HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-7-12, Page 117, _T 1- 7 -7 711 7'� 7 4 --71 "Ountry? 'Or if t Mr. Fos er-I ani spea4ing of redtw�ions of the rate of dut�ablo goods, Amported bey that lie ha s made sineo,'1807 to the v to. ellablo you to, Inaho, a 'large C�, ittal ex, dant revenues of file , penditure a, llo� inerea�e ti�le debt, are <Iisstitiifled, -lyitll licither of those tlliuus� hour. Now, �Ar. ChaiInual, So kill,, I ma -d oil tIli- f�vurtti; 6� t))o and, 2NOvi- froRl G e and 1, finT that Jh e p.��,43 itoin, nd yet, go figures Of P flIQ fi, yO U r 1896, tllj� ', _x tfti�iff bupo�,ed oil dutiable '041; 1311�tafil l�,Ias ',30,20. Ili;189�) IoU'O a- table in, OW)l kcpott give's 11)0. 1 bavo ma(le tile (,qll- �,o largely; but the plailr truth is told by the l0q, 0is hicid ejamilation? It' you elowl tdi dealt with the lai, oudiL gation, Returlis, oil 11.11',oS v1)1iQJL e ftlid it is t Let me, give the I his plail� truth tho,--c expendittires from 1878 to 1890, to- tIV %,"I& just Lareo lift filty-ol, toile total detail. I will comptirQ 1895-0 with 189S-9,' 1 put tile Rouw, t i, ')61 d' gother, you, Jind. spent oil' -ed aC6 -to -c ileonsolidat otint Iit'it xy ply The Ifouse will thzit thQgo great Services of the comit '142,- -he late CIOU00, whilor they pp�nb 11 1 total of t (liffQrLilt, of G' f6ltOAVill9 UJ)' 89 6,� 891) 000,000 (in hs fitIt tho that, Q r of f i IV' It tit 1�,, 11 'Thel, tho oyernillent froln 1 (1, Sit', its by bon. Thtit nec g glied oil l�y the Alinistor of tp )Vas le,�s by about' POO,000 pCr year will You remark it, we $142).-� tp),ir. tablp Were in every dLptlrtulen� of, whou he llad rtQ of Commerce in his 8 nitredu0blon, equal, 'to ro- the than front 188.7 to I D1.1' I it was govel'Infielit, Ulat every d6pal laight 2.02, per coni, rest of the expollditure b�,blg well have Its leave the y0a j896 for out f tlle Of the cotin�ry. t18,05- which vas the last fiscal year of t, to, The Alintiter of Finance --A reduction as the Percent - ye lty hm fLiend tliirtl�� LI, it, do ou flad? you filla fttat in 1897, t, i it; is it conipal�e by his yith 1898- twifY nit as' c�i file al,Lrago total expenditure rises to thing to $0MI Out to file i002"" 9, under lion. gentlemel taiiif of oar'uwn., it, se� down by tile 9"', Oil Such t'0 before this th; Simply I do not wftnt its look at, another poin on, this Pal�or fy'nl' IN'llich I -ir Rich, ai t, Suppose We a W The, Lurter Adm'inistr...t 'Does FUND ACCOUNT, IOto interriqA the lion, gontlerit,all, but �woulkl did the front 1878 1896 by t Percent. Oe Afr. MOXTAGVE-And under lie State ga,111 lVIlat lie Inakes tile WtIl KP0,000 a yer, N% toy irimmsed tion of. the for 1896? ditrig the last three ypars' by Only $2,508,1 Interest on debt ... ... . A 00. $10,855,000 $353,000 31/� 1)-�- total expenditure for 000 �11, yokr; et its go to the other side ofof justice 000 m,000 57,000' 7 1/z I). c. the, Operation ny ttaxatiop. did -we Agriculture and Statistics 10 QQO Not Deserve tv Get A t lily hom 1-1011, inuc 16, snd to assis 2 258iouo 4�,000 12 J/� p,c. of, the, preforence, Now are the. S11ir tell ice 'Out of the People of this eauntry from ivil government ... ; .. ... ... ... ... ... ". , t, i 396,000 1,411100 15',000 114 1) - q,' fact.,.; disolosed Is to, tbi�5 -o 1896? We took $26,600,600 a ft�f Survey ...... .... a . ...... .. 134,000 149,000 15,000 12 p. c, ili� lvi -Lt tile Finance Geologic, �you have art important policy founded Upoh Immigration ..... .... ... . 120,000 255,000 QOO, 1.0 P. c. ta cre lice, of ivoat? A Ing) has, to tell me in this I'louse for O�v, Inuch. have these gelittleludit out 000 42 1),c, 36,0()0 mly. upon my Jog� in the thTee years"' shice tb ey came into ... ......... sso 000 9KOW 000, 12 p C throe , el�al, thiles, but < . ... ... eforence of 25) per cent; of the duty, and office? They have taken out $31,000,000 It 'Light house and coast service .15M -2 per cent. fic"St and C r di t Forlt his memory, tbatlin a book 6 0 79 16, if, goes into force 121 -to, Govern. yea 11 -caing hiin the BTail subsidies .�� ... .... 6�,I, 056 P then nother 12 1-2, nlaMrig it 25, and for -god UP to �'J A they are Inca IuW waclial; 50,00Q. 9 .0. If 976;0,00 eleven months of thi,s 1899 the 25 per t expenditure in 1696 $2,39-1,000 for bit e year by 4,000,00Q. 9 oithe'seiii, 'taxation out of the country '1-,'2'000 J�8 000 146,000 p. C., Nort Sl Way ceut. I.e( On and river Service .. ...... luction has bo'cit in fo'x�ee.' If v 000 lot t -lie itlernen are taking out of lt Ocea ......... 149,000 - 80 p . liability'incumed n 1882, and not it that t 8e gel Penitentiaries. ... ... ... ... .... 2RO00 0,20, which the tariff on dutit� , VN;,� included it in rail. NVould have inet all that expendi- 17 000 32,000 S 1). c, t , -6 �of ��142,000,000, , and we would have ... ... .... 86".000 1 10,000 12 their full of, 25 6 isoo. And though. he Relgions % . goods in Wasubsidies Paid in 1866, 1 till Public wolks . .. .... 1,209,000 1,902, 60,000 '50 p. c. 'r cent. wold be 7 QW, I-lares, in f that $118,000,000 add- and an enue) ........... '000 pc .55, but instead of that da S ance -er to rise In little 0 126;000 384,000 : , It are euOy6.t% per cent.7 But Id: I Pro5perous N challeng6i the Vin, 11ilst 2581000 200 t 03' I he Wor s -o the &bt of thd Country. T11Q.110 211,006 325,QQO. t lie ed it. 1(�Igeranntiatioll 14,000 4 1/4� p. c. deal more lvith quesfiQii lli� place aow, and tell] this House tb o -le Outtgpit file vontleman says: Now, look at Railways . i . in I d ' C . ELI . ia . . S . 896 000 1,027,000 141,000 16 p� My lion, friend Fiel,ding) undertuok ability. I MY, S has paid off thit Yes, look at big ur -re 9,16,000 201000 CtLi y hrailivay, Subsidies, 'of 1896 plus. Why, Sir, the I what be Called dild'coniffierce 9,0,0 %000 )Q p'c' P ficy otal Suln 111 4 to go over it large mlinber of ittleman close behind him C. ations of pros y in this countr the General A vit Becau e the Co ervative 01 lout I an on. ae Trade 0 98,006 8 to the late Go�,ernll , and, to this 'day inaid, petit as, was (Sir Richard -who made re- ..... ...... ..... ... the int-6re .... .. -ep -h 'him that in the main! those are he is simply 1), ing $41,900,q00 $5,000,000 14 P,b. agi wit 18S,) marks vith reference to surpluses, not 'Osperity. kvtlx evide First, the'gro Criticism bf thi- condition o� the, bxant made in ice. but many times in this House. 