HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-8-9, Page 5THE
(13szter boor ate,
Ie published. every Thursday Moruing,
et the Office,
.011e Dollar Per annum if paid in Advance
$1.50 if not so paid,
.121.,21=ortIniarn..e. =ratioo nee 21..spealicar
tense -
No paperdieeontirieed until allarre raWe
(ere paid, Ad vertisernente 'without socri
directions will be published till forbid and
eharged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcient advertisements inserted- for
long periods. Every desoriptiori of dOB
PRINTING turned ont in the finest etyle,
and at moderate rate, Cheques,moneyord.
ars, &c. for advertising, snbseriptions,eto .to
Ie made payable to
" Chas. H. San dors,
Profesonal Cards.
H, KINSMAN, L. D. S. fir DR, A. It.
•KINSMAN, L D. S. D. D. S.,•Honor
graduate of Toronto Unive"reety,
Tooth extracted without any pain, or any
bad. effects, Office in Fanson's Block, west
side Main treet, Exeter.
11 honors Graduate of the Toronto Um-
rsitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extraoted without pain.'
AI.I modes of Dentistry up to date, Office
over Elliot en Elliot's law offioe-opposite
Central Hotel -Exeter.
1J the College of Physioianr and, Surgeons
Ontario . Physician, Surgeon and Accoueh-
eur, Office, Dashwood, Ont,
-LJ Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioners. Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, etc. Money to loan at 5 and 5I/2 per
cent. Office Fanson's Block, Mein Sti,
Exeter. (A member of the firm will ' be at
Ffeusall on Thursday of each week.)
I. R. CARL1NG,B, A.. L. II. Drcirseri.
W. GLADMAN,(sitecessor to Elliot, &. ' • Gladman,,) Barrister, Solieitcix, Notary,
Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan at
lowest rates of interest., Office Main Street,
101- BOSSENBERRY,G rand Bend, Licensed
die Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales
promptly attended to, mad charges moder-
ate. Orders by mail will receive every at-
BROVirN,Winchelsea. Licensed Anot-
• e ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms roe,
seabed°, Safes arranged at Post office. Win.
, Insurance Agent,
Slain St.
vote eel. ever sore ALA.- eere
To read the big stores' ad-
For whose good are we in
the furniture business? For
A. yours and °Ili's. If we are not
11 useful to you we cannot be use-
ful to ourselves. We have got ,
- to carry the goods you want at
the prices you want or we can- „
not make a success of our busi-
ness. Bub we have been doing
• business right along for years, Fre
5 which proves that we are the
right kind of people with the
right priceS. Come and see for
15 yourself... .
Furniture. Undertaking, 01
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered. by Parliament , 1855.) ,
Pair! ip Capital............$2,500,000.
Rest, Fiincl,
Heal °Mee Montreal.
Money aderanced to good Farmers on
-their own notes with one or more endorsers
at 7 per cent, per. anr,imn.
Open every lawful day from. 10 a.m. to 3
p.m; Saturdays Flp a.m. to 1 pm,
A general banking business transacted.
CURRENTRATES allo,weri fax money .on
Deposit Receipts., Sivings.Bank at re.
DICKSON & CARLING, N.D. Iluntioer;
Solicitors. Manager.
Mitchell: Mr. Race has- been ap-
pointed Police,Magistrate for our town
and dow law will be dispensed in its
• purity. There is a good deal of law
that could be avoided by. thinkin
tvviee before acting and money was
ed in law Could -be used for better
purpOses. The new court will com-
mence business next week.
OA nano::
Tiv.744 kiND OF P.Ai#1, OlF1
:terve,TiR7AL OR irk7arBrdhir-
Ti iter5rirtill.Larrt WILI., Ear ffilEr
rire. -
Tri„.; F.,61:11mITATITIS A210 GUS-
teiE GISNUiNE.- DOTI-Let, e
ErEA77i3 TH'S.
Is it coated
. .. ,.
• .
taste in
aro, often
• There's
dose and
ter take
each night,
ment the
. .
, appetite
your 'liver
give you
, '
1 '
, ,at your tongue.„.
. ,
you have a bad
., .
your mouth every
Your appetite
and food dts-
you. You have
y�. .
headaches and
. , . ,
. dizzy. Ytiut
is weak ' and
, .
bowels are always
an old and re-
cure :
..ri,i. 4 '
- •
. .4
- ... • •
take a cathartic
then stop. Bet-
a laxative dose
just enough to
one good freemove-
day following:
feel better the
next day.' . Your
returns, your
is cured, your-
pass away/
tongue clears up,
acts well, and
, .
bowels no longer
trouble. •
1.•‘' ,
Of '
N ntwEt 1,8. 81jp,R0111410{D
• UL
0 .
