HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-8-9, Page 1FOURTE}.-isNTII YEAR. 670.
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„ •
Big Sacrifice of
Summer Goo
s is our custom we prefer to sacrifice the balance of our goods at the
end of the season rather than carry them over and have out-of-date
goods on our shelves... With the hottest kind of weather to' come,
this is Pabig snap. Do not fail to examine these goods and note prices.
e arewilling to leave the purchasing so any shrewd buyers'jUdgment. Be-
low We give a list of the few of the many reductions.
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Cotton Vests, Crearn, reg. '7c. for Ic.
Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Vests, short sleeves, reg. 12)20.
for 8c.
Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Vests, extra fine quality, reg. 150.
for 10c.
Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Vests, fancy trimming, reg. 180.
for 12c. ,. ' •
Ladies Fine Vests Lisle Thread, fancy trimmed with
Silk Ribbon and Lace, reg. 25e. for 19c.
adie's Fast Black Hose
Eery pair starnped, Louis Helinsdorf 'and Tully guar-
Only a few pair left
adies .Summer Corsets
Reg. price 37c., to clear 19c.
. $1.50 to clear at 99c.
1.15 " 79c.
225 -
65 39c.
Ozomealle• 2116.101011u•
25 ,
A FEW Or 'FlIOSE "'BOYS WASH. SUITS LEFT, Rea. $1.50, $1.25, et 99c.
Ginghams, Aluslins, Dress Goods, Etc
At prices that will clear them out at once,
A B g Sn.ap
reg. price 12e., 15c., 17e.
will go at 9c.
Beautiful new goods an exceptional bargain
Shirt Waists.
We shall also clear out the balance of these.
Reg. $1.25 a beauty for 75c.
75, in stripes 36e. '
75 white lawn 35e.
75 black sateen 35e.
Ladies' Sailor Hats.
In smooth and rough. straw, very -newest- shapes.
reg. 75e., 50c., to,clear 39c.
St. Joseph
Several of the farmers in this vi(i
laity have threshed their fall wheat
and barley and report .a very good
yaelch,—Mr. alem•y llowald, engineer
Lor his untie, Mr, John Ilowald, met
with rather i 'vta't and painful acci-
dent on Saturday last by getting his
foot badly inangled in the gearing, of
the tractior: E,`Dodinan,
wife and eltild, j Thamesville, were
the guests 1 his uncle, Mr. R. O'Brien
the forepart of this week.—Master
Bert Foleber, of Forest, „spent a few
days at Mit 1). 'Wilson's last week.—
The masoos have started the brick
work of Yeat J. Suraras house. --Mr.
and Mrs, T. Holton, of Lumley, spent
Stanchly in these parts. --Mr. J. Sponse
who for the past few, weeks has been
visiting his father, broth6reand sisters
here has ret timed to Ednionton.
Just the thing for &tasty roads $1.49
Nobby, cool, comfortable $2.99
Iteg. price 12'2c.; a snap 8c. pair.
Latest American pattern, reg. 75c. to clear 89c
• A very sctioas accident happened to
"Mr. Nathaniel Corbett sr the other
day. While climbing -up into the DIOVC
he fell some distance and broke his hip
bone. We are sorry to say that the
doctor hos'but very poor hcipes. of his
recovery, ' _
death of :Mies Francis A. HodgFion oe-
eux•red July 27th, after an
illness of Se-- sshort duration. The re-
mains Wel t! interred in the -Ebenezer
cemetery on Sunday afternoon.
• .
Men's Sacque Suit in serge or tweed, regular $5.50 now $4.20
in Tweeds new effects " $8.00 " 56.25
TMI:EB=S1--1=1=BS 37.71=r'15=4
Special prices to threshers in Oils, Packing, Fittings, Mitts. Etc.
