacco; but, unlilte the latter, it is
bell before he could get in. "I,enise. I.ouise," he weispered feel- '
eweii, 3011 11110 neon growing Won't be ensue -lei'. Colonel lereston If 11 , at auction in the warehouse. likelY to he as shown at the left. of !lie
since 1. saw yen last. It's a wonder sinMIY be rotributtou. Do you want a Not more than 10 per cent of the eut thatibtv(ilskIctiostillidfvare'ea,nasevaetnthfertereigobit•
the door, and Bentley's collie was alert. and earked indignantly. A strange shal(e•
at her heels. Ma's. Blossom could only being tilled the -depths of the sacred minute or two to tisk God th forgive White Burley is exported. but on ac- ,slightle,
in the seine picture. The fernler eou.
ejtieulate incoherent seetences in the artmcbair, welch Jese had been eaught You know me at first t'iieht." count of its great sibsorbeut powers it
exuberance of her sunrise and • Pever` to use hewself ' I t • r t 08 1 tired to Ill'e von so well 1 Yell?" • .
TI 1 n 1 •at reet with folded is highly prized in this country for ditiou comes teem grinding axes,
and look at her returned soldier ivith with religicuts vigiltince,against iritrud- couldn't forget your faee," replied the
till the tenderness of her devoted old Ors. Now it •tvas occupied. bOte "Are there robbers around, Mr.
age. "'Happy and improving,' your Bentley watched liei• curiously. She Pelton?"
eVith gentle hand the tna.n pueLted the
nui•se wrote last," slue said, "so bad smiled again and dropped her head in
fire ceite , boy back in line mad thee stepped beels
no fear for you." her ba ncis and vsatelied tbe
"Happy and improving," Bentley ' 1 n pace or two. As he did so his face
echoed under his breatb. "I wonder
if she. too, heard that." He had souk
dotvn into a big atuachair before the
fire. He was depressed anti silent and
still weak from the wound in his aerie
"Let me alone to think now," he said
to the woman, who stood waiting for
orders. So she quietly and uncere-
moniously withdrew and left Bentley
alone with his dreams. The collie, too
little noticed after the long separation,
leaped on his knees and whirled piti-
fully and lay her gentle head against
the faded, shabby sleeve of his coat.
Bentley took her head between his
hands and as he looked at the quiet,
faiteful eyes two tear e came into his
"Little old woman," be said, "you've
been lonesome, haven't you? So bave
I. I've wanted to be back here mil-
lions of times. Yes, I hclye, little wo-
Come that we might not be alone any with lines of long suffering, , ests the diseppearance of the stage the
more and that the hearth might not be and then the dear thrip arm with its man turned On Colonel Westan and
so dreary. Yes, Jess, I actually began ..flot•ious wound. pointed to the hillside on the right and
to imagine that some one would sit in "Yes. sonic' time," she laughed hap -
that (their opposite and would answer tette-Exchange.
me when 1 spokeand understand me'
when I Was silent and love Me al- Vertoeeetelt *elate. The 'White faced C010ne1 0.1.11.Vred
menee' emP103`ed in the 'cashier's office hill, Behind him came the reblier and
in the en:stein house was talking with hi $ son. e'he boy hall been full of cure
friends whom he met In a Calfle car osity at first, but preeently he was
ebtait the. shell of counterfeiters and awed and frightened by the looks east
the large number of countei•feit cents upon hie father.
