Exeter Advocate, 1900-7-19, Page 1ENSESI a of the 881on. inada Ovel Dollars: i the Cana. lut They Visit 'he following, in the .Audit July, 1899, in 0-\'v aS}1i11gton .110ut 'results,. Misters,Lau- are in adds- each and .sea - Loh. " As will lents oonsti ti. bill. �s. 3, ti'1.39 3,301,63 2,030.01 1,706. is . 200.00 1,852.15. • 1,345.25 • 1,130.00 37.2'5 •ry • of 807.60 3mier. 435.00 ary of of Sir. 102,50' of Sir 851.85 W. "8. 854.41 101.75 181.00 600.00 300.00 10.3.33 175.00 475.48 611,30 276.00 18. eptem- 50.60 letober 105.00 bruary 305.35 3 Sag - 132.00 rty on lay .. 202.50 100.35 Club's . 225.22 Shore - a and - 1,112.32 487.93 34.34 150.34 155.49 31.08 603.60) - vs', at 132,'00 .60.00 .60.90 45..00 16.50 '. 45'.00 28.00 28.50, 22.06 ye, at 6.60 ys, a 1.1:40 80c.. 6,60 ,p pay 5lative ,5.'00 o pay slative 50:00 101.68 25,30 371.17 11.0) 407.95 157.63 58.40 87.00 22.55 1.30. 219.86 200.00 50.80 0 13 . 1 35 mild 179.45 w. L.. •220.81 x28.57 40.00 168.14 7 6.,11 81.57 28.110 .00 51:25' gton. ..11.75 tweon moot to FOURTEENTH YEAR.' 670. EXETER ONTARIO, THIJR.SDA.Y, J TJLY 19 1900. r makpaisumeamnivouriamwtematraumotemauleirsa C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. t 14:,' (",.1 • `;Y_ :, 0000 L3sVIGE--+ Citizen of Exeter recently his his n gave �lssol�, wlio had just got his first situation, some very good advice. He said For some time Ihave been buying the clothing for you, your brothers and myself from H. BISHOP & SON. On every suit I saved a little. Now you should begin to save money and one of the sure ways to do it is to keep on buying your clothes from them:" That was a' sensible father. The following will show that he knew what he was talking about. 15 PER CENT. DISCOUNT or two weeks we will: give you. 15 per cent. discount on all lines of Men's and Boys Ready-made Clothing. ng. Alargee stock to select.froln. BOOTS. & SHOES. On Saturday,July 21st we will give you ten per cent discount on any shoe in this house -Remember for the day only. STRAW GOODS., Ladies', Children's, and Men's Straw Hats. Regular $1..00, 75c. and 50c. Your choice on front table 37c. SNIFF WAI.STS. Plain White Linen Lawn, and fancy stripe. Regular 75c. and 50c. clear- ing at 39c. French Madras Cloth in Fancy Stripe, (very swell) also a few with. white yoke. Regular $1.00, on se- cond table clearing at75c. HARDWARE FARMERS. TO THE It may be to your interest to call on us before buying your harvest materials. Remember we handle PLYMOUTH T 1 E -Best in the market. achen e Oils, li quality) Binding Gloves, -all prices. Harvest tools and machine repairs at lowest prices. He ISMO MONEY TO LOAN, We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon .farm or village ,property, at owest rates of interest, DIexsON &. CARLING, n. Barristers, etc., Exeter. FARMS }Tilt . SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good • farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOHN, SPACICMAN,• Samwell's Block Exeter FOR SALE -HOUSE AND LOT. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable house and premises ou. Huron street, East, in the village of Exeter, being part of lot 15, containing 4,/,. acres. , There is on the premises a good frame house, stable. hard and soft': water, some fruit trees and otheroonyeniences. Possession given this fall or next spring. For futher particulars apply to WM. BARER, Exeter, 'TICE OF APPEAL In the matter of appeal from the Court of Revision of the Village"of Exeter, in the nty of Huron. DIE MASs1 Y HARRIS Co., Limited, Appellant and VILLAGE 07 EXETER,'• Respondent. I he 'eby appoint Tuesday, the 24th day of Jul.•y, a00,at10 o'clock in the forenoon. at ncil Chamber, in the Village of Exe- ter, C u ter, t,, have and determine the above appeal. Dated, 'God .erich, July86th, 1900. JAMES MASSON, 3. C. C. Co. Huron. Dated at Exeter, this 12th day of July, )100. GEO. H. HISSETT, Clerk TESTIMONIAL OF T A �601N 3 RUSSELL To the value of .English Stock Food. This is to certify that I have used 80•90 I �1 ,•a. ;u+' Era ylfsia'Stock Food, for .young calves 10 which h;we re fed on separated milk. �, �, ' .•, . '.