11 R. ,[11,10 tillitinN Doi
."..______, iu_ Limuu
,,,,,,H.LuilokB.E,Ratal"0:,),4Fiy,ilaNr,sEci, ,AL.„ , ,
tiVYS Alre eleledE eVeIng W813a33:4""-C1)''
,. . Has Gone 'Up Irl Smoke in th
Completely Hemmed in by Bri- .
. „ ., . . . .
tish Troops Near Reitzberg. ' Lumber 0.1strict of Ashland.
, . ,
, .
,4"if the Anat•ehitit4' in Loden, r
, , ,
. ,
Wane Au- 5 -The remains at the. late
. . . .
„atno kiymbert ha,,,,. w:e.i.. Orought, Isere
. .
'DO ' NOT R U 1Y
9 in 3::
.. .
it jE000:::::::0:tibi :ILI y.tuui Now:.t (iiiier,:trs,118::: it 1,,,c:a0.1:: to: :it ::: ::, 11" 13.° 11; Hours'1azti11,,t1,,,' il :pi,: ta ,): 5' 11 "a: tl :01: IL 7;11,4;12.n: :I I :14:
the Use of Lryiram 'do 4 by Fi.ia' , A
oue w,,,i.h -... Blenheim' Public' S'eltaoi
-40erff Short of e'eod -Gen, 13adoik- , • ' •
Gouo-e. Ith.,,,,, at 31lontreat- H100 000
rolooll, Wounded ' 1311ritAL: tile ,Iteeen '
x..a,,,,-,,,,,,ient at ItUgtellbarg'. ' Lodi St Cleveland.
A.3.1,1,1ad Wls Aug • 4 -A round million
London A special ds- a ' '' ' '
, Aug,• .-- onar3., wort', Of property was destroyed
Pateli front Piretorin, dat.,ed SaturdaYr by fire Au tlie Intoner district of thI
says : ' General Christian De Wet , is clty to -day, The flames wore ehecke,dj,
completely surrounded near Reitsberg after three . hours' struggie,and betere ireele
. .
and it is impossible or his forces to 'roaehoti tlie .v,duable saw mills and o''.,
, . ' ' `, "
P 114; .1 j'ac; t: :1:1111e4 : no0°14:eri 1 e:1(1:11:1:1 :01,:la th"' 1,11 ‘,td.tizloalloi:Pbt aeit Itnlif.i:bel lid:::f' ,:::: :al :al le. ,i1a0.:al L011 iga Citt.'''':' :at:1i tal Ile le0 o,irt tluat
n-4 01:1a;
gold.' ' '' ' ' '
giVert him tor Ms assistance duttlikt tne
Cholera epidemic In Naptoo..
The certificate In rionnection with tile
,elOsittg, Of du? cottin was prepared ia tile
. , • A
presence of Victor itinnianuel 111 by tn.
' ' -
Prehner 6400r sur55,20 who wile° 015
' - -' , .
eorna Was iow;ea, received. one , at tno
keys; tile-;°the'r '''''''' 4 -‘Yen 1:0 tile: Prefe;c1
. rafomthea .,,i)1'12,ciee'0,1e1,1,eore(),T.:,laitl 0011a°11°wpeu'el
- ' - t "%1 w' '''''
outside is cOyered wita' • bearing
„.,..S± i'''11:141(11:;11:t";',e'vesdtoylyi'13°0ooi,,,,,Ilttoittltry'i'lltilfactleill,wiltdi yU.N.;8..t.e3'te'/.::):eiY,i1:10€1s::.,s4:17i. 19 ,!):::tt?'
IA OreSteuS MILL eoL(..i
, . '
1-1 ave you seen ' the new Staples am
Therringbone patterns. The3
are beadties. ' -
escape through the, strong iiritisli, acelt5 along the waterrront,
cordon. , The . Beers , say they will ' At 1.30 ePr.uy1',artairi: 0.11tre,Blas',.a.ased.n1s...5e° Isrc'Lle'rialitl
, . , ,
make a stand at Machadodorp, ' They 1'05 huill)
are sheet of ammemition and food. " sP'enn r4Pnlilr to the KeYsnnui ,Lumber
, . co ,8 • tuds and i n ,t ,,/,• ,, 4, i .,, ,
y , n a s oi i an. ac, uf-
General Halnilton, by tile raPiditY (-) str.oyed almost 50 090 000 feet of lumbe,r
his ' inovements, preyents reinforce- ' ' ' ' '
red silk
the- Savoy cross ., , - '
' t .`,5r.s,!t• io His Mother.A
i uerita has persona:tly answer.
