HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-7-12, Page 1- FOURTEENTH YEAR. -670. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1900. Staffa. eesrs. Wm. Bell and Wm. Camp - 1 have greatly improved their places the erection of a fine fence in front the large 'number of our ople atteoded the Dahlin picnic on )nchty.-Illiss Dalton, of Caledonia, d Mr. Harry Ruck, of Toronto, are e guests of Miss Celia Campbell. - ss Lillian Hutchison, who spent the titer in Saginaw, Mich„ has return - home. She was accompanied by r nephew, Master Howard Rinsch, 1. load of young people from Hen - 11, accompanied. by Dr. Jos, Norris, Detroit, spent Tuesday evening at e home of Mr. and IVIrs. Joseph rris.-e-The new pastor of the Meth - List church, Rev. Mr. Henderson, 11 be with us on Sunday morning xt.-Mrs. P. McMillen, of Michigan, inc home to attend the funeral of r sister, Mrs. John Smale. She will main a few weeks with her, friends. Sharon. The new desks, recently purehased the trustees of lour S. Section,prove tisfactory in every respect, adding mfort and convenience to the wel- re of papils.-We are very sorry to port tbe sudden death of the infant ild of Ma and Mrs. John,Roeszler, o passed away very early last Thurs- y morning. The funeral took place Friday morningat the hour of nine lock, conducted by the Rev. Mr. tt, of Orediton. Mr. and Mrs. Roes- er and family have thedeepest sym- thy of the community in. their sud- n bereavement, their eight -months" d infant son being the light and joy ' their home. e is not dead -the ehild of onr affec- tion, Bat gone unto that school There he uo longer needs our poor protection, And Christ himself doth rule. that great cloister's stillness and se- clusion By gnardian angels led, afe from temptation, safe from sin's pollution. He lives, whom we call dead. C. H SANDERS EDITOR - Kirhton. Miss Maggie Copeland from Pros- pect Rill is spending her holidays at home. -Mr. and. Mrs. Clark, from Crediton, were guests of Miss Ettie Fletcher. -A pleasant game of foot hall was played between Kirk.ton anti_ Farquhar en Saturday night resulting in a tie -one goal each. -Mr. G. Darl- ing was at Grand Bend on Sunday. - Miss Lottie Bowen, St. Marys, was the guest of Miss Easter Brethour.-Mr. A. E. Blake spent Sunday in Kirk - ton. -At the races 00 Monday after- noon W. Martin was first and W. Miller second in the hundred yard race. The hop step and jump, W. Mil- ler, first, 40 feet, 8 in.; Mr. Martin, second, 38 feet 6 inches; one-third mile bicycle race, W. Brown,lst; W.Elliott, second, 1 mile, W. Brown; 3 mile, Brown; fat man's race, W. Dawson and G. Parker; ladies' race, Miss Mag- gie Lee, Ettie Fletcher. -Mr. Nathan Donne and wife, from Lucan, spent Sunday with friends here. SCHOOL REPORT. -Report of S.S. o. 4. Stephen, for the month of June, eing, the result of monthly examina- ons in various classes. Pt. I:- ybella Morlock, Mary Hartman, Ilan Wein, Herbert Wein. Pt. II- -Gladys Kestle. Pt. II:-Merner ilbeaeIdellaSchwarz,Lucilla Schwarz, eo Hartman, Elde Wein, Edwin Vein. Jr. II: -Nora Brown, Wilber orlock, Della Kestle, Cora, Clark, Eldred Eilber, Idella Smith, Dora eitriche &nestHartman. Minnie estle,Willie Preszcator,Aaron Wein. r. IL -Elgin Amy, Willie Smith, Al- ert Whitaker, Willie Roeszler, Annie artman, Cecil Rowe, Wesley Wein. r. TM -Herbert Morelock, Ezra Vein. Jr. IV: -Examined in arithme- be, literature, reading, drawing, writ - g, geography, composition or recita- ion, grammar and spelling: -Freeman lorlock, Arthur Atxty, Mable Clark, twine, Yaeger, Albert Wein. Ag- regate attendance, '739; Average at- endance 32; No. on Register 45. J. H. HoiamEs, Teacher. Dashwood Grand Bend The Parkhill Baptist ehurch held their annual picnic here Tuesday. the 10th, -Many of our citizens intend go- ing to Sarnia for the 12th. -Fishing is not very good now. -Not as naany campers here this season as last. - Messrs. Essery Brenner and Harmon Gill speut a day fishing on the old river and succeeded in capturing thir- teen fine pike and five bass, -Mr. Mar - tette and family, of Port Frank, are the guests of Mr. Alexander Martelle. WEranata.-A very pretty wedding took place here Wednesday evening. July 4. at the resiclente of Mr. and Mrs. J. Statton, when their fourth daughter, Miss. Martha, was joined in holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Frank Alaster, a popular and prosper- ousyoung farmer ot this place. The ceremony was performed. by Mr. Car- riere hi the presence of the nearest re- latives and friends. The bride was supported by her sister Mary, while the groom was ably assisted by Jas. Oliver. We extend congrattilations to the young couple and wish them a happy and prosperous life. • From the West. treated to Indian clanees and we eerie - not describe the amusement 'WO haw, it gx.eat many appetti.hig in various tin.-- iforrns, will tel you more about ite, when we come home. I think fully, 1000 Indians were eatiiped here. :',a;ste• have met some heve we ktiosv, soda fratl Wrn, Walled', (brother of Ja(0es. aae Devon) Charlie i_i•ssety, Frank Ryesees and Jacksou Bros., of Lecan. 'We tend taking a trip Oat to For Sesleett- dies-van to -morrow, about 18 iniles tent. Oh, yes, we met a brother of Ta McCallum's here, quite aecidentally.