HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1900-6-28, Page 8;,• •
!`4,11-itaa '.41•4•1X:',41,4-***,
' ;•.•• ••• • a •iat. ' r
• •S., in
::•:P9MM•- An Enn'lish .jOurnal recently 'wonder-
s LOCAL DOL.N1":rvi-4-'S. el-all'ovihZattilectil'atsbsees:1301.1°'nolfin'xitei°011f ot1:11- Excursion- Committee
• .
Excursion to Brantford. L ,*tt, 'ho underwent al vainsumnangsmsaumumulamilligamlims"
At a recent meeting of the A' tilYC.1 '1:1rerietil operation at one of the Lora \
I, • /•i• ‘i
• a a it Was de- 'don hospitals a short tone am) return-
lataavtlntailttata.1.ttaftkaa.0 ..../V3taTtatleekaez—"Efs cNctirsion. to ' licnne Wednesday night, greatly im-
no,better or inoT,•e proved.
- • F elded to rkni th.c-ir •
There was an old man named Oorn a in arm. Alaetevery Mr. Jas. Walters and John Spack-
Pea8011 Walt for it, 'I -U1 •he, the out- man, son of Mr. E. J. Spackman, left
tivated classes.are o „ ,
stanCethegreoni',ettys:;•' 'ArrY °rola
my oss." Akit'the. ahrate says; "He
that has yaws to yaw let him yaw."
And the doctor's wife says; Yawge
please 'go to Awtha and awdae the
hawse and don't forget to look at the
fiah." And the vicar says: "If owah
soverine• lady w ele a ,o .
f• yorable point '
ing ahe season. a <are will be Moridtty for the Old Counti'Y Via New
IITho was driven at last to the 1:Vall;$1.25. Forthe? Etarthaulars later. York They will visit Paris London
stago•er hienanity. R°Yul TetaPlars' Cktrdiff and other European cities be -
He vo-tvrd in his' Vctnity
• 11 •
(And Bobs paid an afternoon ea, )
The Royal Tempitats Will hcild their fore returning.
hcie known as '<Not at 00m gracious n annUal Pla-me at Grata Bend on July Mr, and Mrs. James Morrow, who
An - • . 6th Any outsidene desiring to go have boar, visiting friends and relatives
11' f " between
Strawberrres are be Lemons 15c. dozen; best pickels 15c. .
ing their . o'Wen provisions. Children left for their home in Silver Springs,
Pahl. •
Pay do so 'by paying 50c. and provid- here and Kippen for the past month,
'7 and 10 cent,s aboi. 2q,5"ea,rti:;tlisit'°ek\Ne,frtb,sis.cuits 6 pounds for
The ma.solis ai,e again busy on ma. under th,i3.•teen years of age 350e0ts. man., on Tuesday. Mr. Morrow say
R. Knig-lit'e hew tailor shop. • The Seafortll and Exeter Lacrosse Rigs wi:11 leave here at six o'clock in the prospects for an abundant cx•o ins
the m•orn-ing Names left with Mi. the West was never brighter when he
has inoved. -with his family to Graliton. the Westel'n District League here on IT°111..'k 11°(-' Liter 'than July 3Id will left but °wane; to the continued. ai,oiight,
lqr. RigneY, harness maker, teainS played a game on the series of
I 1 eaer, 1 the reports itre very discoaracring.
a • being a steady downpour of rain all The following
0 - Len 100,
program will begin Hensall: On Sunday night Patter -
Mrs. II. Samwell entertained, a num_ Friday afternoon last, rile weather
Rana Concert, t-,
her of her most intimate friends Mon- was far from being favorable, there , ,
• the time the game was cm. As a mat- PromPtlY at 8.00 lame Friday, m the son's planing mill was entered and the
The Trivitt Memorial church Sun -
ter of fact the game should -never have Public school grounds. In comp,any clock stelen. On the same night some -
Bend July litaa been called on and while the rules with the musical event the senior one entered Wm. McEwen's cellar • d
make no provision for unfayorable school boys will play a rt.:me of basket helped themselves to pies, and day school intend pie-nieking at Grand
Dominian Day promises to he a quiet weather, mutual arrano•ements could hall. No fee charged, h -All cordially st, marys, :On raiias(heyet?Mnienge. 1
one in town. A large number of our h b ' - 1 between'tl • ' d . , :
ave boon arrive( at two invite
Mr. L. Grerman, blacksmith, and Miss
people will go to Grand Bend. clubs. However the game was played —Pnoolaaar— Walsh, of Cherry Grove, were united
As stated last week the Sutherland and witnessed by only a few $Pectators 1 March, La Fiesta A. Roncovieri in the holy bonds of matrimony at St,
Inues Co. closed down t,heir stave and resulted in favor of Seaforth by a 2 fatikota Waltzes W. E. M. Pettee Marys church, by ,the Rev. Father
works, Saturday night. score of 1.0-27).
