HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-7-12, Page 941", M
W, F IP IFI, "F'r" 1'-W T M T W, I F m ir�F777"
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""0 41 ,t'qvr,�Ji�
e xeter, voc
Tih E Ad ate
4 M
RXETM, 0JNT,., TITURSIDAY, API 19, .1,000.
in the way of e
oil file oar
E xtq9dhigJhe bounty 5yste
ir the'.0 Iwo), gentlQuiell baa,,btought TH WOR'bDIS PTIODUOTIO11T 011 generally adopt the aggressive tone which made 11 d t'llis k'19 VIR ��t 11
this abou t—. as if Canada, owed this mar-' GOLD. 4S it then, op�ratecl. ' 'The diiliculty was the hall., gentleman adopted,tolvards, illy" �Statemcut that I h4d app
this, - that before the cUorniou� Capital xe- self. 'I'liat of Course is a matter of taste �,rnriatloii to the tariff .of
ve)IO11,B prosperity ress, to golue, ;;",
hall. gcn� 1891)" speakilq of t I could be obtained, the, bounty under tile that after this eXI)erience it evic LVXC of
it passing, re� ftl
[',they would be
�FA 'The London Ire( of January 14 quir,ect to builq up that great, enterprise *bd judgmLqlt, and I"aut incliped to 1h r, tillatfathe 'hon, 1eutIe.man_,,' I
conelusion of hiS'speech, 991d,'s4ys that the increase in 1898 was th e law, would Oxpi 'and dol. 46'rej)eated, At all evelits I f thilig"5, Tnv qUOUtIon 'ir,
[I Led by the' It
-om ii� it to 'be repea rocced.B:
I o'gest in 'any yeav Since the early fifties VIVC(l Of aUy,,4d.vaiitage whatevei j)
The )00"at I, _at I!,
h,d d..r g a u
�F r ally
"in4 w'd'ich they ,I d net "1 6
tionuart id i Cg he w -rids production a
ra�rk at tl�,
'Cl Y
ill'a it
dently very,
Mr. Field� He, 'i�:
done. grllqglllg y In 139$ the production amounted to x6o,m I could 'excuse my hon. friend ( for A, decade. Sa
-oduction -was 4), to some �itent� There was the Ill.
00,000; in ISM the pi leS 'r) Poses 'US'
0'" Ile Chal 'Upl)c
000,()00, showing,
�ALL THE 1V0J.%T,D PROSPEROUS. an increase JR tivo years cutus upon hitn of'tlie Minkter of Trade r I'lie '1�11NISTIUI, OF FINWNCE,-, No'?
eat diSciplie " , a
of -P20,000,60 ;be ban., gen- and Coininerbe. '(Sir' Richard of the ndtionilliolicy, but
Now, does I Caxt�viight), my inpinory carries ilie back to�a time, Then, if the tariff of 18l)s: was a goo
vhco no doubt, 'iarifl, why d�d the libil: gent]eU
I think, it would have been, only tieman think that is worth a pa6sing note -) a
represented, 'to him, th, t wDen inell who were nioru loyal to th�-,
'Charle"'Tupper) vote, against tj
fair- oil the par� of the bon, gentleman, 6' iiii a'budgeb s eech, al; one of the nib�ns by it 't as impossible for that doverninpilt tQ
P national policy than Ile was brLougYbD
have, said that Canada was en' this '' whioll, this great- expansion of trade and stultify thcniigqIvcs 'in reference to' every Crice f"atilre of it It, i,
Q 6 .5 too M
into this Ifous
excqptional prosperity, riot bee ortionl of their, policy, arid lie, (Sir Rich, e a resoluition 't
ii�,,hout.Jhe world las been 1) . him to come and I,
ause of tho� businesB thro (`8 Of the original-nati6nal wetend� I ", _; 1 4� 1�-
brou,9114oabo tit. Oil this saine question let ard Carhviight)' pointed �' out cer a"' teatvl Sir CHARLES TTfJ A
from the Ritillvay and, Cornm6i to,him, (Afi�, Fielding), that he lihol used and -when the hall. gelitlenlau
he JI�l man (Mr. F. has askd4�flijk�,;`
lie was in difficulty over' U 0 r
Present Governnient, alId the inarvellotis, On n6 � doubt,
we; n d things they had' done to bring it about,' me bis most against the
R��ply to the I n n 0S Of I OW Me to,�'
the rest,of the world wilgAn tilt, tial Gazette, London, of Janus powerf 11 invective ji, will lic''Ildt a I
-till, but that xry 7. 18001, principle -of be LUt.* 6f',L the most 'oted ag, 'it tho Elver it?
I hold under'my, hand un leg; as one
game condition. than resign his offim
To this extent, th'e ,past year , nas
ail extraot, which, I am sure the Range eitreliie phases of, protection;, and that� will Allow me on tbis 7sbject. from been productive of excellent results. therefore,, the Ooverniri'6ht should not 'Iis� do not intend to -waste the time of 01"
the 'Londa Times of J n ry' 6, :1900: It has 'not only revived confidence ten to any such I" ihad'pr D.osal 'as the ex. this iKuse oil a maLter which ean be found.
a us TP te" a -Ulf i rade an n umonq our traders. see great Pos, tension of that ystcht. the Cse on the, journals of the country; but I saY CITARLFS TL
Mi is olj�jBe.,gqntlern�m 'this that from the First hour I entered thi, vote against the tariff vo e
in the near future for the eon- was, I was inf6rmOd by Al
mption of iron and 'steel. but it 'a
The,year just closed has,been an
"annus mirabilis" in regard to trade;'Ja U has that" they* had mee.,with 'ail abBOICte rc- aillent (Jown 'to the preBent, no persb Dgllnqt,, the statenients made in -the,
at the same -time provok6d a great fug , al., has' ever found me, on that que, 0011 adopt- motion, of the. hou.
the. remarkable story told in the series
of eports published i 31INTSTER, 01
of indwitrial aefivi(v in Urppe, ih FINANCE,
a our c6lunniris ing but one line and one action with f�N' Rus��ell)j considerel,
Iii, which the two Ang -Saxon nations ieldin -entle, e ? Who regard to the duty on 'coal. I fought for untrue. Brt� I hO
m in r c and dealing with the chief lo Wh'o'are,thege g Ii 12� T
that state,- it in this House. iii seagort and out of se. enlAn (Mr. Fi-ldinft) this of the country ideq of the Atlantic are large- vt ere e entlemen, that nlade
there is a I fough� Was no6, tbe t riff of 1897 the Cobden
entlemart knows; a
irely equalled. 1V participating. nicat to Jle 'bell, meniber, ir Ch son, as the hon.
titute-bool� by, an
record of prosperity n ,It, it �Off I t d ;,i file tariff of'1893'!
In almost all the metal land The 'hall. gentleman himrplF. in his biid- e unexpected attacL �en. itarl
mineral -trader, - equal- Sir CHARLES TUPPER.' What -tite-
-got speech, shows, as you w.the Government', for which no prel)�Ira-
prosperity' rarely � will Sep, by refer -
led is reported It is evident, that ment?
