Exeter Advocate, 1900-7-26, Page 40321,,rter by Jo cote, Chas, H. Sanders, Editor and Prop 'THURSDAY, JULY, 2 3 1900 \T 0:1'.f s' S :l i\' U C 011.1 1111%1\' 1',S C'nC 'e. Great ;Gu.1taiu has had 0 WRVS ,r Queen -Victor is carne to the throne in 1637. One has been with Russia, three wit It i•gh.utasttan, four With (:hn1,l, tato against the Sikhs,' three with the t(,flil•s, three in Ashanti, one against Abyssinia, one with Persiaode against the Guius, one a;;itinst the Basuto, one its Egypt, thre+e in the Soudan, one in Zanzibar, and twro in: .F'retusvztial, 'There has been 'no war. iu China since' 1860. The l:li Cheri Recorder, whose:, editor, T. 1-1. lace, is an authority in !natters agricultural and horticultural, has this interesting stein:: it is 2a plea - sen t leasent thing for a citizen of this district to take a run through, the country be- tween here and Niagara Falls to note the difference in the quality of the land, and the methods of farming. He will colpo house all the ponder of his own locality. After getting south of Hamilton, the fruit fields andor- chards are interesting, but the genei'al crops are not to be compared with the crops about here. Nowhere on the whole route is the land as good or the forms as well worked and improved as in the county of Perth. Nor ore the crops any further advanced thou they are about: here. It would do some of. diose fellows on the sandy side -hills of Brant, \Ventavorth and Lincoln coun- ties good to take a run through this county and see what a first-class country it really is. Perth orad Beton against all colliers." CONTINUOUS MILKING. Promotion -Examination, The following Is the list of candy rtes passed by the Board of Examin- rr fur West 11uou, together with the narks obtained by each On account of the exceptional character of the dic- tation paper, and the fold that the au- thorized spelling book had been less Is the l • , than a year in most o' t the e schools, 't? 1 board reduced. the. value e of the paper 1C 1 to 30 and the total required to pass to 510. The number of candidates writ- ing was 270 and of these, as will be seen, 170 have passed. 13ICl1FST MrARKS, OB:1'AINED. Reading—Lillian a 'ng—Lillian J. Clark.::. , .. , 18 Drawing—Emily Clark, ........ , 46 Writing—Alice Stephenson48 Florence Na L ' S Dictation -i \V. Rutherford.. , . , J 1�Tellie Jamieson... a Literature Ernest 1;othwell.. l7 ea Arituu etic--Alvina Wilson. 194 Grammer—Reggie Elliott 132 Geography—William Knox, 86 Composition—Frances Armstrong 80 History—Christina. Earl 90 Physiology andTem perance--J•ohn Drysdale 80 Totaal-1st, Millie Martin 856 2nd, nary Roach GODERIOII MODEL SCHOOL, Frances Armstrong .. ,.. 578 Vida Brown. , ..... ,... , .. ... 660 Alma Dancey 727 Florence Dietrich . . ... . ..... 1 '67.8 Cepha- Fisher Bertha Horton.................... Nellie Jamieson 685 Jennie Lawson 607. ThirzaLew,itt 087 Lillian hair640 Mina Moir 710 May Macauley Beatrice McColl Florence Naftel , The North British Agriculturist tells of a case of continious milking by which au cow has established a record. 11 says: "A noteworthy milking record has been established by the Red Poll cow, Crocus,, which belonged to the famous �;orfolk dairy. herd, at \'Vhitlingham. She gaa.ve. birth to her third calf on May 11, 1590, since which date she contin- ued nniu.terrnptedly in milk till Sept. 28," 1899, as 1eriod of .over 9 years, her milk yield` in the last year of her life being at the daily rate of 43 3-4 pounds, or nearly 1 1-2 gallons. During the'nine years four Months that she was continuously in milk, she yielded altogether 50,428 pounds, or nearly 23 tons of milk. Over the last five years the average quantity of butter fat in her milk was as high its 43 per cent Her live weight when sent to the market, after being on grass feed for the last six months of, her life, was 3,159 pounds. In the nine years since her last calving, she gave something like 15 tinges her own weight in milk, and her average, pro- duction during that period was 5,403 pounds of milk, or considerably* of er 500 gallons per annum." STRUCK BY AN ENGINE. Welland, July 19.