Anierican Fantasia • Brennan.
Mr. BlackWell shipped a ca-rload of During' the training' ef militia in "Gems of .SteplienFester" Settfort at Miss E'\ 5t15 met with a
fine heavy horses to Montreal Monday au Ayrshire town: companY were Theta. M, On. 295 .smile•what painful apcident a few clays
for the Old Country market. • ordered off for ball -firing. The cein- Famlioniam, Solo • ago. She was lifting, 0 bOard,, when it.
a panv included a nia,n named Mac- " The HolY CitY''; Adams flew back, 'catching her finceers and
Use Dix Little Liver. Pills for hea - , Mr. Judd Davidson hunsm thcm so that she wes t nabl
yas singled out :is 0 "marker," Be- 5 Overture "Hot Stuff" Boos, to takeher'place as organist ache and biliousness. Sold by C. Lutz, .Phee, noted for his simPlicitY, who
Exeter. F. Moil Presbyterian church on hSabbath.
tore the firing began the sergeant 6 Fantastic Waltzes
tral Hotel stables, is on the sick list
when, to his horror he saw Jock Chorus from Ernani c mese, son and his daughter were driving up
Verdi Seaforth: 'While Mr. J. 13. Hender-
Mr. Wm. Tapp, hostler at the Cen- looked round to See if all was ready, 7 0, Hail Us Ye Tree
and unable to attend to his duties. coolly standing in front of the tar- S Waltz in the Shadow of th P' Main street to take the morning train
Dn Rollins disposed of his handsome get. Thinking the man insane t e • • G 0 Lang
driving mare to Mr. Graham, of St. ser0eant once went to the rescue 9 March, The Land of the Maple east, a team attached to a wagon con -
at • • taimng gravel hacked into their boggy
Marys, last week, receiving a good anS. demanded the meaning of such Bayley, throwinn out both oecnpants. Rola.
figure. conduct, and branded jock as a fool. God Save the Queen.
, a • , tunately neither were seriously in -
Mr. McIntyre, of Huron College, "I'm no sich a fool as ye think," Council Proceedings. • lured.
London, preathed in the Taivitt Mem- retorted Sock. "I keen the safest Council met at Town Hall June 25,
. ,
Court of Revision of the Assess-
, .
niorial church on Sunday last, both place weel enuch; I ance marked for as a
Assess -
morning and evening. . .. your company afore"! ment for street watering. There being
skirts tailor -ma e, slightly sca e ,
pique . no appeals it was moved by J. Evans,
seconded by I. Armstrong, that the
•The 34th of the Dominion of Canada, Teh Only Ladies' white
the Independence of the United States ' . a, assessment he confirmed anhd the court
Yours at a bargain. stewart s.
' d'1 d
begins Sunday, July 1st and. 125th of •
begins July 4.th, 1900. closed.—Carried. Council met at call
Varna: On Monday Messrs. McCon-
nel & Stewart Met witn a heavy loss
by the death of their imported stallion,
Prince of Campsir. The loss will be
over $1,000. Ile was sick only a little
over an hour. On opening him it was
found that the cause of his death was
rupture of the stomach.
of Reeve, at Town Hall, June 25, All
Mr. Grahain -Shipped forty-five light
On Thursday night last Mr. James present. Minute's of previous meeting,'
horses fro -in here and .twenty-three ,-_-, -,
J_Larvey, hostler at e Commercial read and confirmed. ,Tenders for street
from St. Marys on Friday last for the House stables, narrowly escaped ser- watering was received . as 'follows:—J.