(�hce to , it, th t the incresed mineral ide just as the salary of
makers do not,knuiv v,to cope with wpalth,,in, tfie, DRominion of Canada from The, �MINTSTFR OF FINANCE, 'the tiort had een n A COBDr,,iT mEDA he t the Governor-GenerL was struck out by
e rders which they have book6d and atement- the 'honi genticnian basjug, 18.96 to 1899,11as gone im from $22.5RC51'a to. st mbject�, for If rl d Laurier Tl-ire'w Away the 0 portunity h ' -Tur)-- lt�niotion emaniting from the clime Party I do not refer to that E
P -ire coming in. From th6'*CIeve- $40,245;878� HAS that -nothing to do. with made. ATv 'bon: friend , (Sir Charles rung� on f di,�turbing in, the s(16
which nd' suddenly sp the House, the hon., Purpose o
at "all previous pangio,,, of tll,,t Ila, forquecl; their had- met
land district welearn.tli niace? pf�,O, says e Was in gentleman knoWs'tbat I adh eclings of_iny right o friend 04,
oer6d to, the, the f b
records in the steel and iron� trades Sir, if the Liberal party h f d' to leler of the But, thiS_is,Pnm
0 ley a imposing a u Y on
(Orence For
had not i ill Ali, nb�olute �refusltl. luntil .1
a a Pref ,a a have been during 'the' iast the liad an opportunity of seeing' it Strongest, one of,the clear6s ne
tT PPE9, I� have n0hegi. adopted by th s House, f the 9 ear. pig iron pricesr eapecially_being ent e,man would ly,vihdicatoed and
C nadl n Farmers bon rernaiRterl bir this comitm lien Who' "tb 7 complete. of the
not have been in,ft posi Sir CA ii Of'a radield
'ent from
Mter than duri g the, previous tw tinn to In.' ��nd brought to an eminently succe-ful i�� Change between the, tariff that J den6nno-�
n Lice qTiy suoh budget speech in ftion in saying that statement was
�tatesmm 'Read seven years. 'Afore, than one 1900 s: hp, b4n �+IL to make. Af�. Whitn�y 'and Mr. Graham Frasi�r; it gue. Ml, ban, friend. of what he I cri, te tariff o 18,Q7. and,, the tariff 11 of
Sir Charles Pave , flgluro,4 sb-winq 1, ow' from tlib re�resentativps of:.the Dorn, did '189S, that it is
r i t I Ihi illarket=== British S y jilat I M, was the in roilition, to' the Dominion CO, I COm-
report makes it. cle, I I ,, Y I , t it is ossible:� to'ctinceive.'� One
best ear.for about a qua ter of a.cen* I Coal C un
r 7ondoirfulb, , Manitoba. the N and the 'New Gl' is- Pt,ny. and he boasts of what he is now ac- tariff, un r' which my right
t11117Y.10 ortI117est InIOr lion,
ilishing in conne induS- friend could pro erl�, receive the"Cobden
And British Columbia had Aevekipe aS a gow. Steel, CQrii.T)4ny.' comr. ction with''th'at
Tlip. MINISTE�R OF FINAXCR* What try, I ask my hon� friend where that, coal nindal fro eceive Offers From Canada. What is the history of the United,St.ste-9 11 of the construction of the Can3dian m Lor(Farrer in'the language�
vol bC -it gentleman gave it:, but in
ime? to -day if he and hig in whio.li th,
Railwav, ivbicb� Am he showed by t Policv would fia
of America? Precisrl tbo,, same. , The ban. friPndS hat coal ha6lafe , th at on's from the sbeecbe- of th� T,ill- had triumphed, I sk if t Tinedal the words that
gentleman knows that they * de Torol Farrer used -were that if Inv �right
real leaders, they bad opposed with all their THE PUBLIC 11 ed by the Liberal-
th�ey have reached a position in their tradel EETING AT SYDNEY', Policy not carri
'C -by in spite of, all the 0- bon friel)d had (]one that whicll� and commerce and evervthing,thit indi7, inialit predirting that it would riiin the pservative par
whole country had been could� -e to,'it, rinne in the tiriff of 1898, they
thhe charge with hilving lowered and degrad- �,ce of Quebec broadcast, denouncirf I g My "tes the greatness and �dvancing l;irogPer-' country. The Sir C IT. A R L, 8 TTTPPITR.-. When I vI position the Lib,ral Part3 giN
king 'in TnRd� 'Prosp;r�us by the dev�elonment of before'la9t; na q -kr uld not'have-t-genibled there to- �him
they'hilve. never the number. He was, not
ity of the countrv, uch'a ed my constituents 'the summer give
�d the flag of England? It is the men who ernment for having spent an enormous 1, ivha� I object to 'the North-West. and- Thet 'with House. but lie doinj big little moolal. Is flint Proof or is it Ithat
replying to Vii.o.milt, of money oil the militia service. molvil, before. Therefore� after thev had'been Jler6. best outside of it to su port the party %rbo. there was a rAdip-al in th�-, principle
fought to the death that disloyal policy is r),Utfina theszq things foilvar(l. in 6, man- 'I" moving the of One de-, an allsollite refu�pl 'from Inv bon,, frie,nd
ach criticizing the lion. �eutiernan advocated. It is 0 t know that when'th6 Venezue- of this* House, hte. be said! N th (Afr. Fieldina). )Ty lion. fri�nol cannot b; Un itedlv th;Lt p67y whenever wq nol issence of the tariff of 1893 its cotr��
ble aro —not the m-mbers pared.wiih that of 1897? stated,the
lan trou rter to lead bw, I am afraid A t so�d. What has beeit be. effect bf,ae.
Fie (ling said: the men -who defeated the consPixacy which se and when Germany did atlemen i Op- flio House will be s tired AS T Am ell, ignorant 6f,tbe factS. because tberp 0
the bon. entlenli who know how little ban. crei 711v. ir, the teasons w1n, I Could not guJiport thi- I- Alother Count%, one of the- firpt acts of -�ess�rre.ssnted,to me in the larg-
have often rrhad entered into when 'lot show any to; great friendship for the posite have to do with it --but people� not T, loeen it rallch lonirer, if it Oublic add fe7a mg the bon gelitolernall? coal sales me
-it ha� llifein tl)at the Oro-nt -f tl� hon. effect of inbrr for TTl:
�re engaged in he league(I himself ,with parties in Wasl ment was to rn'well infC%rrnd in some of fiie bck�set- '41"Ie to. lion. P,�ntlern,r T e9t hall thst,,Svdney could afford 'Let me read tbat'amendment:-':
ington to destroy British institutions. in Sir Mackenzie owell's Govern tlement of, the eountrv. to �believe hat tN� -noliourn , �n covered the,province of Nova"S6otiA. have increased ussell).
could be expend about $3000,000 to Place the best MPTIf, nf f1l. Anb1te. weI va Scotia in
yorL- that the Canada. If that term 'miscreant' d. b 3,511 tells in ll No
this Government hps achieved something Af6tion agreed to; and debate adjoUrne tpioliti6l fri6ndq of the hcn.,�4enlemstr in Ten the national polipv adopted
hallo -wed and rendered all lionouFable epi- arms that could'be +baf has 'bap The I th'. n That this I -louse regards the princlpleji�4'
the Canadian ecilred in the' hands never'bap*, . syor, l;S frtpna.-in'tb� when he not (Sir' Wilfrid first. imposed to 2,419,107 of British preference in the Ca
L,� is thet it would be by applying it to the 'of militia? Does he PRIME AITNISTER duty �vn nadian�!�
Cert,dnly. if ednauct of men who rised and saved that Icnow that that Government lost a large pened in its history before. T,atiric ) moved the adjournment of the hair. ddd to that address and now'boa-ts custo
r tons �in 1899. y hon. friena' rh* tariff� as one which in, its np--
with party aid stipport in tl ince of Quebec on ac- House. fr',.irl-lv 'told them that TAllotight tb 1'�
satisfied the Liberal-Conservtive bljrb0not-to tb� of.wbit Oil-, iron Policy is to do'ijot P-licatio.n has already resulted, and will.