1-,ct noes of P'l Mintained= 1"r. Foster's That is why I lvish. my bon. ado; second, flii -s' in thol,pub- to assist of, tr� 2 deposit nks al thi!rd S tic road' one. , In 18,82 lie declared,:when 11 A OF CU' STOM lie I ��ASTONISHING�.' FIGURES. - friend (Sir Richard Cartivrighb), lesb he fall Tilley announced a Surplus of $4,000 - and the -ings the clear Mi AV �h nt GOO: ing-houe which i the tran-s- c Minister �of Now, lest I overwhelm T� F. trade� to U d, Now Sir, �vben you come to the Summa- actions of lai vas tile wc -he compario a -ge extent. ien fit. Fielling get pee h OtL. $�1,100"000' I ask how it was neice (Sir � Richard! Cart— FosterL"I rry on,t Iever silence -here is the:inln�igrftidQn Into the c6nutry tion of that iTil t tter lot it $0 Trade and Court res- sOil, a little rom ISO to 1896, a state that the Liberal -Con- 1,3erived from two J the -most odious Wright )1vith tiles 8 rtinent nd. the various other points �vhich �he men- gontlemen who e a tonishing figures L find oppressive I will sfty� pei-iod.. of five years, the aLverage rate,, of lu't far the last ten or d9 )vliich wore never pecting his owh, depa tioned. But� Sir, when the lion. gentlonian. -rava- impog6d in any civilized coubti-'y before aat long last lie has pluephed Lip C dustorn tariff, a 17.47 per cent; frOIR 1897 eai's Of,its existence -%ym all, e%t . t our- IV Fielding) Speaking I thought I g�! under Similar circumstances iii leas bounties thr6e a e vas anced con- ze to pay the silver-Inad'sineltilig I &� a 11 ed by great in- had ie rd, li'�axjtirnent dy, and extrava ance that, we should' find nnient as measill . I . the taxes on' breadstuffs and file]. If Per -Use of Commons on March 27, -what would be, he sources of 9 expOnaitI110'. What Is 11 British 00111111bia"for 1�7 detit. So that if you take thrtie tr, oil very line, and in JoOking it 111.) In the, Ho leLiz it necessary to augment our number to qcitesl in pblic lie wants to relieve the gentleinan's 1. 4 t n. 'This is far too ma' , and, t . hitt It jS that. the Liberal- I found that Le of T ade, 'and Hon: George E.-Fuster made'the following the �evenue, -which the lion, gentlell: wits prepared and pased by the ConseVva- years' Of the is this year,going seven ee hy Government spen let Iiiiii �,emove the taxes on broadstuffs tive o t on, 11 ey reduced , tbe Commerce (Sir Richard Oarfiwri -lit); oil rep to Mr. Fieldng's budget speech; LIP to the 50 million t in ta', G verrinient before they went ,Out, 01 dy flot is -a dissatisfaction to the Country. and toeil. parl of the expendi- -100 of one per cent. to rnysaf, whell. '"'by'? Probably becauge� he did relies by 39 one occasion, �111 Mr. Speaker; I rise o-daY With a good $388,237, por '.Year less from '1892 to 196, S office, and' that a large ying -to . ti16 will the Iny bell. friend boasts of urphis to- ture an'his dprtilleht.is due to the pa i I gave in as careful it ninner its I could rernafh,s, wish to tell the House, and more partioll- And, if IL 'may be permitted to join I ) 1�91, nd that the pres- If Now their answer deal' of pleasure�ta venture some than from 19S7 t( lay there is an gentleplart sitting fil the be- Well, 1897, had done 110 - of plain, and, I hope, truthful criticism on larl'3i the that in bringing to Ahe I old say, that, in -deferred bountiei� the triff until'etho last these same evidences'afid drew conclusions the 50 million mark he would have the pr�sertt bell. member f r North' side him who will tell, him that whol of ttle,pages of,comparison in the.pub- 11,83891, elit Government has exceeded the Liberia- ' , Of those long 0 ail 1992 cl,6se be t ifil 'them-, the lion. gentleinail, wadelivered. on Frida about four inil Consiirvati�e average expenditu- . re ftc need not look around %,cry' IOT -s of this year, there are, oiily, four m.nk 'or two mon Of piospetity,from .6he address. ld the Minister of Fill- lion dollars more in taxation Wellington (Mr. MtMulle n'),: -aid: It e, 19 16" a lic account s, of the yef Very (Sir Riollrd Cartwright) rose and.made a last by nly hon.,frior SL CoUiltry, S: inethocl of remitting that to tho people, and, well, then,, we wtake 1S98 and 1899, two of the out of thi lNhich he must drag, I must take exception, in the first or five departmets or subwdepartments'ut (,Mr. Fielding), as an exposition' years.' During those two years ;th6ir ve . ry and. -very Continent the latter )art from We pookets of the people. thus lidding the people of ivhat, this pro government in NAich there has not been an ver- dont., n lace, to the oflice, ever having been In ......... $ 830,992 millent intiniber of r- ag what did he say,9, budgeb,oi the count created. 1897 by tile Ouveritment, dect, increase. e was 16.82 per cent., end if you.:deduet OR 11,3 posit A d fhis ddress, he spoke of tlle� hist?ry of THE IMMENSE E XPE NDITURE. In 1898 by ... .. ......... 3,192,518 ed ta that fr . ont the averAge rate from. 1862,to 1806 BiLfik deposits! 'Sir evidences, of'debt over and over again, an odious x N %v let me say Something with refereftoe� Candil, 'as a combining Certain, Pe- Whiel; office 9 The Ministcy8hip of Trade In 1899 by -which Should not be allowed ' . . ,L O� I if give�',a reduction of. 0-IQ0 of one per are not evidences of prosperity.' t -will take up seriathn some of .. .. ...... I .... 9,100,S72, in 11117111 CIvJ_ to the tax4tion,of this The ol),in- and, I think, it, would be not Nulv, and Commere lized contry�the. tax on breadstiif�s and Cent. of the average tariff -rate, But they ings deposits! Where is the to, record, if I were to the prhici�al points, touched upon by lily ion has provailed, made to prevail, by'thilse ti�111611ing out of tI reated, un- And, as estimated by the Finance Minister al*that tt iill ay: I Out- full preference was Rot'in, money? You have not got a entleman's speech bers fricind; and reference Eo the I do not see why it lvas e COCHRANE. M7110 said,that? hon. geilthimen very largely, io txa- run ilere mad - 'on your to-dAy. say he bell. g less it -was to give a, resting place, for for this current year of 1900, they. -will Over- the -Liberai- Eoice'ln itwo years. Then -we'lvill take e all the of, a 'story easily and plain- expentlitures,of the country. The tion talzen from the country by 'near the balnce,of 'his life, to the lion. gen- expend the average expenditure of file late was stated by Sir you,would have to �o to EligLd and- -411Y o onsexceedingly high, 'Thi§ tdie year 180, When, by their own- ly recounted,' gathered from �Iie statistics gentleman was tot blivious of his. -ion, bliard Cartlyright. But -we have nother r the, defeat tiori. their rate . was 16.70; this is a.reduction borroil, ie., You Olve it; I it is interied, t of the banks, aild of neighbour, the Minister of Trade and Com- fl6man ly116 . lio-%v ucctipiesAhe posit Government from. to 1896, by the sum Ri a ged as a �strong reasoii, ib of, the' Govermlien P dralving $7,000 a year for virtually of $10,9Q8,255. autllorAv on tlli�6 question, also a -member lves In 1. ledges of Of 77400 of one per cent. comparod, with silbsidioso,,, Mess interest'of the coun- merce (Slr� Richard , Cartwrighb), who sat of this Government, by name D. Milld, and M --the late Governmen The 1) , in, public' hd, railwy some of, the bus' � close behind him, ihough immedutte dDing nothing. Now Sir I invite any gentletulln On tile I those who are now in power.led-the whole the average Aariff rate from 1892 to 1890, to L keep same one behind th Minister Jointed, and, I nUty ven- -ver' side �f tile I -louse to tke the public the Hon. David Mills Said: try ery. much lvill- other country to believe that the load' of,taxa. Noiv,'the8e are statements which are made in good hiliuour:4 ity seemed during those particular pose the lion. gentleman now is tu 6' to say, son, e)vhab tortured for the . Pur- Pr`xlm I , put'in his hand He boasts of a surplus. I ay that'a tilL Would be relieved if they Were return- from lbeir'olva figures, are OP(en'to The further extract is, blurred here, r hours to have. been Shunned. He took no t -this offic6-sbal. be retained in order accounts which he can have �K can be at I government is not entitled t6, have a the ousb.and -Zii: Canvalss6d It pose of upholding the interests of a Gavern 1.9 lesting Place for tile, "onlooker" and be deny one single statement th Surplus. There is ni ed t6 power. Iti'lrill be inter�esting to rea the and poiidered upon. The fol y Mr. MONTAGUD-Ile .got mixed. r- notice at.all of te way in which be must 3 stinitihis to econ- ment hose inconsistencies are quite as gla to s ulparison e- Mr.'FOSTE'R-Well) I will stop at "good. have been harrolving the feelings of illy of t pre oRL Cabinet, who lifts- Passed his have made with reference to -0 �es, taken from the bon. gebtl ing as -vvere the weaknesses of my bell. period of the two o.my when a large surplus remains in t 1. the rate of dat� from burnotir." It is p . rupriate place to garaacl as a budget bull. friend the Minister f Trade and. Cum- th active'. Service. 