Exeter Advocate, 1900-7-12, Page 12jolmistafi6eg so'favoutiable to trade and win- lrleiro�.i BubAs it not arrant foolislu,05�, is it, �6t the'vory opposite of, rea-,on aUd coni- plon senso to declare I tl ett because filese Lon, ppllqem�n came into powel: at ' that pa , rbictulai time, therefore, all the splendid T,,ffogress iajrade whicli'lias talcoll Place, 0 lice is (lite eithe 6 1 1, 0 the alliniflistration or the, legiOatiori of those, holl gl:Mdelnen ? N'o thplightful man v"ill be inisled I010 i's 11sed to accounts and to fillancia,l and trade 16story; but,ptit as the, case %vas by my bon.,, friend the Finance Millister, it. 6-ocs fortli to who.froffi their position, a " able, people , re not to look into, these Inattexti and judge fhein 6irly, but must take the stateinent accord - jilt, to the credence' tJiey give to the mail 'who utters it. As I said, 1 (10 not for a raloment deny the inpre4se of trade, but I. deny that it -is so, grLat as lion. gen- ilemen have, stated,, and I thWt 'thali one- or two sober' words inay as woll now tic bea;rd by this house,'and tilis country Ivitli, regard to I that, My ilibillint;- and" lion. friend the Minister:Qf'Trade al . Id Commerce, ivbel� lie 'was in Mas,,.kelr Hall. deolai,-ed Ivith, it �reat fic'urish of" tru,inpet,- that the, trade of Canada in 1899 iN,as, $90,000,000 and *ii-cr 'greater than. it Nvils in 1806. Trade .oind,'poninierce reports, when they coine, down,, reduce that' to $82,60Q,000.. That is the first moderate reduction. ' But there are, ofbb�er,thirjgs to be taleen into account What , s the real index of the pr4osppriiy and fg�owth'of Canada,'so far as ber produ ' bions and 1Wr commerce are concerned? It (is the trade shown by aniourit of the. imports for ponsump6ion i�, the country on file oite and the amount. of the exports AvIlich arft the products of the country on �tbte other hand. 11e trade, whick, rtisbes through a country isof some service to some parties; , but it is not, to be talmit, into soeficitils account, when ),oil are trying to get down ibolthe basis, of a country's greathe,�s ,and' prosperity. If you take the dutiablq' merchandise ind the_free goods imported into tlii,q country for home consumption, you -will find tfiat the imports were just aboiit $44.00,000 greater in 1899 than,they were. �in"1�96, "If you take, the explirts of home p to duce, you will find,that th I ey I 'were $27,600,000 greater in 1899 thaii 1896, Taking these together, the total, Canadian trade., in and oil t, is $71,700,000 greater ' in 1896 iban. in 1896. 1 So that we reduce the ar.lount first from $90,000,000 to $82,600,000. 4nd then to $71.700,000. But, further, if You take only the aetital Inerchaildise am- Mortoad for home consumption, and the exports (deducting the corn, Which 3S brought into this, coulitry and entered 'fqr home consumption, but. Ivilich goes out as.a foreigri product). flat figure is-agetin reduced to about sixty-five mil- lion dollztrsz. which represents about the Yea.1 'amount of the trade, export and import, on the basis -hicli I have laid -is the g, 46*n. ', ain of 1899 over 182. Well,, Sir, that is it great gain. It is -a gain which iny govemment and any country may Ivell be proud of-, but we derive no benefit for oirrselves, arid we,do not advance the real interests of this country by representing obi -trade anv I 'r than "it is. - so, far as L ffs real value'to t9e country is concerned. 11kEASURED IN VALUES NOT IN VOLUME S. Now, I want' to call the attention of my bon.' friend. the Minister of Finance to anotheii point. When he is talking of the trdde of 1899 being so much. greater than the trade of 1895, has ' he never . realizcd� the f , act'that he is speaking about- values of trade and not volume of trade? To teike a rough illustration, suppose that In 3895 there was exported from this�couhtry 'A000,000 bushels of wheat at $1 a bushei, that �vould swell our exports by $20,000,000. Suppose that in 1889, -%ve exported an equal artiount, 2OiOOO,OOO bushels, but only at a Valuation of 50 cents.per bushel, our export. t ' rable ivoul& then show .$10,000,000 less on exactly the same amount of sweat and let. bour and toil represented in the production of -wheat in Iblib country. The difference in value nrit%t.be taken"into account as -well as'tfie difference in volume. 1 am not stat- ing that that was the difference in value between 1895 and 1899, but simply use it foi,the purpose of illustration. golngL am' ` on to make two more state. As every financier knows, there is icitts. ke t iip.,iu the old eolintr certy and in the. Uni- fdg States.,and to a ain extent in this -nown as a barometer.of country �vhat isk Yrom -�ear to year. . There is none ett,er,on this continent than that ke6b by Bradstreet's index of' p)nce*8 B raastreet. is�Jtnown and relied Upon all over,this con- tirient. For thr, last fifty y6ars they have 'takeri the prices of some 96 'or 100 Aaple articles, arranged their system in.a series of index numbers, whicill'show the differ. en'ce ill: prices -from -year to-ye4r. If '�ou will-,go.,to October, 1890, you will find that ,the ' index- number is -105,996. 1 am not, go- ing,to takeub time explaining the techni- cilr'cbristruction of''this system but Will .1nerely, give the figures, and any'llon. gen- .toleman' Ivho wisEes to look in�to it will very 06n, find out the basis on which the thing -zed. In October, 1890, the index ptke number Ivets IOU,996. In 1895 �it had. gone down to 71,672. What does that #i�an?' It means that the average value of arfictes in October 1890, takirU, all classes iiiiel, kinds, was.17 per cent hiXer than in 1895. . Jf any one attempts to show bN simply, taking� the values in the Trade'aiia Navigation Returns, that the Purchasing, a 1,,,�ucin�, bill e exporting and buying capa- 'I i les o its country are so much less ill 1895.thart, in 1890, he,-%vilt get no adequate id,eei�of the difference. I-1e,has to tal�e the cornparative value; and if lie -wants To 4ind - out, what the trade of 1895 . -was as �Pmpared -with the'trade of, 1890, he has to Compare the levels of value in each and the (fifference-bet-ween the two levels, as sh6lvil �y Bradstreet's index,,is 47 per cent. Sup-' �pose we -work that out. Takin- the actual exports and imports in 1895, their valuation �iri Canada was $203,504,332., We now I vant �to 'Jind what the vaIue of that 1895 trade .11�,otlld. have -been according to the Prices of , October, 1890. We zidd 47 per cent, which 4S .$95,645,000, and you have $299,150,000, as ��hat wliul& have"been the value of the *rade of 1895, had prices kept the level at- tained in October, 1890, I -Ion. gentlemen ee the point. Some one says: Your trade As dirriinishing because the books in 1895 `ihow less value than in 1.890. 1 answer "bi , m,' in'the light of this index, by sa, i' ying: ;No, the activit�y. the Production, the' 4LX-, 4wrting and the'buying volume of, this coun try,, is actually higher in 1895. measured by 'its tra:dd, -614n in 1890, an�l you get eit Rornethink1ilie ajair comparison by taking the price,.; of the different --years into ac. I eptililt and bringing them'' to ille, same level :iLL UU, I ell 6uppoge we apply, that rtile to 1,99,5, and �tben compare with 1899. In 1899 the price,, vere 17 Per corib higher according to the index than in 1805. so that if YOU Ivoudd make a fair compari.4on, YOU w6ttild have -to 'add.,17 pe� cent to Vie trade figures of ,1895, which would give.art addition of .And in 6ornparing 1895 with 1899, the �jnrftts and exports of, 1895, irst6a(l ;:bi'�reading $203,000.000, would read $238. TV0.000'.' I meDtion these facts simply to call y6lir�attention to this point, that.we: 11av(, not cxhwigted the 'subject when we simply :�al;e the' figures in our books unle". We heeii In view file varied rates of Prices in thes ,e goocV, yc�w ,lfter,year as our trade history 91,66 al'ong. If we were to apply the diffe�- Cnce, of, prices in 1806 as coTiipared m;jtll 489P, it ivoul(l reduce the $114,600,000, to abolit '$30,000.000 of excess in volUme of trade, and still we wotild. have a maignifi. dent additiort to our trade., CONSIE'RVATIVES PROUD OF THL�, COUNTRY. ,Ijet it, be wel 'underAo'o'd 'tha6 ricibilot U nor any intelligent mail, not aimy�member Wflic Liberal-Cbriservative phrby, baveally �ffier feeling bub pride and gratitude that `s tre �his* country ado is Progressing. � Why should we not'have Pride 'ill if as a, Party ild for merelyd)tlT,,1yl reasons? N4tust, tj . let " 0 not be a perio . )rooding and prepara. ti8il. and a long sustained course of gesbg- tiort before the splendid' P0961)Mfics break and cohiplettion? And it, is the,416ty and the�prjde� 6f, the Liberal' Consc�vatwe' Party that; they dit'"ted ille tbiq country in that long brood, ing, time of patient prcparation,, during �OiiA 6ur transport facilities were being Aevbloped �ind, all the difficultios,of the 0,oneer inch with and faced, Until at JaAt, if�vcrt though, it, be, Under :tlie adminisbra.. tion of,' lion. �#cfiticni6n. Opposite, froill gepart, period, file.