� .: i remarkably well'on the food 3z.00. � si`il rr , , They cbc y, 1 excellent foodfor think it an e o young �alves and would ;recoxxrmond its use to ;tock raisers. • 50,00 idt 5 'Russ L- Sborne. 1.,25 50.00 32,21 18,90 11 • 12.85 ' 12,75 • 12,as 11,75 7.95 7.00 4.22 18.72,... 48,46: odlted 1130.60, R. HICKS EPAIRINiG pant your :Rc sarin well alone f ou« Y g you p i -GVaatches Clocks to R. I, 1Cx ., Clocl s and jewelry a, spCC1 'sty, • A(3 LICENSE 4ATdRI B .e Licenses issitedancl Marriage Wed- dingRings always on handl, Fa,i son's Block,. Exeter , ez Mr. R. C. Forest, aged 70 years, fell. I' as load of hay hear I.istoay el and as killed. u, dl M•aunnd,�:. TJsborne Council, Council met July 7th, all the mem- bers present. Accounts amounting to $315.60 was passed and orders issued in payment. Council adjourned to meet Saturday, September, lst, at one o'clock. Winchelsea Miss Ella Robinson left Saturday for Grand Bend to spend a week. -311t'. J. C. Bell spent Sunday at Mother- well. -Mr. Ed. Clark, who has been clerking for Messrs. Jones & Roy, leaves in a few days for Toronto, where he has accepted a similar situa- tion. -Fred Johnston, of Kirkton, was the guest of the Misses White on Sun- day. -At the time of writing Mr. Chas. Prout°is no better, but there is still hopes for his recovery. -Miss Ella Gamin ,had a close call one even- ing last week. :[t seems she was vis- iting her grandparents at Woodham; and while trying to mount her wheel on a foot path took header into a pond abort eight feet ,creep. Luckily her grandfather was, close at hand and succeeded in rescuing her from her dangerous and Un COintortableosition. -The sound of the binder is once more 1xeald and the mowing machine for this season is a thing of theast. p (Too late for last week,) Mr. Frank Halls, of Chicago, son of Mr Jas. Hall is visiting friends in this neighborhood. --Mr. John Richardson' drove a camping party to the Bend last week, SS follows: -Miss Hall, Elimville line; Mr. Frank I-Ialls, Chi- cago; Peter Gardener, Exeter; Miss Russell, daughter of Rev. Russell, Wiggins, London; Russ Wiggins, teacher, Gro<ier- ich. J. A. 'Gregory, Yorktoii, ASSa., formerly teacher here will join the party for 11 few clays. -Mr. ,Roy and wife drove to Mitchell on Tuesday. - Mr. Ed Clark is talking of going to Toronto shortly. -Mi'. Thompson, of St. Marys, was the guest of Ed Clarke on Sunday, also Mr. Nelson Fletcher,. of Kirkton.-Kirkton' Band goes to Listowel to -day to assist in celebrating the glorious 12th. -We are sorry to report the illness of Mr. Chas. Prout,? who is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. ---Haying is well on in this section. Most of the far - niers will finish this week, rafter.' which; the fall wheat will be ready to cut, Parkhill: g 1 t1. number• of young peo- ple from the town were driving to Grand Bend A large raft of logs was taken away from here last week -A 'iselcomciaicx. fell here Monday evening, .lOth.- Wheat harvest has just begun here. - Mr. Ike Green, of Pt. Frank, was the guest of hisbrother, Sirus, on Tues- day. -A concert was held in Brenner's Hall` on the 16th and was well attend- ed. The proceeds were in behalf of the Presbyterian Manse. -Mr. Patter: son is yery low, but we hepe soon" to hear of his recovery. -A load of camp- ers from. Bayfield, were towed down by the tug, Eagle, last week. -As many as eighteen people are camping in one cottage here.- Mr. B. Hamilton met with what might have,been a seri- ous accident while rolling logs down to the water's edge on the beach Monday, 16th: He in some way went over the log and was thrown :up against anoth- er, but, having presence of rnind, . he braced his feet up against it and stop- ped it, butnevertheless he, got a bad squeeze and will feel it for some time. --The Junior Bible Class of Exeter James street, church held their annual picnic here last week. Kirkton. Mr. N. T. Fletcher arrived .tcher 0112 eel lotne from Hamiota, Man. He looks hale and hearty. -Mr. Morrowieft Tuesday for Hamiota, Man. His health is poor and we hope the trip will do him good. -IV. R. Carl: p V.S., spent, Sunday un- der the parental roof. -Mr. John Cud - more, of Exeter, spent Sunday