- Now, Ottitrlie, ,ahout this eountry %fa hard to say things right, but we think it a good country for a poor man, arlice can put up with disadvantages, but for A MIla in good. circanistaaces tc leave the comforts and advantages that can be had in Ontario for a fear extra thousand, well, we are not one' of them, sure. Yours Truly, 'W. C. HUSTON; The following is a copy of a private. letter from Messrs. W. C. Huston and W. J. McNevin, who left here a few weeks ago for the West. We trust the writers will pardon the liberty we have taken in giving same publicly, but when we get a good thing we like to pass it around: - Edmonton, Alta, July 4th, 1900. WEDDING BELLS. -A quiet private Wing took place at the home of Irs. C. Wurtz (widow) on July 3rd,' vhen she was married to Mr. Charles ritz, shoe merchant, of Zurich, Ont., n the presence of a few of her nearest datives. The bride was attired in a -ieautiful grey travelling salt, and ac- ompanied by Miss Laura Kibler, of urich, and Miss Chapman, of Listow- 1, as bridesmaid. Her daughters, earl, Miss Ethel Kellerman and Miss' live Fenn as maids of honor. Mr. arn Bender and Mr. Wesley Kibler cted their part as geoonasmen. After he ceremony was performed by the ev. J. C. Morlock, of Dashwood, the riends were invited to partake of a umptuous decorated breakfast, after which the wedded couple left for Ex - ter station, amidst showers of rice and the blowing of the town whistle, o take a trip to Buffalo and Rochest- er, N. Y. May their journey through life be a most happy one was the wish f all present. A very pleasant and happy gather - ng took place at the home of Mr. and rs. Tobias, Guenther, Stephen Town- ship, July 4,th. The event being the narriage of their daughter, Elizebeth to Mr. Solomon Martin, of Hay Town- ship. The bride was attired in beauti- ful white brocaded silk, trimmed with cream lace, carrying a bouquet of choice flowers, making a fine appear- ance before the guests. She was ac- companied by the groomsman, Mr. Fred. McGregor, of Seaforth, and at- tended by Miss Kattie Guenther as her best maid. The wedding march was well rendered by Mr. Oscar Snell. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. 0. Morlock, Dashwood. A large number:of gifts were presented to her, showing the high esteem she was held by her many friends. Some of the presents were: -A set of the latest style dining room chairs, 5 sets of lace curtains, cat glass fruit set, tea set, silver cake basket, parlor lamps, 2 bedroom toilets fancy table and bed spreade, English and German Bible combined, dinner set, knives and forks, pica le cruet and a rocleer, etc. After the ceremony 95 guests partook of a repast which was heartily enjoyed by all. The evening was spent in a very social manner, to which a serenade of jeniorS and. seniors svas given in honor of the newly wedded couple. We re- gret to lose Miss Martin out of the choir of Dashwood Evangelical church of which she was a faithful member for many years. That her pathway in life may be strewn with much joy and happiness were the many hearty co n gratul ti o us given. W. S. MoNEveate God.erich tp: John Parsons, con. Ci suffered from a runaway he had one, Tuesday while driving into town withe his old school mate, a Mr. Cornish who lives near London, who had beeeas visiting him and who was returuireae • The horse became frightened and an- set - set the two into the ditch. Mr. Free,. - sons was seriously injured, havihee, struck his head on the ground. it ao pears that he has syniptoms of com t -- pression of brain, and at presentaet• the residence of his son-in-law, as•leet- Furry,of Clinton; where he was taken, after the accident. The injury fee ae, serions one to him, and his recover - doubtful, but Mr. Cornish only receia--- ed some face brnises and a bad shall,- ing up. Seaforth: lir. William Carnet -ban; , of Tuckersmith, and Bev. Mr. Larkibi,. of this place, had quite an exciting - experience Tuesday night, last weee They were driving itito town Irma , Harpurhey, and when opposite the residence of Mr. Robert Scott, oneeta' the front wheels came off the buggy., Mr. Larkin jumped from the 'rig en.a') escaped. injury. Mr. Carnochan wee -- not so fortunate, as he Was thrown:, ont and had his hand hurt. The wbeeti coming off frightened the horse and it madefor the ditch, colliding with aa telegraph pole, where it left the bugge and made for home at a 2.10 clip. The- • buggy was badly smashed and thee harness was pretty badly demoralized but the gentlemen may congratulate - themselves that they escaped as well,.. as they did and that it was only the - rig that was smashed. A man supposedto be John R•Banda of Toronto, jumped. from the Pennsyl- vania Railroad ferry boat in New York and was drowned. ' • Pascal Gagnier, of Hull,came in Con- tact with a live wire on the Hull Aylmer Electric road. Death was in- stantaneous. At Philadelphia a colored boy fire& a revolver into a stock of fireworks owned by a street vendor. An explo- sion took place in which seven children, including the colored boy, were kit- ed. HORSES AND CATTLE have colic and cramps. Pain -Killer will cure them every time. Half a bottle in hot water repeated a few times. Ayoid substitutes, there is but one Pain -Kil- ler, Perry Davis'. 