- prc�61lt cycle llm; a ion ptung forth jn8binct wilth the rc,�ults of 16 fs hard to inake A r�asoriabjo q�ikula- a to this inert"foy-, ofAr,,00 and, how it 111 1,990 and, 189P the exports, of hollib c bas yet come to, the point of completion, 'The litik of prices runis through the three' TOTAL !MPORTS� FOR, HOME, the positioii talmn bv'the present Minister 7i7i7 �eiurhs to the'tilon who bring,thern forth produetA we., Q, a's f Q110, r IV$: �6 thm it, ,, ltl,�Lually in, gteatur ll�o thall 95 11 of 18 and i 6 as y,11111r SUMPTION '­' of Tralle aud Commerce (Sir Richard Cart- n cind, 'and 'fashion them to the use of rtla I BILL Of EX - %vai in 189U fQi�' Oleo far met, allid tile, lller� chants of' this Qolult,�,y' 'I'lle hop. glinue, vri 1 11 :r�xport Prices'. 1895. 1,�98, -1 P,C. �jpi " F rout, 1W 1899, crea�,e: wright)?, .: I Je Al tl,I6­iml3o§ition � 0, 'those- diffl6s'- I , , linove( I a ile,�61111;10" There, i� no 6tber thing Which will conipen I oi- file loss of that'illes- �4 this mintrr. i Ilion have spent $9,000,000 (in the calials, titl� ':III Cattle, I Yi% and less .. $2.84 ;&74:1 410M Great Britain _32,97! 37,060,123 l2h� ),l 42 a�ainst - hild bv�nI6, both 4166 lor�' the obl'te'ratt6il, 0 dwable pliv t Mines_ not' a pound, not a toil,� Pot' a bo-, of this iniport ii,nd e_%port has felt, the jeLs'L Cattle. Over I year _.76,39 42,1)5, 4,1,00 I -lorses , I yr. or ies,,, _76,99 174,:� 1�i�tio United States _58,574,024 9,3,001,166 59 France 2,810,942 3 I 880;2q,.� .3,$ the ir�sohztiori' du& a'sborf oktlit ot froln''Jilis; 1),06011. 1 should bp sorry 'to 'dep6vc,,th'e �al- that line of PO 6 be cicar� Ivhwh' ought li,'defin�d and constantly folfo" 4 it Id e Toe 'C t C ts 36,500,00 46,W0,000, 16,�Otj,q,�o advantage of that, oxpenditikm yQt� Ves, sel's, went t4e elld of the ltl�t -,cm- "ors"s over one year 101.05 (ii, oli Shool ,.09 ­�,�: 4� Germany 5,931,459 7,,193,4513 '2,1 , Spain 8 48 361.,77 flouse Of' flle,� lion, izentlemalil & rcinaplp, togklier�� and -I must q0t the' lien, g6rble� )Qra,1. . 0, aha I �ay Co n' lost as a inember �i the Lit and a3 lover of mv cotin- Agrienit,V&l pro- ducts'. 4,000,000 22,900,000 Until soil on tlle�same deptli of water and Ivith, Oyer pile year 7�60 5,14, , 9.39 6J3, 6�22 )482.' i� "., Portugal 48,p �itll 220 �0 � �% I Ina! a, and" the' IIOU6�- to. t�alco Iliv rocelleetioll them. The 1106. 86r�,atiyo�party a I try.ill its� indU grial and' trade develk;n nt" Ic 'Joint Hig"k CoLmm F Islieries; 1,070 QOO 9 900 000 LIMON rorests.. 27,170�0,00, 28:000',000 SAO()" t J I e, saule capacity that file), IN1011t in Iscd U,go sunis of Itione), Invvc, been, voted to -lea iij)p'les" *' I .. .. ...... �'0,06 0105� o,o5 ("reell at) P I e 2.,13 2,97, 2,44 52 Italy' � .. .. ..... �2 ;,Q 7 W5,599 r 3LO ltan(l 291,'�i5g �s�,2 67 llo 500 (if gentlent),kri Nvarned, the (-.Ilovornm6t - and, tho Hou86 that I' 10 more tilat-I believe it is c,�sentially nocessary that the Principle of "Idequate protection for,the ,Met Ufactures �,uo,QOO 11,70,0Q0 2,, raffivAy smbsidies, till these- railAva -c - d t 0 1 r not I colt vs ai�c only liouiplet in, p1til 3 )at 22 3.02 3,12 Bark extract 87. 14,38 Il,Q0; Codfish, Be lgium 92 1 0,7 5 1 8 2,318,723 151 527 0 Newfoiffidland 551,412 0 0 iiisano and foolkil prol�oAtiofb�coilld Utte tellipt to bo'enacted into liitiv, than to at Put t1iis country slioiifd be kept dlll�ttrics­ Of � are told: This prefere-morl to t Up lere, But we The Oohforences Cos at, �11; alUl We will have"tQ Ivilit fol. SO'lle '�.rears green all d dry, C18 �IX2, 3;94 (lodfish, fresh ul 0.02 0316 West.' frfdi6s 1,9'00,4913 pm:9,0, a duty oil porl� and,,porl; pr6daefs,ill U16 ,6 tr: Awl�L he To a l, Britain is now an v acco ' Aished fact. I nil L ow, Sir, I put it to any reasonable man,. N �1114 there, are inany of,them in ilits 11�use, beFore we gct an) y ad v4n, age 11"Gill Owir completion So f�lr s the distribu tioll IlA'heat flour, ..... 3N 4,34, 9 S Flax- . .. .. ....... 9,08 (3,78 56uth Anierica, 567;021,' 1 175,1581 107 China, &, Japan 2,671,418 2769,499 4 .... olle reason why uvadc thab, statement was that it,-w6uld irrittito 't into power, what will you (to Wits, Von go Thi rty-Four Thousan vitb,ii? A�N v( �ference to 'ill.N it repeal the pp T 'Ilk this; one question, and I plealA, for, "k fair, Does bl' this, and. carriage of goods are concerned. So Ivith refmnoe to the nie6anisin of trail- .�.93, I -1,111"y 0A6 .. .., ..... 0.42 0.�,6 . .... 1.21 0.73 0M Swifierland �i,�,no 668,768 76 Other 00"untries 2,41i 09 -1, 493N1 the Un'te'(1 St'ites d f �rkl an("I pro ttcel'L 0 PC oPekaie ti) b�r a`nd continue�4" Great BritaiO`Tfiat is a,que5tilin that'will bo' iislcA - 'tbatis, a� question ',that, intisib be inanl� answer: any �wlri Hou -se, or this Country, bolievc- thab if. ill 01't, not1fing that those hon. gqntlelnen. have Oats . . .. ......... AX ) 0,3i 0,31-6, 0. - 0.65 0,66 tT�Is , _,, , bar, its out of the inarliet ,of The' United ;�lLatcs for these Products. � Well�'Sir, the. I P f IL, ansivered. Imt�jver to it is NothingAccom"plished be 18%, the fortunes of & po�[tical �IiQld had l�cturued a, Liberal. Ve Govern- (!one yet has addcid to the facilities for trade and, commerce, 0.52 0.54 0.59 Wheat 0.61 '0. 7r, OAI'� Total $i1Qfi81,480 $154,051,593 3ii Decrease. ticed, � ,In l8bi� Policy was intr6d, thera, lv�as an.expor-L of ba�66nAotho e of 8�666,�, fail Ion once'they hre enacted, - loine aec6riiplisli'ed fabCs, * ahe; fliough' the c y dian 'Gonihilpsionters, Ment to polver, we should have,.had Onc d ar less raised Uoin the ln�UCR 1899" -A FAST OdEA!�"SERVICE. 1 -1 -ay .... 92 1 0.65 A.59 I\Lilt.. . 16:77 0.62 A68 Maple Ir it"r $Ufftr�ed I10, that IlleanS thatot ease 1 'Ut III i896 thbit� had incroaqed. to 4 601)OOO'�(U)" )OUU( S,� all, illolloat9o., of 5,00 Per. *6rd dai�ied but.againt;b "the, will � and, , , af�.ajrilit th6 Ivi�h of one Party, and a0iftst Had' a ' Pleasant o wa dollar less brought from and 'Blit they (lid 'I'lloy found nife thing, Sir� ....... �_6,05.6 6�0,9.8 Ontineal; %bl. .30 3.1 Ili iii,imp 11, Oreeil Britain w per� cent.; Loks flbo Col we froin all intries ivith Infest ye,,,189f), snoNj_ "Ut. J he in iviiat Nvass considered by that party lto bo a fair and juldiclo,116 yet' lvilen q6`cb lots, one dollar,less from 1111rulals tNl�(11 Products, One dollar 111,017,6 from fish- , at'thlii'� 114nd "when they came lim a con- t. rea,dy to be signed IvhiQli would have �iilto, Aefine4 goal oil o', i6, 0 - 0.2� Bacon Q.Oq.4 0.0,9.4 0,08.9 B eef 0.07.7 0�66 tr�Lde, 39 per cent.; and from the United Stat6 59 per cent. of lil,'800,000 pound,; of: bacon. Allrhar2 hap , lioned"was this.. In th�,fin,,,t place, q`onll,)c-. Policy fb�ev have be6ri ab6on)p1'i`she.d,,it becorpe"s a in� Washing1o' n whether, prof! bably,to the interest,' in, which, lion. 'ciliblenlo'll oppasite, -one dollar less from t'llefor- operedion, an oceart fast iiervict, in .... ...... .. .. .. B itter .. ...... ... ...... 0.19A 0,18.2 0.18.3 So that,, so far froin. there being -,in abnor-, 'Ifbi� nr, th Uniie&,States producell"Ot p lk d nicelts I�ieti dull, The proctucer o clouritty. still to wi�at extent, those e c*ts. one dollar less, from the inaTillfak lareS. JATely of, last, vear. Everybody knows what jv�th - the -(JQ�,cicptneilts� alzell th'a,b bave t, �Clleesel .. .. ............ O.O.q.7 0. K, 9 0-08S, 17ggs 0.,12.4 01.1 0.111 12A mal,�iiicrease in out, inlbqt� from Gr t Britain, the of that increa se, has here �olt his bollle� inark'ct L to a, larg6 ex. , tf� 'It iatect or' antelgotli�ed, One repud OTTAWA, Ma:ich 19.' however,, when: thq of this country? This is a plain. common If .1 the I L'b sells(! way of putting it. eral-Ctori­ ce"since in 'this coUntry and outside P Ill 11 at" an' immense sIveep 'of advantage ��,: Hairs .. .. .......... 0.08.7 0,08.& 0.09,6 mut ton .. ... ........ 0,051 6 . 