Exeter Advocate, 1900-7-12, Page 2l::rant gibers who do net receive ,their prkPers ift~gynotrly will please notify us ttt once, Apply at'tbis ofliae for advertising rates., EXETER ADVOCATE THURSDAY.JULY' 12, 1000. 3737.7. SPEAR POINTS. Peal religion remedies irreligion. Doing is the proper end of doctrine. The way of life is the way from death. Loose living and fast living are the. same, A lie feels easy only wheal it forgets 'that it has a truth on its track. Deeds furnish the best answer to doubt. The Gospel is the heart of God seek 'lag the heart of man. The truly spiritual man is always practical: Trove, abhor than legislation, rules the kingdom of God. It is always easier to forget bad habits than to forego them. You may oppose truth, but yon can- r?ot suppress it. Alen heed a Bible conscience more than a Bible commentary. No song, or sermon, or sacrament is acceptable without service:: The great demand for a pleasant, safe and reliable antidote for all affectionsot< the throat and lungs is Sullyy met within' l.lickie's Anti-'L`onsumptive Syrup. It is tt purely Vegetable Compound, and acts' '.promptly and• magically in subduing ': all exon hs, colds, brouchetis, inffamxn�ti:on of the lungs,- etc. Zits so palatable thh-1 a" child will not refuse it, and it is put at •a l,:rice that Swill not exclude the poor from Its beuedts. • . • Don'ts For Book Lovers. Don't turndown corners. Don't borrow • books front private libraries. Don't leave a book face down; i.e., open. Don't mark a book in any way tail- less it's your own. Don't buy cheap books if you can afford better ones. Don't keep books on open shelves if you can avoid it. Don't scorn cheap books if you can- not afford better publications. Don't shut ,a book up with anything bigger than a narrow ribbon in it. • Don't forget that bookcases with. dust -proof glass: doors are the best. - Don't lend books. No one will treat your books as you yourselfdo if you love them. Don'tforget that good hooks are the best company in the world if read understandingly and appreciatively. For Inflammation of the Byes. -Among the many good qualities which Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills possess;' besides reg- ulating the digestive organs, is their effl• cacyin reducing inflammation n ami atioR of the ' erns eyes. It has called forth many letters of recommendation from those who were afflicted with this complaint and found t cure in the pills They affect the nerve •centres and the bleed iu a surprisingly aaetiwe wt}y, and the result Is almost medietely Sae& - A Growl and a Re iiedy. A learned professdr in a New Eng- land college has protested' against the laying with asphalt; of the street in front of his residence. He admits that it is clean and noiseless, but com- plains that the street is now used :to a great extent by bicycle riders. The learned professor is evidently lacking in logic. To the ordinary observer it is plain that the reason ' why this street is crowded with cyclists .is be- cause there is no other street fit to ride upon. The remedy is not to rip up that piece ofasphat, -but to lay ether streets with asphalt, and thus distribute the wheel travel. Is it not strange that a college professor does not know that? ward's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, Recent Solar Discoveries. An examination of the sun thiough the gigantic telescope at the optical pavilion of the Paris exposition is said to have given unlooked-for results. The image of tine sun was seen with surprising clearness and prominences which have hitherto been visible at the edge only were perceptible on the surface. 