1,Vht are these of, this expenditure as ernuient. A large man!s Own. returhS. In 1889-910, We had the low' friend's re he was rolling forth from fttL- -ation in this 1889 to 1899 inclusive: Stop and the argunient Of the hon., gentle - speech of the merce, Whilst at I have. been reading ? These §t, Covernment§. 'and period'of highest tax 601mtrk, Surplus invites to extravetgance, Cartwright), is brought speedli and an exposition his tongue the , immense expenditure of the inent that I have bjen reading'Tepresent Let -,is nolv the total expenditure his and I begin with t1ilit. year. Con- mail (Sit Richard, finailcial and fiscal affairs of the country. last year and of the present and current the solemn pledges of grown men,.,%A,Iio hve per bead of the popula4on. I 'Lin nut going has!invited to extravganue in t R16te of Duty on Imports for �Home out. 1 did l�l en agibe With my, hon. Necessity, of cot n its i I itto ativ fanciful enumera u- country. The Government airlik- gumption, Dutiable and Free. friend (,Sit- irse, impelled my bell. and P. Itire& e. Any year by the gentlemen ho, in 1893 itid lived in this counto and engaged, i tion of the pop ment of this country should inaugurate VOLUME OF TAXATION AND RLPV- Under Llberal--Conserv. ndLiberals. ara when he 1899 21.�� P.C. 1807 17.87 p. c. critici."d these indications, but,- afiyi�iiy, 'friend, and lie listened to its voic 1896; niade it the particular plank in their poli�jc�, for 'thirty, twenty-five and'eiglitPen labon. �Lf Country, because I 'lot ENUE. 1800 21,2L P."c. 189S 9 'Cle"rk in,a'very sliort tinle, could have cum- able to do so lly more than is the Minister a system of. economy. 16-0 P,Q. 'here is what lie Said. �� The Minister of Fi- but any platform thait,the expenditures of the coun- ye-ars. These are the utterances of meLn, Toth] 1891 20.06 P.C. 1899 ...16.70 p.c. nalce and tlie ]\ffluister of Trade and -Com- piled the figures that he used; ir It � his That is a statement made in 1893 by a try were outrageous4 high, and that the -who sitood, before the ppoTle, with the of Trade and Commerce, a3thoug1l i Taxes. Iteienue- -1 92 17.56 p.c. clerk should be drummed summarily out ok himself gentleman who is to -day a colleague of the murce are now sitting together, and I dare would ake as disin- Liberal.-ConserNmtive Government should be hands on their benti-ts, in declared' that gpeech in ILlassey Hall lie udert ince, ana when t $39,879,925 93,,. 17.38 p.c. of the service, who put out of pow�r because the), would not the ' y were honest and truth -telling, these to make up,the population of this country Minister of Fint lie 21inister 3 1ridety night the'Minister of IS90-1 ....... ... 30,314,151 8,579310 M4 17.13 p. c. say that on T en, all the figures Of Finance comes down and boasts of one I ade and Collnerce' (Sir Richard Cart - of those Statistics as, I am reduce them. But, Sir, in conlrast, I wish are L the utteraiiv�s of in anXious' to and draw his deductons fr61 1895 16.9.9 P.C. Tr, 1891-2 .. .... 28,146,1'57 36,921�871 98 D.C. er o er,' taldng -hold Surplus of $�,700,000, and a coniiv)g one f 1892-3 ... 29,321,367 1896 htV quietly took the Millist f k 1�i&nce C.`Und to say, my bell. friend made. I to bring the tention of this House and of climb' into pow of these he made, and lie got himself into all absurd 38,168�UOS bOP6 my words ilt the bornilleticement Will bell. genflemen opposite to the position they pledges as of -the runk of it ladder, by wIllch o I I am $7,500,000 1 refer him to I -Lis colleagues. Average 1892-56, 17.47 P.C. (7111. iielding) by the Japol of the coatfand tangle in his attempt, to d it 113 36,374,693 Average 1897-99, 17.17 1). c. be too strong for the proof Which I took before 1896, and to the strange com- they have gained power, lit which, after Ing file public records give -its ',is to URPLUSES AN,]) DEFICITS. -5 14q 33,978,129 'Reduction,. 30-100 of I p. a. ,noL (,.JOB said: Shall try to addiice as I Proceed. If any n What they, call their prin- they have gained power, they, It e kicl.�ed the have �S 1804 See here, Fiedding, you make a great'mis- t a mentary upo all population of ths country. as -we 1 sw-6 27,759,285 .36,618,590 But there I . s . apecu ar cire nee that take in ,that. Do know that evidence-, I a to, to do betwen The hon -entlexhan wanted to show that 1896-7 28,648,620� 37,829,778 1 would urn y oi�e ad been in the gallery, unacquain e nd their policy i� the years preced- ov er, ind broken entirely tl pledges the yeas wheii the census 11 Sta of Canada, 'P cS by their acts, since 1896. which they� made. Hon. gentlemen smile is tk6ii. , Sir, ]to 'cWcitshad passed, and that an 1897-8 29,576,455 40,555,238 like to. call. tb the attention, of the of debt are not ,�Ulences of prosperity? T with 'the affairs and histo�y 9 890, made Well, w does A especially 'in a fiscal and finalicial sense, I commenced, in as I recount these things. Why ? Because the era of hort Minister of Customs' -who deals hotiest- Why, you have not gob that money; it is The fo�owing era of surpluses had succeeded. Well. 1898-9 34,058,069 46,741,249 orma- In IS93, these gentlemen table ii rill Show it at a Veliture to say that, if lie took his inf their conventioni ith aeclaring: the believe there is no louger'necesdty for ly With figures and -wishes to do what is inteLred in railway Subsidies and., public tion simply �rom tile figures which were trN� and 'honour in the, pAlie men of t1lis glance years (10 you suppose he otiose in or- see, therefore, by 'these figures, t Works to ke� som troublesome follower uh- iV -with alarm the Expen. ter to fair comparison between the We hat right. e r logic used on Fri- We cannot but vie country, becaige they believe that the elec- r subbrdiilation� do Zled and the peo � d (-,,,o administrations in the matter. of sUr- 189441 T N T FOR HOME CONSUMPTION; behind you In prope Wd go very P S t CORN large increwse,of, the public debt and�of Year. Population. Total n or Ilea - 5�­wlien the taxation Was $25,446,198, ay aft6rnoo,he c torat� is as debauched; as utterly to be pluses I and deficits, and ho do you Still- and 4�e total revenue $33,978,129 wag the you not know that if you were called, o� for erron�otts idea of the controllable annual expenditure of -ly to , be de- .14 Lted the question, even' of lowest taxatioh, and we inbw that I will ask him if, i -6, 23,006,000 bushels the money in ithe'savings'banks you have irisuflIcient. and cbriteiiind, as ' ut�ei 3 8 n'1S9 the cc IS. � ' 5,436 -after so Ve tlie histbi,y of Canaa in these re8pects� the Dominion, and nsequent