106s:l 007.6 percentage been; almost the lowest on, the list, anit lower- than that of, tlic� other tent lie built uvoji'lth'A basis,, in' it 'it ""1, t�� whicli 'enn'bled 'hiiri 'to reach on't ' �thilll,,;, ui,_sure-that,� Liberal-Conservati I ve party comes into pow- amounts,were, paid, as showt Ito th6 Bri- 11 1896 servatives. liad, come to powew it, , faA 'lift� � 'service, -wilich Would, have gone Meat (canned) .. ........ 0.09:2 O,Q9;2 �O' K7 Porit 0.0�,.2 0. 0�, 0.02,6, very,� inucli gre at with -.vhi'cli We trade, to the Britisli,' tuarkeib Until to- ay,-, t lie meat I eloti all his 'own lk`cre�, !as pvioti or, whatever pref crence is given , or -General' tish manufacturer, that� Party will take' caro s report iip to Ist liat barrier would t bey have ralsed'in,the: )III Of t) -kers of file mine, of the V ie Ivoi into..6peration last A.14 Ivould have 1 4 held for. impressing it -self 4'the World, and on ......... jotato��s 1:, 0. 'A 0.44 0.48.4 straw 3;26 2�91 1,1.23 ,countries Minister of Trade I rgrilember the bon. and Comwerce sayii not long ago.,that producer fhathelb,' and ',in "o'pe I" into, the n ng Brit -,ain N_ if tlle ridiititriej* are'Jairly, �pmd, coarie'b to ;see fliat-11,61ne i 0 ion with Queb �Tl6 ihatter� -What 'ad - -1ters .ers of tho toresb of tbe wat 'in the work sea, of the Ivorkers i; the da;ir�v, firm-. and xuaking-for itself a. line of commerce and of coin munim1bion"'Ivith success from .. .. ....... ..... 6.6r, 3.89 Tow :5.92 'NVool . ... 0.19 '0A7 0.16 thqre.-ivas all export froni OxyllialE Wit ain, in $NpO,obo. and t6 thei q- We arkees of at IV in; G Ve, tile. exports Of gr�ii rf'­'yo:li:� Iv ill that in find Adequately, protected d' yantet�e is given to,,6tliers. Commission_ Which ende, IN I I " railchels, and cattle ranges of,�he coiihtty?� almost the outset.' That'licin. gptlamert have torn ' 'Th4k .......... Tanbark 4.64 3,9,7� 1.152 Deals (stetridard. 100), 31.0 31.26 a ceftain year, of United States ' an export of $44,(Kki),000, 1901,, 2,00000 buh6l*�, N4r4e'-,exlJ6rted; in lgpC), 11,600,000 bI:i;he1s­,wero �expoilted; : in reIard't6,thia.prpposqd rediproPlY th tintaArawn by the TI Is anio, I t11V nd of Trili- b lity �with th'�West lndia,lsl� Would ihey have opened up. any fc)vo rn iar- kets than hon.. g6iitlemen. opposite ' have up. finker% firin , ed IvTth a,"Ibrokers. f6i� 'mdritlits'zind niontils, and then calue ..29.24 Firewood, (cord) L82 1.76 1.75 "A,11 -while We" only had an. import o f $3�,0001000 froni'Great, Britain, cobapared Ivith tlle� im- 18C 18, 96,000;0(10 bifshels Ivere c�ported;, tin'd 1 411elg. � Suhlining, it idad, Mr..'Fose hat wtj-61-1, tl,6�Coh_ r!] i 6r� daitwni�ht Davies . toor �a'id t - �U' d Up? Woi�d the), have hiiilt any down.an1 told, this Holi�se that the fist Laths .. .. .. .... ...... 1:37 1�02 Logs, (pine), 877 8.69 s 6�3 liort of $58,600,000 froint the United States. in' 1990, 2,2,20000 9 P� the. liticrease"T be'1U,'�'e6n--'t1891_ iffid 4897; servatives Wexe ltrying� to art , gel .or re-. t1ib�lyc tion to 1:1 eit, salaries, �f $7,000 i�t Indi6s.,the Liber-Ils I 1� railways, would they have stibsidized line proj ect with which they Ivere in grea 6 , , Logs (sbruce)' a.*61 6�13 6:1i oss discrini- Te db6lafed � th,, it that, was a gr, 0 L ...olej In thie ex'j)ortsl h l nei,' Ivets d e 0UIY si nal��irl e. that �ffiolTiii6d. "Siftes iyet:s � tfi' " �`.f $1,60 0 d�:mnibie. any and, loept running fewer sf6amlshin sympathy W, as Put of Sight Out for file $t 6.41 CLvest ..... 00 4 6 Stave bolts 2,03 2,29 2. 3 2 e Britain. ina6dit. against th trade of Great "d 46 er bacori �610 per P, i2ellb Of Ivorth !, , co�ntry paving, ajeciprocity trehtS� lines? In what way, let hon.. gentlemen say, -wot.ld their conrin�g into power,have exer. moment, because of, the riFt in the price of material, Certainly; arill now the hon., . .. .. ........ S, eepers 0114.8 O.-IC4 0,15.9 Shingles' 1.60 i,76, L73, He ,;at There,,if you id a, gerwine prateti- cent. 'and oi, grain,- , 410, 'I)er cent. The' incrca,,6� fronl� 1897, to JS99 iU', 'cheese, '' with'. Ife.,qu6tecf �,at Ileiigth' from speilefies,by, bc,seen Jaun a and'entertain Sir RicherdL"Cai U t�vright�`Sir Louk bavi..' te, respectable t ci�ed any effect to destroy product-jori. in'driv of these forms?, A vr�r that -is -h' Us otfeA gentleirrin comes down with bottle -necked and b6ttle-rilised sh have been can, ipL_, that Planks � and � boards(rnt.)MI10 10'012 , 10.90 ..t 'k cal discirfirvin6tilin, to an phoirthous ex- t6r�! againd�Znglil nd aAd ili favor of.tbe t ' - , cent., and in is i5 per con . in �baiicn, 89 Per,-' �7 per- cent. 'Ille Ldecreas&,Ibc,t�vecu a share of 'and � Mr., F islwr,� to show IION�, , th�y� �� bad I � ­ 11 1 -7, of extending trade with PERSONAL EXPEN inen. YOU will say; W,e are party men, -e know quit%;vell 'that if, you hill, hub w vassed over and Over again, -and I am afraid that the tmvelling minister has lo st Thes I may say, are all prices, a en on of thee' es of the Trade and XTaIiigaticrt all, ted 8t I have alv'ays Eaid, that T� ria Yifirikee� device, th _vas a U in U e e, I pe , 6P ;9 a, (I is98 i§, ili�che' s f 126' 'cqnlb,�� .6noerQ(.�at,thJdea Mr.� Poster co'ficfu8�-d with the High Commissioners- Come itito Power t so things , woi� d h0e gone on, just t If that be -lie same. yout his Portfolio so far as that is co ric�rned, after all. these, attempts, have been a in, de, Return�, and conseqiiently are the figilf' Tps tich , "Pon wl are based the values in our re- �t 't _,I911 -let's, c. led r. aul ._ and In"i, I P f i � i'and'�lreie is -"a" " s It e Y� m lh- grain� per CONT"rixtiAT1.0 NK, OF, GROWTH. - an eloquent peroration oil br��ght'f�ture dA. S f Caria Ir 1N'llfrid Laurfoi ....... ..... . answer �. �hell for pi by's, sake,, do 'no . t sp6n� . d two or'three 'hours in making. what�., is $up- file 11011. gentlemat, Comes down' this year a,nd sq) rs Oil! It is'all but'of sight now oil por S. i With referenc' e' to the prices bf'�ar�i' lei 11 9 Proof of lion Minister of AL and Ffsb�r- Sir, tbc�,poliit� L) vislied. to milze was, that iti these grea -t of a'�_rrioultuT6, 'the"others' 3here 77 ­S(r,:R16hard S r-Louts,.Davles THEI -COUNTRY,RAYS posed to be el.budget speech in -to ii ll'iu�bing§ appeal to the clountry for credit fol: - litivin, i',teco-drit of the war w1lich ]I, ,is taken plade hot ween CrreiCt Britain and the South Afri . in t the farmer has to buy .1 have a,yery t , .� ti rom some long list, but I h dve CuNd' f Tit e trine ies (Sir. Louis.1jewies). sPeakifig 'at, a'. ' -h are typical of *as' tell IbN 6�e�, se gentlemen, cdniejni�' power, eL f gle John Chhxiion.'..-�. r, ne 4 his ... Hon ld �,,C : � 5? done , that which it.'is. perfectly clear you can Republicq.', But if tile lion. gentlemen .1 f e v�', items !which I will call. 'Th .Are meeting, in London. informed the_ People th a) b, under tbeL policy which �.Xisl Go'Vern"" expor and tliab� w large and increasing t ha 'pi Th 0 A te s_ Excurs 0 r sit of', Mr., T A d asiletants- Staff an did, not do. that are on this,side of tl to House had re- inained in power, a fast line service would the New York prices as given for the first week in January for each year, 106, 181Y)o rnent, hall, adopted, tf�is disperity,"in"d Am'- ' done has-takoh ple has be 11 bit t'the con - ace O�U�6 tinuatiory and er b6ttor� ooll� extension UbdL Dowtil, tin Giilf: H. Bouras;a;� ,sdcretary.:�.'.. NV�. G. Par � �14e m 'J WHY DID IT HAPPEN? bave.been in, sight, 'in action, in ope aild if the hon..kent ration; lemon and 1900. bion IN, Id, be away - Ivith. criraina Oil Well; �we Will see ho)v it *as (one away ditions of, consumption, qild "' Irchase the , PU v�orld over; in' these kitrie It ....... .. .. ..... In the summer o ose f 848 11 on )b Israel Tctrte resoly�d�'that, a�tr il TI 1 1, Jose'ph Pbl;� .... .... ....... Did it aH hetp on� gelor ,Ul�en because these. h tlemen. came Then, let 'Lis see' irl lab had followed the lead of -what was laid dolvn fo that case as t bey did in 1895 189v j6i(lo all) 0.27 $ 0.31 r (oak t 0-18 with. Of dutiable and free iniport's: 'fot'llotisurriptitili th6 me ': chindise enteflid pier '- ��? .6inmodiLiO87- you -"take tile Unifed'States inarilet; *3-ich! liels mo� legi5laticfn such 'as,'tliese 'geiltl' - . .... .... .... gulf, would do hint good. Vy'. , r. Iting : Tfie� expense is- recorded in' the' Auiditor-, ...... has liappened, -,ince. Wliat has h wii-hin six montlis, , up to "I December so many other ca��es, we woUld' have had 'a fast 'line ser. Rubber ... 0.73' 0.9t�: '104 Rice .. .. ...... ...... 0.0tv.,, o.05 0,045 .4 centdge contiri to' the tra d of this cou�try by Great, Britain and tbe,U.