(.1 tell. 1 arg, • • •
ed the telegrams or sympathy whieli nava
, ... ,„ , , ,.• , , ,, -, . , , .
'"`Pe rt'al G1"'" ''°1 e'''''''''' ADA. ilas 'IS'er)
-elf ' r' .rr
big. rat,ige of BlueS and Black, 1-'cili
Serges at the old prices.
, •
, imam:ling six tramways carried by the
ments reaching Comnianda,nt-General
Botha. It appears that, after the ),,
traria carrying -united sra, ri,c,nree cr'41nal:elc.z.cleligua4';tvettriLikde'c';1;1141a1lee, he'tlii.a7e-t, .4bi'l.r:'tu,1:3dreeluer.rt'uatt:eiliclYeeelii..:...
story() and .flying the stars arid buraea like powder, 11 was a ciaare, r ot. a
eerellpd lee .ffonige:rreie, Ihne iong,voaLthid 'Yra'lla waoaOrailiorehdoeU,eede(;niio.tarillalia:isg,
otripes,1.1 . t h()f 1 viacrsoonstad,, condealed 'Boers tosether f
' thousands or dollars worth. of 'merchandise
fired, kill.ed fodr, Many ' residents eee several, woos or, reel:Dad trace,
of Pretoria have been sent into'
, - -
for having behaved cruelly or ;shame, DYnamite 'Wae, Used. ,
fully to British subjects before or • Pour thousand pounds of dynaufite. was•
during th° war. . Thu, terms" of exile 10000 the (le edgetolireit'esreile'anoctr. dtitiseirrifilTetedzo-itl
vary, in one instance reaching 25 . "
an order If, t ti 0 )
8 LLS 01. 1., I le ser utIou t
the notty„ as Well as arranged the detritis
of the funeral. ''''ll "0 1•5'c'en (1°"'n
completely only .twice.. eV hen her. moti1r
and , her 500 lirrivect et ,.-N100.7.tri .alld. , lat.
4811387:d ;t,t0i; alit .,rfahl1;:ilY:ue\dylanti.e.lag.1‘laaitglatie.r4Qaue.elin
en. muds fake the plaeeS Of , hOttor. VIelM.",.
Emmanuel' Insisted that has mother Sileuet
retain Uer old piace,
Lanner's Adzalseiotto.' • . ,
- . - . ' . '
Milan Ang • e„ -The Anareldst Danner,
who c16ne frl° rn A1nett'l WW1 liresei' 'ha
confessed ' that lie knell' the Murderer's
If you want a black we have what you
N._,v,ant in, Twills Venetians and
. uiays, , ,
Overcoats in Beavers 11Ieltons, Curls,
, • •.)•,-„ -, ..„' ,,
' . Naps and ro-oulanacus.
Piles at lumber and scores oc email build-
1143 Were blOWIl Illt'O atoms; and after
three hours' hard
. ' - \ , '
. , . ,
plans, and added that if Btescl had failed
1.11 ins ,attempt, hKe.,,,:lat's9e7t.hew:I.:yti.2V°
work the flames had a )-
, I
,, . .
trhaereigar.elyat.rseaacwhodinittishehila. dirtii,iertt,t, aNe,soinroeyoaf
a°e°114)1.1stied it- '
italy•,, N,67,,,
All work done in the latest style and
fit gimranteed.
but the loss was easily. a million dollar ri,
on. Hunter Reports That ;Number. NA tit Edward Hines' said. that the !ass• LI' -
'of le
3,046 liorcies, Captured—Report firm alone, was $800.000; fullY Insured.'
That Dewet Hes Boon Killed. The Wind` Veered.
At 8 o'clock this evening, the wil-i.d,
London, Aug. 6.—Lord lloberte te.'