25., cents and 50, c etosb. Reit McGregor, aged sixteen, sou of W. C. McGregor, a wealthy farmer, of Tilbury East'''. was drowned Wed- nesday. while bathing in the creek ri short distance frona his home. The young tnan was a student at eassulnp- • tion College, Sandwich, and. had just returned home on his vacation. DEAR FRIEND CHARLIE. According to promise and not being too busy at present, here goes for a short letter from both of us, although Mac. is out on the hunt as I sit here in a small office writing you. What do you snppose Mac. is looking for? Some good looking girls. He says he has not seen any since he left Exeter. But then, Charlie, you knowExeter is fam- ous for good looking girls. We left London the day the races started (le) 19th ult., on C.P. car at 9.10 &mortising in Toronto 1 p.m. Crops along the way look average -hay ap- parently light. We had lunch and walking down past the train, going vim North Bay, happened to see Fred Kibler, Zurich, and Jno. Zuefle, Hen - sail, en route for the North West. They were disappointed that they could not go via Owen Sound., along with us as the train was crowded. We left Toronto 1.80, arriving at Owen Sound. at 5. Crops en route not as good. as in Huron or Middlesex. Nice strip of country around Orangeville. 'Took C.P. boat, Alberta, 5.30 for Fort Wil- liam, enjoyed the trip immense. Went through American lock at 2 p.m., 20th ult., at Sault, arriving in Ft. Wililam 1.30, 21st ult. Was disappointed when I saw the town and was glad when the train at 5.54 pulled out for Winnip eeg, arriving at 6.30 ann. on 22nd. We were tired and put up at Clarendon Hotel where we had breakfast, it bath and a sleep. Was very hot, 98 in the shade. We found some 'of the boys and took in the parks in the evening. In company withBert Parsons andMr. Ego, (you reniember the bookkeeper in the Parsons Produce. 00.), 23rd at 7.15 took train for Brandon. The Prairie all through Manitoba and part of N.W.T. was dried up. We have since heard they have had rains but Manitoba will not have much No. 1 land this year. Mac. stayed in Bran- don over Sunday. I went 100 miles further west and stayed with Geo. Sel- lars and the Miller boys at Wapella,. In company with H. Miller and Geo. Sellers I took a trip down to Moose Mountains, distant from Wapella 60 miles. A typical cow boy drove us down. We went in 12 hours, saw good ranching grounds and lots of cattle. Met some fellows from Clinton ranch- ing about half way down. Was very glad to see some one from Huron. On our way down saw great quantities of young ducks on the sloughs; also foxes, chicken and one cayote. He followed us about a mile, had no gun, otherwise he would not follow so far. We next stopped at Moose Jaw one day. In looking back over the register in th.e Hotel I saw the names of P. Curtin and IL Hicks. Saturday, 30th ult., at 18.42 took train for Calgary, arriving at 8.25, Registered at Royal Hotel and while eating breakfast saw Prof. Ruse at another table. We put in Sun- day together, going to Presbyterian church at night and heard a good ser- mon. Left Calgary Monday morning for Edmonton, arriving at 6 p.m. Tide is a great ranching country and lots of good farming lands.They have had too much rain here. We got here in time for the last day's races. T am sending you papers giving a deserip- tion of same. We took in the day's sport, ench as running, jumping, base- ball, etc., in forenoon. Races started at 1.00 p.m. and they were good, best time made I think was 2:28a. They had Buck races and senaw maces, the squaws sitting astride and goibg like Mad. caps, After races were over were Children Cry for CASTOR IA. Nearly all the foundations for the - great paper machines to be establish- ed in the Eddy mills, Hull, have been'. laid. The large NV avellouse . adjoin- ing the office building is also beinge put in shape. Construction work oat all the Eddy establishments is well un- der way. The machinary is being fife stalled, and a full staff will be at work. in the department shOrtly. 4 , A serious and what may yet prove as, fatal mishap occurred at. Tilsonburg the other ramming. Mrs. D. Kreller, o. the Royal Alfred Hotel, has been an- noyed a great deal of late by rats Thinking to get rid of them, she cover- ed up everything in the pantry and? left exposed on the top of the refriger- ator some pie, over which she sprinkled strychnine. Next morning Mr. Kreller. arose first, and coming down stairs • went into the pantry for something to eat. He eat off a piece of pie, and eat-- ing it, then went to the stable. Mrs. Kreller decended shortly afterwards, and went down to remove the pie be- fore any one could get down, but she almost fainted to find that some ono had been there before her. She at once thought of her busband,and from the back door called to him to know if: ' he had touched the pie. His reply was that he had. She cried, "Oh, it was. poisoned," and at once got hien somo• mille and made him drink it, ancl then, had his physician summoned without delay. The victim was seized with con- vulsions, but at last accounts the doc- tor, by the usual method, had quieted him, and he was sleeping, though not yet out of danger. BIRTHS. KERTL-On Tuesday, July 3rd, thee wife of Wesley Kerr, Ith con. Mc- Gillivray, of a, daughter. BERRY. -In oa july Stla, the - wife of Thos. Berry, of a son. 1),1An1tAN. -in Hensall, on July 6, the- ' wife of Thos. Hayman, of a son. TIARTala-MAritriere-Near CarridafT, Assa,, on June 29th, Edwerd Harris, of Joslyn, N. Daleotag formerly of Hay, and son of Mr. 