HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-7-26, Page 6Subscribers who do not receive their p,.per,,
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, Can At Lias oMoe for adveraSiug r,yt@s,.
THURSDAY, JULY 2$, 14)0(1:
A mixture of rook salt and turpen-
tine is good for a felon,
Warts will disappear in from two to
six weeks if castor oil is applied to.
them daily.
Onions are good as a spring inedi-
eine for the complexion, but recom-
mended only for thin persons.
To clean the liver and give you an
appetite for breakfast begin the day
by drinking a large glass of orange
Mutton tallow to which a few drops.
of carbolic acid is added will heal
sores or any raw surface on man or
9, tea made from celery roots and
staves is recommended as a "cure for.
rheumatism. It should be taken daily.
Ordinary grated hor,eradish eaten
at meals and between times is said to
be efficacious in removing the cough
which follows the grip.
Chicory is used as an adulterant to
coffee. There is no objection to the
-use of chicory in coffee, but it is far
better to buy it separate and add it to
the coffee in the proper proportion.
Chicory may be purchased for five or
six cents a pound, consequently when
sold as coffee it is a fraud.
Why will you allow a cough to lacerate
tour throat and lungs.•and n the risk of
iling a consumptive's grave, when, by
the timely use of Trickle's Anti -Consump-
tive Syrup the pain can be allayed and the'
danger avoided. This syrup is pleasant to
the taste, and unsurpassed. for relieving,
healing and curing all affections of the
throat and lungs, colds, coughs, bron-
chitis, etc., etc.
Timely Dairy Notes.
In feeding, the calves there should be
no guess work about the quantity ex
the temperature of the milk.
It costs about as much to keep a cow
that makes five pounds of butter a
week as it does ane that makes ten.
The average price of butter the past
year was two and a half cents a pound
higher than the year preceding.
The attendance on dairy schools i_
increasing, and the capacity of ail of
diem will have to be enlarged' before
many years.
The well treated cow evinces a dis-
-•;position to put her owner and her calf
on the same footing. This is the best
she can do by her owner.
You cannot be happy while you have
corns. Then do not delay in getting a
bottle of Holloway's Corn, Cure. Is re-
moves all kinds of corns without pain.
,Failure with it is unkuown.
The Anti-Oi g irette Fight.
An English school board has pre-
pared a circular on the evils of clear-
ette smoking, which is to be distri '
bated among the parents of the school
children. It points out that smoking.
by boys impairs the eyesight, upsets
the nerves, disturbs the digestive or-
gans, and stunts growth. Local doc-
tors are to be asked to go to the schools
and address the boys on the evils of
is Rheumatism of the face.
brie Acid left in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the
eye over the forehead, and
across the cheek. to the
side' of the nose, The
cause is the same as in all
Rheumatism— disordered
Kidneys. The cure is like-
wise the same--
German !Doctor's experiments on TraRSvaa
Rattle Acids.
"Tbs. Influence of Repeated Detona-
tions on tthe Eia'r" is the title of an
rnteresti:ng artioie wihich has ' just
been p'ublislhk d in the "Zeibstihrifb
fuer Ohren Neikunde,' and which is
from the. pen of Dr.. Muller, who has
been studying the subject on the baat
tlefuelds of the 'Transvaal. ' He ex-
amined the ears of ninety-six soldiers
before and after a battle took place.
In forty-four of the caseas he found
notable changes. In seven cases he.
discovered small daem'orrhages in the
form of little drops of blood, and in:
one ol;he.r case he found an unusual-
ly large ihemorrh.age. In thirty-
selven cases he noticed that the firing
had caused the margins of, the ear
drums' to become quite red. He learn-
ed, however, that all the ears thus af-
fected: had not been in an absolutely,
normal condition before the firing
took place_ In twenty --six cases the
soldiers were unable to ;hear words
that were spoken in a Bow tone at
the normal distance fox such tests,
britt' only four of them complained of
any buzzing in • tdeeir ears.