that they were THE DRUMMOND COUNTY RAILWAY 310tion agreed to, and House ad�ournei 0 in an increas
ster of Trade lvilen they defeated, the disloyal at- cbunt�of the illy for Nova Scotia'but for'the -bole ing.m�asure, continue to
tempt to subvert British institutions, in wasting money in providing these arms. I at 11.10 p.m. d fhht,' T
map. said illat."our e ml*odlt,,b� inAnced of� Canda—b is perleCtIv correct re�ult in material benefit
ecause he
Intly s ifle placed in n, Thell,,lbol bon.'gentle _. T�r�ne
Cartwright), to' thu
Canada. (Clicers). in passing, that the I Government railways are being developed Tioitioll Attol 'cbanv�, in.saying that tifere-is no T)Iace,in the Do Mother Country and to Canad,
'the DIEVELOPMET Or, T1IE IRON IN. T �whulol minion of C
can assure . hands of every militia mail by Sir Mad- to a considerable e�tent, but, that our ex anada where that great
henzie Bowell'q Government; was the'ver their attitude. T'lold them tl
�eartily reci- THE FAST ATLANTIC LINE do rifle that the British overnment selec2_ Penditaire in that direction was it profitable prise can be ca4if�,d ort wi th a better I deny that it has resulted in any
DUS on be4'.
o wn of Svd-' fit to the'24ober Country. I say that the'
House. The one, because it waq givinr 5nereasect ree- TRY. Iirlsinlilte fo��A, momplat'. that Tnv llon� Pect f success tbar� in the to
it, all that he can say of his work as for service in South. Afri6a, and, had that I il that pol� im'
aething to us Mini' id Commerce is that nue t wp� derend.-int un-, nev- buf T rkslr l,ir wl�ier� woill ports'from Great Britain under that tir6-
ster of Trade ar expenditure not been -made by a the,'Ttiterenlonial I deny Xexb'day Sir Charles TuppPr mgu,�ted his icy have been if hel,hnd triumphed? ference tariff are utterly t
the Con- . at the TnriClp inn --that oc,' igni can , as
ificent pro- serv, that statement, if we could get speech, on the budget. the Pneech ing
ative Government, every ne Im6wa that Or
I would� like he has brought to naught a magn art of 0 truth. which ought t,o, be most easily ob- 9 He Mr. t Pass- ecto area vith,what they might naturally
ject oil which the heart of the people of the an. contin- t , peaker, in resuming the observations that cag1cr for' one of tbp rnoi�t brillian .,S
Canada Nvas set, supported by both sides , sending the Nnadi tained, we wolild have in, his AGITATION. been expected. to e without any
whether be gdnts of 2,500 to the'seat of war, would be evidenco, clear ana 1 making %vhen the House rose ast - Atz sTHE SECESS.101T
'develoT. whate,�e in the enorm
-for the first to perfection, the nnmistsl�sble fhat insted. Of the night; I rnay',say that I bad 'reached that 1)etweoin' it' and th
re, sion of trade r s experience,
f the House, brought enormously increased by this Government Where was that ban. gentleman , after. hA:Cinada, ba d
sign the al Rllway system 0orEiOn, of tbe'speec 'v
British having to purchse� thai -%,cry rifle �'for each n1ept, h of my lion, friend -priner, in a
of the Tntercoloni 6 nor -d flIe liv6nderr, nineteen years of confederation. Why, he
collfede- d the �present time.
�--for an lion. contract ready for An More-
- Government joining with"tCarnad "rid giv- volunteer. l despair of �eeingg a, blush gl"'Ing increq4ed eariniic.,q, it has been tile (Mn L F ielding) in - whi,h be refers to 'tbp fill' nosition of t1ii-town of� S-Mlipw as n
A, of indisposi e "use of beavv deficit. Frnin L�vis to wns. leading an onslaught against over, I y it has not resulted -in any
t n years to �renf. c nf, onnI �topl enterprige:
gentleman as L75,000 sterling a year fat mantle to the cheek of the Minister (Sir ;�ty gratifying fact tht in the province of ration in the province of Nov S6otia. and, good to Canada.
a 'ti a majority of the
service. Afontrenl, the iaterdolonial Railway li'as rio' sevorn] new es , blisbments bave rurrose tbaf� "wortOp'l-ful, ed and that iengible its to have a fast Atlantic Richard Cartwright), but if ever a st, not piia its e"enges air anything like. he -succeeded in getting
�iitl power to te- it' been started -within' the last' that ,ret minl.s sorne' t PRICES ARE NO LOWER.
eman mak�' Sit-, when Parliament had given rnent -,vaq made by an lion, gentleman that Feve s "we year or 'two 'Voir-ver ' legislature of that province, Pled
state- n -what itinrease, and that,there-is, he belieVe.9, itlynn torPtJIe,. , sttd
address the the Conservative Government to ask for he should be ashamed. of.. it 'is that nCvery pr6b' porf. him in taking Nova Scotia- out of 'the
a contract, and -to me' look for in the province of Nova 'Scotia'. :Ibility that the iron deposits of tha o'f trade'of th.� xolring,confederatiou, Where
w anything of tenders, to complete th frarid to'lli- 11 The ban. gentleman may' ly that
t. (Cheers). t ppo - f, union and dect vFind that is dup iyl a rrreaf. meagiire,to� tile ince will, be worked upon 'a very much,
outraged,more Sign the contract subject to the approval of n go av a possibilty of any
yvould.,there be to -d, . the people been . relieved _ of
,,,,,title a Parliament, he knows that for some cause THE CONSE, RVATIVE AM development, of Newfoundland n, Ahe larger scale than llpi.fore. I 'may say 0-overnmelit-ancl wWiiId1urqe' upbn"ibeT ' n. �iti Iron - industry in the province of Nova some txation. . I have stood 'before great
conrectlu , a that with recap, Scotia if the ban. gentleman had not been -of the electors 'of Canada, aild 1,
n rp -eady for mt incren.qed bu. he n or other, when that con.trct was I colony nd 'our fi i gines- between tliRt that, no person bag bear strnrge�t r&r; �ib�,' masses
i gnature, it wvs not sign h But � nf,that iftiriortant r ve put this question to them: Have you
a Si ir eastern, prorince arpater pleasure than I' have myself. sin the year 1886- 'of' hi
defeated? That
It i.di a' British Governimentwere, perfect.] Sir CHARLES TUPPER. The Afinister that 'Subj6ct we will discuss more,fillly on 'tWat, p��id -less during the last year ince
satisfied, will bo.remeribered by the House told them- tl,Pi' ttmately, I was able to go down to 1N that
- of Trade nd COrnM('.T'CC 'itvincinct
make a very ano, we had one of the most able And �ffee asked- Where is another when I had the ban bf bol.(Ilnz the po. frong that, T did, nof of 6f 'Higb
-is Our d my position tariff. preference came in f6i the goods that
do. But, Sir, tive firms that. could be f But there is Aifficillt- i- wing. a: 19ition of Afiniqt-r regigne - -entered � the-
ound in the the amendment, the amendment I �ljo of Finance I introduced ommissioner of Canada, re get from England than �.ou taid be-
Liver- berp, ancl '-he lion. enfleman rot due, notice measure i inr n And on, every occasion there has been.
given by I lie -world, the Allans of Glasgow and nto this Rouse calculated, in my ( 0over ment as Finance Minister, Went i-�r- 9
of it., The amendinerit' which the ban. nrplus ir, the Tntercolonial Railwav'
pool and Montreal, Undertking to 'Perform that udgment, to promote the,ircin industry of T told if thRt down to Nova Scotia to meet the ban. �efi-7 tin overwhelming Tesponsie. "No There.