'William Harris, who recently moved front that town- ship, to Miss Gusta Malinke, Ken - Mere, N. Dale. ' r : 4. ISI1OP&SON be by . of MI LADIEs3 corrox AND summER yEsTs3 a II th M 5 cents each, 3 for 25 cents, 2 for 25 cents and, 25 cents each. Tvi' ec hE PARASOLS AND UMBRELLASsa Our very low prices make them accessible to everybody. tb Ni • a w MEN'S BLACK AND TAN HALF HOSE 0( ea , 2 pair for 25 cents. . . . hE re LAIIIES' CHILDREN'S AND MEN'S STRAW HATS b., ea '7 Will be sold.at a great reduction. cc • ' fa rE • IBIINT7::)=1=B TSZTI1NT= ei w di Pure Sieal 8c. per pound. - 0, , 0, 0 Plymouth Special, 11c. per pound. L Gold Medal, 14c. per pound. zl la di 0] ' 01 PURE PARIS GREENPURE PARIS GREEN E , , H. • ai• , . ,. & S ,. S " B.., ',.i'‘, . . ., '..S „ m0a7KY TO LOAN. McGillivray Council . C 1 et ersuant to adjourn - camel m p 0. . ment in Town Hall, 11Ic ilhvray, June 25th. Present, R. Hutchinson, Reeve; P. P. Harding M. Miller A. H. Hod- gins and J. McGregor,,' Councillors Minutes of last meeting read, approv•-• ed of and signed. Aliller-Hodgins, that accounts amounting in all to $345.00, be paid. Carried. Harding-• . . McGregor that the Council adjourn , first to meet in the Town Hall on the nrst Monday in August, at one o'clock p. M. ....a. o tried. ,,,, ' -,... WM. FRASER, %Jaen... Farquhar cony ellyAte Ye' e rC rat° mo Aryti 'o lco°atan ma ti $1soi= raatneds of interest. ' 1S' - Mr. Fred Hackney is now spending b the suinnier vacation with his moth eet ti Mrs. Jno Hackney, of the Boundary. Se He has successfull . . y passed his third IL examination at the Detroit Medical ,.., C 11' o ege which he has been attendinf - e -Mr. William Rollins, who former y ee was in partnership with Mr. Etenry 1 . a Passmore e 'threshing business, e. th h boughtM P ' - d. I\ as r. assmore s interest an , will now conduet the business himself. J-, As Mr. Pollen is an obliging and wil- -,! ing thresher and is willing. to give sat- ',"--• isfaction to those employing him, we et - sure he will meet with nothing but -!. su success. -A meeting of those notiffed e.'", In connection with drainage took ` place on CY e evenine, . ' lately.Nothing,t however, was done as the notifier 1 said he had no complaint to make. t N ` tie ti`'' • 2 ow eques ion which has arisen is did he give the notices?-1VIr. and 2 Mrs. Donald 1VicInnis afters d' g pen ing some time visiting iriends and. rela- t es aronn xe er, assed a few days t'v d E t f 1 the Th RoadP ' t * la ' d on e amesprior o t en. e - parture for the West, where they in- tend spending some months. -Mr G. ,. g -u. f TorontoUniversity,. ' atnuey, o is spending his holidays athis home with 1 his parents. ......... , is parents. we are o . now 1 "pleased t know that he has again spent a creditable , year at school, as the examination re- .! port shows. -Miss Rebecca Stevenson, •I of Listowel, was the guest of her sis- ; ters, Mrs. Joseph Vance, and Mrs. W. ' Ward, of the Boundary last . , The Directors of the Usborne and nib- .. bert Fire Insurance Co. transacted .! considerable business at their meeting J in the hall here last Monday. They ! report that there were no heavy loss- -' althoogh considerable stock was 1 t:siiled by lightning. -Mrs. Gallenger, I of Eden Grove I bher • , nes een visiting : brothel., Mr. Simon Campbell. : . • . . We have unlimited private funds for an- .. vestment upon farm or yillage property, a. owesfrates of interest, MONSON 86 WALING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. PARIVIS FOR_ MONEY TO The undersigned has a sale cheap. Money to loan Janix apAcsicaa, SamwewsnlockExetee NOTICE OF APPEA.L BALE, . • LOAN. few good. farms for on easy ternas ' from the Co:urt of ot Exeter, an the CO., Limited, Appellant OF EXSTER, Respondent.are lay of the 24th c , la the. forenoon, at the Tillage of Exe. the above aiveal. , 1.900. massoN, I. C. C. Co. Huron. day ofJuly, 1900. , H..13IssETT, Cler.. ---in, In the matter of appeal Revision of the Tillage county of' Iluron. Dila MASSEY HARItis 1 • and TILLAGE 'o' • 1 hereby appoint Tuesda,y, ilost, tly,1900, at 10 o'clock th .Council Chamber, in ter, to have and determine Dated, Goderieh, Julyf6th j.i.MBS Dated at Exeter, this 12th GEO. . St. Joseph O'B ' iwas thrown Mr R . nen r who • R. ' - ". Grand from. his horse and injured at . e d - Bend at the celebration on the an , is, we are pleased:to say,recoverin g nicely. 1VIr. Frank Horton, Lumley; Mr. Wm. O'Brien and family, of Zurich, and Mr. Bowman and sister, of the 4th cones- t Sundayt M R mon of atay, spent a r. R. . Ilay, O'Brien's.-Mr. J. Spencer, who for the past two years has been teaching • in the vicinity of Edmonton, N.W.T., returned home Friday evening. -Mr. • • 1. week in Nelson Contme spent last Sandwich on business. -We under- rat from Sandwich is expect. stand a fi . ,. ed to build large wine vaults andplant out a large grape vineyard here in the near future. -Large numbers of guests are entertained daily at the Queen's and the manager, Mr. Hutcheson, reports bnsiness very satisfactory. - Work is soon expected to commence on the large brick block at the corner and we hope to see it completed before the snovv flies. TESTIMONIAL OF EDWARD STONE 9 To the value of English Stock Food. This is to certify that I have used English Stock Food, manufactured. by English C. Lutz, Exeter, for young calves for a year past. 'They never refuse to take food along in summer and when grass conies. It is an excellent food, gives full value for the money and have no . hesitation. in recommending it to stock raisers. EDWARD STONE. Sodom Mn. EDITOR., DEAR Sna:-I see in yonr last week's issue an article signed by 0. Prouty, criticising a certain article that appear- ed in the previous issue, because it t ' ' Mr. John seemedo sympathize with . 