here, the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Ball. -Mi'. A.E.Blake spent Sunday in our burgh. -Master Anson Moulton, of the Clas- sic City, spent Sunday with his cousin, Mr. Will Brown. -`rhe ladies of St. Paul's church are having a hewn social on A. Brethour's lawn on Friday even- ing next Granton baseball bays carne over Friday evening ,, e ening laastanti play- ed a friendly game of ball with our team. It was certainly fast baseball. The sore was 12 to 21, in favor of the Granton boys. Salem comes to our town to play baseball 011 Friday even- ing. We are sure of an. easy S' `Vic- tory. -Strangers passing through our burg that were in Mitchell think that they have come to another Mitchell, because of the cows. Your correspon- dent thins{ that s t rat we- have as mai.) Y COWS as Mitchell. ---Mr. N, Shier has gone out west tor a couple of months to see some of his family who are . out there? ( l'4 l Bend lastS'linnet., ndayafternoon Rufus w C}raatham,:h,as been land when cleeeeclirr r a hill near Mr, sentenced to four ears in perriten i r ,,_ .g, , Y 1 ti ai y Stones residence in Stephen a whiffle- for arson, tree bolt fell edit. Che horses turned to one side and upset thee„ p carriage. children e n MOak iss Oaes a visitor mto�vra had an � for a.rxn brok . , ,.e.rt,1n and others were more, or 1 les rn tired. . Centralia, Rev. Geo, Dunkley, of Picton, is vis- iting his sister, Mrs. C. Annerson, (Too late for 150( Week) Miss Lilly Hilt left 31±014day for her home i11 Stanley. Miss Lilly Anderson accompanied her and will spend is few weeks there the guest of 311i's.:Delgaty. ---Mr. G. Y. Essery and family spent Sunday ;iu Crediton.• -Our church WaS filled on Sunday evening and nlany from different parts attended the di- vine services which was to the Orange order. -Mr. and Mrs. Dan.l French, oftheEnron House of Refuge, were here the other day, and have let the contract for the erection of a new brick dwelling on their fa1•na, at Fair- field, ---Many of the shove -along, far- mers of this vicinity have finished their hay harvest and are now busy at the wheat. 311r. Wrn. F. Bailer, of London, plummet. for the Carling Brewery, visited friends here Monday and also repaired sand fitted up Wm. Moffatt''s;hotel.-The board of directors of the Centralia creamery held a very lengthy and important meeting on. Monday evening. Much business was transacted and a new artesian .well is, in the near future to be put down, the supply of water in the olds one being inadequate. -311r. A. Nevin harvested six loads of hay off two acres. Who says this season is a failure. -Mr. C. Vail has returned home from his va- cation. HOD -MEN'S CON-VENTzo1.--A very interesting meeting of the surround- ing pig dealers was held here this week for the purpose of making a combined forceif but - possible, to thein sad dis- appointment they were .informed than Messrs. Willert, Jones and Cobleigh would not join the ring hence, no pro- gress in the matter was macre and the first hog convention in this town end- ed. Crediton T. G STANBL'RY, B. A., (formerly Collins & Staubury) Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Conveyancer Money to loan -Exeter. Ont.. Mrs. (Rev.) Christian Finkbeiner of Pittsburg, P.A., is visiting relatives in this vicinity. -Mr. Alfred Clark is giv- ing his harness shop a coat of paint. - The Misses Carrie and. Emma, Rich and Emily Eilber, of Columbus, 0., and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis, Jr., are camping at the Bend this week. -Mr. 'Norman Hill, of St. Marys, spent Iast Sunday here the guest of his sister, Mrs. Dr. Riyers.-Flat-pulling has commenced. -Mr. John Finkbeiner has had his dwelling . covered with metallic sidings. The work is being done by Fred Seigner, our popular hardware.naitn.-Mr. Henry Eilber has given his fence a new coal of paint, thus adding greatly to the appearance of his premises: Mr. and Mrs. Hud- son, of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. John G. Young. -Master Fred Smith, of Exeter, is spending his holidays here with friends. -Messrs. Chas. San- ders and Israel Smith, of Exeter, wheeled here last Thursday evening. - Mr. George Bedford has come with a bride, Miss B. Westcott. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Bedford a long and happy married life. -Rev. John Fink - healer, of Cleveland, occupied the pul- pit of the German church last Sunday morning and evening. -Mr. H. F. Eil- ber has repaired the church fence, which was damaged by a runaway a few months ago: -The Ailsa Craig " Stars " played our boys a game of baseball here last Thursday, resulting in a score of 12-10 .in favor of the visi- tors. Our boys did well considering that they had not practiced this year. The next game will be played between. the " Shamrocks " of Mount Carmel and our team. -On Saturday evening the Centralia football team visited our town and played our crack team a game, defeating them by one goal, score 1-0. Our boys still have fire in their eyes and intend to turn the tab- les next time. NARROW ESCAPE. -Miss Lilly Rent, youngest daughter of Mr..Tohn Kent; of the 12th concession of McGillivray, met with a very painful accident on Monday last which might have result- ed in the loss of both feet. It appears Mr. .Kent was cutting a field of wheat with a binder, and while he stoppeded for a few seconds his daughter ailed in front of the binder, when the team started off and the knife eoining in contact with her legs, cat a severe gash in each and had it not been for her presence of mind in grabbing the fines and bringklg the horses to a standstill without a doubt both legs would have been cut off above the ankles. Dr. Rivers was at once sum- moned., who dressed the wounds, and sheds now doing as well as could be expected. A.TTACEED 13Y DOGS. -The seventeen year-old daughter;of Mr. Geo. Fahner, of the Oth concession, of Stephen,came near losing her one day: last week. li 1 home It appears s t 1 et rl pn e to o to P U g � h .r .. r 4 farms _ as 1 au trier of L� <a1 s short piece distant and while passing through apiece of bush was attacked by two vicious dogs. The brutes pounced up- on her and succeeded in throwing her down and then star•teci chewing her arras and legs. Her frightful screams attracted the attention of some of the neighbors who at once went to her relief and WAS just in time to save' her life. As it was she sustained several severe anis painful wounds. Medical aid was summoned and she 18 doing as well as could be expected. A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery why'woman endure Y Y Backache,he Headache, Nervousness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzyspell s when thousands have pp roved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suffered for gears with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phoebe Cherley of Petersen, Ia., "and a -lame back pained me so .I could not dress myself, brat' Electric Bitters wholly. cured me, end, although 73 years old; I now am able to do all nay house- work.' It overcomes Constipation, iP improves appetite, givesperfeet health. Only 50c. at all drug stores. Eri"rance; Examinations. •\\'a give below the .names of those who succeeded in passing the' recent trh Enance Examination in EastHulon. "Those who obtained 60/ of the total number of marks have: been ay (1de.c1 honor standing_ Pass Candic1Lte must hae, obtained 50% of the total numberr of marks tuid o3?,% of the marks on each subject. Last year 731% of those who wrote aan on this examination in East Huron passed. This year but '57Jr/. The difficult papers this year were Spelling; Arithmetic and Grammer. Afore, failed this year on the total than for a number of nears. This shows that the Examination, els at whole, was more diflaoult than usual. Both lists are arranged alphabetically. CLINTON Hu:(OBs Bennett, Elsie Scott Katie Cantelon Saida Wallace May Cooper Edna Alexander Chas. C. Hoover Lela Badonr Edward Jackson Lillian Grigg Hngh La:vis Battle Stewart Robert McCaughey Hattie Wilkin Karl Potts Elva PASS LIST Aniess Fred Mulholland Harvey Brogden Mary Mustard J. W. Blake Nora Plumsteel Emma Boyce Arthur Pearson George Campbell Duncan Ross Tena Cook Minnie Robinson Annie M. Irwin:Leanord Scott Frank McD. Innes Harold Taylor Bella Jackson Irene Watts Bartley 2i; etchen John West Maude Love George Wise Pearl Lauxon May Sodom 1115, Jne. Ford, who soave tune .g'r had an operation performed oh one to c• eyes, is having trouble with ti' 5 other e3 -e and it is feared will have to undergo si141115r treatment for it also.,- -Mrs. Jno Ford, of Hay, who hazie. been ill is now}- better, but her little -- boy Cordon is .in a very critieall 00.1-' dition.