,-age to answer .17011 0end a million dollars Per Year on tli-v ervi A a da. and, although it Measure b that -nd came ba witated, that service, And the s ice -would 'have Minister has inquired fter. is this:� r aq YOU hve done this year and� Clint t, its f6iled. AII'I, oi�ild savAo 'them,, wa, tleman's Agitation, a 61;: here I fore. there hs 15cen no benefit ib'at haa
'I S ate been ons that I ven- ehnuld the time 1 was in R'Do. evince of Nova Scotia
on fhe first. day Of T�Tay list charge it to capital account. not, realized all the exnectati twoAhirds f the pr reached the anadian farmer, none ih�t
with four s after that be left tured, at that, time, to indicati� would be �',tion tri ;d fo,rll"ry Out 'th'
nts my ban. to go into active opertion, at mv backi nd I would do the came , in e It d the producers of Canadiin
Use but would, hav� gvto Phievpd,.� T am � safe in savin� that - not a fll�v bel'a so st 17, 1 RTIA to -morrow if the opportunity Fregen-�
be- steamships, and out, and that it be. resolved that this t 6ods under that: tariff., Therefore - Si'r I
'A PE -1 PROTECTION. 1 9 " I "1 11
he found that Canada all the avaawhich were House � is. of opinion that a system of I have been in conneebion T heart ll�ev dil(l
maual trade- i)reference between Great Part' of Cart- fin,' ws ed 'Itself, (Cheers). *�Jas.,unable to vote in avour of a:declara-
mself. and he Sir, the bon.,'gentleTnan destroy- lVith tbe' iron.indugt-v in anv Yirepn�eol to do; -r;. � Th 0 1 .7 c t. One- c 'i n of I f Tra 16%v como� to one of, the most that I believe to be utterly: insourod
the debate in -tchant proect becaure lie said that he Britain and Ire], d and the colonies Thit neriod when tl�e inffiistrie but for the Policy adopted 'An 1887. T)"i'li-b-ol vOrl"Ati '-v'tl'O stimulate increased pro- r (,6T- Was Vftf,td none sible I 'a id absollitcly contradictory f, the facts,
t, Lind unfair statements po, -e fu ,it CRna(la had tl�e hiallest protortion was a The' . r6nsort' that I, fifflest - -reatei;t Ana Tlba,, 11�1- fri�rd ',biit wei 'dbe he Ily for the could do betier. He could not believe th in d g - p8t, 'gentleman -on Ben' oluiion goes �on-
rtaken nd for �n wisdom coiild exit olitside of libliselF! duetion in, and commerce between tbeFe neriod Jiirinv wbich our tariff was 15 per calization: of evervtbilliz ahticinn!�d did Tnr the, Treasury
A ael here is be now? a I - 'f —an I S_
no, - o Able fa�ct Pngtbv rpnort nf th,p, qininearO A calculated ta,gl�osslv a ha already ided in ve
11, Why be is in the cent T do' not say thA tho� tariff at' acertle wit na to remArk, staleli
ual. The hall. countries, Ana would, thus Promote nd. e' bUmqiAt;_r, positi,,r, of having to Stand: lit) Maintain the unitv of the Empire. and of til� mo.f hiahl',-ptotecti,�e tarifFi,"but T, Jint � 91lar'tIv afte, adontion- 0. tbat
1, to -indicate, th 'rLmqv',1dd that -to tLe tariff of 1897-8. The ban. ingand must still more firmly Weld tciw
he Position of in tbir ITOuse t n6thing of the Th afkit P,,, -a get 'ties %vhich now.bind th in,.
rd confess that he has 'de rav� tbt tbp inau� of' CA Tailii, s, fol- er theL
)n the pleii of Strayed tb roject, arid that a greater othe -;�orlA for pig, iron' )T.oroiii7 Chronicle leman r�ead from any speech e
.- '. . . the United'Xing- latic,� aj)-
h out of sizbt. on, manQnificent; ti6ll, of�,gneb lic llrL f tbp
P I I or b) rnr i as delivered when be brought desires to express its emp
sfioiild -be considered as final atig. that- jilved from 1868 t6 187.1' t on of -nir, aloPeoli a -beir,, Of a Political laws, -which
d ricni. something like � 50 pen cent. 0 al of such British prefe'rence having
factory. Lit waS inform- down I I
711L holl. knows that a civil iv;ir there IV tariff in 1897: Eryn granted by the Parliament of Can
it is
1 � I , gpntlema� A million lnePtinT such 'a eon- ,d b -v Party
RIOD Or, DEPRESSION' IS ravaging 00 StAtpq' As that, but. as I said before, The result is that this tariff. goes �n-. ad a.
A PE Can, in tlip +o-wll �nf qr1nt. +,bat -,there WAS 7) 0 d the Lon. 'g�ntloiman
tke e' in war: -Ms.
is the position on which e fi, -more were taken awav from pro. natelv' for notwith4anding
rWell, Sir, men 6r nfacttir, 111� U 1, - if ilt, A'71A tha+ to operitibn an
and lie there was great de- Awl ena, g. I, "It for,'Prv, s at�,m' Court- The Minister of
� great fall in the. Price. of pig iron, A Trade and- CommercG
of' ll kinds were tboiouah- ily endorse is preferential tariff had beeii
ourt stand, and thereAs the line on which f.R-olnev,lIeart knows that the industries of this
nan on both presion between 1�73 nA, 1878. He is quite �olnot nipasurp of, progresS -bad t1loen Place try are already. paralyzed i said that th
not, include right. He qays that that . great depression we are preVared to go to battle with ban. in,, Tn4b"It Coud;fiort Of filings ii to the iron industries nf.Canaola.' n Come— it value to Great Britain. He Said
ri tell flie bon. w�jts. foliolverl by a great fall in vilues. Tle gentlemen in the face of the itelligenf ill the 'UnitecT St'lto`5 'nrl T_�,av tI,At it ig Then. wheyi' T', lco'oren.- the quence, while hon. members gloat of grea
vQry gratiflring, that, n dian in-' last ight, as 1 understood him that �he
I` these elec- over the destruction of Ca a
is perfectly true electors of Canada, And to as ' 11.1 - 'the grp inder fli- policy nropniinded on that occa- �l iyk,q N.B., not dustries.� I was reading the wail the had no ad obtalned' the
ing' it bad c"�:- is quite right it one of atesf period$ rovin�il exb;bitin I t, John.' doubt that we h a
fall in values� tors whether they a preference such tol-the mool f6rtrnf�, to� irtnission to have trust fund inv�6sfed �in
ng the jininds that there ws then great of ni�otection that ebtild possibly be. I am we,have. +h� renelved !orldition : long after,�Hq.. T h, ail of'tbose in�di3istiies in pL
bas.been qiN4n ithout Any return on hon'. firn*eno 7of Fin-� sorrowful wi
Toinse in a 4i- I vart to know if that does not fully in-tifyina tile Dositirin bon. xPlItlemen op- nf tliinrtiq. iirler wli;^b flip. Price Of pig iron modt'lln'; "Gazette," � where one our securities, which would be of great
the othqr or whetlipr they want - I! the Afontteal
very nrofibalile tile calcaltionq On CU q-' auotb�r, declared' value t y in consequence of
, ito�. follnoi thernselvois' in. Tn 1873. when ln lair-lv increased, the gratifying 'fa t qTlCe, er, of a Canada largel
maintain the in U tu a 1, Preference that will 'c 17�y out the " . I itely f6r hii- ' rn� And my h manufacturer after
they camn, into power. for��uw flint in Vnmjlton�, wbPro- , considerable iron on. the referentiad tarifi. But what doe&
liment; at this based Upon the soundest; )rincipl6s of object-; that those -who have dustries were ruined, that
be!Side me (Mr., - m rnailitv. that gret intprnec;ne 171A,ist,v dill- been 6arHea on not- +1,,, -7,Tinqter of railwATS, and Cqnalg. (Afr. that those il aust
finance of Tia, ban, friend d ' Ainn of inter-Tmpdrial preferential their mills I, close, and thit! theyl the Trime Minister say on 'that question?