which were in circulation. Velum the Two or throe years before he and
conductor came aroanul to collect fares, Mr, Pelton ha,dsbeen great Ilriends. :Me
arms. He closed his eyes, ate] Ilis nes twist and plug chetving tObaccos. Tile sey,thes, machine knives, ere., with, ,
bin he felt that it was !cycled at his
of the pistol. lie did not open his eyes, heavy bodied top leatees for plug and stead of across it. Tbis cannot be
, twist fillers, while the best leaves are when the
tihne. gsit'ioni(jieing''doseosm.enstsouoilis LBtuist,
heart smcl that his life was measured used for eigttrette, pine, twist wrap_
"Louise, is it you, dearest?" I grew Very sober. aml 1 :"aw it flash in and for cutting purposes. ' snalle- inaaing it irn1)°s8U)le to grind a )4
"Yes, it is I," she auso-ered calmly. 1 bus bleak eyes 1 clid not like. frit voice from little Jim. ETalf way to the rock The 'aright Yellow and mahogany to- chisel or allY1 flat edged tool decently, 1,
by seconds. Of a sudden came a 'call llers
moved. end •by he heard the click niers are used for Pipe smoking, the their. edges. iengthetiee Of the stone in-
-The newspapers sn,id that you bad \vas low nilii steady es he said:
"Oh, Mr. Pelton. don't forget -to think baccos are cured entirely by flues; a it is a good tline to get a sPade--on ibe
(.`013 cabled other news and 1 conduct- ness in climbing down and lining up some new Inclian and bear st r• • t inialol•lelotdhawnlificoliiirefillareyssiil 11 hen the tIhte -
le.rities in the surface of the stone will •
he had turned about to shout:
eeen mortally wounded, but the sur- I "i'm inuell obliged for your prompt-
unt o ies o
ed that he knew. I came Wiley to in- end 1 thitik Pll le.t you ofr theeetinie.
tell me. Nobody has told tile 6 story, the process. As soon -as the tobacco is
. - since you went away." put into the barnthe fire is sttu•ted and
The colonel's eyes opened The re• is kept eoing night and -day until the
velver was lying on the ground, and tobacco is thoroughly cured to the de -
Pelton had his hands over. his face, sired color. This tobacco, which is sold
auction in loose piles 111 the ware -
When he dropped them, there were at a
teare in tos eyes. He rose up, Put the house, is largely consumed lli this
pistol In his pocket and said to the Mall country, being used for plug and twist
waiting for death: sr• wrappers, cigarettes find fine cut eliew-
' "I can't do it. Little Jim would Ing and smoking tahace°s• The 'broad
know it eonie day. When he comes scope of thisaype make,s it exceedingly
back: take him and go down to the Popular, and the acreage is rapidly in-
quire, for you oe your ,houseeteeper, and. The four -of you may go back into tee
,-01.4 surprised me itere eoncli and go on. ItNIVITIP' your
aeoreece do you love mese • I gams with you, hot don't attempt to
i•onsider: J have proved my love," she ' Play me anyeriew" .
The Colonel took his„ son lo, the hand
"That is not the question we ought to
ittaid faenly. ' , i and attempted to • enter the stege with
"Louise, I love yon, and you know us, but tee t•obber motioned him back.
"i 1" he cried out wildly. "Won't you 1 "W -what do Yen 'Want of rue?" asked
-eine and occupy that armchair aim the colonel in a voice which quavered.
111 tell von later," was tee reply.
"Some time," she janghed exultant- i As the coach-sterted on 'We la°ked '
Is with sudden gae-ety, as she got up out to see tee three star:dew in the • - t. , . , .
road. It's ()rev three miles to „Cedar- creesing. , Recently this totetcco has
VI: come o favor. elth foretell cote -Items,
in the middle of the roOm aud eatne father's hand, but hail re:telied out the With that he vialked off let° thi Jana/elle-vino lately placed a large ofe UNTRUE AND 'rEITB GRINDSTO,NF.,S.
it) falD tOWard t.he door. She stopped road. Llt•tle Jim still bed liold of his
•Ofl.ck and -leaned over to kiss the spot ..other and eanght the rebber!S sleeve. . hrnsii and was nut (if sight in a ra°" der ti'r this grade- have
(1181`11PPeared. A' grill° 8(°°° 811°111(1
011 his head devoid ,of its sincen gray e Wheie we hail gone 200 feet, -the road ment; - When" little ...55...» »o he, Domestic cigars arts Made up of. never be left 'exposed to the eine
men. , And 1 had hoped when I did tine's and 'then the sunburned elteeks, turned and shut teem trot)) our vloW.,hini
said: '
"ItIoe-e on that way. jitriney,•give me
your hand, and lielp you aloug."