un- .1 Ir romises 42,q72,765 28 pose lie tree , rio d �yuu the people under the t let 90 1897, -5,195,990 lecting his ground? . He took the years of 1890 to 1891, i'nel di the Cars, of Indian corn had'been imported into the no�'got it in,your treasury �nd that� 'ed entirely i du6 taxation of spisea as are Pf, repeaed 189S -5,248,315 45,884,281 He would have lool, -s t solemnly made and so , a Een 9.72 Conservative administration of 1893, 1894 three Successive reductions ad been made country, how. would it have been entere , of woula have to, borr&W it. an analysis of thei expenditures of last year. Government t have been continu- before the pe6ple ? Is there any reason 18DO -5,312.500 -lvere, ap e' ously in power since 1878; and we de- and 189.5, and lie said that in thoSe three in the tariff of ihe,couiitry. ow, iir,liilat in the, -Trade and Navigation returns of that And so I tbitil-that a modifying influence as t6 they glieefdeand lls to th why iiiese gentlernert sli6uld not co�er their Here we have -tire ye I ars tere -was a de w T -90, $31,500,- yeftr? He knows that that 23,000600 bush- may have been'llsed in that -way by the. 661- -S of the ap- mand stricl; ecotionly in the administra- ti, per e%peiidil fidt of $5,6R,759. He follo, -s hal, whereas in 1889 - I ct lvith their hands Whenever -they meet 1 $9.72 then took the three succeeding �eara of the 000' -were taken from the: countrv' in taxa- ed�s wo�ld not have been talceil for consum- league of tie'Finance' Minister. 116wever, quickening eina vita I ai of � money tion of the Government of. the coun- faces' Do they ill 1896 of $8.14. and ill 1899, o Ile - plication of such an immense gin an honest man in this country ? Aded up the edticed to ion ifi this country, and. that a very Small men .1 op- try, cording to the figures given by the Minister present; Government, nalite a tion; in 1891.5 that had- been i I maybe the iweets of office have rfibdified as waxpended by. ho.n. gentle believe haby means of the machine which ucted the small deficit. 115�5 000, Or in remild numberg; '$(3,000,000, -OP t, comparatively, is taken, even the, asperities of, his former criticism; may- posite during. -that year; lie would look in That Was the pronouncement of the Liberal Lstois and by the Dominiou, Statis- surpluses and ded or'lon they control, of the creatures +hftt ffiey take C L lct<slarplus Of $1,800.000. and I by the tariff revises which had tak- now f6r..!home consumption, of the Corn be.;that the delights of sitting bach " act and made a I ase of $1.58 foi- every ln& altern valn for'any inquiry into, and a cortpai- conve on of, 1893. �)Lfr. Dvies, now Sir into their confidence, nd send off to do tician, all inCre then adding this I Surplus to the former de- ILe 'under the Conservative Uovernr,' that Comes in from the United States. it on -looker and- , . hilihing, son, of the c6urses and rrents Wthe trade Louislit and *Child in the Dominion. INTOW, betterment jilent. These figures, I.think, are a, strikin� passeshrotigh tfieCountry intranit,and--is deiaiea% his bear(! -fear,,! oil avies, the present Minister of Ma- t.beir electioneering work, they are going to ficit lie exclaimed: Bebold a nother comparison. d think rst 'the"alt" exported fi-bin'this"d6uhtr I y, orcign pro- the vagaries of his colleagues; per - of this 'Country, 01, for any discusRion of rine and: F sheiies, - declared free for this violation, of what, in Sir, let me oi -�11,000.000 Does my hon,'frien ccnrmeritary� upon,4;wo Ithingg:, -Fi Liberal party Sys tha several -would consign.,any plablic mari,to 'iaxati6n; I ask'the lion. Minister,of Gus ve.so tiffened his forme� Irighb I 'ps et pi-oblbins of pass 1893 it my ­� .0 gei6ct 4 ��rjod'0 depression, such terns, h thes th tariff as affecting the E a iu -air t leged extriivagance and t4q high e he pin P- Da . ada," sohi6 of The -off,jile, present Surely has �en- honrable frie Wilfrid L%u- from 1893 to if, under- those conditions, in 1896,' there ions or obliterated them, that he, has not lal)btir and industry in illiong-may be lopped p -141 i c) denounced uAl (LilberaiWonservative as existed in this country under the Liberal-Congervative Governmelit c1c - ' lj�'toi the Pub- lit publi -life in. thit 'country ? rie: iQ de� gaged e �o Compare that with a period hahbeen. 23,000,000 bushels -of American corn used the keen edge, of criticism' on, his �Se'. notlr, to ii, put withbut, inju� 1995, and i and he,,bogutiful -wety, the unique wfty,'irl igl8ii and' p6lic acti in in this "co�tiiilry; lie service." Government for its e-xtravagance, itrid ;ion, as he himself ' out brought into,this country, in NI.-Jilet column honourable colleague the Finance , Min - IC TAK.ING 'ON e ex endi of the greatest expanE Which'these economists have catried. his Seat The. Hon� David. Mills, no -w Minister 69 M I tY MOM THE PEOPLE. declared that he would bring t1i P av, -Canada? Why did.my their 'pledges,and reduced -the Uzation by would:it.have been entered -for h6me dout ister. an,d li� would have risen from w,'thege hon.,gentlenten came in, and to il.(Vu millions or ever knolvil in He lvould gumption 'or under general imports? -he AN ARBITRARY DIVISION. - No ture ,of tj without having had one Single propo8ition Justice iii this, G ovemment, estimated 4IW6 . friend not go back. to 1891? increasing it to $7,1�00,'660 - from 1896, to placed. before him y my lion. friend for. whA have, they�doue since +)hey came in ? three millions less than it ws� Now, Mr. have found w had a surplus hon. gentleman Chat not a bushel of probable saving would. be foi.r at have they done -wittt.the 'expenditure Speaker, -what are the comarisons? and also in 1892, e not �899, it�would have I Well, sir, I have nothing to quarr�l with h�, nd he Would hav foil W611, air, there is another waY of mal,:ing been entered for home con- in these indications of,, prosperity, but I he sofittion. of the. great and voiced nillions of dollars." of this �ccuntry ? The hon. Minister of Id have tions, -which are pressing for solution upon out some other things. He wou comparisons, which is file taxation perhead, guniption, except thal Small quantilty Il'bich have some to make"as to ihe man. -ill Finance M I-. Vielding), said, in a light and Consolidated Fund Total found that in Is9l, when we had libioyant by the following was actually intended for home her -public =on. As I sad before, it vould MrJohn Charlton, at that time and St. -%vay; We bad Iftsb yer more money, Expenditure. Expenditure. and that will be Shown cR'UmP- ner in which they were collated and placed tion,� rind'tfit'the rest of it would no -rather seem to be asimple collation of sta- a ii-tember of this. Hutise, declared in this airy revenue and a surplus of $155,971, with an table: have before the, Hous'e. Doors the Minister of than $40,851,727 ar, VE if I House: we had a revenue $6,186,000 greater 1893 other surplus- III sight for the next ye, gone into the home consumption totas for ;ticS, the disjocta membra of which, 51,542, Taxation Per I -lead in iy'be allowed the use of a Latin term, The Liberal, party, it. in power, could we 1had. the year before. (Great pplause 1899 11,903,500 35 L its Finance Minister of the Governinent Finance,. (n Fielding) tell me that he is - o this I -louse and the revenue rates, and it lompartive or other state - led to have been promiscuously thrown sib once reduce the public ependiture from the back benches !) Let me translate of that day, came down t Customs. woUld h' �Vone out as loreimi product ex- giving any fair c $10, t of the trade of Cluldii,by dividing it seeir 689,108 - entirely the duties on raw �gu ar Customs, & Excise' d. Nw,* the thing is Zapged,: Co�� in" wherever it was thought an appeal might and effect, other avings to the extent thatintoplain, English, such as thellon. MR- Increase .