Itoine, . Aug. 4..' -Krug Victor Emmanuel
'III. has lseued the following preclamattou
. .
to the arrny: "in this sad, moment tuy
' '
you vvill give me the atection which sue-
trohoughts tura to you and • I am confident
ended. my- lamented rather, . rili thou,elfts
tJ. 14. OPIE—VE
Opposite Post Office
which nail steadily favored the fire fight-
let§raphs on Saturday to the War I
el -i1 suddenly veered tovt;ard the el
, ,
. . - , - --tY
Office that Gen, Hunter reports that and dereloped into a gale. The (alarm. Was
altogether, 3,048 men have sur.ren- sounded again, and every avail:tide piece
dered to, him. . Gen' Hunter also se- of fire apparatus was brought Into action,
cured 3046 horses anci six eninsbut It seemed probable that the mill of
Lord Roberts addthat en. s G eae Barker & Stewart, Derfee's mill, the Ash-
also embrace your coinvadee wbo le crete,
Drytheett and (Mime are hooting aroft the
glorious gag or fta.ii,e ,. ..
Queen Dowager Margheelta declares that
• she will retire to Stresa, In order to be 'near
her mother. She desires .hec retirement to
be` absolute, aud tells her rieends that she
n 8
.'s ' .
• -• LIVERY.
Hamilton, continuing, his movement -laud Leon fled ' steal Company' property
. e
. and the . Ohio .Coal .Company's dock would
towards Itustenberg, engaged the be desteoyedr '• • •
Boers in the Alagaliesberg . range ' .
Pour Men ,Burned to. Death:.
Thursday. ' elienettpolle, ellun., Aug. 4, -At 9 o'clock,
Lieut. -Col. Rhodes and.. Major W. A. after It seernee as elf the whole .elts" was
Williams were anoong the 441 British In the greatest damier, the ,wind suddenly
wounded. ..., veerbd again toward the bay, and away.
The Boers ,left two dead and from the silty - and the miles. Meanwhile
several badly wounded, the flee was slowly eating thru the. renudn-
A mother Train Wreaked, ing lumber piles', . toward the Keystone
. , . „ MII,1,,, several millien feet or lumber bum-
Thursday night , a treen Was. derail-,
ea during the evening, but at ,10 o'clock.
ed and attacked 20 miles south , of- the five had been checked, except ' in the
four men being killed vicinity of the Ke,ystone Mill. It Is
can have no more to 00 WI • I's
this world. .til 61.411 ' c'f
' '
papal Deerre reeyainst .Aitureliiiin.,,
• 'Rome, Aug. , 4.-Ilie Vatican journats
announce that a Papal encyatical against
Anarchism is being prepared. It Will, re-
view the • causes of the .rise or' Anarchism
and will point out the method which tee
Catholic Church wili approve for .the exr
iirpa ton or the Anarchist and other crimm-
al sects. .
, Hunibertri Aide nirin rimed. ,
London, Aug. 3, -Te unhappy' general,
lia, King ,urobere's aide -de-
Ponzio VagFl
and- the Master His HOUZZhold, IS
First-class Rigs and. Idorses
Orders left at Hawksha-w s
Hotel or at the Livery
1 ,
Stable Chnstie s old Stand
, 1
will receive prompt at -
- ,
,tention. .
rrermzReasonable rr elephome '
L , I.. Connection
Price, 25 cents. AB druggists.
., I have takenA3'er's Pins for 35
years, and I consider them the best
made. One pill does me more good
than half a box of any other kind I
have ever tried."
. Mrs N. E. TALBOT,
March 80, 1.8.99. Arr Micron,' Kans.
and three wounded: Lord Algernon (el- that four employes in the Barker ' &
Lennox and 40 , men were made pri- Stewart Yard were ,Placalled betWeen burn-
oners but released at the request of iiii) piles of lumber ' and after lookin,
. . a •
the American COnsul-Ceenerals, wlio anxiously around and waving their hands
to the 5000 'speetatoes on shore, in hope ot
was in the train. . .
A Boer' force Was attacked by Gen. reretruld hell), were seen to go row, et
' the fire beneath. . '
Knox riear the ' railway north of
ICro onstad . on Wednesday, Aug., . Illselieint roblio School GAAS:
, , ' ' . ,F' .. • , ,
ana left five wagons and ' a lot qr. Blenheim, Ont., Aug. i5. -Abut 3 e'clocir
cattle. • ' last night the Public School here was' Ole-
-,`, covered to be on fire. , The iiee. brigade
•Has Detest Moen' Hilled T -
were at once carted out, and Hwy worked
caMP ot
beteg made the scapegoat for the master's.
'own carelessness and rontempt of .danger.