English Gevernment. ions injury. It seems Mr. Graham, of Snell, $0 per week; 3. W. Creech, $6.50
The Orange Lodge will attend divine St. Marys had a number of horses de- do.; Wm. Trevethick,$S • do L
., . ex ,et'-
worship in the Presbyterian church on livered here that evening and when Evans, that I Snell's tender, being the
Sunday,July 8 when the Rev.lAchesone going up beside one of them in the lowest, be accepted; work to be done
of Kippen, will conduct the service. stall the beast became frightened and to the satisfaction of the : street corn -
The Seinforth Turf Mb are making drew back on the, halter, at the same missioner.a-Carried. Levett—Muir,
extensive :preparations for the • first time crowding Mr. Harvey against the that the following 'accounts be passed
race meeting on their fine new track in side of the stall and knocked him off and orders di:a-WM -on. Treasurer for
July. They are giving $1750 in piuses. his feet. In the horse struggling for saine.—.James,Oreeeh, freight on en -
Are . .
'liberty Mr.Harvey was trampled -upon gine $9.95.—Carried. Levett—Evans,
your feet tired, weary and sore
audit looked every moment as though that the clerk prepare a .copy of all the
during the hot weather, if so, try Foot
he Would be killed on the spot. Luck- by-laws now in' force 'and have 50:
25c. per 13ox. : ily, however, assistance arrived in copies printed.—Carried. Evans-
-.. ,
Eaee, Sold by 0. Lutz, Exeter, Price
tme to s.ave him, but his leg wits badly Armstrong, that Council ,adjourn to
;The Rev..E W. T en Eyck will preach
bruised in consequence of which he has July 7th, at 8 o'clock, p.m. --Carried.
on the subject of Confirmationon, San- been compelled to quit work. His P. S.—The council will make their am -
day evening next, July lst. All are many friends will •be pleased to see 1)001 inspection of streets On Tuesday
welcome. him hack to duty again in a few day. afternoon, Jtiy 3rd.
While c-atting nranite on Saturday Geo. IL BassEarT, Clerk.
last W.D. Wheekes had the misfor- 1'. for a lovely rarnae
tune to aet someparticles of the chip- of white ftimity and Muslins. 10c.
• Jr •
pings in his left eye, causing him eon- for a choice lot of colored organdys PERSONAL. t
siderable pain. and ginghains at Stewart's.
Tile:steamer, Corintaiiit.n, on which 4
Messrs. George and Jos. Davis and P. Early Spuds,
•AI. Frank Knight, wits in London
Rowaliffe took ,passage, is reported Mr. Geo Samuel is the firrs
st to report
to have arrived at Liverpoct an 'Wed- eai-ly potatoes around these pa
parts. On Monday.
nesday Of last week: 161)5 inst. 50 dug Several fine ones from
The youngest son of Mr. Win. Cord- his garden and had them for dinner.
tis, of Usborne, while playing at school He certainly must be Irish, net:with-
the other day was thrown dewn and standing the narne being so English.
another: boy falling on, top of him, P‘eductn of the Postal Rate.
broke.his arm and collar bone.
it is generally understood that the
D. V. Bishop Baldwin will achninis- Postmaster -General. will at once nitro -
ter the rite of Confirmation in Trivitt duce a measure in parliament reduc-
Memorial Church on Sunday, .fulySth. ing the postage rate on newspapers ac.
Further notice will be given on Sun- per lb. to ace per lh. within the limits
day and in next week's issue. of the Province in which each paper is
Clinton New Ei•a: H. Brewer is. re- published, This very considerable re-
covering nicely from the ugly cut he duction in postage is the promised ,re -
sustained to one of his fingers last lief which the Govermnent were to
week; he fell on a piece of glass, and <dye the newspaper interest in return
the finger end was completely severed. For the exceptionally high pi ice of
Turkish Scalp Food restores the Paper'
color of grey hairs relieves itches of ----------
A Special Lot of black dress goods
the scalp, removes dandruff, promotes 1
hair growth, is an elegant dressing for at 5°°. 75c•and 51'00' They're cheap
the hair. ' . Sold by C. Lutz's, Exeter, _at Stewart's.
50c. a bottle.
The "Huron Old Boys" resident in Another Agency S%indle.
Toronto anclelsewhere, will celebrate Chief Williams, of the police force,
• in Goderich on July 4th. Big prepar- h
. as t, .
re-•eived a letter from Harper
of New York stating that
ations are being made by the residents Brothers'
of the county town and a big time complaints. have. been in'ade to them of
may be expected. . a man. calling himself Robert Gordony,
who is alleged to have obtained mons
• The latest fad is for school girls to in Brantford and Sault St. Maris, Ont.,
carry canes. The teachers need never on a pretence of establishing agencies
should it be needed. terns. They state that they have not
the aale of Harper's Bazaar pat -
ply correction,
be at a loss now for the means to ap- for
Canes will always • be available for established any agencies for their sale,
tli°se who require " caning." nor employed any person to do so. A.