1.)1:OPT LETTER, fix To All S[lffertrs From'naenlla and KInd,red Trout)) s BTr. TT?re3. Wilson, of Sarnia, Tells Rowe Ho Itegained Health After an Ill- ness of over. Tyre aromas. Mr. W lli trio Wilson, who is well know?n to the citizens of Sarnia,; Ont., writes: "It affords me much plea- sure tc be able to add my testiiix;,'eny to the great benefit that I have derived from your famous Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, It is now a little more than two years since I became afflicted with anaemia. During that time 1 have recoiled almost continuous treat- ment fromtxnedicat men of the highest, rank in their profession, yet apparent- ly deriving no benefit, Indeed I con- tinued to grow worse until I became unable to walk. I came to the con- clusion that I was deriving no benefit from the treatment and decided to give, it ap. It ;then was the question, what shall. I try'? ' FIavina read the testi- mony of so many who had suffered in a similar manner and who had receiv ed,great benefit from your Dr. Wil- liams' Pink . Pills, I decided to give them a fair ``It is now about three months since. I commenced to take your pills -and: to -day I feel almost completely; re- stored. ' Two weeks after I began to take the 'pills I felt a decided improve- anent Three months ago when 1 be- gan to take your' pillsmy flesh looked like ;at, intl. my face, feet and legs werebadly swollen. These conditions have- all disappeared and to -day my, color is natural and my blood vessels full of good rich blood. It will afford me pleasure to xecei mend Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pillsto any one suffering from anaemia or kindred ailments." Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills are praised; amongst the highest in the land ,as a strengthening and tonic : medicine,. whether for men, women or children. They are not like other medicines, nor can they be imitated, as is sometimes dishonestly pretended by dealers who offer substitutes. - See that thepack- age bears the full name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, ased.in ease of doubt send direct to Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brockville, Ont., who will'supply the pills pest paid at ,50c. per box er $2.50 for six .boxes. These pills cure all disorders which arise from impoverished blood, snob as muscular weakness, loss:' of appetite, shortness of breath, pains in the back, nervous headache, early 'decay, all`; forms of female weakness, hysteria,. paralysis, locomotor ataxia, rheuma- tism and sciatica. First Advice to tie Injured. • Graball (looking for free information) -Suppose' I should fall through, a de-. NOT REVERSIBLE..' One 'Peeinion ',i'hnt`,, the .Srlrroruo' Court Couldn't Alter. Inl the good plc, dlys ;i sten T)4dge Gasl n sat uponithe 1 ncll ill that; co inlirisedi the -roster, a dls riot ,hat ' of. Nebraska, ..the rustler, ,the Horse hief and thekiller abotlpded. Jucige,Gaslin' was Erni;ate that there was but One way' to rid the country of these pests, and that ways was to snake it too, hot for them,!-! Accoydir?gly Judge Guslhi; when one bP theta' was`put°on'trial,`admitted` evidence that was sometimes "incom- petent, irrelevant and immaterial," but as it was eenel ally true that if the prisoner. » as not guilty he had Veen guilty of something equally had Judge Ciaslin let it go at that and clinched the prisoner on general principles. The result was that the supreme' court re- versed a good lnany of the judge's cases, During these perilous times an atro cions murder was committed in. Adams county and the perpetuators wea'e soon captured. The evidences of guilt were plain, and the two prisoners" were soon pronounced guilty and sentenced to be. hanged. But as several notorious char- acters had recently been allovi'ed to :es- cape by the supreme court, the people of Adanis determined to forestall any- thing of that kind by quietly lynching the priskers. •, The two Bien -were. tak- en from 'the jail and banged to a rail- roadi bridge east of town. The bodies were left, banging to the bridge, and. nest morning. Judge Gas - lin sauntered out that way- to take a look. lie gazed on theswaying bodies for a few moments without saying a word. Then he turned to iii'friend and remarked "I sentenced' those two fellows to be. hanged. That's .one decision that in- fernal supreme court won't reverse. "-- Oniaha,Werld-Herald. , THE REPORTER'S METHODS. 