In conclusion, Dr. Mulleir says that
in hie opinion serious lesions of the
ears :axe extremely rare lin the case
oft those soldiers who arecalled upon
to perform the regular two years'
service. On the other hand, he says
that the officers, and enpeciaify those
wtho are required .to give instruction
in firing for a long .period, are .apt
to ' become partially deaf, and will,
furthelrmpre, suffer from 'buzaiing in
the ears. The doctor examined many
such cases, and he found tat in 'all
the ear drums were more or less:all-
feicteld. The lesson w'hic'h his ex-
periences in aoutb Africa have taught
;ham is that ft is nnwisel to; admit in-
toi the artillery,•any; sold= or officer
whose ears am net in a perfectly
So'nnd Condition.. + 1
smoking. A: Railway Proleet to Save flte.,&retie Yo'y
age and Ilring Siberia Nen rer.
The discovery of good petroleum
springs in the Province of Petchora,
in Northeast 'Russia, has induced the
govelrnment to send an expedition to
the mouth of the Peatchora River,
wauch: will e"tamrne it with a view to
the construction of a harbor.
In close connection with this plan of
building 'i harbor is the project enter-
ta,ined by a company of foreign capi-
talists, a company in which English
money, too, is invested, of 'construct-
ing, under the management of Herr
Grate, the .engineer, a railway from
the River Obi to the mouth of the
Peiclrora, in order to spare English
vessels the long and difficult voyage
round to the mouth of the Obi, and. to
bring instead the raw products of
Siberia down to the vessels at the
m;outhi of the Petehora.
According to a report made to the
Russian Governmen_t by Herr Cotte,
who for a year past has been examin-
ing the "tundra" between the rivers
of Obi and Petchora, it seems that
the building of the line could be
aged without any great expenditure
of capital and consequently every-
thing now depends on the report of
the expedition, sent to find a place
for agood harbor, at the Petchoi:a's
Tlae realization of these projects, by
assisting the export of Siberian pro-
duce will confer a great benefit upon
t illard's Lilliment Cures Daitdruh',
Winnow Woshing Slade Easy.
Wash, your windows in as clear hot
water as can be used, and add a few
drops of kerosene oil. It evaporates,
carrying the moisture with it, and
,you will be gratified with a shining
glass and nothalf the trouble to get
the polish: Try it the same way on
your woodwork: It saves labor and
$oapi and no injury is done your paint:
The Brightest Flowers must fade, but
young lives endangered by severe coughs
and colds may be preserved by Dr.
Thomas' Ec eetric Oil. Croup, whooping
cough, bronchitis, in fact all affectious of
the throat and rungs, are relieved by this
sterling preparation, ''•Bich also remedies
rheumatic pains, sores, bruises; piles,
kidney difficulty, and is most economic.
Oilcloth as a Rauging.
The possibilities of oilcloth seem
never to have reached their limit.
The last use to be macre of this fabric
is:the "papering" of the kitchen ceil-
ing 0
and the bathroom walls. Its
smooth surface affords no lurking place
m n du. smoke t and n
Her germs, and s s e e c,a b,>
readily wiped off.
A Huninn. Singing, -Machine,
Jame:; Parson, of Devonshire, Eng-
land, who died recently, was known.
as "the singing gin machine,",because ;he
had memorized and could sing about
4,000 songs. One evening he won a.
bet that he could on singing ing until
gog �
daylight without repeating any song.
Miaar's Linih1eat Relieves Neuralgia,
Obrlstianity as. Fact.
Tile only infallible thing in this'
world is a fact: It has boob finely said
that you may meet an argument by a
contrary argument, but you cannot
meet a 'fact by an . argument. A fact
is ultimate, and it is the part of wis-
aloin to adjust ourselves to it instead
of fighting against it. In thought we
must harmonize our theories with it;
in action we must accommodate our-
selves to it.
Pleasant as syrup; nothing equal's it
as a worm Medicine; the name is &fothei
G'rrave'u Worm Exterminator. The great-
est worm destroyer of the age.