On Saturday, July 21, the rate- person whom Gordon called in Brant -
payers of the town of St. Marys will ford, the letter states is Mr. A. ILMel-
vote on a by-law to raise 815,000 for lish. It says further that he contracted
the purpose of purchasing and instal- with Mr. S. Gibson,iff Sault Ste.Marie,
lino. and electric, light plant to be oper- Ont.
ated by the corporation. Strawberry Festival. .
We would urge upon our readers to Notwithsta,nding the warm weather
patronize the merchants of this town a large number was in attendance at
and they should get it, because in ask- the strawberry festival under the aus-
who advertise. They want your trade
pices of the Ladies' Aid of the James
ing for it they show that they are street Methodist Chairch on Monday
competitors in their different lines of night last. Strawberries and cream
business, and other delicacies were served in the
Mrs. Grant, who hasheen here wind- basement of the church until after
ing up the estate of her father,the late eight o'clock, after which the crowd
John P. Marshall, received word froin adjourned to the body of the church
her home in Manitori, Man., that One where a musical and literary program
of her sons had fallen down a well was carried out. Besides a splendid
and was killed. She left Monday array of local talent Miss Myra Pick -
morning for home. dad and Mr. W. Callycott;of London,
'Mr. Wm. Balkvvill informs us that sang several selections with splendid
the pigs and calf advertised for sale in effect and on the whole the affair was
these columns last week were all dis- a decided- success'
posedof insicle of forty-eighthoursafter
the paper was issued. It pays to ad- A Swell Lot of men's hats•suitable
Miss CarrieKnight is visiting friends
in St. Thomaa • stumbled. over a rocking chair. Sh5.
was hot aware at the the time iof any
serious Maury, hat two or three days
after it was found that two of her ribs
were broken by the fall.
Clinton: A happy ,social event
took place lastevening at the residence
of James Stewart, in Stanley; being
the marriage cereiaiony of Miss' Annie
Stewart and Harvey McBrien, The
happy couple remained at the bride's
home for, the. entertainment in the
evening which•followed.
Blake: Word :has been received
here of the death, at Wetaskiwin, Al-
berta, on Tuesday; Tune 12135, of Jen-
nie Blanche, infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. AVin. Thirsk; formerly of
Blake. The little one was aged nine
months and two days. The cause of
death was -indigestion, but she had
been delicate from her birth.
Kippen: Mrs. (Rev.)' Acheson, the
past week, while attending to house-
hold duties had occasion to be up on a
window putting up blinds when by
some means She lost her footing and
fell to the floor, receiving a had shak-
•up, spraining her ankle and other-
wise injuring .herself. Mrs: Acheson
will he laid aside for some days.
Wingham: On Friday evening,
Mrs. II. Lemmex was geing into her
house in the dusk of the evening, arid
Our sales in these goods have been immense this season. We have
slit or seven dozens left of these ready-to-wear Shirts and our price for
the dollar ones is 05 cents, and our price for the $1.25 ones is 75 cents.
13uy one from us as they are the best goods made by the Standard Manta
factoring Co. of Montreal.
A Job Lot of MeWs Shirts in Flannellette, half wool, all wool, Ging:
ham, Black Sateen, Black cords at 50 cents each, anyone of which is
easily worth 75 cents. Our sizes range from la to 17, and our variety con-
sists of 35 doz. to select from.
A Job Lot of Men's Cashmere Socks, which were 50 eents, our price
is 25 cent, gintranteed extra quality, pure wool, fast dye, special heels
and toes A big b• for you
bargain .
hi Milliiaery we sell our Ladies' Sailors. A big range at 25e. each.
• :Shirt Waists the biggest variety in town.
„are the Very latest goods.
Buy one from us as they
• . •
• •I-Iedquao:ters..for.W. Santlford'S.
Mr. E. C. Kessel spent Saturday in
London on hnsiness.
Mr. P. Bishop is confined to his
bed. through severe illness.
Mr. Knight has returned from Visit-
ing his son in St. Thomas,
Miss Calwill, of Hensall, spent Sun-
day with friends in town.
Mr. Will Southall, of London, spent
Sunday here with "friends."