Miss Sizeii on, of Goder•ich, and Miss
Edith Wiggons, a former teacher in
our school here has been visitinge, Miss
Ella Robinson the past week. —Miss
Raissell, of London, is visiting old
friends bee. -5J'. J, G. Greg,ory,
fornier teacher in our sehool, called ota
old friends, hist week. --Mr. J. G. Jones
and J. A.. •laregory were camping at
the Bend for £1, few days last week.—
Mr. lelar•ry Brown is some better after
being under the doctor's care for the
past two weeks.—Mr. Charlie Prone is
not,so again.—The gang of In-
dians palling`flax on Mr.Coward's
farm got a little too nauch fire -water
the other day and hand quite a pow-
wow and aSsit consequence one of an-
ot,her tribe was badly drubbed.
(Too late for last week,)
Their was a young "Beaver" caught
near Woodham not long ago. The
old Ones were seen but could, not be
captured.—The Indiansare all gone,
the fiax being all pialled.—Charley
,.. •
Prent'i still very weak, but we shope
toisoon see hin around agam.--Miss
; :. $3; WM Rush, culvert, $8; Thos
A larg,e stock on hand
bate unlimited private funds for in.
-farm or -village property, at
DiCisUi.e•SD CA41.LING•
1 Barristers, etc , Exeter.
e.273 undersigned has a few good farraN for
ale cheap, Money to loax .on 'easy terms
Samwell's Block Exeter
AGENTS WANTED iar;aci.;AfiLetolzTu
capital required. Write f'or partieutars to
THE innturricavrow & PROTECTIVE ao..
'Ltd., (around floor, Temple B'ld'g., montreite
Notioe is hereby given that there was lost,
on or about the 28th day of April, 1900, a
a note for $Sot matte by the undersigned in
favor of William Willdrt, payable in six
raoaths from the da te thereon. All parties
are warned against parcbasing or negotat-
Pod for same,
The rindersigned is offering for sale the,
aomrabto house flu d preinnes ell Huron
street, East, in the village of Exeter, being
part of lot 15, contaiiiing acres, There is
on the prom Nes a f!,400d fratile house, stable.
hard and soft water, >erne fruit trees ii,nd
other eouvenienbe8. POS',..-NiOTI given this
fall or next Spritz-) g. For futher particulars
al.,ply to .
W.•i. BAKER, Exeter,
GOOD WOItli..".--MeSses. Chas. Gun:
then Wm. Willis 'and lat. Stariubus
(Linde a rernarkolil•e, threshing record
tin 'Tuesday of last weelahaving thresh-.
ed for Mr. L. Deichert 1100' bushels of
grain in 10 lamirs and 20 minutes.
'This is a record. very seldom attaintad.
OTERs' LIST, 1900.
Municipality of the ToWnship of Step-
hen, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that haye' trans -
no Abed. or delivered to the persons mention-
ed in Sec. 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists
Act, the copies required by said sections to
bo so tranSrnitted or ' delivered of the List
made.pursuant to said Act of all persons
appearing by She last revised Assessment
Roil of the said Municipality,- to be entitled
to vote in the said Municipality,at Elections
for Members of the Legislative Assembly
and at Municipal Elections, and that the
said List was first posted up at my office at
Crediton on the Twenty-seventh day of
July, 1900, and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said
Ligt aficl if any ornmissions or other errors
are found therein, to take immediate pro-
ceeding, to have the said errors correctekac-
cording to law. '
Cleric T'w'p of Stephen.
Dated at Crediton, this l'ith day of July A.D.
ikrunicipality of the Village of Exeter,
. in the County of Buren.
Notice is hereby given that I have trans-
mitted or delivered t,o-,,the persons mention-
ed. in Sections eight and nine of the Voters'
List Act the apples required by the said sec-
tions to be transmitted or delivered of the
list and pursuant to said Act of all perSons
appearing by the last revised assessment
roll of thcbsaul atnnicipality to -be entitled
to vote the aid Municipality at elections
for xnem bers 01 'the Legislative Assembly
and at Munieipal Elections and the said
list, was first posted up at my Office at the
Village of Exeter on the '
and remains their l'Or inspection. Elect erg
arc • 11 t th 'd t cl
if ommissionS or any errors are found there-
' to take immediate proceeding to have said
' orrers correeted according to law,
OEO, EtSSEr.11,
, Village elorlt,
Dated this :.10th day of Tuiv, A, D., 1900.