Swaim threat DLarnalgg That Make licca
Some shelot ,while since -a jeweller,
when Starting business, in one of the
northern tewas of England, sought ,to
attract notice, and consequent custom,
by displaying in hiswindow : a dui.en
silver brooches, each worth ten shill-
ings, but ticketed only two shillings,
and twelve 'similar articles in gold,
which, though costing £2 2s. apiece,
were offered at the same price,, The
former, says a 'Write.' in London Tit-
I3its, had a quick sale, but not until
the tradesman had considerably
raised the amount originally demand-
eC, for the Litter did they find pur-
chasers. A. gold brooch for two shill-
ings ! You don't catch us with that
chaff, thought every one, and to their
subsequent • regret they refused to
In the ,'minter of 18913 a dealer in
curios and antiques, who carried on
business in Seymour place, Marylebone
road, exhibited in his window, for a
wager, a heap of coins, among which,
in a prominent position, were a num-
ber of English sovereigns, surmount-,
ed' with a ticket inscribed :—"These
coins 15s. ad.. each'. For a 'few days
only." Although , there were many
curious gazers there were 'no buyers,
and the tradesman won his bet.
Last summer a Parisian shopkeeper
either for a wager or for advertise-
ment, offered fox one month only a
number- of twenty franc pieces at five
fraises each. They were placed pro-
minently in his window, and at tin:les
attracted.'a small crowd, curious,, but
sugpleioua. None) ;went beyond
jocular inquiry until the last clay of
the stated period, v. -hen a man en-
tered and, to the tradesman's horror,
insisted on buying the lot, some fifty
in all.
An hour later another man appear-
ed, hianding over the twenty franc,
pieces to the wondering tradesman,
requested the return of the 250 francs,
stating that the purchaser was a
gentleman of weak intellect, who. bad
managed to elude' the vigilance of his
friends, and as such was not one of
whom advantage should. be taken.
'Needless to say that the other was
entirely of this opinion.
About the beginning of the present
century a Mr. 1Vhaley, an Irish, gentle-
man noted' for his eccentric wagers
on one occasion lie ' won £20,000 by;
walking to Constantinople and back
within a year—gained no small sum"
by offering some very valuable dia-
monds for sale at a guinea eaeha Ai
Though by the terms of the agreement
he was obliged to guarantee the genu-
ineness of the stones, his words Lound
no credence, and by declining to give
the price demanded for what they
considered worthless crystals tile
public enabled Mr.:Whaley to win, his
In the early eighties a most eligi_
We house in one' of London's southern
suburbs was to let. There were several
applicants, but one and •all on being
told the' rent, the ridiculous low -
p sss of whichl no explanation .was
voucha.,sfed, declined'to come to terms,
suspecting drains, damp, ghoets or
otherundesirable accessories. At
last the owner himself took up''his
abode thexre, When it transpired that
the house, together 'with other pro.
perty, had, been left hem by a distant
relative, conditionally on his refusing
to give any reason for the merely
nominal rent that be was alone 'per=
witted to demand.
Ucrinan Surgical iriunr.plt.
A substituted forefinger was shown
by a Koenigsberg doctor at -a surgical
congress in Berlin. He bad cut off the
patient's second toe and sewed, it to
the stump of the missing finger. Pri-
mary union followed. and the new
fingercould be moved by its owner.
Chamois Better Than raper.
Chamois skin is valuable for keep-
ee I i-,
ing linen goods and, fine lingerie which
is laid aside for some time from turn-
ing yellow. Well wrapped around the
goods to be preserved, it keeps out the
1.5 J3,
� t
. or
Are undoubtedly TICE BEST.
Testimonials si 'onia]s from 4 chemists, 10 medals, 12
diplonigs. The most wholesome of beverages.
Recommended by Physicians. For sale every-
now :i il'olicemnt Selfled a 11,spaite Over
tnro<Du'n01:11'4h:to O11iy,
A trifling dispute between a Kliid
alid• an Armenian, on a street i11.
C.onistantiriople the other day, led to
an amusing instance of justice as it
is dispensed by the Turkish police:
"A tobacco -box wan found on ,the
sidewalk, as alleged, by a !Curd. An
Armenian claimed the box as his own.
Neither would give in, and the .lis
pine waxed Warm. k'rour: words they
'Were near coming to blows when a
policeman 03,1110 up; but h;; could not
decide the question of ownerslilp.
At last the Armenian suggested
th:lt the "policeman ask what wtts'irl
the box. "Tobacco and cigarette pa-
per," said the Burd, promptly.