Blair). J Qo1ir;ted -in interview from these them
n of, trade 'rec th-P CIRpressing circumstances in the face a return He ought to be all authority.
-er)' that *the orreat, expansioi 'over. '13ut the protection that Canada en- in',tJI- . tel wber saw staring lit., ls the
Fast u bel& to from,tbe first. 'c the ef- th,f T bs referred to.' nickel and steel state of things that
ir. oVE R,,,T- And the -wonde 7itry trade have gentlemen ho e
fill Position the co io�cd Then c in leader of the Government and has )the
r vig to n increaseAn Cnacln. leavi 4-o be, staviri. Thev� -were. good enolig O(the de�lorable nan who Minister
to-rlqv fe' f of low tnr;ff -it C no! her Pfimnary bein(t oreRni7crl with a vapital. of , ll� to of Finance to advise him oil ifin"
are ol, c crorcl me +h'ni-. inteTi,ie*,. and -1 existed wien the lion. gentlei questions, nd the
the bon. gentlern',1771 THE DEEPENING' OF THE�: CANALS. q slaughter ninrket for the United Stateq qf;,noo,()onj ,,,I whicli. thCre is overy ex7 a pspd, th tll e House wii-, iii charge cial hall. Minister, of
es. Therefore, wi esoi 'three -gentlemem in 'kill last addressed th
at two, of the has ro-de himself. Rilt, here. wbbqe indii-tries were re.pstablished and w I become . FL very important 11 of this couutry. . I Customs behind him, ungle as it may be
of the fiscal policy
held,under the iq a libel bN, hilln on the floor Of The bon. gentleman (Sir Richard Cart� r�organized f,oim,or� end of the countr to d' a t ' I now come to tlie tf- �4nt imnof-farce' of recall. I say er in- to trust the ban. gentleman. (Sir Richard
ht) boasted of what TII6� re-iilt was fhat A. lii�b tariff 'In t, iderinir 'flif, thel, InJ arrived at, that a deeper wrong was nev,
,is time. on the this T his Government the �tber. �nllloi]IlcemenntusynMp ',bv tI,e hon.'Miniqter flicted upon Canada. Cartwright) who sits in humediate tirok.'
Hollge bf of,'Finanne in. re�sd fn the iron industry iinity. What did the Premicr say? Spe''a'16.,
which is to be regretted.
vho hold them. I E%'rcd to say'on the ha d and of ext6ndine1be,hourit- So as' to enablo.
Sir ill. i,on, done with reference to the cartals, and by the Itinis r
ase, , suSryicioylB . , I may say that I believe they have prettv and Commerce, then the Finance 9f.X6,,,a S +his larap,qTnouilt of fo,be'investcid hat I was reading from' -Ah Alontreal and the,cit ' of
E entlemen on floor of this House: mich abandoned their attet�pt at gra 'Nir;ster. -1q, a much loer tiriff relative- coti. He said,: in DrbTnotina 'that I sa t c- jug in the city of ' Great Br, ta n _y
Montreal dazette; and' what did find in Quebec he said that had
ny tilne there wa. noth- larceny with reference to our canal policy. IV than th- 15 per cent. taxiff that bad trv. T inav tb'at niv, nbse A, t ons. re, riot only one but ae6epte% preferential trade at a great sacri.
I well rroollcot th"it I can lool, back with pride -and satis. that. paper? I found that i
ditiou� ill ing that those ban'. gentlemen (lid not The Minister of Trade and 'Commerce is before. epived the' moA, reg�oecqtil' consideration. the larr itdustkies 'of Montreal fice because, to obtain it, 'she had had to
f� ent of that day, ke discussed PflIIIV I and several of Cars and there� were hun- 138
for them to stoop to in those days I well recolle'et enti�ely 'mistaken when lie sys that tb had locked their deZoiince the Belgian and German tre�d
�Iis HOURe, ow- that flidy wopolicy of deepening the canals' to fourteen' Tf the hor, gentleman (317r., Fieldinq) an4 feel that time has vindicated that the question.,and T'lla
w. fheV, dreds out of employment, in consequence �;ld tfius lose a large amount of a valuable
,h nhl�cy of the Novi Scotia Government, wo.uld give the most ,
ed to claim credit for Canada's prois- th i =1
his colleagues on their business it feet'is the- Liberal Policy. Let me tell him -the enternrige ten started of the tariff 11011. gentlemen brought trade much greater than an beneft that
were carryin- ent, prosperity,' it would have beet' 'III at to -the, iibect. -�d, whi ud' be to her.-_ So, the ban.' gentkinciii
ason foi'that claim'. Whv, bi- been frnitfiii �of advantage to. the 'INANdr,14 Did you all kno to be a fact finds that he is in col
llne-�s, because reasonable profit to silspond Operations tht a commission ppointed ini- while to show re, The bell gentleman has admitt t we it wo'
ne , 11 oose of inflaming ing tricol: his
ml�i lit not to I Tb,- MTNTqtE,,R.0R F that ha -1 itroversy 'on'� that
for the their mediately after confederation -with 'Sir to notice tli,p rbund of eil- pro�vince� And the direct cause of the say "ieconsideration"? hand at tariff making, a perfect horde of uestion -tvith the Prime Minister and that
louse T Are we oper�atives pirrIllst the Liberal Party. Rugh Alln. at its head, And includini in its it was aninFina 'that,the ban.- '5 ew ' nfernrisL wich
thijisiastic apPlallse gertildmin *r�Patirin at tbi% n e
ster,of the Tn- membership eminent engineers an mer. hidq� 2air t Sir TUPJiT,"R: is of people engaged in, industries ? Live the Prime Minister on my side s
I -,�iANUFACTIJRIIp =nts. It was perha was greete(i itli at. eye�v sentence-,: while mnl�e thp town of Syd- Yes. es, re. delegatioi I im in this 'and the to this preference tariff not being the
�bgcnt on th e A LIBEL ON Ps one of � the ablest be spol�e of this InagnificeIlt' prosperit�. If rev'tbe Pittsbur of Cannola. congideration,� b`ecabse' the subject li�d' been came, d!)wn 'Upon 11
oominissio sged Upon th'ein, tated by him in' his budget would induce
as libel uttered ns ever appoffited in this coun- n C n re bm'all th'e arties most result is r boon to Great, Britain that
in the , try, and, it rei)orte(l.in fav6ur of �the Wel it had all been due to the Fi an e Mi ister, p -to Can
is Sir, there is a deeply, ijjtcregfeil�' wh� J�ad met Ivith, an'ab2
h tsagoinst a great body emen wh a lip could not have been more heartily My ban. friend was good enough, in re- speech: her to make y.�Iuable concessions
nd hie land Canal being deepened to twelve feet beered. But the plause ivs- ferelice to another part of his 7ieech ' to solute and positive refusal. ab- have done an immen!�e heir. energ a And when we did learn something, ad&.