1dr Stacey, Now, Mr. .Editor, as . . Prouty's article a•lludes to me you will please permit me a little space in your : valtiable paper to answer him. As to the article Mr. Prouty sneaks of 1 - know nothing about it, neither do 1 know the author; nor do I believe Mr. Stacey ever injured any of Mr. Prou-Ohio, ty,s stock. The facts of the case are these: Mr. Prouty's stock has been a nuisance on the highway for the last fifteen or twenty years as any of our old neighbors can testify. NOW, Mr. Editor, he speaks of having the backs of his sheep, broken, insinuating at the same tine that it .was wilfully the deed of some person.. As any farmer • • knows sheep on the voa,dside at night are liable to be run over by passing. rigs, but he blames poor old John Stacey, a rnan of over 80 years of age, who, any sane man knows, is not able to follow either sheep or cattle to do them itijury. Mr. Prouty for the last fifteen or twenty years, usually about the lst of Apriaallas turned his stock on the roads with practically nothing to eat afterwards, hence,is it any won- der they bother his neighbors. T -Te speaks about a scheming lot, plotting against him, when in reality people are only trying to protect themselves. Last winter the snosv drifted about my gate to such an extent that 1 conld not elOSO it and my colt got on the road and went into their yard. The second 'en t out 1 rot notice from Mrs. hole 11, NN . & . Prouty to keep it home, when his own gates were open or:the colt could not have got in. 1 am.not in the habit o t turning any of my stock out on the road and it does not become those who Make the highway their pasture field to complain so quickly. Now, Mi.... Editor, there is another "lingo" headl ed, "Misleading and false" and signeg , lY ). Mrs. Laura Prouty:, I will simpla nore it and consider from whoin it , came. , Thanking you Mr. hclitor for your Valuable space, 1 ale yours truly, • SILAS STANLALE, SE. R HIcKs • REPAIRING If you want your Repairing well clone go to R. Humes -Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a specialty. a ,MARRIAGE LICENSE • Marriage Licenses issuedandWed- dingRings always on band. , Fanson's Block, Exeter . Crediton . , X. G. STANB CRY, B. A., (formerly Collins & Stanbury) Barrister Solicitor, Notary Conveyancer money to foan-Exeter. Ont. The wheat in this vicinity is ripen- ' . , . at a o doub' the most of ing rain y, an n t 't will be cut the latterpart of the 1 , .. week. -Rev. and Mrs. Jno.Finkbeiner, . are of Cleveland, io, are ere visiting Mr. jno. Finkbeiner.-Miss Christiana Finkbeiner, of London, is visiting here also, rumors are flying,. A Honey- inoonl-Mr. Wm. England, of "Klon- dike" is painting his store and dwell - 4.4.- " Mr. H. E. Eilber is building a wire fence for Mr Jos. Heist this week. -Mr. Samuel Brown is laid. up- with rheumatism. We trust he will soon -)e o e again. I. 1able t b around . . ' -WI' V. Ratz, M. P., of Ottawa, spent last Sunday here with his family. -Our livery -man is wearing an immenee i smile these days. Why, ts another boyl--Mr. Jos. Grant, who has been a student with Dr. Lewis, left for Gran- ton last week. Jos. will be missed, especially by the fair sex. -Mr. and Mrs. Litt, of Sebringville, are visiting s, A. , v Schmidt, of Hanoveris isiting her . parents, Mr. and MrsMichael Oes- tt•eichera-Mrs. Lewis Geiser, of Den - ver, Col., is visiting relatives in this vicinity.-Mrand Mrs. WmKerr . , and young son, Chicago, Ill., are of s here owing to the seriouillues of Mrs. Kerr's father, Mr. John Taylor. oog-BAitre-A meeting of those . . held in interested in foot ball was neld in , Clark's Hall, on Tuesday night and i after organiieg a team the following i z 1 ot Pfficers were elected for the season:- res„ Samuel Either; See'ye, Earnes C Hill; Treas., Dan Kilpatrick; apt.,Geo. Either. The first game will be Vayed here on Saturday night with entrelia team. Challenges from neighboring town will now be in order, ' _gag_ Children Cry .0or cAsTo R 1A., - Centralia, Miss Lillie Hill, who has been spend- ting a pleasant two weeks with her iny friends here, has returned to ,exeI Hayfield, accompanied by her friend. Miss. Lillie Anderson who will visit Hayfield and other points before ne- • turning. , . ---- • Cromarty Miss Mary Ann Hoggarth was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Sarah Hog- garth, of this village, last week. -Mr. Alexander McLachlan, after having his barn removed and raised a short time ago, had a bee last, week when a large number of the neighbors turned out ;lid built a good approach to his barn door. At night the young.peep1e turned out to enjoy themselves ni trip- ping the light fantastic toe and re- mained at their amusement till early in the morning. -Those interested in the big ditch, running into the Whyte creek, met last Thursday at Stafta to receive the award from the engineer. As usual dissatisfaction was showu by some. Some going so far as to say they will not stand by the aWaTel, they -A' thief, whose instinct for pilfering ie a well-known feature of bis (theme.. tel from youth up, has lately been vis- •iting the cellars and bates of some of the farmers in the vicinity and carry- ing all bread and salt, He had better be careful for had he been a few min- rites later in aecomplishing his work at one of the places inat•ters would have, turned out seriously for him. A . . .store surprise le in , -is-- Zurich: IVIiss Maggie Holtzman had the misfortune to slip and fall on the floor, breaking two bones in one of her ankles. Staffa. eesrs. Wm. Bell and Wm. Camp - 1 have greatly improved their places the erection of a fine fence in front the large 'number of our ople atteoded the Dahlin picnic on )nchty.