—A serious acci- <lent'occurred here this morning near the Grand Trunk Depot, when Fred Ireland, a young anon working on the road, was struck by 1 passenger engine and thrown from the track. itis shout- -der was dislocatted, his head badly ,bat- tered, and he was injured internally. He has been in a low condition since, ,and it is feared he cannot recover. HORRIBLE FIND AT CHICAGO. Chicago, July 21.—The police, officials .are investigating a mystery at the Stock Yards which they think is g an- other other Leet eat case. ' A human skull and a pair of shoes Have been found in a rendering tank owned by one of the Backing house firms at the yards. Sey- aeras nen,recently in the employ of. the ,company, have disappeared, and the police are searching for them to see if any light can be shed on the mysteri- ous find. It is a theory of the police that the victim was pushed into the tank. DROWNED WHILE BATHING. Xinmouut, Ont., July 19.—A. sad drowning accident occurred here this afternoon whilea number of boys were in bathing. .Hughie Cole, third son of Charles Cole, got too far in the current ancl was swept away. A diligent search is being Made for the body; but so far it has not been recovered. Thorold, Ont., July 19.—Merrill Pat- terson, the twelve -year-old son of the late Andrew Paterson,. was drowned here to -clay while Bathing near the Guard Lock in the old Welland Canal. 646 722 Daisy Roberts.. ...... :... ... 552 Hattie Saults. , 655 Elsie Smith, 707 Grace Tait. . 596. MabelThorlow, . ... , ... . 820 Mabel Trethewey... , ... , ... , 540 Vera Whitely, 543 Norman Allen . .................. 560 Reginald Blackstone..,...... ... 618 Janes C. Carrie 555 Peter Coutts 562 Leo Eliot 646 Reggie Elliott..... .. , ... 673 Oharles Hyslop 663 William Knox..... ... , . , 706 John Lawrence.. 676 Walter R. Mitchell... ........ 582 Stewart Murray 713 Hugh Polley 649 Bert Robertson 792 Howard Robertson 543 Ernest Rothwell 820 Reginald Snaith ... 680 Alfred Sturdy 606 William Towersey. , . 595 Reginald Tye :'671 Maxwell Wilson 601 GODERICII EEPP:i`TE SCHOOL I Gertrude Hood.: :.. ..... 623 Orlando Griffin .. EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL. WinifrediOtilin , , 6955 g�•... Ruby Daviclson.. 740 DollieDickson. ... ........ ........ 765 Winnie Hovard. 719 Etta Kerslake 516 MillieMartin ....... , 856, Jennie Murray 676 Ruth Rollins ...... ....... ........ 675 Clara Ross 654 Vera Snell...... . 574 Maud Tatylor... 637 Olive Westcott.. ... . . Sand 5•Bawden .. 615 Harry Bissett.... 556 Arthur. Wood .. 573 HENSALL PUBLIC SCHOOL Etta Davis. 552. Edna Neelands 611 Samuel Bullard 630 Willie Busch. — .... ...... 552 Reuben Oudnore 722 722 George H. Long.;............:.. Fran McGregor 551 Melvin Stoneman:.. ..... 556 BAYIIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL Johanna Galbraith ' 551 Jelnima McDonald 618 Murdock Ross....:... 541 DUNGANNON PUBLIC SCHOOL • Helena Glenn 641 Ruby McIntyre 775 Mary West' 602 Edward D urn in 540 Horace McIntyre 541 ST. HELEN'S PUBLIC SCHOOL. Milton Sheriff 569. Lillian J. Clark 759 Mamie Miller 697 Wilhelmina Rutherford 629 'ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL Phoebe Rickbeil 591 Alfred ,Torrance 511 CENTRALIA PUBLIC' SCHOOL 5. Seven Years In Bed. "Will wonders every cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. S. Pease, of. Law- rence, Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her in seven ,years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general de- bilit' but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled MC to walk." she writes "tnclin three- rnonths;I felt like a new person." Women suffering from head- ache, Backatche, Nervousness; Sleep- lessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzyspells will find it a priceless bless- ing. Try it, Satisfaction is guaran- teed. Only 50c, at all Drugstores. STANLEY S. No 3 Edith 1T.othwell.; 5 4 Minnie Penhale, .. , 6 s6 5 Genie Duwson.,..., Alice Stephenson 6 " 0 Percy AV'unless.. °` 7 Minerva Stephenson5 9 Edith Cooling, , ..... , Louisa Shcrritt,.... 