le nd the S ven.fiiillians say tbafJ had ilaid a great comp im t
is enterprise, nd capital t d uE Canatf"a I t. Lawrence canals to the Same he ha7tak6n sb en' to The MINTSTJTR' OF FINANCE. We
rivenient. to go depth. . That policy �Nva adopted,- and ,it when he said we -bad the courage to come down and THE EFFECT ON TRADE.
Tbekoare -froui the people than had ever been ',his' desty. There is no quality of the shall see about that,later.,' -' " ie � ell an
ublic Accounts to its present higi) position. -with under Sir John',Mac- more 'mi) I that I admire so much -as and to iliake tl
S , lis ws proceeded before. The welkin rang hurnan, mind say Ho ge. a. gentleman has said that
ie Yulcon snn- thus tTaduced on the floor of thi l ' 'Government, an t9lqm from them go -witb the change in one ibe�m and 'a no
gentleman who undertakes to speak (lonalXs d the contracts let. with tremendous cheers, as if he,had c- modesty,'anrl T. ani alway ready to re here little and cint, a! Lac great features of this preler.
Then as the� question obtained, greater ht- co
and bave th that a gentle- e"it on the part bi7 LEFT OUT OF THE. BUDGET. change in another, d tariff vil:tial tariff ais been the enorniouBiy ex.
;sion? 1-Tas the far the 'Liberl party. tenti011, certii gentlemen' in this country h ost desirable feat in the, niz of any gentleman Ile we made it a.go?
n� 'ige ban. gentlemen on - I TI ill afraid that I can hardly nay the ban there a litt ,
in who would eba hi�,t(ry Of � the country. Where did this t was a panding trade of Canada, for, tile reason,
,,ion from. the n d "i this House, came to the Conclusion -,is ig ban. friend said -I
I S t n n What litlemn the compliment of having exbi- Sir CHARLES' TUPPER. Well I shall"
- ide of file lvith. stooping to slich rosperity come from? But b ff he it, that if You buy from a Conn.
ties had resort f h is trade and this P' 1) Uts
tj thing. was Again measuring our corn in tha it would be better to secure a four- e, the -wi th regard � to these' figures 'a a (lea) Of modesty in regard to be able to furnish MY ban.' friend' with the good tar No. 'buy fro you, That is 'the
I , facts try they win
Ig out of this tecii-foot naviation than a twelve -foot T � 11 akeg to claim most abundant, -'evidence on that subject.
)ortant' depart- his own balf biishcl. He knew that if, lie irigation, wid this matter -was pressed i.ip. that the hon. gentleman knows as go, dcIu-. this 'Inafte't wlien lie underf, '�he promised',io reconsider, that q HE CHANGED THE. TARIFF. Cardinal principle that my right ban.
it I,,, rl ii�cll in our the time lie -w6uld (11 ' the give and calculated to mislead the people that til -preset great development of the Tb ' did ':not -intimate foi - ucs- Mend the Prijile vIlitistu nag again 411d
ae, because no map. in Hon. Alex. Mackenzie and'he utter. . question? chl. -hnrl indIustries )f'tbP province of ey I a, ]no-. nan-hay. again citanciatea; and lic lids -Oue-so la,
have (lone that, hin'Self. But, Lve not studied this , irnn. of tlierr�, that ti The fact.is that the lion. gentlei s great fae Government lave refused to listen to it. Turn to Hart. -110 h,' ego bort. gentlemen two yeays ago, XovrL Scotia is clue to himself. 3�eut� not one. ley had not I to
tioll to estimation, 6f 1875, and -,,oil will find that when 'erl a complete refusal to the proposals Ing tried his tariff mak, I , n in Con
the Prty would lcnged tb prentice hand at say tha thi:
n his o at suit 8i-itain has bee
osl the qUeeon the Welland m. The Hobse me
I a npd overhaul- 'go olea'ralled of aeelicning I challenged therA vear ago, and I ro. laid beford the' sound that his tariff would n uorts to GrPat
peat it t6-night—I challenge them to,show THE REAL FACTS. and -was comp t. This wal f
the estimation of every respectable t, and they elled to change i L preference ivnich never 1�re-
to examine nd in Callat to fonxtetin feet was propounded by. one single item, were good enough , to proniise, me that if
Ike my � lion. mail in this c611ntry, by F4tooping to so Con- t Hon. Mr. Holton, Oil., �Oiljg into Bill;- one ]a Aof' public , i , of disaster (lid go p in the great, inanufac hown oil a tanner occasion
sill ey arrive'd at a favotirable 'conclusion, A? I ierrod, I have
he im�e initiated and c The facts Ire these: Two t4ing Centre of on treal delegates poure(
k: home be- means of'advancillg parfir, in - hearty and ent )Olicy, t arried, out tfi�jt the statistics of file three, years pre.
at Ply, I gave a . btisiastic,sup- f jncre'qFse& the prosperity of Canada. selienic, was undertaken by the gentlemen they wodld give. in -e that information. . -1 1 oppogite Coming
:a in such in- terest� t to the proect"i is one v�hfch I was that, on the lion, gentlem2, and he change( vious to Uun. gentlentel.
Pat quired; e dumb; and the,�are. connected the great industrial de- They did not do so. When 'the 11yuse met, "' tariff, I'vill l.iot sayJn hw uto power, S COInPa1`Cd IV I L,
D aumb now. 1,shall refer by and. by io the e in si shuw that there has been a decrease
ex- satisfi�d the interest of Canada re And . Sir, they wer . seen by reference to, Hansard the ill be oages, h 'the art(! to an 011ANG EATE N L113ELLE BY SIR ivelopment in Novil, Scotia, which bids fair is will,be
own or seen in C' tanding miserable plea the slceletoii of a plea. put. to imike the c6nnty, of Cape Breton which I took this matter up bi iny sp(�ccb 61, tll(,, but w iying twenty or thivt U 1- :yen liiill. find that, notwithS feature �ugliiild in the set an example RI HARD, ty of Mr., Holt6n, a friend of the at Lill events. The great of - that l imports fruin E
th6�entrca, v the Minister of � Trade and. Coinnierce, 1: have'- the bonour' to repitsent, and the a ' oldress a4 one"6f, the gravest importance tariff which I condenlined was this: years' uiWer th �1' 8
to very unplea- Machenzic, that motion in b C r Management, of $1,2 6
ay? c t. and I again pressed upon t))e tb Ire
ti But it by Mr. Mackenz id"do. When we ex-' town of '$Ydney,� rival even 'Pittsburg i 'the great jmpok�nce,of taking up thut Sub. We- 16 what more does. he s, I j�6ti Alexan'de� ogentlernan Interested in that, Mr.
hoti.bgen- wits voted dow 1i or about , 8 90 Pet' Cent,
IV Adern when'wo alnifi6 that a If niore closely we.. shall, s'clf. A ee ; U 1, was when the customs tariff of any aii�thing it, that to make the Enklish iner.