Mr. Harry Smith -was digging for a
ground hog the , other day and on
reaching it to bi8 surprise found a
musk rat and ground hog both in the
same hole. They are so plentiftil
around here that they have to live to-
gether.— The culvert between Silas
Stinlake aml Fred Green's has been
converted into a small sbridge.---Mr.
Fred Green wears a smile on his face
ag•ain—Its a boy. --11,1r. Allan, the blind
unua, :iddressed the league on Sunday
night. He claims to have been an
infidel, but is nOW going iiroond as an,
evaogelist. He will hold a meeting in
the schoolhonse a week from yesterdoy
(Wednes(lay.) Everybody inVited.—
All the flax :mound here will be finish-
ed•pialling this week.
Stephen C 011.11 el I
l'he council of the township Stephen
Convened at tire Town Hall, Creditor),
on Monday, Aug,. (ith, at 1 p. All
members present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved. HiCks--
Willert--that a by-law be passed and
signed by the Reeve and Clex•lc levying
on all taxable property in the town-
ship of Stephen,' 1,5 mills for county
purposes: 2 for township pur-
purposes; the sum required by the
drainage by-laws $428.00; for dog tax
and the amounts required by the re-
speetive school trustees, viz;—S.S. No.
1, $606.46; S.S. No. 2,$349.25; S.S. No.
3, $37,1.47; S.S. No. 4, $453.36; S.S. No.
5, $1192.65 S.S, No. 6, $307.32; S.S. No.
7, $296.56; S.S. No. 8, $243.76; S.S. No.
9, $35,45; S.S. No. 10,$381.25; S.S. No.
11, $372.91;S.S. No. 12,5276,40; S.S. No.
13, $149.26; S.S. No. 15, 5108.75; S.S.
No. 16, $497.28; S.S. Mount Carmel,
$282.81;Biciclulph S.S. $20.00. Carried.
Willert—Yearly-- that Gottlieb Brown
be appointed collector of. taxes for 'the
year 1900 at a salary of $90.00. Car-
ried. Sweitzer—Hicks,—that by-laws
No. 4. and 5 being read. the third be
passed. Carried. The following, or-
ders were passed.—John Delzel, grav-
el, 543:84; Abr. Dearing, rep. culvert,
con. 4, $2.00; Jos. Lawson, rep. cul-
verts, con 4 $3.50; S. Brokenshire, cul-
verts, con. 9, J. G. Wein, Statute -
Labor and rep. culverts, $7; Sid Wal-
ker, lornber, $5.20; Express Co. 40c.;
Ronald Mothers, rep. culvert, 50c.;
Austin Hayter, culyerts, $11; Albert
Brown, culverts etc. 54. Wm. ' Taylor.
G. T. R. statute Labor, $9; John Baird
culvert, $1; J. E. Tom, award re Cor-
bett U. S. S. $17,50; Nichols Bros.
contract Baker's side road, $19; do
cedar lumber, 55.18; Love etale grad-
ing $7.50: Isaac Tetrean, rep. culverts,
The voters' list of this town:ship has
been issued and the various statutoTy
copies have been delivered, On the
list is a total of 815 voters, of whom
892 are eligible to ‘serve itiors 'I:bere-
ave 614 persons eligible to vote at
electious and elections to
the Legislative Assembly; 154 iire en-
titled to vote at eleetions for tonnici-
pal purposes only, and 77 are entitled
to vote at elections for the Leg'sslative
Assembly only.
To the value of English Stock Foocl.
This is to certify that I have used
English Stock Food, for young calves.
, n
which were fed on separated milk.