1 (, Milton Ldt hoft r... 6 ( Ialecm �, c , Percy hews.. (i Jecnb Kennel.. 3 Emily, Clark HA\ U.S.S. No. 1 John Drysdale_ 687 ;Nira'.Dowson.. 598 Sep; Sch. No, 1 Clarissa Contin., ' 510 Arthur Gelinis, , 071 john Laporte S.S. No. 2 Freeborn Johnston710 (l `' 6 Lizzie Iiaunie. , .. ; 592 " `( 10 John Coleman 026 John IUeLnan.. 606 " 11 Rose Regan ..:..... 635 Pearl Taylor . 735 STEPHEN . S.S. No. 2 Lula Essery.. 502 Sep: Sch. 6 John McCarthy 555 Joseph Mahoni= 555 Malcolm McDonald-: 511 John Ryan..... ...... 613 US]30RNE S.S, No.., 'Christina Annie Passrnore.. -William Gardner, 3 Mabel Duncan.. ; ... 661 Mary Roach...-' 830 Robert Duncan:..... , . 547 " 4 AlfrecLBuswell..;.:... 562 "< ". 5 Edith McLeod 661 Bertha Russell 564 'William Fisher 610 Edward \\Testcott.. , 811. " " 6 Alice Beii) l ill • 545 Victoria Miners.. , 629 (VEST W S.W ANOSH. S.S. No. 1 Mamie Crirviri741. Lucy Sanderson 544. " " 2 Ida E. Wilson . , 558 " 3 William J. Smyth::611 " 15 George Jefferson575 EAST SPAWANOSH. S.S. No. 6 Dora Pholaan......... 545 Herbert Bamford... , 599 MIDDLESEX—LUc<1N Lena Abbott, Bessie Bell, Agnes Benn, Katie Henn, 'Lulu Bice, Mabel Belege, Christina Breen, Neil Freeborn Irene Guest, Gerty Henry,Eni Hobbs, Edna .Hodo'ins, Evaa. FI'ainkfol'cl. Eva - line Langford, Martha Maxwell, May McIntyre, Mabel McLean, Jane Mc- Millen, Maggie. McPherson, 'Tena, Mc- Pherson, Lena Morkin, Bessie ONei1, Susie Robinson, Bessie'Ryland, Ida C. Scafe, Alma Stanley, Pearl Stan- ley, Jean Stewart. Huber Coleman, Phineas Dickens, Clarence Downing, Charles Harlton, Cohn Hasket, John Hodgins, Roy Hooper, Rufus Horne,' Charles Miller, Clarence Read, Verne Rowell, Percy Ryan, David Wilson.. 77 19 54 61 J76 588 51 r J1 128 7 Fleeda Baker Edith Bunt Aggie .............Hepburn... Alvina Wilson. Clinton Hogarth • 798 Earl Mitchell.... , ...... .......662 Percy Windsor.. 668 CREDITON PUBLIC SCHOOL Gordon Bloomfield................ 551 Clara Seignei .... . , .. , . 646 ASIIFIELD 650 688 . 577 756 S.S. No. 3 (C ( 4 5 (( 6 10 (< <( 1`L 13 15 < 16 ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. 13othtvell lily 20, -1 -red Poynter, the eighteen -year-old soli of the proprie- ter of the Poynter 1lonse, this town, lies at his home in as precarious condi- tion, with a bullet wound through his neck. Just bow the shooting occurred is difficult to say, though the theory advanced is that this is another "didn't know it was loaded" case. The revol- ver was evol-verw.is discharged while in the 'vic- tim's li.1nds. The weapon from which the bullet was fired is of a cheap va- riety, ancl a-riety,and was left at the hotel last week by some travelling fakir. Be- tween six and severs o'clock ,young Poynter went to his bedroom, and shortly ;1!'ter}W+<t.rds the household were startled by the loud report Of a pistol and the piercing cries of the victim. His father was the first to arrive on the scene, and to his horror he found his only son lying on the floor with blood oozin(1'flom a hole in his neck, under the chin, where the bullet en- tered, and it.iso at the }roup of exit at the bac', of the Head. The bullet went, d'tngero' 1v !way the juglerruin and 17311)" prove {aatitl. • 4 (< 782 605 716 Lue Griffin. ... .. 595 Annie Johnston. , ..... -615 Bessie McKay-- ... 614 Andrew McMurchy .. 570 Sidney Gardner....... 573 Asher Gray........... 571 Martha Johnstone..., 562 Edith Scott..C.`....... 712 Peter Hogan 594 Roderick McLennan... 543 Elizabeth Rutherford.. 634 John McCrostle 552 Dora Bueglaass. .: 546 Robert Rivett........ , 665 COLBORNE S.S, No. 1 Jessie Green,. 564 Melvyn Tyndall.,...,. " 3 May Rose. 573 Pearl Whitney... , : 569 (L 1 iMinnie.Naegele:.. 579 Wesley Johns I 661 0 AJrnaGoldthrope 552 Lorne, Kennedy. ... 540 Joseph E. Straugh n. 571: 9 Harry Williams.... , 582 Hattie' Barker:.... , 621 CIOD.ERI CH (( Art mid A.b011i G `CTs I Si, Marys: Whale unloading hay in his barn with 0 horse fork, Mr. N. J. Vernon met with a serious mishap. car when was lranrn back the 13e c h the trip rope, broke and lie was thrown from the load. A. trap door in thebarn. floor being, open, Alr, Vernon fell through it into the stable below," sus- taining 1' • � One ofhis injuries. s. Uri serious l e (. 