't b t illy.
for hie I ent. ThLil I "Inay, Bay that bon,'a most energetic and When
h ngt A. great of intelligent peo Y of Bbs, a -y he -oducts at Olin.. valltile (30111,111111ity so 'Wildly exltllu�iastio
, r) find the ieasofi whY tite8d gentlemen are. Whitne ilur auntits ti pi.
wllell� e ad- igab were engaged in' the gre�t work of the I mb when asked to"namc'orie single fea, cutcrprising man' who has shown that be, lion. friend brctight d6wn hi budger
I ght to than'thab--I refer to Orangemen. -ruction of the Canadiali- Pacific Rail� on lad oil terilis-which, On the whole, are about Nvilat Gailada, had done for oil const q great financial enter!�,isc PrOVISlou f)r' this ina.,
and I, perhaps, 1plow s wiy� c64tilig the country such ture of liblic' policy, and act of - adminis-' is cqu4 "to' vel favourable to Canada a the ternis y feel greatly benefited when they
n a t au. Oram�eman, all exion'. tratiou t iat �h,, 6ngdg6d in the coal' industry 11 ova I the of the reciprocal Did tbe:
brangoism -is tiny mail in'Oli. us I sum of money, we did 'not feel war-- is added'td-the prosperity of was: portitit mabter,, Agirwt6olc uT tstariff herein referred Irs, under hon. gell.,
In 0 Canada that 11 s6efi b� eterence,to Ran. little aboid; voitigated the t fonad'tilaf in. tilree ye;
ads. But.1 have always uiiderstoodtbi� mt6d' in.pushing the work with the Bard d been initiated by them, in tion, as Wi!Pbe'
YALTY 'tb h Scotia. Having -evince an pre -se a�e to,the countries to which it inay opposite) with One illli kei Of dit�
is' only whcre�. ey so� servilely. mineral. resources of that III it as
e great; feltures U wn oftt'l', c ard of,last session, and* to "cil I %etually
of fli of Oratigolisi u *vise would c a I I y,. �vc apply; articles which are the growth, _c. in force, they had sent
oilo V39 13 ogsesse'd'by the 'county town� strongly its I could upon his atten6on slid
le USE! of lail- rpvcr, for And Crown, I have gentlemen, told� us it, f6liowea 'the steps of their predecessor�; advantages'
'In e - Nvh6n_ the lion, Olin produce or manufacture of tiuch Court- u janada than before, notwithstand.
il all on reflec- , , ��T st ' Oil t of Can they have abandoned all their prin-. of Sydney',' To r the dpvel lent of a, great upon the- attention, at thd Gov&iiment.
ink,t1isro is any lways nder, -ood that. one" of the great would be utt6rIY fatal to tile'. cr i only did that, but 1 . told mon.. try whert imported direct therefrom ng aii CUU111101"BlY eXpanding' trade in t1114
f llqcisni was the maintenance completely ruinous to the country to ciPle n e inuch not digtifio;tiou'lve have the
C)f &A. id ill, their policies and" have ao ion and, steel industry, be beca I when discilssing the inaft6r. m'�� then be imported dii-polt into Coun I" uwara,
file Holwo who CiF An(I British order. 'Now, it at all. But, in the cepted and adepted oursi 'that they � can intetested'in the matter. Mr,L Graham Fra. friends fraioldy
iiscroarit' is a 't they have done anything to se. cr 'of the Netv Glasgow Iran and Steel them in �'t. John, that 1 'did not its], Canada, at- i6aken out, of Warch''ouse for JaQL' ILlut tile UUvel,nalelit gave no preful
S' haare that wo were in power as e ex- show thv consumption therein At the reduced Cited to the LJ11ited States�he says that lie
if, t &iittiay,' was ted. this as an:
mblie ge denion- KIT'inister of has said, $36,000,0()0 cur prosperity for ;this country. ilso deeply jnt�eres y, political fayour 'to myself be
0 Other. What rernember when In Okan was'expended by the L1ber&1-6ons#,' 1 on ssilr6 them that if 'they rates' of duty provided in the recipro- gave a Prele"ence the United
ic rvative Thesc gentlemen acco%,knied by the mayoi, oiduse I coule atLg 11, Javour of 'England. And with
fixation wils cligil �ercd in the clLY'Of set forth in Schedule "D." �5t,
se Of set- party on' canals; and when ban.. gen of, the town of , ydneY tame up I shoul make that one of tl;L . Cal �tariff L result,, With the result that in Ole
for the express I)tl,,Po t1cluell ADOPTED THE CONSERVATIVE the Afiniker 'of Financt,, planks in my Platform wheneer I Wwca mduced ra;e ivas 12!1 per Cen;, &08 and 1890, the
'oil Opposite were brought down to the point, to see three years 1897, 1 aver-,
Cleansed and Lin- rclig, religion and race: jimplored him to INn porturtity to discuss these 'ques.' firs��yLar allot ;45 Cent. Luc second. T11UL a�,t! impol'ibb truin the United 6tLcs, aiuouijc�
deiri- tlIol Minipter of'Railway.,; and Canals (Mr. POLICY! ndthey VaS nVItI
g"Inst 'racol it Blair d6clarcol that bo'could,open the fo adopt the policy 6 the, great 'dectottite :of'�CanAda, is hoi position to winch 1 �' j, as againSt N
in fight "vere to the extending the bounty tions vit IV, L lig Lo 77
iscretirits who ment of the What did navigation in two yea Ur. 1jr, do you denounce its, do� system that had been placed on the statute. erage (I it, ana the teen- Cot but after' They say: CI THEY DID RECON91DER the Rouse;.and 'in that conlitection I tvas purts J.Or 1895 and 1896 of tholHe inen carc then, or Wha threc years and more, the lot you tacL Us for, adopting YOU17 POW./ book byAhe Liboiril-ConservictiN,6 �ar6y, IT that radicill changes had be —or an avolrage
increase of $22 373 051
,v and t 11 to fourteen -foot navigation. Bur, Certainly not; we Level, have (10 And Which the bell, gentleman RVIr. Fiala. bs,,quently, criabled these t a loss �f purer Care 11071. Ye, a ne go We I Made, SU , ln� 40.37 per cent., as aga3115'
lie is speali:illg of every Orangcmaj� in gentlemen will find that with say' that is the only thing' they aro 'to bo� h,,,d 'himself a. opted as part of tho hat be as it may I'' to j,eopeli their doors and the ho, inakes that Statement— h lion. 6 -was swallow�ing to 6uy ulat "oil. gen6eLeji �dld recou- 'back to wbrk� of trade front the Mother Couutj��
his abounding trade, with these enor� Credited with, T116Y found the 'it na gq t this flemaii, ever do cauad all 't y were policy, whc he, pj� toes hon. gentleman' says tll�
of j�ioutrcai were to run th n bringing down hi's I I -cat Britain.?
