HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-7-5, Page 2eggerreesseeereergres zrbseribers who do not reeettetheii• pave �Srunkeee Will elegise notify lar at once, i4ppiv at this office for edvertisiiii 1: let, • 'E. 'l :' ii i ii�1d18 L`do THURSI?AY, JtJL] S, 1900 EE PAID. L, I • . Some time ago a wealthy gentleman ,veil known for his cetreme stinginess drove up hurriedly in his carriage to 'the door of a ce;,sbrated doctor in 'Sheffield, He was in a state of acute discomfort and fear, from the fact thea t :a piece of fish-bonewas stick- ing somewhere in the region of his throat. The doctor speedily removed the ob. steels and the gentleman breathed freely.. Thank you, doctor, lie exclaimed, much relieved. Pll never eat ,salmon again—never ! And with what else You removed it—a mere minute's oper- ation, was it not ? How ranch--a—what is your fee? Halt a guinea, replied Dr. B. Half a guinea i exclaimed the -gen- tleman, "tor half a minutees: work I 1mpoinsiblle But, consider, said the doctor ; a salmon bone 1 Wheat has that got to do w'ith.. it? Oh, a great deal, replied Dr. B. Had it been ha%ibut or fresh , haddock, I should have charged lessperhaps 5s; :codfish )r eels, 2s Od. would; have been amp?y. payment; maokerel, Zs; whale a red herring bone I might even have removed free of charge.; but salmon at this time of the year 1 --well, real- ly sir, one hats to pay for these lux- uries. . And has patient paid. `1`faere never was, and. never will be, a universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which: flesh is heir—the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient—what would relieve one 111 in turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a, sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious ills. By its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui - aline exerts on Nature's own restoratives. it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a -disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep— Imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through- out the reins, strengthening. the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary result, tstrengtheningtiie frame, and giving life 'to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased substance -result, im- proved appetite. Northrop it Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their :superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, ,and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, 'this wine approaches nearest perfection of :t;ny in the market. All druggists sellit. COULDN'T FIND THEM. A countryman—and, countrymen may _generally be trusted to tell the truth—relates in the Cincinnati Times - Star a story illustrative of what he calls the idiotic behavior of pity' folks on the farm. "Why," said he, "a student from the Cincinnati University visited my farm. lastsummer, and one day, when Iwas starting out to digsome new potatoes, ;ibe took the basket out of my hand and maid he would get them. He, was gone 4ba1f an hour or so and came back with en empty basket. Ile had hunted over the whole patch, he said, and couldn't find anything but blossoms. There wasn't a single potato on the vines." "I really ,thought he would faint when I took the hoe and began dig - aging them out of the ground." Sleeplessness,—When the nerves are na- strung and the whole body given up to wretchedness, when the mind is filled with gloom and dismal forebodings,the result of deraugerent of the digestive morgans, sieeplessuess comes to add to the distress. If only the subje t could sleep there ;would be oblivion for a while. and temporary relief. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will not only induce sleep, but will act so beneticially that the subject will wake refreshed and resrored to happiness THE ' OLD SYSTEM AND THE NEW. But, dad, what did you know about ;ychology, and, physics, and Delsarte? And what' do you know, my dear 'boy, about geography and arithme- tic, and spelling. If your child is pale, peevish, and does • not thrive, a dose of filler's Worm Pow- ders occasionally will cure. ANCIENT WISDOM. UM. There can be no happiness before death, said the sage. Right!, cried the frivoloub young Greek, I'll never be happy til1, that rich old uncle of mine is dead. hoard's liniment cites Burns, Etc, THE BOTTLED ARTICLE. Corkin I'm about to strike old Spotcaah for a raise in salary, Let's step in here and drink to my suc- 0el4e. Going to screw your courage up to the sticking point, are you? No; I'm going to try to float it up. The best physicians speak well of Mill. er's Compound Iron Pills. MODEST LITTLE WISH. Young Wife—I wash I were a motif, Young Husband—Why? Young Wife—So I 'could get into ,come' new clothes. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. FELL FLAT, Was the strike a success, Miket NO, begorry, there was nivver a llborinimairje jurin' the whole; av it. SUFFERED? T$RRIELE AGONY DUE TO KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLE. Jiedtetaee Appareat1y Lied No LGlfect, EMIL at the SeUcitation of a Friend Ile need Dr. Williams' Ptak fills and Was Carel. � F � n From the Mail, Granby, Que. Mr. Albeit Fisher, accountant at Payne's oigar factory, Granby, Clue., is known to almost every resident of the town, and is held in the highest, ereteen by all who know him. In con- versation with the editor of the Mail recently, something was said con- cerning Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, when Mr. Fisher remarked that he had found these pills a very valuable medicine. It was suggested that he elaeuld make his experience known, and to this he readily consented, handing to the Mail the following letter for publication ;-- Granby, —Granby, March 16th, 1900. In justice to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I think it my duty, in view of what they have done for me, to add my testimonial to the many which T have seen in print. For some months! I suffered most severely from pains; upand down my back. It was thought these 'were due to liver and kidney trouble, but whatever the cause; they kept me in terrible agony. The pains were not confined to the back, but !would shift to other parts of the body. As a result, I could get little rest ; my a,prpetite was much impaired, and I was really a il ck man. I tried many different remedies, without effect, and which disgusted me with medicine. A friend aulggested that I try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I was not easily persuaded, for I had given up the use of medicine, as nothing had helped me, but as he insisted, I fin- ally inally concluded to give them a trial. I purchased one box, and was as- tonished to find that before it wwas entirely used, I was quite a bit re- lieved, and after using six more, was fully restored to my former good health. I take great pleasure in recommending this valuable remedy, that others may profit by my ex- perience, and not suffer the tortures that I did. Yours sincerely, ALBERTi FISHER. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root at the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driv- ing disease, from the system. If ,your dealer does not keep them, they will be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brock- ville. Ont. flow's This'1 We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of';Catarrh that 'cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENLY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned. have' known F. 3. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to curry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST & TRAILS:, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WALDING, KINNAN & MAl.t- FIN Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting dlrectly upon the blond and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c i,er bottle. S31d by all drug- gists. The Horse—noblest of the brute crea tion—when suffering froma cut, abrasion, or sore, derives as much benefit as its master in a like predicament, from the healing, soothing action of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Lameness, swelling of the neck, stiffness of the joints, throat and lungs, are relieved; by it. THE REASON. Darling, your friend isn't going to lend us that money you asked him for. He called to -day to say so. I should like to know why not. He knows me perfectly well—knows all about me. He said that—that was just the rea sou; why.. Billiard's Liniment Be ievPs N iirakia, Nosesenete. Custom Officer—Miss, you will have to let me know what that blue trunk con- tains. Miss Triller—Oh, nonsense! Custom Officer -But I demand in the name of the law. Miss Triller—Well, didn't I just tell you the trunk contains nonsense? It is packed with love letters 1 received all over Europe. Vernal Family Methods. "We've got five pounds of moth balls in the house." "How did that happen?". '"Ob, everybody forgot to get any, and then we all got their. at Once.