$5,089;448 wiped out V 3.95 5155 first period from. 1868 to 1$78 (ten years); andinn, to people,vrho have f Trade and 06mmerce would have ...... �5. 01 $6.60 arbitrarily into, three unetitial p6riods�the be made, ad capt �of five million d6lletIrs per annum, witli- -hich were very high. -If he� had lookeT ai 1890 .. .. ..... s fic igter o -lie 1892-96 ... ... e, and -I ask the hon, Minister of (;us - that the ... ... ... no had the' opportunities of looking in 1896. What does it mean 9, That Arid v , cale uld have found t toms to take his Trade and Navigation Re - to, Out imparing -the officiene of the ser- used in . et these hoh. gentlerlien'claim ultions he wo 8 5 52 5.02" - the second period from' -11878 to 1896 (eigh. t y you are taking out of the pockets of the they, have fu3filled their pledges. Having following result, and I give I him this table 1 9 5.42 turns, to turn up th6 book and find how id so, have not' the power of discerning vice. IS90 ... ... ... ... ... 3.94 1 1 teen years); and the'third per,iod from 1896 at People, the -wage-earners, the labouring driven out a Government. llhich was so ex- for comparison:. 3.897 . ... ....... ... .... 3.83 5.62 much cuin;, fiom the United States,'was en- to facts of the case as beal` And'Mr. Wilfrid Liturier, now tbe, leader 109 (three years). On what basis has vhat are really the ing , oil the questions Under discussion. All of this Government, declared in Toro7Ao: class6s,- the farmers. of this c.ountry,.­$1.16 trv&gant, these geiiblernen have marked, Sugar tax 1898 4.22 5.63 fered in the 'colunin of total imports, and he.intid.6 the colloc'ettion, of these figures per head more than the evious year for and inrked in a Significnt maimer their, tbkrougli the hon. gentleman's speech there remission. Surplus. Deficit. f895 . .. .. . 4.84 6.68 not included in the home consumption 6oi- If -we get into power we will follow every '�nan, woman and CKId in Canhda. economy by',spending $10,- -$ 227,474 155,977 Nil. Reduction 1890 to f895 1.41,) 1.58 ' oil -what basis has he made this aggregation? seemed to. be a, Jeading up to, the Yeitera 1891 $ 1 ­ I . Increase, 1896 to 1899 90 1.16 umn Upon NVIrich the scale and rate of duty Does not my hon. friend knoll, that when. t1oil' of the. almost endless, refrain: Behold the example of 'Mr. Mackenzie, and I He made -the statement �that they had (i sq elast year than ws spent IS9Z- 6,200,000 1,354,555 -ed. what a, �people�,we are -','Is not this great - i,, I . 1 $LZ0312 is 6,be oalculat How- much Will )Ae find ? be tat halt i%1 110 ..... Trom I enture to to]] him that -he Will not fine[ say that, although W6 Ina Ill 'y not be able taken five iiLillions and odd more �n ctis Sir, that iq t the beqt, Of 1893- 40000 ve built?" And, no mat- to bring 'the expendiiures to what they toms and ex�ise'tharc7they took last year. i b or the oq,st of it; for the'estimates 18q4- 4 821 D ........ 4,163,875 That is toSay, the reduction per head 000,000; t Only $153,000,000; kvcre u ......... 830,551 1800, to 4895, under a Conservative adminis- bushel but he Will, find that 23,342,847 ues -is Babylon that I hot 603,5 he not know, that he, li� taken, rider him, we can reduce the �kgiiin applause from the back beriolleg. Ahe cur- i895-- 5. ation, was $1�49'in customs, 'and $1.59 in American corn were brought into simply caricatured -the State of trade ter,from. What quarter the facts are given by the Finance Minister for ti th, lvo yes, three millions of dol- Tht the expendi- $5,694,759 .5 c ou�n y, placed in the columns,',of- hi's to - 1879, ing whether from the first'years of Confedera- amount t transla'feit, and what does it mean ? 11bet rent; year axq s 8611995 $1,510,532, customs and excise both. From 1896 to -1899, from bee e lars'per year. from these. people, who, in the language of returns ente t �re extracted,' or whether und Wil be $v,175,- T,tal remission of taxation ..$19,851995 the increase- in customs etlon6 is 9i oents'per red for home consuniption,' you 'look over lie � course of trade, you wi otal expen- Not efloit ..,. ... ... ... ... -- 4, , , Value Of tht lvas $8,966,925, and'if �tion, fragments we 'H7 that th; find that ill 1,8734t. had gone up ta joined to thent were fraslierrti from later The preseab of Trade and �Oom� iny bell. friend oliposite, ere "Illed wite," 000� and on capital, $0,875,000, a, t 184 head, and in customs itild ekoise together, e merce, lvho, for nearly ��enfy years -went the farm6rs, the people Whose backs were diture. , of' $53,050,000, as, compared with it he will go to the colunin of. -exports. he years -no ettler, everyThing -was done, t,gain,to country ..$15,667,768 1.16. And this past gerrsiq bit' a promise will find , the) 000 from $131,000,000 in 1868, and then. in otexpenditure in 1896 of $11,702,393, In Ne t L of that $-�3,000,000 busliels; !anything a . (June P lvhi�h�could be used to through this Country against.tbe bowed beneath the burdens of extravagant of what the present. year and the 1�73, for some.reson it comilienced to de. prop up tile idea, often made in so many . cildittires o. the, Government, de- government, you -are taking $1 �pe,r head over the Current year the revenue is to go up to Those are facts which -were known-tb my succeeding year are to be in the Way of 16,009,847 bushels, valued-_ at '$6,362,Q83, Czr.Ae Until it, went down to 159,000,000 ,it I afrom J,,., P, It bo.,might have -have been exported' from � thi's coun- W. ords but -more frequently by inference red ace I in t1iis House: nd above Airt you'tooft the year before $r;1,000,000, an ,�Cdss of $ over'last hot, friend and whic taken still gipifer increases. 4,400,000 ncreag i try, as forei product, to the old coull. the end of, the administ tion of the, M -to i e irimaking his 'couipYison but in, taxes alone. !then, Srj lie boasted that year nd t1le e Icenzie Ouern in which mi" hon. friend a�pea; that all the lvonderful. progr�s8 For my own. part,' I do not hesitate xpendibure is acLount In : hebad &,surplus qf�$4,897,000- It Was again over',tht of the present year by $1,500,000. ich -fortunately for him, - N�ould have COkPARI80N 'OF TARIFF RATES. try.' If the. ion. gentleman wishes o dea) men ubt -was -witli figures be will instruct th I e (Sir R�chard. Cartwright) was Finance Alin - to -day. had its origin nd is now main- to tell h.' that I consider a yearly ex- �reetteid- with The'' transl-�ution of DEBT.' cu'jylidcstroyed it. That no do hCriestly �tain�d by t,h6 gentlemen who, for the ptes- penditure of forty million dollars, , or his into languag THE IISTCRE ASE OF THE y a W departments Lo,tke that; $6, ister �as compitred with '$217flO0,000 iA'1873, t governing, affairs in this country. thirty-6glit million dollars, &R t , e of old tilues,would have 4 the reason wh' he ignored hem. Here is Now, Sir, 1 -want to Say o.rd on, the clerks of -his en ogether been: "A surblus,,-Sir'! You have -no bu- Now Sir, having made this comparison, The�e iviig - great glorification of wa another table. tariff, rates so as to malie " a co eil' take the other period. from 1870 , to t was too for the present resources 'of mParigOR �4683 worth of corn, entered &ra for.home 1896.' In 1870 the trade $153,000,000, a sines wi, at a Surplus; when you take - stif- I wish'to"conite back to the stlitonaent whi6h -which Will bring but as clearlyas we pus- go, into called generous expenditure, and of in- Canada. I say tbatt it- is a dispade and 1891 to 196. 