,Mrs. L. Thorne left last week for
her home in Los Angeles, Cal. ' •
Stratford Herald: ---Miss McLaughlin,
of Exeter, is visiting in the city.
Mr. John Vale, Exeter North, is
visiting his .da,ughter in London.
Mr. P. Dignan, of Toronto, is spend -
Brussels: An attempt was made
Thursday night to gain entrance to
:the Standard Bank in this place. The
front and back doors were tried but
the intruders were frightened away by
Messrs. McLennan and Hamilton, who
sleep over the bank by .dispharning
their revolvers. Two suspicions - frk-
Mg Characters were seen round t wn
the day previous.
Mitchell: Chas Schaffner came near
losing his 'life on Tuesday forenoon
last from the kick of a horse. Coming
:up on a wheel behind a team of horses,
he shot hY the animals without giving
in a few weeks at his home here, any warning, when one of the brutes
• let ft. y her .heels, strikino• the young
Miss Mathews, of Toronto, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Saxon Fitton.
Miss Norma Bobier retained froni
College, Wednesday to spend the holi-
Mrs. Wright, Exeter North, who
has been quite ill, is slowly on the
Walter Pickard and sister, of Sew
forth, spent Sunday with friends in
vertise and t,hat, too in the Anvoonn-E. for these het days ah Stewar6s•
. ,
A little rnoney spent in this way pays
' ten -fold ancl is sure to bring about the Some New Pests.
desired results. Try it! Several orchards between Galt and
Hamilton are completely denuded of
south Huron Agricultural society, :_thoerimr 1.e„ayes by a worm called the "lii,e
It is so called on account
At a meeting of the directors of the
hfceridthact filaietssnanilwla, ste'nw,beee'te'ltdh.rnPurixzeetlelsrt, o"f the appearance a the orchard al -
day and Tuesday immedi., ter the worm. gets through its de-
onately eticceeding the Western Fair at redations. So far no remedy has
the Mon
I.onclon, was thoroughly revised, jridg- t een found to prevent its ravages.
A new potato bug has made its ap-
es A prI01 nted and other arra,ngements „earance, a more voracious. insect
mule. It was decided to have but. one l'
judge in each case,, instead of three, than the Colorado importa,tion. Up
vvhich is usual, , to date, opportunity has not been
afforded for identifyin& the pest, but
An exchange saYs an old church growers may readily recognise it by
member died, of whose goodness there its ash -gray color and its long, thin
was some question; hut who was re- body. Unlike the fellow eo generally
garcled as a pillar by the pastor, who knoWn, the new arrival in its adult
posted on the, crouch window a notice form, does the mischief, instead of
in these words: "Brother Johnston. delegating the duty of devouring fol -
departed for beaven at 4.30 a.M.," and iage to it offspring. A few deys
announnecl the funerel. :Underneath neglect of its depredation will ' suf- New Era, Clinton, has been quite ill
this somebody tacked a telegraph floe t6 ensure naked stalks, and there- for several days with inflammation of
blank with these words: "Heaven, fore the wise growers will,, Oil its diS- the hinKs, but we are pleased to hear
0.40 p.m., jelmeton not yet arrived. coverv, promptly tulminister a dose that he is now on the mend,—Clinton
of Paris green. . News Record, •
• a..? • - -\`1;•"-•—e
•-•00",r1 • 1 '
a, Ala; :viaane
„ eteastareatteeni,_
• f`TIP'•711•P‘'•f%i-L't\q1lA•
5nT„ 5•JErr. ...a34'.) 6 FT. OUT.
Highest Drive Wheel Made.
Brass Boxes.
Roller Bearings.
Seventh Beller for Eleyator. •
e Latest and best improvements.
• lia."-nr,•"ri•"e'r••""'''"
THE 2 i."'2-2i'IY77
man on a leg and stomach. His cloth-
ing was torn and the flesh on the leg
badly lacerated, but the attending
hysic'• n reported no internal ft lain -
Groderich: Monday the remains of
Joseph P. McAvey were interred in
Colborne cenietery. The funeral took
place from his father's residence to St.
Peter's church where mass was cele-
brated in the presence of a large con -
Miss. May. 'Thomas, of St. • Marys, gregation, Rev. Father West being
the officiating priest. The young man
spent a few days in town during the
was only 22 years of age and he was
mrs. (Dr.) Rollins is camping at biought.home from Minnesota some
, surnption, and from that day until
death canie there was no hope of--re-
Fred Willis, after a short visit with cover
his parents here, returned to Marlette
last week.
three weeks since, very ill with con -
Grand Bend also Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
71 •
Oxford Clipper;
With Roller and Ball Bearings.