-Illiss Dalton, of Caledonia, d Mr. Harry Ruck, of Toronto, are e guests of Miss Celia Campbell. - ss Lillian Hutchison, who spent the titer in Saginaw, Mich„ has return - home. She was accompanied by r nephew, Master Howard Rinsch, 1. load of young people from Hen - 11, accompanied. by Dr. Jos, Norris, Detroit, spent Tuesday evening at e home of Mr. and IVIrs. Joseph rris.-e-The new pastor of the Meth - List church, Rev. Mr. Henderson, 11 be with us on Sunday morning xt.-Mrs. P. McMillen, of Michigan, inc home to attend the funeral of r sister, Mrs. John Smale. She will main a few weeks with her, friends. Sharon. The new desks, recently purehased the trustees of lour S. Section,prove tisfactory in every respect, adding mfort and convenience to the wel- re of papils.-We are very sorry to port tbe sudden death of the infant ild of Ma and Mrs. John,Roeszler, o passed away very early last Thurs- y morning. The funeral took place Friday morningat the hour of nine lock, conducted by the Rev. Mr. tt, of Orediton. Mr. and Mrs. Roes- er and family have thedeepest sym- thy of the community in. their sud- n bereavement, their eight -months" d infant son being the light and joy ' their home. e is not dead -the ehild of onr affec- tion, Bat gone unto that school There he uo longer needs our poor protection, And Christ himself doth rule. that great cloister's stillness and se- clusion By gnardian angels led, afe from temptation, safe from sin's pollution. He lives, whom we call dead. C. H SANDERS EDITOR - Kirhton. Miss Maggie Copeland from Pros- pect Rill is spending her holidays at home. -Mr. and. Mrs. Clark, from Crediton, were guests of Miss Ettie Fletcher. -A pleasant game of foot hall was played between Kirk.ton anti_ Farquhar en Saturday night resulting in a tie -one goal each. -Mr. G. Darl- ing was at Grand Bend on Sunday. - Miss Lottie Bowen, St. Marys, was the guest of Miss Easter Brethour.-Mr. A. E. Blake spent Sunday in Kirk - ton. -At the races 00 Monday after- noon W. Martin was first and W. Miller second in the hundred yard race. The hop step and jump, W. Mil- ler, first, 40 feet, 8 in.; Mr. Martin, second, 38 feet 6 inches; one-third mile bicycle race, W. Brown,lst; W.Elliott, second, 1 mile, W. Brown; 3 mile, Brown; fat man's race, W. Dawson and G. Parker; ladies' race, Miss Mag- gie Lee, Ettie Fletcher. -Mr. Nathan Donne and wife, from Lucan, spent Sunday with friends here. SCHOOL REPORT. -Report of S.S. o. 4. Stephen, for the month of June, eing, the result of monthly examina- ons in various classes. Pt. I:- ybella Morlock, Mary Hartman, Ilan Wein, Herbert Wein. Pt. II- -Gladys Kestle. Pt. II:-Merner ilbeaeIdellaSchwarz,Lucilla Schwarz, eo Hartman, Elde Wein, Edwin Vein. Jr. II: -Nora Brown, Wilber orlock, Della Kestle, Cora, Clark, Eldred Eilber, Idella Smith, Dora eitriche &nestHartman. Minnie estle,Willie Preszcator,Aaron Wein. r. IL -Elgin Amy, Willie Smith, Al- ert Whitaker, Willie Roeszler, Annie artman, Cecil Rowe, Wesley Wein. r. TM -Herbert Morelock, Ezra Vein. Jr. IV: -Examined in arithme- be, literature, reading, drawing, writ - g, geography, composition or recita- ion, grammar and spelling: -Freeman lorlock, Arthur Atxty, Mable Clark, twine, Yaeger, Albert Wein. Ag- regate attendance, '739; Average at- endance 32; No. on Register 45. J. H. HoiamEs, Teacher. Dashwood Grand Bend The Parkhill Baptist ehurch held their annual picnic here Tuesday. the 10th, -Many of our citizens intend go- ing to Sarnia for the 12th. -Fishing is not very good now. -Not as naany campers here this season as last. - Messrs. Essery Brenner and Harmon Gill speut a day fishing on the old river and succeeded in capturing thir- teen fine pike and five bass, -Mr. Mar - tette and family, of Port Frank, are the guests of Mr. Alexander Martelle. WEranata.-A very pretty wedding took place here Wednesday evening. July 4. at the resiclente of Mr. and Mrs. J. Statton, when their fourth daughter, Miss. Martha, was joined in holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Frank Alaster, a popular and prosper- ousyoung farmer ot this place. The ceremony was performed. by Mr. Car- riere hi the presence of the nearest re- latives and friends. The bride was supported by her sister Mary, while the groom was ably assisted by Jas. Oliver. We extend congrattilations to the young couple and wish them a happy and prosperous life. • From the West. treated to Indian clanees and we eerie - not describe the amusement 'WO haw, it gx.eat many appetti.hig in various tin.-- iforrns, will tel you more about ite, when we come home. I think fully, 1000 Indians were eatiiped here. :',a;ste• have met some heve we ktiosv, soda fratl Wrn, Walled', (brother of Ja(0es. aae Devon) Charlie i_i•ssety, Frank Ryesees and Jacksou Bros., of Lecan. 'We tend taking a trip Oat to For Sesleett- dies-van to -morrow, about 18 iniles tent. Oh, yes, we met a brother of Ta McCallum's here, quite aecidentally.