1897-49, E b fl'ient' out f the podkets ol the people of' wa� made 'by the Minister of. Flneince. He xees& cojisurriptdon,' ut which did not eteazod-fdV6ne; but there was a very dis- a Shame to the Government tha have to, rare for tlie ordinary con-, desircl to show, as regards the irs Taos sibly 6n what is the difference between h6noe-c6nsumption, 'and which was' Rover and,in 1896 it was $239,000,000. Any' 'one $93,100,600 $12,40D,O these licit. tlernen under W hy l ' b- ' lookiiig over the trade reports knows that in eet voidance of.the'obstruebive co,ttlist been entrusted with our affairs that they, 'this'country olideted. $80,70D,000 00 gen meant to, g6'into homec lit in - or, 11 1 �1_ rolidated fund eipendl6ure and services, you the debt, that the present Government was Other their low r .. tariff, or inod6rate tariff, icy the exportg of foreign OM the that- ngpeii6d of eighteen years there between tlie'profession� and policy 'If �,hese Come down to us an�l ask for %ition than the late 82,000,000, 5,800,000 and the Liberal-Consorvative Gove" o eat6r and loss,trade, be-, in a much better po, revenue. 26200,000 have no business to take m6re. You sliould gentlemen,. when they were out, and lbe p6nditurelof $38,300,000' a �ear foLrn e rnment $&1,000,000 -w-,hich lie has takon as the fed- have, let that jeman.in th6 pockets of the Government; nd, how did lie attellipt to what, the hon. gentlemen Opposite' de- cause cycles of greater or less prosperity site- erformance of these gentlemen now that cral purposes, Sir, the thing is utterly people who could use it. a greatt deal bet- show that? �Vh; Sir, lie took the years Total excess a years (Liberal).. $18,200�60 under atly hi&nation'al borne consumption totidg,upon which to cal ceeded each other -twice, three tint I es� I , I some - nominate a6 the exfiavadw I . � - 1, 6ulgte his averages. Will the lion. gente- e lifijustifiable. Expenditures n hot going to inalte 1 they ar in Id lise i all do that? Does he consider thilt this t here." My bon. from 1878 to '189d, and said that in 'those policy duties. Now, I dr. tim6s four times' In that,len-th of title. Post- friend we�g very Solicitous Jes e. 8110111a eighteen years the debt ll, . ificreft.ged by locii conspi. ilia -tic, fts 1, these calculations myself; -There 'is One M bon. friend"knows also Mat the eir- The l Minister) the ated is. deagin honestly with Country? I y INFORMATION LACKING, '63,000 Per In cum an n when he c, upon consolidated 118,000,000, an. average- of $6,51 nd00 $119,10D 000, tlilng that 'a member of an Opposition c, st ces f this con try radically change master eneral (Mr. mulock),, who, ohfuse, the expenditures . $112 qQ0,0 6,500,00 give.My. fo'n. . friend greater credit for Saga - wag trying to got into office, objected to fund -and capital. He said that s golltle" -year, i6ercas from 1896to 1899,* three yeaTS; oil cap� somes g , e Governineritt, thiXt I from,period to W ho. friend. was so luitrried, along this city and'knowledge than not to know, the I, . I I i period, and so hiig'compari- IPartiouldr" line, that he had not the time such tivings as the Governor -General's sa- men -were apt to con�uSe them, Ito are tbere�lvas an increas in the debt of $7,700,- Account 15,006 20,700,000 5,700,000 is, infb�mation and hen these' hon. gen-, son was entirely, worthloSs, except alie e dutrents of trade'upon. istich important ar. �'to 79i,�,e the House sonib v6ry necessary In- laty, shouted himself hoarse over Seventeen the gentlemen.? They are apb to be con- 000, or an average increase Of $2,603,000 per, ilerneri, db'get illeir blue-b6bks e_�aggerolte the immense all the hom Minister of tiCles as Indian corn in the departilient'6i wished to -he or ev6ii fourteen Cabinet M.inigters in a fusedj when wfind­' then he irciagined that he had Total -excess export. 3 years (Lib.).$12,200,000 the Mimitei of. Trade and 09mmerce, has I tkink he should 'ha - '6 which he is the heaZ and where lie is con- Splendid i - nereilie t last three yeers field hat , Making the com in i, r Railways anct (Mr. Bliir) yea" th.parison' ntdone ye�t, af -touch With the d6til of the Country, lika Canada, Swallowing up the� tLs House, and this country,t this d the lack of which I felt r;gisfored in th6 trade of this count y �givezi. For: ingtance, he quoted immigra- i f the Country in an atterapb to gov )on the estimette's runal."Viotin t1 Ought this y to th6fidn� Ing 'these u rifavourable points' of comparison tion returns, beginning his stfttittic9i SO bad Proved tbe,, Iititer tip to the bilt'. -wa, Comparing actually c6l- in my. preparation for mi repi aiiie(l the United States people, in. 1895 declared, with bit more unfair statement looted revenue, in both t they have g, ll�ola from the "louse, on th "Irpenditure, : , bu ine6s.' tby is i as lie did, in 1878%and 1806� 'Well 'Sir let in e likies of Was there ever a cases, tfiey .001- Welt Jai as immigran 11�_Ilotyllc` , in '018,2oo,000 more from the people.' advanta�e of,ii'lower rate per cent. thi he�year.1897, and pre- hand his heart: hundreds of thousands.o dollars, NVhih ' mail,-? Wfts there ever a more flagrant lected In when We do get the figures, made up by its look at this question of tziadc.' Nlo�4y tis, concerned, with t preeeding-Govertments; were allays met, liable rules the thre� years of their administration than theniselveg, I pro�dse ib'take them as long which the additiou'of this 6,000,000 facing his figures; with the remark, outia�e committed upon ftJIL reaSo' year .1 bts at all that, the trade, of Canada, he�s Who can justify The expenditure of d to 14 did in the three yeftrs of our adminii- cotl6erve the',facts, odd; where it should never have 'been 'there id n out of consolidated fund and. charge Of comparison? The Iton,. gent%man ted�es as ither the advanoed splendidly in the last three years'. ot,.seem to be any statistics with Oil,! cotintry to -day,? It canrlot,-.be us- nI think they fair added, bas given Becaus f it n do; alone. It is the '6riod from 1878 to 1896, and lie coin. tration which the hot. gentleman sel6ated, are 'based 'upon nsNobody who -will be fair 'doubt's thA ihb fro reference' to, them up to that --period; and �ry-. -irelv hon, jenItlemen's cletics did noet edhb6ge to riid6r and navigktibn . gUreg, ti.fied by '�'he wo�aldi of,the count ke it m the t lumenced in 1894' 'itobizig them r0r� , tblrlzs,� such, as. tails, Sit,,, �Wbich m the increase of copital expenditure in and this would have ent lltip�ed' but take do tbe,right thing, or, IlLcause hert te' ben afbtir�q all, fts a St 1-3. ehorm� , pares �,Irn of the,tido' fav linpoggible to IgIfely appreciate impor the pruposition