"Why, little woman, that empty chair
has stood there opposite mine for ten
-years now. Yes, ten Years. You
haven't kept Mich close watch of the
time as have." He, drew the collie
close into his arms, and she lay there,
complacently, blinking into the fire.
One of the beet judges of counterfeit innes and held a stietight course rip the
3114 found Ills fateer sitting {Is he ead left wrappers, binders and fillers which, weig it of the handle will cause
and gazing int:o the woods: coll'e from different clistriets. The, tpnoorsttiisnapodf tthhise,-sf,truoiline etxople'es1,11.i.:.1e1,11,wnitt
"What is it, father?" he asked. Connecticut valley produces two types,
"TVIlat'S the matter with you 81141 of WrapPer.•10af, the broti'd leaf and the .sfin.omme an edi n:uenredi:,trsitideefirf1,,e0 oftbghtal'isl
wlieve is Mr. Pelton?" ' I-Ia.vana seed leaf. The broad 1811
boTybse iiiannadu iltInisiel,ilapnosllovevitlhyo,uttoaokwolirids tic, about
has a broad, silky very etas- t( ne &1 °um' °nt ° •
about two-thirds of: tho.. leaf from a circle. If the' stolle has to stand it)1 •
11(? led 'the way down to the the tip, poesessing rice grain and color, the. open, a fiat. box can serve a$
stage trail and safety: email veins al'e also characteristic of ct(i)ievelftosrfela:,osina,,coari.;ielaipcoendinent,' gNlieevd'ud
, 111e Dry flattery. this leaf. There is telly one small hi'ea ei•Rural
In the Connecticut. valley edialited to Yorker, .
meet completely .,siipplanted the older Nana seed is smaller Ilion the hr()
- a- Cueing to the NN't11' and the rise in the
wet battery for eleetric bell work, etc., leaf, much narle)wer anel is exceeding- price of cotton the mule is lilteiy .to be •
ini aceimite,os !is ,Leatt,J, (,illelice .ti .t d itt does a0,013 -n, itiel,31.tinarooli:1:Intaeictlyte.•yil-eilaerspri)e;lesei.ofinpliteeetfj-
two, ly thin. and sillsy, but possesses 14,?;;H .
soure people pi•edict a mule famine lis
soon :es pi•esent supply is eel-4111st-
Texas farniei•s are obliged to earry
on a persistent. figlit ma nst pro 'He
dogs, which in the west aittl soutliweet
tlestroy thousands of neros ,cti•aes
and growing crops. Poison is' the
caller rtiialedy where stock are not•rue-
ning at large. Tra:pping them alit'e Is
tits° stt.id to be corning into favor," tote
slsilis are 1,10t.)0 Ina Hteted. • ,
The dr att • • , 11 h ifs eirodtsction. The leaf of - the Ea. ,
battery, so ea e , as ab- Brie/ Mention.
laud lack of 'the disagreealsie, sloepy " ' 0 V ' •
51, not possess the rIell graintof the brotid
been teenager tor hie ti qualities 'poseessed b ii -s Hode •
"We used to think that she came the friend 110(1 out a ile•tidful • of l'eltoe lute' ' ' -,'“ Y " I Celf4°1 • , The naidele and lower parts are
a,uti sat ther11e• eed inade tis happy said) tO 1)IY 111111. 113e. OUStOM thie clay there had 1)eou tt hitter aortiebody has defined a dry tstattety 81
„glossy aml helm large veins. This pos-
her latighter and her bright taih• She; houee when, leaned over and picked a quarrel, pistols lia.si been , drawees the eine 'that Is always wet inside mid a .