„four•uel A QUEER EXPERIENCE. How as Possillile Marriage Was Pre vented by a ilnr:t„iaryr. "I had a queer experience once with a burglar,” said aNebraska merchant on his way to New York to buy gaud.,, '1+'or the putt 15 years 1 have beet ma Mug several trips a year to New York, and this incident occurred about ten years. ago. I had met a very intelligent and in teresting woman in the city, a widow, of au age Suitable for hie, and as I was a widower I had made up my mind if I liked her as well when I saw her again as I had for the two weeks I had lived in the same boarding house with her I would begin to talk seriously to her. "I knew nothing about her whatever. exceept that she interested me, and as she seemed to he a nice Woman and I had two boys who needed a good woman's care I thought she (night interest my boys as well. She had given, hie her photograph, and1 had it with me on the trip to let her sec, if necessary, that I liked to have her around. "Ou my way I stopped over one night in Chicago with a brother I had there, and during the night my room was en- tered by a burglar.. He must have been a very smooth one, for I never heard a thing and only knew he had been there by finding my money and watch and jew- ehy and papers done up in a package and left' on the bureau. Nothing was missing as far as'I could discover except the photograph, which I had lett in a. handsome leather frame on the bureau. Frame and photograph were gone, sod pinned to the mirror was a note in a good,. legible hand which read as follows: "Dear Sir—}whoever you may be, pardon the liberty I have taken in corning uninvited tato your room. I have taken with me nothing' but a photograph of my mother. Don't tell her. "Possibly the hand shook when it wrote the note, but if it did I could not detect it in the writing. Evidently, though, it was genuine, for the burglar had left nearly $1,000 worth of stuff that he could have taken with the photograph.' In any event, I did not mention the visit of the burglar to my brother, and he had not disturbed any other part of the house, my room probably being the first and the photograph saving all the others. "Neither did I say any,$tiing to the wid- ow about the burglar, or about the other matter, either. I was just as polite as ever, but it ended there. Incidentally I spoke to her one day about my boys, and she said she had a boy somewhere in the world, but he had run away from home when he was 16, and she had not seen him in seven years or heard of him. There were tears in her eyes when she spoke, and I felt a little odd about the eyes myself, but I kept my secret. I'm telling it now because elle died about a year ago." The Reason For Some Failures. How many public men have fallen be- cause they have been discourteous to sub- ordinates, to newsgatherers, to voters after election! How many, on the other hand, have climbed to great heights of power and reputation because they paid attention to the civilities of life! Peo- ple have long memories. They never for- give the slightest affront to their, sover- eignty. The moment a public man so tar for- gets the source of his power as to treat the humblest individual. with scant coni- teey he places in action an engine for his own destruction. Per contra, let an offi- cial be thoroughly agreeable in manner. and genuinely interested in the welfare of persons whom he may never have oc- casion to "use," and he places in nn - known hands cymbals to proclaim his merits. Popular favor is swayed as often by the personal manner of a candidate as by the principles he represents. True courtesy,, however, springs from the. heart rather than from the head. It takes little account of rank or circum- stance or benefits to be derived.—Suc- cess. A Necessary Part. "The doctor says I am badly run down and must go away for six months." "But, John, dear, I can't leave town." "That's part of the cure."—Life. Still Another Definition. "What is a financier?" "Usually a man who makes money without earning it."—Chicago Post. THAT WAS ALL.. Are there no eggs with the ham for breakfast this morning? asked the Ob- servant Boarder. No, replied the Gross Eyed Boarder.;, this is a ham and eggless breakfast. Health for the children -.Miller's Worni Powders. NUMBER FOUR. - Excited lady, at the telephone.—I want ray husband, please, at once. Voice, from the exchange. Number, plc ase. Excited lady, snappishly. Only the fourth, you impudent thing I TH E' and , 1 rter OF JOHN LA ATTR London, Are undoubtedly THE J3EST. Testimonials from 4 chemists, to medals. 14 diplomas. The most wholesome of boverages. Recommended by Physicians. h'or sale 9 ever - vvkiere. ar1e said to be the best judges of Tea in Eur- ope, even the poorest classes being large consumers of the very choicest Teas grown in India and Ceylon. The teas mostly in favor in Ireland are rich, strong, liquoring uorin kind, similar to Canadian F GOLD DOLLARS TO The Handsomest Baby Gets The Handsomest Prize. ALL JUDGED FROM PHOTOGRAPHS ONLY. lite interest Canadian mothers in a otavdard preparation throughout the world THE BRITiSHCHEMISTS COMPM Y PflOPRIZTOfie OF Engflish Syru Aiiilt 000110 TO GIVE, WITltOUT COST 1(1 ANY WAY, A TWISTY DOLLAR COLD REVS. to the prettiest baby in Canada. A TEN L'ILLAR COLD PIECE to the 2nd prettiest. A FElP DOLLAR II*LU PIECE to the 3rd prettiest. A TWO. ANS -A -HALE DOLLAR 'C.9L& PIM in order, of merit, to each of