3farked Difference, From Those of the Orator, Preacher and Novelist.' Probably not one reader in a hundred has paused, to notice that a newspaper article is written on a plan just the re- verse of that of a sermon or oration. Comparatively few ministers have an- alyzed he sufficiently t subject yzeto notice, this fact, and their •ignorance of et will often account for the reluctance of newspapers to accept matter' contribut- ed by them. It is worth the 'while of every man and woman to know; the general plan on which newspaper arti- cles are written, for almost everybody desires at times to, announce' something through the press. Tlie mere knowl- edge of the -nowl-edge'ef'the theory will.not make a suc- cessful 'Triter 'in this or any other de- partment, but ittis th'efirst step.• The skillful preacher or orator usual- ly reserves, his most important points; until,atowara the end- of bis discourse, closing with a climax; -the skillful newspaper ,reporter puts his climax in- to his first, sentence and ends with the most nonessential detail. While 'the. novelist secures has dramatic effect by tst G O: TO Thi Iiandsornest baby ,Cets,•The Handsomest Prize.,. "ALL spit) ED` PRO'rd° :PHOTOGRAPHS 0LdLY. To interest Canadian mothers in a standard preparation throng lout the world THE BRITISH C 1EI IST$ CO PANY fPROPRIZTOR5 •O # ti English TeethIn yru ARE GOING TO SIVE, WITHOUT COST '.p Li iitlY;- WAY, , A TWENTY DOLLAR quo P, EOE to, the ,prettiest; aby} in Canada.. A TEN DOLLAR COL PIECE to the 2nd prettiest. A:; FIVE ID0U.AR COLD PIECE `to',the 3rd ,prettiest.' - Two. AND -A4 ALF DOLLAR COLD PIEC1E in order of merit; to' each of the next 10 prettiest babies. A ONE DOLLAR COLD PIECE in order of x exit, to each of the next 40 prettiest babies, >while to , every mother sending her baby's photograph,, ;will also be given. FIBER our ILLUSTRATEiD. BOOK, a 1110TNEROODD " on the Caro ofpC�h�ildi'�n an Heath and EDI�case, on receipt ,of ten-eeents'to coveer cost of ma g. C i'' E D I T I O N S a R t CAREFULLY! Every person intending to send photograph of baby, must send us , post card at: once stating when the photo; will reach us. All photos sent in must reach uslsiot Tater than July ,4th.'• - .. . Do not send photos of children ,over 3 years old;; they will not be considered. Photos must he pla;unly euaxked; with age,' Sex, name of the child and lull name and post office addres:i of the parents. The smallest picture will receive as much consideration as the largest. The prizes will be awarded by a committee of seven"disinterested ladies, and distributed by mail to the respective winners, llguet 4t11, 1900. The pictures o;F all ;babies!' c ompeting mill ;be published in ;beautiful ;half -tone engrt`v}ngs;in Toronto Globe, beginning Saturday, .August 4th, 1900. Photos returnable on receipt of postage. -As, we have no time to ralne wer needless• correspondence, please do not ask for further infer- mation, isimply'seixd post card, statidg when' picture will be sent. ae THG P4c,Vlr,.tt4W/1N c117rgDA Address, BRITISH CHEMISTS CO PM Y9 Dept. , Street, TGRoilTO, CIMiMADA. 'seaseasall o78 -2S2. • a ti 108 Victoria Advantages'of Drainage. Drainage is not simply the carrying raway of the surplus moisture. Tile drainage pre -vents the accumulation o£ . stagnant water in the soil: and deepens i -thet soil for: the work of'reots, thus ash sisting to prevent evil effects during' periods' of `drought. The soil is also rendered much warmer, while the ,penetration of'the air brings oxygen `'to the. I'egetables and in'ineral matter iu,the soil and hastens 'chemical so - tion. When a field is- tile drained it I. can be plowed a week.or ten days earlier than wet places,: which enables thetcrop to•get 'a better start in the 'first stages 'of growth. } tective sidewalk and sprain my ankle, keeping the secret ,of his' story hidden. what would you advise me to do? as long as, possible, 'the'; reporter attains, Lawyer --Come to me and plank down $10 as a retainer*ugtl then ask me that success by revea How's This ! Dollars E n sed ]nes for We offer One u d any' case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's -Catarrh Cure. U. J, CTIENEY & CO.,, Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have.kncm•n E. J. c 1 i Cheney for the last 15 y ars; and beC eve him ,perfectlYr honorable in all business transnctioas and nnanCiallY elate to c; rry. ont any obliglitions made pvihoir first, , WEST & T.LtATJX, Wholeslils )eruggi•ste, Toledo, 0. WALDING-, KINNAN & MAR - VIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Clare is token internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.. Testironialc sent free,' Price 75e per: bottle. Sold. by all drug- .gists, • Essentials of an Actrosa. A state -struck young lady wrote to Mrs. Kendall; asking her to name` the qualifications necessary for an actress. This was the reply she received: "You must be a marvel of `patience, have the figure of a Greelr stable, the tem- per of an : angel (that is very neces sary), the face ofa goddess, and the skin of a rhinoceros." Might Bo introduced; Dere: An excellent plan to shut off long- winded orators has been adopted by a: tribe in Central Africa: In;publiede- baths every „speaker is compelled to etancl on one leg while he is'talking and he must brim; his address to a erose when he has become too tired to thus stand:'' ling hie secret as quickly as words Will let him. Both` are working on principles as clearly defined as that on which a sonnet is Do not delay in getting relief for the lit- constructed, but the `modern newspa per article is of so much more recent date that few critics have analyzed it, and even many of the best New York writers work daily upon .the foregoing tie folks. Mother Graves'' Worm Exterm- inator is a pleasant and sure cure. 'If you love your child why do ,you let it suffer when a remedy is so near ht hand P Pointed Paragraphs. The meaner a man tries 'to be the - less: he enjoys it. : Chess playersare not the only ones who move once a year. :The girl who doesn't care for dia- monds must be stone blind. People who live in glass • houses should have eyeproof curtains. Snmmea girls and baseball players are'only. engaged for the season,. Persons, who deal in bicycles are not the only ones who have wheels. Give Holloway's Corti Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without ",any pain. What it has done once it wilt do again. Good Paints of, illagnalium. Magnalium, an alloy of 10 to -29 parts. by the weight of magnesium with 100 of aluminium, is claimed to have all the advantages of aluminium, and also to be adapted for working with tools; while even lighter than aluminium. Entitled to It. • "Mrs. Brimerson always bas such a chic look." 'I wonder if it's because her hus- band is in the wholesale egg busi- ness?' • • MlnaidsL1nanLiniment e�' Cnres L > lY r n� Etc, Letters to Anewt 'Edhrarti. The Prince of -Wale's receives cin an avera.e letters a between 500 and 600 g day. Over 200 of these are ,reuerally y �' healzinQ utters principle without knowing -it. (?o man can, work many days under a metropol- itan city, editor' without learning it.—. • Chicago Christian Advocate. Dishes That Break.. The crying demand of the times Is a dish that will not fall _'out'of:a girl's hands and break. Women who keep help in their kitchens do not make the ,cornplaint'of broken diabes more often than the woman whose daughters "do,` the dishes." As soon 'as a man gets a half dollar saved :it has to go for a meat platter or a pitcher which his daughter dropped, and there probably isn't a family engaged In housekeeping that doesn't have to make'eveekly visits to 3a queensware store. Ill some homes, the daughters are fined for every plate they break, but the father liar to give -them the money to pay back to him in fines, so that he is always the loser, If a roan is put in good humor by his din- ner, the crash of china beard from the kitchen'ten minutes' later drives his good nature away. -Atchison Globe. THE OF o13 tan's, eakness A woman's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and ceetinuous sym- pathy ppathy with her kidneys. The slightest disorder inthe . kidneys brings about a corresponding: disease .in the reproductive organs. Dodil''s Kidney Pills, ley.re- atovirig the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and'cure those fearful (Hs- ' orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn=out. mothers, suffering wives. and', women entering upon the .Change' of Life, your best friend is D9" Q4�d Kidney Pills Two Pastures for Swh o.. For the pasturing of swine I'have two pastures