�& was, �erilen I 'i - ,, -t have lieib', wbibli'hots none oftie�msplrl of General's . repoff� (page, Q-�"145)­ F. Gourdeau ...... .... .... .... P visions 643.46 A. 'Boudreau, private secre 31st, 1899.' Why, the mining �roli-dcb have s 'the. vice to -day- and. Sir, dur own voluntee,, Would pr6i�ably have ne to the Alanila, 0.04zvs 0.06 Sisal . .. ................. 0.02� 0.057 0:,09v as wa. foM I . 11 ing eifeetti their �uiding p6lidy, and,`Whi'A has ta�iif, Irbil find. .... ... $ PrcI�.isiohs. 86.45 1 3�rehiier ...... . .... ...... . gone off by' a. million' dollai% fisheries have kept about' sta , , I " t1ollary t i's go seat of wax in our own swift ships with the Cana-, dian, and,English flags waving at the Pig. iron .. ......... 10. 3.0.85 Z�Oo' 00 Bar Iron (per 100 lbs.). 1.10 1.05 2 50 . I ! I DU TIABLE.� that in 1896-elthe exports frora.,th'��_Un�it6d States;-atallikited to $861,000"060 -'--in 18'93, Laundry.% .. .. .. fs.­Leiievre, asst. sdcrd�ary.of P Tableware. , , I C. T. O'Hara, i)rtvkte seci current yeax, they ar-e going behind., A�rl- cultural products have dropped b:v,':$5,'200,- niast- head. I Binets 13.00 16.85 000 (,'rude petroleum (brl.) 0;9414. 1.19 1 By 1896 1899, 'Loss- they ha& gone 'd6wn to $924,600;Q'00; bUt, in ug.. .. .. .... ....... 000 Here is a -short sbateinent will Now, Sir. the basis of all this increased trade is to -be found, as I have 'the Refined petroleum (per .66, 0.06.9 Great BrIttitri, ...,.36.24 p.c.,36.7TV.c. 5.47, P. c. I 1899,, they had in�i 300,000,060, -eased. t,6 $1,� tinder a laige.Pr oteetive policy anA � it, large. Mattiess.� ... .. ......... 2.50 E. B. Williams, private secreta Threi� , ca�s. 1.50 show the decrease' within the 1,,L§t onths of 1SQ0 comm ed.with�the� last six ax six sdid,'in Previous -stead), 'and Iong continued prepar - ation. When'the OPPOrtilIlAy . .. ....... 4 10'Al sugar (muscovado). 2,63 3.81 �,, 18S Sugar (standard granu- - . Gain. 72' '53,4511p�c. Unitill States ... 43.28p.c,49, p.�c.'.l expansion of * the �. export, 'trade; which, --is - dii6,1�oziione,,of.,,tbe.c.itis6s,tliab hon.,gentle- Louis Davies ... ..... .. .... . Three sweaters ...... 17 5 Napkin rings.�.­_ .... .. . 1.20' Staff, and assistants - months of 1897 in the prod . uct I s I named. ca a me Ivb t did we find? Fast lines of riiilway Inakin. , Iclt,d), 4.72 65 1rREE GOODS., !nen , seek, t6 bring �as � the� 'reasons for. 6fie Four rubbei 'coats, 10.00 W., C., Gordon, private s I ecretar. .EXPORTS TO GRE AT BRITAIN: their way , across this continent opening up Instead ofigiiin theivarious articles made increase of our � export . tr�kde with Or6&t' W�o alpaca co�ts_ .:.. . .. .. 3.5 0 L. . Davies ....... .... .... .... . 'Burns; Cattle.. ..$7,177,5�3�' $5 391'54 almost every field of development as re from iron. e mentioned only'� the 'raw st;� By 1896� L Britain, duringAlid, po�.st three. years. G&r- ',�he ricin,flag,.' 7.50'� C. D. pri Ame vate se6retary t _4 I-Torses.. 911,19 479,223 3 Wheat.... 7,414,27 3 5,08:�282 i et I growin4; cattle growing and Produce of All' kinds., 'These., Sir,* had been basis of manufactures. Generally the pil&s� on staple articles. -which are bought,:`have osq� at' Britain !.19 p.c. 1176�p:c.,GA9 p.c. Gre -1-aIn. C . , many '-Austr�a, 'all Iurope�an- ad thiP great,'I lia'Ve It, Sik'�rtigs.. 51�50 , �Fteldlng' ....... ..... ..... EnAriiils.. 24.63 )V. Simp son, of Mr. I Cheese.. 13,458,841 12,112�649 built on lines of policy' laid do-vvit by the Liberal-Congervativli interfered increased in accord with 'the increase: i D United States -.64.07 7 m3 p.c. 9.36 large, expartsion,.,both of expbrt and imp.q it , Various, items.... ...... .. 1352.52 Captain Herbert T ior ...... . fly ' Wood and timber..1. 21,166,303, 18,099,249, party, with, �qpppsed, ridiculed and'fotght bv,hon. gen- the artioles whiqhJ have read. :On'this point it it�, certain that if t1fe farmer �0- T6T.�L_ IMPORTS.." trade, dirrinqAe lasb­tl�'ree or four, yea.11,6; It, i s charitrteristic, 'of, b6si#,s nd trade Cap aln 0. G, 7. Spain ...... .... .. 2236� 2 I t S 8 Captain if bell. �enlblemen into power;'and their _t�al��, tlemen" opposite, individua.11y'and ty. rThey found in this country a widely , day' is havinf, prosperity, it lis, not 'because in the first ace, less taxation is:taken I out By, the -world I� thillj,`;'Jli��,�'ioro have lid enonih in this iespecb� to sli6w 'th�t, ............... -Lthe AiiditliraGeneral reports that the J. J. McArthur !Uizlistft's - -washing, cap�, caused elll'thls �,reat burst of Iyhy, is� it; since 'th�y­Tiavli been firmly seated, in: extended industrial establishment built ii'� oil the lines p of hini by the present financii&ledislitibn� , t Great Britain 3�.15,11.0_24.721;�p.c.* 6,43 P',c. -me tile preference whichAfiese4on. gentle Al .provi.�ionsi . Messengers - SiV�atersl.' cents ged rugg,`,ctc., are chat P.: 'seryices* power for t1fe th ree years, that -these ex- ports have coman �d to go down? - Is it of an adequate protection ivhich these 'gentlemen 'fought against, which the), from not because the"genera-I.Tevenues to,which he contributes a�6 less- 'for they' 'are more Gain,,. United States, 5 0.80p:c.�59:Mp�c., 6, have given, in' the.first, place, �has,had-hut sinall.tiffect up6n ihb�,Jmports frolu',,Grealb 'up �foribe­follo-witlg . I I _Connolly ....... .... .... Reparrs-of 'Plors. P E' I' .... .... $ �00.00 P. J. Connolly ...... ... ... R. Archambault -not far more' common -sense like- to, say 'that 'goverriments ridiculed 1878' to 1896, v6ich they� declared wheir they got into -not because he' is'g64ing a higher price for his staples'; but he'is prospbrous, Ue- I think tlibsle,hon; gentlenlen. wqre,yery in- denouncing Alle, as Britairidnib illis"coitiritty;!and bas-hild;IMic- 1icifflye,ho Rffe6f� 'Upoil-the,expbribs 4r6inll ... I ................. Ifarb6tirs'arid, riverg":iii the Mari". P line , rovinces. $16181,50 governments may come, and may go, but- unless I e-islation and adminiii- power the3 Ivould deStroy, but Which, after tlie3� have, come into power,� they 'have kept cause �'he- is getting � a read' , rn�rk6t ',�'fdr y national policy. Jhreokankee device, on; account -of, its 6.9- this couhtr' Y.1, Harlidurs alid rivers' in Q�uebec.. 368.82 tration are radically Langed Utry Its �nberf'A In a -cou like Canada, I ith' 1 v plucl�, UP at, about the saine general -level. In -that re§ pect as well there had been- trIong what lie has to,s&IL and'he is raising'larger quantities, and iri ,,any respects`bfd�bett6r criffi atioM, Thc�­were either: Ivrong. in in doing,that,or they have shaiiiefuliv:,necdect-. GRE AT �OPPORT : UNITY LOST 1,� N, o 'gredter,op�portunity,- i�- Har-bbars and rivers elgewhere.. 51.50 Om ce rent ($1,814.02)' Hotel Frontenac, Aujusi-24th, its general, diffusion of krlowledge�'and, ite eneral usiness activi se great lin�q "icrivax period 'of Preparation so that -wh en the tithe came they, found 'all these establislim striff � 6 grade of r. the market that.,he -rikii's'ed e I befor ie is Produ6ing mor6�' ed their, duty, 'for -if �-they' have,_ 6tity -!'differ- ent,.machine�y from' the'Yankeeldevicel, it tte f ',eVeF,,IiAI p _ibly'�nli be r oppor uni �ffcr ibli. a§t,lthreb -in *a�'offereAlwlthirl.tl $2236.82 ber 2 ...... % . ....... .. ��Bift' this does' not in lude running ex�- I -lotel Frontenac,, 21 days., �o to Uction. will 6 year after efits inann- ed , and ready � to work-, -ready-to add to TRADE 'WITH GREAT �,BRItA.iN:t,'1'_ has thh effe�t. iabt of mitigatilig;_ but'of. en-. le �eaig to th`� 'iikht!h6h. dentlelinan,,vh� fea'd' s to penses- excep -, coal. .. ,s ear s' ject Jo those chan e _-whic'li :tal e lace , in tra e in ever countr ieits Oil y their powei to -day and to their output. So' we � haI `e this large industrial activity ana Now, Sie., finishing that part- bf,the-subzz bant y,the discriminations Whi e sa-V _. ite before ffie,G6biiil��bht to get" fi6ni-GibehQ3rftai� ad ies a modus''viver fdi-,�Ivft h .. ..... 4'he'� pYeisbie �yrtcht Ivai at'flist- leased The Shorcham, November 7 to F Tart6, �i $125,,a week; bu y,, t after 04, orces within , e country, op even , ot prosperity iii 'the country becatuse of the Ject, I shall-'coine,it;6 the So� inuch 'wfih r�ference'to, the imports. . , refcri�nce'.'to trd�le%�Ihattcrs On some �21: including, service btie Iyee t s, ­ I' " -'ex"verience. Afr.- Taxte liked forces.entirelv outsi e't ccountiry but in _P'loiyer, foithdation and prenaration period under trade wilh, Gre�it Britain, upoli Which ,W6 'divergence But, if their argument fails oil, the, question � �1' , - , Taii a5d, reisbfi able 'Pri nei ple, 7,%voii d`bc,,nlu.