Humbert always refused an escort , or
, " . .
dal .polIce ploteetion, while lielug among
013 OWT1 PeoPle, as he used to call' One
Monza folks. . After Acetarito's attempt
on 1.118 'life,' the King was Implored to ilitow,
precautions to. be taken wherever he inlgat
be, add, as„ for IdYllle Monza', it was eelet.
ed out that tt was too uear •ititiant the, hot -
bed or the revolutionirts to be. considered
outside Of the danger zone.' All such re-
presentations were uneetilliligs. . kiumbert
• • •
,urniture. w
already fine stock we
the latest-, most hand-
cheapest things on ,the
. that you should call and inspect
the lines of .. •
,A despatch' from Pretoria, dated' tilt 12 o'clock at it, but were unable tO
Aug. .4, to a. news agency here says : save It,, altho they were awe to keep tee
It is reported that Gen., Christian; finales from enreading to the surrounding
Velvet is dead fierin ' a shell .woundr. buildings. It means quite a lose to the
town asc-the buirdin veils valued at .51-5 -
T,he report hap not been- c,onfirmed.. ... - , - . F - . , .
, , 900i and was only 'mimed for atimue $7001.)
Other Boers Surrander, the on building and $2000 on contents.
. .. ,
Fouriersberg, •Aug. 4. ---There , . , are • A Blaze in Moutrew.
2,500 Boer prisoners at Gen. Hunter"s.
, ivIontreal, Aug. 5.--(Speciair -.ane Wass
camp and 1,500 prisoners and 9 guns . Bleck; occupied by Messrs. Bernier & West,•
at Gen. Ian .Hamilton's camp. There ' it the corner or University mid' St. Cate-
were about 5;000 in the Caledan Val- erine-street, was completely rleitroYed bY
ley originally, but, some, refused to • Sre at th2e.30btion'ealiotlegk bothisamtoortnailng. 1.0s5Notbuotinya
Gen. Prinsloo's will
,went his own way ,and was happy. '
Noyy Pon31o Vaglla Is being-uOralded by
the press aed. vilified on all sides for not
doing .the very . thinge ..which. he •eacnestiy.
' T ) nu,
entleavorea to do. he . Queen has -
spoken to lien since the fatal eigtet, mid ole
young King, after listening' to his vertal
report of the tragedy, is said to have dts-
missed him from. the royal service In is
few cutting words and the suggestion tint
dot. only the general should have losisted
upon military and ponce escorts at rdenza„
but ehould also have been able to prevent
th_eee ensummation of ' Breset s murderous
. '
, ,
W e have
it is furniture
you well
o -
the Stook -You have the
want to trade, and. if
you want' it will pay
to drop in ' and see our
line before purchasing else -
that we have placed. in our stere
You will find. in this new stock
.s. ... .. ,
r"er•-• "s• , - e. Price.... r
wuanty, ana. .
. .
to suit you.
This is What we alsvays accomplish
when we xuake a suit for, you.
acquiesce iii. _ .surrender '
'sills, -aerlic ,o5f0,00fancyowderzyl t good, yeatilltoielide.at'aineonti 1)1 ee sr ss
have now sent in, asking for terms
and supped. away in the night. , They '3:umered, such wen ita,awa places as the
of prominent storesp In the. neighborhood
of surrender. It will take some days •
to ascertain the exact number,. The Oxford „Cafe, John 'Lewis' drug store and
Boers who excuse themselves for not the large dry goodsestabeteument or
fighting say they ' are in a hopeless . aktnecli elrvsa. teSreecoagngni e0.1 b'li;iiieesstottijaal nle:;7s0,0buyiy. fire
' condition. 'The ' ravines. were choked
*with Iva-ggons, wilich were placed in ' CleV`eland Lumber. . S L083. .
design by sacrificing his own, Mo.
'en simple fact that he wai'ca the "Cif: -
riage with the King and escaped we.11e
Humbert fell Is held to be damning, proof
that lie was at fault. Some papers are
even base enough_ to accuse 'the flue ota
soldier or personal cowardice, ahnd att Isii.,14_.
ported that he In consequence has dem&n
ed .a military court of' encpery.
. •
We have the lcirgest and best
' t-dstock . = town.
assor th
tz, s. /RowE
Prices that Please,
'Bert. Knight
Cleveland, O.' Aug. 4. -Fire to -night de.
with wagons, which were plareed .in , , . •
stroyed one of the mills or, the UtlYallogn
the most clangerotis spots of the $
miles. . Liuotno,b0000r. Co., causing a loss estimated at
Boers...Ifter the Stars and Stripes. •
Malatesta Is Watched.