side by, sidet and each next to the yard. I use these pastures in rotation, that is, I use one as arma- ture while I plow lip and reseed the other. In this way T. manage to have an abundance of pasture. - I have, al- ways made it a practice to eeed clover' with a'slight sprinkling of timothy hut have concluded to try dwarf Essex rape this spring. I will add that there is a stream of water running - through g rter, the ,yarcl;and,.that there is ,good shade. ®'il L BAT � � TLondon, y Lond ! Are urldoti6tecliy'I'IEIJE BEST. Testimania s from, t10' I r m, 4 chemists, mss, medals, 12 dilomas. The most wholesome. of heves eq. p � Recommended by Physicians. 'For sale overt' ite. 40 St: ,Martin, R{ie., May 14, 1595, C. C. RTCTIABDS & CO. Gentleman;—Etat Nevembcr my child' stuck aHirt.[' in his knee, causing inilitfn- tuaraoaa so Severe thatl was Advised i3 take hi1r1 to Montreal and have the lima ainput.eted to save his life.• ,.S. • r�-Ilex,hl�nca[lvlsedu.,to'tryiVU\°ARl),. hlidIMU NT, which we -did; and. within three days A my child was all right, and ; feel. so ;rateful that. I send' you this testi rronial 't'lrtit any enperienee may be of. benefit to others, ' ,LOUIS GAGNIEA. - Population in Now Mexico. ,. Among the 103, 000 inhabitants tha the last 'census .gave to. New Mexico there were 20,000 'Indians and 50,00'0 Mexicans. Automobile Motive Power. Americans prefer electricity for run- ning autoniobilos, the French petro- leum and the Russians wood a#colter, deist Not a Wheel Crank. The plan who never cared to wander from his own fireside was evidently not cycliist°: t, r Prosperity Hard to Bear. Thera is one hard thing to bear in this worldand that ,is prosperity. The fact that we do not feel it as a burden does not affect the truth that it is tocarryitandyet stand hardand n ri h� P g Te be honest, generous, considerate, fair, niagnauimous, ` in "prosperity" —ah 1 this is not easy. Yet this is. what it means., to, ,stand : upright: Trader a worldly prosperity one is in great danger of getting spiritually . stoop-;shhouldered' and- -weak -kneed. Pray for; the- prosperous! ' • Thousands Like Tier. -Tena McLeod Severn Bridge' writes. I ,owe a debt o>L gratitude to Dr: Thomas' Eclectrie 011 for! curing , ma ,of .a severe - cold that 'troubled me nearly all last' winter." In order to give a quietus to .a backing cough, take a dos. of Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric0il;thrico a day, or oftener if' the cough spells render it necessary. The Irish Judge. well-known Irish 'nd i. awe �e a II the ln- solvent court once detected a witness kissing kis thumb instead of the Book in taking the oath, and in rebuking him sternly,. said: "Yon may think to deceive God, sir, but; you won't de- ceive me." iiarrl s Liniment for sale everywhere The population of Edinburgh is now within about 1,000 of 300,`000. '. To Keep Grass Laad Fertile. Grass lands are supposed to recuper- ate, and heavy sod is 'desirable,but when such- lands aro grazed or mowed there is a loss pf plant food, and tke soil will become poorer unless manure or fertilizer is applied. When: grass appears to die out it is an indication that an isbcm a the plant food becoming ex- hausted. The beat plan to pursue is to keep stook off the field and apply ferti- lizer, lizer, following with arheays applies - ton of manure in the fall. If the grass does not show satisfactory effects from such treatment plow the field and plant to corn the next spring. Millard's Liniment Cares -Dandruff. Handshaking a Relic of Knighthood. In the days of knighthood every man carried: a sword and was ready to slash his neighbour +upon the slightest pre- text. When friends met they grasped one another by the right ,hand, there- by indicating peaceable, intentions, as • each one thus gave up to the other his fighting arm:That is whyyVO'shake with 'the' right hand,—Ladies' Homo Journal. ,A Satre Cure air 1 -le! C., he,-1hous headache td which women are more •stib-. feet 11150 men, becomes so acute in Some subjects' that they are utterly prostrated. J J The stomach refuse5.food, tend there is a constant and distressing effort to free the stomach from bile which has become