the next 10 prettiest babies. A ONE DOLLAR OOLD PIECE in Idea. of merit, to each of the next 40 prettiest babies, while to every mother sending her eat ar Piwtogrph, will also be given mu our ILLEIsTRATED eaCINe 64143TIMMOOD," con la Cana Children in iill ai 9a and Dl ice, on receipt of ten cents to cover cost of mailing. C '± N I T i r� :s r ;E D CAREFULLY! Every person intending to eend photograph of baby, must send us heist cacti at onto stating .when the photo will reach us. tt.11 photos sent in moat reach ea not later than July 14th, Do not send Alleles a of children over 3 years old ; they will uot be considered. Phoece mutt btup lainl marked with age, sex,name of the child mid full name and post office eddrees' of the perente.The smallest picture will reeive as much. consideration as the largest. The prizes will be awarded by a committee of seven disinterested ladies, and distributed by nimil 90 the respective winners, August 4th, 1900. The pictures of all babies rnrripetiing will be published in beautiful half -tone engravings in Toronto Globe, beginning Roesixdaty, Augisei 4.1.h, 1900. Photos returnable on receipt of postage. As ` we have no time to aaswer needless oorrespovdelaoe, please do not aak for 'further infor- a lean, simply sead poet' card, stating when picture will be sent. "d °, AITg C COMPANY, Dust, cos Victoria strata, TORONTO C '; ADA. yam. et, J. kt LITTLE MIXED, ' - , There goes that Jerry Bilson. 1 wonder if he is going to school or go- ing fishing ? Take a peep in his basket. If he has jam spread over his geography he is going to school ; if he has a painted cork projecting from a rhubarb pie he is going fishing. is Rheumatism of the back The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. If the kid- neys did their work there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Make the kidneys do their work. The sure, positive and only cure for Lumbago is AT LAST. In a cemetery near Portland there are five tablets all alike, except the inscriptions, which read: Anne, first wife of John. Brown. Mary, second wite of John Brown. Jane, third wife of. John Brown. Clara, fourth wife of John Brown. John Brown. At rest at last. , The great lung healer is found in that excellent medicine sold as Bicklo',s Anti. Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and di- minishes the sensibility. of themembrane of the throat and air passages, and is a sovoreigh remedy for all coughs, colds, hoarseness, puiu or soreness in the chest, bronchitis, etc. It has tired many when supposed to be far advanced in consump- eion. MIGHT AS WELL STAY ON. We've quit moving every spring. Don't you find a restful difference in other apartments? Oh, yes, there's a difference in apartments; but we've found out that there's really no difference in La n d'lords. St. Martin, One ., TIay 14, 1895, C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Gentlemen,—Last. November my child stuck a nail in his knee, causing int<tne lnatioiz so severe that ,I was advised to take hien to Montreal and have the limb amputated to save his life. A neighbor advised us to try MINAR 0'S LINIMENT, which we did, and within three days my child was all right, and':1 feel so grateful that I send you this testi- monial that my experience may be of benefit to others. LOUIS GAGNIER. THE WHEREFORE OF IT. Mrs. Naggin—Cheer up ! Don't be so grumpy. It's so strange you men will get that way, while we women aro in- variably happy and -hopeful. Mr, Noggin—Why shouldn't you be ? You haven't any wives to bother you. Minard's L11111118Ill 0U1' S Dandruff, Realism. Rebecca .Gine walked down the Iane putting her feet forward "alternately. There were hedges on both sides; one on the left, ono on the right. The young leaves were a pale green. Overhead ran the telegraph wires. The poles were about 35 yards apart. A robin sat on.a spray of blackthorn, which moved under its weight, now down, now up. The red- dish color of its breast and the gray brown of its plumage contrasted with the white of its perch. Rain had fallen and the ground was wet, especially in the ruts. The secondhand feather in Rebec- ea's hat dropped a little over her left ear; and the third button of her off boot was wanting. Smoke went up from the chim- neys, taking the direction of the wind, west with a touch of south. Between the fleecy clouds the sky suggested a tone of blue. All these phenomena (including the feather, which was out of sight) escaped Rebecca's notice. She was not gifted with that grasp of essential detail, which is the sign of an artistic nature, nurtured in the best school of realism.