They did remarkably well on the food,
I think it an excellent food for young
calves and would recommend itisuseto
stock raisers. '
THOMAS RtrssEr,a, Usborne,
If you want your Repairing well clone
go to R,. I:hairs—Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry a sPee'laltY:
Marriage Licenses issued and 157ed-
dingRings always en hand.
FanSon's Block, Exeter,
The voter's list for this municipality
has jatst been issued and froni it we
learn that in t,he township there are
in all 988 perSOnS whose amines ap-
pear on the list. Of these, 855 are en-
titled to Vote at both ninnieipal elec-
tions and elections to the Legislative
Assembly. 100 a,re entitled to vote at
natimeinal elections only, and 343 are
entitled to vote at elc•etions to the
Legislative Assenably only. There a're
492 persons oti the fist who are °legible
to serve as jurors,
Miss May Johnston, of Londsm, and
Miss Crufone, of Detvoit viSited feiends
here last week.—Mr. \Vila. Boyle, of
London, with his two sisters, spent a
short holiday here the guests of their
aunt, Mra. Boyle. ---Mrs G. Lancing and
wife are visiting, friends tri Detroit.—
Mr. Chas Hatrgith spent Thursday
last in Si. Marys.—Mrs. Roc:sent:lug,
of London, is visiting relatives here. --
Mrs. TrwireofsLondon, is visiting here,
the guest of her father, Richard Hicks.
--Miss Bettie Webb, of St. "Johns, 6, -
the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. J. Col-
will.—Miss Mercy Sweet, of London,
was the guest ef her sister Mrs. Rich-
ard Hill, Fairfield.—Mrs. Wm;
Baker has been on the sick list for the
past week.—Wm. Down, who sustain-
ed serious injury by having been kick-
ed by a horse the other dayds still con-
fined, to his bed...a:Messrs. Nerman:
Switzer and E. Stuart, of Eden, are
the first to finish their haryest.—Mr,
George Buswell had.the misfortune to
smash his binder and has had to secore
the services of M. :Whaley and hiss
machine.—The picnickers, who spena
last Saturday- at the Bend, enjoyed
themselves very much and are nONV
making preparations to hold the an- ,
nual picnic of the Public and Sunday
school s of this place on Friday the.
21th.--Stinday last was, the hottest,
day of this slimmer, the mercury rais-
ing to 95 in theshade.•—The Centralia."'
Epvvorth league will• hold a lawn so -
end at the parsonage here on Tuesday
next.—Miss EIMInt AbbOtt, of London,.
has been visiting friends •and relatives
in and around here durin,g, the sum-
mer.—Mr. A. Nevin, accompanied by
his sister and her daughters, Miss Mag-
gie and ElizaMcCoy- spent Sunday
week at Varna the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. John Reid.—Mrs. N. Switzer, of
Eden, made her husband at present of
a fine baby girl last week.
e, _
ini $2; S. Staulalae,
cousin; • " he Alisses White.—Mr. and e"isk 11171-"
cul N. B ., $5; J'. Ite.a
at7;;;;,.r: .e.1-,"naf'...
eLret refe Jiro wif..';enlvt
tralia, trigita ga
ed theifornicv's borne lu ''Whichelsea Pit and 01)11135,p, $28.75s
& Co. Harrison's Manual. $12.o0;s^W.
flueston, gravel, $27.68; Handford.
etal. grading between Stephen and
TJsborne $4.50; j. N. Howard, lunaber
54.20. Council to meet again on Sept
3rd at 1 p. m., -when gravel contracts
will be let.
Tp. Clerk.
on Sunday.-- Norman Phair and sister
Sarah were visiting their sister, Mrs.
Charlie Prout on Sunday.
Mrs. William Witzel, who has been
sick for some time, we are glad to
learn is getting better.—Mrs. Khause,
of Rodney, is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. B. Conningbain.—The Exeter
flax gang passed through our town
the other day to' their field of labor.