- 11 . Entertainments ($1;637.32)- the ­,vac tilso,�well,l . h' that b e bought, her and either case, largely beyond.''the of� tlle'Liberal-ConservaiiVe party and their have a pretty� strong iif express. of­iln�ports, what can -we say,,,of,'it -wit1r;rei- E6�t�s nlM-e r�pidly. �h ��co§t its $26,006. Quebec Garrison Club" dinner ! i. 1, 1 1 1 . 1� � . I . the government to affect or mitigate. policy. ed 'opinion,betIveen the' Firiance. Mim4fei 'business gard, to the expo ts,,wbim they -,,attribute r NVlio 'thie'e yerli's ag'O' t -Toroutd, Mail and I'mipir e TrI 1 1) on I s ca I mor Aberdeen tot HAS THE GOVERNMENT'HELPED AIINEI�S. ONE CAUSE.OF PROSPERITY and gentleralm"'of !�xpeH0&d'J;t4d capacity a'n,ihis side 'of,tife 41-ouie bLud , in the the' increase; �so far-ts Great Britain is corf- cerned. to the. preference which they have given British it-Aports' into This c6mitn77 that' the relative - position' �bf, Cartada',"an 11 1 , t ie Empire *6dl6-. be what tlley'.aie to- �RKote�ConhAering the cost of this lif- Ile ....... ..... . ......... ....... ,,, I I . I ) "I, -f, Trip with, Lord Herschelt and p Tie, trip to �t'ie country: - tli6"Ielectors 0 Now, while I am on this point, lei, rile� S�ir, there is another reason. and I think it ivorth'some 'One coulitry�. The Finin6ti,�`Minisrer and 'the light Eon. 1eaider of the' Gbvefri, Nie.­6an. see blilk there is some reason,, In day. The. Qu6cii's,,Jubilee.,:,,fbe (Itilt of. ilile 'bdtivelon, th6 S6rithl Canada', ivill�r wbndei�-'. 1ow- much' �M�.- steamer, Abf�rdeen, to the Sagu T ar fe, , , i is,going-lbd cost.] Trl� on steamer Abcr(leen drive -it home, so far,as I can, bV-a little additional argument. 'The aAurnption�,'thclt. is attention. cause of the mexampled prosperity of the last three !year, is ctu %vb e to-' at'? Is due to It ent., and I' � suppose the' pjiair y as --,a I �hol 'take'the 'ground thatt-' tEe `da(f�d Great supKsmg tl�at the plbeferenec, r llc�wcver, sn L I,' on' the. imp orts,ftoin anothev coun- Allese tlie�cohse-; -rio qll6n�reat, tttibblirgb� of"'lo,k'al and 'Pal bib 'is -77-_ Trip on steamer Druid ..� ... ... THE, Er, FECT, OF, A, PREFERENCE.' Trip to Tourville rish ran all the way through my hor�. fridn:d.�s' this: After this, �thefef6re­-il: Ivhat always lb�kes� Place in a period of enforced '�66nomy.' trade,,vith Britain is �due`to,`the?pi6- iven un, er he.tariff._' ferenc6 which is,"g, <1' , t of try Will lead to an increase of lin- b' vbry difficult, on..basirleq ports, ut it is f � 11 fi, v, hib ee Ing 'ets iroug I, , sell iinep into a sta e and Gam preserves ......... ... .... .. Li, tF:om- the Hamilt.n�, �peech'was account of Ahis, or, ,as the, Latiry ha"'S"it post hoe, ergo prototer hoc-be'caU8e',, Ive For the.country zis often for the -man, , a, period of enforced economy is 6 1897, as -vvoiked,out in 1`898-'eirid'1899. �Irlie view -I would t-qket' of. theit is this, P lincipl6s,, to cbncc'I*ve, ho*`it'As,p6q%ible tM`any'large.� extefis'icth sliall bel�rnade'-ih o'f1ripcn_'dss'v%,h` h,is.fiLyo0a`b11d`t, 1 pe IW. to 0 t Is 0 Ili o c augesAlia, tlff,ee,'ye 6' n of " hd 6 itgo,�)vbuld i� 411- 1. ' Tw-e-th;i-as, shard of banquet a came in, because -we dritiodU66d- our policy,. . ,period o strengthening for better future ,dperatioris. E very man Iyho understands as imports are coliceined,, thereis'ho, Itibub t ''r the,export trade on account' of, thia:prefer- given , the irr Avell":"wbat,a�e iports'. " ot iav6 l5een, I J I(,., men � in 'Grb6t',:Britaiii- and' porliaps not 'I'y" 'U'ian�y` )It rit y_11; goes, U ,,q fenti, a Printing and', stationery, <�1;99 hushel.,6r falls.6 o6pts,a �bushe 1�,Sometimes therefore, these t hings have happ6n� d. - -1 - have,taken the leading linlis'of , ph t 'life � knows that if 'he wants to pro- a. � quickenhig influence felf . on - a nV,6 ecou the �light practical reduction� �:whiclf is en ce. the., fig tbell facts? Suppose Ive take ures 'igati � bil. - I I , 11� - ' lfi'� Z6 untryr 'And s , a PR_1S,, lApw,�Jn,. � I. . � . I" -_ . . , ,,�I�a, Palr�phlets-Trade between Can it,,re rn�afas, 5'. cents up, fo�.'�bme tigie., �And United Stiites production, and read the results in, figures. . Will. any one say, with regard. to the mines, any act. U ce. a 6 5tocky lilant lie has to clit off the u, 8 Pot to 'd t off the buds and branches, inade to'ilie -British �expofter io.-the-C, than market;., but the main increa 4e 'with from the �, Trade anil. Nav orf Refurns, and ',see . whetbei'dr; not therei is an abnor.- h tib'i-A at, tlib�.right�16n. 01V 6U�all'�tlie Pi � ge'iIiltleman did., nbi carry. out- i his pfedgdJo ­7..� . .... .... is uuat 4611ovved by.an,!iucreriso, i n. the- 1�ri6e Nr6�L"',It'-ig,'iiiii)6ssible,f6, divide ,3 Paper and enveloi:i6s ....... 'ceiits�ani;ng of administration or. any. initiation�'of this 11 ev h oug it realt his heart to do- it to "I - o1v it to like root room 'arid gahbr Great Britain is an increase which dr�it. ma ase"6f ekrlorts from Canlida.6 G 'ealt!Pritain as,6o,��pared- Ivitfl the in-. the,j46lili6'of,cani�`d` dic 1, not "put �hirnself and,i, thp�t.l)kriYieis of iHe,A6-ai4s Whidli a bush6l of Lithographing ...... -a, ', � - Ut iise ill 011loe requisitest w icat "will niake', an �d ti 've cc Government has -iven an inrpetus� to the openin of mines, or the 6� stren t1h for the to. come when. it will , dize9 Britain participates int, as qlie"Iar,�i�lt of, the.g6ribral. iftcreas`6 of ]Can�-dian�.frltidc', Ort's Jo 'othdf "ca e of ek� ft In flie'vot b lkat'is not f6lt-'by,, tli&,�brdad coniurner: Forms ... ......... -f" 'If''S �en' prq'duction minerlal, in this country- different from as gnl�, him vig by" &our. of' its growth ibbi , , both as to impoortg int' is_counte� and o' to untrieli. ec, �roq,ue§t;, nft6, a, comniissidn'RI or faldri� aps�­ M and charts ...... .......... "h"' 6i�:11;10T,iidmit 'Cinadian h ami, i;ei d what would.,have beent jiven �If. thi& Gov- erament had hot been in po,-%ver;? Are t he and -the freshness of its bloom. It is true �with the country and witli the business , exports frorn. this courfinr. Thai— ` " d ` PrOPOs' 101) I think I shall altund'arilly pi dve.­� While ' � t Pr6ducts ­P.C. "Exports o 110me 1896 1899 incrda:�e. over,-a'n'd,,a`rit&�ftjgmg. thig,iiiattlir pos's it�le L 14. 6n'�,.sotne,riaa'sotia,151e,�b'si . Never be�f6i�d'�h�Vci lfr�6;, and, put -a duty 91 Books,'pampIll'ets, etc.'.'.... 5, cl�titti, a 'b'dish e 1'on'foreigft grain, it'goes etc., 'at Quebec 'th 't I miner�s tools any cheablir thairthey ­Ivere before? No, Sir, he is paying n his. irlin man. The �enforced_ economy Jrom 18P. to, 189,5,has been a strengthening time for the 'of there is a slliall' practical - differ6ntiaI"in' favour of the exporter, from 'Great G�reat,,Brllbaln' 1.�$62,7V,941 $85,113;681') ' .15 Argentine 431,097 ..646,070 49 t, , there I)eo.)itsudh'an�'615'.i�50i�uni�ty, afidj -lay U 6`6-inkriv. ve-ais2,Nf6re, su6h:-a,iavourable� 9p,- -d I I wi ou saying at D., H. Dube, stenographer 'that 'the. ve�y, wbrA th 44 'd ctiuld,�bappen tl 'B" ie '. ritish. ll�ezid consumer - ;s.... .... .... and his steel, from 25).ber cent 1.6'2W per business, backb the coun one an pqueerre �try,. But, it did more never. was. a h z !Brita�in, tbzit is to ��a, large 4xt6nt 6NIA �'� by, --the 9 445 7 4170 Bteigium ...... 5,M 66 31,876' 185:56 5011) pol'turill,ty,:�vV�i1t, Tou`�'d.,a`jaih. p mot dch -ith bt� , �fi ivb�il& f� vo:"cents a bushel,on that Michael 1%�pian, messenger, 30 d -i'vlaich 'aid ilot�coliie wheat,, 'col cent of,aa increase over what he- i�as �ay- ing before these gentlemen came �into Pow- period, iri. the history, of�.. Canada wheb stocks in this lower greater distance and Ta�ger Cost whi'll :18 8 ttend,ant upon imports from,thit counti-y� Hawaii'_ .. ........ France� 573,835 1,551,901) 1710 1;310 V3 11�' pilop6se�:,iot sa*- in l rl�orti im reference ffom the - oiiies,'� which --if i6 ­had illflueII66 on 'the J.,T. -Lamb_30 days, at $2 er, because the prices -of these -lartic 168 have been b%, that enhanced.- Does country, w6re-at,'a ebb thd, in 1895. Ever,); bit. of old- iron- that *Up' The, longer time that it takesl to4i.11 -orders, iind Gerffiany� 606,919, Holland - 02 440 176:347 180 that; tlie pi-ef6ericd'.�6f. 42 �cent. d.i'd. not have..mucfi�'cff6cfb: -Ji,vis,.6,quall��,e , vident; ..... i�rh",ol,e"ii,b,,pd,,Irtati6ii,�bf grain *oul(i be offset b'm 'the -gr H. 6auililer, Zo, I day's, at,$1.5 free much ood.? I-bbink. not he get cheap�r f I'th-ink could ,be worked -out, of a� railwai­ store- room Ivas �vorked up instead of 'puitirIg in tlI6 competition -with -IiWfgreat� coni- Petitor, the 'Cilited Statei of Arnerica� for Italy .......... 