- Now, Ottitrlie, ,ahout this eountry %fa hard to say things right, but we think it a good country for a poor man, arlice can put up with disadvantages, but for A MIla in good. circanistaaces tc leave the comforts and advantages that can be had in Ontario for a fear extra thousand, well, we are not one' of them, sure. Yours Truly, 'W. C. HUSTON; The following is a copy of a private. letter from Messrs. W. C. Huston and W. J. McNevin, who left here a few weeks ago for the West. We trust the writers will pardon the liberty we have taken in giving same publicly, but when we get a good thing we like to pass it around: - Edmonton, Alta, July 4th, 1900. WEDDING BELLS. -A quiet private Wing took place at the home of Irs. C. Wurtz (widow) on July 3rd,' vhen she was married to Mr. Charles ritz, shoe merchant, of Zurich, Ont., n the presence of a few of her nearest datives. The bride was attired in a -ieautiful grey travelling salt, and ac- ompanied by Miss Laura Kibler, of urich, and Miss Chapman, of Listow- 1, as bridesmaid. Her daughters, earl, Miss Ethel Kellerman and Miss' live Fenn as maids of honor. Mr. arn Bender and Mr. Wesley Kibler cted their part as geoonasmen. After he ceremony was performed by the ev. J. C. Morlock, of Dashwood, the riends were invited to partake of a umptuous decorated breakfast, after which the wedded couple left for Ex - ter station, amidst showers of rice and the blowing of the town whistle, o take a trip to Buffalo and Rochest- er, N. Y. May their journey through life be a most happy one was the wish f all present. A very pleasant and happy gather - ng took place at the home of Mr. and rs. Tobias, Guenther, Stephen Town- ship, July 4,th. The event being the narriage of their daughter, Elizebeth to Mr. Solomon Martin, of Hay Town- ship. The bride was attired in beauti- ful white brocaded silk, trimmed with cream lace, carrying a bouquet of choice flowers, making a fine appear- ance before the guests. She was ac- companied by the groomsman, Mr. Fred. McGregor, of Seaforth, and at- tended by Miss Kattie Guenther as her best maid. The wedding march was well rendered by Mr. Oscar Snell. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. 0. Morlock, Dashwood. A large number:of gifts were presented to her, showing the high esteem she was held by her many friends. Some of the presents were: -A set of the latest style dining room chairs, 5 sets of lace curtains, cat glass fruit set, tea set, silver cake basket, parlor lamps, 2 bedroom toilets fancy table and bed spreade, English and German Bible combined, dinner set, knives and forks, pica le cruet and a rocleer, etc. After the ceremony 95 guests partook of a repast which was heartily enjoyed by all. The evening was spent in a very social manner, to which a serenade of jeniorS and. seniors svas given in honor of the newly wedded couple. We re- gret to lose Miss Martin out of the choir of Dashwood Evangelical church of which she was a faithful member for many years. That her pathway in life may be strewn with much joy and happiness were the many hearty co n gratul ti o us given. W. S. MoNEveate God.erich tp: John Parsons, con. Ci suffered from a runaway he had one, Tuesday while driving into town withe his old school mate, a Mr. Cornish who lives near London, who had beeeas visiting him and who was returuireae • The horse became frightened and an- set - set the two into the ditch. Mr. Free,. - sons was seriously injured, havihee, struck his head on the ground. it ao pears that he has syniptoms of com t -- pression of brain, and at presentaet• the residence of his son-in-law, as•leet- Furry,of Clinton; where he was taken, after the accident. The injury fee ae, serions one to him, and his recover - doubtful, but Mr. Cornish only receia--- ed some face brnises and a bad shall,- ing up. Seaforth: lir. William Carnet -ban; , of Tuckersmith, and Bev. Mr. Larkibi,. of this place, had quite an exciting - experience Tuesday night, last weee They were driving itito town Irma , Harpurhey, and when opposite the residence of Mr. Robert Scott, oneeta' the front wheels came off the buggy., Mr. Larkin jumped from the 'rig en.a') escaped. injury. Mr. Carnochan wee -- not so fortunate, as he Was thrown:, ont and had his hand hurt. The wbeeti coming off frightened the horse and it madefor the ditch, colliding with aa telegraph pole, where it left the bugge and made for home at a 2.10 clip. The- • buggy was badly smashed and thee harness was pretty badly demoralized but the gentlemen may congratulate - themselves that they escaped as well,.. as they did and that it was only the - rig that was smashed. A man supposedto be John R•Banda of Toronto, jumped. from the Pennsyl- vania Railroad ferry boat in New York and was drowned. ' • Pascal Gagnier, of Hull,came in Con- tact with a live wire on the Hull Aylmer Electric road. Death was in- stantaneous. At Philadelphia a colored boy fire& a revolver into a stock of fireworks owned by a street vendor. An explo- sion took place in which seven children, including the colored boy, were kit- ed. HORSES AND CATTLE have colic and cramps. Pain -Killer will cure them every time. Half a bottle in hot water repeated a few times. Ayoid substitutes, there is but one Pain -Kil- ler, Perry Davis'. 