"'rho box contains nothing but i
twenty-five cent piece,"' stud the Ar-
menian, smiling.
il'he officer opened the boa, and,
firstling the .Armenian was right; set-(
tled the dispute by giving. him the,
"The Armenian is the owner of the
boa," he said, "The Kurd is a lilt."i
Stere he smote the Kurd over the head.
"Allah be praised l For my trouble
in deciding this complicit„ted affair I
will keep the twenty-five cents.
Tiro Experience of Mr. William Smith,:
of Hawkesbury,, Who Suffered For.
Many Years From Kidney Troubles.
From the Post, Ha'svkesbu':y, Ont.
Everybody in ' Hawkesbur;, knows:
Mr. William Smith. He came hero
whoa the town was yet in its. village
days as one of the lumber coinpaxiy's
Staff of mechanics. 1111881. Mr. Smith
was appointed town constable and fill-:
cd that position until very recently.'•
As is well known to ninny of Mr.
Smith's friends, he has suffered much
from kidney trouble for quite 'a nun.-'
ber of years past, and at times the pain
,in his back was so great that he' was
almost physically incapable of exer-
tion. He doctored a great deal, some-
times getting temporary relief, but the
cause of the trouble was not removed,
and soon the pains, accompanied alter-
nately by chills and fever, returned.(
At last he 'came to look upon his con=
clition as one which no medicine could
permanently aid. Indeed his condition
might still, have been one of much suf-,
Pering had not Mrs. Smith ultimately'
prevailed upon her husband to •give
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -a trial.` "It
seemed,” said Mr. Smith to a reporter
of the Post, "thatit was a useless ex,
periment, _ and yet I was willing to do
almost anything that would bring re-
lief. I had not used the pills long be-
fore there was"uudoubted relief, more..
in fact than I had obtained from any;
'other medicine. I continued their use
'and soon all symptoms of , the trouble
;that bad made my life one of much
misery for many 9ears was gone. - i.
i:eel that I am cured, and have no hesi
tation in` saying that the cure is due
to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,•- and 1
never lose an opportunity of recon -
mending the pills to neighbors who
may be ailing,"
-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by ;o?
ing tothe root of the disease. They
renew and build up the blood, and
'strengthen the nerves, thus driving
disease from the system. If your
dealer does not keep them they will
be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or -
six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the
Dr. Williams' Medicine'. Co., Brock-
ville, Ont:
Sofarms a;procession for women is
concerned, we come back at last to
this fact Gbit her success has been
greatest , along eternally feminine
lines. No girl can be taught a bet-
ter trade than housekeeping or sew-
ing. Every, year the price of plain
sewing is higher; and dressmaking
climbs up into the clouds. The world
is hungry three times a day, 365 days
in the, year, and has to be fed. :Che
whole human race is on a still hunt
for a good cook and a good place to
board. These professions, carried on
intelligently, are never "overcrowded.
" Ob," but .you say, "look at the poor
sewing women ei,•ying for work I
Look at the boarding „housekeepers
but.how did the do
who fan! l True,y
the work2 Didn't you have, to ltake
your frock: back- time after time to
have" it fixed ? Didn't it riprsomewhere
the first time you part it on ? Was
it done when promised r Was there
ever anything fit to eat on the table
of; the boarding-house keeper who
failed ? Was her, house'; as neat, as a
new pin ? Incompetent, inconnpetent I
No wonder they failed. That was the
c 11,9e of their downfall. The woman
who takes pains to be particular, who
is honest and conscientious 'in. her
:work. succeeds When you. find a wo-
man who is reliable, who gives you,
the worth`of•your money in her wares,
no matter whist they be, your will find
she has more customers than she can
provide for.
The visitor finally found the drama-
tic editor's sanctum. It was a small
and extremely stuffy room.
"Phew !'' exclaimed the visitor.
1"It's insufferably hot in here. It's
:like an oven." '
"Of course," the dramatic editor
replied. "This : is where I do my
„� rr � __ •.�,tr
English Teetiling Syrup
Comforts Crying: Children
1 New Luncheon Delicacy.
Egg poached in tomato sauce make
en excellent variation for luncheon or
breakfast. Put into the frying pau a
tablespoonfuleach of butter and flour,
and heat until bubbly and frothy. Stir
into this mixture ono cupful and a half
of canned tomatoes, heated and rubbed
through a strainer,: salt and pepper to
taste, and just a pinch of soda. Cook
antil smooth and creamy, drop in the
required number of eggs and cook un-
til the whites are film, basting often
with the sauce. When done lift the
eggs carefully on to slices of toast and
pour the sauce around thein.
liigs and 'Thistles.