jag ftile revenues vVith inaticy,to burii in their wrong for twenty Years, 01 ey were, de- the , rest of it- i, sider the qtiestl6n;� tiw and diffi. aurillous dvantge to Gi
ILL Canada' that they scored the Government' has only 6pollib ceiving the People,of this country and they tariff, CLuties they had entCrtained ere 0 do ot think hat the figures h 'o
boui half 'a they brought do , t,
Lile Liberal adminiotra- a million dollars a ear More may take which ever h0r�n of the dilemin Came; and WU the, lbese 11011. getlernen tell us that En�'
to - do.,- I d '�WreW their Own! I I I ill, give Lbe hou. gentleman the credA ur cheege� butter, e4ks an,8e
y Lilac fiag, h'O on the canals itiring the last tiiirco years t)ACy please—an they' MR� FIELDING'8 REFUSAL. whicli I gave that hearty, AsSento "1101bli;'ch :1 'will 'buy 0
'tion. the three, )11cy L had pledged itlykif,in tile city of St. Jollu Of having one great quality wulch. his p47e.
it is the 11011. tLlIc exi)(laditure of the wind and aeupteci, that oi -nc to my ban. friend (Air 'led.,in. the to� decegsdr oil �ha6 , �11 I , these thiigs, not b6oanse they lir0fet
holl, geublpmau thinks that he Totty Cal ide (, r lichard Cart- a
a t before they cme !)!to po�ver,� and cral-uorisen,ative party. That is tile to give; its I PIC VU,of Syd- but bLeau8e Canada gave therin
the Lib FiLloluig), and, they iinplored him to extend l,yright) wm c� r with. I -le has
aguod with Call Lt�tv'aucu the jllwre�Aq �-et one 'Would suppose thai they had made on, keactilaing feature Of the tenure of of, ney thac they -we' find 'the grcat, Liberal., 1 e 41 eucc—tIat in the gratitudoi of their
, , I V by a foul, a false nd it )hall. u.. that Ineasure of assistance necessary foi �, has
�Vntl were de- this cOuuuv �) their mind,-, at one tinxe flial they were It gre" )sacrilicc. to public ci ()onservative Paxik of' Canada.,,stailding receptive lullid. 1-1 shown that he iS they want, to Cat. 6�r bacon Out, but?
cioug statLment of that kind uttin-ed III I e Inat wation, Oe a great.enterprise of I I great
Oils, goilig to,take thi llestion of canals entire., sitioll; and th in illaintaw. capa
�sh iftstittitl actee ior men to be, in' that po folidly behi�d,tfie Goy� I)le�, Of 'being tit light, He has chcese whother they them�l
elligeilL hide* ly, Ut th__ __ , ; Aly hon. friend UV4% Fielding), policy of 1hat kind, and that if the that' wheir he has filade It mitake lie doo�q
body of int -0 their Owl iands. utle'llen Ivisli to evade ' the an absol clusoti tha(L' the 1811 -
against a great 1 7 he
h a -yll know,� Air. lav boil, It gentlemalt hould meet with $Olue' '110L colne to the Call re isant 5
nnexatioumts in I)Ondo,11t uell througlout 1 It' these bell, ge uto, palpable refusal to I axii gbQ' to quote what I thscatly mistakes his 'Position. The bell. Minister' of Finance- dommenc- iactg as evel anythingo they went, home utterly
OLMcQd by tLic� he gr ed his budget sfj.6cch With a grand burst body. knows, that by, (K diffictiltY Oil I"s awn side of the House, lie no.'Other wi8doni ill tile exq6tit that hshown by figures, ttN, in the,
Alinister of Trade and Commerce he re as 116 niLtLn6 6duraged. A �,.ear ago last summek, I esse4; and whon I cojivinced suThe lass of the people of this coun. dib find none on this' side. - There gave ,a preference, as in
80 habout the wonderful vrospeifitry' , of the which t (ItU611ts in Sydney, find 1 li, entire support 6.1 the Ubarb;I,Conserlval� Nlil of the great iiiiat tile United Swattsy there be�off in Jol.
da Finrico is not coiTif . He said- try cait judge so the claims 61! �ited my, calls Ilich Ile posq hL'Uiade oil it i-do8t
ivaited on by the mayor� who asked tive party to the pplicy. ., Under. tile oill. vital question, Crease of imp.orts, and Where a Bliolit
) and give the . r arties contendng lot- public WAS woul I d the putilio I Sol tio iro lie chang-
go into tho bat, a6hained to stand tit The yLar 189$ Wits regarded as, A plid. itivour as to of thes(7parties his me from the. 1� ..... 6.raXACesi 1, think I cannot, tb�)ui face nd did'that,,which to Great� lie was Mllc'to uiider�tand thAt-Ale liad to,-, as was its ac. of all adolt6sa- axd of ed to (16, But�
occu failing off
to it inatter oYear; but, great bild the to inauVrato ound 'in. tion my hall. friend .on his jaiddesty in taking previOlV31Y he li,�d,rcfus
hat Of the year 1800 was' still stly e. The ntayok himself was & political entirely icdi� for this grdat tha,
colours and tivit, t aicidlis policy and to carry it, out; Lone to himself the C Iligher authdrit it ally 16
aouiilwtcla� $37,000,060, I -TOW did he (16 it?' 13Y opponent of,mine, and the majority of the -� n (I s 0 1h thit i , s 6f'pro4-
and T may, Bay (if th6i year of them has ban mistaken from for it is , one of the greatst that Irre.' , , of the
he lion.
nand 'were also 'my pol- measure, titrff''lls b`rought"('?=n in' the fiestaraft
1. lit All question the I un� llleinbUs f the b6ard O�vli of the most im that, it was beyond hag r in wo in Canadian history. the in everything jeol 0 but he stated frankly to I p'Asea this Ilo�ig the, fi n draft of' 1897, and then ist, �oit know 8011�01;liiilg ab
Ire on as me, to oco. if it were inning,
would irwt propo nd 6ompellod to aband nvei;y ifictil. Opponents, and, front 19 cd4fto
stroy ri 11here is no person on this side of the line of 'policy it adopted. beg you know, 0,irg the diture on list, they. Cal DUTY, ON COAL : L . c�
i ay for -ess a �( , by the o064e artic
uributc to to the whole outlay� for ic eir ould h6lpLthenj in the gi 16g is' to
in CAnadat Now oil this oluc4ioll of tile progi d 3sible that I c,
IJ11 ol the they founA mallZ read wht rin that lie has prctic'n vho does not rejoice that the hall, prosper4y of Canada an ft�j qfte AN 0wV ly. t... ovo the this 11ousci and I r alf the opr6ssurb sp
to jualw suc ly for the past two �O man blltL''� h a state-' of its trade, espbeial or, th to'' �t In �undcl
a (ED lewnW ring to bear on the country. rd of 'it, although
of me rofer to a, Rubjeoit th" b th Ckover'n p
tcd ilat Whitt I complain threo years LY an le�gl e WC
1601lard Cftr'- ment, as that. Jte' ieit)'. 0 es, of go
has not igi ulcut te umce fitatoment nover was dorra *hat now 61A
ven thW had nitt with an absolO
J. -heid was a, I,il� of is t1lat rutining tbro�igfl file -whole Which the hon. goutlel and V i lips t P,;,ommqnce� 0. to r ilia.
Z t
Wright) not know af' rn� thd GdV0nfhicnt, do ahYthlbg
oral brochure scattered from A to
an.ol whom doem