Flax pulling is the order of the day
just now.—There are large numbers
passing through our town daily en -
route for Grand Bend.—Mr. Witzel re-
fused 5173 for his yearling colt the
other day. It pays to raise the right
kind.—We hear the hum of the thresh-
ing machine in our neighborhood and
farmers report grain turning out fair-
ly good.—Mr. Oliver is busy deliver-
ing binder twine around here. He is
a jolly good fellow and the farmers all
buy from him. It is the farmers'
Intended for last week,
Mr. William E. Iloggartla, a former
teacher of our school, wheeled down
from liensall to the village and spent
O few hours calling on friends.—Mr.
W. Thompson, former teacher of No.
6, was here last week renewing ac-
quaintances. Ileis now principal of
Campbellford public school. He re-
ports that no part of that country
whichhe has seen excells this.—Mrs.
Rutledge, of Dashwood, visited her
sister Mrs. Anthony Allan last, week.
—Harvesting is the order of the day
here. By the beginning of next week
ahnost all the oats will be cut. But
owing to the damage done by siput
and the hail about three weeks ago
the crops will be below the average
this year.
Grand Bend
Mr. H. Bosseriberay intends rafting
his logs this week, weather permitt-
ing,. --The fishermen have taken up
their nets to get them ready for fall
fishing.-- Bathing seems to be the or-
der of the day here. --All the eottages
On t,he,Parkhill and London parks are
full :and the grwinds dotted over with
tents.—There are about 590 staying
laer•e know.—Mr. Agnes Martelle, of
Saginaw, Alich., was here Ittst week
visiting his p11 olats.--Miss LizZie Shaf-
er, of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. Ed.
Gill.—We hear :t petition is going
Around for a barber. We wish it
success. --A sniall 'piece marked P.S.
was noticed two Weeks ago at the
end of the coiTesportclence, saying
ing the correspondent was inistaken
about saying three vveelcs ago there
were riot :ts -many campers there AS
there was last year that ti inc. Every
person knows here that the eampers
did not COIne enrly 15 natial, but
knowing where it came from we let it
go as it Stands. Sunday and 'Monday
have been two very warni days here,
t:he themorneter registering fr•oin 100
to 103 in the shade.—The farmers are
bosy matting And -drawing in their
oats.-1liss Nitta ..(3-ravelle, of t,he Bend.
spent Simday at, home.
OhlIciren Cry for
(Intended for last week.)
D. HAY. Cromarty, Commissioner and
Conveyancer, Money to -loan atlo west rates
of interest.
Miss Laura McNicol, who has been
working for some time in Stratford,
has returned to our village.—Mr. Ben
Beavers, of Beaver Bros., spent a
couple of days last week in Blansharcl
looking after very iinportant business.
—At thelast ineeting of the I. 0. F.
here Mr. Henry Passmoore was elect-
ed as the representative for this court
to attend the High Court meeting of
the Foresters at Godericla, on August
281h next.—Mr. and Mrs. W. JoVance
were down at Plugtown on -Sunday,
the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Edith
Armstrong, who is living at Mrs. Jas.
McCurdy's.—Mr. John'MeNatrighton,
teacher in S. S. No, , Fib-
bert, for several years, has obtained
the position as teacher in the old
school. His services are to commence,
when school opens,at a salary of $450
per year. He was n the nierehantile
business in Seaforth ancl,Lakeside for
some year's and in the present year
has been attending the Stratford Busi-
ness College. We wish him as success-
ful an experience in the future as .be
has had in the past.—Mr. Alfred Chap-
pel, of the Boundary, who for some
time has been enjoying poor health, is
now confined to his bed and medical
help has been called in. We have not
yet heard the nature of the disease.—
Mrs. Ann Gardiner, who is living with
her Son, Mr. Robert Gardiner, is very
Owing to her advanced age it is
considered doubtful Whether she will
recover or not.—Mr. Fred Borland,
who left here three years ago is again
home spending a part of his holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram
Borland. Ever since he passed his ex-
amination :It the Regina Norm al school
he has been teaching in Manitoba
SOMe distance from Winnipeg. Be-
sides teaching he is a book-keeper for
it large business dealer, so we are sore
his income will allow lairn to taker-110re
frequent visits to his home. Although
he is kept late a work he is still look-
ing well. Ile says he likes the coun-
try and much px•efers the climate
there in summer as it is much more
agreeable and pleasant: He leaves
next Monday to resume his labors,—
Mr. David Brown has bonght Mr.