Power ' with anon proceedsa from
power with Ccod.
Tho saddest truth is less severe than
the merriest lie.
The sun is always shining to the
man who walks by faith.
-Christ's rule is everywhere, but His
throne is in the heart,
.:The Bible is the mirror of conscience
held up to man's heart.
'The human heart is like a grapho
phone cylinder and the sweetest re-
cords are often cut . by the stylus of
Keep a'Wary for the Baby.
A baby's record is worth: keeping fo'
the mother's personal pleasure and for
the baby's perusal arid amusement ii ;a• ,�
the future; when the first smile, the
first tooth, the first short dress and the
first-articulate.words aro things in the
dint distance of the past, remembered
by* no one; except; perhaps; the devoted
mother herself. One of the dainty
books provided for the purpose makes
the keeping of the record an easy task
and preserves it for :reference withontl
diifloulty.-Ladies' Florae journal. •
How's This!
We otter One Hundred Dollars reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by Stall's Catarrh lure.
F. J CUL\Lm a c0., Teal':, 0.
'we. the undersigned_ have known
Cheney ;for the last 10 years, and believe
haul perfectly honorable in .all business
ttausactlons land fiuilw,hilly able to curry,
out any, obll ations made by their firm;
\i 3iS.e .l. 1'hAUS, Wholesale 'Druggists,
Toledo, 0. WADDING, KINNAN .0 .malt.
YIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toieeo,' 0.
nails Catarrh Cure is taken internally,.
eating' directly- epon' the blood and mucous
surf :tees o'f the system. .Lesetmonfals sent
,free, like 75c per ;bottle. 5110 by ail drug•
Antipodean Mouse Story.
A flight of Australian fancy is given
in an English paper. The readers :were
asked to believe that mice swarmed in
A Pili for Generous Eaters,—'1'llere are such quantities that 1,000 were killed
many persons of healthy appetite and poor in one hotel in three nights. A man
digestion'who, after ;1, Hearty meal are had;to. be employed to drive them away
strblect to much suffering. 1'he i'oocl o$
Which they have partitken lies like lead in while the horses' were fed. They ate!
their stomachs. .Head:iche, depression, at the whole carcass of a sheep in one
business or work of any
smothering feeling follow. One so of-. 'nig, htdestroy,•
ed acres of corn flatted is unfit for•
kind In thisrcondition Parmeleers veo,e. have attempted to eat people in bed.
tell° Pills w.ill bring relief, They will s-
sistthe assimilation of the ailmeiat, and uouil'S,lillll osf Piivo Burns, Etc, used according, to directions will ,restore s
healthy ciigestion.
A New Post Office Swindle.
.A. device for swindling the post office'
has just been discovered at Brussels.
It consists in pasting a piece of thin.
transparent paper over postage stamps
after these have been. affixed to the let-
ters. The transparent paper -receives
the postmark. When the letter reaches
its destination the transparent paper.
is removed by damping, and there is.
the stamp unused and ready -for fur-`
Cher employment, The practice has
been extensive with respect' to stamps
of high value.,
Beddocl:, June 11, 1897.
Dear Sirs,—\'hI\ A RD'S • LI1C1MENr1'
my remedy for NEURALGIA.
It relieves at once, '
Eggs as Food.
A paper lately read before the French
Academy of Science by Prof. l3alland
shows, by new and exhaustive analyses,
the value of eggs as food and the enor-
mous consumption
normous,consumption of this product of
the domestic hen. He shows that 25
per cent, of the egg has a nutritive
value. The rest is water. Ten eggs
equal just abeut
�yithoutthe selulls e q J one
pound avoirdupois of meat., .,So that
when eggs are 15 cents a dozen or less
in this country they are cheaper than
Her champion.
Fay --`.That Miss Snapp is just hate-
ful, -isn't she?