1 O S 1 hip joints it a5 dis1ocated and his legs were badly bruised. Clandeboyc: Daring the thunder- storm of Sunday .week -the residence of Dir. Thos. Hodgins, rear here, was struck by, lightning. The current tore out a part of the gable of the house, and entering a bedroom in which Miss Maud Hodgins was reclin- ing, ripped up the couch, parasols, umbrellas and almost everything in sight. friss Hodgins was unconscious for about:half an hour, but fortunate- ly sustained no greater injury. Parkhill: Miss 'Maggie Anderson, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Anderson of this town died Saturday morning after several months' illness borne with Much patience and resignation. Of an amiable, kind disposition she was popular: with her acquaintances and friends and her premature death is severely felt by them as well as by her relatives,' The funeral on Mon- day was largely attended. After' a short impressive service at the house by Rev. Sri'. Aylward, the remains were taken to Nairn Cemetery for in- terment. 13rucefield: It was a great shock to the people of this vicinity'on Friday to hear of the death of Mrs. Donald Campbell • Deceased had been com- plaining; all summer, but wasalways going around until about two weeks before her death, when she was taken suddenly ill. All that medical skill and loving hands could do was done, but of no avail. Mrs. Campbell was highly esteemed by all•who knew her, and those who not most intimately ac- quainted with her would say "To know her was to love her." Much sympa- thy is felt by her many friends. She leaves to mourn her demise a loving husband and fire children, the young- est being only five months old. The remains were interred in Bairci's cent- etery on Sunday, and the funeral was one of the largest that has ever passed through this village. INSTANTLY KILLED. T T St. Marys: On Thursday at the re sidence of Mr. J. C. Gilpin, the mar- riage was celebrated of D. A. Glassy, teacher in the Collegiate Institute here, and Miss Gilpin, eldest daughter of Mr. and; Mrs. J. C. Gilpin. The ceremony was performed by the .Rev-. Mr. Henderson, under a canopy of of flowers and foliage. The bride was becomingly, attired in white silk, and was attended by her sisters, Misses Lottie and Tillie, both of whom were very prettily attired. The groom was supported by Mr. Stewart, of Lucan. Immediately after the. ceremony the happy couple, attended by ti large num- ber of invited guests, repaired to the handsome lawn and there under a large and spacious ten t,a regal spread await- ed ",thein.._ Immediately • after the sumptuous repast, Mr. and Mrs. Glassey took the early train on their honeymoon, which will be a trip down the lake to Montreal. On their return the happycouplele will take up residence o an \Ve.lhn g ton street. DROWNED AT ELORA. Elora, Ont., Tiny 21.—This after- noon a man named McIntyre, while picking, wood on the Grand River,, about a mile from Elora, i6 some man- ner at present unknown, is supposed to have upset the boat and was drown- ed. The boat was found turned up, With a hat fioating near -by. Being 'a one-armed man he would be unable to reach the shore. No trace of the body has been found, the water Tieing muddy and high, making search difficult. S.S. No. 1 Ruby Gibson.......... 540 Austin Chisholm... ,.. 582 Delbert Johnston...... 604 Pe " 5 Priscilla T'orrance.... s 571 (i 6 Amos Beevers........ 571, Thomas Horsley 661. " e, , , Lottie Sterling. ' 64.8 pc11a Harrison578 David Ster1111,577 It Dazzles the World No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement. that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Its severest tests have been on hopeless victims of consumption,. Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever Hoarse ness and Whooping Cough it is ,!the quickest, surest in the world It is soldby all druggists, who guarantee . satisfaction or refund mone. Large bottles 50c. and }i1.00, Trial bottles free. Fall Fairs. Toronto London Exeter Goclerich Aug. 27 to Sept. S Sept 6-15 " 1.7-18 17-19 Mr. and Mrs. Richard • Hodgins,. of London township, met instant death at the 0.P R. crossing on Maitland street, London, Saturday. They were drivingancl were met at the crossing by No. O express 'going west. Their buggy was broken to kindling wood, but the horse escaped with only a. scratch Or two. Witnesses of the ac- cident say that the express was travel- ling at a rapid rate of speed, being some Minutes Behind time, but that had Hodgins .not apparently become confused when he noticed the train ap- proaching the terrible affair would not have occurred. The crossing at this point affords a good view of the tracks east of the streetappr•oaching from the sonth,aas were the unfortunate cctiizis. Mr. Dignan, who keeps" a coal and wood yard alongside the crossing, saw Mr. Hodgins shaking the lines as though to urge his horse forward. Hodgins appeared excited, as. Mr. Dig- non thinks the'horse hesitated to go forward. When, the horse reached the tracks the express was upon it. The horse saved itself by a bound, but the rig—an open light buggy, was struck fairly iu the middle. Hodgins and his wife were thrown into the air by the collision. 1\Irs. Hodgins, itis believed, was thrown against 'a fence post,. at the side of the street, and thus received her fatal.liurt. The body was found lying onthe north side of the tracks, close by the post, with the headonly a footfrom t Ads wounds Gaping ' • r r he rail... in the forehead told their terrible tale. Hodgins fell on' the front of the engine. The body lay on the pilot platform, and wasremoved whenthe train. stop- ped at Colborne Street to the baggage car. The man's injuries were also to the head, but were at the back of the skull. " Hit the Nail On the Head." If you have eruptions, pains in the head or kidneys, stomach trouble and feelings of (weariness, "Hit the nail on the head." Hood's Sarsaparilla is the hammer to use. It 4vdl purify your blood. ,The masses praise it for doing this and making the whole body healthy. Sick Headache "I 'was troubled with sick. headaches., I took, Hood's Sar- saparilla, my husband having been cured of salt rheum by it, and soon it mad, me feel like a neat/ woman." F11drs, libber! ,ShIcAfee, Deerhurst, Ont. Mrs. A: Meill, of Havelock,' commit ted suicide by shooting herself while temporarily insane on Monday. Her insanity was caused by a severe ill- ness. ll-ness. 7tird� INtW DEPARTURE f/tii I Y _ A Radical Change in Marketing Methods as Applied to Sewing Machines. An originalplan udder which you can obtain easier terms and better value in the purchase of the worn fatrious "W efts" Sewing Machine than ever before offered. Write for our elegant E -T catalogueand detailed. particulars. How we can save you Money in the purchase of a high-grade sewing machine and the ens • telrt is opayment we can offer, either direct from factory or tlifotigh our regular authorized agents. This is an oppor- tunity you cannot afford to pass. You know the slWhite," you know its manufacturers. Therefore,a etas e . escriptlon o the machine an xt8 COnatrttction is linnecessar. . If you have an old machine to exchange A offer mostib y.. Write to -day. Address in full. we can of er liberal terms.y WHIITL EWiNG MACHINE COMPANY, (Aep't A.) Cleveland, Okla.` For sale .bv S. MARTIN,, Exeter. IIIQto 01ilU..1o. talU101Wgp UIIIIolo a.Itallllugiu1i1i111 9 ®j ml � uwl u111 uwu unl Inn I IwI 11 I .S 11u • • 0111111.1mm 1111,1111 It 1,10111 11� 1111111111�Iflll! 