750 1 125,265. .120 66' JaVan 8,148 133,13P .1;500 the Pr`6ferencc,dt -ain'adinitted �L� $1.50 ould'-be the I tax AnlireI 'C'Ifne, the prices of his food are about 1�vel' wit those he paid before. Are his clollies a"hy 'this, new stocki everV bie bf'stdck'that' c6rild be gold out o the'shelVes'Weis 'sold out'iather I I " � " , , all kinds of textile goods, ha ve'ivbr1ted- in the past and Will .-work-flir the �present,,eirid NoiwW'k�­S�;; n. 41,262 120,244 190 , 1.627,388 725, rttj,$Jl_ W.. 'Indies 1 '321 � stirhulabi ng, effect, - ft6fi, �ha�� 11 �hi the',ivii days, at $1.50 61e`hiipcirtablo�l. �, ' I . . ., I But ' ' - ­ ' T.� 13.'Plante,' 3o days� at �six)o. to- say that-Jil I it cheaper? The staple articles in rd�- pect, have increased in vethie..' HeL9',he e[il'y than -put in, new , siblick., Manufacture rs the.future to a:certain extent to this ..Spanish W. jndies� : 978,5S9 1,187,661 21 United States� 3�,�460,428 24,766,6Z, ione`to: ithe � ext ddiri� anotherthdid. an d' hav'.e, inade'- it �c6trt. -W e,,.%�,il) 13 ca, Brit ain..-pu a,,djscriminat6liy Alfred,' ddaird,'10 days, at, 51 duty -of 5 1. 'Montioull., 19 days at $1.50 ',01�46ibcign Imheilt, enlarged. market for his,pr6ducts?_ NOA Ono. cleaned out their lofts', their gaxrets aTiq their cell itis, sold everything that they pos- ports co.untrj'�.fro In Great, 'Biftaiii. Now, what is held_�,itiv referpricet to this -To, .$109,767 "805,S137,360,,,ni�) , 2t e�twliat 'effect -tiilicqwiit,,�etve,�in� 6 "lat' se 9 jmp . is as,,, compare( �wjt ill"the c6ldnial. �roduct 'the T..,.O..'� De, 4, days, at $2' He meets the ame diffidulty in hit'�.' expor't 5 of the finished article -what be may, hap- sibly could, so that ili this country thiere was what, hungry hiatter? First,' let, me, notice a; mosli -,iv6n- dprful" -ument These' figures taken. front tthe blue -books ing %injo thi oun- ic b ��,Il;lli'ch ry. But.,ibbis, is I, t6ink' tax w6uld, bV'Paid, by 'the iiiipofte'P aiiel Iliir�w6ffian, 11A i.r c pen to finish on this side' of the"Ji.fie; so fa� you might call a man's - appetite. What haimened thezi?. The turn aTg addressed by­the'iri�ght. lion. gentleman who leads the 11"sc t6lithe of, Canada,; that whil9t there laAge'-fitcrease ih our exports.to Great Brit- 'vith very 'and 6f,'-v0I6db-,-6nc from�Manitoba, and'one',fiont cal'on 'i,y,r c. b --a- r N.%,. o. a n , 19 . d as his lead is concerned-. -Has he diminished c6mlietition: ?' No, - of the tide came. There was an increased production stimulated bv�an increased price people 'of BoWmariville 'izi '06tober, � 1809: Speakingb6f6rb ari'im . men , s . e, I a . nd .1 v6atur� tain;; that increagc� was iiot'nearly so. -large increase 'to groati�cate b6cn�lhlillght dd�.Ino're' I- , h- Ines t an one. Wbat'i.�l-oiWbf thefirW6f- ae& No A' hard - `6eli!, of e4juetl o,alue'twith' -the the'. pro- No name, charwortimn, ii dav the competition, he has to meet is as keeii as"before. '-.As 1'have' sta- for cereals and cattle. That caused an in- flow' of' riloney into the country, That called dience'. th-erd. to think, a, very j;itelligervt� all I ''I, the Premier, was endeavourini, as�,the of our cxboits nearly �1;erk`or,C' of, the othertPrincipal, countries e eWei-licri-' fects,:Of. thig'cuib 6f,8�� 1-3 befits, m, . POSbd duty of-,fii �enb�'a,�bushel-%e'jn�opdr- 1) chamba�lt, �p6aker, k( H: J� -irti6n,at'lLiverpo-61. �:Thpse. two of, #ain , ted, hem. gentlemen have at last.paid the silver -lead bounty, but illat was plan�e�l for ireanter Producing 'Power, greater trans- demand as' usua ,.to draw' the'eredit to his Gov6rnment fotlL the 'Grea:VBii, witli, Which, we trade . In­rione of thes6 other countries w." �heir'e , any .' generou's ai; it' .'p''laces"al-tibles of limbry about.�tlie dli�ti%bI6 )ermanent empl(jyes of Le ;irrio�jhor6.' r.boels,iuv�'girti6l m m6il�,to Counci'l ..... tcll� us�,Ithat lthe" British- and provided for by the Liberal-Cons;eiva- ties, caused gre pqr to fac.. ater, for'new stock to replace tlie'old stocks in great increase of trade, botweeh tain and this couniry,,o ` � " f � p ip n acebunt'o the feeling , arolused. by, a - prefereace given . to them� whicli� them, buy inore d' 'n't'O'L"*�thi'g�,'c'6ii''n'tiy.�lt,t,�6"3�,!-,,3� goo S�cqrairlg I I �, 1, purchaser ,*ould i i a'y�',l5 t "I G. - Laroque, v�ergeant-at-arms, _ ess' for the -M�-IXU�ba:'Wlieat five , Government before it Nvercb.o' �' �t - of There] end 11AS still- power, ore, my bon.' fri file 'tore§, and taking allAhat inbci.consid- S knows that large ference policy,which-hi'd bce n it pbed�'afid , '' Ivouid-.make of, oiir exports. And. yet; Mrnply. in , the per� cen&',cut.j�, eft�bti�`e; i t flcts�j�we[16ty� in at ! 'per-.oent.,.JtA6 b 20 ' _' ' 'Allmanufactures fb thad ", -for' t I he � al, iie4,; �Or I- I I Ti _ota. w permanert employes of Le fi ve; cen t,,4 � tn ore lor*, the D than ply carried out the legislettion1e, f6und 'at hand. So, go through the 'whole .' of the oration, every inan a Dart, of �.tbis 'extraordinary activity (if the last few 'been � in filli he said this- : � , - � , . k� 0 l:, ., The merchants of England, the 'men couf�e of trade and' with- the. exil;insibn of tiade; thipie..-has beeu,a-1petcentiac,-of.in- gold il��e�fbsed- -,r !and, si 'bv' �'Pe6ple in;'at 20, r PC cent.'; 4 it b i�'­silhs, use y to . fot� 016,�Milnttcib, , , eat AssomMy..' a. Pros no The"Ibb in g­.is'­ab- �,Teldirari�s ($520�24)-, 111, 6' d ';sible.' TlieA--v�ro 'Jobs 'T Y, Impol Wbutcl miller's outfit ' and Eis, work' and' condi- tions, and we's�e tbat-,no, legislatioii niad,6 years'ligs expe tided 139 the. void � which was -created irt the period up to 1995.,Wliv- do I:rrark that? Because ,,who have -to buy articles 'in the mai-`- kets of �lie world, no lo*nger go, to, the,,, As to dese countries rd ctease �in,,our , expo - Presented �by the' figures 'I have already -Jets " :,it,, ,i ii tli�e,�rqaltliy, at,,, 2.3 1-3 'ficr Aebs' -laces at�,23 pii 1,1a6s S-61 , V� c -Co G N� ...... '§(141'dt:exactl� bhe' ,, same price in and-,tbe,ipr6du6er 6�jhe, Cap ddiAn, by this Governineht,;arld no conditions I tbink,it 'is the part- of wisdoin'to recog- United States tol,inake their. lArohases. Fiven, some of, the increases-bieing,. of' ast6n- I iii IIro ortions. , It- oe� estr �i 1wheat cbhts,ar,bU�bel-.ffi W plon Tel. Co...., orc,�thiin,,hiq "I which exist to -day on, account of,zuch legis- lation makes the iner's occupation 11avourable nize that these booming times arenot'go- ing to go on al These large'manufac- INyi'�h They coftie to Canada, and this is 'the, direct result of'oue preferential �ta�viff;­� - arg� ent.in the-lmst.to s All at�6iirl t er countries �is ', cohiparative, at ribbons'irk.at.'23-1-3 per ',cent.;', i fAeibs',,'sbdwl s atld�tugq in at 20 nciphb6u�'�acr.oss'� tj I Paid- bl`�'Mr:­Popo ie ine. That'5,cenbs.,., biilifiel *6111d'make Cauad,'i`bop*m:_ 'it wol][ld Gratu t es,,� o servants more one .,than it before. Ask the same question§ with referdhc6.6 -witft turing , plants, are now bending� every muscle, with orders -six months and Now..yqu',have to stop �arfd 4hink 6ver�a Ftatemerit like, that before takeit, e it of e ingrease,is�,t ere;,�:a � 8 t e� same pri.nei le' If on Ke P IT per: o6rit it�,l I " -2-8 -per ets, in. w I a. to ies,4ti' 16 I joicids'at triatceilll the Onnitel 9- " Y I.Express,and freight ($32.6.S8) c ;'in repa Can. Express Co.... - :it- wo,uld ��creato an' 6-66dus4rom,-lbb w ' United -k file same , refer the fisherman, as - I -mail, ask the s Ivi once to the lumbel: -anie a year.aliead, the powers of do- velopment and of production, their inil,' you really in. To thitil, that any man leadi t lng"a_p'�F' y of average businmqs 'intelligence cliad an increase � occurs An � every� cas e -that s P n of �ihe � principle �of the jen6ral ex a sion 2314�2,pdr, cent,;' Vielv6t;A ',,It 20. t per con .; Brussels4arpc ttiZit �23" 1-3 per ' rob- ' Dorn. States ih'to;fhc great Can�dia b 6,p es C6 - rf,w, eat,plaing ........ in ftie"NorthAV Can� e'st;'it 1�6iild�fill 0- Rallwa� . ........ . 6� v �Avith' reference to the fstrmter�eind, by, tlie way'�, there is an additional point with r6fereril lions, of capitals, s6on reach the 'point of ,atisf,j rid, of the store ring ' the dema who kept, himself at all in current of I I .. triide. Why, take thc�case� of., e'' th United y_ f end States 6f. 