There i 'nothing to war�rad'th'. r people'to.ri with the increase in 'the three So-called betterment of -$Ii 000,000� and ilie duties oil dutiable and free ts. in Ous expenditure of ncirIv $38,000,000 I's lculting the' rat NO PANIC IN CANADA. our of 1-ures of the co,imtry, unless ost , $7,000 000 'to the and not to, this country -.for home �CorisulnPtion and hon, gentleman was c, t `tb6' expendiit years just past, when Canada bad' lm lckt gdoil N vivicir he'was sagbainingi.it as found tha except the fact that we are burdeneA content With collecting 18 200,000 � more, lie 'did not give what was fair nd honest ows. The bighest, y6ar'O -I. Ile Nobody Wic, hag read,AII6 fi you take the total e-xpenldituies,' because', Completed her house rtil, iiistalled her main resbfit it as foll nancial' ifiA ma( e an extra, ex on I -are in t 'he had n4gone to the trouble,of dsceitain down -with debt and wit ofll�e­holdets' !he line of distinction 'betWeen capital and I hose tfiifrijj Ya)te was in 1890, When, it ivit,4 2LM , per inf6iiiiiation in reference to thern. were bfts6d� fin,nishigs, and now'llad but to provide the t trade bi§toYy of' this eountry doubt's f �ing on what, the. , revenue xpenditures has been obliterated, depart- t1i yi . years of $12 200 OOT. celftC The see,IIA fiom'188D to Will- dieduc� that $6,=,883 from lithe or ;-whether thg 7ere simply the numb�,rs re- lesser i,equirdments in the various stli Rile inoment that the congervi And Mn Xaerson now" a. member of this' blotted out-, it doii,TO approv�ecl by lion. geri- Let. me read Phises" says l�y lion'� friend., Does be 1895 the percentage rate of taxation' fell 1000,0,60 anA diviele thc' remaindei into the. Sf polioy� from I ng power to -her nionts,of the public Service. llno�v that, in 0 give Ye- diity collected, lie will'flw It, insted of of the national 891 to 1895 Government, in tleirien, opposite, at -ag':been most, -'to 10,f) did g�oett thingg foi- Canada, preserving her turned,byr immigration agents, whet id which h to my lion'. friend some, figures, and then S� Ce confedeidti n there have from �1.65 9 111tider the succs theIthey, were the numbers taken: down by tho, ed :by this �side (if the boon twenty surpluses in our financial his- 'h rp , lad'e' 'by' 16,70 per cefit. as' I'liave hurriedly made the w were tAing $6,115,000 more , a;dterminedly oppos S not himself feel ashamed ductioits of the, tariff whic e ew �, other �iiustom offiders as tbc�people came across a party Of' atiblon, See if lie doe tory? 'Does 116 that the Liborals, call it position enjoyed by verV f in, taxes out. of tb6 people' than wo 1ougo in +Jhe interest 6, Unfair a file tiberid-Conservatives.. In 1806, the'ratb calculation, his rate for '1809 Will be 11.9f), in y were persons of having aftempfe(l to.palin Off Si �y per cent. countries in the world. Lot nl� eve an,cut !the border,, -or -wheffier'. the )t fair comparision, its boast of three of these 'and that out per cent., as compared with 16.9 5hould and wc; spen� $7,57 IsOOO� more than -We 4 oln 1878, to goes up, because, as I said,'a,-part. of the hi d actally settled on land or had, s statement-. upon the ountry. Fr fl o lAcr�G are respon- a 1806 side authority for that -:-an autbqrit�jr who - a h 'e shouE Ile declared tht �an, era, of CC6�- well as in the itit&estg of oorl admini bra- fildin� the,Ca-nadian Piteffic Of 1welve deficits I I sugar diities were put b6ok, 'and t ie rat in 1895, an( with 18,28 per'cent, i their abode in Manitoba. and the we were Int siblelor five, nd the Lib0ra1-COnE;ervfttiveg s been quoted in this House before a and - he gain of reduction in that year was nth Yet e all know that this homy in otpendibure should be at 6 1 ric e tiou itself. Lot t of;N, and we Spent $65,000,000 of capittil for 1�ut of the seven, two 'lvere due t famous stati I e I icmn and iniblinist, file ton. -Ted upon. st, those Now , wbat is 'the - state of tfilrl�s, which of -duty in 1899' Over 1896'is only 02-1.00 Of or - - a onto wo GOVD, RN1,11t, NTS COMPARED. road� in the three years p� to the. paying of the North-West rebellion hsro tfrom fh� disclose? If compare 80 np�r cent., may be mistaf�on. n Wells, who in the V un. of� 1891 t, mnie iminig 'line!, but now T oil that es of the colln- they Odbben going on longbefore 1807A -Ie Spoke Mn David Mills at that t It has -been stated over and�,.over again) goxttlemon have Spent, just ',$�3fflb on tlie expenses Ontr Of the ro C foil &*)� L I 'd f'4 t point; j pint anxions that I may be set right as 1893. ft Te( tic 1011 .60 per ecli - is L% USE 01 OU, PR S IR T f t Wale due to th' if 1 Iunad he fact, whith. we re all FhLd'16 know, the lyfinistoi uby 6u. gentlem6n. opposite, that when the Callaileth 17acific 114ill�ay. Vrom 1,878 to and the other thre'Ll"i if, file sugar taxation of which I ba about to become e, re�lty, that Can ; �n tb'e riite of taxa6on Under the, Libe . rak n ight in lily In the Dominion. of, CL a, separated vernment Of this, late Government wore, in Polver, the wr pen Oil Canill, If 'ry inal -br6c vear's ttle,16 genitlernen spent spo ou take the intpor front its on '105,252, 0 find as b�. kon. of &%lculaions think it is tha duty of, the the north. by an imaginary adian seefilities will be equal to the best count �-be carriea on,f6r'a very very extravagant. G�ov&urnent I Wigh last t � T� lvhic !on no pc�rtic� no unusual ftin willin is 1805 securities, so far Ei the iuvcstrnoni� much, smftll�r stim than that Which ls a i deficit �Ayhert It lvere 0 0, yo W, of� Customs, the hom 0, there 11 to P table :before ,the House, 0,80000. 'Frorn 1878 to" 1,896 wo Set aside loving the bur )00�000, that'i§ f' in - of the that 4,66 per cent. of it is Minister ',of Filiance, nd of the ion. demand for money, no stoppage 0 of Tuilds is Concerned. But he did now being tken out of the Pockets of pA0,006; While cauE�ed by to tnwread the figures cot' as debts to the provinces, o' the time to li�y before this Husthe pplefor that Purpose. do all appto, but, llrbat burclon of the people y, the reduction in the 'r of Trade nd Comierce, to, set, no im In- inot bav to linist'o : ll.aq 4,66 iined in it. tgentlemen have in,' -ter rig of on gentleman I fail to see. from 188y, to IS95 or cc andthe I thts inat o116 at once for Sir, if you ereased. rate of interest: in short, nothinit We. at& asking -Sor' -it to tres on co8olidatedr,revomm account, and of, only, %60,000. WL"Spont n, nho6 take Our bill yond, the ordinar YLOOLIrSo I of rt are as pift lot � added f ea given e inforiliation to this 1, king for Ce taxation;,we OnOMy in expenditures in Parallel col- btanolies, $20;500,- Sir, he is added taxation, lJo li� volume o taxation taken. on bL far ,is t �s may have, taxation oil, liquors anclAobacco. lie ba�i� was to � the' people E .thifik, he sliould have done, of the terni� of)o� thev 'have pent �:[,400,000. , 1,17, 1%000,o0o, 'Xokv we will take 189.6, is ft rpeord' of facts) as' in. pt so hose event 1,bncl the conditions; upon whiti'll these go- the inana.,elilbut of 'public affairs. unins, ottcquently�J offCnd in s still� The tariff rate Iva9 conti ity t8 what, to fact, and mke, your I influenced by gti 4. 0 orih lias,tiddod taxation on sligr, Under thd pro their 6,�,n fiz reqp6ot true , - P eBpCev nhitleq are to be Wcell I'd I .