William Pollen's threshing separator
and the two have formed a partner-
ship.. Both being experienced men and
havong obtained the assistance of
an experienced man,Mr. Simon Pollen,
we are stup that those enaploying
tlmm may depend upon excellent:
J. G. STA.NBORY, B. A., (formerly Collins
Stanbury) Barrister Solicitor, Notary
Conveyancei'Money to l'oan—Exeter. Ont.
,on111OU'iCl the,
The masons., ileit-e
brace,. tyork o aft . Beaver. s new
—Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Litt are
iending the funeral of tire former's
/pother, Mrs. Theo. Litt, of Sebring -
Mrs. Litt was here about four
ty eels' ago and was then in good health.
Mr. and Mrs. Litthave the sympathy
of the vicinity"' in their sad bereave-
ment.—Mrs. Krause, of Rodney, was
the guest of Mrs. Louis Bertrand on
is the guest of Miss Beulah Beaver. -The
Lacly Maccabees go,v ean ice creain social
in their Hall last Thursday evg. The re-
ceipts were something over $8.00.—At
last the crossinags in our village have
been attended to and the two drains
levelled. This should have been done
long ago.—Mr. Albrecht, of Campden,
was the guest of Mr. Jacob Hoist on
Mohday.—Council met in Town Hall
last Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Young, and Mr. and Mrs. Dauneey
are canaping at Grand Bend this week.
—The Directors of the Hay Township
Farmers Insurance Co. met in the
Town Hall last Saturday.—Miss Clara
Wind and Mr. Thos. Wind, of Detroit,
and Mr. ,Tohn Curtz, of Hanover, are
the guests of Mr. and:Mrs. John Wind
this week.—Mr. Geo. Firikbeiner ir
wearing a smile—a girls
The cold hand of death has again come
into Our midst and taken away one of
our most respective citizens in the
person of Han-nah Lewis, daughter of
N•Vrn. Lewis, J.P. Miss Lewis was
taken:suddenly ill while camping at
Grand Bend vvith inflamination of the
bowels. About two weeks ago Dr..
Rivers, Rollins and Ross performed a
surgical operation on her after -
which. she seemed to rally but on Tues-
day evening had a relapse from which
she never recovered, passing away to
the great beyond, on Tuesday evening
about 8 p.m. at the youthful age of 29
years. She will be greatly -massed by
the young people of our vicinity, be-
ing an excellent musician and soloist.
She was always sought for to take
part in any of theprogrammes, which
were given here and in the sorrounch
ing towns. Miss Lewis was 0 member
of the Evangelical church and soloist
in the choir, The vacancy caused by
her death will be hard to fill. She
was also an fictive worker in the tem-
perance work, being Vice Couneillor
of the District Council. Miss Lewis
Will be interred in the Exeter Ceme-
tery to day (Thursday) the Rev. Litt
officiating. She leaves to mourn her -
loss, besides her parents, a brother,
four sisters, and a large number of
friends and acquaintances, who have
the sincere sympathy of the vicinity.
For Infants and Children.
The fae.
4/ NtitaapOtt
BEA.VEit.--In TJsborne, on july 291h •
the wife of Louis 13eaver, son.
HENDERSON, —01) +11ily 31, WM.
son of Wm. Henderson, Parkhill,
aged 6 years, 6 months.
LEvoxs.—In Crediton, on August
Hannith Lewis, daughter of Mr.
Wm. Lewis, aged 27 years, 10 mosa
and 20 days.
CItiildrein 0
y for