-Haying .is in progress aurd& fanners report a very indifferent yield.. Berry picking is the order of the - day. The crop is reported to be fair,. -Flea pulling' has coirnnc:need 1100 the small boy has his hands full. - Quite ia, lot of rain •has fallen in thjr . section of late, making it difficult £ot- the farmersto save their halt' crop.--, : Prouty Mrs.S. P Duty wishes Co thank Mr... Spars Stanlake, sr., for his oolmpiinaeiat in last week's ADVOCATE, AN INJUSTICE. 3141. EDITOR. As I consider it mould be unjust to remain silent 5.ncl see a respectabll:- faniily maliciously misrepresented, ?i beg a little space in your paper to cor-- rect, what we yvill call error's, wh cry' appeared in your issue of last wee -1E, - above the name of Silas Stanitike all the country knows Mr. Ploutr'b - field has for Sears in winter been cry -- verted into ai highway for the bene- efit of the public on account of the e n cessions being so badly drifted ss block travel,is it anyway Suaprlsinv that his cattle would not at tunes fihat their way unto the road. -vie are sati--• isfied that the annoyance is n.alc ls. <, , L eaat gel to -himself than any one er�e; V., and I think it very nieiiu to accuse Trina..., of turning them out when his fences-' were taken down for the benefit of - travelling public. Can liis acc3x^aer - deny that his own. cattle do not •4»-- quent the road in early spring, <1111± ea,c-• to whether he feeds thein or not '47-a•' cannot say, but the do know that ,• appearance they compare favorai-7-5,- with most of his neighbors: and nnzelp - better than the majority; and as tcp colt being in his 3• aarcl frequently dr.-- ing winter, many of the passers -bye . . testify. Another statement, which ,e.v think appears, to say, theleast,staan.pe is that Mr. Prouty's cow was not last-- jnred. Now, why diel he not malls-, this statement on oath <at the trio. -y.. when he had the 'opportunity? as we - <are informed that the magistrate, an,i~-- entlyy requested him to give evidence- and he refused to do so. Hoping you will give this space in.. your columns in the: )name of fair pla0c•- anxd justice, I am yours truly, A NEIGHBOFv,,.. BLYTU-I HONORS.` Fingland Mary Moore Cornelius McDonald cella Stewart Robert Brown John Taylor John Fingland fa4 tn. PASS Jackson' Maggie Henry Oliver Stewart Nettie McLachlin Harvey Webster Grace McMillan Wm. Campbell George Redmond Raymond Carter Joseph Wilson Sheary llammond Chauncey WINGIIAM HONORS. Hobbs Laura M. Park Ariel G. Jackson. Jean S. Conery Wm. Linklater `Tina P. Romuth Ezra. B. Nixon Maggie Marsales Reynolds PASS Button Stewart Millan Florence M. Coad Frederick Pearen Mina. Elva Fry Wilfred Pilgrim Annie Hogg Chester Shell Florence J. Jeffray Robert J. Wellwood G. Lena Kincaid Harry Whittaker Irene ChittickNellis 31. Wynn Pearl Cluxnuxins Eleanor Hillhouse Henry C. Deyell Annie McCallum James Gilchrist .Annie Rush Frederick Hanna Bessie 31. Scan drett Fred R. Hood Maggie S. Sheriff Herbert H. SEA.FORTH HONORS Bukre Luella Freeman Wm. Dickson Norma Livens Harry PASS Anderson Pearl Sills Mona Cowan Phemia Watson Ida Carrochan G. Wilson Helen Dickson. Emma Watson Gretta Forbes Jennie Archibald Bertie Friel Mamie Ellison Lawrence Hodgins Mabel Gunn Gorden Horan Mazie HartryRussell. Holcombe Edna McAllister Karl Hewitt Hannah A. O'Conner Archie Johnson Lois Park Alex. Inecb.telLottie E. Reid John Leslie McClure Dorrathica Roberts Jack Rose Hallie Sproat Oscar Spain Mazie Smithers Tom BRUSSELS HONORS Driscole [da Ross ss Ada Funston Ella Goodin Harry McArthur r v gg Me r bel] McCall -Willie ill'e McKeever Barbara Thompson George PASS Dunlop Anna Brown Chas.. Howe Beatrice Forrest Robert McColl Maggie McDonald Duncan Ross Luella McGavin Frank Spier Currie Raynard Irwin Taylor Emma J. Richardson. James Teifer Aggie Walker Everett White Czar Work John Wilson Myrtle. 