May—Yes. You werepresent yes-
terday 1when she told me T was the
irk in our set
homeliest , " weren't
Fay—Yes; and I gave her a piece of
,my mind about it afterward.
May—That was kiud of you, dear ;
but I hope you weren't too severe?
I'ay—Well, 1 told her she ought to
,remember Trow' sensitive you must be
about it
Millard's Liaiinlellf for sale. everywhere
Effect of Paternal Example.
Mr. Tucker, who sometimes goes
gunning, was trying to teach Tommy
the meaning of the word "brace" as
applied to game.
"Now, Tommy," he said, "if you
should go hunting and kill 20 pheas-
ants, for instance, how many would
you say you had bagged?"
`Fifty," replied Tommy.
Cruelly 1121sundorsto e1
"And you thick I married you for
,vour money!" tearfully exclaimed
.young Mrs. Waxwing. "Why Harold
you know I would bay° married you
if yon hadn't hack a cent—with the ex
;.anent prospects' you hack
Better Than a Detective.
Mrs. Hatterson—L should think -yon
would be afraid to trust your children
on the street with that nurse.
;Mrs. Catterson (sweetly )—Oh, no, .1
know that if any thing happens ,yoix
'scald run and- tell me. .
1Good Digestion Should wait on .Ar
tite.—To have the stomach well is to hTe'
the nervous system well. Very delicate
are the digestive organs. In some so sen-
sitive are they that atmospheric changes
a feet, them. When they become disar'
ranged no better remedy is procurable
than Parmelee's-•Vegetable-Pills. They
will assist tthfr,digestion;so that the hearty
eater' will sniper no inconvenience and
will derive all the benefits of his food.
The Early Arrival.,
And still Mr. Staye remained in the.
"Edith I" called a gruff voice from
Upstairs,- "tell Mr. Staye if he meets
the milkman as he goes out to order
two quarts for me."-
e."-, This had the desired 'effect.
Rains Every. Seven Weeks.'
Payta, .in Peru, is the driest spot on
the face of the earth; the average in-
terval between two showers of rain IS
seven weeks.
One rule of the Mormon church is;
that -roung members must' serve three
years in missionary work.
Montreal. Free Bus.
Am.:P.:$1.50 up. E P. $1 ea.
Hotel Balmoral
loks, Rosaries, Orneia
CATHOLIC PRAYER fixes, Scapular..
Religious Pictures. Statuary ,and Church .Ora
Inerts, Educational \Parker. Mail orders 1eeelve
prompt attention. D. 8; 3. Sarnia' 5 :Oo. Montr'1,
usedbs.mothers ;for their children teething. Itsow hes
the child, softens the gums, 'allays pain, cures wind:
colic, and is the best remedy for dia,nccea. 25c.a bottle,
Sold by ail druggists throughout the world. Be sung
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." bitKt ;`:
STOPPED FREE. Permanent-
r 9' ly `:.Ourecl. na. ICLINE'$ eltelti'
NEIL\ h.15ES'rortEa. "Positive enre
for all Nervous Diseases, Firs,
`t. Vitus
Epilepsy. Spasms alit! 5
Firs or ervotrsueas after first day's use.
trial bottle
Treatise and 8 L
through CanadianAgency- vanr. to Fit patients,
they paying express e hargcs only when received
Sernd to Dr Kline, 031 Arch st., Yhiiadelphia,Pa
Land -owners and farmers desiring to procure FRUIT'
T,IA.I•.S,, for autumn {{,lancing ,urh as APPLE,.
110EE5, PLUN5-TRtEi, 'rrAR-TR8lES, oto.,ti 5511
find. herr flrsl-claas trees, strong' 1,1 Vigorous, anwelt
adapted to the climate of the country, a`:an extremely ..:
IOW price. Order direct from us. ily this means you,
warsave the profits of agents and merchants.
Post-paid illustrated catalegcio of 8l.. pages, with
directions for prepi Ping remedies for. th a destruction or.
,sects on fruit trees, rose -bushes, etc., sent' on receipt
of 10`oosts. Tics"Eear,as Towxsiirr NURSE/01,
t sareneeville, Que. '•
T. N, U.
I'11 P 'cilll)fl1'h*I,ri p' ,rnrarh'F�i'; •.