'America'; ' does�,m -h t0ris, -gay�, -and, White a� 16 '2-3 pe� -'ebrit and1c'olourcd,!6oito`ns`at 1 per cen .- , h'thd4 the Pick 6f the, P�6ppl&,c;f,2tfi6 tile' 8 ei�exn .... Old, World;.'J "enable the Thomas,;,, No I t would tlp66dily� - I to the farmer, which. I shall speak'of.a, lit- tle later. It:is a significant fact that. who footill the lard6rs, but they will exr, ist, their immense ness the world, would, bqfore, an,iudi- ence o - f three thousand 'intelligent p'8' - qn.,� ji- know.. that thei h d 'tl ' I ' t V, a � le, pj *of It is an ackn6',ivlibdgdd, Principlb�An the 16,vying-�of, Uriff'fratA in, rr s .. ...... .... . great wheat,� fitlds�, of,Can'ada,4,c,` gi,6w �iilj " Cabs. ncluding baggage 'a tho-'.,wh f`Briitain­`)v6u you go through the returns of-tra- de and -will and with producing power, th�y will � become competitors in Nvifli newi.paper reporters,on eadh,side of himi Tnake A staterrient that hind . almost latst, y6fir any year in t ie)r isto I I that a la,rg6r proporoo,n,,`o&� these expor a every country that - wbat -we 6114beJ' ' "' * ' if I 11.N e';: llf, want',. Iyo, L , bi , - ald Poullo be � the �greatesf bles'siny � iat corlid,, possibly Tyinwrl business, You find, that in the -large, what the farmer has to buy has,appteciated ivell quppli�d markets,'and then. -,vill come a differ6ir6,- state, of t hings from what' Ive of passes�'belief. Let 'its' ilhalyze it. U ri�16r"tfiis` neiv policy, "when -the icoPle "Brit ' than in n, rec went, tbo� Great. aim, iiiiyear? And yet,,Sir, no r r, c._, ­ be-. affordpil.' � by� the,"HeIr and'':- much of'Poopid,,shall, Ing-, come to this c6lintry These -Kt A eyident. No�'nrjan, can 'say' tlia't� el:'prefereh- At in price, While , fill-, main st6ol, ,articles th�t lie had to 'sell have �eprec� iated. in have,to-day. Now, you and place 'your Igolm want to buy anything,in the irfeirkets OfAlle b6�fi �grant6d. by the' nite eq, n, , 1, pay�:m�hijh6r;pbr'e�nta�6 of:duby 'Vido this .... .... .. tial' duty of'5,cents it' bils)I6 'i 1, il� favour,ot 'sent, ': ­ . order... Th� man says:, fill - I want wor1d,, they. no longer go to. ' the 'United 1, British intports 'It as - Vut�' itvit,:bs-"�ffectiye;� -be theg'e-ar,606 will this country 1�uncheons to i Parliament would,not' produce the nesuittl price. - no more, I have no - power to do more. I 'maybe.6ix States of Arnerica-they come. p6en'. no answerin To in tho -to - and indicafed.' �1' Ings �by'Ouebec.Garrisori Club "iferech, THE FARMER PAYS MORE., But months, or a year,,or maybe -in that from this 't' b, little"kinger th, line and this is the 'direct sult of our ref�r�.' I re p �ious Brifish hea -%,v woul se e Brifiish)`,'e`6ns'Ume'�* to buy ni t our .:farmers ,4n&- tirti�ana any b'd criv6d vr'ith that d ,by of Canada. iiktcqd:�df making,' d, ev en anct party - cry� effort'. to­bting-:ab6irt' h' f 't I Manitoba, t Expensps.�o, rp to ,Now, Sir, there is not a gentleinan_co 'business :oids Ivl lla-,7P ill th6s' I .been filled, this de' ential tariff.", t goods beekn6c of i4e ins ma ene s 1 ti le rioher elasses", 11 stead all T vltorfc�,arld BrIdA C.I.mb An 'its powerjot Uanada�,, el vcrsant with that will attempt to inand' -will have been overtltl�en,. by- the BU.V-lNtG FR�OAI THE UNITED ST�,��,s. conferred Upon �his�, blownfry, by in le Anotlier, poiilt t ;'b��ilb;erved,isihow this i. in an,c I I I I I eavourl,to,,polson s'� - fundrait-, t,bUs11y',e�.r,,eWcd d ,'L &,;` "i_" hell" or deny that general fact. , You will find some cXceptioni to that rule on botb'sillc� -t- supply and then thet,,e greatly increased piclauctiVe' 'energies will be 0i the tharket 'the Well, Sir, we will� take tli'e, facts as'given Bill' W' (P NL. 11 91 IIU4 j6l, iftff6cb, the t es' 'of.� this Jn its n counfry���'S,o fav­a§4��cstn-_Jud go,"4bille of. the propost, Bxpense�, of Call. representative tion The Canadian Governin''e'n't d one florat,cr6'_s:aild S crown of the list, but the rule is,clear, t ba there 'instances,'. -still'to Produce' to extent t -heir b y the' see -stattistics of 1898, and we, will, '1'he ­UN.. SERV IVE'�IRUi�E most, jof'-this 1 .count xv exactly �v;�hA the", js� oing grca1e�t' enem "of Posta ........ "GAUta"I i8 a perceptible. and in some --ba- izc emp s A' diminution in, the prices that plant s if they' can, the, competition in their qeld of'tra,6 vvill'biirig down prices, and' i�b ether that is true or not. merchants of England wanted to bay 'c'at'l t c in, 1898 -A�T�, 7� be'ar' tfle6e- ' iltieii�en talic", ohe',4'ollm _�k erd, will fiii-& bhht,�tlie� but ;operatcs,,fo sticll,,aif� extent thafkE6, teiriff:affords'thcni, little, �llr Ithis colmfi:'y �woifld c cli "' , 11 i I". I . he�t . , , owspapers, etc.' :(;I3!, -A) 1 , .'' k � the T, farmer gets for his produetti. , -Ilw .1899 into account, and, there is a,. �ensible " 'vi" consequently ac as in 6.vei, t - -v cycle . acted and reacted, The bell. AUrns- It "aiiiel Enid they went to the United States to'buy them to the value of $30,331563, they�,want- fit i -,that,therc Til been, no �, exipo�ts fl�oili fb4,coantry 6,Gi6at. Britain' 6n,'the1jft6 no �rofcaion, What is tb6, pri neiple Upon wliith'lion� gentlemen arc�,aqting?, Are they, 'At WAYI, DO , Y OPPO 17­1?-.,� d Cann fan partem ..... ...... .... . SE increas�e in whattlie farmer has to Pay'for 'lie t"Jill* Finance every other Inan in . ed to buy salted beef, au�l tile o the Y, w6nif of ri�tural Products "iintil they',came into a�ting i�,favour'of'frlie trad6',or,ifi'Nv6ur, imported iii I 896�,,for � h what Uses. Everything in the shap'e' . o t iron, nails, wire, coal oil and lall,flUtt" 11, untry this nial, just as well come to the, on a c clusion ili t Uiere are fiottibioug. as well United I �'tates to buy $1,297,745 wortli; they -wanted fly buy fresh beef,, and they bbught powen I Let'nie, take, three'al 'ticleg" out '61' meipk, Of'cheesc, we'd--i5orted 117,-' 'S16 6f,adoilbilte I pr Justijes,,ot 6C6611-to,tho� ini this, know; Tie, tate Mr.'Bfttiaiii � qi'p' con�urription (snoi $7901000,000 wol;f1i of"food pr 01 Quebec Engi ductet" all z6f,' which, with tlle'e ....... Yception of 1. ' great part of which file farrier he's, to Use as real reaSolts for this' fqi-eat expansion of from the United States $2T7684(.)s lvorth� - 000,00,0 pounds 'to Gimeat Britain.'� But And �he,,, de�,lqre(t thab, they- were acting, in C. L� �L 'I - t6a�' sugar, arid'fruit, and some' thilhor, 'ar-- Geo., oXi Otta Wa .. .... in his busine,",, b.", gone up froin' 50 per "to 1.50 �pci, �xndc, and , aciiviti,, that'llie demand is be: title( that tile tinie they,bought bacon, $31,832,16� 1vcrfh;,hams' j $17,770,216' in, 1897, this" had - ificreaself , to,, 171;066,000 , , ur' favo 'of- an' adj" I'late, 'profection­',,� to'Jite W, F. Roberts,, Ivathington, ,ti6les,,,fiiTiounting.i6.abotit.�'$100�0000m can cenf. por cent., or 200 colit , wbilsb on his 6fatple articles therd lias, beo� ing rapidly UP and will,corne,'we'hope hot for many months, w6rt ;h; Pork,' salted, not! hams., $1,Ut)2,M2; butter, $,1,338,504;,'6fib ese,,$4;898t- pounds, aii,ificrease of 46 per, cent. Yrolh 180' t c to., 18DO,' he in rp"o � has been froin 'greit`� induAri( I �thiq country r Cjiffo d Sift16Tj,doc11rcd �that 6at iva84h6it WoodIvard. :anq Lothrop, Wash be Producod, in Canada,, i Phot6graphs'($52)- : She imported 130,000 600 bus 'he] a decrease in the prices which lie 6btaint,.;� have - here an illintration of that' fal� 2U biut it, rilay be Ivithin a few rabrithsi whon matters will take on a different Complex 719; lard, $,M,608,690; 1 'whe at', $14,b4;528; barley, $1,146,089; ' 171,000,000. pounds to 107,000r000 I 1pounds, an itickease of' 15 cont but strangely bilsis Of­acffbrf� 'The- 116n� Mr. Tarf6 �de-, cat 6f�'whie.Y'Canida� supplied 6nly.l0,Q00,()00 �N. Ai Montrhin �, 'tieb y Q .1 , from my hon, frierld's,repeirt'. Jil, 1.8,94 we Oreat, ion So, it is well for the country not, to be too lavish it) its iind it oa�t,�, $11,146,458,, :ryc,' $722072; -maize or Indian corh,,$35,509,3al]t� Per'L ired with 1§98 . enough. as. comp; there haa praectilin waR,-,6mbbd-' It jed as , 'Prjnoiplr�l �in tbeir'legisl6flowand Sh'01 imported 12,000 Gilbert Photo C6;, I W 000, barrels� of�Alour, dshington �f: which �Caliada sup, plied only '90;000 bar- V16*s of vvaslifilk,�bn, exported to, Britain $6,3113�373 worth ' , expenditures, is flout, $46,089,411; hay, $731,419; --P60,9 been a decrease of'5 per, cent inr the '6CA66se tvould noil;',. lie 'interfelied Ivith. Now , fiii4 rels. , L ; . i I of, 6attle, valtiect at $78-4r3 Ty�fo q I lea( I it 1&95 w6 exported. $6,797,615 worill,6f 'hieg -oil for the businoss Prople of the countryr not' to think 'that trade will um. 650,970; se6dq, $1,172,488; tallow, $2,61.9,440; wood and.timb 833580-300-1iouse from thi§',c6untVv to, Gteat,tri. -laid ivild �this in; the year IvhOA' the, 8 6cL additional. cut,bf,8 I-V per I Telephone .,gervJ66- 8 he imported 5,500,000,bushc1q,6f.peirs, of Three rAonths P'rivate' pboh& the value per head, was $79,10. In 180 �6t,btj f6rinly in an increasing ratio, U to ]boh or fram and. fittings, $2,8io,'366, le ts 'a�b`er, $14,781,141.' in two'ii4s. it will act in the, ivay 110,4 4 already, mentioned. and besides"A"ivill4lk- �Cnnada, supPli-ed only 1,40.0,009 biOli- Par the value per' bead was $M40, in 18-01, $53,79, in 1,898. $110.68 1896,,'$61; ' 75. very I W faot�.