—London Punch. ONLY IF NECESSARY. Thio engagement, had just been an- nounced, and, the ' girl in blue wets piqued. I wouldn't marry for money, she announced, thereby intending to spore one on the prospective bride. The girl in pink merely, shrugged her shoulders. Neither would I -if I could get it any other way she answelred. The Flagging Enemies Revived. --Con- stant application to business is a tax up- on the energies, and it there be not relax- ation, lassitude and depression are eure to intervene. These come 'from stomachic troubles. The want of exercise brings ou nervous irregularities, and the stomach ceases to assimilate food properly. In this :condition Paranelee's Vegetable Pills will be found a recuperative of rare power, restoring the organs to healthful action, dispelling depression, and reviving the fagging energies. ( ONCE MORE. ' What do you thank? Charlie 'White and Mabel Perkasie are engaged again atter their engagement had been broken off and they had become noth- ing to each: other Charlie surrendered again, did he Yea. {A,L sort' of re -capitulation, en P Yew friend, Mrs.—, is looking. much improved in health. Yea, she le a different woman. We persuaded her to try Miller's Compound Iron Pills, with the result yon observe, ' I TWO KINDS. Wigg Talkalot says he either knows man, or he doesn't. He has no speak- ing acquaintances. Wagg—No ; they're al'i listening eojininttnced. r , llli>lard's Liniment for sale liven ylvherc TOO COMMON. ; Mrs; Bangs.—Yes, we have straw.. berry shortcake every day at dinner. Mrs. Suddenrich—Do you 9 We dropp, ped them when the berries fell to thee present plebeian price. That tired, languid feeling,: and indis- position to effort of any sort will be rapid- ly removed by the use of Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills, NOT THIA.T KIND 0F' RECORD. Mrs. Wunder—Here's an item about a girl who can sing any song on re- cord. Mr. Wunder -She must be a phono. graph. If the children require physic none acts so nice as Isliller's Wolin Powders; very pleasant to take, I USUALLY A' CHANGE. - The Bachelor—I don't suppose a man's name ever ^hanger when gets married, The Benedict -2-0h, yes, it does. Be- fore we were married my wife called me "Dearest," and now she says. " Here, you!" iNo worm medicine tants so nicely as Mil- ler's Worm Powders; "iio physic. required. WHAT OF TEE OTHERS ? Temperance Lecturer—Who was the, gentleman just here 1 Resident—Ah, that was Dr. Skidds- He is one of our most liberal contri- butors to the cause. ' Temperance Lecturer—He only gave, a quarter. Resident—I know it. A new back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Plaster. NOT B.R01TEN, So you quarreled with George, said one young woman. Yes, answered the otherwith much pathos. Is your engagement broken? Oh, no. I told ham I never wanted to see his Lace again, and hesaid that he would leave me forever. But we didn't go so far as to break our en - easement. Jolt un }''s; Soliloquy. "I shall be glad when I get big enough to wash my own face," mut- tered little Johnny after his mamma had got through with him, "then I won't wash it." WILL RUN Home Seekers 60 Day Excursions �II To the Canadian North West AT RETURN FARES Winnipeg ... Deloraine.... Antler....,., Estevan Binscarth Moosomio Haaniota $28 Swan River.. Regina Moosejaw , .. s30 Yorktoa } Prince Alberti ' $35 Calgary p Red Deer} $A Edmonton 1 aahaii Going June 19th Returning until Aug. loth (All Lail or S.S. Alberta) Going July 13th Returning until Sept, 12th IAir Rail onlyy Going July t7th Returning until'Sept. 18th (All hall or S.B. Alberta)' For ticket', and further information apply to any Canadian.-Faoiao :Agent, or to A, H. NOTMAN,.. Rout. (ieul. Patlar,. Art„"1 King St. Fact,Toronto. Hotel Balmoral Moaetre, I.Free Bus. aur. n. 61.50 up. E P.; "1. ea: POR OVER Peery vP.AP5, MILS. WINSLOW S SOO'I'IITN(7 SYRUP has beam Used by mothers tor their children teething. It soo' heel tho child, softens Cho cvms, allays' pain, cures wined colic, and is the bent remedy for diarrluna. 25c.a bottle: Sold by all-drugginta tirrnnghnut the world. Be sure, and a■k for” Mrs, wins ow, $nothing: Syrup," //" STOPPED FREE, Permanent - 1 , ITS ly Cure 1)a. :iiriiiE'S SRSAzv 6i NSaVI: it vSroal:a. Positive cure' tor all Nervous Diseases, Fits, Epilepsy, Simms and St. Vitus' Dance. Ne- Nits or ,l,:ervotisec s after first d.ey's use. Treatise and 852 trial bottle Bent through Canadian Age n t v i'tutr to Fit patients' theyhaying express (Aare es only when received. Send to Dr. Lluie,!el Ave(, st„ Phi;adclphia,Pa.. T. N. 11. 9i8 CATHOLIC PRAYER iie„kt,R,, aries, °ruei.• 1Le,•,:, Sia ,,,lar,: Religious Pictures, S(izluar y and Church Orn,i• (rents, Educational Welke Mali ordm s receive promptettention. b. v.7, ..Ful ilei• Sr, Uo. DJ oiitr'l. FURS. F LI Importer anti exporter oi' tar Ilan' Ful s anti ;',1 inn, Co t signiiients solicited. Thigh .•. est Pric.is crud fol gitlsing. If, .10TINSO`, 494 St. Paul strret, eiontroee