'VROXETER HONORS Phair Chas. McLennan Sarah PASS Brown Russell Carter Stewart Cooper Peter Doan Charles Higgins Benjamin Higgins Robert McGlynn Henry McLeod Thomas Smith Oliver Sanderson Stanley Wright William Crawford Alberta Harris Millie Jackson Martha McTavish Edna Martin Nellie Stinson Henry Snell. Maggie. Wells Jessie FORDWICH PASS Tu1ns o ck Dvid P. Cook Evelyn M. Johnson StanleyHutchisonElsie B. Magoffin' Robert McGuire Mabel J. Strome Edward Wade Elizabeth Wilson Lindsay Clinton:. The friends of Mrs. R. Holmes will be pleased to know that she has taken a turn .fOr the better;' and expects, in the course of a few weeks to be aro1rnd again. She is wee able to leave her bed for a short time daily, after a nxont.h's confinement thereto but is still very weak indeed. Mrs. A. Couch fell down steps on the stairs the other' tray and severely wrenched her foot; she is getting around again however, V. C. French is recovering from his .recent siege; the only trouble he had, being infiarai niaitiou of the veins. J. A. Howard wits threatened with blood poisoning in. bas hand in Sonic way fx'oin filrug the brass reeds in his works, Our Cemetery. To THE EDITOR ADVOCATE. DEAR, SIR: -Everybody knows, who.- is at all interested, or knows anything of the case, that the Exeter -cemetery is not in the ;•Condition it should be. For this.cond`ition the old directorate is not to blame. They did tine very" best they coulduncler the cii•cuaasta3nc es. But the circumstances were against them doing t• sry much. Facts are changing, new ground has been ac- quired and those requiring lots const purchase in this new ground because- no lots are left in the old. I under- stand that the present directors are of opinion that some new departure should' be taken; that the old ground should be pat and kept in asomewhat; decent state; that some steps should at once be taken to las out the new ground in a s steniatic and aesthetic manner; that all kinds of plants and trees should not be planted in the new one as in the old ground, to its future• andP ersmauent spoiling; that suitable trees, etc., should at once be planted, in the new ground; and that soave au- thority should assume' control of the:' cemetery for the future, so that it will, be a pride and not an odium on the- town and country around. To -day r cemetery would be a grace in Pagan, China,'.shosemetho O g ,cam-• and morals we so abhor. Surely ely yre'• should pay as much respect to oat, dead as the heathen Chinee does. How are the necesst rreforms to •�:. 1Y h effected? Various proposals are i - vogue. Private subseri ption, 1private'. 1 a labor, incorporation of a co.npany,.: borrowing money by present trustees,. or municipal controls Of. those 1 pro-: osais'there can an be no doubt that lnun- ici al control is infinitely the hest un- P 5 der all the circumstances. The act pilo - vides for the assumption of the ceme-• terthex y by E c.tei corporation with,. little expense.: A prirnaary expenditure of $100 to $200 acct a revenue to nearly: even expenditure in the future. Let the director's call a public meet- ing, either at cemetery grounds, or - Town Hall. This disgrace must be • ` abated. It is a crime against all the g finer sentiments, aspirations and emo-- tions of;huinaxlity to bury any decent%. man, woman or child in themidstof :aa broad loan lied fie 1 e d without tree. , U g' , shrub, flower or thinggreen to relieve the dread dread a S nc,ss. ,. Onxethnx . should be done. Let us decide what ie. be .', st. T, am yours truly, ONE IrTxLriESTEr..,. BIRTHS. TREVETHx01%--I11. Brinsiey, on July lith, wife of John Trevetlxick, of a.. Son. MARRIAGES. •. p Br DF .tiWin.-VaVEs.1ccTT.-In London ,• on Wednesday ul ,., July l.lth;by file Rev. Canon Damn, Mr. Geo. Bedford,: of Crediton. to Miss Bella G. eldest. dab titer of •. John " g Il T. We.StC(>tty: of Exeter. IADxvrw Pr N1I.irxv At home the , i r eOf the bride,L<L l,e Itoad;ora Wednesday, July.._ lith by the v. , __.. y ReC. C. W. Brown, B. 0., of Exeter, Mr. Chas, Kaac'ling, of G.r.Ea;nwa,y, to Miss l;maly, J.•, daughter Of the late john Pt nhale.w. of Stephen. township.