London, Aug. 5. -Malatesta; who , Is sup-
posed to be the leader et the Pate.reort,
N.J., Anareelets, who are reSponSible for
4.T ,
Bloemfontein, Aug. 4,—A train
the killing of Xing Humbert, came to
London three weeks ago, tind is now living
carrying United States Consul Stowe,
. .•
and flying the stars ' tend stripes, ha,s Eastern Leaz,uo Saturday.
been. dera,iled and becumed at I-lonlg- Toronto 1, Springfield 3.
sprint, south of I roonstad, by a Montreal 5 Providence 4.
flying pateol or Boers, No prisoners Rochester 2, Hartford 3.
Were taken. Montreal 5, Providence 4. (Second
• '
game. •'
In Islington', a modern suburbs over a small
grocery shop, kept, by au Italian, wonum,
with whom the Anarchist eider Is on. In -
Hulot° terms, Malatesta, was , shadowed
from the moment he lauded et South:Imp-
ton by ' Chief of the Scottan(1 Yaed Police
Melville's men until he reached his lodg-
.. , '- • •
. 4 vE,TINARy.
TRADE naan
A reliable remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavin,
'ilveeney, Lameness froni any cause, anct Sore Throat
n Horses, and Deem Jaie in Cattle. See Pamphlet.
,atisfactioneueranteed All Druggists and general
itorekeepers keep it. e
.Prepared by.
YOrOOSter at S4 ' l '' 1 ,
OLIVER ESCA'PED 1,Ai:ITH I,500 BIEN. ' ' - ra.c Ise-Ga".ne "or-
• feited to Worcester 9 to 0, Syracuse
ingS.. The detectives were too obtrusive'
in Watching the Islington house, with the
Boor commandant Says He Was Not refused te platy.
Mound by Prinslon's Surrender. Can ad Ian Seties Saturday.
. ' • - Hamilt on 9, London 3.
London, Aug, G. -The, War Office •• •
- Natioull Lea"tie Saturday
has received a despatch from Lord - . . " ' ' '
Roberts, dated Pretoria, Aug. 4, Pittsburg ;4, Philadelphia 3.
which says : . ' Cincinnati 0, Boston 2.
''',T,,,ord Algernon Lennox has .been ... Chicago 2, Brooklyn 6.
Louis , Now Gr , ,
releaged. by the Boers., Only two 6t. 9 ' Y k 8•
result that Malatesta. soon discovered their
and 10 consequence has behayed
preeenee, '
realizes that he rimat be careful, for. neither with 'the greatest eircumenection. Be
the British. Government nor the Irritlett.
psople are jest now lu a mood for
stretehing the law as an ‘o.sylitin ih fay)r
or Anarchists. He says lie 'le working tit
trade of a gas engineer. '
Call at
The Family Butohe_r.Shop.
'' . , •
One d oor North of R. Piekar!l's store.
LC:PU.1S - .0 AY
. . . .,
(changed every Wednesday) -
lerheat per bushel " ... 0 to 71
Flour per cwt 1.785 to -2 oe
3nzley 35 to 40'
rats 27 to 28
reas ' 55 to 50
Butter er to Le
,gg. • ,.
?o taeges pee bag . e ee r - 042
:I a,Si, per tou ''''' "° 'og
Driest reepPres per lb
eurkeyse : , . .' 8 to 9
:ihiektin ' ' ' ---- -- .. • 50 ib
"Welts . ' - ' . 7
3.oese - '' . ..
mr. 40 to 45
Virnothy 1.25 to 1 50
;Lover ..e.50 to 5e5
. . . . ,;•'..15 to 1.6
League n Saturday.
ocers. remain prisoners. Aul!eriean o
. " Comandant Olivier has man- Kansas City 7, Butial° 7.
. , ,
" ' Pl'OplietOr.
a,g,ed to escape' to the. hillss in the vi- Mil:wail,. ke' ..3., Indianapolis 1-
cinit3r a B tl 1 I ' With 1 "00 ' Detroit' 4,. Chicago 3. ,
e 1 elem. i ,o men. . . , , _. 4
I -Ie has informed Gen, Bruce Kama- Cleveland 14, Minneapolis . .
tort •that he does not consider . him- . - - liaaeban an Sunday. •Chicago,
..roeflf_s. ubroruenndderbranGren.. Prinsloo's offer Eastern Lakin., '
d that his force in- 'Montreal 0, Providence 5.
tend to continue the • war. He has Syracuse 3, Worcester. 14. '
-. . ,
Luoy Parsons 'and tier Gang Wrre Nipped,
, in ()Meat,.