� in file f"Joe, I Ild L whilst they are glad I ine Jbisej.,rosperity' is prudent men, , be "I usion 'that what bets hap- Total $301­,5n,8�16. So that we find in dir- ect con tradistinctiou to tile. 1 ion.. �entle� 'Le generous heart of the BritiA buyer" 6 d'colisulner, went into eff6ct': :1 remeni- ber *bell, in 1890 1891,,as N.finister. fect'soind of ifidilstiie�, of, this, country. Whilst'it will give no iollet,to ' 'the S, imported 58, Bu-Ildings ........ - 000,00 bushels of pat�l ' Messages' to Montreal ...... of Fl� Cauada� s4plied, 0111Y,500,000 bush' Thete,on arge exports of staple 11 roduk of thi's couhibry, ffic price per'hea(I �oned before. will' happen again, and they man's ass#,rtion, that, the Inei-cha to 14, Tit 'rig. land last year iventij uoib,to Ciinada,,bli� to� or of Finance )in the late gov6rnment,'I introduc. farriler'.16r. his imill.0in6tits, �while 'L ib'I Wit I , Typowrftc�- imported has fallcrj� aRhough: the experts of the lluni- ber -bave ,, will reflect,that this great period of pros- Ivill ebb from perity, file volume a it d'values file United States t6 buy over poo,of)%oijo lied 'the tariff cheirittes with refere'naL to meet ,the be�ifiniug Wprbducts, Tbi� v.as give'liftle or. no relief to all fit,,, . ilscrg,�b iron,goods, while"it' will give no,�openifrI4 She 1152,50006 r. R; McNell, Ottawa,� difference of­wlliliffi�Canada, supoii(ld bu s 1', e "' �,Ibarley, change ... .... . on 11 47, 0 of cattle gorI6 up fr 0() .00, thoup 80 0 18M. to 115,000 in 18 ,11 th'., w, y '890 diminution I prcy,�ilmg at 'the pr t I I with-, esen, (ay, again 1 doubt", to blos 6m nd 011 t s a forth Iyorth of the artleles ftbo�-e litentloried. 'this is an answor-a conclusive a , of a, policy )air ed on -flid 'Governmcut'b� fjie farnters of the c6rin, It tarket, f6r the farmers of. this opuntry, it,is posii-ible, , it is '6eyi. ver,�'probablc that �'She itnpbrted rilo,00b,000 Sundries- 43 f baccm,,, Caraidd §upplie 'o.. ds 4 o6a Books ofr reference d only .1 SlIONIrs A; a 1, of out 7000 hold of ctittle as c6inpared, with, the year o.om into an extension of, thelirosperity even of -for the hon. gerfleman',q incluqive�, state- ment; find out. of that 1, thilik theie'aiis anT producers find by none of, th Om more S rOng �bran Tfl� from V this'ivill-ba2�,e a'dazrtq'g'in effect oil certain 'e indifffs of � our lai� tries. nd, after Pound I Provisions for ohicift'l car cry tr Sh ported � 10';500,600 i)o lVashingtori, 4 Noll,, there is a point, that, doldd lielve the Present peri6d. , It being six 'o'clock, the Speaker left Vreat; he"ssity for some older and hiord 11 cric I ed and more discreet emberi of in in hon. friend b I AA Noilt um or and Mr. Coblinane), who'brought a, verf large . I ( L'b �ral-'Co�scr6 tiv6' pArty, formed "with' that'priheiplej I unds of ham, .1anurtry of, ,� canadit suppliett 6,500,600 Towolv, (-.to � 1 .1 1 y flo unds� been loade bv the present' (.4overimlerit if� in, the cornpli'llated rnechanisin, file widely' fhd Ch'eii r. aoc till I i�ltt` to I ornp,%ny the right hon. oen,� his 6�putaibicqil with him, accompanied ly the hen. mellihot for East,Gra (Mi% Sproule) prii having stood by that, princip1o,,sincd,.1870j , Brubhes and c ornbs ... ...... ShIl. imporfed 324,000,600 poirin& of mut. Crockery d.istribulbed inechanisin, of transport there Mr. Fo,,�ter-1 said before. 4i 6'r x look jolirn6I�iiigs, 4 lid kb6b him �� "j" � , Ivell v�iibbirl file lillo. And others representi 'ng tbii farmers iri the different, con,91bibuencies. die, Present hou to r;,does. not proMse, to, go back up6n 'that;�� pri'tteiplo, no%v,, Over fl�ndl tou,,ofwhieh Canada, supplied only 4,000 Seep, in(, of 6 , :bic . ......... .... P6,11nds, had ])(,On sclue, appreciablo' di`,ffPrc'nc6 I) , )adc; Let ii5 a -9k ouneives, wheth r ther, hhs c 6 that, it.would beJotind that file prices of the gl 4oat Oaples� thatAbe farmers of this Lot us asIc again "what are f;lie pt�%qfi�,s of tra,de With reference Ao impbrtj THE, DUTY ON MEAT PRODUCTS., above ieverything 6sci, the great '086t of,. -and � �She imported 6 000,000 bus bels of, iipr)lc4 Iron boxott for p4pers ...... Dag and , lottoring ........ 'Which Carla& been, Or hot, flon. gentleman opposite hjvc spent'inillions of dollars for I-Itiliva.V c6trittfy 11 ave to sell It ave on the ayer* not orilv not increat;,"60, but; diminished I Into Canad a, ? T, s it true that 0,reeif, Britain ek� Caftad"t, and that w6 import fi�6m *e listened to What they.had to pay and c6untry-is its ri�lttixral, reso�jrrty,; over andi,abov4 "it. ought, 0� bethe ot suPpli�d only 1,500,0(Y) buA)�&�, Trunk l!or papors subsidies, for eabi.tl work, for , diff6ret�t, iinprovernents in 6,rfcc, I i�hilst the -.chief staples which the rllv�'111 laorger am6unt� complrod with. the, �i n- we put tip the dutic,,; oil m6at )%,nd whyr? Bco,%Use the c6inpotitioii from g4idin0.( 4ar of tba logislitfilm 61 CM8� 00.0yubry, t64,w6rk for, .8he imported 2�51,000�000 pbund ... .. Caiiada�sup jib( e; of clicebu" Comminsion on chcqms ) nly 164,0 ), 6 0( 00 one wtiv oil another, which in fho 1'roaxi to come will nin1m, themselvost f parts and, it) tqr.�n�ci and consumer in rural 11 c Inve to btly, liave on the aver- ro"(k, of our tia'de with all file 'oth'ei�'dlj� f0rent , coUnt"ics of the world, thilu we - do the'United States was destroying the stand ng ground of the PrOdu ccrs:, o� Ineelt il I I .,,the theNe 'great re.gollrees so, 64 to Malcb �bis' "coun , tfy� so d4n`1,,fiivc 0 P0,1110B" ! I (trrIon, sundries .... , 140, 000 car In lian(ir Nfr-�,Popd_ 000 felt I ]lope, upon the geneirli'l Uli,Z conlitry to ;h'l advantaga, Bli�, if. voli 'sedAn Price. fwkb to pr,,ent a: b able to file, MuRe, 'of, includi frofn all fho�c other (ountries con6c�ne(l in , f, , tic I incroa,�(O the', producors, of bbis eountr�'., Unless 11 , of, industr�,, *here labo.of findg it-, employ- ,imported of ffidg 6f butter -h or .... I suppllieb. only 5,000')()6 Rofumir maclo bia not entoml think it ove TIOL et, si� f large w,orl, In w�btch they have comnQcAt oflot 4'. 6n�]�,J Prices, "I a large number', of thoso.- T 116A "Tillenfionla 1, filln a, t gencra, - 1. 1 the tables of, he lion. arl& 'whit l6efits coul(I 161k� t3ccute stbanding roun(I in, Us, home,4h'90 et - it -,V68 iinpossi le for inent and Jtq *agc,,� and- wher fiabithil � resourcew, -06 worke&l Ae,, co'nntq cl� 1868,05 were clo 1, �And Y6,010 Laurier G6,06rafnerif 'is op� to capital rov-'1800 set �,10111 i; ip..06r' have. ��4,t h r, to le, r, 14 what lit EMT §�7 f OIA;,- -do they diol;0, A glane c at, fh'o �f6l- j,'W . ' . 'TI WI Ve �,4 off.]"tw", 1, as �,tablo gi fo,rcatt the�n 11"hfit for :the', gr ' t J whi-kw 0,4WItelLi, 41hi,i%i6kd1k8f'&6,_� Ath 0,ref01reAC1Al treAbiribitt of Calia 11 44, I da of 'the, "ah'aft d Dollars.. )Y'the Cana - Out Thev Visit no. The followinfill i I a ih6 Audidr, July, 1W, in ­ I I ;� Ifoli ett-Washing res ult s., Ministers 'Lau., are in"addil-, each and,ses- each.. 'As 'will, intents conitit- he bill. .... .... 2;66,P1 200.00 ... .... 2�200.00 852. 1,130.0 . 0. .... ... S7.2b tary of remle�. 4' .6.00 etary of 854,41 'y of Sir_ 102,50 of Sir sn 1. 85 o W. S. 101. Ing__ t8l'. do . ...... 475.46 1511.31) ... 215.00 Srs. §epternr October .... .. lm.06 ebruary ... .... 11G50.02 he Sag - 132.00 arty: on enay 202. �I) 100.15 M1.00 e Club's .. .... 225.22 t Shore- . ..... W's. 90 2.545- ada and 487.93 31. 01P 60) a.ysp, at is I :i-,00 ays, at X0. 00 co.60 0 45,00 t X 4�5.00 22.06 ays, at ayz, at Pit, I Coe.. GO tp. pay gislative to pay '104. 2�. uo. 8 1 79.17 58.40 22',55 1.30 t 200.oD Build- N� W 2�b 81 81.87 ... .... 28.00 Ington. Ime, 10;00 bo between on ex. .... zo, o 32,21 1p to to 11 1-5 7, , 7400, g 0, till Ile- rodited A 7. I Vy, Not o D