tui•. duly itecreted there. Parinelees Vege- table Pills are a speedy alterative, and in neutralizing the effects of the intruding ,bile relieves the pressure on the nerves. yvhich'cause the; headache, Try thein. Opportunity bf Trouble. The tests of life are to snake, not break us. Tx ouble may : demolish a man's business but build up his char- acter. : The blow at the outward man may be the greutest blessing to the. inner man. If ,Goer, then, puts or per ,:nits' anything hard- in our lives be sure that the real peril, the real trioti:- ble, is what we shall lose if we flinch Or rebel. Victims of Avalanches. ' People who have been buried by an avalanch say they can hear distinctly every word uttered by those seeping' them, while the most, strenuous efforts; fail to rrialto their Shouts penetrate oven a fe.w'foot of the show. - 11 Ail Wasps Are Catrnivoroue. The mouth parts of the wasps, though arranged for sucking, have not reachedhat degree of perfection found among pre- vented he bees. They are thus re- vented:fomi ext acting the honey from the deeper flowers, and accordingly frequent the more shallow or widely opeued ones, particularly the : Umbel imfevata , Fruit in its season also forms. an important part of the food of the,. adults. Several, species store,up honer in' considerable quantities,` 'but then greater number,, if not all, have mark- ed' carnlverousftbndendles. ' • -' 4 WiLL RUN Home Seekers' - 6 0ay Excursions To the Canadian Huth West AT RETURN) FARES Winnipeg ,,, Deloraine.. , . . Antler Estevan ' Binscarth,,, Moosomin , Hamiot a. f Swan .., J River,. Regina ' ' Moose•J am ... Yorkton Prince Albert Calgary...... Red Deer. -,..1 L• dmonton i .. J 20 S30 $35 $40 Going Juno19th Returning,until Aug. 20th, WI 1 1 RADor B.S.:. lb rta) , 1 'r ring duly lath Returning.until Sept, 12th: Goiingail Juy 17th • Returning' until Sept, lath: . (All rtatl or S.B. Alberta) Prov ttokete and further information apply te- aay Canadian Paoiaa.Agent,- or. to A. Malt. ;Cant Passe,' Agt,, ailing' St, -East, Toc:nto,. EASTERN TOWNSHIP NURSERY. Lank -owners and £arnicas desiring•to prom; )'RTii'13 • TREES fey autumn planting. such as 'APPLE - 'PRESS, PLU\I'tIOEES, PEAR -TREES, etc., wilk pea here first-classtrees, strong and vigorous,` and well: adaptul to the climate .1 the con try, re an extremely' low Price. Order direct front us. 13y Ibis moans lata.• will save the meets of 81155(18 and me:ehants. Post•psitl aliustratec'. catalogue of 81 pages whir directions lot aroUaring:re,dedies-for the destruction n " insects onfr,iit trees rose•bushrts, etc., Sent onreceipts nf'10 cent:. Tau IIAOThrtyt Towssurr NurtsT.ttv,. twiencevilte (due. .i f \'Vitt I At 1 GEM .. Pence Machine end coiled wire you, ' - ran build a metre better • fence than any <:factory :made fence. Write licGregor, lla.nwcii Sc Co.,Wiridsor,Ont., Idotel Balmoral Montreal.' Free I3usr , Am. P. $1.,50 up. E P. Si ea.. FOR OVEIR FIFTY YEARS 1,1318, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING„ SYRUP' has been used by mothers for their children teething, It soo•hed, the child, 'softens the gums, allays pain, owes wind clic d r tte, o , on i, the best'remady for diarrhoea. 2Ga:s -bbt Sold by all druggists throughout: the Trorld. Be euro and ask for":]iia Wina[oyr's1Snothing Syrup," r ,rY,••,a 's STOPPED FREE. �Permanent, IT N v,r '8 72 :12., ?ositivecu ly Cured. nlY. t n Cais GREAT' ra for all l Nervnie bissos es, Pits, ,Epilepsy, $Metas and St, Vitus'Dan co, Nev. , Fits orarinusu tRaftec firat-day's use. Treat �o and t2trial bottle sent r a Canad through h Canadian -,'Iency FREE to kilt patients„ they paying express e'jrarges only wlren re delved.. Send to Dr Kline. 031-Ar•cht a, s ,, 1'hifadelpliia,Y , T. N. i1 279 GATHOLIC pRAyFR G11 13rx,lcv, rtc,,tiries, Cruel - fixes, Senpnlnt s. Religions Pictures, Statuary and Church Dana- meats, Educational Works. Mail oide, v rooeile- prompt attontion. A, &,7, swine'. S45 co. itiontr'l, Meet SY PACKARD' is UNRIVALED Fop REITIRO IRE (MEM IOrTANO PLIABLE o rOF7 35517'5 5ti0f3 150 bihl t64451NATi0fi 551013 eltettaa EAcs(..Pi.tttAwf CONTASN% totait IrCLMOR ANd A ata ef;PASTt kr. 1 1184012. eriftliPP0