25., cents and 50, c etosb. Reit McGregor, aged sixteen, sou of W. C. McGregor, a wealthy farmer, of Tilbury East'''. was drowned Wed- nesday. while bathing in the creek ri short distance frona his home. The young tnan was a student at eassulnp- • tion College, Sandwich, and. had just returned home on his vacation. DEAR FRIEND CHARLIE. According to promise and not being too busy at present, here goes for a short letter from both of us, although Mac. is out on the hunt as I sit here in a small office writing you. What do you snppose Mac. is looking for? Some good looking girls. He says he has not seen any since he left Exeter. But then, Charlie, you knowExeter is fam- ous for good looking girls. We left London the day the races started (le) 19th ult., on C.P. car at 9.10 &mortising in Toronto 1 p.m. Crops along the way look average -hay ap- parently light. We had lunch and walking down past the train, going vim North Bay, happened to see Fred Kibler, Zurich, and Jno. Zuefle, Hen - sail, en route for the North West. They were disappointed that they could not go via Owen Sound., along with us as the train was crowded. We left Toronto 1.80, arriving at Owen Sound. at 5. Crops en route not as good. as in Huron or Middlesex. Nice strip of country around Orangeville. 'Took C.P. boat, Alberta, 5.30 for Fort Wil- liam, enjoyed the trip immense. Went through American lock at 2 p.m., 20th ult., at Sault, arriving in Ft. Wililam 1.30, 21st ult. Was disappointed when I saw the town and was glad when the train at 5.54 pulled out for Winnip eeg, arriving at 6.30 ann. on 22nd. We were tired and put up at Clarendon Hotel where we had breakfast, it bath and a sleep. Was very hot, 98 in the shade. We found some 'of the boys and took in the parks in the evening. In company withBert Parsons andMr. Ego, (you reniember the bookkeeper in the Parsons Produce. 00.), 23rd at 7.15 took train for Brandon. The Prairie all through Manitoba and part of N.W.T. was dried up. We have since heard they have had rains but Manitoba will not have much No. 1 land this year. Mac. stayed in Bran- don over Sunday. I went 100 miles further west and stayed with Geo. Sel- lars and the Miller boys at Wapella,. In company with H. Miller and Geo. Sellers I took a trip down to Moose Mountains, distant from Wapella 60 miles. A typical cow boy drove us down. We went in 12 hours, saw good ranching grounds and lots of cattle. Met some fellows from Clinton ranch- ing about half way down. Was very glad to see some one from Huron. On our way down saw great quantities of young ducks on the sloughs; also foxes, chicken and one cayote. He followed us about a mile, had no gun, otherwise he would not follow so far. We next stopped at Moose Jaw one day. In looking back over the register in th.e Hotel I saw the names of P. Curtin and IL Hicks. Saturday, 30th ult., at 18.42 took train for Calgary, arriving at 8.25, Registered at Royal Hotel and while eating breakfast saw Prof. Ruse at another table. We put in Sun- day together, going to Presbyterian church at night and heard a good ser- mon. Left Calgary Monday morning for Edmonton, arriving at 6 p.m. Tide is a great ranching country and lots of good farming lands.They have had too much rain here. We got here in time for the last day's races. T am sending you papers giving a deserip- tion of same. We took in the day's sport, ench as running, jumping, base- ball, etc., in forenoon. Races started at 1.00 p.m. and they were good, best time made I think was 2:28a. They had Buck races and senaw maces, the squaws sitting astride and goibg like Mad. caps, After races were over were Children Cry for CASTOR IA. Nearly all the foundations for the - great paper machines to be establish- ed in the Eddy mills, Hull, have been'. laid. The large NV avellouse . adjoin- ing the office building is also beinge put in shape. Construction work oat all the Eddy establishments is well un- der way. The machinary is being fife stalled, and a full staff will be at work. in the department shOrtly. 4 , A serious and what may yet prove as, fatal mishap occurred at. Tilsonburg the other ramming. Mrs. D. Kreller, o. the Royal Alfred Hotel, has been an- noyed a great deal of late by rats Thinking to get rid of them, she cover- ed up everything in the pantry and? left exposed on the top of the refriger- ator some pie, over which she sprinkled strychnine. Next morning Mr. Kreller. arose first, and coming down stairs • went into the pantry for something to eat. He eat off a piece of pie, and eat-- ing it, then went to the stable. Mrs. Kreller decended shortly afterwards, and went down to remove the pie be- fore any one could get down, but she almost fainted to find that some ono had been there before her. She at once thought of her busband,and from the back door called to him to know if: ' he had touched the pie. His reply was that he had. She cried, "Oh, it was. poisoned," and at once got hien somo• mille and made him drink it, ancl then, had his physician summoned without delay. The victim was seized with con- vulsions, but at last accounts the doc- tor, by the usual method, had quieted him, and he was sleeping, though not yet out of danger. BIRTHS. KERTL-On Tuesday, July 3rd, thee wife of Wesley Kerr, Ith con. Mc- Gillivray, of a, daughter. BERRY. -In oa july Stla, the - wife of Thos. Berry, of a son. 1),1An1tAN. -in Hensall, on July 6, the- ' wife of Thos. Hayman, of a son. TIARTala-MAritriere-Near CarridafT, Assa,, on June 29th, Edwerd Harris, of Joslyn, N. Daleotag formerly of Hay, and son of Mr. 'William Harris, who recently moved front that town- ship, to Miss Gusta Malinke, Ken - Mere, N. Dale. ' r