tions of the leaf is not ,clesirable got
was always a kind of airy ideal of ours, I, cent out of his 1181141 teeth the remark: sheriff had, rushed ill, and Mr. Pelton wet battery es one that often dries up. t s e
.' !.t. ei . f ? R t -1) was real "Tide Just illuels'ates what I have been land fled to eseepe arrest. He rentem- It is precisely s'o• the dry lyttt •
, 1 wwir"""r• el)cleftl12)°estee:' 1171+11 4131'
Simla tra, ,being the neitt est te it of any
noW, and if' Yoe don't ruinci I will give thief ,anci of illeu being sent out to lititt•t IY inade up of a zinc ewlindereor cep -
' of the domestic tobaccos except that
you a good coin for it" ' I him down. All this came heck to him In whieh Is supported a earlier' stick or
grown in. 1101'3(1a, from Surnatra seed,-.•
Even suspicious peopte, ,Wno invagiat, ate they followed the Dither up the rod, Surroundecl by some porotie sue- Messrs. Whitney and Floyd in "Agriete•
bly ring eilver coins to detect frauds, rough way, mad though be knew eot,h- 'el.ance, Ouch as "excelsior" oe ()their ,tural „yeat, Book. ' , -
never eacumlue 1 cent plece.s te deter- Ing of inen'ts vengeance there vvas a fiber,. minet•el wool or plaster fte Paris. ' . "` , - .
mine their gentaneness, aud it is•pl'oba. feelitig• of, dread in Ins k 0111; NOW' and This ts saturated with the actitie ehem- I)r. 'J. 13. Smith of New :Fereey ree-'
. .
bly the safest hind of eolinterileitifig then the roltber ordered the colonel, to
that a• man Cf1.11 (10, thougla it cenriot tile right or left, hut these were, the
he very' piefitable, The , cent which ' only words spoken until they finally
this custom house 1Y19 11 Pieked 011t (111- i reaceed a rude camp high tip among
fered • from the others ("Wetly in. ite ;tee howlelers. .tlyeand lo7 the robber
for us -yellow 'hair, blue eyes, low saying. Here is one of the counterfeits bored his father calling the fugitive a
"eolee, slender fight.° and all, and she
esed to cOrne and Sit there and rest
her elbows on. her knees and talk eon-
' senee to us and contemplate the burn-
ing enalJelo jest like a real woman.
And then she used to jerrip up sudden-
ly in her seveet, imptilelye way and
come and kiss' ne, Tese-you on that
qteer white spot and tee right on the
top tvbfere thee) a le IlfIS ge•owtetlain---a.nd
permanently wet trisitle, it is .
15118111) foo generallY. U sob- oinrnerols the use of carbon bisulphide In the District of Celumida" and In
tion tirade Fluff with gelatin. The'whole for melon aphiS. As soon as the first the gen"rallY, it is passible la"'
Is thee sealed with piteli or Some sitni- curled up len't. is noticed tee hut anti 4)20 AV 111ree or elfrin four clops of $14
lar tionniantind and Is scatty- feu ilse• those aroune it eboien be i,titeigeteci, lieens in a setisfili, stiys Dr, P. »B.- Nei" -
These tettecrets ere Inade 11) vast titian- A tolerably tight cover should be elec. ode%
disappen,r to make tea. Yes, Jess, It
tea ii ,. lees (leer, tbst ,e,cern oeing more worn al•tveso the edges half turned to look tile ciolonel in the tit ep a' d 50 (lien 1)1S rat Wile one ed over he,11111 and the sulphide used Dilima, Matthosse and (.,alnlita,$ al
ecOmes exhaested it is einaply thrOwn at the rate of orie dram for evei•tt cuble. three neW pefiches that Ilke welt e
eseow, seontaiew he eoerlatued • 'Tee unite(' for tbie for 4n' ,,11'0 years. away end repealed -i,eito a new one, , 4.44:),t 01, space ender tee over, . adapted rto Georgia.
bit c
11.4 filld that linage., add 1 -ere• ''"ii,"1" u in its lettercf. face and said: . ,