, -
Aug. .3. -,Lucy. Parsons, and rive
other Anarchists were arrested here. t9-claY
;while attempting to hold a meeting. A
coasiderable amount • ef ineendlaey Mere -
ture was confiscated. .
. • , . •
__'• ' '
epair Shop.
taken...rip a position between Harris- RoCheSter, 4,, Hartford 7.
smith and the Newmarket road. National Leazue.
Lieut. -Gen. Rundle is now-, following
. - ;- St. Louis 10, New York 1.
-. ".PriSoners• captiir.ed. by Gen'. tan Chicago 1 Brooklyn 3 •
The arrest of Mrs: Parsene precipitated a
riot,' . wIlleb It took .45 •police.jue.ti • to., quell.
Twenty-five persons Were badly beaten anti
• - .. ,
,NoWpiasirtphdo,.toirantoe'd,geotr YEonlautsuwehl40.1 Re,
, ., .
Ilaueiltoa Say that only soft -nosed Cincinnati 3, Pittsburgx..L
• • , . • ( . - . American T.40ilgS10. '
bullet,s...a, re. now ser.ve out to the , , . . , ,
. . .
. , .
.We have a large stock of Brantford
. , ,e, ,
' Red Birds.on hand the best Bicy-
. .. , , .
Doers. , I ani representing,' .L•hi, met_ Mil,waukee .5,.Indianapolis 1,
ter And protesting ' (.0 .Gen, Botha." .,.....-"Introlt....21 Chicago 0' '
. ' - Mitmen.polis 11 ,Cleveland 5„
liiiit.r 4/fIloors in Char 0. ,
- Y - •
• • ' •
Complete ripcord of the 'Wodidell• As-
sasein' of the.Shals. .'•
r old on he market, which we sell a,t
. . • . , price. - s - -
. right, ,
' " '
St: Marys: Early Wednesday morn-
ng Mr. Jas. Hobbs passed awaYat his
tome in the west ward, St. Marys af-
;er an illnees, . of . about. three weeks.
)eceased,, wa.s .a 'man of great piety
aid a lifelong supported of thevohurch
, . .
n all bra,ncaes, . of , 'Christian Work..
)eceased was twiee Married, the first
ime to'MiSS Htto'hOS, who died. after
' haPPY .1-tllon Ot union of Our y -two
'earS.' Ilia second marriage .was to
4,8. J. Fitzgerald, s • r• • -4
., who et vives min.
- .- , ,;
' Lorenzo Marque, Alfg.- 4.-' All t, hie An.thex, t, i • ,-,..
auCLOlor.t ..., one, .
ciistonts officials, and rallwa,y ' ern- '
ployes Illaye been :disrnisiseci and re- Toronto, 'August; 6.. -In the death
Of. Lieut. -Colonel 'Robert Britton'
placed by military officers. • , • " ,. ..
Denison, which occurred on Sa,turday.
TOronto loses one its oldest'
, p.ari4, ,Aug..6.---HSaturclaY's enquiries,
e cleared 'the entire history Of
ha., .
Francois Salson, the . would-be aSSAS-'
Sin ' of the .Shah Of Persia. Diiri4i-
'"file enqUiry" -Salson relai ted ' that, ..lie
, . . • ,_ . . •
once madt. effort., to assassinate
We have, in stock, Bicycle Sundries,.
tires, cements, °HS/ ebe' .
— . ,., . --,,, - . •,---, , „e„•
w e sniti pet), Lawn mowers, ..i.lois.., up*
night, of
0E11' it't•tiENr""lri'L w'61711DEpt citizens, and the Dominion ,orie of its
veteran ' ndlitiamen Col ' ' R B.
Dui.,-,,,,,...,itnga„-en,,,,,,,,!t..at, na”,toribuwg',-Ivi Denison has been an invalid. 1: or ..tlie
in,oers Took Prisoners. mil past severalyears, but it was Only '
three Weeks that his
the former Presi ef.1-- • o, the encl.
Republic, M:. Ca,siniir-Perier.. He
hid in , the shubbery beside the road
M, Casiniir-Perier was accnafonied, to
take in his daily walkS, 'and, When,
,,. ,
pers, sciss.ors,Ra,zorSt Knives, . etc.
, .
, . , • . .