�t�usb funds -Which are invested in thein. mr, fillarltont, F.Lt, that tilue, anct Still, 6 men'bCT Of this' 1 -louse, declared ',that -the SpcCJ, and, L kO net COR use 6, Sinnott the bt!� La'WrorX6 Ge , 'j, I I ter With the iluprove- and lvent OR thoreaf ' tenSe Of giving a prefCrODCO to 'file West Indiuq,, which, lie kilew at tho,time Nyould Lin 109 it lVils 10.70, a differe-II6 N a - 0 be t v en the two periods of. f.59. , The "total 'I -Td cime down with a very irRPOrtertlt pro- people were becoming disgugted� . E XPENDITURV, ON'' CONSOLIDATED TOTAL ment ourselves; flicy have assumed b6tliing , not be Operative, and,be came UP at the ' merchandise illopbrts fbr'1890 1,N10iii $149,8-w, or than the pi oposition to J iidmU the producIts,of-lak9e and fertile is- 11 1 Th,� .900 the tRNation irum,'�oustoms they G is in6�,casiiw ed the Public debt FUND ACCOUNT X� TD- ji)XPEIMITURt. . with ro ara to the dcb� inourred by t1to Montrott Harbour CoulmissiOn I ll� Ilext sesslon bf.' ]?Rrhanlent and declared that it, hitil not booll operative. And -why? .1 59. So, if' you had takon the ta-elff, rato of v 1806 and applied it to those iaiPOY(,� 'Oil 1 �Iincl in the Wes' L Indies Into comr�unity O� 01, the Dominion of CamMa; ,, I , piling U �,� the� ;(,.e thelinordinate in- treft0 ill, the "e. Consolidated Total the St. Lalvrenco� On the INTOrtli, S Vc _ , �,;1941,000; they hurt T�aill.,ay issuilled Bec, - flio ver -,r time lie I�Ilt on this -�te well slich legi4atioli. in, he tui- duty, th( t - �e,$2,3,'­6,000 would have takon front the pcorp� In in actually wlis takcil. I'll-, it'is to ore'th, and lie had not either the' time 6 r did not to give to this tak6'tlle troublf House onO our pe6ble are leaving the' country in disgust. Fut�cl Expenfliture, (average) �$ij%326,821 :.1449 510-000 - I terriLorial C%pollscq wa ex, not Oil on 111i"111".$900,600; they nothing. Aal(l yet the ted $talcs of Anierica 'in resPoef, Of thO .1. countetwai JnR (luties, that it more than say,, by their,olvil sh6�ing they haVoi'savedi in the'vollime oftaxatiop' $M00,066,bV their f ' iformation tis to how this,ill- ine o ti,l 15111 �,10 1' tro tiction Of f lo products tinder ircL trade Mr. 'Mills again doclared In 1889� '. . , 'M 2,272,1,36 ,�(ir"sm 4 1852 J 108 M,814;062 40,863,7V Dinance )Lfifiistor of this collut- ry thinks it is not bonQath his dignit�, and tbal; 'It is I India calic sugar 0ro- placlo, tit.), to,tho 'WOH In ve illel lot Jur the il. he 9'a 'l-C6,nsQr6tives reductions, -whilst i'he Li6cra. 14,900joo 0 by thoii, reduct Does �Rto Callmla 'Vol ild differentiate 01, a trade of fit i S country- He tf� )ok an itu- I have no doubt at all that the e.ffi 1, of t1le public gervide iniplite be Iture 87,1683,0261 49,800,213 �SJ31,),005 42,872,P8,9, and I able, to in,;ke a Comparison botivot'll t-116se tittorly dissimilar poriodH as L(ldo (I fi3Ont $,10o,000 to $500,000 on 'yet '-to 'IL Sugar flndq thaf pretences and evoll wholl savbct 't,jle -Ton, Nlipil� "Istolus to dispute I H Is , ter of,(, ulosb fig ;,the pottant Step in giving ti botlu�� by way of, inCro"t'scd And. the expLinell dimin. 189,'j .. ..... IS02-1896 0),w.,763 rogards great expelldit,111101. Oil the xol'th. , he nelo-lowledgeJ thai,, if-, Mis but a, Ja The "Minister of, Custollv� (Mr, N'tbrsot _O� remitting the cuslonts duty uporl �Xpciisivc ' iShod by AlmaSt, one-half, ISM '18 1 4 41,74*8 N�T,,i, t6bellion Wo pai(t $4,800,000 Out, of the th(" e I i s Q Y,L tQnse, be had no of fklir, 'hich - Jillt T, would treat for the b6et 1'60t indll�tl`, In V ER OP TRADlj� AND THE MINI,�1111 42,97�,75j I , I r revennn,.; of the collf t)T� [)ley illcu red DO 811(jul(l imlie h tite it� ly I hn to rplliib tax, 'T 0. 110 �1114 country. Ilut lie gave the, ltotls' ag o whother later c-,,�Crililvnts I 6o present hon, Nfin �'M2 '1809 41';R0, bQ 51,5P,635 lihe t-,ponsd Suino hon: rtlbUib&s---Ohj oil, I tion wMell lie but on the people upon a I )" fonso which -was Unfollildod. Alrcc Mr. lvotild, the!, hon� gentlo'. -differently if he t, Wall trdat. ith6m r6atdd tob or fifteon and the -it, Plexpevidned Of L116 last �thing like, Sit at6d Some On a ecittl point �fl ornitiorce (Sir Richard i . qt& of �, rade and' 6 - 11.111) RR\TTIlUS1AS1NL Ptov! ISR to 1�03i there were i 80.v� cntj l,,cclitofions of the ta i, ff under fhc thom' stly? I take ity - hoh, irlcn&� hone, I'le wo0d, 'treat theni (It yolirs In countries J To asonable basis for, bollev. C -wrighf) dctifilro(L ,'a I! Now I believe, that, the 9&vloos Of NOW, Sir, One -lvot(I fts to toto,l ecpobffiturd, for after all, that is Yb&lly , 'whilt we s�)ond Avll,� this olftburst; 01 N Un Vogtor- I ill- Are tho I conso lirvative party, On stiqw," Ott nlolasse�, ass: and in IS , 04. �6ncral revision of stft6cment, now, , tiv., Trow? ing that file bcct robt sligar ind of fhiq country, is one which call be su000�§- this Gov�rllmon� Vvill be infinitely bef- TbacJs MIftt Nve got; oitll&r from the 6ofint'l'y 'by boriolving', and, that i ig wb'm h lem'. t6xicd enthilsiaA ion. g6nuc- tilon up pogit e dissiltisfiott �i;baf, tb6 robel- Oln g it file iapily, *hiell, crJoulated iK ally way "gr�cftt. TiT."�`I'u'stcr Of C u8toms-L-U0caus6 you'aro ig, of reductioll4 �nlqck on '�,our own s P CS, i, I I , '6 hilly "V)etnteo and oUglit, to'be, by bounty of;, aidod by Llifs P�rliarodnt� ter oondilotetl: if we lifid. Seven Cftbinc� MiniSter§ and a moderate bumbcr' of, or' . c-�tvivagftftcb Or of very, i� Mjjfjip'q� ljoil w;,�i qU61led? 'Are the,�t dis�,"Ittigfl6d t1itit We did. 'noi; add thit to the, tha� ho�. fti&i(l madA a or, You nion of� w�afion' by� bqti" than 'slbitg 10 taliff 1'', --1 1, 1 fig,xrois, Our rccutbion8. M-niV0 TIP a your rev onqq4 and your figures', or )..I " no details at all, even llylfh 6 give junior officials to assi,,St tbonl., It does appear to be a monstrous piece of folly, I U as late surtlIlLsos and C�Illlaa! expend r 0 8 0. 'national 'debt, bui'� ii�id `iE out Of, the abdii. the' cut"� and, all'tllb kovi of L refereftee to the current y6x, AS to ca 1_1 P on the basis of the eir6 l6itiaticlis glances whicl ac6lially c;dst, then, Sir ,,just Surely niplant file canker and 'v of that ,,u- 'on and. Want of dcnifid( .,p el 'hiell will 0 octuaRy destroy all val- if wo qpply our public roe a�l the ot"I'le rate , lint it contradic a I N _C -it flnd'.,; Fl,olll 1802 ,,It 1 106 ,at �a, �Qr"r, , P), it lvas 1, " Was 189 it, I as 1% , is, in 899, it w, qr). � That tho tariff Tate is just clovewona hundre( of one ver cent, � lug4 thal) the OMIT - ffom 189�1 to 180, upon tbe al'orago- J� the Yednetion of t"tXatioll which the -TVP tor of. Vrvin(,6� 6101111ited yogberilm, at oi�',Ooo will bf,,' rednoo(I to $1,417�,060 (, the rato of reMiction OIL, - ­­ � .... 6", --N, ­,­-i,_�_, I One hun,(IlLodtlis of one noj� Cont. I bft�o, Oil(' iind ill 1 .80 tho, pift*%9' of � 118 Cot ri, ry 'to IV 'th was upwarcis it, it tycio of, gr,eftte� Word more �cfCronco, to wit: prosperity, and thes6l'-homi,gentlemen q fbo4e ualn� t1ley live not. nly 0 a � ­ ' ' but thd figat`09 'Of thO MinisLor Of into, P &wer, ,j list when.it ww4 takif0ti,ibA it� figures, Trade. eind 6omlucreoy and it, give, tbein f o l �c,,JeA vig6ur4 and atetigthi TIW`�� 'to I NO _' ',or' -wb�X NVOWt 'aild T'tak(, 0161)" io' 011 C6n#atidfttcd on hMvi, t,thc�r are I �ihftt are tlic`0 I bave here a list 'o "t be fine, on to �ugvxciou4 L %6*