Serrated Ledger Plates if desired
Ask our Agent to show you the
•New Patented Ball Bearing
Knife Clip.
Supplied whe,n specially ordered.
-ofte *28,c2f/tur-anivene.arec
Miss Edith Beers, after spending
the millinery season at Zurich, has re-
turned home.
Miss Georgina Knight, of Ilderton,
is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Knight.
Vandusen, an employe of the
Suther•land-Innes Co., left Monday for
his home in Chatham.
Mrs. M. A. Fanson returned last
week from visiting her daughter, Mrs.
(Dr.) Pla.x•rison in Detroit.
Mr. Clem Lowes of Kansas City,
. 1
was the guest of his uncle, Mr. James
Jeck.ell, on Saturday last.
Mrs. Jas. Dignan, who has been vis -
Ailsa Craig': A very pretty wed-
ding was solemnized. on Wednesday
when Miss Violeta), Powe was un
in marriage to Mr. John McAlpine.
The ceremony was performd by Rev.
T. S. Johnson, pastor .of Adelaide
Street Baptist church • at the parson-
age, King Street, London. Miss Jennie
Bragg was the bridesmaid, and the I
groom was assisted by Mr. William
Blanshard: Friday evening the
young son of Mr. Wm. Rae had one
of his great toes mangled so badly in
We also manufacture the best and most complete line of
Cultivators and Seeding implements on
Earth, comprising Spring Tooth Cultivators,
(fitted with grain and grass sowing attachments if desired.)
Spring and Spike Tooth Harrows, Dise
Harrows, Crain Drills, (all kinds,) Horse
Rakes, (friction and rachet dump,) etc., etc.
If 3iou need ari3ithing in our line send for our 1900 Illu§trated Cntalogme, (sent free.) You will find it
'very much to your interest to do so.
East side of Main street,
opposite planing mill.
We have in stock, dressed
and matched siding, flooring
and ceiling, also dressed pine
1 in., in., 11 in. and 2 in.
a bicycle spi•ocket that it was found
necessary to amputate it. The boy Proprietor.
was attempting,. to stand, barefooted, •
on the step of a bicycle which was be -
ing ridden by a man in the einploy of xe er
Shingles, lath and cedar
posts always on hand.
A large stock of barn lum-
ber just arrived.
Call and ExaMine-
Jas. Willis,
iting. in Norwich and elsewhere, re- his father, when his foot slipped and
tui•ned home Monday night.
Miss Alice Welsh, returned home
from London Thursday last owing to
the serious illness of her mother.
Miss Lottie :Dennis, who has been
visiting in Louden, Strathroy and
elsewhere, returned home last week.
The friends of Mrs. Walter West-
cott will be sorx•Y to learn that she
has lost the sight of one eye, through
Miss Ella Rollins, who has been visi-
ting' her brother, Fred., in Roohester,
Mich., and friends in Detroit retur•ned
home Saturday. *
Mr. Ira Spicer, who has been visit-
ing friends and reltttives here for the
past few days, leaves to -day (Thurs-
day) for Denver, Col.
Mr. :Victor Freriel), foreman of the
his toe was badly torn by being carried
between the sprocket wheel and the
. Will be at the . .
—Two days orily--
Call early and avail yourself of his
valuable services, as this is a rare op-
portunity to have your eyes properly
tested, free of charge. No guess work
but a scientific certainty. Difficult
cases a cetir.1 tely fitted. ALL VVOivls.
A. full line of Artifical Eyes added to our
Flour, Mill Feed and Corn con-
stantly kept in stock,
Redllced ,to $t80.
Custom Sawing Done,
(Late Gould's Mill) .,'•
E. C. KESSEL, ,!'1,•"••
Canada has been awarded first prize
for its display of timbe at the Paris
Exposition. • •
, • , • ,
Light your home with . . .
The Radiant Home
Automatic Acetylene
Gas Generator.
The Radiant Home Automatic Acety
lene Gas Generator has numerous tes
tinionials and each Machine is Guar
anteed to give every satisfaction.
Manufactured by
Your beet friend cmi give you, 0
better advice than this: "For impui
blood; had stoinaeh and weak iiery
take Hood's Sei•stiparilla,"