• . .
age condition
London: Aug, 6. -The t,orenzo iviarquel .. ^. , ., •
became 'serious Deceased was born.
correspondent of' The DallY 19sPtes5, Wir- ', ., ,
nig siaiirday, . ,i,s• in' thiS citY "on • April 24, 1821,• and .
"alaraitTvane..lt i.itt.t.lt.ifticts oidieen.ilia(riecilitrrivaigt •atherict 'y\.•"fat•-e'l .,i. ,t,,fhlleelr'OefhOctiTionin 0 it
f ,i'1s83S79.611stf3:retaeid.'
08ottnt"l'o!i(glgernent' atV 1.41:onburgr. ' When his military Career.. It was in 1848
thd Boers, according to their aecolfut, that , he ' entered the Cover/ion-Gen-
took some prisoners and' captured li'24 erai's 13Ortly ., Guards as coronet, ' In
leftgons..'" , Novenii.)er 1862 he WaS made briga'rle- ,
- ., . . „. „ .
the latter, passed ,Saison says he, at-
- ' '
tempted to sh.00t hun with a pistel.
'ever, in issed fire,
r'arililde n\cOeaoPiitelli,eil'icoeirved his preSenee.
Ho* Shalt's Life WAS SAT.&
• • . • .. ,
lie admitted that he pUlled the
trigger of his pistol. at the titne of
. ,
A - A '
m,e 7 , , Fait . . , R .K E T,
0.0 0 --.--!......stir
, .,_, , , , ,, , „ , ,.,,,. Sobs ,
For r tesn, goon atict tne, en.0,.s..est, .
c'').'-il' ).ellt:%cal'l °I 11.1' linCle)rSi''''lle(l'
, , . . , ,
, ...n
, ',, • •, 'rn, , ' _
Nursing - Mothers
. .
, . . ,
dread ht weather. They
.. , .. . - .
know hew it weakens' :and
, . ., .
how this affects -the. baby.IN
All such Mother§ need .
Scott's Emulsion. t gwes
then1 ' strength and Makes
, . . . . , . .
' the baby's .o0c1 richer and ••.bos,i.,.
niore abundant. ' '
,.. pmel sn ' Ail r'irorroVit,8
' 50- ---,-,-: --.------..--;-.' 4
4144e..,1, ,AMINtttow X
`LeeP*(e•- ' ...:4*Ne' ' ' 4*er....4"4,...•_- 4ltrietl-t'rellwrtlie— '
' 'c t . BA -I f "C" CoI ov1,1 aninadif3rfeoufr .1‘iy. oe a. rs10laterI''l1
'('anacliarts on the 2Stli. of June f‘o- lieutenant -colonel. ,
,i,,,,,,,,,i his company, . folly recovered During the Fenian Raid he wee r e..111 10
, , Clifton to command id nompantes atm wfrs
froin 0 severe attack :,of. fever. ' - . ' ' . • , . - , ,
, . , , , , stgtioitod at; Suspension 13ridge, i)11 5ap•
On Sntlinnty L4L01. , the A 'n011(41,11 1. is i he roc,iv,0 tho qopolutm. ii ,-,i,
' ' ' " ' , ' - * , - - ' 1. '
iliti,ditig at, '1,")obil, (ilitire, f;itie., aoprity ,00lotant-generar; a positron whian
the i•s co was declared Off as 'Lilo time iiiiJietil until July 1, .188(i, When, ree ref:11.er
limit, hod. 0,7/-111)t)cit . The wind wog ",li-oar inilita as, bre., Since theu,-.000 no reit
bo,;:woon. four and Live 'ruiliis l'rer hOur. 'ftt= 11•11,e, or 015'c -teak'', he 1100 li'c'ea retired.
fillaissea.tntgartetkerttliphoen etvIeleapSolc'tna' ..thri:
Salson. explained that, hoping o in-
sure the explosion. of t,lie ca, rtrid,,e,
I e'had filed the point of the hammer.
1 -
This saved the Shalfs life as the ham-
- , • h
mer had been, filed too utile , and the.
,,ii.;,,,,,„. ,.,0 ,,..j,,„, ,.t.,,i „.„,, rarritre
Pb-:“`",,,,,, `•-• ,'-'. "...F''' , Only - ' •
Ul- mulel-rg e• emu" dent. 1,n.'• t'hs, catt'''
e . '
rut '
!Ade all our ents-ot meat are the
'finest, we nialze it 'spec.th,ltv of meat
, , - , „.,
, „ ,
eat cleitvere to au parts of
J/ ) M 71 Ina