111 III ,I ks7eg e table Prep arat ionfor-As silnilating tiieloodandRegala- ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion, Cheerful ness and llest.Contains neither Oluln,MorphinL� nor' er, . pp OT ' COTIC . l�N� -Attract 0/d.71r.. 102IPIATHERi Amplein, Sade AI�Jannm Radar/4461f untie Sea .Tyyppoalmint s71Ca/tonal:Adz,. jfiry &ad - d J;ryrmMiarypcan. Nam Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion , onstipa-tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Conuts i o ns ,Feverish- tress and LOSSOF SLE P. TacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. SEE THAT THE FAC. SIMILE R SICxili�,'1't.D E --,— O F —r IS ON TI -IE Wi'lr` APPER OF EVERY 'BOTTLE OF EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, wm Caotoria is put up inone-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you Anything else on the plod or promise that ill is "just as goods' and"will answer every pr.. pose," . ' Sae that you get O•A-S-T-O-B-I-A, The fate simile oignaturo of 1°87:r1 9 0a -12r44.overs wrapper, -s�fi G;tin, '�:;7rf -, ..:li, o..h;14 ;,}Wi3...i:' ��hl�:%� d.-7xJ•ti'!.'r„.ai •..•. F;•S,,rz:,+',� mon ra a« :u:* I z : xx•� c . r EAK MEN CUREDI STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. SirCURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAYI r Nervous and cleepondent; weak or debilitatod; tired mornings; no am. I" EYOU, baton—lifehss; memory poor: easily fatigued;escitabloendirritablet eyes Banken, red and blurred; pimples on .face; dreams and night flosses; restless; haggard looking; weak back; bonepains; hair loose ulcers; sore throe • 'warlcocele• deposit in nine and drains at stool distrustful; want of confidence; lank al anergy and strength — WE CAN CURE YOU RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A. M&NLIN. CHAS, POWERS, CHAS. POWEii9. BEFORE TREATMENT. AFTER TREATMENT. BEFORE TREATMENT. AFTER TREATMENT. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manlin says:—"I was ono of the countless vic. tiros of early ignorance commenced at 15 years of age. I tried seven medical firms and spent WO without avail. 1 gave up in despair. The drains on my system were weakening my intellect as well as my sexual and physical life. Ily brother advised mo as n last resort to consult Drs. Kennedy &Keri•,an, 1 commenced their New Method Treatment and in a Yew weeks was a new man, with new life and ambition. This wa@four years ago, and now 1 am married and happy. 1 recommend these reliable specialists to alt my afflicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFiDENTAL. "The vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of my , Emissionsrain. Later 011 a "gay life" avclexposure toblood di- seases completed the wreck. I had all the symptoms of Syphilis Nervous Debility—sunken eyes, emissions,. drain in urine, nervousness, weak back; etc. Syphilis caused my hair to VaricoOCiei fall out, bone' pains, ulcers in mouth and on tongue, r Cured blotches on body, etc. 1 thank Rod i tried Drs. Kennedy do Kergan. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness." CHAS. POWERS. VARICOCELE, EIVISSIONs AND IMPOTENCY� CURED, We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and .Bladder Diseases, 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED, NO RISK. R EA D E R I Aro you a victim? Have yon lost hope? Are you contemplating mar. ruge?Has your Blood been disease d? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatmentw,will care you. what it has done for others it will do for ion. w CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who .has treated you, rite' for an honest opinion Free of Charge, charges reaeonab)e.• BOOKS 'FREE —"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Dieeneee of &fen. Inclose postage, 2. cents. ' Sealed, t�"NO NAMES USED- WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE. No medicine s-nt C. O. D. No names on boxes or envel- opes. Everything confidential. Question Inst and cost of Treat- ment, FREE. DRS. KENNEDYKERDAN, DEiT-ROiIi-E, VI NT. r>•Jray. :,�.J+. Ctrl. r4,-,Nii. ,0"6.1P.:11,o,.M.;`i ;S::k,.10 kr?.s!k.1:iI Giving up Business. CLEARING DUT SALE. Boots & Shoes, Harness, Whips, Robes, Express Wagons, Baby Carriages and every- thing in the large and well assorted, stock. Having disposed of business to I . H. z Dunn � my H Sweet of vine, who takes possession ABOUT SEPTENIBER '1ST. I will hold a clearing out sale of the abovethat lines until fila date. Eves thing will be offered at andi' y �, uncles. cost in order sand to reduce the stockthose -int want of anything inIlly line. will dowell to take advantage of this Bargain Sale. it'